2 aoe I he Bulle lin, Vount Joy, Pu., Thursday, Marek 13, The Mount Joy Bulletin Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1904 Te a ve] NEWTOWN 1952 | THE CHURCH OF GOD TO | DEDICATE GLASS WINDOWS at 2:30 P. M. These | so arranged that they tell Asceéfigion, (of Chulst from Annunciation to the! Broske a former Maly of them are Prayer, and the There will be a special sevice Memorials presented to the de- | render two anthems. There will al« | was found guilty of sodomy in| | of Dedication held for the Windows on Sunday, March 16th,’ service P-11 East 2 in St. Mo io Pa — q jon, per year .. $2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shuman of Bix MOIS + $1.00 E-town visited Mrs. Matilda Dert MONthS 60 | Sunduy Single ‘Copies EN 05 Mr. and Mrs. James Gerber and | Sample Coples ......... FREE family of E-town visited Mr. and ——— Mrs. Victor Snyder, on Sunday. Entered at the Postoffice at Mt. I'he Geiber's called on Myr. and Joy, Pa, as second-class mail mat- | Eddie sler and family also | ter under the Act of March 3, 1879 Sund visitors of Mr. and Mrs - em Abram Gamber were Mr. and Mrs Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper Mark Winters and Mr. and Mrs. | Publishers’ Association Ray Gamber and son of Manheim Mr. and Mrs. Publication Dav, of Manheim visited and Mus. | opy for a change of advertising Earl Geltmacher, and family on should reach this office Tuesday. | Sunday. We will 1 guarantee insertion of Visitors of Mrs. Katie Moore and any advertising unless copy reaches | Mr. and Mrs. Maurice the office not later than 9 a. m, | during the past preceding day of publication. Weave: r, Calumbia RD, ‘ker, Marietta, Mrs, Classified ads will be accepted to | Lo 9 a. m. publication day fe: Maha 1, and son Jacob Renard, - Mrs. Ray Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fitzkee and son, | Daniel, Mrs. David, of Mt. Joy, Mr singer, Manheim, and Mrs EDITORIAL + 4+ | Mellinger and son, Glenn, Mount The Supreme Court has ruled Joy R. D that six lawyers who defended 11! NM; and Mys. Irvin Witmer and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Kaufiman Sr. of Ironville, Sunday. Rev. R. H. Arndt was the of the Men's Bible Kinderhook Evangelical U. S. Communist party leaders must go to jail for contempt of the Court. That is as it should be. ® 00 WHAT NEXT! ng A western motorist, apprehended | os Si I'M +a p Mr. anc ITS. by the State Police lo driving Wo |; mily visited Mr. and Mrs. fast, told the officer his battery was | andis of Manheim on Sunday “to charge Mr. and Mrs. Robert John, visited Mr. and Murs. Sunday Visitors during the heard that | pay, and Mrs. R. H. and buffet luncheon, low and he was (ying it up.” Ci all the motorists’ excuses, this is the first time weve Arndt were one. Miss Mary Lefever, and Mr. and PN | Mrs. Havard Johnston of Lancaster. . ! isitors of DB Mrs. Aristice | Judge Oliver S. Schaeffer wisely Ps during a od i. A ges warned young men on their “col- | \lisses Nancy and Carol Wittle, lege bey pranks.” He said: “One of | Mr. Charles Wittle, of Columbia R. of these college | D. Mr. Joseph Wittle, Columbia, these days some of their Mr. and Mis. | | Mr. Joseph Wittle, Marietta. compe into Court. Mrs. Mary Lucas, Mt. Joy, visited A jail sentence might be good med- | nr. ond Mrs. Jacob Erb, Friday. icine for some of them.” Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt are The young men didn't realize aftending the Bible and Missionary that they can have plenty of fun | Conference being held this week at boys will get the surprise lives when they but skould not resort to destructive Lancaster. a fun. Why must they destroy prop- Fic. Donzsild Miller, son of Mr. erty? {and Mrs. John Miller, stationed ! with the 28th Div. in Germany is . ., | enjoying a 10 day leave. touring jer’s warning or they will reget it. | Faris, Brussels and England. LL J Mrs. Edith Erb visited Mr. and | Mrs. Nerman Brosey and family, of Silver Spring, on Monday. Taey better heed Judge Schaef- It appears as though the Demeo- | ie t crats themselves are beginning Quite a number of town people | read the “handwriting on the wall. re bn the sick list. pm Uti i Demeoecrati Senators McCarran, of Nevada. and Ellender. of called for a slash of from one to » 1a billion dollars in President Tru man’s $7.9 billion aid fund. And they made the the President's flowery Louisi: ana Donegal High School foreign (From page 1) request after pointed out whar they said were i | radio and | VET stimates and discrepancies in ‘ pre- tax computations and { costs. The ‘suessing” television broadcast the day vious. these predic- | There's a limit The Bulletin made Br Bradbury said, what he c:Hed lack of cooperation survey, because of lions two y¢ io Santa Claus’ generosity. dT 90 cars ago. cn the part of the county superin- . 3s tengent s otiice S. Gerald Darlingten. Republican SEY : 3 . . 1... Paul Portner. of Marietta, who candidate for Congress, is making : - presided at the session, revealed an eflert to get the support of the that an attempt would be made to thinks the U. should tobacco farmers. He P. Mylin, to confer sk Arthur county sup- S. Government “make im- 3 erintendent, with a spec- available price a pound” mediately support . i ial financial committee in order to loans at 35 cents for the : : cempile the information. Philadelphia, necessary Page, of scheol bond ad Lancaster county tobacco crop. Mr. Dari idea of the final result of that Gov- Anderson gtonn can get a good also spoke told the problems ng the session. He elsewhere Bon wd that ernment price Bulletin, pounds of support Uncle Sam has 31. surplus dried their were in the 1 and that a so- reached if the jointure’s budget is re-estimated. li from hopeless” million | 1 we { lution eould be eggs remaining frem his splurge | buying back in 1950. He has offered wreed with the members of the beard thought Brad- recipients will who them aboard if the enly pay the (reight. bury’s cost estimates were too high eee EE ON tie sprit : aE Gol and advised a restudy of the fiscal | TO HOLD REVIVAL SERVICES as “fs ble oe . sols Ca ag | 2Speets ‘om every possible ang- Ine Church of Ged wil hold | 1, fcc Sunday, ri y ; ic : Clair Buchart, York architect, to the 23 The : te rd. 100 | told the schoslmen that present yy hers will bring the 2 ners Ww ring the | mates were based on designs M u i vo} Ty : : 5 aur 4 regquirmg a minimum cf materials Tuesda larch 8th. Rev. Wil= ; cy , i : and equipment to provide aaequate 1 Longenecker. tits ; en Re i housing facilities for pupils of the nesday, March 19th Re three districts. Jeet | < Buchart informed the board that AR xvid MW: ? x March 20th., Rev. H. TY i : inty approval had been given J: WOT Pear ¢ x project plans and that final state Friday, March 21st, Rev. Wm Wane approval _Drobukly will be forth-! Ls ai coming within a few months. or on tr aap 22nd, ney. : He urged the board to advertise 4 te. oh ; . fer bids by April 1 in order to ae paster will preach on Sun- precure more accurate cost esti- days. The Choir wil singl special mates and ts speed up actual con- numbers e:ch night. The public is | The three districts will invited to attend. There will be | py. : pool assets for the project, it vices each nicht at 7:3 xce : i y Be 1V ie s cach night at 7:30 except aq pointed out, until consiruction monday. rork } 1d: ay work on a new building can be | started, LET THAT BE A LESSON, JOHN George Morris, of the Kast Done- Joh 1 y 4 fF Mar- | rr 1 : John Berne Peclor, 24, of Mar al Twp. board, reported that a ietta, was senfenced to five io ten conunittee, of which he wag a vea in the Eastern Penitentiary : meinber, visited several new in York Co. in many 13 : i school for robbing peor-boxes in three Catholic churches at Lancaster. - nl Ae ome sei! 3 : buildings which were { sumilar respects to the Donegal High School. puinied out that the committees this year was rep: red | was satisfied that the préposed | James Hake, Col-| gehool plant would |e is the victim. and : ell ern new The first case of in | He the county yesterday. Mrs. umbia, diphtheria adequate jointuve. Satis "oR will be held on aturday, March 22, ummage | +7 Sal a Epo] ee | night, March 20, at May- basement from 10 am. to 4 pm. by |, : fiscal discussions “will Bt. Hildas’ Guild. | be continued. J satisfactory for the Another meeting Wn, wien Thomas Stoppard, Frysinger week were Mr. Ben Miss Esther Wal- Marian Fox and son, | John Fry- Emma John | guest Class of the | Congrega- | tional Church at a fellowship meet- on Satur- 50 men were in attendance. Oliver Witmer and Amos Lance. | John Miller on | past week of | Harold Simmons, and | the Calvary Independent Church at instructional | spy ' | variations were due to necessitated during the | and community, or does it go directly We feel that you, as a citizen of Lancaster County be interested in anything which will make our County pastor will offer HARNISH FOUND GUILTY local choir will A Greater Lancaster? will a better more prosperous place in which to live. Have you ever stopped to think, "Where do | spend my food money? Does it stay in Lancaster County and benefit my caster?” Your neighborhood Food Stores are owned by a g of Independent Retail Grocers in Lancaster [heir method of operation, embodying and immediately out of Lan- Troup City and County. responsibilities and the economies of ownership-management (the very foundation of American independence), permits them to offer consistently bet ter value than any other merchandising {actor in the food field. They live here, spend their money here, pay taxes here, deserve your food business. before caster County Grocers. ond they [tis discouraging to any independent grocer to see the + car ofisome professional or business nian ‘stop at a store owned by outside interests for their groceries, when perhaps a few hours , that same grocer spent his money with that same protes sional or business MC. Starting t oor we invite you to patronize your own Lan- the same thing. Talk it over with your wife and tell her If you are now a customer of an Independent Grocer, we vant to thank you for your patronage and hope that we may con- tinue to serve you better each day. INDEPENDENT RETAIL GROCERS OF LANCASTER COUNTY . GARDEN SPOT FOOD DEALERS ASSOCIATION CENTERPOISE POWER Vibration and power impulses are “screened out’ as engine is centered and rubber- cushioned between new high-side mountings. BODY BY FISHER Fisher Body sets the standard — for styling, for craftsmanship. for comfort! Fisher Uni- steel construction is eXtra strong, Lowest priced in its This baoutiful new Styleline De tuxe 2-Door edan — like many Chevrolet models — lists for less than any comparable mode! in its field. Continuation of standard equipment and trim illustrated is dependent on availability of ma- terial.) 8 oh ~~ yer 1 2 4-WAY ENGINE LUBRICATION Chevrolet's exclusive engine lubricating sys- tem supplies exactly the right kind and amount of lubrication to each moving part. POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Simpler with fewer partstowear. Smoother —no complicated in- termediate gears. Op- tional on De’ Luxe * models at extra cost. LARGEST BRAKES Jig 11-inch drums apply leverage for stopping power. are smoother, with less effort. brake more more Stops safer, UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION RIDE Chevrolet's famous Knee-Action ride is now cven softer, smoother. New shock absorbers give even finer ride control. field! ) WIDEST COLOR CHOICE 26 rich ncw colors and two-tone combinations . widest choice in Chevrolet's field. New De Luxe interiors ace color-matched. - WIDEST TREAD Chevrolet measures 583% inches between centers of rear wheels — a broader base. to give you more sta- bility, less sway!, R. 5. WORST (Pres.) Only the New Chevrolet brings these fine features to the low-price field! CAST IRON ALLOY PISTONS The same material ag the cylinder block, pis- tons expand and con- tract at same rate. This reduces wear,- lowers oil consumption. MOST POWERFUL VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE Teamed with Power glide is the most pow- erful valve-in-head en- gine in its field and an’ outstanding performer in any field! SAFETY PLATE GLASS ALL AROUND Chevrolet alone in its field gives you safety plate glass in wind-* shield and all win- dows, for a clearer, truer all-round view. No other car in Chevrolet's field offers you a single one of these features. Yet you'll find many of them in America’s most costly cars. Here's proof that you're value ahead with Chevrolet . . . again in 1952 the lowest-priced line in its field! Come in and look it over. MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! Nad 7 Ody bine Coss PRICED SO LOW! NEWCOMER .. . MOTORS, Inc. MOUNT JOY,.PA. Sanitiel K. Harnish, of Salunga, New parted thls ends A this | so be, a solo “Bless This House".|Cowrt this week. His attorney will| t y m. 1. ackson | i 5 windows ail of New ay Po. will des | by Mrs. Katyn Mumper. The file a motion for a new trial and | the Life | liver the nddpess. the Rev. G. F.! public is invited ‘ "| Harnish was released on $1,500 bail. | \ | | GET BRANDS YOU ‘KNOW { PRICED ALP LOW... 1d (Favorites’'f Week! PRICES IN THIS AD EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, MARCH 15TH 7 §* Foop sToRE KRAF TS MAYONNAISE 3 © qu b he EDUCATOR CRAX : 25° KELLOGG’ 320° HERSHEY Secours. srr: 16° CAMPBELLS stor. i. 22° TUNA FISH sons oo 29° NABISC PREMIUM SALTINES 1. 2% 5 TOMATO 2 JUICE 3: REDUCED 6c PER PACKAGE pkg. REDUCED PRICE ANN PAGE £8 BEANS... 3::29°C5 2 23-0z tans 27¢ SPAGHETTI 5:5. 2 =~ 25 CREAM CHEESE 39° HEINZ sarees 3 32° SUGAR x i: 46°: 91° PURE LARD 2: 29° White House Apple Butter A 15'/3-01 na Kellogg's Corn Pops “15° Ilona Peas oe: 250 A&P Grapefruit Sections thor Be Heinz Cooked Macaroni tise fo Contadina Tomato Paste 190 Van Camp’s Tenderoni = 19° Easter Jelly Eggs “on i: 23° is 43 Swift's Swift'ning. 3 =» 80 Ched-0-Bit Cheese Food 2: 89 BE Woz a ECE | BROCCOLI-=: = . ) ; No { Fresh Corn "PETE" 3 wn Fresh Cuban Pineapple "rice 5 29¢ Tender New Cabbage Ib. §¢ Yellow Onion Sets 3 i. 29¢ 2252.75 Seed Potatoes 10 is. §5¢ 255.29 Loria Juicy ORANGES and GRAPEFRUIT 5 Ib. mesh bag OLD SOUTH ORANGE JUICE SPANISH BAR: ocx BREAD Easter Eggs NONE PRICED HIGHER NONE PRICED HIGHER 2:25° ws 29° Regularly 39 15 wo 2 3 10: Se Chewing Gum Assorted 3S for 10c¢ Candy Bars 6 for 285¢ Worthmore Asst. Chocolates i» 59c JANE PARKER I-1b. WHITE SLICED caf 87 East Main St. MOUNT JOY, PA. i Con farm Davi plow tobac J-sec rake: ladde form SONS: Whit sizing Yack: some tion. S know Dupe Land 2 Sa 2 LOC turn Inch yea CO, cow age. in A Bonc Suns al { 15 Bi 5 Ps Catt Aucts Clerk