The Bulletin, Mound’ { Joy, Pa. Mhursday, February 14, 1952 WN The Mount Joy Bulletin | Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 [and when the Slack ny flour= Published Every Thussday at No. | ished « all--the-traffic-would #11 Esst Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. | ess basis. A free ceonomy do th SET cconomy is the Subscription, Per year $2.00 | enly kind which can properly serve Six Months bi aod avi $1.00 | the consumer. Three Months ........... + 80 ee Single Copied ...........:.. 08 THRU FOREIGN EYES Sample Copies shisha FREE Last Swimmer, at the Postoffice at Mt food chain operators came Joy, Pa. as second-class mail mat- : ter under RR Act of March 3, 1879. the sponsorship of ECA. The mis- emis New | sion had two ohjectives—first, to ember, ewspaper Publishers’ Association to this | can merchandising techniques and Publication Day, Thursday | facilities ss a means of improving Copy for a change of advertising the living standards of the German should reach this office Tuesday. | people; second, to demonstrate the We will not guarantee insértion of | henefits of the free competitive en- any advertising unless copy reaches | the office not later than 9 a. m. | texprise system. preceding day of publication. On returning home, the Classified ads will be accepted to | wibte the American representative by a. m. publication day. | of a food chain association who | guided them on their country-wide E D IT 0 R TA Li tour. The letters expressed the | highest praise for American mer- | ¢hendising, Most of the writers people so | said that they were beginning to Germans What i | some dumb and sé willing to stay that! adapt American ideas and methods | | | t& their own businesses. It is plain | that the visitors went back to Ger- | many with a new concept of Amer- dea, and of the economic system en which America was built. way? ® 00 Every ong of those dollars you saved prior to World War HI today | pow | have 53 cents worth of buying puw Retiilive, of 3 nok the er. For the benefit of all concern- | only example of what free compe- ed we hope the value does not | | tition: in a free society can do for shrink any more. coe | people. Manufacturing, farming, { and 2ll other enterprises are part \ The Air Force at Wright Field, | and parcel of the same system. But Dayton, Ohio, had intended | 0! retailing gives an unusually clear | spend over a half million dollars and concentrated view of what we fer 20,156 super-plush upholstered | by the American way. The chairs for use there. But the au- American store, whether it deals in thorities - threw a monkey wrench | | food or in any other merchandise, into the machinery and the deal is | | is something of a miracle to people off. + | who come here from sbroad for the 00 | first time. The very abundance and A talk sgiven over the radio re- | variety of goods are unknown in cently contizined the statement that most other countries. And so is the | graft and greed are not to be found | fact that those goods are within the | in one political party alone. This is means of the masses of the people. jay, placed in an outkitchen, were | Ever . ries ago Genghis Khan |S antial increases were noted in true, but when .one party is in| We Americans take our high liv- | 100 the nicht before the funeral. | set hordes of such*horsemen loose | the education activity program, par- power a lenger than usual period, | ing standards for granted. But we | The Bulletins annual Sale Season | toh the W orld, and swept all be- | ym the continen ite naturally, they also accumulate | must never forget the philosophy | oo last week. fore: Wim from the Yellow Sea to | 200 pe in rer move cf this type of person. {Of freedom which crested and! wm. Amos Gorber on Frank St the Adriatic, His grandson, Kublai Helpat oli during the eo eo | maintains them. toll and broke her ain pa stam "= ns pone . . Horrible to contemplate, isn’t it. | meena Boni Jos. T. M and wife | Kotea Hd Such of Rises: : iter i that America is running, not walk- | P. W. & P. DECLARED DIVIDEND | (coh 0 fone quelling in| great Khan, Tamerlane, subdued | no ing, toward » totalitarian dictator- | AT MEETING THURSDAY Mount Joy township, to Henry T.] Iran, doles the Turks and fired | usua ship? So what are we whe cherish | The directors of the Pennsylvania | dnd wife | Moscow. | 3 01 a at pe and wie i {43 per cent 1 paj Y car freedom going to do about it? | Water & Power Company at For one thing. we can lend encour- | mecting last Thursday, agement to these Congressmen who | declared dividends for the first] oe a’ Ly gel Se : } deus fiyicenus 5 CONCERNING DENTAL HEALIH |, 15:0 i i i valiantly are fighting this central- | quarter of 1952 of 50c¢ per share on Lm dev. bo 21 ol ut tration 3 & : Assemblies tomorrow in both the | i £ ! ization of power in the hands of the | the commen stock, $1.25 per share : Vict fools) i fo1 tion cl i: perl . 2 { . f mentary aad senior high schools | 1 : : VAIN = 3 Caer fe bureaucrats in Washington, on the $5.00 preferred stock and | I or Geolth | When in need of Printing. (any | cent; radio it; and fi ! FE per share on the $4.50 pre= will concern de an healt i Dr Ni 0=- | thing) kindly remember the “Bul lletin ! government programs 4 per cent. lan, a representative of the m- eee ee JUST CAN'T RESIST After World War II the Govern- ment set up quite a number of | 19 schools whereby GI's could acquire | quarter ending education which they lost during! Af the same meeting, the war. There were nmny rumers | O. Bates, concerning thé business methods of | ident of Armstrong this werk, therefore a Congression- | Lancaster, al coirtitittee was named to inves- | fill a vacancy on the Penn Water tigate. Board. Mr. Bates has been associ- They found that veterans of the | ated with } Cork Compa- Administration had accepted “bri- nV since 1821. He wos elected a Vice bes, gifts. unusual loans, gratuities. | President of Armstrong Cork in » 11942 and became the ferred stock, payable | to stockholders on record March 14 ) The dividends ore for the March 31. 1952. ar Vice Pres- Cork Company, Executive was elected a director to services and ownership in schools. The investigation also discovered that hundreds of millions of dollars | @ have been frittered away on worth- | caster for many years less trairing, grait and waste. rey ooo 1109 PERSONS ADMITTED TO THE STATE OF RETAILING | THE GENERAL HOSPITAL Recent factual reports on the 1,109 persons were admitted to state of retail business contain | the General Hospital at Lancaster, seme interestiig bits of informa. | it was announced by Dr. Roger W. tion. One is thal retail volume has DeBusk, Ixecutive Director of the heeti wecd—hbut still mot so great | Laspital, at the monthly meeting of as many had anticipated Another, the Board of Directors on Monday. is that many items are sel-| February 11 ling below the legal ceilings—for The admitted the simple reascn that competition | 1824 days of Jospin service, kas driven them down, A third is | Cther census figures ielude: 1043 that retail] profits, especially in the | Patients oii) 506 operations, general merchandise field, have 293 births, 416 pers tended te decline on a percentage in basis, 2nd cve at an extremely low 408 level. telving What this adds up to is that we | Flee still have & free economy in this | Of hospital care. nation, where competition benefits Fer of patients a day was 285 per- the consumer and tke law of supply | SON and demand dominates the conduct of business. And. of great impori- | ance, the price control laws and rc'ated measures are nowhere near | as big a factor in holding down prices as many people think. Most merihants would be tickled | in the Pennsylvania Power tc death if tiey could get the full & Light Company’s Lancaster Di- | OPE price for everything they sell, j icn, effective Feb. 11. But even if every OPS order and | In this new policy and ceiling price were pro- Gould joins the staff of C. W.! mulgated by people with the wis- Pfromm, Lancaster Division Chief | dom of a roomfull of Solomons, teal System Operator. that couldn't nidke the housewife | 2d thirty-two years buy dn article if she decided it cost | Vice President in 1950. He has been leader in civic activities in Lan- patients ns were {reated the dispensary with 563 visits: ward The average num- ene ee GCULD NAMED TO NEW PCSET WITH THE PP & L Virgil S. Gould has to the newly created position of Assistant Chief Local Sy Gould has | experience | in various fields of electric utility | too And it couldn't prevent | concerned with the rout- other jroducers and distributors | 108 and shifting of power loads. | from selling at a price she was will- | | a er, SALUNGA | I may be that a good case for | controls can be made on piper. But | | in practice, it is always found that | Mr. Harry Herter went to | “tough” controls diseourage produc- | Bainbridge, Md. Saturd: ay for his | tien and evemtually result in scar- | son James and his three buddies to | city. We can dll reniember what | Spend a 12-hour leave at his home. | happened the old OPA, when | They returned to Bainbr idge Sat | goods ‘vanished fiom store Shelves | urday evening. J a group of German | a tb country for a six-week visit, under acquaint the Germans with Ameri- | ( February 4! April 1, 1952 Mr. Ken- Executive | . required | | patients were treated in the re- | patients received 1180 days | been named | em Op- i ) issignment Mr. { 4 TTY TTT re | 't HAPPENINGS {| | Oseans’ Abounding Life Is Subject of Research — of ~~ Plankton—multiple billions of finy pla ind animals floating, swims- LONG AGO re | orms veritable pastures upon which Adhd all animal life 1 the oceans de eventually for tenance, rents i wat the National Geographic Soci- 20 Y. rs A | While some species of sec | Miss Mildred Ebersole, daughter ed gc are « ly seen by the naked eye, of Mr. and Mrs. Norman S, Eber- 1 thers are microscopic in ole, of Florin, and Lester E. Gel Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1932 A Wh mb gull giresm water | man, son of the late Mr. and Mrs tate Police raided four places | | tO i A Ilion | Harry Gehman, of Selmsgrove thruzut the county last week. A rere ar aloe | were married in the Mount Joy | meng them was Herman Hartman's | Whale consume plankton in the | Sm Suir. The Rev Ben ) her raw, taking vast quantities into their | Lutz officiated, as: d by Hi Ii wn red 1 we | throats through specially adapted Frank e from 6 to 5 mil trainers, So do oysters, Big ion | Miss Martha Ebersole was maid Mr. and M I od Martin. of upon small fish which in turn | t honor for her sisier and brid wn, have gone on an auto wip to iy ; plankt 1. 3 | maids were Miss Grace Gehmon, : ri whe hey 1 visit us, Flats OR lu pie a Manheim R1, @ sister of the bride | that the vor pp | Dick; Mount | | | | The home of FElmer Heisey is | for a second tined for imps. His dau d res ch program with hter Florence is the vietim. Flore |t Ui sity of Miami to study ence’s mother is quite ill with lum- | these portant but little-known | organisms. Burgess Chandler has requeste i] The Society and scientists of the line I ihe bells Monday University's Marine Laboratory tae tolling of all the bells Monday, |, v0 sompleted a year of observa- Feb. 22 in honor of Washington S| tion during which the project's re- birthday | search ship ‘‘Megalopa’ regularly Elder Jacch F. Ginder was or-| tock up stations off the coast of dained as Bishop of the Rapho dis- | Florida to bring out sample seinings | trict at Mount Pleasant Brethren of plankton from depths. | «Christ Charch last Sunday | During each seining systematic ob- ervations were made of water and | Arthur D. Garber was reappoin- | conditions, temperatures and ted for his second 4-year term as| other factors. wstmaster at Florin. Under the direction ot Dr. F. G. The Board of Healin reorganized | Walton Smith, director of the Ma- | and Dr. Hilary B. | Ly electing Roy B. Sheetz presi- | rine Laboratory, | Moore, a top-ranking océanographer de aster Cothtv's scheols*voled ; On the Laboratory’s staff, the scien- x ! tists are preparigg life histories of | } to 7 to go on Standard Time | the principal species among both the Their 1} ibility that Mount | plant and animal types of plankton. Tov may postoffice build- | ——— coumy now be- | CONS new building People of the Wilderness 11 Ce lum 1a, rata, Lititz, Manheim and »thtown, Mount of the wilderness ‘people | mounted Mongolian soldier is still | \n operation will be performe 8 the wonder, as he was once the n Florence Parnell, of town, | terror, of the civilized world. So ac- for the removal eof a needle from | customed to the saddle thdt he has er right knee at St. Joseph's Hos- | an unsteady, ‘bow-legged roll to | pita i his walking gait, the Mongol is a : : ‘jot rack shot, a natural scout, and‘is 3H th satanies prepared lor wef oon empH 1ous of danger even during | Charles Sheaffer ————————- —— ASSEMBLY PROGRAM FRIDAY: | ap Although with thinly veiled con- | tempt the Chinesé call Mongols | * the | Sun- | modern-day atts ck from the air. | The first oil well in the Uniidd | was built at Titusville, Pa.’ Weddings Thruout Our Community +] During Past Week room, and Miss Ruth Joy Rl, Jest man was Jacob Gehman, of Mifflintowwn, brother of the bride- Wilk: Ebersole, brother of the bride; Jas. Garber, Elizabethtown RI; Richa | Frank, Mount Joy R2; and Elvin Nolt, Bareville, groom, and ushers were Joyce Miller Mount Joy, and Nyla Ebersole, Sil- t C Gift receivers were ver Springs both cousins of the | bride. A reception was held at tl { home of the bride | Manheim R1 | The kride is employed by G | Zielke Orthopedic Appliance C it’ Florin, and the bridegroom by Farmers Ex- and bridegroom | the Fastern State | a ¢ a— | Soldier Students { The school bell has rung for a | significant number of soldiers, it {was revealed by a recent | tion of results of Education Prog: ned i 3 and 1,147 cighth grade certificates 9,205 high school diplomas, | 1,786 compl first | of college. ti 47 Army officers completed vear college | requirements and 24 officers re- | ceived baccalaureate degrees dur- g ihe quarter-year period. Sub- Dental As afterncon at the high | sociation, will ak in the LIVESTOCK Hos OY Dr Ay sch.col 1ssembly i ) This week the third of a series of fourteen films about jcining the Armed Forces was shown. Entitled: “Are You Ready For produced by Coronet Service”, i OF THE these films are Film | The Homemakers of A eric at Mount Joy High | Schoc] now sells hot dogs and bak- | ed potatoes every Tuesday and { Thursday ncon. This small busi- | ness has been set up in the home | eencmics recom to raise money for | the club's treasury. With the funds | the girls ple y send a delegate to the Fittsburgh convention or to wve a spring excursion for the whole group a SFELLING BEE AT THE | WOODLAND SCHOOL MAR. 7 A public spelling bee will be heid at the Woodland school, Mount | Toy township, on }riday March 7, at 7:30 p. m. The bec is sponsored by the pupils of the DeLong, | program school, with Mrs. Edna ANIMALS WHICH EAT 3 1) GRAIN CARRYING THE gS SMUT CALLED ERGOT (%4 teacher in charge. The will include iwo spelling classes, a | seneral information elass and a Lle Quiz. The Woodland school is located of Eliza- old Hershey road one-half mile northeast | | | | : | evening, | | | | | - . id A bethtown, on the \ NEA Co 5 [Mores ici KILLED 90% WOW, VETERINARIANS CAN SAVE 0:4 7s MAY LOSE THEIR TAILS To} Fg EARS, AO HOOVES. 7} mn tion for Anim _ C. Robert Fry COWS IT ATTACKED. we . : Re SEARCH BY VETERINARIANS ; ON CHICKEN MALARIA IS HELPING CONQUER HUMAN MALARIA. al D. 2, PA. wy Air Compre Rock Drilling, Concre sor Work Breaking, Etc. Excavating an Grading Cellars, Trenches, Efc. Rocks and Trees Removed PHONE MOUNT JOY 323-4753 vine TERRIFIC 1S THE WORD FOR AuP’s Founder's Week “7 Specials! For scores of grand values like these come to A&P during Founder's Week! Sec how A&P carries out the policy its founder established in 1859 when he said: “Give the people the most good food you can for their money!” All prices in this ad effective through Saturday, Feb. 16th. WEEK.END SPECIALI PENNSYLVANIA BLUE LABEL, U. S. NO. I, A-SIZE POTATOES ©: 49° 73 052.23 ALL-PURPOSE EATING OR COOKING APPLES! - 2° STAYMAN WINESAP APPLES 3 »- . Oranges 2“ 49¢ Dried Apricols beg Cabbage “Sina “66 Snow Crop Peas Tn ro WEEK-END SPECIAL! " E E oho | Qp BIROSEYE enc STYLE 0. 1%¢ Pascal Celery NONE PRICED HIGHER large stalk Beans a. rean erg—Weelk-end ecial! xtra large Q OF. Lettuce “Nom Pid Fp > 2 iTe Buiter Beans aur rans Her 2%¢ fe hes € ii 8. Western Carrols "oie 2:0 (5¢ Snow Crop Cut Corn val | 1 ARP BUTTER PRICES HAVE BEEN 93 01 hi HIGHER BUTTER DRASTICALLY REDUCED! CRESTVIEW EGGS ou. in 45° 5: 49° VAN GAMP’S GATSUP ux 15° [ONA TOMATOES: 2. 19° 2-29 21° CAMPBELL’S BEANS = 2x 25° 23%" SCOT TISSUE rouceo mcs 2-21 BUCKWHEAT FLOUR «umes wo 17° "in CHED-0-BIT CHEESE FOOD 2 89° MILD 49: REAL aX Gold Pound Cake we race **" 45g Bread scent 18g ae 22¢ Kraft CHEEESE FOOD 21h Sie loaf FLORIDA, LARCE 176 SIZE NONE PRICED HIGHER in V4-pound prints, Ib JANE E PARKER RAISED R RAISED GLAZED CONTINUING OUR HEINZ SALE! Heinz Baked Beans 2 : 2Tc Heinz Cucumber Pickies 23¢ Heinz Ghili Sauce bonis SDB Meinz Baby Foods sno {0 95¢ Meinz India Relish 1 25¢ Heinz Brown Mustard = Heinz Ketchup bore £36 Heinz Cooked Spaghetti 2"... 29¢ Heinz Cooked Macaroni 2'." 31¢ Heinz Tomato Seup 3 oo 32¢ REDUCED Van Camp's Beanp "i" 2 Wn dle Riiz Crackers [io 19¢ 32¢ Rjax Cleanser [RG / 2 an 23¢ TomaloPasle [i on 106 Tomato Soup en 208 Best Pure Lard ice me 176 Spaghetii Hein on 35¢ Ken-L-Ration occ 3 Loo 40c Old Dutch Cleanser 2 +: 256 Waldorf Tissue ~~ 4°" 29¢ A&P Prune Plums Re 2% Fiour "coi Moon ee 48¢ ny 98c A&P Grapefruit Sections 2 29¢ Evaporated Milk oii 4 53c Nutley Oleomargarine wm Ranger Joe HONEY FLAVORS” 6-0x ide WHEAT pkg Rice Honnies ™)5* Sia: 166 Warwick Thin Minis 1 Warwick Cherries Jelly Eggs 35¢ ome 1x 38¢ pig 23C i 430 On Eight O'Clock, Red Circle, Bokar or Your FAVORITE BRAND OF COFFEE! GET YOUR 10c COUPON ON THE § BACK OF EVERY PACKAGE OF GOOD LUCK . c OLEOMARGARINE © 28 Sultana Cocktail 30-0: 3D Grapefruit Juice 16-0: 18c¢ Orange Juice 40-0: 19¢ Orange & Grapefruit Juice 40: 19¢ 29¢ 28c 44.c Premium Saltines Ib Keebler Butter Thins 12-02 N. B. C. Cocanut Bars Ih . C. Macaroon Cookies ib 44c¢ . C. Golden Sugar Cookies bv 44c¢ . C. Ritz b 32¢ Z2Z Ww \ 87 EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY, PA.