The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 17, 1952, Image 1

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ur Easte
Good foo:
nd there’
ughly er
We hav
and you'|

b 23¢
er cam.
and real
ed fruit
ca 39g
ta 3g
6 29¢


a ER

Advertising Is The Business Man’s Good Will Insurance

The Mount J oy Bulletin Eterm ttf

Donald Martin, 5
Was Badly Injured
LI, NO. 48
“Lights On” drive will be conduct
ed in the community on April 28 in
connection with the Cancer Cru-
* sade campaign.
Hit By a Tractor The “Lights On” drive will be
carried out by members of Boy

A 5-year-old Mount Joy R1 farm | geout Troop 39, under the chair-
toy was injured seriously about 11 | of the scoutmaster, Earl
a. m. last Thursday when knocked Shelly, Starting at 7 p. m, the
to the ground by a wheel of a trac= | borough and residents have been
tor driven by his older brother asked to have the porch light an
The child, Donald Martin, son of | ,. 4 lighted candle in the window
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Martin, of Mt. | ic they wish to donate.
Jov R1, was described as in a seri- Mrs. Nissley also announced her
oue condition at the Lancaster Gen- assistants in the drive. They are:
eral Hospital. Mrs. Clarence Newcomer and Mrs.
He had failed to gain consclous- | james Hostetter, assistant chair-
ness since the accident and his in- ( men; Lester Hostetter, treasurer:
juries are described as a possible | 0} Fish, Ch. of West Ward
fracture of the skull. He suffered business: Simon P. Nissley, Ch
abrasions of the face and scalp but | pot Ward business; Rev. Harlan
3: to ‘Have, escaped Aler- Durfee, Churches and Dr. Thomas
nal injuries, hospital authorities O'Connor, professional.
said. oo eo TT —

The hoy’s mother said that he
son was injured while playing in
the driveway at their oe An- Schools Prepare
other son, Dale, 14, driving the
tractor, turned into the driveway. For 15th Annual
und the front wheel of the tractor |
struck the child before Dale saw |
oo Parade And Rally
The child was hurled to the Schools throughout Lancaster Co
ground by the impact, sirking his | ora preparing for the 15th annual
head. Mrs. Martin said Dale was parade and rally of the Safety Pa-
able to bring the tractor to a stop | trols to be held in Lancaster on
before the rear wheel could pass Saturday morning, May 3. More
over the younger boy. than 3,500 youngsters, including 30
Donald was taken to the hospital | sohool bands, are expected to
by his parents and admitted shortly | march.
before noon. This colorful annual event is
Te sponsored Ly the Lancaster Auto-
mobile Club, with the co-operation
Penna. Taprooms of State and local police and the
scheol autherities. The parade, ac-
A R d d f cording to the sponsors, is the larg-
re emi e GC est of its kind in Pennsylvania and
the third largest in the United
Fast Time Edict |:
The Automobile Club will award
ennsylvania taprooms and clubs approximately $300 in cash prizes
were reminded to conform with (Turn to page 2)
Daylight Saving Time if it is ok- - welll ll
rved in their communities. MAN'S CAR STRUCK
The reminder handed down by| OF BARBED WIRE
the State Liquor Control Board, Pleasant Deshong, Mount Joy RD
conforms to practices in the past], to State Police at Colum-
years. bia that his automobile ran into
The retail dealers of Pennsyl-|) p of barbed wire on a township
Sud ad nsked the board r- :
vania had asked the hoard to per road near Rheems early Saturday
ro 'S perate Stand- : :
mit lic ia to operate on Stand Deshong said he was driving
ard Time this sun er in commun- x
ard Time tl immer commun south and was unable to see the
ities going Dayligh Saving : :
A going on Daylight VINE | wire until he ran into a single
\ x TRS AP ave srmitte q
Time. This would have permitted strand that had formed a large loop
ner ( stay ‘Nn i 2 X1re i 3 D 2 1
t gm to stay open an extra hour ai Policeman Edward Schaeberle
1gnt, : , 1
er investigated and found that a roll
n Yes howeave hs
1e I 1 i we , < } :
: si hod ied hig taal of barbed wire apparently standing
wn Ye, and when Daylight Saving | j, , field along the road, fell over
me becomes effective, ol, res-
Time becomes ¢ fe Clive hote I, res ind caused the strands to spring
taurant and public service licensees | 4 in large loops
may sell liquor and malt or brew- . tll lle
'd beverages only after 7 : ang 3 "
ed > ve rages or ly 8 fer ( a mn ind MRS. HORTON'S MOTHER
until 2 a. m. DST, except Satur-| pbren AT TOWANDA
days, when all but clubs must close a voi
Clal 10 Mrs. Lucy Blackman Griggs,
at midnight. Clubs may remain . Qi
3 : iho CA mother of Mrs. Simeon A. Horton,
cpen to 3 a. m. as usual 2919 y : -
i Ai fi : 213 West Donegal street, died Sat-
Daylight Saving Time will gc = .
> urday, April 5th, at her home in
into effect in Pennsylvania on |
ib : Towanda.
April 27 :
ee > ry Deceased having spent some time
with her daughter here, was well
R t B | F known in the community and had
0 ary or many friends in Mount Joy.
. . She was a member of the Horn-
Hi School Seniors brook Methodist Church. Funeral
services were held Saturday with
Next Thursday, April 24th the | in the Hornbrook ceme-
annual Rotary Ball will be held in | gopy,
the high school auditorium, spon- ll eee
sored by the local Rotary Club and
held the
honoring the graduating class.
Mur. Johnson,
purpose of
for primary

George pianist and
ruests wi onsist o embers of : :
at s will ge 8s of . be Ml humorist, presented an assembly
the Senior class and their escorts. “
lg SCMIOr Class I a program entitled From Bach to
owever it is to the genera vgs . 3 !
However it is open. to ine gene: Boogie” at Mount Joy High School

public who care to spend an even-
{ on Tuesday afternoon.
ing of dancing. | Just as the title of his program
Lord Charles and his Knights of | implies, Mr. Johnson played sel-
Rhythm, will furnish the music, and actiohs. ranging from Bach's Jesu
dancing will be from 8 to 11:30. Re- | Joy of Man's Desiring to the popu-
freshments will be served, to all
who attend. The price to the public | | day.
is $1.00 and tickets can be purchas-|
ed from any Rotarian.
| lar songs and boogie woogie of to-
In addition he did imitations
of various types of piano. players.
— A —
Personal Mention
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moore and
This project started several years
ago has as its primary purpose he
honoring of the Senior Class,
not to make any profit for the at
The members of the committee sin- | | two sons and Mrs. Backenstoe, of
cerely hope that you the public | ' Lansdowne, Pa. spent Easter in
will help to support this event by | town.
purchasing tickets, and at the same | Mr. and Mrs. Don Bucher and
time let the members of the Senior | children of Lancaster and Mr. and
and son,
{ Mrs. Carl Musser
of Lancaster visited
class know that you too are inter-
ested in their welfare.
— ee Childs on Easter.
MARRIAGE LICENSES Dr. and Mrs. T. W. O'Connor, E.
Har] B. Haldeman, Mount Joy R2 | Main street, left yesterday on a
and Violet J. Garman, Elizabeth- | brie vagation to Williamsburg, Va,
town R1. and other places of interest thru-
Kenneth Findley, Manheim R2, out that section. They will return
and Alma ‘Moore, Montgomery. | Sunday. 2
nim, Ia
Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, April 17, 1952

Did the Easter Bunny get hungrv
the prize egus
Norman Bear farm,
That is what's
the Sunshine
Hossler’s Scheol |
Will Celebrate Its
Terminat’n June 7
and devour one of
hidden on the
near Salunga Friday?
worrying members of
Bible Class of Salunga Methodist |
Last Thursday the pupils of who conducted their tenth
sler’s school entertained the pre=|.. 1 hunt.
school age children of the commun- The women hid 180 eggs for the
ity to their annual Easter egg hunt. children of the Salunga area. There
The teacher read stories to the were 84 of the "under twelve” ca-
children and the Easter Bunny tegory, but only 179 eggs were
treated each child with a chocolate | gq The prize "1952 egg” could
egg and rabbit not be found! Hence the speculation
On Friday evening, April 18 the about its fate.
organization of
Parent Teachers’
the school will hold their
Prizes to school-age children
most eggs,
were awarded as follows:
iness ting. The entertai ant | eo
iness meeting. The ent tainme Nt Sandra Keller; "Happy Easter” egg, |
for this meeting will be furnished | es
| Paul Myers: golden egg, James
by Mr. Walter Bradley, who will | :
b . Kendig. Winners in the pre school
show movies which he took on a
: : class were Judith Wenditz, Dennis
trip through the Yukon region and .
Myers and Albert *Cooper.
western United States. The public ou
Che committee planning the hunt
is invited.
. | was composed of Mrs. Mary Min-
On Saturday, June 7, Hossler's| . \ ,
nich, chairman; Mrs. Paul Myers, |
will have a school reunion to cele- . x : :
ie Mrs. Eva Schreiber, Mrs. Hunter |
lrate the termination of the Hos-| “
. Pettit and Mrs. Charles Aument.
sler's community as a school dist Dl pe
rict, since at the beginning of the
school term of 1952-53 the pupils
from this district will enter the 0S. ° a eC er
Manheim Centra] District con-
solidated school at
Died Suddenly
Joseph H. Habecker,
There will be an afternoon pro-
a very well
gram at two o'clock and an evening
program at eight. Supper will be a | known resident of our boro, died
box lunch with coffee and desert | very suddenly at 4:40 a. m. Mon-
served by the members of the PTA. | day. He was about town Sunday
There will be games for the child-|and spent some time at the fire |
ren during the supper recess. All |house, which company he is a
former teachers, and friends | member. He is 62 and resided at 120
of Hossler's are invited Delta St. Death followed a heart
mses 4 litem attack and he had been under the
A Cl b care of a physician for the past
L t several months.
anc. u 0 u He was born in East Donegal
. N Twp., a son of the late Joseph H.
Membership ow and Mary N. Hostetter Habecker
He was a painter by trade and a

© | same
"That Man Godfrey
Sure Got The
Editor In Dutch
We notice in a recent issue of the
Middletown Press and Journal, that
Arthur Godfrey, popular Radio and
TV artist turned back the pages of
| history fifty-two years in his broad-
| cast last Wednesday morning.
In his fan mail he received a pic-
| re from an admirer at Salunga.
| On the back of the picture was a
| clipping taken from the Middletown
paper of 1900 advertising Pillsbury

Flour. Arthur read the advertise-
| ment to his listeners.
{ While we're on the subject, the
the Bulletin has a "crow
with Mr. Godfrey and it
Pillsbury Flour
played us a
editor of
to pick”
isn't about either.
innocently he
trick but
guy we will forgive him.
being such a swell
Here's how it came about. Last
Fall the Editor went to his hunting
camp up
| 3 .
| and fishing in
| during the deer hunting season. Af-
Perry Co. |
$2.00 a Year in Advance
Will Send Gift
Boxes and Continue
Mailing Bulletin
Members of the Remembrance
Committee met Tuesday evening at
the high school to plan a gift box
to be sent to the service men
One hundred and twelve men and
one woman are listed with the
committee from this community
Tentative plans call for the box-
es to be wrapped for mailing at the
May 5. Writ=
post cards, stamps, chew=
next meeting on Mon,
ng paper
savers, ete, will be
ing gum,
to The
six months
Bulletin will complete the
gift from the committee made pos-
local citizens.
sible by generous donations of
The committee reports a definite
lack of this work
Public meetings are advertised,
cooperation in
only a few loyal workers attend.

Since it is the townspeoples money
that is being spent, the committee
| ter spending several days in the :
| I g 2 1 t ig the public to attend and
| mountains, accompanied by a gues . ap
4 Ani De yag voice their opinions, however, no
| they drove to New Germantown, al os fu
interest is shown and the decisions
village of about a dozen houses, to
telephone home. While the guest
| did the phoning, ours truly sat in
the car and listened to Arthur
| Godfrey’s program on the radio.
One window of the car toward the
sidewalk (sure they have sidewalks
in that town) was partly open.
the program Jeanette
| Davis made her appearance,
looking like a
then Arthur
It couldn't have
million and
been tim-
| dently
just gave wolf
i whistle.
| ed any better, because at that very
moment a New Germantown
| bell passed my car.

Numbers 35, 764 member of the Baptist Church. She misinterpreted Arthur's whist-
He belongs to the Building mth thinking it was I, and approach-
Membership in the Lancaster Au-| Construction Trades Council, AFL] cq the car in conversation. Even
tomobile Club: hit an all-time high | 380 Lancaster; Union Home Asso- | | though embarrassed, 1 politely ex-
iS the fiscal yeu ending March 1, (Turn to page 2) } steined the incident, but
when 35,764 persons were listed on ee aA lms sims 9 a
Ta ew | as it was so funny I just couldn't
the rolls, S. Edward Gable. club| HELEN LOUISE BOOTH'S refrain from laughing while I spoke
president, announced recently ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED To this da ; the oy thinks I was
The year ended with 366 new Mr. and Mrs. John M. Booth, 122 | Yieing gy BL a
members being admitted in the fin- | Delta street, this place, announce | iii
2] month the engagement of their daughte ne VRC pt
Committee assignments for the] Helen Louise, to Gene BR | LEVY YOR PACE COAST
current fiscal year were also an-| of Johnson City R2. Tenn. (Te JOIN HER HUSBAND
nounced by the club president Miss Booth attended Cedar Crest | Mrs. Surah Swarr Bonek,
Members ef the executive com- | College, at Allentown, and is now | er i Me. srl Mrs. J. Arie
mittee are: S. E. Gable, H. C. Kreis- | 4 junior at the University of Penn- | Sway, ol Main street, Landisville,
le, Edgar G. Hess, George M. May, | sylvania in the School of Nursing. Loft by tram from Lancaster for
7. H. Nisley, Frank L. Spence and Mr Love, a graduate of the Perri San Fancisco where she will join
Alger H. Shirk sylvania State College and former her Pig. James D
The finance committee includes supervisor of vocational of Manheim. They were married on
Paul H. Bomberger, H. S. Shirk | at East Donegal Township High December 2nd while Blanck was
and Claire H. Keen, and members | School, is at present enrolled in stationed at Aberdeen Proving
of the membership committee are | agricultural education in the Grad- Grounds, Ma
Flmer G. Strickler, Carl B. Mus- | uate School of Agriculture of the = . tt. .
selman and Paul Hoover. Pennsylvania’ State Colloge WILL OPEN NEXT TUESDAY
Other assignments are: Good | ee > — a Mr. Holtzman, who purchased
Roads—Ira F. Honaman, Fred W | Lincoln Restaurant on East Main
Wagner. E. L. Bertram, H. M. Rea Hos ital Auxiliar streel some time ago, an account of
and D. Lvman Hamaker; Publicity, p y which appeared in The Bulletin,
Dean Gable, C. Roy Barr and Sam- .
uel L. Snyder; Signs—V. D. «ne Elected Officers
John F. Cope and J. I. Shindel, and
Lancaster Motorist-—Kressle, Hess The Mount Joy Branch of the
and Mav. United General Hospital Auxiliary
> @-— met Tuesday, April 15 at 8 p. m.
ROTARIANS SAW PICTURE in the Episcopal Church Recreation

At the Tuesday Rotary luncheon Mr. Leslie Hubbard, Vice Presi-
a motion picture “Pa. Highway dent of the General Hospital gave
Story”, produced by the Dept. of | a talk on the hospital in general.
Highways, shows the building of a| Mr. Titus Rutt gave a short talk
road from the very first step to the |concerning the drive for hospital
actual. construction.” The picture ; funds. The Auxiliary adopted their
was interesting and instructive and | | By-laws and planned to meet the
last Thursday of every other month
was obtained through Bob Rosser.
| at 8:00 P. M. at the place designat-
Officer Park Neiss prosecuted | They decided to send $275.00 to
| - .
John C. Zook Sr. Lancaster, for | the General Hospital.
overweight truck, 13.500 Ibs. and Officers elected were: President,
Agnes Campbell, Pa, improper, Mrs. Bruce Greiner; Ist Vice Pres-
passing. ident, Mrs. Eric Olsen; 2nd Vice
Both will be summoned for President, Mrs. Frank Young, Sr;
hearing before Justice of the Peace Recording Secretary, Mrs. James
James Hockenberry Sr. | Hostetter; Corresponding Secretary
SE Mrs. William Brian; Treasurer,
Mrs. Simon Nissley.
It was decided to hold the
Eighty-three lightweight locomo- | meeting May 29th at the home of
tives, capable of operating on near- Mrs. Paul Stehman.

ly any wide gauge track in any cli-
the world, have been or-| AN AIR FORCE RECRUIT
dered by the U. S. Army and will| Vernon F. Nissley, 19, S. Jacob
be stored in the Marietta Transpor- | street, has joined the Air Force and
tation Corps Depot. was sent to the Sampson Air Force
——— —
Complaint in divorce: Bertha Eli-
zabeth Long, 122 W. Main St., Mt.
Joy vs. Robert McKinley Long, of
Carney’s Point, N. J.; indignities; celebrate his 81st
married March 22, 1927. J Tuesday, April 22nd
mate in

Congratulations to Mr.
Base for

Henry W.|Rowley,
Garber, West Main street, who will|Mary Glattacker,
next |Strasbaugh, Mrs. John Buller, Mrs.
has completely renovated and new-
ly equipped the interior and will
business next Tuesday.
Lancaster city police
ten motorists Saturday for various
violations. Among them was Miss
Betty J. Melhorn, of this boro,
charged with failure to drive on
the right side of the highway
Dr. and: Mrs. E. W. Newcomer, E.
, this boro, will
fifty-second wedding
Thursday, April
Main street cele-
brate their
—————- —
GOP Women “To
Hold Card Party
A card party under the auspices
of the Women’s Republican Club
of Lancaster County, will be held
in the Maytown American Legion
on Thursday, April 24th, at eight
Committees in charge
Miss Jane
Florence Trone, Co-
Mrs. Lawrence Barn-
May Hicks, Mrs. Robert
Geo. Morris, Mrs.
[Howard Singer, Miss Verna Peck,
Mrs. E. B. Grove, Mrs. Richard
Mrs. Fred Wetzel, Miss
Mrs. Howard
are: Prize

and Mrs.
| Chairman,
| hart, Mrs.
|Houseal, Mrs.
are left up to a few, most of whom
do not even have relatives in the
Aren't you interested in the con-
this werk? No
benefits but the service people
tinuation of one
certainly are worth a few
work called
time three or
we'd be in quite a predicament. We
Your help and donations are
hours of
times a year. Ij failed
show up” when
owe them same consideration.
tal factors in the continuation of
this work. P. O. Box 243 will reach
committee members.
Mrs. Vera Albert
as chairman.
Brief News From
The Dailies For
Quick Reading
has resigned
There are cases of German
measles in the as of today.
A 12-year-old
80-ft. quarry at
wasn't badly
Now the
painters are
boy rolled down
an Lancaster and
union carpenters and
asking for a 25 cents
an hour increase In wages.
The vats at the old Rieker Brew-
ery, at Lancaster, that aged 165,000
barrels of beer a year, are now be-
ing scrapped.
For the second time in three
months thieves robbed the liquor
store at Chester. This time they
took 200 coses of whiskey val-
ued at $15,000.
ri iment lies
Schools List Dates
Pre-School Tests
The Mount Joy Borough Schools
have listed the dates and directions
for pre-school tests.
who expect
are requested to bring those chil-
dren to the Grade School on May
7, 1952 for the pre-school Registra-
Parents of children
to begin school in September
Only children who will be six
before February 1, 1953
will be considered in this examina~
In other only children
were born on or before Jan-
uary 31, 1947 take the pre-
school tests on May 7.
years old
tion. words,
Parents are requested to be sure
that each child
Birth Certificate or
able evidence of birth to present for
The child
certificate to present
at registration or the first day
of school. The hours of registration
to 12:00 and 1:00 to
brought in has a
similar accept-
registration. must have
a vaccination
are from 8:45
3:30 p. m.
Those children
begin with the letters A to M are
last name
whose last name
asked to report in morning.
Those whose begin with
N to Z are asked to register in the
If the time arranged does
suit the parents they should con-

(Twn to Page 2)
tact Mr. Heaps at the Grade School
You Don’t Want Contracts Given
the general con=
The Old-Timers annual banquet Contracts for
planned for Friday evening, April | struction of the Farmdale Element-
95th. is being held at the American | ary School was awarded to Rice
Legion Home and Weidmen, Ine, Lancaster, for
You do not need an invitation, | $92,900 Friday night at a meeting of
only members were sent card the West Hempfield Twp. School
Anyone wishing to make reserva- Be ard in the offices of Coleman, and
tions for the dinner may do so be- | Coleman, architects, at Landisville,
fore Wednesday, April 23rd E. H. Gochenauer & Sons, Rohr-
Some of the Old Timers from out! erstown, rece ed the plumbing
of town who will be present are: | contract for $8,631 and the heating
Dr. Wilbww Landis, president of | contract for $18,095, P. N. Shirk El-
fhe Old-Timers Boxing Associa-|ectric Co, New Holland, was a=
tion, Walter Gephart, secretary = of | warded the electrical contract for
the following ex-pugilists: Tommy | its bid of $8,988. Ralph L. Myers
Donan, of Columbia: Rosey Stoy,| Sons Co, of Salunga, received the
and young McGinnis of Lancaster; well-drilling contract for $2,287.50.
Allen Putt, of Lititz | The latter price includes deep well
Also Martin Beamenderfer, catch | equipment
er of the 1909 Mt. Joy Baseball] The completion date is February
team: Freddie Luttenberger of the|2. 1953
late Jacob Brown baseball team, The building will be known as
and delegates from the St. Joseph |the Farmdale Elementary School.
C. C. of Lancaster It will be located just north of the
Tentative program includes sing- | intersection of the Marietta Pike
(Turn to page 4) [and the Ironville-Salunga road.
i etl Oe | The building will include six class=
rooms, an all-purpose room, office,
The Local News health room, small kitchen, supply
[ room and boiler room.
Th P Ww k | The sale of a $160,000 issue of
ast ee { general obligation building bonds
. | to DeHaven and Townsend, Croute
Very Briefly Told | and Boudle, Philadelphia, for
2 | $160,692 last week will finance the
meters | building
Elizabethtown’s parking
coughed up $230.47 last month |
The tulip garden at Hershey will
to May 11
be at its best April 27
aie 2 ovo 1 | Yjortuary Record
The Lititz Record-Express was
seventy-five years old last week ‘Th h Th
Marietta fixed its school tax at 2 roug out S

mills and a $5 head tax same as|
last year E ti L ali ty
There were 1,193 admissions to n Ire oC 1
the Lancaster General Hospital | Miss Kate Henselman, 66, at
| during March | Marietta
At a sale of household goods at| Rev. Clayton M. Engle, 75, retir-
Neffsville Saturday, a settee was|ed Brethren in Christ minister, at
sold for $123 | Palmyra
The P.P.&L. is investigating why | Mrs. Martha Heidler, 95, widow
co many street lisht bulbs are] ol Christian Shenk, of Columbia,
broken at Marietta | at Philadelphia
Flizabethtown Boro marked its{ Mrs. Annie M. Keinard, 84, wid=
125th anniversary Sunday. It was|ow of Henry 8. Keinard, at the
incorporated in 1827 { Elmdale Rest Home, Lititz R2
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin M Snvder| Mrs. Grace Longenecker, 68, a
of Manheim Rl, are cc lebrating | former resident of Manheim, col-
their 50th wedding anniversary to- | lapsed and died during a Good Fri-
day | day service in the Palmyra Church
Ch | of the Brethren
YEAR AT HAMBURG. GERMANY | Mrs. Christian Rote
Simon K. Garber, son of Mi and | Mrs Christian Rote, 75, died
Mrs. Norman E. Garber, formerly | Tuesday at Lancaster.
of Mt. Joy. now of 1603 Melrose | Gladys, wife of John D. Miller of
Avenue, Havertown, Pa., sailed on town and Mabel, wife of Clyde
the S. S. Italia, Friday, April 11th, Fenstermacher of Florin are daugh=-
for Hamburg, Germany, where he ter
{ will complete his senior year in| jacob B. Hess

high school, as an Exchange stu-| Jacob B. Hess, Elizabethtown R1,
dent. died at his home Friday after an
Sixty Haverford high school stu-| extended illness. He was a farmer
dents gave him a send off at the| and a member of Good's Mennonite
pier in New York. | church
T——— Si Surviving are his wife, Mary C.
DEEDS RECORDED Hess nd the following children:
Christian S. Risser, surviving ex-| Warren, of Elizabethtown: Hardy,
ecutor of the last will and testa-| Elizabethtown R3; Roy, Elizabeth-
ment of Menno H. Risser ate of | town R1: Walle Bainbridge R1;
Mt. Joy Twp, to Robert G. and| Gertie, wife of Reuben L. Ebersole,
Myrtle E. Hostetter, Mt. Joy Twp. | Bainbridge R1; Annie, wife of Mar-
tract containing 47 acres 40.8 perch- | shall Shelley, McAllisterville: and
es, house and other improvements, Mary, wife of Russell Shissler, of
It. Joy Twp., $18,000. Elizabethtown R2. Thirteen grand-
- “NM. += children and the following brothers
TWO MEN PROSECUTED (Turn to page 5)
During the past week State Po- | ren A
lice prosecuted Robert C. Maloney
of Landisville. fer ignoring oN I G al
sign and Howard S. Landis, Roce EWS n ener
for driving an overloaded truck {
a i Florin For
‘Week's Birth Record | The Past Week

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Arnold, « Mrs nuel Brubaker and son,
Maytown, a daughter turday John from Tibetans R. D. cal-
the General Hospital ed on Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Hershey
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Shrum, of | on Friday
Florin, a son at the General Hos- Master Sgt. and Mrs. Richard
pital Tuesday. uffm returned home last Wed-
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Loewen | nesday from Belgium
of this place, a son Sunday at t} Mr. and M Daniel Campbell
St. Joseph Hospital and sons, of Delaware were guests
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. McCork=- | of Mr. and Mrs. B. F Kauffman on
le, Salunga, a daughter Thursday Fridax
at St. Joseph's Hospital Mr. and Mrs. H. B.. Hershey of
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin liams, of | Lemoyne, Mr. and Mys. J. B. Her-
Mount Joy R2, a son Friday at the ‘ork City, Mr. and
Lancaster General Hospital Mus ver of Mount Joy,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Snavely, | Ma W. Roberts of Me-
Manheim R2, a son Thi th hanicsburg called on Mr. and Mrs,
Lancaster General Hos; E. Hershey
TT M and Mrs. Eli Musser of
JOHN JOINED THE ARMY Lewes, Del, spent Friday with Mr,
Uncle Sam got another soldier | and Mi Harold Bender.
last week in John M. Krady, of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fenstermach-
Landisville, John enlisted for a two | er spent the weekend at Ocean City
year term and was sent to Ft.| with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fenster-
Meade, Md., for processing. macher Jr., and family.
TO Em Miss Mary Hamilton spent Sate
WASTE IN PA. RELIEF | urday at Harrisburg
In a special report out of Harris-| Mr. and Mrs. William Beck
burg there is an annual waste of | spent the weekend at Philadelphia

two million dollars in relief expen-
ditures at Philadelphia
| visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arndt
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