05 23 evening once. In Mary 23-5485 8-1 size Gas is, $15.00, 8-1p take car wk, Two es, Florin 8-2 WINTER tograph: Enlargers ish lamp » Rear « we (riends kind eX | for the } my re- Emlin 8-1 ' CAM- ittie Shop ost Office v dealer 8-1 Y: Store [15 story galow, 8 garage | on hard County >. Arndt, 8-2 bfinishing SHOP 8-tf or kitch- t. Install ent cut- cum Co, pen eve- 20tf i SALE: at in the et forth Vills has v or of ns nam- Ss or de=- are re- e with- indebted to make execu- heir at= leceased, ownship, Mount nce C. 3-6 | VI. Groff roff, R1, lolph C. 3-6 TICE jon, de= 3orough, on said to the ndebted make se hav- inst the without under= d MIOUNT deceas- igh, Pa. n said to the te im- having 1c same elay to ONER weomer 6-6 INDAY 2 2,983.08 5,667.58 849.94 024.50 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,500.00 810.00 ditors FLISTIC SERVICES Bp CHURCH HERE -week series of Evandelist- speak during the first week, begin= continuing through Friday night, February 29. Rev. Gable will preach ces will begin this Sunday | Saturday night, and Rev. Helwig at 7:30 o'clock, in St. | on Sunday night, March 2. Dr. Sch- aeffer will deliver the messages on Wednesday, Thursday, Evangelical United B:ethren Mount Joy. Speakers for jes will include Dr, Paul W se, Assceiate Editor of the pe Messenger, denomina=- Tuesday, ra H. Ranck, will deliver the mes- | wi p | sages for the balance of the even- wi publication; Dr. H. E. Schaf- ings stor of Grace Fvangelical U Good gospel singing will be a ed feature of these services. Mr. Clif- ford Schmid, of Lancaster, will be Special music will bel of urch. Fenbrook; Rev. John H Florin, and Rev. C. F. Hel- Mt. Joy. Dr. Milhouse, will ex the leader. QA AW)» =» Sa oo presented by church, musicians. A trumpet quartet have last year, will be times. end week, Other A cordial invitation to attend is | wr = {. | Sy SAE DINU 1)8 AR ning Sunday night, February 24, ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT H. Gar- announce | tid choir of the assisted by a few visiting William R1, and Mrs. Elizabethtown Mr. man, services | viclet J., to Tarl B several | Mount Joy R2. appeared in similar present The Young Ladies Gospel | 11 sing one night during the sec- numbers pany employed at the , Mount Joy Rl. — — this locality special man 1s II be sung by the newly organiz- Men's Chorus of the church. Leghorn For Everybody mn friends | Lhe Bulletin tended to members and wors got such excellent results. the church. ~~ TO BUDGET SIZE Rl Rn BT ——— mr TT SE 19: Jo 29 39: 39: 21: Blend cts es J uice 46-02 REMARKABLE BRARILETIT HALVES No. 21; can Pears Van Camp Tuna Salmon Gold Standard HEART'S BELIGHT F ruit Cocktail Nan 6-0z. Can cD TWEET Marshmallow MARTIN'S Franks skinless Ib hae \ LEBANON Rologna veto 49¢ 3 ARRIOUR Bal n sliced 1b 49; X STEW ING vib 298 ato 490 (ES TL dL) supplies \ Pure Vegetable Shortening RISCO J = 89 STEAK . 08. KUNZLER'S Bacon SWANS DOWN Engel Food Mix BLUE BONNET Dien quarters Ib 29c Flour os 790 Copr. Advertisers Exchanae Inc. 1952 RRA JONAS SOMA CHEESE FOOD Velveeta 299: Duz , done Ot WORTH OF DUZ COUPONS WITH EACH BOX FREES SOUR FITTED MUSSBLMAN'S ™ Bi ® Cherries 2 TART'S DELIGHT Royal Anne Cherries can SF DARK SWELT Rustic Pitted Cherries Celery eso 2/25¢ Lettuce Oranges ... to: LARGE Grapefruit Jeo Tomatoes cello b23¢ 2{25¢ 2% Carrots Large bunches C NEW FRESSURE PACKED COFFEE GRANULATED SUGAR LIQUID STARCH Sta-Flo = 19¢ Chase & Sanborn Ib con 89: | 5-1b bag a Be GIANT | FAB lge box 29¢ i: SFABROOK FARMS FROZEN PEAS » 1 BOX OF 50 TEA SERVIT To ali who bring a copy of this add to the store 19: FRE BAGS GIANT SIZE | we 296 Super Suds 75¢ | CLOROX. 18¢ with 15¢ coupon inside pack { 79¢ SELF-SERVICE FREE DELIVERY - “FLORIN, PA. E MARKET. Er: 2 EN who | the engagement of their daughter | Haldeman, of | Miss Garman is employed Ly the March 4 to 6. The pastor, Rev. Ez- Chorus of the Penbrook Church! Joseph Greenberg Garment Coum= | Sermon: it Elizabethtown, Mr. Halde- | Musser | reads that's why its adver | § Sunday, February 24th Ch h N Tirst Preshyterian Church Mount Joy, Penna, urc ews Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor —— { Sunday, February 24th {9:30 am. Church School | 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship Sermon: “The Way Side” | 6:30 ship. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Prayer Fellowship. Sermon: “Our Indebtedness to the 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Cross” | Sermon: Satan. | ——— Mt. Joy Mennonite Church | Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess, Henry Garber, Henry Frank, Crossroads Brethren In Christ | 3 Pastors Church | Sunday, February 24th Calvary Bible Church W. L. Wilson Jr,, Pastor | Sunday, February 24 9:15 a. m. Bible School 10:30 a. m. Morning Holy Spirit. pm, Westminster Fellow Worship | Wednesday | 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer Service | Irvin W. Musser, Harry L. Bruba- 9:00 a. m, Sunday School ker, Paul Z. Hess, Pastors. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Sunday, February 24 TTT 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 aan. Morning Worship, 2:00 p.m. Missionary dedication and Farewell Service. 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer Service Newtown U. B. Church Oscar K. Buch. Pastor Sunday, February 24th 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. 7:00 p.m. Worship Service. Thursday 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting i and Christian Endeavor. Mt. Pleasant Brethren In Christ Church Pastors: C. H. Moyer and Graybill Wolgemuth Sund-y, February 24th 9:00 a. m. Sunday Scheol The Church of God Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor Sunday, February 24 9:30 am. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Sermon, “The Resurrection of Jes- | us” Window No. 9. In the evening all are invited to attend the Revival the United | IE cena hn 2 10:30 a.m. Church Service Wodnosday : | at Maste:sonville. 7:30 p.m. Junior Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m. Young Pecple’s meeting Friday 2 8:00 p.m. Church Service. 7.30 p.m. World Da f Prayer Tuu:day i os in oh Or Brora 7:30 p.m. Bible Study at home of Earl Martin Jr. et @ — Dental Health (Form page 1) second, and Robert Witmer, third 9:30 a. m. Church School | in Miss Kaylor’s room; Flla Metz- 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship. | ler, first, Juliann Erb, second, and Ycuth Sunday Service; the Pastor | Harold Witmer, third in Miss Heis- wil) frsach on “Neutral You Can~ | dy’s room; Ralph Rice, first, Jean | Cruich. ———— | | The Washington Street Church Of The Brethren Elizabethtown, Pa. Rev. Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor Sunday, February 24th 6:30 p.m. Youth Meeting, Mr. Al- Wolgemuth, second, and Kingsley fred ¥ckroth will show pictures of | Randler, third in Miss Ziegler's his European trip. All age groups rocm; Patty Phillips, first, Donna invited! wa i | Bltz, second, and Joan Shaeffer, | 7:30 p.m. Evening Service; Tem- third in’ Miss Thach's © | perance Program, Junior High : nr mn Res Ibach’s room; an- | and the Pastor participating. |iel Fackler, first, Carolyn Walters, | Wednesday second, and Marlene Metzler, third i pm. Ash Wednesday Family, | j, Mys, Johnson's room; Irene Zim- | Night. | ; | Frid v | merman, first, Barry Barnhart, sec- | 6:30 p.m. Father-Son Banquet at|ond, and Rebert Reich, third in | Baker's Diner. Mrs. Shaeffer’s room; and George The annual Father-Son Banquet |p he first, Bernice Zeamer, second | of the Washington Street Church | Larry Waltz, third in Mis. | of the Brethren, Elizabethtown, is Meyer’ room. At the afternoon program for the | planned for Friday evening, Febru- ary 29, at 6:30 at Baker's Diner, high school, first prize in the sen- ior high school was awarded to | Guest speaker for the affair will be the Rev. Fred Hollingshead of Har- | christina Max. In the junior high school, Susan Fellenbaum and Jane risburg. An interesting program is | being planned by the Men's Work Cabinet of the Church. Flory received first prize for their dental frieze. Wanette Wade receiv- ed second prize, and Melvin Shenk, | third prize. The | were made under the direction of | Mrs. Beryl Hahn, ‘the art teacher, were then displayed in the Salunga Church of the Brethren Earl Brubaker, Elder In Charge ! John Herr, Supt. | Sunday, February 24th B00 5m Sundy School | window of Sloan's Pharmacy. | The speaker at the afternoon as- Everybody is invited. i en | sembly was Dr. Dolan, secretary of the Harris Dental Society. A short posters, which school St. Mark's Evangelical United Brethren | movie entitled “Dental Health ; Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor | How and Why” was also shown. Cottage Prayer Meetings | il ll enn 7:30 p. m. Friday, at the home of Mr. Elmer Heisey.. | Saturday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Musser. Sunday, February 24th | 9:00 a. m. Sunday School | (Missionary Sunday) | and 10:15 a.m. Morning worship: I music by the Children’s Choir; | dedication of gowns for the Child- | ren’s ‘Choir. { 7:30 pm. First service of Evan- | gelistic Campaign; message by Dr. | | Paul W. Milhouse, Associate Editor, | Telescope-Messenger, Harrisburg. | Bach Week Night (except Monday) | 7:3¢ p.n. Evangelistic service | | with Dr. Milhouse bringing the | messages. | Friday night, | 7:30 p.m. Week of Prayer Pro- gram, Dr. Milhouse, speaker. i and | NEWTOWN Visitors during the week of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Gamber were Mr. Mrs. Salem Gamber and | Trinity Fvangelical Cong. Church Q. A. Deck, Pastor Sunday, February 24 | 9:15 a.m. Sunday School - Inter- | national Uniform Lesson. | 10:30 a.m. Worship. | Theme, “The Second and Greatest | Event In Church History” | 7:30 p.m. Worship, Message by | Wilbur Deck. { Wednesday. | 7:30 p.m. Adult and Junior Pray- | er Meetings. | 8:30 p.m. Choir rehearsal. Trinity Lutheran Church | | Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor | | Sunday, February 24 | 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 10:45 a.m. Worship Service. 7:00 p.m. Vesper Service. | Tuesday { 7:30 pam. Ladies Aid at home of | Mrs. Elizabeth Dellinger. Wednesday | 7:45 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service | Thursday 7:00 n.m. Luther Leaguejat the : Parish House. i 4 . ji ra Glossbrenner Evangzlical ! an : United Brethren Church | sellsh his Rev. John H. Gable, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship. 4:00 p.m. Junior C. E. 7:15 p.m. Evening Service | Tuesday T:00 pan. Sevaph Choir 3:00 pant Sedio ChHoiy Vednasday ; 6:30 p.m. Cherub Chois. | 7:30 p.m. Mid-week Prayer Ser~ | vice, { Thursday | | 7:30 p.m. Ladies Aid & Evening i Prayer. » | | Friday | 7.30 pm. World Day of Prayer in| A { charge of W.S.W.S. er, Mr, John Robert Johns, of Lancaster. Miss spent the weekend Mrs, Jacob Erb, Mr. family, of Mt. Joy visited Mr Mrs. Oliver Witmer and family Sunday. Mr. family, Sr. and Mrs. ter, Columbia Harold Simmons, of Marietta, and Mrs. Ragner Hallgren of Mt Joy, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wit- | tle and daughter Judy, of Columbia Visitors during the past week of and Mrs. Jacob Erb were Mrs. fary Lucas, Mt. Joy R. D,, Miss Gladys Oleweiler, Wrightsville, Mu! and Mrs. Norman Brosey and chil- | dren of Silver Spring, and Mur. Paul | Witmer of Columbia. Visitors of Rev. mond Arndt during the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Havard John- | ston. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lefever,' Mr. [ The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, February 2 daughter Gloria, of Columbia R.D. Mr. Robert Landis, Miss Mary Le= and Mr. and Mrs. Havard Johnston of Lancaster, Mrs. Katie Moore, Frysinger and Mrs Murs attended Bible Grantham on Friday. Mr, Victor Fogie of Phila, visited and Mrs. Wm Fogie and family on Sunday. Sunday visitors of Mr Miller were: Mr. and Lillian Witmer of with Mr. and Mrs. Fal Stettler and Mrs. Robert and Blanche Ida Eisenberg- Conference and Mrs Mrs Marietta, | and and and Frank and family visited Mr. and M:s. William Fogelsanger, of Wrightsville R. D.! on Sunday, Mrs. Fogelsanger is the sick list. Mrs. Edith Eib and nephew Bob- bie, visited Mr. and Mors. Witmer and son, of E'town and Mrs. Paul Witmer and family of etta on Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kauffman and and Mrs. John Kauffman of Ironville visited Mr. 4 and Mrs. Irvin Witmer and family, on Sunday. Visitors during the week of Mr. Aristice Wittle were and Mrs. Charles Wittle and daugh- R. D, Mr. and Mrs. | Victor Mari- Mrs. Ray- 1, 1952-3. fever, Lancaster, Rev. and Mrs. { Hiram Lefever, Elizabethtown and Mr, Ralph Parsons of Lititz. = ET at | | | on | on | | @ No dhe ever a fire in’ his home} Are youd well protected against thls need insyr- ance to af least 85% of full valve against fir andflightning . . . plus equal covetageffor wind, explosion, aircraft, hgil @ind other hazards. Mr. Mr. iq It's sound Bufiness to guard yaur investment Farm Bureau's com- | prehensive protection. Check today: oe. call = : MORRIS H. SHAFFER 15 S. Fulton St. Manheim Phone 35-2316 3 FARM. BUREAU MUTUAL 41 HT Td HC +. OFFICE: COLUMBUS, OHIO TAYLOR-MADE CLOTHES OFFER VALUES THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED not even by stitch ! pl latest § shions and fabrics for the) coming ring and summer. 4 ne’ Merchant Dealer for the J. L. Taylor Co # bi averafge wei has oBgain@l a feed-weight-ratio as low as 2% Poultryman chicks also waste less feed. ..and that , means quite 4 saving - these dows! " AVir. Harrisburg RD #3 es appro¥mately ally, 70 28,000 broilers Usually he s at 11 weeks with an ait of 315 pounds and he at a time. one. Peterman finds his "Eugene a PE a Poultryman A usi he estimates that . . . “automatic electric. poultry: PRET 3" man-hours daily or over a SL Cr WT With this.and other advantages the feeders (ER PL ) should PVH themselves in another year." and the fact that the electric feede keeps fresh mash before the : at all time makes them more eaters. birds is active : his also accounts largely for the favorable feed-w eight ratio Automatic electric poultry feeders can improve your poultry operation and profit 4 > margin, too! Let your PP&I1. Farm Represent oy oln n how, ..todav! : \