The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 28, 1952, Image 1

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    The Girl Scouts Will Collect Fat In Mount Joy and Florin on Saturday, March 1st Starting at 9:00 A. M.
Fiscal Agents Say Joint” iis” ~ © wa "0: Tw re
East Donegal Hi School The ‘Mount Joy Bulleti
~ Will Cost $12 Million - eee Berne S700 « Your m Advance
YOL. L1, NO. 41 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, February 28,
4 Donegal Joint School Board
: met at Marietta last Thursday eve-| SCHOOL MATES, TENNIS | NGAGEMENT OF MARIANNE ;
| Four Ordained ning when construction and finan- Ministerial Asso. FA. bong Weddings Thruout A JAY ip ‘The Rotary Club | John F. Cope And ,
sial plans f sed school
building were discussed. Jncle Sam refuses to separ Mr. and Mrs, Stuart B.
Last Sunday For Open Letter To |." Our Community |." ook vo Sponsors Lebanon Norman Kreider
: : } \ and
resentative ‘of the Budhart File lich school tennis partners anc |
y . nounce the engagement of thai :
Mission’ry Service rem co. “wo” meen + citi Here During Past Week wer ure £0 | Glee Club Here Take Over Quarries
scale model of the new school . ol iM
. . . "Hip ol ! na
building to be located south of thiy The Mount Joy Ministerial As- | ‘he marriage of Janet F. Dietric Nissley Ginerich of this place i Mt. Joy Rotary Club will The deed for the Stauffer Quar-
for missionary service at a service place, and explained that specifi- ¢ ay r of Mr. and Mrs. John L Miss Walther is a graduate of Sov the Lebanon Valley Glee Club | ries, near town, recently purchased
[ i vy cations for the ildi should be ” BOY foe i oy dim w RD fn ae a
held Sunday afternoon in the Cross Sie 1d oe. Berrier, of Elizabethtown R3, fo] eulling Junior College. af Bristol | With soloists and orchestra under | by John F. Cope, was recorded as
C ? KS. ) { y ¢ . y no v directio 0 dwar > - lo
Roads Brethren in Christ church, ) 20 ward | Robert W. Pratt, son of Mrs. Kath- 1 yond will be graduated in June the direction of Edward P. Rut-{ follow
1e joint board also approve ledge, in the Mt. Joy high school| J. Hay Brown Jr, trustee in

Four members of a county fami-
Iv were consecrated and ordained
sociation addresses this open letter
to the citizens of Mount Joy and
Dear Readers:
{ leen Bamford, Franklin, Pa, took] from the Pennsvivania State C

The group included Miss Ethel
Heisey, yg Joy R1, who will He payne) of Rs the Ash Wednesday again ushers in [ plece at 7:30 p. m. Saturday in the f jag, where she will receive hep | auditorium, on Wednesday, March | bankruptcy : of Luther J. Smith,
gail for Africa, March 7, as a mis- ue hart tngineering Lorp. Jor sey the holy season of Lent. The very | Trinity Lutheran Church here. The | Bachelor of Arts degree { 12, at 8:15 | trading is Stauffer Quarries, Rap=-
sionary teacher in the Brethren in vices completed to date, word “Lent” comes from the old [ Rev. W. L. Koder officiated. At M Gingrich attended Valley | This is one of the outstanding | ho township, to John F. Cope, Man=
Christ Missions in Northern and The WES Bie roman Anglo-Saxon “lencten”, meaning ki | tend Wn! ete Mr. and Mrs. Clar- gorge Military Academy and Fran | music al organizations in the Fast} heim R1, tract ig quarry, ava
Southern Rhodesia; a sister. Miss| Go ac explained by the fiscal “spring, or the season of lengthen- | ence Roth brothe r-in-law and sis-1 klin and Marshall College. He was]and affords an opportunity to ou | ry quipmens, othe
Mary Heisey and Mr. and Mrs. awents. Tt ‘was reported that al. | 8 days”. So, also in the Church ter of the Lride 1 member of Phi Kappa Psi frater- | community to enjoy an evening of ia, pho phi 9
> 1b { Wilmer Heisey. Ethel, Mary and though the estimated cost of the Calendar, Lent is the springtime of ! I'he keide is employed Ly RCA | nity. During World War II. M we musica entertainment : Son 12.4 8 acres, Jy
I Wilmer are the children of Mrs profect is $1,750,000, wilt the barild- our souls, the time for plowing and [4 and the bridegroom 1» Gingrich served in Europe with an I rogram inc odes Alle hala, Ran= be nsier Snes Hl wil
C Katie Heisey. ing alone costing $1400000 a re- planting and cultivating. the Jame A Juli mm Construction artillery battalion. He is as ociated | dall Thompson; Praise to the Lord, teres) dns re es W Ja m Bi
A large audience attended the Cenk state capitol Lent is the time of happy privi- Company, Wilmington, Del with bis father in the insurance F Me lius ( hi tiansen : Soldier, re oot Norman M. Krei-
service during which talks were law indicates that additional taxes leges. It is a period of six weeks business Soldi , will You Marry Me? arr oe OHA LOW: dood Wd \
1b 29¢ given by the Rev. Alvin Burkhol- required wil} be very small. which should be used as an oppor- : Rachel Ann Mummau by Tom Scott: Dry Bones ar, by a ~ a dee =
Qc der, California; Bishop Henry Hos- The joint board made up of tunity for joyous spiritual adven- | thus b Kauffman Livingston Gearhart, Glee Club; To ! 2 eh _— Ai Fe Jahn 4
tetter, Washington Boro: and Miss school distrints of Mount Jov. Miir« ture. We need much of this spirit- WILLIAM BATES Miss Rachel Ann Mural, daugh- News In Coico The Song of American, Roy Ring- a, wi owns Dy ot i a
Ethel Heisey, who gave a farewell ietta and East Donegal Twp. also ual adventure right now, when and wry a £08, Mes Levi B, Mame wald, Narrator William Shoppell, Se Pe . con:
Vv speech. announced that the district has doubt and fear and uncertainty LEE RANCK men, RY, hecarie tho F Fl 3 F Glee Club with orchestra; Czardas, Ring 2. a res 7244 perches in,
: In addition a large number of dominate our hearts. We need to} cronies. William Bates and Lee bride of Arthur D. Kauffman, son rom orm or Monti, The Jolly Caballero, Pietro Rapho township. is
i Devisees of Levi G. Dillinger, late
ih fey been allocated 72 tons of steel to he Wr . : :
visiting ministers were present and tied in the new building learn to distinguish the permanent] Ranck. Lee. who is five weeks in of Mr. and Mus John Kauffman, Mt. | Frosini, by Kenneth Keiser, Mar-
from the transient. We need to} advance of Bill in the Naval ser- Joy R2 at the First Church of God, | e ast Weel imba soloist; To Music, Noble Cain, Yi Soy, to Taras x and Esther
‘ : 1 . Hockenberry, Mt. Joy, premises,
cach gave brief remarks. . . .
. Following the discussions the { Elizabethtown. The Rev 0. W :
A farewell service for Miss Eth- board set March 6th for a special learn what is real and what is false.| ice, finds it pleasantly impossible IRE own e Rev. J. or Romany Life, Victor Herbert, Do-
go el Heisey was held at the Messiah i. : The Christian can. reioice even | ; oe Sn gle officiated at the candlelight] Messers Cloy Hoffer and Clarence | loves Zarkoer. soloist: with ovchestyn: 116 E. Main St, Mt. Joy, $2,500.
“| meeting at Mount Joy when more } TEjoIce even In} to move to a new station without} = | Hostetter, left last week or trip | ‘ 4 Spe empl
Ji Home Chapel, Harrisburg, Miss definite figures will be made avail- the midst of the storm, because he| Bill arriving there a few weeks la- jot i . NR Fon @ TIP Deep River, Spiritual, Battle Hymn
i Mary Heisey, a registered nurse, able on financing the building, the is sure of God and confident of His| {er Given in marriage by her father, | to New Orleans of the Republic, William Steffe, BR 1 f N F
. . . PE = Ic . . \ . as: a y 1ss | Mr arve Shs I S ) 1 " x Noe
\ will continue her medical training reimbursement to each school dis-. | Saving power. In the throes of so- The two first unexpectedly met the _ bride was attended by Mis: la Mr. Harvey : hank and Mh Richard Miller, Soloist with Glee rie ews rom
in Kentucky and then follow her trict ond the tak + oh | cial changes the Christian is un- skin-headed boots at Bainbridge Marian Sonnon, Flizabethtown R2,| Sarah Schlegelmilch and Mr. Ed-| (9,1, and orchestra ole
: on : : : » tax age for each = : £8 JO0LS HY DAMONUESs | ici Mi + | war nderson spe or | .
to Africa Fall; (Turn to page 2) Md. A Yt] An is maid of honor; Mildred Hershey, | ward Henderson Perit Friday Proceeds for this concert will go The Dailies For
© . hile
sister this while Although they were soon sep
district. ta AD Mls mci of Manheim, her cousin, and Mary , Philadelphia, visiting Mr. and Murs into the Rotary Club's Fund for
&G Wilmer Heisey and his wife, will —————— I ee ee arated when Lee was shipped to | ru
SM work Ina shine! and Bose PARTICIPATE TN NATTC. Jacksonville. Florida. the Ellen Hess, Elizabethtown R2, as| Wilfred Price. Community Projects 0 ick Re
£ £ ‘ Nd Je KSO \ ©, 0 aa. 1 . : y
) ~ rital among the Navajo Indiins in WEEK-END WORK CAMP Engagements coin. shook. hinds. tain andes the bridesmaids: and Evelyn Hershey, Mr. and Mrs Oakly Voris of Har- — [1] ading
I Al Manheim, a ¢ er girl visburg were Saturday evening |

New Mexico. . ; 5) xd a cousin, as flower Soke ON hee
AE Two local girls, Darlene Schneid- st ny Florida skies : : A reception wis held at fhe Lane) guests of Me. and Mes, Walter Wek JOIN] SOK TETY a Tv ad I
er and Genevieve Ziminerman, pare e nown When Lee was maved ta ADGA) | J Took oh Me SLR: 808 © dol fles INDUCTION FRIDAY MARCH 7 cb. 24 in 40 years—8¢ degrees.
. . ticipated in &# Week End school at Memphis, Tennessee, he | y earl Sine The joint National ‘Honor Society 70-year-old Broad Street Station
e e icipated in a ee n Work ; , Iter a wedding trip to New York Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Frye of ! 107} y Sei t Philadelphia, will be razed this
: p 1 1g Co I dsc L R id t ag TT a i Te they will reside at the home of the | Bridgeport Perry Co., spent Friday induction ceremony of honor stu 4 x
Lancaster, last Friday, Saturday ocal esl en S pass by before he and Bill met a- | . rt] iT the. ferrets an dents from Marietta, Mt. Joy
: So ( . bride. Mrs. Kauffman is employed | with the formers mother and i Newt W. Bucl resident of
and Sunday. The project was spon-{ Invitations have been issued to] However, fate and Uncle Sam) iter ts Tar Bs 7. Mb atl Mrs. Coors 3 Fast Donegal High Schools will be wton W. Buch, presi
I nvitations have been issue oy lo: & at the Lancaster County Farm Din- | lather, Mr. and Mrs. George Mum- Lititz Council and a member of Lit=
sored by the Youth Council of the the marriage of Miss Mary Louise decided differently, and once again | or 3nd Vir. Kanan is i business) per held at Maytown Friday, March 7,{M : ‘ me
C M ch 8 United Churches of Lancaster Co.| Rohrer. daughter of Mr. and Mr. the Mount Joyers are together. Al- | with tie father Mr. snd Mis. Rodney Nuvior oto? 2 P. M. The present members of } itZ Sewage, Authority, resigned be-
ot soit] "nr Bol x . | WY § father. i ek i . 1 Naylo ) 5 : ue i . anie i
oncert ar A group of some twenty young] Amos G. Rohrer, of Salunga., io though both have heen in the Nav) West: Chester, spent Sunday ‘with the society from the three high]€ ne of rte Herons:
shor im it seems ‘ i fasion J . “a ver $2 1 ars
The Fast Hempfield Twp. High | people from Lancaster County, and | James Richard Shuman, son of Mr. arly ot = Fo! do or : a . . . Mrs. Sarah Schlegelmilch chools will induct the new mem- ica Fo m _ or uy hy a
. : : i : they are destined t av “hide anc > e ors galacted hv the families of .| material was stolen dur e con~-
School Band will present the an- | other points in the state, gathered | and Mrs Richard R. Shuman, Hg TE gh > id wh Ra Six High Seniors Mr. and Mrs. Leon Shank and be elected by the faculties of the struction of the African buses
nual concert on Saturday, March | for the purpose of doing needed | Chestnut Ridge, Lancaster Route 1 oh sand lied! children of Lancaster and Ms. [TeSPective schools. Present mem- When a truck driver fel] Joby
8 at 8 p. m. at the school at Lan- work for underprivileged persons| which will take place next Suntay and pe ie fo ora. { [June Hedricks and daughter of | bers of the Donegal Chapter are in th 600 blo k of East Ki os yg
disville, and families in the city. Their ser-| at Solem Evangelical and Reform- SS SELEC ' { n out ay BY wietta, were Sunday guests of | Pauline Bradley, Mary Faye Ken- ¢ 1 : k . i mg k ’
. . . ow n ‘LASS SFLECTE i ly W é > ) . . | at Lancaster, he wrecke vi rk-
One of the features wil] be first vices were all contributed. Enter- ed Church, Rohrerstown. The Rev. Irs Ny rr x pw ; { Mrs. Annie Shell | lic and Stanley Murphy It 1s ex-~ a Th gi e Pe
6 Sl ve Cr a Se : .., TS CAST FOR APRIL 2- Mrs. An ected 1 itt of te prog . ed cars e¢ damage vas al
public presentation of a composi- tainment and lodging were provid-| Ernes: P. Leer will officiate. Rachel Lehman has been chosen | In Government Monday, Martel 3d the regulu pete oe ¢ Program will $3.000.
x tion, “Overture”, composed by di- ed at the Center. The group was Miss Louise G. Rohrer. sister of or the. leading voll ic. the: Toca: meeting of the Florin Fire Com- be televised Y TY ——
i rector Russell P. Getz. Also in- both interdenominational and in- | the bride-elect, will serve as maid Clas lad to. be Held in the | Six members of the Mount Joy| pany Auxiliary will be held at the SLIGHT FIRE IN A BARN
duded will he “Orpheus”, by; Ob terracial. The Camp was closed by | of honor. Bridesmaids wili be Miss 1 : i 4. : ; ih ' 1 High School Senior Class have been Florin Hall MAKING GOOD PROGRESS HERE LAST SATURDAY
y ttavids ae 9 J . lon , | Mount Joy 12h School Auditorium . Jo pi TW s CAT .
fenbach; a piano solo by Beth Tra- attendance at Bathel A. M. E.| Ruth Joan Shuman, sister of the Arlt 5 ond 4 Othore appointed to form a necleus forthe! My and Mrs. Benj. Reinhold | ON NEW GAS STATION Friendship Fire Company respon-
ver, of “The Dream of Olwen”, | Church, Sunday morning. bridegroom-elect, and Miss Nancy ‘ rh F ht Littles” i 3001) Youth Day in Government Program| moved from Rheems into their| Contractor Paul Martin is mak-| ded to an alarm at 3 p m Satur
° A eae ome 4 ia 3 : . 10 he Fighting Little v Booth A 1 an al at 5 p. .
Williams, with band accompani- Jane Hertzler, Manheim R1, i : nor. | PEIng sponsored by the Mount Joy | newly purchased home of Mr. and | ing good progress on the new At-| diy at the property of Mr d
ov : $9) “IQ AT oe M t Tarkington are Betty Lou Frank, « Chiwmbey . ce. This, | property o r. an
ment; “Four Leaf Clover”, with a | $200 DAMAGES WHEN Geral A. Hostetter, of I out? | Nomeyv. Swanson. Charlotte Junior Chamber of Commerce. This| Mrs. Lester Eshleman on Chocolate | lantic Gas Station on the former | Mrs, George Riegle, on North Bar-
saxophone quartet composed of TWO CARS COLLIDED Joy, will serve as best man for his in I vy Te holtzer. | Committee will organize parties,| Avenue. Kuhn property, West Main street.| para street. tenanted by the Paul
¢ Mary E. Baker, Charlotte Shenk, State Police reported an esti- | cousin and ushers will be Guy Bovorh Bord Vivian Metzler Fett formulate platforms, choose candi- | Mr. and Mrs. John Wittle called | The old dwelling, a landmark for| Garber family. where a fire: had
Joan Root and: Fern Redcay;, an mated $200 damage resulted in an | Musser Rohrer, brother of the Will D re MG APY T Bo Web | dates, and circulate petitions {on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Snyder at|many years, is almost razed while broken out in a barn to the rear
: . be, a : 1 ora Tob veber, | . : = FOR nu ‘ o
exhibition by the majorettes, Shir- accident Saturday afierncon on bride-elect; and Norman H. Bow- av. Barnhart. Charles Bovenolt | Only Senior Students will be| Newtown on Sunday. the new concrete block gas station] of the house
¢ ley Sigman, Mary Anne Haldeman, | Route 230, two miles west of Eliz- | ers, of Landisville. Chir Warner and Beniamin Clin. [eligible for office; however grades| Lenten Evangelistic services will [is completed and will be ready fo Fire Chief Ray Myers said that
of Milly Rohrer and Ruth Kaucman, | abethtown. A wedding ip to the South and 0) oii tu © |8 - 12 will participate in the elec-|pegin in the E. U. B. Church Sun~ | the roof they had been burning trash new
29¢ who will appear in their new uni-| Police said that Pleasant FE. De- Midwest wili follow the wedding. Committee chairmen will be Jas | tien The offices for which the can- gay March 2 at 7:15 p. m. Read a the barn, and a spark ignited the
whi forms for the first time: selections | shong, of Rhecms, was driving in Miss Rohrer is hpi in dae Orhan. stide: Tan. Greiner. toks didates will aspire will include “| complete ftem: on: another ‘page THEY WANT TO VOTE 00d
a by the grade school Tonette Band;|the center lane of the highway | office of the Hamilton Watch Fac-| = Robert Schroll, i na | Chief Burgess, six Councilmen, two DY ree AT THE APRIL PRIMARY The fire was brought under con:
» - . ets robert Schroll, nvogram and a ‘ i as 1
and a marimba solo by Lois Steck-| when a car operated by William | tory and Mr. Shuman is a brick- : : Justices of the Peace, and a Tax Richt armed os al trol 0 tel OE
A . sublicity Jeannette 3 "ma ight ; 1ed fore membeol in - rol with an estimated $25 damage.
| beck. Winchell, 1835 Berryhill St., Harris- | layer employed by Amos Rohrer. pw en : hh Yoo) pi; n Collector. Petitions containing at Mortuary Record lading : mor rd Pwo. a age
: " properties an vardrobe: liam CK X en an 0 women,
Participating in the band will be: | burg, attempted to pass him on thet] Miss Ruth Shuman entertained T 3 hy It Ya vi "| least fifteen signatures must be filed have applied to the Lancaster:
(Turn. to Page 2) right. Deshong swung his car to the | at a personal shower recently for Wi i an by Boch 4 Th h Thi Sou Fle tn Board : io The Local News
. : . : make-up - : : : in { Boar y far )
—— — right and his right front fender | the Fride-elect. Assistant direciress ‘will be Gene | A primary election will follow roug out IS absentee ballots in the April 22
struck the left front fender of the Sy - 4 dain hid and the general election will take 3 T
ey » Zimmerman and Elinor |“, = { . primary h P t Ww
ke t Winchell car. . re : alles rr. j place March 13th Among them ave Robert B. Hei e as ee
° ! Lane. Miss Catherine Zeller, Eng-
Police are investigating. osep . arris lish teacher. will direct the thr | On Youth Day in Government on fiz. of this boto. and Loraine -C .
¢ ——————— Ee ene rect the three- March 18th the elected officers will] Mrs. Katie E. Crouse, 73, at Man-| pr i. wlio tot btn fi
f t duction ik Enck, Elizabethtown R1 y Vv
Ball Five Won COUPLE CELEBRATED THEIR B d T D th: ict produc oO : | sake part in the county-wide pro- | heim. —ta er rie 0
ks 25¢ . ° 60TH WEDDING ANNIVER'SY ur ne 0 ead y RE-ELECT DIRECTORS AND sram in Lancaster. Included in the| Samuel R. Wenger, 97. Akron LOST TOBACCO CROP State Police seized 62 punch~
or {Te Co Championship Mr. and Mrs. Danie] H. Martin AE-ELE ju Ao | program will be a luncheon at the | oldest resident. : boards in a raid at Wrightsville,
gi : IFFICERS I v C : r 4 Ct obacco crop v t $4 Q
: of Landisville, celebrated their 60th Home Destroyed OFPICERS OF Co, | Elk’s Club and other activities to be Walter K. Hull, 59, of Columbia, A tobacco crop valued at $4,000 Several schools thruout the coun-
‘ te : : eeting | grown bv Richard Bender. near] 1 . 4
Mount Joy's Junior High Basket- | wedding anniversary last week. Mr. : i AL the anpnal not ting of th | announced later on. at the Lancaster iospital own by Richard Bender, near|y were closed on account of sick-
¢ Ball team continued its march to] Martin is 77 and Mrs Martin 79 Joseph M. Harris, colored, 88, of | stockholders of the Florin Foundry | eee John M. Cassatt, 54. West Hemp- | Lititz, was destroyed by fire. The] phe
4 d M: i X artin 7¢
: : s Marietta, was burned to death and Mfg. Co. the following members| TODIRLTC NW ( : fiel townshi Fridav { heart | crop was sold and 70 bale were I vo raiding parties at Col
victory by simply toying with years old. ’ : | 84 MOTORISTS LOSE CARDS ield township, riday, of a heart ! : n two raiding parties at Colum-
the Ephrata Jr. High on the Lititz} The couple were married by the] hen fire destroyed his home yes- | of the Board of Directors were re- | whip 44 ARE RESTORED condition. ready for delivery bin, 23 persons paid a fine of $5.00
floor Tuesday night. Our lads scor-| Rev. Timothy Price, of Elizakoth- | terday- | elected for the ensuing year: E. M.| Nearly double the number of car| Anna M., wife of Amos W. Metz- cach
1 7c ed 25 points in each half to 13 and | town. They are the parents of three The aged man was deaf and lived Colquhoun, I. A. Prouser, J. W.| quivers lost their privileges last|ler, at Elizabethtown Monday, aged . » ° At the Lancaster Stock Yards the
. hen alone at 126 \North Bridge street. | Colquhoun, R. A. Shule and M. H.| over (1 edi riod 80 vears price of hogs dropped « ’
10 for Ephrata. daughters, only one of whom is liv- 1% | week over the preceding perio 69 years. 1 1 price of hogs dropped to 19 cents
.89 Jerry Miller was the victors’ ing, Mis. Edwin Christ of Landis. | The alam was sounded at 10:45 a. Sellers. | 84 suspensions, 44 restored. Edna, wife of Clayton F. Sense- n Saturday
scoring ace with 20 points with] ville. They have two grandchildren |™ When firemen responded they | The Board of Directors re-elect-| rose to lose their cards were: | nig, of East Petersburg. She was | Plan Farm ers s Ni t It cost Elwood Hastings Miller,
“4 Ashenfelter and Metzler following | and two great grandchildren. searched for Harris but he could|ed the following officers: President | Intoxication, Lawrence Barnhart,]56 years old m 1 € Fden, $50 for killing a ringneck
5c in order with 15 and 12. Martin was formerly employed not be found. When the flames sub-| 1. A. Prouser; vice president, J. Mayvtown, and Harry F. Minnich, David B. Hiestand, 88, at tha Louis P. Shimnon. industrial | f season
‘ Coach John Lichty’s aggregation] at the Bachman Chocolate factory sided an hour later, his body was| Walter Colquhoun; secretary, M. | Jr., Marietta R1. home of his son, Manheim R4, af-|ucator, will speak on “The Psy pol. Twelve persons were left home=
32¢ (Turn to page 4) here, retiring four years ago. "| found at the head of the stairs on} H. Sellers, and treasurer, E. M.| Speeding: Norman B. Kready,{ ter a three weeks illness ogy of Progress” at the Farmers|less in a $75,000 fire at Denver, this
-— li esis — eet reer the second floor. Colquhoun. | and Ralph Miller, both of Manheim (Turn to page 3) Night program of the Landisville | county Monday night.
; FIRE CO. AUXILIARY A JOINT MEETING ON He was a Spanish-American war DS ems | Route 2 en Lions Club, at 6:30 p. m Mi nday| Mrs. Gertrude Busler, vocal mu~=
c PLANS THREE CARNIVALS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS veteran and lived with his two| TWO VOUNG MEN ARE | Reckless Driving: Elmer Roy| ANNA BLESSING'S BEQUEST in the Landisville Fire Hall | sic supervisor and English teacher
At the lar Febraary meeting Members of the local organiza- | both of whom were away at! COMMITTED FOR COURT { Keck, Bainbridge. TO HALLAM LUTH. CHURCH Shannon is Eastern District man- {0 the Marietta schools, has resign~
th of the Sig - ry Ea tions held a joint meeting Monday the time, Samuel K. Harnish, of Salunga,| Incompetent Operator: H. M.Cas-| St. James Lutheran Church, of [ager of the Extension Division of [td :
R tans BE on y : “| night to discuss Christmas decora- The dwelling destroyed was a and Lawrence W. Reedy, of Lister} sal, Manheim RZ. Hallam, York County, was granted | the Du Pont Co., with headquarte rs | Flizabethtown’s boro secretary
DIA a 4 - - 2 tions. The group elected Arthur | Marietta landmark, dating back 75! caster, charged with sodomy, were | - —— — $1827 from the estate of Anna L.|in Wilmington, Del. He will resigned at a $700 a year salary.
31 Son i he. 2% me ane Sprecher chairman of the project |" 90 years. arrested by State Policeman Hayes | A $75 RADIO STOLEN Blessing, East Donegal Township, | recent deve lopments in chemical] Then a Councilman resigned and
dl. a OB ay, Pen Tm with Nicholas Leitner as co-chair- = ”e Si Asper in a parked car in East Lam- Elam Snavely, of Sporting Hill, | and $450 from the estate went to | research, in relation to America’s | weepted the position at $850 per
69¢ Avihs > oD. = Yocesns 107 Yel man and Alvin Bigler, treasurer. REPORTS THEFT OF WHEEL peter township av 12:45 a. m. Tues~ | repcrted to the State Police the|the Tressler Orphans’ Home, of | present high standard of livin fan
2 39¢ he Shee Rand juring th The group discussed ideas for] John Roth, of Florin, reported |day. Given a hearing before Alder- | theft of a radio from his automobile | Loysville. Mrs. Blessing died May | Farmers and neighbors will be | Te
6 pr ol AY al! ow community Christmas lighting and | to the State Police the theft of a|man Wetzel, both were committed | He told police, the radio valued at! 11, 1951 She left an estate valued | guests of the members of the Lions
29¢ mer will'be held July 19th, August ways of financing the project. The|tire and wheel from his truck, | to jail for court. §75, was stolen Monday nighi by a | at $6,757.22, | Ciub at the annual dinner, it was ee 'S ecor
a 49¢ 23rd and September 13th. next meeting will be held Monday | Parked at his home over the week- - AY lr meer | thief who entered his garage. In another estate adjudicated, | announced today by William | Mi Mrs. John M. Getz, Mt
evening, March 24 end. Roth estimated his loss at $30 | SENIOR CLASS FOOD SALE Th that of Bertha Mae Gibbons, of W.| Hoffman, committee chairman Joy R1, a son at the General Hos-
Be 70 CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS yy Police say . A food sale is being held by the | WILL SPEAK ON KOREA A Donegal township, there is $10,226 | During World War 1I, Shannon | pital on Friday. : >
1 Mr. Claude Zeller, mason and ef-| COUPLE WEDDED 25 YEARS YS — 0 Sify Senior Class of Mount Joy High on| Dr. Franklin Cassel who recent-| for distribution smong the heirs | was engaged in training supervisory | Mr. and Mrs Paul Burger, . Mt.
lc ficient sale clerk will celebrate his Mr. and Mrs. Robert Houseal, of | ABER WAR DRI-UN-SIVETSICH Saturday, March 22, in front of Ti- | ly returned from Korea will speak = —— — { personnel at the atomic energy| jov RZ. a daughter Tuesday at St.
ol birthday on Friday, February 29. Maytown, held open house recently Qur neighbor, Harry A. Darren- | tus Rutt’s Insurance Office, on East | and show pictures of his work Burt D. Cocker, 16, of Elizatoth- plants at Oak Ridge, Tenn, and! Joseph's Hospital. : gy
: Mrs. Paul Risser, of Landisville|in observance of their 25th wedd~ | kamp, local confectioner, quietly | Main street. The sale will start at| there, on Sunday, March 2nd at|town, was badly injured when he Hanford, Wash. Before joining Du sarees li i
LB was also Leap Year born. She will| ing anniversary. One hundred and | celebrated his birthday yesterday, 9:00 a m. A large variety of fog Yep Fairview Church of the Breth-| fell off the bumper of a truck being Font In 1942, he was an educator! A person married legally a see-
also celebrate, eleven persons attended. February 27. will be on display ren at 7:30 p. m, pushed by another car. Jin public and private schools, J ond time is a digamist,