te MARRIAGE LICENSES i “ SES { ' doa . aaa | * Favs bethitown Ri f a The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, April 10, 1952-7 M . Jacob Elwood Brubaker and An- A — 4 | Hew Tost Spends Control | EE ad : : Bulletin Advertising na L. Felty, both of Florin. MASONS BACK TO WORK HA \ Pe ; oll re : Jr. in - ! N11 4 y v man-anim oi - a pigs ia Kenneth Findley, Manheim Ninety brick-layers in the counts it Human-Animal Heaith | 4)! bs 1 I 4 . vo | and Alma Moore, 4 Main St., Mont- t t on strike week f Natio » progress in the use | - wh \ P o B D d d ] y 4 Main St, Mont- | went out on strike last week for a SE . ie | | 4 ays 1g ividen S gomery. 25 cent waite increase. Thev were of ih x best for hoy ine i 1 - oS [ a . 8 helping to spee ontr Ri r 1 Earl Blough Haldeman, Mt. Joy | offered 10 cents and went back to | yy jor animal i a control rh ! | -— | R2, and Violet Jane Garman, Eliza- | work Monday { lem, the American Veterinary BY i - we | Medical Association reported. | | Reports coming in from various i h » parts of the country Ideal that | It sure seems great, fellows, to be Speaking of the movies reminds | ee the test, called the Ue ping ads. | back with you all again, from coast | me of something. Doh't forget to get | ii “ igh i" mix ring test, to coast and North to South. For the | in touch with your nearest dealer | 1s ble ally to the standard | fourth season we'll get together for [| who handles H-I tackle and have . ~~ I blo d test in locating | weekly gab-fests, and search for fish | him book a date for showing the new \ 4 4 fected n ilking herds, the asso- | in far-flung places, colored movie Old Hi is in, called 7 & 3 ciation said. Ole Man Winter is losing his grip, | With H-1 Power. Glass Consumption of unpasteurized and SOON our baits and lures will he Rods, with 4 und Ju it get a bunch | milk from brucellosis-infected cows | cast into lakes and streams for. the [ of your angling ple « gether, and At the boltom of the success of many men Zz hd Im » | and contact with infected farm | chance once more to play spirited | arrange for a time to see this picture, | ‘ . 1 aid al Pre in 1 ep Oq ye | animals annually results in thous | fighters on light tackle. It’s not a bit No at Jour $ ore, ond women you 11 find regular savings. . / ) ¢ / @ sand human ¥ Tim | too early, vou know, to begin getting | ''sh and game club hall, or loca Se Ha Onde " ay i 01 reuds for this kind of action. There's | school. A reserve was created, 50 when OPpor: > ever), a lot of useful PSO; "DAIL 4 . , | Brucellosis also is important hi oe scful pro-geason ad You IL enjoy seeing what glass hajt | tunity came, they would take advantage from an cconomic standpoint bee Abo ater casting and fly rods can do with a { : MOEN Sel shout that ter battling bass or trout, and will be | of it. Start your savings program this A VES - 1 rom where o I lols Detore | srested 1 aving ¢ : 3 a x estocl _indu . I f r Old Hi Tolls 1 lo interested in having an actual look d Y d t be it 100,000 a year through | the fireplace in his woodland cabin, at how these rods are made. You get pay ay. our savings are msured up io heavy loss of unborn animals, re- mulling over new angles on angling a sense of appreciation as to the real | | $10 000 productive failures and lower milk | ol us to try out this year, it looks value of a fine glass rod, and why so | i production,” the AVMA pointed like we're headed for some big times many fishermen take much pride in : ont with rod and reel, Our waters will be | owning them | ; having fresh stocks of bass j i In conducting the milk ring test waving Iresh stocks ol trout, bass, | 0 eh shi ‘Ho hem we TINS / pike, and other species from both | + Well, pards, I'll have to reel in my : have a poole d sample the hatcheries and nature “herself, | line for the time being, but first I'd | 0 rcted from a dairy herd and there are prospects of making | like to say that I hope to hear from | | in a tube with a special mighty good catches. you fellows again this year and meet | i lled antigen, the Maybe I've already ‘got a bad|® lot of new friends. A great many AVMA explained case of “fishing wait | ©F you sent for copies of my free ) 4g pox and-cant wait EL | After an hour, if > cream layer to trick the trout into my net, but seuson i Riding [ ad) LE JOY, LD t the top of the t turns blue, what fisherman isn't laid low by the] L'OF ie Coat ate | Wess a le the milk stays white, there same atlment "long about now? It’s a Poors and ou stal itd AS : : 2 ee liscase ti ts: s of th fecire t ashing anc anyone who doesn t | 1s reason lo suspect that brucel- SR a ie cose 10] ave these illustrated books yet is f RR Co Ta eT Let the SHOW DOWN way show you i 1 the herd. Blood tests the milk test out infected losis exists i run to verify and to are then results single dnimals, Man and Weather tain and other weather phenom- ena followed a definite seven-day T do work of any kind, except tinker with our’ tackle until the moment when we can put it to use outdoors, We send the wife and kids to the movies, then spread our rods, reels, lines, and lures all over the place and spend some time in the pleasant task of fixin’ up the tackle ior tough tus- sles ahead with gamy brook, brown, and rainbow trout in fast waters. invited to write for them. Just drop a post card to Old Hi, in care of this newspaper, and you'll get your copies pronto. Don’t forget, too, that if vou have any questions on fish or fishing, just cast them to Old Hi and I'll be glad to give you the dope desired. See vou here again next week °c yele throughout most of the United by J. M. BOOTH . | THREW A CIGARETTE | MISTER SMITH, HOW DID [wou BREAK YOUR LEG Pf [INA MANHOLE AND STEPPED Ea MT. JOY JUNIORS PRESENTED | News From Florin| = er | exactly how much extra leg room, head- States last year, according to evi- dence compiled by Dr, Irving Lang. § Ah Dodoe vives you! fo wl Fi A, room, Wp 200 Og (O08 Joi! muir, “rain-making’”’ Nobel Prize : | ¢ ~ 1 hu chemist. The seven-day cycle, which ! (From page 1) “The Fighting Littles,” a 3-act| LV, & | . \ » v is reflected in the rainfall records | Eschbach I 3 (7HEN a car is big enough Down” booklet. You can prove of almost every stile. ahd whichd Ex bach. | comedy was presented Thursday inside to Jet You sit comfort features... safety ot 8! os y oH t . 35 yeh The Church of the Brethren will bea od plehts be 4 a ry Zl i ve . 2g : ( normous potentic signifi. . dae jo 11 S fr ne nior ER Where others give you sell” and at ease that’s when rest- features . . . van zante for the: willaye. of | have two weeks revival services | ay g y junic | 2 | 9) viding: comfort being nts that mean dependability rn ; oi hy ar aw yi i clas: e Mo Ti | WE GIVE YOU PROOF! ful, riding comfort begins. ments that mean depen i y, is believed by Dr. Langmuir to have | Starting Monday* night with Rev. ass of the Mc unl Joy High School re fia ; or The new "52 Dodge is extra big ceonomy ana dp per resulted from weekly cloud-seeding | Ralph Jones as the Evangelist. Ev- | in the school auditorium. | Lh ouille WV using ihc CC Now ) : . x tay AT . v ' | xs Ir Hs et 1 tl inside « . . gives you more all Get behind the wi an conducted in New Mexico under his [ eryone welcome to these services. There are indications of Holly-| - JOW! ok S$ a 1 VC J 5 1 ound roominess than many cars HW 1 direction. Once eve week since | : : } Ste i i $1 i Swi ri i pene. It aives vou the straight hirount y Dodge yaurseli! en y do PER since A flower sale is being conducted | wand wr a 3 tad Step on it, ladies . . . get in the sewing swing. Spring is on the : vou ned 10 know to judae costing hundreds of dollars more. we're sute vou ll play it w December, 1949, r: aking silver | by the Loadics Aid of the E U.B | wood prospects ‘among the partiei- why. Now's the time to start those Spring and Summer clothes. value ang get the mosi for Stop by for vour free “Show ind get a dependable "52 1 lodide nuclei have been introduced | ™ a .. lpants. The comedy more than] And the best place to start is with a visit to the piece goods coun- Our w for your x into the atmosphere at Albuquerque | Church at the Post Office buiiding. pleased. I} ter at BOCTH'S. You'll find the very latest in beautiful materials, patte:ns and notions. ored joint. | Many lovely Easter flowers are on , Cirru hat vou did. Specifications and equipment subject to change without r by Project spon: nal Corps, the | 5 A y . Army sale, see them before buying. | The Junior Society of the Florin E. U. B. Church will have an Easter | NYLON HOSIERY FOR EASTER Be suve to have plenty of “Best Made” Nylons SAVE NOW! - v. You'll be glad t / ly by the ; / / 7 . ¢ ; WEY \ Air Force, and the Office of Naval IS 4 / \ 1 EER oo TH 4 : Research. Now, with a year's data \{ // 87 fA 247132 rr iA 22 hen { » ¥ CT I Xa ~~ availabl Dr. Langmuir hs: ound J / tf if y TAA WON {i £1 4 5 A 5 AML AH a PN hf - : iT GE ett ; gy i ha . 5 ang Egg Hunt at the church on Easter! { NG T [E bec) ag Priced 89¢ to $1.45 New spring shades J -§ tag a very sl 1 11¢ union 5 | DURI H : 3 | NOW ON DISPLAY ——— “has experienced a c in degree | Sunday afternoon at four o'clock. - A new heavy gauge service weight black Nylon ‘at $1.65 RI Si i f se in its] Mr. Lester Breneman, freight a- ; { TiC He Seeds | gent at Newville for the past sev- | 2.0014 59¢ PER YARD Bis YOU A NY DRESS eans that, ing] ... hee i mits | - - otted Swiss { ] rainfall | Years, has been transferred 10) Our selection is the best — See the new patterns today. i enman rouners ime day every the Mt Joy Freight office. Mr. Maks it with McCall or New York Pattern W . Furthermore, this periodicity | Breneman expects to move his fam- | — Be coe abs sap as a S5ALUNGA, PENNA. a plied to weather conditions other | ily in this vicinity in the near fu- TOBACCO MUSLIN. - 2 and 3 yards wide coe tian rain. ture. Mrs. Breneman will be re- NEW LOW PRICE — i membered as Bvelyn Fike. — Time and Water Seventeen members were present TO THE LADIES WHO WEAR SLACKS # é Pime and fresh 1 at the Florin Fire Co. meeting on pis We just received a dandy number in Black or Green | De eH Tuesday night, with Mr. Charles TR] Rad BAL! Priced $3.75 - Adjustable Waist Band l o ¢ 5 ved zn 401 a Staley presiding. é e { i thod. Toa Fire Chief William Mateer res PRODUCTS FOR. THE d14]q: EASTER CANDY — MELLINGERS & KEPPELS J oped proc ported one fire at Lester Ga oves, | 18 | + I [; & HOLLOW CANDY tion, cut west of town. The company will Fresh from the Candy Kitchen — Select Yours now while the 4 Y : time purchase fifty steel chairs and | selection is complete. i} y 1 IN an have agreed to remove thirteen de- Sloan S Pharmacy ' fos - : a ic | nt members from the records. i pe linquent mem vl . . . . labor HT me —— me soe | | Shurfine Extra Fancy Calif. Fruits | — . hi Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. Phone 3-300) MeUNT JOY, PA Packed in Extra Heavy Syrup - - « i | : ! Here are Canned Fruits at their Very Best! Ss | | | large rE on Office Help Wanted FRUIT COCKTAIL ww 4D { 1 rf fast > asts ms 2 : FULL TIME ace = or prs vio Sains rh BARTLETT PEARS c N ee i Some General Office Experience Desirable. large LAM BAKE APRIL 1 APPLY OR WE ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES “= SOc Ladies Aid Society of Trinity SN | Lutheran Church will have an y= lar | ew ca vies wou | BUCH MFG. COMPANY || | YELLOW CLING PEACHES c | April 17 at the Parish House begin- ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. i large | | | Whele Unpeeled APRICOTS c ning at ten o'clock. Phone your or- { 1 5 QE" ¥ 1c) - — } - 2 ree rv | SAMPLE FAIR APRIL 18 WE SPRA Y— Sweet—Large—Tender—Flavarful GREEN GIANT PEAS v.23 € ¢ i 83 The Beacon Class of the Evan- | relical Congregational Sunday | : C WwW School will sponsor a Sample Fair Exterior ellar alls PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING SPRY in the Church Annex on Friday With Waterproofed Colas Asphalt Oil | April 18, at 7.30 p. m. Tickets 50c hii CONTACT PILLSBURY'S BEST—OR GOLD MEDAL There is no better way to boost i L UR 5-1h. Cc | Sack WOLGEMUTH & MARTIN | 212 West High Street ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. | your business than by local news« EWANSDOWN—ENO.SHEEN—OR—SOFT-A.SILK CAKE FLOUR paper advertising, Ed PHONE 149 oka. ¢ x ae ms ss PY eve fu | LIBBY'S VITAMIN-RICH 2 5 : RR =| TOMATO JUICE “ ¢ Penn Dutch, Tender Small Kernel SHOE PEG CORN SUNNY SMILE CALIF. BARTLETT WATCH THESE RULES AND YOU'LL Cn C. Robert Fry ||... ¥ i TR i ALWAYS ENJOY KITE-FLYING! Tp, pew a oa MANHEIM R. D. 2, PA. EE ALOE. YELLOW Sting BJ PEACHES rs, 31 || cies, AB | PINEAPPLE SLICED nt 3 1 ¢ FRUIT COCKTAIL Be Rally 10 hi iC PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4753 | bt pn a PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ki 2.29 No. 2Y%2 can In Heavy Syrup DON’T climb poles to recover kites. DON’T fly kites from the street. You can DON’T fly kites near electric wires, Rocks and Trees Air Compressor Work DON’T use kite string that is wet, Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc. DON’T use kite string with wire init.” can't watch traffic and your kite, too! 2 can large Excavating and Grading Removed Cellars, Trenches, Etc. Kite-flying’s all fun and no danger when you follow these simple rules. 4 : exc