The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 27, 1952, Image 1

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Junior Class Play “The Fighting Littles” in Mt. Joy High School Auditorium, April 3 - 4
~-THE-MINUTE WEEKLY | N LANCASTER co uN TY Mt. Joy High School Students
The Mount Joy Bulletin Leb
Students of Mount Joy Hig =


1 VOL. LI, NO. 45 >
ol » 4 Mount Joy, I A. Thursday Afternoon, March 27; 1952 $2.00 a Year in Advance School will have an opportunity at
: 4 i 0 i
i 10:30 a. m. April 4, to see for them ‘Sch | And H
Af NATIVE OF MAYTOWN KILLED . LOCAL FOLKS ATTENDING selves how the false impression and | 90 ome
{ O qQ ri IN AUTOMOBILE CRASH Rh R de t INIVERSARY CELEBRATION sense of secur : r of |
fd L C a eems Residents] ose Contestants..." sets. en and] :
The Rev. Henry Kready Haines, The two hundredth anniversary modern automobile gets, can and] SSO. € oy
M 7,8 of Davai, was Wiles Pr t t i t of the founding of Mutual Insurance does, often lead into the danger |
# e ac instantly at 12:50 a. m. Saturday 0 eS aims in America is being celebrated at or ome ent zone and trouble, when they parti- Dr Bucher S e
ppper i when his aguto rammed the rear of i ries linner: ¢ » series 1s .
per | . a series of dinners in most of the cipate in a series of driving tests, |
» with A Lancaster Condy farm wife a parked trucktrailer on the Lin=- ater Rate Raise states on March 25, which is the ex- Show March 29 Mr. Beahm, principal, announce dl Thursday evening, the . Joy
1th clhieege, » i nv ale ir
ho its the jackpot agai Vv. coln Highway at Caledonia. Thr act date on which the first Mutua] today {School and Home a hold
SF | I i A Funeral services ‘were held ut the : wee reside is of Rheems and Insurance Company in America Twenty-odd contestants were The tests, which wil! be in two | their meeting in the Elementary
JOURNAL. She is Mrs. Marjorie S Maytown Evangelical and Reform- Je owner of the only was established. This first company chosen at the auditioning for the | parts, will be given under the di- | School building with Mr. Benj.
Carter of Manheim R2. She is rap- ed Cemetery, in accordance with provesied during a hear-| yw. founded in Philadelphia and is auditioning for the Home Talent | rection of Geo. M. Tewksbary, Jr Funk, president in charge.
r idly gaining fame as a fiction writ- the wishes of the young minister, | M8 the Court House, at Lancas-| itil] in active business and has been | show, to be sponsored by the Lions [safety engineer, of the Farm Bur- | Group singing was led by Mr.
1 er and has scored her fifth hit with expressed to his wife some years ter last We a rate in-| for two hundred years. The na-|Club on Saturday evening, March [eau Insurance Companies { Heaps followed with a reading of
5 3 5 " : . : rease oN \ he Rhee Jater . . " x 2
“First Car” appearing in the April | ago. The Rev. Dr. V. W. Dippell, oe w ie Rheems Water | tional anniversary is being celebrat- | 29th in the high school auditorium The first section will be a lecture | the Second Inaugural address of
$ i ‘ aring “ mpany Feb TON : T
3 jssue of the Ladies Home Journal | minister of the charge who acted as ny ou a ed at the Benjamin Franklin Hotel There will be three cash prizes | and movie in the High School au [ Abram Lincoln by Mrs. Jno. Gates.
as al. : phi 3 roximately ONE i v . 3 ¢ :
a “First Car” is a story whose plot liturgist when the Rev. Mr. Haines q op 0X ne y consumers in| jy Philadelphia and is being follow- | with an opportunity for the first] ditorium, while the second will be Dr. Bucher was the speaker,
onecerns was ordained at the church in 1947, neems area are affected by the f od by a series of meetings for four | prize winner to audition fo e! a demonstration on the stree sar | Whose topic was Childhood Fears
concerns a typical high school boy op ae rate boost. The complaint repre 5 h near
3 who could have spent his summer conducted the brief funeral ser- nted 31 : A 1 Pe | days in New York City. Ted Mack program the school. Mr. Tewksbary will al- and How To Help Them.
3 on anv Lancaster County farm vices. He was assisted by the Rev. v po Dy who had signed Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Carpen-| Albright Sisters, Tap Dance Team, | $0 demonstrate the correct and in- During the business meeting the
an) 4 as . 3 i . 7 as y an mit 'otest. . i
When vou- read this story it will | Vernon H. Baum, York, brother- gh 4 | ter, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nissley, Lancaster, Pa.; Trumpet Trio, Ins, |¢orrect driving habits attendance award was given to Mrs.
é : Tetra : : Miss Anna Longenecker ‘S$ > yews |g pate :
soak you foeh as theoslt it A | in-law of the Rev. Mr. Haines. om ol : on ee , or Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Helms, Mr. W. {Elizabethtown H. S.: Asher Hal- High point of the demonstration | Shaeffer's room; a motion was pas-
1 ‘ ; . © lainants te » nak 1 as i
been written about you or peopl | The Bev. Mr. Haines was to have Publ he fo yo REY told the | H. Hornafius Jr. and Mr. Paul IL. |bleib, Wocal Solo, Mt. Joy, Pa; will come, however, when driving |5¢d to purchase an electric eye
) ab vo Js ie ee os ) y, ; iY
vou know. Mrs. Carter says, “I am preached at the rededication ser-| . } His an ex- | Hollinger are attending these func- [Charles H. Hollinger, Dog Act, | ests are made with various stu- chart for the school; a nominating
ve happ gy h Ww this tory 2 | vice of the Maytown Church, but a peter to the rate in-| tions as representatives of the Mi Strasburg, Pa.; Grassfyer Sisters, | dents and faculty members in the committee, Mr. Arthur Schneider,
Ty appy ) ave s story ir . a1: ' crease i mg as eC i . ” : hie. . 3 ”
te JOURNAL berms it ic del this will instead be a memorial ser- or 8s 4 8 1s we continue to| joy Mutual Insurance Company | Accordian & Guitar, Lewistown, | Specially equipped car of Mr. | MMS Robert Walker and Mrs. Thos.
a A od é ie 2 | vice on the Sunday after Easter,|" 3 y rr. : and the City Mutual Insurance| Pa.: Wanda Hildebrand, Acrobatic | Tewksbary. Three revolvers which Mariner was formed for the pur=
arges \wssts selle in e a “sm She s2id the water containec any ! i
April 20, at 2:30 p. m. A memorial Company. Dance, Steelt P Id ire mounted pose of selecting candidates for of
, wg’? ’ “in . . 4 : gE Stee a.: Rong \ 8 ) the front bun we | | Se ol selecting candiaates for ol=
country. yo . -t sediment and foreign matter, and — es Ben kj Ronald Mum open. mi pe J
EE Coton yer Soars i service is also to be held at Saint il ve 1 ny | i a Ri ma, Pianist, Columbia, Pa.: Gilbert | of the car will fire yellow paint! ficers; the date for the second an-
oe Ww ge % ; : Paul's Harbaugh charge. Waynes- . ; 5 peatedly burned Ferich, Vocolist, | Conestoga. Pa: (Turn to page 2) nual festival was set for June 6th
— Pom vade hn. NeW boro, of which the Rev. Mr. Haines ut a ol water System. a etour Passe: Beverly Flegel, Tap Dance, Harri: 55 TY with rain date June 7th.
fhev read about Lancaster County Was Most vigorous protest was . ’ ; 2 , Tap Dance, Harris- Mothers of the Sit
1 ei >i : | AY pastor. ; . fr . arg, Pa.; Harold Groil, Trumpet oLhers of the pixth grade pups
in various magazines and decided | rl eee brought by Ralph C. Gable, of the Tu! : pel,
= 7 R Middletow as so with Mrs. Edward Brown as chair=
it viz le te in : Mart Cope C Nia i Middletown, Pa.; Intermission | es
i I 9 ji oe Paes Lor Se i fii 5 Ed d ’ = he Ni EE porary oute Kenneth Ellis, Vocalist, Lebanon ¢ ivi ies 0 ur [ man were in charge of refresh-
ock a trip to the county and they *h water as the entite town, the EE . |
decided that it was just the place | o war able 8 | testimony showed. yalley College; Allen: Benedict, Top NE
just the place | S ew esl ation Bante. Pas QO Ice 1Cers The next meeting will be held
7 they wanted to settle down in. | MRS. MARJCRIE S. CARTER . charged the new rate gn ve, arrisburg, Pa.; Jean Long- on May 22nd at which 4 R
J : Vocali andisville Wah ap ve . : > ay 22nd at which time ev.
They bought the first farm they | Now that her two sons are grown 34t onsecutive would cost the company an extra| Detour that much maligned | et Yo st Landieville, Chief of Police Park Neiss yeo/ i Elmer Keiser will give a talk on
saw and thus fulfilled a life long| up and working for themselves, she $8175 per year. He also claimed | word of French origin—has been ' rel = Family, Tumblers, Lancast-| ported one prosecution, Theodore ! “The of iy S oi Re
no . 2 . : YT a. re accel i. Ace 1s i hi a > epe > opr Ss . -
dream. Their farm is located on the does not have to worry. about Tals: Term as President that the company increased his rate | eradicated from the vocabulary of | Pau Fred Baeciott, ccordion, Dowlin, Christiana, for overweight ts will be = Ee
voad $rorm here to Manheim. ing family and van find mere (Turn to Page 2) the Pennsylvania Department of ershey, Pa.; Johnson Sisters, Ac- truck, 15,000 Ibs. He was summoned | Moth f the fifd i ”
; : E ee ex + Ti ~ a . others o 1e filth grade pupils.
a mile east of town | time to devote to writing. Ronald S. Bdward Gable was re-elected le Highways by orders of EL. ih 31% i Te Pa Poll, before Justice of the Peace James | or — i
1 Ln Bergen County they knew | is in Virginia working as an Archi- president of the Lancaster Automo- CO! 1 SETS DEADLINE FOR Schmidt, secretary of Highways Ei : Se 4 Hr Faking hus " ig i L KILLED ON CYOLE
how to raise only “rasweed” but tect and Weld Jr. is working in| bile Club for his 34th consecutive ou LIANCE WITH RULING “Temporary Route” has replaced > : iy on xv ring, Progress! Ofer . Neiss - arrested Prank | Harvey Eugene Sweigart, 19 of
f here they have become real farm-| New Jersey as an Engineer in ex-| year at the annual meeting of the The county court set Wednesday | the former “detour” as an accurate Bis arinet Quintet, Instrumental, | Wallace of Marleita on a charge of | Manheim R2, w tru k k
: , 1 ] ain Bi 1 as an ¢ ate Hich Qo ois on : as struck by a mo-
ers raising sheep and tobacio, Al] perimental ‘work in communication. club Friday evening at headquar-] 2S 8 final deadline for Lester M.| and precise description of the Mount Joy High School and Jerry | assault and battery brought by Em- | torist and killed n Ne : a
3 : Z Vaal ii : : | a ed near his home. He
3 thcugh Mrs. Carter helps her hus- This is only the beginning for) ters. 8-12 S. Prince St., Lancaster and Verna N. Grove, East Donegal | that ar ; Biesecker, Vocalist, Lancaster, Pa. { ma Dorsey, of Mt. Joy. At a hear- |
! 3 ¢ 2S. St., Lanca s that are established around — -— : : 3 “7 was riding a motor equipped bi~
band with various chores on the! Mrs. Carter. I am sure after read-{ All other officers and directors township, to comply with an order construction, reconstruction, resurf ing before Squire Hockenberry the | cycle fs mY
: : i . : . ; hi y $ - y TE ELEP oP Tv . sours { cycle
farm she still finds time to write. “First Car” in the Ladies Home | Were also re-elected. it handc d down Oct. 19, 1951 [acing and widening projects on the ELEPHANT PARTY costs were paid. mente lil mma
4 She says, “When I found out what | Journal you will want to read more Gable warned motorists not to The Grove people will either | 11,000-mile State Highway System BY FIRE co. AUXILIARY — - Six persons were injured and $700
X i : . = 1: ave ve PY . pa ye . le ay Oy . "iftee » sf > > x - held yn re jured anc ‘
heavy work farming is, I took to! of her stories and will see her] paint their 1952 license numbers on | veto ro surrender diner | In the early days, when motor- Taian dg i ened the Lancaster City will convert the damage incurred when a motorist
Sn ant ass 4 py ce Pu . Coon Ne wllor- 8. roy : March meeting « 1e Fire i oa; Hats : ‘ s
wiiting, which is light and clean.” ! name in print many times again. the front of the car, or display it So ee r S and Alice ists were compelled to take long pany Auxiliary Fold da ro Southern Market building into a| drove out a side road on Route 230,
: - in any other manner on the front. how Hh th Gi ie Hr 15 and circuitous routes around con- atin ria the Fire Hous sday €ev=| parking garage this fall. near Landisville
4 V : The new single 1952 tag 6 e Groves diner Las mic : : 2 ? mm
NHS Will I A rs aay To Hog 1450 fon Ts Donegal tow we If t h 0 '5t | struction projects with much of the A twenty-fiv lollar ntributi >
ve . er Sas oc township, on route 23 . -nve dollar contribu ion |
TB UNIT AT LANDISVILLE placed on the rear, he said. rat 200. mileage over unpaved r ;
nduct NIT at : ANDiSY ne 2 He ako cantinned loadin Final decree in the matter was RE - nh pare) oul, : Yo | was received for the Athan | ews n ene
Approximately 300 pupils of East A 1 again: : 81 ede follow : tour’ was applicable ; . ar
; ee SURE Lie Co Cina de a hearing ville : | Fund from the Mount Joy Sports-
Hemplield Twp. High School and the 1951 tag on the front, saying Ee A nearing on Nov. | Schmidt said. “But now with hard | yop ra 0 u ecor
ew em ers 0 Landisville Eler t School police are warning against the prac- 9 1951, to determine whether the | surfaced road readil ilabl [She Asstciailon.
) Sv » Elementary Sc pe yt > fia ace roads reac y avail > :
V nentary 1: Te tice and Wises Te trib Groves were in contempt of court. |« ya 3 avaliable | One new member, Marie Rider,
. ceived chest X-Ravs Friday when and it may lead to arrests. he Welf] : I temporary route’ is much more de- | mitted tn. th or roug ou Is
ner 3 op : Ls er “he elfleys, in omplai ‘ . was admittec o the unit
Paradise Chapter the X-Ray unit sponsored by the D. Lyman Hamaker, Ephrata, was your, Said thee. sod wp bp Jost seriptive’ as they are always re- Meml ! |
3 m : a irs ree | YER 1ey sold land an Id- ¢ ers are aske y
; : Fubereulosls Society’ of Lancaster re-¢ lected fr t vice president; Fire ot the nes d anc puke moved as quickly as possible. Few Tembers re isked to attend the The Past Weel: | E ti L ahi t
Members of the National Honor | was stationed at Landisville tual L. Snyder, Denver, second ie Ie Sines site to helirove (Turn to page 2) Panis’ servis mh ow : n re oc y
Society of Mount Joy High School He Sorat id . vice president; J. H. Nissley, East couple on July 19, 1950, but the li Fire Co., being held in the United Mr. Daniel Wolgemuth has re- Henry H. Dosch, 63. at Colum-
will conduct an induction ceremony Wh a ote fens % fo the Petersburg, third vice president; H sale did not include the diner e- ARSENIC AND OLD LACE BY Brethren Church on Sunday at 7:30 | turned home after spending | hia Wl
7 | residents of the town the following ‘ i ‘nt. ’ 4 Mori ep
Tov nev af ihe. fey owing | np Rea, ( hristiana lowrth: vice] om Sel | MARIETTA SCHOOL FACULTY p. m. Please meet at the month in Florida i Annie. widow of Frank K. Metz-
Chapter of the National Honor So- ————— eee president; H. C.. Resisle, Lancaster, A $100 LOSS WHEN The curtain rises on the first act | House at 7:00 p..m A surprise bridal shower was! ger, at Neffsville, aged 71 1
ciety at Paradise High School onl prying cUTS TOLLS ai nd F. L. Spence, Co- | pb HOUSE BURNED | of this wierdly humprous play at| Dues are now payable to April [hed at the home of Mr. and Mrs.| Roy K. Miller, 56, hanged himself
March 28. ul +3 umbia, treasurer, : le 8:00 Frid Satu A Wi 2 Alvin Engle on Thursd: wwening, | i as? iti und
x : : " . m. Friday Se ay te Elephant part rill be ny 1 Thursday evening, | in a wash-house at Lititz Sunday.
: Since that new free bridge across Yirectors electe ere: Wt R The presumption is that : wl bm riday and Saturda | 3 ! i ‘party wi el ep
ED Fo open the program, Jay Barn-| river at Harrisburg was opened | | A i tod Weve: i any erheated oil 2 ler st ny 1 nights, March 28 and 29 in the [held at the April meeting, Thurs- in honor of the forthcoming mar | Mrs. Margaret Smith, 67, Eliza=
h it Harris g was opene arr. Ira F. Ho \ : «oreo | oil brooder stove st: i oe I i ay i] Marg: | ' i
hart will present a piano solo, Nar- II rece . : ah : I noman, and Geort fir su ove arted { Marietta High School Auditorium. day, April 17th, at eight o'clock riage of Patricia Yarnell, of Eliza- bethtown R2. at St. Joseph's Hos-
es Ethell N tol] receipts on the two others there | M. Mav. all of Lancaster: Fred W.| & re which destroyed a building : a bethtown and Clhades FE. Herd n R2, at : ph's 5
cissus by Ethelbert ! evin. Devo- dropped sharply. On the Walnut] Wagner. of Columbia: Dr. B. Scott | containing 300 Leghorn chicks on The cast is directed by Mrs. Hu- | re Vavietta R1 RISE: pital
omy ae fhe flag salute will be led street bridge tolls fell off from $506 | Fritz. Marietta Fiwood S Gri nm the farm of Frank W. Kline Jr bert Peters. Admission is seventy nt H OF GOD BOUGHT : Th 4 M y | Morris C. Weller, 66, very suds-
yw Shirley Eby. Master of cere = . Ty AE bi 2 Ee mm, i GN Ava. an ™ J THE ACKERT P se present were Mrs. Oscar i
ns by 1 oy Maste ro ce re no for an average day to $150. John E. Schroll. Mt. | near Elstonville Tuesday. five cents. Two citizens of Mt. Joy H AC KERT PROPERTY Vornell. M+ LE Cire "| denly at Baltimore. Ed. Weller, of
'S, F me give the : ge, 8 ted i . | wi ar i . av A re: ansacti jas con-| yA J rshey,
2 X ona lome, ‘wi give he Joy: Clair H. Keen, Manheim; Paul I'he fire was discovered by al will star in the play H. Morrell really wa eon Mis Jane Hel bil | is a brothey
i following which Clon. . , Man + Ps: : ; Shields and. Miss ‘Joanne Brown summated here quite recently when|_ ~~ ° ane elm, Miss Elizabeth ot
i detie Zejier will talk on the honor Week’ S Birth Record H. Bomterger, Lititz: E. L. Bert- | Passing motorist. Penryn firemen | - i the Church of God purchased at Martin, Miss Eleanor Léngenecke) Mi Mary H. Riddle, 73, former
2 . M: » townshi Jo Cope responded. The laced the : yi “1 Miss x n : r a wineipal ol the \Y P ts i
meaning. and Barone. Tha 2 y a 4 | 2 Jc ba Ce b Bi y placec we loss at | MIRIAM E. WAGNER WAS private sale the Fdward Hackert ia s Dorothy Shearer, Miss Nancy |! 1 : 1 i 1 ; i€ BR Higs
y ig ur Ll | Fas empfie towns Edga PA | hil x shenk a. J ” , choc 1 Rooseve wspital, New
society's: toar weals will each be Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Weaver, of PB d to 2 hp hag 54 i ea | GIVEN DIVORCE BY COURT property on the East side of the|’ henk, Miss Maxine Wright and | York Cita ospita ew ]
| ME: : yop ‘ ess, 0 5 ‘to © | 7 i . . ork i
presented by a different person: | Manheim R2, a son at the General Int = Is Sr > Bl join Miriam E. Wagner, 165 Manheim church building. Miss Virginie Hizon, all of Uli :
haps Bs a | onto) ntercourse: H. S. Shirk, Blue Ball: i e a tee bethtown; s. Robe i Stev Mu JIE Mane ‘fever J
3 Oc scholarship, by William Tyndall; Hospital Tuesday. ITE 3. ui 1 : M Brown H d | street, this boro, received a divorce This is the former Bennett prop- ethtown; Mrs. Robert Groff, Stev- | M Lillian Marie Lefever, 31, 2
{ ry. a irs av. Alger s ‘k | ns 3arbara A fe o aro fever oi A
leadership, by Mary Ann Spangler; M nd Mrs. Leroy Beaver, Mt TE yy xn ; ne ea S { from John K. Wagner, Klizabetn- | erty. The church contemplates ye- x » Rl, Miss Barbara Aument, of | i f H 7 Id Lefever, Manheim 3
Ro te joy Rl. a daughter Saturday at the ? Musselman, Adamstown. . RH ; : ; Miss Steve | R2, at he after a lingeri
5 5e | character, by Lois Becker: and ser- | y I 3 Lg Lge 1 iturday at th SA . town R2. on grounds of indignities. | modeling the house and use it as a bane ste 1 ia Margare Pores. So ns, | a it her home after a lingering J
J vice by Georgann Shatto a 5 gn t The couple was married A varsonage. Possess ; . Manheim; Miss Jeannine Brubaker, | N° i
atto. ; SPEC a TAR ar p was married April 9, | parsonage. Possession will be giv- {
| Robert Schneider will present t} | Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mellinger,}"* PECIALIST WILL DISCUSS Orel € S 199, and separated in D mi en April 15 x Hershey; Mrs. Harry E. Hershey, |
? ¢ eider w ge 53 : v AN > ; : ; Shirly & arate 1 ceember, 4 . ¥ Iw Mri
Ib iTe new member M. ; [ 1 - Upland, Calif., a daughter. Both are CHILD AND FAMILY LIFE Martin S. Brown was again el-| j948 : The consideration $14,000 Marietta R1; Charles E. Hershey, | WV: Burton Ulrich
OW embers; Mary Landvater : Save vache 1 ‘ sd » consideration was 514,000. : I wn 1 oT
box 3.35 will adiistor the i : gi Bier | former residents of Mt. Joy. Parents, teachers, young people,| ected Commander of Mount Joy i — — a A oni on John Weidman, Harry Hershey Jr. | W. Burton Ulrich, 73, of Man~
3 3 iste > pledge to them. — oo and all other persons interested in! Post 5752 V. F I. Ye » vegular ’ an 8 5 "| heim R ear sters rille i
These new members will then hz) yyy NIVERSAR eng roel. an Dried Post 5752 V. F. W. at the regular | MOTORIST CLOCKED AT 75 SENIOR CLASS WITNESSED ead Mos. Alvin Bue. Fash 3
ANNIVERS/ 7 n-age ms are ¢ Hino . . » Five . 4 The bride ceive rel ‘riday at the he > of Mr. ¢ 'S
vidloomed into the society: be Lore 0 ial ar o| meeting held at the Fire Hall on| MILES PER HOUR ON ROUTE 230 | COURT IN SESSION The bride received many lovely | Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
ne h | Mr. and Mrs. Guy D. Spittier, of attend a special meeting on this| Monday evening. Sr. Vice Art) li : ok : and useful gifts. Games were play- | (Turn to page 3)
etta Kline. Sally Ann Nissley will | Now 1 treat : Il le} subject. Miss «Marguerite Little, ! 1 Ralph W. Ri toclined Arthur Landis, Elizabethtown R2 On March 25 the senior problems I Y veirost play { ee a
ils . Haven street. wi celebrate ject. Miss » Marg 4 mander, talph W tice declined | was -ehende y Spe : als . , | ed and refreshments served
| play a flute solo. . ( we nt ; spb . as apprehended by State Police | of democracy class at Mt. Joy Higl © WALTER S J 3
C The far th : | thei ir seventeenth wedding anniver- ~hild Development and Family Fite) the nomination for the office of the | on speeding charges after he al- | School traveled to Lancaster to wo ig a G. WALTER SLOAN HEADS
A 1e speaker for the program will | sary on Friday, March 28. Mrs. Specialist of the Extension Service| Commander in order to give Brow ge he . : { | METHODIST MEN HERE
be Morvir Ww Br: : : pa . ~ 1 & vn | legedly was clocked at 75 miles per | serve the Common Pleas Court in!
e Mervin randt, Assistant | Spittler also celebrates her birthday of The Pennsylvania State College, chance to serve a full term. His | hour on R I in Wa ids 4 : . | A new organization of Methodist
(Turn t 3 J * | will cond ; : : | uw on Route 230 in East Hemp- | session. Miss Catherine Zeller and {
1 to I gs ) the same day. will conduct a meeting on this sub-| previous term being interrupted | field township Geol Brosk | I Men In Mouttt Joy. Methodish
rae A Tie cli pias . weorge roske ace anie tv 1
29¢ 3 mE —===== | ject Wednesday, April 2, at 8:00 P.| when he was recalled to active du- —— — —— ecompanied.. Ux | Church has been chartered
15 Tho ieee 1+ 4 - ero e Past Week |
M. The place is the Auditorium on | ty he Marine =e ‘ ji > Method 's Gener: ar f
‘ T ¢ Bu De y in the Marines. 58 CARDS WERE LIFTED: ei a erst | Methadism's General Board: of RY
10c eS ra hing emonstration the 12th floor of the Greist Build- Other officers elected were: Jr.| 34 WERE RESTORED HAD TRUCK LOADED . Activities in Chicago
5c ing on the Square in Lancaster Vice Commander, Frank Morton;| The State withdrew 58 drivers’ | BEYOND LEGAL WIDTH Very Briefly Told | The Jos] group Will Become one
Quartermaster, Ernest Berglund | cards from motorists ar x, : ! of 10,000 Methodist Men organiza=-
i ; ei Ce ards sts around here | State Police apprehended Glenn| nbia h: ok i a
39¢ THE HINKLES CELEBRATE Jr; Judge Advocate, Wallace D.|lost weck and restored 3 S apprehended Glenn| Columbia has’ broken ground for | tions which the Board plans to
13 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ' Trustee for 3 Arn w an restored 34 others.|S. Brubaker, Mount Joy R2, forits new disposal plant. | charter by 1956 >
he ’ Ys stee or J years,| Flam . Heisey, of Florin, lost his | cperating a truck with a load ex- mo | Shaner: hy F900
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hinkle, 205 Charles Mateer; Chaplain, Clarence | card for failure to vield the richt! tending bevond th 96-1 oo The U. S. Asbestos Co. at Man-| Tt is estimated that 2,000,000 men
Jos Aai tree 1 _ iv : . : sat Ba » e wg Be em $203.343 | Yh y
C West Main street, will observe their | A. Rice, Delegates to county coun | of way. width limit. ch, Im, will build a $202,343 addition | in The Methodist Church are pros-
forty-third wedding anniversary on'cil, Ralph Rice, Chas. Mateer; Del- | mv. EE x ifs plant | pective members of Methodist Men

3: Iaveh. * v rede y : : | AT jc) Mi
Saturday, March 29th. They were egates to 9th District, Warren Foley | ATTENDED PRINTERS SHOW THIS LADY HAS SMALL (”) | I'he Elizabethtown College Club | ¢ lubs.
23¢ married in Baltimore, Md., and are and Charles Mateer; Delegates to| Messers. Paul Diffenderfer, of | CHECKING ACCOUNT x of Lancaster County will hold its | G. Walter Sloan is president of
the parents of two daughters, Anna, | Department Encampment, Martin | Florin, Sylvester Hendrix, John Mrs. Sylvia Wilks, who inherited annual banquet Friday, ‘April 4 | the New organization, and Riche}
wife of Samuel Irley ¢ “lara, wife , Brown yr siberher | M: ire A Tm i Tyrer |G. K > is ‘retar
0 el Irley and Clara, wife, Brown and Robert Leiberher. Matoney and the editor, from town | nearly 100 million dollars from her| Puring a 3-hour period, forty mo- G. Kline is the secretary. Rev. Rob-~

| ert C. Pike is pastor of the church.



3% Ral ON She Dro Other business discussed at the |and Eugene Lauer, of Harrisburg| mother, Hettie Green, keeps 31 foriste were, arrested in a Speed | 1 i ————
gr: All of liddletown, | meeting was to complete plans for | attended the printers show at the] million in just one checking ac- | {rap at Columbia Tuesday evening. | > —
vs 35 NORE BP Fite foe annual Easter Smoker od be | Bellevue Stratford, Phila. Saturday. | ccunt. Larry Edward Yohe, 13, collapsed | pili issn Sow
ans 25¢ Messrs. Roy Ss. Siegrist of East | Me So pte ASSIS] me -_ a Et on the street at Columbia while on Sidi ic As
Pke {Tq Petersburg; J. Earl Hollinger, ML. oe iii a t gs AT SPRING RALLY THAT'S FOR THE HEIRS his way to school and died at the piston * sing a aplae Cops
ov RS oo Paul L. Snyder, Man- | WHAT ARE BANKS FOR’ fo Benjamin Greider, of Landis- An adjudication filed in the Or- | hospital a. aril i of farm and
9c heim R1 were apprehended by the | More th S25 10k did ville, deputy district governor of phans Court shows a balance of TY. build tl 4 bi a os
pkg 19¢ Lancaster City police for driving | from Hien oy: was stolen the Lions Clubs, assisted at the an-| $7,641.95 for distribution among | MOTORIST KILLS RINGNECK ey gn
: 3 a strong box at a Reading |nuai Spring rally of the Lions at| the heirs in the estate of Henry S. A ringneck me oe an
) / male pheasant flew a-| age claims have been settled and

can 29¢
kgs 10¢
Pka | 9¢

mobile Mr. Geo. M. Tewksbary, Jr., Friday, April 4, at 10:30 a. m. TT =e" \ were away. tl
Safety Engineer of Farm Bureau| The public is invited to attend. MRS. STRICKLER RECOVERING
will demon- The distances required for applica-| Mrs. Amos R. Strickler, Mt. Joy
eT . Ls. between chickies hill Sunday. The A eee \
= CAUGHT 34 VIOLATORS SECOND CASE THIS YEAR Windshield was shattered and he E x JAS 73
Mrs. Emma Hoke Light, of Rapho| Elizabethtown set up a speed trap| George Nauss, Billmyer, is the| rooster sacrifice d i lif 3 pe Lae, Was
tewnship, was awarded $5,975 dam- | and caught thirty-four violators. | second typhoid victim in Lancaster TS eed as Mr. Elmer Heisey celebrated hig
ping are marked on the pavement hospital Ls: ter aft a 1 It aga 2 J 5 wy € "
stopping a car traveling at varying by an ing enious arrangement us 3 \g eph 5 ancaster after ages by jury in her suit nst mon them was Melvin essler, County wus fa S yea €e was Wher of ( - guite ac % y
R t th th € H Vhen in ed of Printing any uit x
A Mrs Heisey recent]
speeds. The demonstration will be | revolvers and yellow bullets having recently undergone surgery. | the Penna. Turnpike Company, of this place quarantined March 21 i kindl
ars 8 thing) kindly remember the Bulletin / celebrated her 7
3 3 c ated her 72nd birthday.

Insurance Companies,
In his specially-equipped auto- made to Mount Joy High School on thru red lights. ba over the weekend while the | Ephrata Monday night Garber, late of this bore }
’ nD ) ainst the windshield of an auto} 60 others a ill i
‘ aul ) othe re still pending.
strate the distances required for | |
tion of brakes and for actual stop-| Ra js recuperating at the St. Jos-