The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 20, 1952, Image 6

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Bulletin, Mount fov. Pa., Thursday. March 20. 1052 | Judy Smith, Barbara Sutter, Peggy | d ° I [GENERAL HAD QUITE A |
A ————" . ———————— —————————————— Wolfe, Ruti Drescher, Victoria In tr RECORD FOR FEBRUARY t
gare hela us 1€$ n 1,060 persons were admitted te € S a a
grades in all major subjects): Ela- | ba oan Iph Buf K ll RB S |
E. Donegal School | ine Showalter, Audrey Musser, Ar- owess. Ri hard Ari The Lancaster General Hospital | u er $ eauty a on
[ ise i ‘o 7 orlac 0 srr, Charl ior during February, it was anno » . S——————
(Prom pige 1) ; ne Heisey, Mary Ann Feliy 7;| Gerlach, Leon Herr, Charles: Ger The Donegals Wg : Bean Wy hile ne Rouse Traffic Factor Poodle Hair Cut and Curl
‘irol Ginder, William Earhart, Bet- | | ber, Bartora M:rtin, Barbara Wars

School Monday afternoon, Mare ty McKain, Miriam Roland 8: Ann | fel, Gloria Scholl, Paul Ely, John Director of the Hospital, at a meet- The State Planning Board, De-
=8, at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Nad Hous- | Young 9: Patricia Sager 10. | Heisey, Rober Bailey 9: Robert This is the third oi a series of | ing of the Board of Directors on| partment of Commerce, s:id the 5 00 ‘ i
eal will weeompany. the group “B" Group (Those having no Kline, Milton Mowrer, Dorothy | articles on “Industries in the Don-| Wednesday, March 5 principal cause of Americas high 8 ° anda up
Mr, Eugene C. will attend grades below “B” in major sub- | Peifer, Phyllis Wolgemuth, Yvonne egals,” This article was written by Other census figures include: The | yecord of deaths from traffic acci- Le a.
the National Music Educators Con- | jects.) Miriam Brubaker 7: Stephen { Brubaker, Ruth Horning, Ross Esh- | Geerge Rhoads, a student of Mr. | admitted patients required 8394 | cents is the fect thai few driver me . EW ROY BoA
ference in Philadelphia. Mr. Saylo | Doles, Gary Epler. Ronald Haw=- | lemma, John Garber, Joanne Ruhl, Robert Phillips’ eleventh grade days of hospital service. Patients | are aware of what a velocity of 5) FLORIN, PA. PHONE MT JOY 2-430 NS
will be there March 24, 25 and 26 | thorne, Peggy Houseal, Gary Kin- | Donald Wolgemuth, Sarah Singer, | Fnglish class at Fast Donegal High | discharged during February 1,058, | miles an hour means in destructiv Open 9:00 A. M. To 2:00 P. M. Maude Buller, Topr.
East Donegal Township Hi School | ney, Joanne Landis, Dallas Leh- | Jacob Shenk 10: Richard Miller, | School, as a matter of public in-| Number cf operations 451, Number | {oree, |
fourth semester scholarship lle man, Doris Long, Jon Shope, Joyce Betsy Musser, Gladys Weaver 11; | terest of births 232, 538 patients were The Beard said a man or weman
eve: “A” Group (Those having “A” | Martin, Miriam Nell, Edith Reber,’ David Sweigart 12. [ The Baker Quarries treated in the Receiving Ward, 417 | driving 2 car along the highway at
ET - w= | Lying in the southern part of patients were treated in the Dis-| the legal speed of 50 wiles an ho i
Conoy Township along the Susque- pensary, with 547 visits. is moving at a veloeily which |
hanna River, is a deposit of lime- The average number of patients | equivalent to a free fall of 83 feet,
; stone which has been quarried and | per day was 289 persons. “Even mere disturbing is the fact 1 3
Presenting oe oo | developed into an industry for | oe — —-— ! that the collision of two cars. each : ;
hs 3
{more than half a century. This MISS BRUBAKER AWARDED moving at a rote of 59
I H E N EW E L E C R I C i}! limestone deposit was found and BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE hour in opposite directions, rcleas-
the quarry started by John Halde-| Wis—Nora F. Bruhak. | ©s a force equivalent to that which
1 the drivers would experience il
man in the latter part of the nine- er, Mount Joy R1, was awarded the ' !
INFRARED BROODER teenth century. In 1864 this busi-| guchelor of Aris degree by the | their cars went over the edge of
| ress was leased to the late Jchn E. University of Wisconsin as the first cliff and fell 33) feet”, the Board
Baker, who developed this project semester of the State University's | Statement continued.




MANUFACTURED BY . ” : . re :
from the old “pot” kilns for the) 1651.52 school vear came io a close | “That people sometimes survive
The Infrared Brooder Mfg. Co J ih TN ue silver Floss
g. » iB kilns which now have also become A total of 965 students received | the fact that the collision does not | Kj
MANHEIM, PA. |} | almost obsolete. { their Lachelor’s and higher degrees | Occur instantly: the shell or frame 1 n cy
1 | In the early 1900's Mr. Baker!at the end of the fall-winter sem- | ©f a car ebsorbs part of the force a u e r
| g his property and then dis-| ester. bringi o 92831 {} wal | the collision and allow a frac-
EF bought this property ne este”, bringing to 92831 the total
: covered the high magnesium lime- | number of degrees granted by Wis- S
(1) FULLY AUTOMATY' Operation is by (5) DAMPNESS Litter is actually heat A | stone known as dolomite, which up | ccnsin’s State University during its | be checked, much as happens when
i thermostatic control, no daily or hourly ditiened, th Zig-Zag pattern of Inf red {to this time was beirg imported | 102-yeor history since its first class | @ man falls off a cliff inio the top HANOVER
attention required. brooding eliminates damp litter areas. No Fo ® soll dol or ae of a tree. cr out of a window into
. » hover on the new infrared brooder allows | from Europe. Mr. Baker sold dolo-| of 20 students met on Feb. 5, 1849. | : , 1 : PE {
f (2) ZIG-ZAG MOUNTING OF HEAT LAMPS air circulation. Foul air does not accumu- | mite stone to the steel industry. He = > § { a load of cardboard bexes. One can-
Heat Zornes pro ed | Ss 1 ro 3 : : yy : : : ry 1 "Ve wna vile
by as a ve 208 De hice oY Jorg i late in brooding area. Cool dry atmos- was a pioneer in burning dolomite | FOUR 0. SCHOOL DISTRICTS | however, ncrmally anticipal No. 2 cans
“ area do not cause bunchmg ol chick phere in the house deters growth of germs | s in. a rotary. kiln and making! fn ok i { such geod luck.
Temperature range from warmest to cool- and disease stone in a Kin and making RECOME THIRD CLASS EL 1 tl Aour
est peinis is not extrem : Si : | a refractory clinker for use in open) Four fourth elass school district: | However startling these figures
(6) LESS WORK — BETTER GROWTH | hearth furnaces. This product is! Lanecasier County will may eppear, they become relatively
{ (3) INDIVIDUAL HEAT LEVEL E:ch chick Breoding area is alwavs visible and acces- fo Ri Steal jan hancasier Gounty will hove], whet’ orc
can find its own heat needs in the heat sible for inspection. Feed and water may j very important in the Steel indus- i third class districts starting the | a rt ot of a collision wt. 70: toile
zones in the brooder area. Promotes rapid be placed in brooding area. No chilling—no {try and makes it very valuable to| finst Monday in July, it was an-| oC on Day 4
a “l,i 1 y y m h r ittine solic bier J] 4 x
feathering. freezing. Chicks feed better and oftener | our national defense program. { nounced at a mecting of the board | 0, OW jitting safid va le YR COFFEE { LE { )
ne a i z wl . jm an hour is equivalent t a
(4) BROCDING AREA EXPANDS WITH (7) YEAR ROUND OPERATION The new Mr. Baker died in 1941 and then|of the Lancaster County School | mile 0 T wll i
~ rg wm a : og : : i - 2 rar ve? i ae fall o© 0 feet. e collision of | §
CHICK GROWTH As chicks grow brood - Infrared Brooder is designed for | the plant became known as The J.| Dircetors. ni odd 3 ol BOSC: R i Bonnet
er is raised, producing a larger heated area use throughout the year. Wintei—two In- { E. Baker Company. His son, Wil-| The four districts, which have | YO ‘GA's Moving i opposite dives. oi Sine ope
with 1 eat co ation; however the frared hea § at ¢ | 1s : ions at 70 miles an hour wquiv- | § 4
v th heat conc ration; ho vever th fraved he ait lamps in operation at all liam H. Baker, has assumed the| just passed the 5000 population | t t 70 m mn hour equi
angles of the infrared brooding rays are times. Summer—the two heat lamps ave . : : | alent to a fall from the roof of = ags eC 1b C ib
~ chanced replaced by two pilot bulbs { president of the company. mark, thus placing them in the : st 3
" . : oi . f ory nilding—i listance of || §
i The by-products of this process| third class district classification, | tn > e
i ! one-eighth a mile. A ‘little con-
i are used for agricultural purposes. | are imation Borough, Lititz | A Siem 3 ; A i ig :
| i i | » mn of these facts, bas >
: | In addition to the quarrying Borough, Fast Hempfield Twp. and | Siderstion ot es BY ey. on
: : 2 the laws of motion might convince
processing, the company maintains | East ot Township. : i ‘out {1 :
iad seme 0 rivers that ¢ n=
a machine shop equipped with ma- | EE ole ut : oo ha ne qe | 2 AMFBY!
lo © » Tn SN ive ease with which a car can ac- |}
chines and personel to take care of | U. £. OFFERS TO GIVE AWAY cue CHICKEN NOODLE: cans
1 TAY + ~~ clerate ( aN ) { nies an our
{all the maintenance and construc- | 3% MILLION POUNDS OF EGGS | Wor ¢ | hict 3 BEEF NOQOULE
I ga : ™ k cw . conceals a very grave danger which -
| tion that is necessary. The company | ‘The Agriculture Department has! | cess a yeu i lye oa og net 1 VEG. Nn
| . 1 . : . 5 tL any less ecause "| 12 1ac:
{ has its cwn staff of electricians. | offered to give away atv million 3 no, an : ise x R 1 { 1 Oo
i it motorists have become 2ccus- 8 kz 4
| masons, carpenters and auto me-! pounds of urplus dried eggs for | fl : a : = : OF O88! nb enc D C
: : tomed to driving at hig peed
chanics. | distribution among needy persons ned lo 3 3 : oy
This company is very proud of | abroad. Pancake Flour Jeminia 1-Ib 4-0 : 1 dC
[the “safety first” record its employ-| The eggs will be given to eligible oP R k Fi t
| es have attained. It has a well or-| private welfare organizations which enna. an 3 irs Easter Eggs All Flavors 0 |
DISTRIBUTED BY | | ganized safety first committee for agree to pay chipping and ! (Form nage 35
3 || the prevention of accidents whose | costs. ‘ Wi
«- Bi Rp! : hae mercial apples, pears and all cher- strained Irs
PAX JIL E WEBBER {§i motto is “Safety Ahead of Produc- The eggs are part of the remain- i RAL enz au by 20 ‘ Ji C
| » 2s : : es, |
° {§! tion. With. this safety program! ing stocks bought under a producer . ‘ 4 vB
! I . ! Seventh in timothy seed and all K h bell’ = 2
MANHEIM, R3, PHONE 57151 | they have made this plant, even! egg price support program in 1950 tober etc up C ampoeils OZ C
Gif | though one of the hazardous occu- | at about §1 42am he : Eighth in cutput of sweet cher- ;
A —— " JA | pations, one of the safest places to eS 0 vie : Fab large box 29¢

work at in the county. This pro-| LADIES MUST BE ‘GRADS’
; Pennsylvania also ranked 11th in | §
am was started in. 1927 when OF HAVE RS LEVEL TES! a
gram wis started ‘in: 1927 when" an RY uve Tee preduction of barley, red clover- |B Chiffon Soap Flakes large box 20c¢
there was a total of 161 | Applicants interested in enlisting ced and scybeans for 1 19th in

accidents. Since then. accidents | itt the Women's Army Corps or the t 1! hay znd commercial tru
; cats, all hay znd commercial truc
ens Air ROres wets Ser >
have been reduced to a point where ! Women's Air Force were advised creps; 13th in corn and winte
| there were no lostlime accidents at | 1048y (hat they must possess a cer- whea
: ificate rad nn. fro io} Be
this plant, as well as the five other | tificate of from High 1 rq)
y A ! . ‘ame value f th variou
| ! Sahool eset substantiating In frame value of riou
{ plants the company operates, dur- | or present substantiating crops. the Kevstone ‘state last veal
: : dain that they have successfully ps, I me st: last
4 > ve 04 ( ( y ay CCESSIULLY | 1
| ing the years 1945, 1947 and 1950. | to ed rh Ht Lr) lead with first place in buckwheat,
{ The last fatal accident at the local | the hgh Scaool level, second in cigar leaf tchacco; third
Wi: 2c (GED) test. |
plant was in 1939. in grapes, sour cherries and maple

The wages of this group are a- | GOOD NEWS | {| | sugar, fifty in peaches, potatoes and
bove the average of the surround- | | meple sirup, sixth in timothy seed.
| pears and al
eld | ill | cherries, eighth in sweet cherries,
11 ¢}
and 10h in al! hay, al] cherries and

ing communities. In addition to a
{ | good wage scile, employes have a |

plan, group insur-|
| ance, and a pension plan fo their | t all
benefit. { Tctal produciion cof all major
The five cther plants of this com~ | | Pennsylvania farm crops in 1951 on

Commonwealth is saving
| pany are located at Inwood, West | a ton ge Lkasis was almost two
| Virginia; Fremont, Ohio: 3lue | per cent above 1930. The estimated
| Mount, Md.; York, Pa. and Man-| value of § 24,000 was eight per
| chester, Pa. | | cent above their 1950 value of
As the demand for this product | $215,789.,000. Principal factors in the
| increased, this company erected two | | increased valuation were the record
J 50 feet kilns in Northern Ohio, | You'll be in love with a wonder- | yielding cats crop, a larger hay
[ whic h they are now operating. At| ful Soup when you eat cream of crop and higher values [or erain
| the present time the company is | I soup. ust as It | nd potsioes.
i evoeting ; ith a 20% £ St a >» @—
Sve cting a plant with a 30 ) ft. kiln | gomes from the can. Or turn it into | >
| just west of York, Pa., which w ill | an even-richer combination like | THAT IS SURELY SOME
| be opening within the next several. Mushroom-Corn Soup. It's easy to fer a TOUR
} onthe | make. Just blend together 1 can | SLASH IN HOUR i
17 tra te ay (134 cups) of condensed cream of | The Classic Hosiery Mills, Eliza- | ;
| This briefly is the story of how] mushroom soup with 1 cup cream- i 1. thtown. announced an average of | %
| the site of a limestone deposit a= | style corn and % cup milk. Then | S0.cents a1 hour wage cut {or its
Ions the” Susauehaniis. Riv { Stir in 2 slices of crisp-fried bacon | * Ese :
| 8 the Susquehanna River has| (broken into 1-inch pieces) and 1; | sixty-five employes, effective last i
| been developed from an Indian| cup of chopped onion which has | Monday. i
camping ground into a large and| Deen browned in the bacon drip: | Guido O Clauss, manager. ssid)
Tame Mami toes & | pings. Heat well. Garnish each | AE Er
rosperous i hs : 4 | the acti flee the d |
{ prosp ) in the coiiz bowlful with crisp bits of bacon, | the action is a reflection of the hard |
| munity which East Donegal Ta p.| Makes 4 servings. | times that have hit the hosiery in- |
| Sshools service, WINTERY WINDS make the | custry all over the country and |
oe - -_— young he and | ferced with the alternative of cuti-
y wrry home : {
| CATTLE TRUCK UPSET for oat ane | ing wages or closing up. :
| BAST OF HERE YESTERDAY { heartwarming _ | Beczuse of over production and ® 11; x11 x 2 inches
| Eight cows wandered off into a| and: filling. At | price cuts, Clauss said he lost $20,- NEW? i
| nearby field after their cattle truck | neh > pe; 000 in the last six months of 1951. | . A Butcher Block
Bon on the Harrisburg Pike, four| feature this grand dish. = aL Made For Your Kitchen
{ miles eas ) wre, at 3:4) : J
les east of here, at 3:45 a. m. | Tomato Macaroni 'n’ Cheese | BIG SAVINGS BY USING
y ’] condensed macaroni (2 ! The ~ i. :
| They were rounded up later.

a re i 5 tomato soup cups uncooked) |
i Set the automatic timer and touch a button! When you return Ty START AT | Traffic on the busy highway was % Shp milk : 2 wa | move than $517,000 by using one meals prepared easier — no more scratched table tops 22!
- . | ki Sc SR hreadec m ered breac be to - 4 . . .
your whole meal is ready to serve! Come in today and see this 16995 | restricted to one lane for 45 min- | sharp American crumbs, if | irstead of two automobile license Built for punishment—a strong, solid block made from selected
! great new Hotpoint “star” .. . the world’s easiest way tp cook! EASY TERMS | ib until the wreckage was gun finely hint pes for 1952, haidwoocd! Emocth polished surface, rounded co: ners, hoveled
4 | ed away. { chopped parsley | nstead of paying 20 cents for a edges. Handles easily—balanced weight of 6'> pounds. Wipes
i 1. High de luxe control panel 9. Raisable thrift cooker unit | State police said the driver, Amos | Heat soup, milk and 1): cups |sct of two plates, one tag is cost- clean. Rich, warm brown natural-wood finish with swirl-on-
. 2 B | M. Lindberg. 24 hrats av have | Cheese over low heat; when cheese | . = W . ails Snare 5 desizn— 50 handsome it will be the pride of your kitchen!
See T ese 2. Bright-metal panel trim 10. Instant-heat Calrod® unit | Ml. Lindberg, 21, Ephrata, may have | pete” add parsley. Blend with,mae. | 11 cents. And mailing Sis firmly on 4 Inthe=t 1 for (oc ig
3. Lighted pushbutfons 11. Concealed-unit oven | dozed off at the wheel as he was| aroni; pour into a greased Z-quart | charges run only scven cents for : ae BiG ITS) Woogen em.
. . | :
} vl ws v a . driving the cattle from Mune to | casserole. Top with _femaining | each issuance instead of 16 cents.
| 14 4. Twin-Lite top 12. Automatic oven light I: "The. truck. owned Ihe cheese and buttered brgad crumbs. | mw . SNAVELY & SONS, 1
. i Bake 20 minutes in a hdt oven (400° | : |
h % 5. Telechron oven timing ¢ 13. Aluminum roaster and chrome Weaver, Ephrata, swerved off on| F.). Makes servings. ( | INCREASE IN FATALITIES | :
i 6. Top-range timer and signal smokeless broiler pan joa? Tvings: | Phone Landiwele 3511 Phone Mount hs 3-3751 i
. fop-rang | the soft shoulder and upset. Both | In the 11 months of January thru |
St far Features 7. Two appliance outlets, one timed 14, Three deep storage drawers on | driver and the cattle were unhurt. | GAY GARNISH for the top of a | November 1951 there were 1479, ;
8. Oven indicator light easy-slide rollers | I — | Sandwich is Dratie this way. Spread | (af. fatalities on Pennsylvania's Nu
butter or whatever is the family | iighways against 137C in the same 9 i
PUC at Harrisburg Monday sus-; favorite) on a bun. Stick two tooth | period of 1950, an increase of 109. | ws
L 4 n Cc pended for six months, until Sept. Picks through ie to hold | meatal A Wiser - To
Wo . e layers together. Perch a radish | : . )
IZ a proposed rate increase of the! on top of one tapthpick, a chunk | “Myriad” literally means ten

EAST MAIN STREET Phone 3-9681 : : MOUNT JOY Beli Telephone Company. of pickle on the other. thousand.
a fi : | ual . LE
en Ee Cums! RAEI EE fl Sls wl is LI Es le A i te ad ao ea Bla SSAA ES Ne ae = {