Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, April 10, 1952 The Mount Joy Bulletin Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher EST ABLISHED JUNE, 1901 Published Every Wivareliay at No. 9-11 Bast Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. it Qa le an Whether growing corn in s a good word, American word, word, an is a matter of Indiana or owning shaves in Ameri- seripti XL 2.00 pee ye a” oy can industry, the profit-motive is a Three ERE sc eves 80 | good American motive to have.” Single Copies ........ NE Profit makes possible the creation Sample Copies Jib hd cd FREE expansion, and operation of the en- SE terprises which provide us with Entered at the Postoffice at Mt. fees YON Provice and services Profit is the Joy, Pa., as second-class mail mat- our wealth of goods ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. and employ cur people. p revives N source of the huge sums of taxes 3 y ewspaper x63 Member, Pennsylvania _ New pay demanded by government. Profit is " one of the drives hehind all the re- Publication Day, Thursday search, experiment and risk needed Copy for a change of advertising | to open up new (rontiers of know- | Lard 7'%c, should reach this office Tuesday. We will not guarantee insertion of | ertising unless copy reaches | rh gives i My 9 a. m. | example of the profit-motive in ac- preceding day of publication. tion. The Classified ads will be accepted to | in enterprise | ledge. A stock exchange is an excellent people who buy shares naturally hope to 9 a. m. publication day. | ntake a profit—ecither in the form of TEST IIT TITTIES |, . . .. Gi | dividend income, or in appreciation E D IT 0 Rl A | | of the market value of their stock. | It is this hope that has caused + + + | millions of typical Americans, most One of our exchanges says: “The | of them people of moderate means, government under its present lead- | ta invest part of their savings in ership proposes to spend as much | the industries which maintain our {he next fiscal year which is alleg- | economy. The resull is real “public i pa | ownership” svica’s vi . edly a peace time year, as the gov- | ownel hip” of Amc iea’s vast pro ductive resources—a kind of pub- ernment spent during the entire 136 | years fm 1789 to 1925, which per- | lie ownership which is the very an- iod included the Civil War and | tithesis of socialism and World War L It is time the citizen | ism. who has a farm or a home starts thinking about the title to his prop- commiun- people must be wondering what has happened | A good many erty. How long is it going to be he- fore he is going to lose them to the | the campaign to thoroughly un- | government for taxes?” | earth, publicize, and punish cor- LA J | ruption within the government. FREQUENTLY GUESS WORK | The corruption issue dominated the When some guy comes along and | headlines not long ago, and Con- gives you an estimate. in many in- | grressional and Administration stances be prepared to pay a lot | spokesmen were unequivocal in more. Have you ever had that ex- | Say ing that the sternest kind of cor- perience? | rective measures would be Let us cite the government’s|and that no malefactor Granby Dam project. The estimat- | ed cost was $44,000,000. Now since | enough to avoid the consequences. the work is well under vay we Now, the learn it will cost at least four or| ruption story has moved to the back five times the. estimated (?) figure | pages, and it’s clear that very little —over $200.600.050. | is being done. The interesting case Now here's the joker. A public | of Newbold Mo-ris helps to explain util ty company, in the same area, why. just put into operation a steam-| Mr. News powered electric plant at a cost of York lawyer who deseribed himself $23,000,000, that will deliver over |as a Lincoln Republican, was ap- twice the annual firm power ex- | pointed by President Truman to pected of the Granby plant. { search out corruption and corrup- | Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer. its your | tionists let-the-chips-fall- money, so you better get on the job. where-they-may The Pres- seo 0 ident asked the Senate to give Mr. HEADY WINE Morris the power to subpoena wit- A short time ago a group of or- | nesses and the taken, big enough or well-connected for the most part. cor- Morris, a successful on a basis. discretion to grant ganizations which represent all} immunity to people who helped him ranches of food retailing petitioned In his investigations. But a good the Office of Price Stabilization to| many senaters, including members abolish all controls on food and |©f the senate investigating commit- food products save for cases where | tee, are far from satisfied with Mr. the supply is short. The petition | Morris in the role of clean-up man. pointed out that practically all | Some said that he foods are now plentiful, that pres- | ciated with ent regulations cannot operate fair- | red tinge—which Mr. ly and equitably, that the cost of | denied. complying with the regulations is | that his law firm was involved in in itself inflationary, and that | the famous oil tanker deal, in controls are costing had been asso- with a Morris vigor- Then it was disclosed organizations un- which the 2 group of well-known men ran a taxpayers milliens of dollars. | small investment What is true of food is true of | ‘ble fortune in a very practically everything else. A of time. many commodities in common are actually selling at below-ceiling necessary into a consider- brief period Mr. Morris got himself in- Heel to all kinds of hot water the | committee when he charged that i he was being smeared and unfairly treated. Very warm words hack and forth. In any event, the fused to give Mr. powers. The committee to authorize the great with “eason that consum- er resistance. coupled with intense competition for business at both the manufacturing and retailing has forced them down. typical working of the free, supply- | and-demand market. In that kind President to of a market. prices always find their | an investigator who would be level, and the eensumer the | subject to senate approval, and said best deal possible. that such a man would be granted OPS, of course, has fought every | the desired powers. This certainly inferred that Mr. Morris not wanted. prices—for the passed committee levels, | re- This is a Moris subpoena { then voted ap- gels effort either to decontrol prices, or was to make major revisions in its poli- and regulations. And what we witnessinz here is “contro's for the sake In many circles it is believed that the Senate itself will have to do , most of the investigating if real re-| | sults are to be obtained. cies. are of controls.” Power is the headiest of wines. The revei- When a bureaucrat is given power, | sions the country has had so far he not only hangs on to it with! have largely come from senate in- bulldeg tenacity but always wants such as that headed by Mr. Kefauver. more and more and more. The In all the great scandal- whole — and highly expensive revelations of the past. the Senate OPS organization is a glittering ex- | has been the dominant {actor ample of that truism, Some of the most ruthlessly effi- Relief ean only come from Con- | cient investigators who ever lived gress: Its plain duty is to examine | Were senaters, such as the late Mr. Thomas Walsh. It doesn’t seem possible that the current corruption issue will he al- the entire control systems with c¢viti- cal and searching eyes. ® 00 A GOOD AMERICAN WORD | lowed to sink into letharzy. Too A high officer of the New York ™Much has been exposed, and too Stock Exchange recently made a much mare has been rumored o- revealed in some part. I's an ex- tremely ticklish subject, arly in an election yea, but ever reporter finds that the American | people are shocked and angry, want la real government [and mean to have it, talk before the Indianapolis Rotary | Club in which he dealt at some length with the subject of profit. in part, he had this to say: “In recent | years there bas developed a social- istic philesephy which professes to see something unholy in profits. Just what is unholy’ about profits, escapes me. The willingness to risk | only against | a loss in the hope of making a prof- | outright graft and dishonesty, hut it has supplied America with the | 28ainst influence- peddling dealings venture capital which has opened | | which are just within the shadowy new indust-ial frontiers and given borderlines of legality, and tax fin- us a standard of living unsurpassed agling at a time when the ordinary any place in the world, {5 of men und women are having particul- housecleaning, There seems little question that there is a na- | ional revulsion not would be | 1 Fumes wey lends meet. If | meeting, HAPPENINGS 3} wt Of ve LONG AGO 20 Y ears Ago. Hi bus= ounty granted the right to substitute cs on four rout in the tax Borough Council reduced the ite to nine mill Markets: Eg 14 Butter 2de. the U. at Web Manheim Wealand and Clayt= | the Herald Print- The Good Cheer class of B. Chu er's in the Messrs. Chas » Hendrix ch held a banquet Woods, near are p exter- icr wood work at the ing Office The Nurses Home, $362,000 | tructure will be erected at the State Crippl Children’s he this spital. For the second time year, coal prices took another drop. Benj IL. Greider was president of the i-H Baby Club Racketeers Paul Mueller, Lancaster Thirty-two children three mothers Health Clinic Janitor 1 elected 3oet | threatened the life of District Attorney at twenty- | Child Home tertained and attended the at the Legior to squeeze the nickels to make both | this feeling persists, it satisfied, public | to be! | may | kind of will have much as politicians want wo forget the whole mess and bury it beyond sight and memory PE Q Mur are Celotex House No. 10 as Nationally the new Celotex Book of by up-to-date materials — slates builds and #1 Insist on genuine) MOUNT JOY In this | ter | Mt | beer Mr Harold Shaar of { the School Board after their regular (FLYING CLUB MEY f The Chiques Flying Club held | old mpn was bitten by a skunk | Lancaster | their monthly meeting at the home three weeks ago. He died in a hos. was elected music teacher of our| of Mr. Samuel Balsbaugh Tuesday pital. schools evening, < The Red Cross distributed seven! one pew member, Mr, Harold S truck loads of food to the needy| Garber of Elizabethtown Rl, was throughout the county. Noah J. Harmon, 19 Poplar St, bought the Dickasons Antique Shop at Mavietta and moved the stock to | hi home nt — ENTER CROCHET CONTEST AT workers. preliminary judging in the contest, the best piece entered in the vicinity, their Joy For for further selecting cach of sixteen contestants can en- crocheted articles at the Community Exhibit. information on entering the Nationwide Cro chet contact Mrs. Jay S. Barnhart. . rl Soins init THAT IS NOTHING WE CAN FEEL The took a months. PROUD OF Commonwealth's Fewer cigarets and were sold but there marked increase in the sale of lig- -BIZ uo. KRIEG- ET reat ym j [or | x Nr by Warf) Advertised ‘We'll show vou many home plans wre for your building dollar. Costs improved design and use of double-duty such as Celotex Insulating Sheathing that at one cost. We'll help you get blueprints and cost estimates, and advise you on financing. See us today! fs on dy crs J.\C. SNAVELY & SONS, Inc. — "15 AMERICA’S FAVORITE GUNSTOCK WOQD. 115 ABILITY TO wi HSTAND SHOCK AND N/ STRAIN 1 ALLKINDS FATHER ANPING, fY LD WAR 1, MOST AIRPLANE PROPELLORS ||| WERE MADE OF WALNUT NUIAN TERRITORY WAS OKLAHOMA CITY WAS / | Your dream home. .. build it now this thrifty way mE CARACE | | including those in that assure you are held to a minimum Homes — LANDISVILLE classifications. | revenues | jump during the past ten | ceiver | he recently installed at the Donegal | Airport, | | needlework | tisers get ‘such excellent results, COMMUNITY EXHIBIT State, County and local fairs all over the United States are getting ready for the biggest contest of the year. This is the Na- tionwide @rochet Contest, open to | II erocheters men, women and | teen-agers—who like the fun of | competition with fellow needle- Participating fairs do the | | | | | | | an official Rules Leaflet and | Contest, | less | was a accepted in the club. Mr. Phares H. the new very high and transmitter Light and Landis. spoke on frequency re- | radio which | Everybody in this locality reads The Bullétin—that's why its adver= SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS i Mount Joy, Pa. } % eet! : MR. MERCHANT « SEE THAT SHE READS YOUR AD IN THESE COLUMNS | They're Pre-Tested | in Actval Wear! Scores of lively youngsters have tried them out, in actual wear, before Poll-Parrots ase approved for your children. style, fit, and wear with Pre-Tested Poll-Parrots! belore She goes | | | | Next time, get more Poll: | SHOPPING Jack Horner Shoes MOUNT JOY COLUMBIA | If fire wiped out your possessions tonight . . . would you know exactly the extent of your loss? Farm Burcau Mutual Fire has prepared a handy household inventory to list your personal and household effects in detail. It would be invaluable in time of loss. If you'd like to receive free one of these inven- tories, write today . . 5, Morris H. Shaffer MANNHEIM =~ —— i MORR I 13 s. Name ve 0 Adare, — — IS Hu. sy a op AFFER on st. Manne heim 15 S. Fulton St. Phone 5-2316 FARM BUREAU rn FIRE INSURANCE. a Home Office: COLUMBUS, OHIO BRUBAKER APPLIANCES CHOCOLATE AVE & DONEGAL ROAD MOUNT JOY RI New Cycla-matic Frigidaire food freezer and refrigerator combination, just introduced, features shelves that glide out on nylon rollers for easy access, handy storage space on door, and a new kind of safe, constant cold called Levelcold. Up near Wilkes Barre a | — LET US... Take Care of Your CHICK ORDERS WITH OUR NEW STRAIN Mt. Hope Leghorns ALSO WHITE ROCKS WHICH MAKE EXCELLENT LAYERS OR BROILERS has placed high in the Chick A. C. MAYER PHONE MT. JOY 3-9826 Tomorrow Upper compartment is, zerowsone food freezer, completely 87 East Main St. IN OBSERVANCE OF GOOD FRIDAY OUR STORES AND MARKETS WILL BE CLOSED FROM APRIL 11TH | TLL, EL TR es SATURDAY HOURS. 8:30 A:'M. IONA PEACHES GREEN GIANT PEAS GRAPE JUIC CRANBERRY PRESERVE IONA PEARS “3 TENDER SPEARS FLORIDA CRISP—NONE PRICED HIGHER PASCAL CELERY REGALO WASHED AND TRIMMED FRESH SPINACH + FLORIDA JUICY THIN SKIN GRAPEFRUIT PRICE! REDUCED PRICE | CALIFORNIA FRESH ASPARAGUS | GREEN 23¢ NONE PRICED IGHER NONE PRICED HIGHER All prices in this ol effective through Saturday, April 12th SLICES AND HALVES WELCH'S—REDUCED PRICES! 12-01. bottle 17¢ SAUCE—JERSEY DELIGHT REDUCED PRICE! OLD VIRGINIA PURE STRAWBERRY 12-01. PRESERVES—REDUCED PRICE! BARTLETT HALVES TO 6 P.M. idl Ly hn Sh jue 28 ie Gh jar 25° rh 2 2. 2 10-01, pk Ih mesh bag inch 45: 1 14¢ 29° large stalks BIRDSEYE SPINACH "ogo i 19° FRENCH GREEN BEANS “55s sv 29° (ORANGE JUICE ott 2 tn 25° PRUNE JUICE mw 93 “on 35¢ 2 tn 29° PEPPER 2 33° ‘GF DRY MILK SOLIDS “ao 33° LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE ~~ 27° FRUIT COCKTAIL sit wax: us 39% NE {PAAS EASTER EGG DYE Decorating Kit each iS¢ PINS NANI NN NNN, Decorating Tray sach 3c SNA NAAN AANA i NA ee ee ee ee Nee ee EASTER LAYER CAKE c.count cover EASTER EGG CAKE ix» HOT CROSS BUNS 5s FRUIT BASKET ’ LUSCIOUS CANDIES FOR AN EXTRA-ENJOYABLE EASTER WORTHMORE'S EASTER JELLY EGGS 1-1h, 23 2-1b, ! bag bag FALCON CHOCOLATE DECORATED 12+ - CREAM EGGS a, 29¢ FALCON CHOCOLATE DECORATED + FRUIT & NUT EGGS 43 15 550 or) 0 14-02. ( EASTER BASKET MIX Worthmore 217" M & M's Candy Coated Chocolates (2 ia, dlc 11h, 590 AT YOUR ARP, YOU'LL FIND BRAUTIFUL SELEC. TIONS PRICED FROM SPECIAL BASKETS MADE TO ORDER AT SLIGHTLY HIGHER PRICES 29¢ 230 MOUNT JOY, PA. wor 6° large c cake 15 2 25 of 8 $1.95 54.95 insulated and sealed from rest of cabinet, Cycla-matic de- frosting in refrigerator section automatically controls hus midity and banishes frost before it collects. TRADE IN YOUR OLD BOX FOR DOWN PAYMENT DOUBLE ALLOWANCE NOW! OPEN EVENINGS UNLIMITED PARKING TELL’EM: SELL’EM THROUGH THESE AD COLUMNS } Z Hom and 2 Bl with « and hi David bacen attach manu sey H used v press, © ders, 2 Two c Brood Surge bucket: 4-Burn heatrol. cupboy and ms Henry 7 POV AUT TRAN *Optional MOR SAO rns