The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 27, 1952, Image 2

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Joram 4) (Operation Save!

didn't know how anyone could
The Mount Joy Bulletin |, Somes, soso ose: eerie wes (| Watches - Gifts
| bullats to indicate the distance re-| A fourth protestant,
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher | quired to stop the car in an emer- | Brinser, said he objected because | Watch Attachmemts
Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, March 27, 1952 H work, adding that it has been out .
iSchool Students | o srier ion tomo sear 11¢ sie he | Jowerly + Silverware




ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1001 | | BONCY. ‘everybody is not charged alike.” || (WATCH REPAIRING) | |
— far as 1 can discover—a single caso | The driver being tested will be | One meter, he said, "has not been | Complete Ronson Lighter ELIZABETHTOWN SCORES 113
Published Every Thursday at No. | where such controls have stopped, signalled to stop by a red ight ead in seven years—it's down in | Service | Hours: AND TAKE HOME
p-11 East Main 8t, Mount Joy, Pa.’ even curbed for long, the forces mounted above the radiator. The | the ‘mud, and others are out of or= | K w ch Sh | Daily: 9 to 1 and 2 to 5
——— + 1 uf infintion. On. the contracy,” ib first paint bullet will be fired auto- | der : oser’ S at op Evenings: Tues, & Sat, 6:30 - 8 \ !
Subscription, per year .. $200 | = CT i find. they have | Matically at the some instant the| H. K. Landis, manager and treas- | Dial Mt. Joy 3-4015 No Hours, Thursday WN
Bix Mon hs Lu ery in gl ho bry ey JS stop signal is flashed. The second | urer of the water company, said | | Chocolate Ave, ~FLORIN, PA. PHONE: 334) y »
Biren Caples oii. 08 | shortages. and aggravated the very | Will be fired automatically when | the rate has been increased from | NN
Bample Copies Cree ered FREE ovils they were intended to cure” the brake is applied and the third | $3 to $4 per quarter for 2,000 gal- | $248.00 NON Pe
Thit in ancient Rome when the car halts, Distance be- | lons of water, The $4 rate, he testi- | So Motel 1 ste i \ /
Entered at We Postoff jce at Mt. A pe na : UME | ween the spots of paint will then| fied, was used by the company from | 5 forward speeds for the right wwe Yor I his |
Joy, Pa. as second-class mi uf mat- and, over the centuries, in England, | be measured to determine the re-|1912 until] 1937 when it voluntarily | ot oh of power. Patanted Quick.Hilch for “\
ter unc Pe the Act of March 3 , 1879. | France, and elsewhere. It can also] act anil braking distances reduced its rate to $3. implement changes in less then a minute without |
| happen hes re. | action and bra ing distances. po ey : plant heian fo comfortable op |
Member, Pe nnsylvania Newspaper | Tests will be limited to 20, 30, and| Simon H. Landis, Elizabethtown, role D950! 9 Engine. |
Publishers’ Association | 40 mile per hour speeds because of president of the company, corrobo- |
N EWTOWN the danger in making emergency | rated Landis testimony. He said he |
Publication Day, Thursday stops at higher speeds. Police offi- | 2€ts no regular salary as president | wv, A 7 |
heals fy re or cors will be used as drivers in the | Put sometimes got what he termed | SEA your y 4 LE a | Re
re "will* not guarantee insertion of | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wittle and | high speed tests. a “donation” at the end of the year. | i garden jobs « RL
any advertising unless copy reaches | daughter Nancy, Columbia R. D As part of a program for safety errs FR]
the office not later than 9 a. m. [ Mr. Joseph Wittle, Columbia, Mr.| cn the highway, the Farm Bureau | SPOKE ON CONSERVATION ha : PRICES IN THIS AD EFFECTIVE FOOD STORE
pressing wh SE tid to | Nd Mus. Ragner Hallgren, Mt. Joy | Insurance Companies have present-| OF PENNA. RESOURCES | ONE OF THESE TWO THROUGH SATURDAY, MARCH uh BNA BRAND In
a m ition day. visited Mr. and Mrs. Aristice Wit- od the driving demonstration and| Mr. Ruday of the Pennsylvania | | EAS IONA 16 01 10 College
tle, during the past week test before the student bodies of | Department of Forests and Waters | PERFORMANCE-PROVED UTILITY | can ve
1. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reigle of {more than 3125 high schools and | spoke during assembly at Mt. Joy | TRACTORS IS RIGHT FOR | Bh ian TE —_ . i 91:
E DI T 0 R I A Paulsboro, N. J. visited Mr. and! colleges in 12 states. High School last Friday. His topic | SUGAR i bag rR
| Mis. Farl Geltmacher, and family, The public is invited to attend|was the conservation of Pennsyl- | JUICE-FLORIDA 44 01 c on lot |


+ Tm
+3 LIBI | Sutwrday. [the lectures as well as the demon- | vania’s natural resources. Follow- Simplicity ps
SAME A i thi " Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin jStration. ing his talk, a film was shown 2 h.p. Model L-1 - 8 and sewi
ems strange tha eves - 3 Sha { wen. sient Ms 4 sce iol Nard inh | feat the M1, 7) ~ ’ =a
It seems strang . which ‘described the damage which ess I 1 No.1

| Witmer, and family during the past |

aviably use the same alibi when a a Ave: ko lacs | : Se A Mod: |
vail y we ng | week, ‘were: Mr. and Mis. John a be done by careless picnickers. | i AMERICA'S i ¥ gave Satin o 7 GOLD TY or. C lbox 0 stove. Fi
3 he L ter nosioifice employe, | Kauffman Sr., Columbia R. D. and | ad. etour asse; PTT : , STREAM can 33 can 49 very og
The Lancasier LICENSE SUSPENDED BUT Liat \ i
In Yb 1 Ib 1 Thi
PRINTS Ib solid Ib and Thos
be offere
when cauchf, said a man (who he Mr. and Mrs. Willers Witmer and! ( wm vide 13
could never locate) gave him the | 5008, of Bast Petersburg. Fro
money to buy farms. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Derr, Haz-
over unsurfaced roads and seldom Raymond C. Findley, Columbia, |
| will they take motorists far off-their | had his drivers license suspended |

safe, no
9 kv 12
SPINACH WET whe bo 17° 3.2%
Oranges of 5 “=~ 29° § | H
of hose, s
Fine Frozen Foods os to n
Frozen wing ol Spinach "47 19¢ Hh
Gorn-on-the Cok 3 Ife

man gave him $85.258 in a card-| during the past week were Mrs. | winter season and each two weeks
Thi g i an | elton, visite s. Matild: Jerr » / - a
This week, at Reading. when eltor ted Mrs: Matilda Derr,| 0 October 15. Monday he was arrest-
ght. a thief who stole $125,300, | | Sunday. | :, ih obwiidi’e 3 . J hc | cane sea
caught, ¢ I In compliance with Schmidt's in- | .q for hitting a car and failure to | f f vet, pian
wowing the police where he| Visitors of Mrs. Katie Moore and! ¢tyuctions the former “Detour a >
alter showing pe / i of Mrs aie Ma ¢ and structions the former “Detour Bul stop. Now he faces two charges. : | k ater. en:
bad hidden some of the cash. said a| My. and Mrs. Maurice Frysinger, | otin” issued monthly during the recta he chiffionie
4 bunches C
John Robert Hiles, of Woodstown, EAST MAIN STREFE. T MOUNT JOY, PENN A. | ‘
N. J, was arrested for speeding | | emt btn om ett Arm ree |
with a truck in Mt. Joy Township.
He 'was héard before Squire Shenck
of Landisville.
| Oscar Rhen and Mr. and Mrs. Hav- | during the remainder of the year
oe ard Johnston, of Lancaster. has been re-titled “Constructibn
CAN'T BELIEVE IT! | Mrs. Katie Moore who was on | Bulletin” The red blecks will con-
We read in a newspaper that a. go ji for quite some time, is| tinue to mark the location of con-
noted nutritionist claims many of | improved at this writing, she | struction, and the descriptive ma-
the world’s ills, from temper to ul- | wishes to thank her many relatives | terial will outline the temporary
cers, may be caused by Mom's | nd friends for cards, fruits, and | routes that have been established INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED
cooking. | visits. around the projects. . | 3
That re2lly scems hard to believe | Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt spent| “Temporary Route” signs will re- | SPENCER SUPPORTS
hoard box.

From what we've seen and learned | Fri . an « » Beis as
Friday afternoon in Harrisburg. | place the old “detour” markings as
re’s noth- Fach 34 : . .
the Wednesday afternoon they visited | rapidly as the changes can be made MRS. EDYTH B. BRUBAKER
41,000-mile State FLORIN, PENNA
Phone Mt. Joy 3-4949
ghout home cooking.
i it and by close observation | ey
ing like It gd : | their daughter Mrs. Calvin Cam-| throughout the
are of the opinion that compara-

| pell and family at Lancaster. | Highway System. 3 | § B scooli Is us
ivelv few case h » above, . i Cy. : -4
he h fey : no A — te mothe | Mr. and Mrs. Guy Winters and And “Detour” will join the old 1 i rezen pea . ; ter Th
a » traced 0: edibles inthe, . 4 : fed y yz | tiny Li r
« an he | family of Manheim visited Mr. | horse-drawn snow plow and grad- i old South Frozen Orange Juice 2 pi 25¢ an: lis &
couse ald | and Mrs. Abram Gamber Saturday | er, the steam powered roller, the | SIMON P. NISSLEY | i MINUTE MAID 2 Pe 95¢
Yew Biz 3 ’ . : |
. : ow ray u yo. ih hat m’s | Evens. old gray mare, among the scenes | MARY G. NISSLEY | 8 i ' Grapefruit Juice FROZEN com [i
Say or even Sans : I | Mr. Abner Weaver visited Mr. | that have passed from the State | FUNERAL DIRECTORS ! { S C Frozen Peas ew 19¢ 4
gking was responsble for your : . : | NER! i
ny ng v ”. and Mrs. Victor Snyder on Sunday. | Highway System into the limbo of Mount Joy, Ps | now rop a 9
Sime ot a ° | Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Williams | things gone but not forgotten. i |
® rs at ime ant A Ars io gS |
| and son, of Middletown visited Mz. |
Mrs. Eddie Isler and family Sunday. |
0 0 WA
| RITZ CRACKERS a i 32° ve
| pkg
and prosperity go hand-in-hand is | ! Rh R i
the superstition that money is| Mr and Mrs. Norman Musser, of | eems €S1 ents | Double Stamp Day Fy : we | WHEATIES LOTTIE 801° ¢ i= 21° Mor
wealth. There was a time, of Columbia R. D. visited Mr. Daniel | (From page 1) WEDNESDAY | pkg Pg L
amie, si wor Vesti] Se | from 12 cents to 40 cents over a 12- You can protect your children || SALAD DRESSING ir wr 35 pi
because things that had value in Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Erb and | vot fo cents over a 12- | Hei F. od St . 0 P » y ! \ BRA jor Bong th
themselyes—eold. silver, cattle, and | Bobbie visited Mr. and Mrs. John | 4 eisey ’s 0 or . CLAPPS JUNIOR FOOD 6 : 89 airview
oe Harvey H t - i jars .
wheai—were used as money. . TX eH Yo pe 2 Of a) wi ber Somes | OPEN ALL DAY i for far less than Y ou may think. "eo | BABY ]
for more than a century paper on Sunday. bs" : ME 1S moler goes no GREEN GIANT PEA, 27-35 =
; a ISL. oe Re rw EA RA, x i i | cans

3chind the notion that inflation

And V. Witmer and son of E-town R. D


money could be exchanged, on de-| Mr. and Ms. Hathaway Brene- | —_— we — osm @ Every man wants To assure the future” well-being »
mand, for precious metal. Today it | man, Mt. Joy R. D. visited Mr. and | { of his children = protect their home, provide for their $ KIRKMAN’ S SOAP FLAKES 2 pkg 44: Moat 2
is a criminal offense for an Ameri- | Mrs. Robert Frank. | education — should anything happen to him. Farm 9 GET | PKG. AT Y; PRICE WHEN YOU PURCHASE 1 PKG. AT i Big Maple
can citizen to possess gold money. Visitors at the home of Rev. and | LET US oo i Bureau has a wide selection of plans to enable you to ? [ il i
But this ancient faith in money as|Mrs. R. H. Arndt during the past} assure the future of your family. The cost is surprisingly ii! I a ; Our Merkel Have + =
wea.lh has been transferred to our | week were Mr. and Mrs. John Le- | i low. ® Ask your friendly Farm Bureau Insurance repre- 2 ! of Easter Candies . . . Como in and Look Them Over Wom
inch bet to
; S | tative to advise you~no obligation, of course, Call—=
paper cu which is not, today, fever and son, Miss Mary Lefever, Take Care of Your | sentative lo advise you gah
vedecemable in gold. of Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Ammon ! | J LL HH
We ler what George Wash- | Hoffer, of Mt. Joy and Mrs. Mau-| C H | C K oO R D E R S MORRIS H. SHAFFER
1b 23 2b 43°
bag bag
nure spre
powei tak

ington would have to say about! rice Fiysinger of town. 13 S. Fulton St., Manheim | rubber ti
Re .
come of the actions that take place! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaul, Lan-| WITH OUR NEW STRAIN Phone 5-2316 LIFE INSURANCE Co. HC trailer, wit
in the city that bears his name? | disville, and Mr. Robert Ginder, of rr 2 loli i Job, Patio
ome (io ]

Washingten was dedicated to the! Bheems, visited at the home of Mr. |
service of the country he helped to and Mrs, Wm. Haines and family |
establish and to the welfare of his | during the weekend. !
Mt. Hope Leghorns | WESSON SALAD OIL =. 31° =: 59" Ty
WAX PAPE EN tary in, 19 he id
felisw Americans. He was net con- Mrs. Martha Fogie visited Mr. | Yann RR SR vee i 4

in office. R. D. and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred At- | | in
® 0 0 land of Columbia on Saturday. WHICH MAKE EXCELLENT LAYERS OR BROILERS | 20
AGGRAVATING THE EVILS | Sunday evening visitors of Mr.!}| 1! [ A& P SMALL BEETS WHOLE 2 Sy 29
Shortly after forme: Governor | dnd Mrs. Harry Weaver were Mr. | This stock has placed high in the Chick-of-Tomerrow (fi | 100% PURE HYDROGENATED 3b
Arnall became the nation's new | and Mrs. Raymond Weaver and | Contest. | 'BEXOD VEGETABLE SHORTENING 3 28 bie 14 Clark: Jace
price stabilizer, he said on a radio | daughter of Columbia, Mr. Benja-|{' 1 ~. am Ci
. 3 : : Yana el | HEART'S DELIGHT 18-01 Je 4%
program. “I {avor decontrolling ev- min Weaver and Miss Esther Long- | 'NECTARS. 0! ot 31
ery industry as fast as it can ie of Marietta. { A. C. MAYER a es oll ’ pricot, Peach or Plum cans can
done without hurting the country.” Rev. R. H. Arndt again filled the | PHONE MT. JOY 3-9826 1 "WOMAN SDAY MAGAZINE

He emphasized his point by adding. | pulpit Sunday evening in the New- At % BIRD PICTURES ISSUE C
“I hope we can soon do away with | tw FUB Church in the abser, BR 1 Easy handling! Shorter turn ing diameters for Saster i A Dy vag ) bio ws MONTH'S +
all controls—the quicker the bet- | of Rev. Buch. We are praying for ! parking — easier driving in and out of oy oo . THE BRD WORLD 0's WHO IN
ter.” Rev. Buch's soon return. : { 2 Riding comfort! Comfortable, roomy cabs with extra- | PAAR IIS lh
That is a refreshing point of view. Mi. and Mrs. Norman Broscy and Keep ah cad of wide seats! Greater vision area, too! 2 AN OUTSTANDING COOKIE VALUE! 3
—partienlarly in light of the fact, [amily of Silver Spring visited Mr. 3 Performance! Lightweigl it pistons! Jane Pa 5
that past CPS’ policy has been to and Mrs. Jacob Erb on Thursday | the yardstick Chrome-plated top piston rings | / VREY tr :
seek more and more power, and evening. | 4 Power! 8 powerful engines—with high compression Al 3
more and more controls, whether The Ladies Aid Society held their | | ratios. There's one ideal for your job. | { VANILLA WAFERS
there was any justification for them nmorthly meeting on Wednesday | ® | 5 Safety! Rivetless rake Linings (except ; : 2
or not. This has. in case after ease,’ evening at the home of Mr. and { [Air brake models) iggest windshielc | PACKAGE OF MORE o § 4 %
discouraged and the nor- Mrs. Jacob Erb. There were seven! 0 ~ TA on 25 "

A er


Keep your savings
growing as fast as GE : Telia | Regular Special
| 29c¢
your children. It's im- 4 Cinnamon Buns 35¢ i
| worms We IES
portant io your future Cea | Dinner Rolls 15¢ 2[/25¢ '
mnie | ALLIS Golden Loaf Cake ~~ 35c 25¢ |
vite you to open an
Halves Whole
mal, efficient processes of produc- | members and three visitors present. !
tion and manufacturing. Equally | The officers for the coming year!
important, it has seriously interier- | were elected as follows: President, |
red with the normal functioning of | Mrs. Martha Fogie; Treasurer, Mrs. |
distibution. Retailers of every kind | Loreen Witmér and Secretary, Mrs. |
and size have protested OPS’ high- Bertha Witmer. |
handed policies and rulings, In Mr. and Mrs. Howard Witmer are |
some instances, OPS has actually the proud parents of a baby girl, |
threatened wide-spread destruction | bein at the Osteopathic Hospital, at
of retailing as we know it. This was | Lancaster
especially evident when OPS tried RIO inne
to subject retailing control by de- TAKES AIRCRAFT COURSE
manding that stores absorb cost in-| Ple. Jay M. Heller, son of Mr.
creases abort which they coutd do and Mrs. Ira D. Heller, of Florin,
nothing. Only action by Congress has entered the airplane and en-|
prevented CPS from bludgeoning | gine mechanic's school at Sheppard |
abead in this direction. . | Air Force Base, Tex. |
This is
Dundee Cake 35¢ 69¢ INGS +
account for your
; C 1
Donuts Sugared-Cinnamon-Plain do: 23¢ id ;
x =~ / Glazed Donuts doz 38¢ |: Im
The head of one of America's) Heller, husband of Mrs. Dorothy | i &o J ‘ he : a : 5 | y!
preductive companies vecently said, | Heller, Salunga, will take a 22- ; on uy pA 3 Jane Parker Bread 22¢ 1 Sc :
“The whole recorded history of | week course designed to provide | i eal ;
man is strewn with the wreckage | iim with the knowledge and skill | | Angel Food 39¢ 5%7c ji
of the great civilizations which have | required in servicing, inspecting, | x
crumbled under price comtrols: | and maintaining every type of air-| MOUNT JOY BANK Stehman Brothers 1
and in 40 centuries, of human ex- craft currently used by the Air| bor of FF . win . | 87 East Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA
perience there has never been—so | Force. } Mester pf Fedesal Deposic lngutanes Corporaiion Fox SALUNGA, PENNA. : n n - : i i
lin Bice 534
young ones with us.