The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 07, 1952, Image 5

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SALUNGA MOTHERS VOTE of members and their high school] new members were received. Plans] Ch h N 8 officers. EVAN. UNITED BRETHREN
SUPPLIES IEART HAVEN DONATION age children were guests. were made to present a minstrel urc OWS vets roves Servize] TOM HELD A
he Q . show March 20 and 21 under the 40 pam. Midweek Service| myenty.(hree choir members and
The Salunga Mothers Club voted| John Shenk, of Millersville State direct ¢ Mrs. Ray Wiley S— We will take up our study in the | twenty-one invited guests were |
, $5 to Heart Haven at a meeting in| Teachers College faculty, gave al Of Ars. May Wey VEWS PERTAINING TO ALL | 9th chapter of Acts a Ski
Special prizes were won by Mrs — — present at a banquet served by Eli
> the Maple Grove School. Husbands | demonstration of hypnotism. Two ‘ THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY ke Q, .
~ C Verne Hiestand and Paul Leeds. AND THE ENTIRE SUR The Washington Sireet B. Hostetter on Saturday evening.
Mrs. Jack Moss presided. Hostess. ROUNDING COMMUNITY : Church Of The Brethren Miss Jean Singer, of Manheim RD,
es were Mrs. Elias Young, Mus. | ow ' Elizabethtown, Pa, | was present and showed pictures
‘R TAILS Buller’ 3 Beaut Salon George Rosenfeld, Mrs. Charles Cr Rev. Nevin HM. Zuck, Pastor | on her recent trip to Switzerland.
y Aument, Mrs. Ella Baker and Mrs Brethr Mt. Pleasant soars Sunday, February 10 | The following were present:
DS FLORIN, PHONE MT. JOY 3-43; Earl Walters, The next meeting will In Christ Chur 9:30 a. m. Church School Rev, and Mrs. E. H. Ranck, Mv.
o A 3 Re v a Pastors: C. I. Moyer and 2 Filmes Soba "thas ii . :
be held March § at 7:48 : : ; K. Ezra Bucher, General Supt. and Mrs, Clifford Schmid, Mr. and
. ye held March 3 at 7:45 p. m. In Elder Grayhill Wolgemuth vf a x ’
PENNA. S co » t $4 0 the school Sunday. February 10 Pp 10:2 Zick Morn ors we] Mrs. Frank Aument and son Frank,
a astor Zuc / ‘each / |
| peci ermanen . —— 9.00 a. m. Sunday Schoo} Healing.” i (the Pt will be | MF ny Wis. oe wy
e .,. 5 - broadcast over Radio Station | son bert, My. anc rs. Gerald
— $10 ROCKET COLD Church py Mt. Joy Giennonite Church WLAN, 11 a. m. to 12). | Hostetter, Mr. and Mrs, taser
TCR hg -~
Earl Brubaker, Elder In Charge Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess,| 6:30 p, m. School of Missions Mumma, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Han-
1 ' ii 4 | Henry Garber, Henry Frank, 7:30 .. Evening Service, Dr 3 Hy ay "
John Herr, Supt pm. Evening Service, | naford a y \
: Sunday, February 10 hb fis Pastors Franklin K. Cassel of Lititz, Penna, | "0" Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sherk,
9:00 a. m. Sunday School Sunday, February 10 will speak of his work in Korea for | Mr. and , Mrs. Charles Wolgemuth
Open 9:00 A. M. To 9:00 P. M. Maude Buller So 10:15 a.m. Church Service. Sa a m Sup 1d a, § School the United Nations. and Jean and Robert, Mr. and Mus. |
Everybody is invited. 7:90 am I Weg 3,3 ig So tira 3:45 pm. College Student Fellow- | Warren Benizel, Miss Luella Wit-
ial ————————————————— — oo am. 4, wer > | ship. ar Mi + . : . a
— ind Bible Study Dr. Franklin K. Cassel of Lititz, |’ Mrs. Chester Eckinger, Mr.
| Pa., will be the speaker at the final Herman Kreiner, Mrs. Janet Mec |
b. 10 * Trinity Lutheran Church session of the mid-winter School of Kain, Mr. Henry S. Webb, Miss
Presen fin : Rev. w. L. Koder, Pastor | Missions and International Under- | Frances Keener, Miss Shirley Eby, |
12:00 ¢ oo 0 Sunday, February 10 { standing, this coming Sunday even- | My. Glenn Forney, Mrs. Clarence
: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. | ing at 7:30 in the Washington Street sy of mda ibe
3 R | 10:45 am. Worship Service. Church of the Brethren, Elizabeth- West and daughter Carol, Miss Vir- |
TH E N EW ELE CT I1C 7:00 p.m. Vesper Service. | town. Dr, Cassel will also show |ginia Greenawalt, Miss Ida Mae
Monday | pictures which were taken during | Greenawalt, Miss Anna Mae Eby,
INFRARED BROODER [ine |b irs iii i mm i i
meets in the Parish House. ea. with Linitec atlons Livi S= | lene Schneider iss vis .
v Thursday sistance Command. This program lene Schneider, Miss Doris J. M I-|
7:00 p.m. Luther League in the | Will bring to a close a four week horn, Miss Patsy Schroll, Miss Dor- |
MANUFACTURED BY Parish House study of “Latin America”, as well | othy Brooks, Miss Melissa Strickler
phone Th i £ d B da MS | ———— [8s other areas ih which i Chris- | and Miss Jean Singer.
; C St. Mark's { tian carries on its world-wide mis- wiser li
e It rare roo er ge 0. Evangelical United Brethren Sion CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH
MANHEIM, PA Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor ADOTS -
‘ . . 4 é TS NEW BY-LAWS
i | Sunday, February 10 Glossbrenner Evangzlical
| 9:00 o. m. Sunday School United Brethren Church The new proposed by-laws werc
i PREFORMANCES PROVEN EX RIMENTALLY 10:15 a.m. Morning worship: Rev. John H. Gable, Pastor presented for congregational vote
7:30 p.m: Evening worship Sunday, February 10 at a specia oting &
(1) FULLY AUTOMATN' Operation is by (5) DAMPNESS Litter is actually heat con- ; 9:30 a.m. Sunday School $3 meeling 3 Tale ah
thermostatic control, no daily or hourly di oned, the Zig-Zag pattern of Infrared 7:30 pm. W.C.T.U. meeting at 10:30 am. Morning Worship. hie re, 3. at 150 P|
attenticn required. byboding i Jap er fees, No the varsonage Boy Scout Troop of Mt. Joy, will | ™ After a few minor corrections, |
" " PT a a AT Q ver on the new Infrared brooder allows Wednesday be our Guests. they were adopted in their entirety. |
( Heat Zones produced hy Ry i broodine ¥ Foul air A iy nS Sol. 7:30 pm. Midweek Prayer ser= 1 p.m. over C. E This business meeting was preced-
5 : . ret . : ate in ooding area. 00 dry aimos- vice, 7:15 p.m. Evening Servic i Ta cm . es
are gn ht cause bunching of chic ks. [rere in the house deters growth of germs | Tharsdey Tooting re 2 ol by a specis] session of Cog a
> gory a A tango l= J and disease. 645 pm: Children's Choir re- 7:00 p.m. Seraph Choir gational prayer and a scripture
4 \ ©) LESS WORK — BETTER GROWTH 7:30 p.m. Ushers’ League meet- 8:00 p.m. Senior Choir reading by the pastor, Rev. W.
) INDIVIDUAL HEAT LEVEL Each chick / Brooding area is always visible and acces- ing at the parsonage. Wednesday Wilson, Jr.
can find its own heat needs in the hdat j sible for inspection. Feed and water may | heaysal WA oh : 6:30 p-m. Cherub Choir. The date for the annual congre-
zones in the brooder area. Promotes rapid be placed in brooding area. No chilling—no | 800 pm. Senior Choir rehearsal. 7:30 pm. Mid-week Prayer Ser-| ational meeting for general eléc- |
} feathering. freezing. Chicks feed better and oftener. { 5 Sey vice. tions was ¢ a for if
RE Gay : Avis nm : | Trinity Fvangelical Cong. Church. | Thursday dons Was annpuncet) for the even-
(1) BROCDING AREA EXPANDS WITH 7) YEAR ROUND OPFRATION The new { Q. A. Deck, Pastor {7:30 pm. W.S.W.S. ing of February 10, following

evening Evangelistic Service.

the | Chosen on the basis of

| The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Féin February 7, 195255
‘Weddings Thruout "THE BULLETIN.
Our Community || si sw work ot
During Past Week

Store, West Main street,

Anna Margaret Barnhart
George Jay Berrier
The marriage of Miss Anna
garet Barnhart, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry R. Barnhart Sr, of Funeral ome
Elizabethtown, and George « Jay
23 W, Main St.
Berrier, son of Mr. and Mrs, James
M. Berrier, of near Milton Grove,
took place Sunday at 2 p. m, in the
First Church of God, at Elizabeth-
The Rev. Jacoh O.
ated. The bride was
riage by father and was at-
tended by sister, Mrs,’ Paul
Shetter, of Flori, matron of honor.
Richard Kulp, Elizabethtown R3,
served as best man and the
were Harold Rhen and Lawrence
both of Elizabethtown, |
Mount Joy
inves B. HEILIG,
Weigle offici-
given in mar-

| ushers

Pp loyd,
The wedding music was played |
| by Mrs. Susan Bretz and the solo- | ESS OS.
| ist was Robert Coble. After a” re=| H BR
| ception at Hotel Kennewood, the | FLORIN, PENNA.
| couple left on a wedding trip to |
Niagara Falls and Canada. They | Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930

at 819 S.
Spruce street,
will reside

| Elizat
{ The bride is employed in the | Electric
| ice of the Savoy Shoe Co. Ine., at Ww din
, and Gas € \
Elizabethtown, and the groom
of the Columbia Tete | Also Specialize On
phcne company. FARM MAC WELDING
rn ree
5 NEW MEMBERS ADDED TO flutomobile d Truck Welding
Cover’ s'Welding Shop
n JOY, PA. Phone 3:5031
Delta and Marietta’ Streets’
an employe
| Nine members have been
recently elected to the Mount Joy |
chapter of the National Honor So-
at Mount Joy High School.
and service
| .
| ciety

scholarship, leadership,


CHICK ik a mm As chicks grow brood J Zig-Zag Infrared Brooder is designed for | Sunday, February 10 | -
er is raised, producing a larger heated area use throughout the year. Winter—two In- 9:15 a.m. Sunday School - Inter-| 5 ee ell ee : :
with less heat concentration; however the frared heat lamps in operation at all [ national Uniform } oc { Moot Joy Methodist Church they include Lois Becker, Mary i 4 :
ls Ee rr a ye Pareq, < AY A ¢ io Lesson. ev. Robert C. Pike, Minister DATE OF LANDISVILLE ri 5 ator Goran | .
i angles of the infrared brooding rays are times. Summer—the two heat lamps are 10:30 am. Worship | Ralph Alleman, Sun. Sch. Supt A as LE Katherine Landvater, Georgann Dr H C Kil heffer
i never changed. replaced by two pilot bulbs. heme, “Chief of Sinners, Spirit- Sunday February 10 ? CAMP IS JULY 15-27 Shatto, Mary Ann Spangler, Don- | ry :
| Filled a 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. Landisville Camp Meeting will| ald Thome, and Claudette Zeller Optom rist
10:30 a i. So lren’s Worship | 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship. be extended two days longer than | from the senior class and Jay Barn- ;
: Service at the Annex 7.9 x renin Worshi 4 RL : n MANHEIM
¢ eo ie Aan oni | lie Dn Evening Worship. | the ust] period and will be held hart, Shirley Eby, and William || eas harlotte
| 1 wesday. 4:00 p.m. Preparatory Class. July 15 through 27, it was announ- | Tyndall from the junior class. [] Telephohe 5.337
| ) p. m. Adult Prayer Meeting ced today by the trustees. Sally Ann Nissley, Loretta Kline, || mon. Wedn, 9. LR
i Prayer Mceting at Annex | Salunga Methodist Church The Rev. Dr. Luther H. Ketels,| 4nd Robert Schneider, members of Tues. Fa. Saf C79 RM
i | _—— | Rev. Robert C. pike, Minister pastor of First Methodist Church | ij. present senior css, are already | Tues. Fri. Sat.
| Calvary Bible Church Miss Alice Strickler, Supt. again will serve as spiritual direc-| sivine heen elected Ie 9:30-1:00. 2.5 P. M
{ Ww vil Sas 4 Sunday. Febraary 10 members, having been elecled last
bl, V. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor ruar, | tor and the Rev. James H. Bailey, | <a... { ELIZABETHTOWN
Sunday, February 10 | 9:30 am. Sunday School f Broad Site fink year. 16 E. High St.
9:15 a. m. Bible School | 10:30 am. Worship Service. of Broad Street Methodist Chureh,| po, 1021, the National Telephone 24-F
| Classes for all ages. | Wednesday will charge of music. The Rev. Honor Society is & national
— Ao Ny A TR | 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship | 4:00 p.m. Preparatory Class. Joseph Brookshire, Lexington, Ky, " oh] : y 3 2 2 ona org
! [oF : Term ig The Trinity (this J 8 C "Teel wo who was evangelist last vear, will TE on he Si ris rl HERE IS A REAL
; second sermon in a series started | rossroads Brethren In Chris sorve- this ‘'vear. iv remote scholarship and all-arounc
i LSI 1 Sunday on “What We Be a Bs dear ed * Bsus development of the individual by | OPPORTUNITY
i MISTRIBUTED BY These sermons are based on the | Irvin W. Musser, Harry L. Bruba- | ay: 18 \presicent 0 €) Giving recognition for achievements | "a : : :
i doctrinal statement of Calvary Bi- | ker, Paul Z. Hess, Pastors, trustees. | vane ik 20} A NOW'S the time to invest in
X | ble Church.) Sunday. 10 memset in scheol aside from 108¢ on 1e | NE
| U BER iss Belicw day, February 10 | ps athletic fie | MUSSE
p L , B E pan Jer Bip. ng SMe. School M | SINGERS TO GIVE: CONCERT | 0 on Se f the seni las | 3 ER
d .m. Evangelistic Service. +30 a.m, ors 0 ay= . > Ce » senior class " ‘
i MANHEIM, R3. PHONE 57151 Sermon. town P- Hay The Prim Singers, Negro musical id rp ol at oth An { ® HEAVY WHITES
: . i | & 'ee per Ce. ) J
i 6-1 8:30 p.m. Yearly Business Meet- { Wednesday group of Harrisburg, will give a lace ave ; . is \ ju ® HEAVY WHITE CROSS
i ing. Elections will be held for 1952 7:30 p.m. Prayermeeting concert of sacred music in the St.| class are eligible for membersalp.
ee - . Mail's Evangelical United Brot} { In Mount Joy, these are elected by ROCK R EDY CROSS
14 § vy « eth- | |
| ren Church, Sunday, February 17, | the faculty from those who rank in MAKI 1% 2 vou B EST YEARS
0 e rid and] You ay: | at 7:50 on vo This. ie | the upper third of the classes in| I"
Ju Vo, > : group 1s well-| helarship. MUSSER LEGHORNS
known throughout this area, anc . |
| have given frequent vetforn | New members will be inducted | Musser Cficks are available
. g a periormances. | ato the society in an assembly pro-| November fst delivery and later.
| Their appearance here is sponsored | March 7 hich * ti Yay
{ by the Youth Fellowship of St. geamion Watch 4 al which nme | MUSSER
1 | Me rk’s Church as one of their members from Marietta and East LEGHORN FARMS
: | nionthly Youth Night prog am, | Donegal will also be inducted in a! youn JOY, PA. Phone 3.4811
kf re aie joint ceremony to be held at Mount | f
| The public is invited to attend. 4-4
ma vom mmo | =
| yo Sym Ive your Far
| Sra AA
We are indebted to Mr. Harrison THE HONOR ROLL FOR
G. Stauffer, 1609 Oregon Pike, Lan- | IPIRD REPORT PERIOD
| caster for a jar of delicious honey Appended is the honor roll of pu- TO THE
| from his apiary. Mr. Stauffer is a | Pils of the Mount Joy Schools for .
| native of Stauffertown but has been | the third period. First, all A's; Sec- ?
| living near Lancaster where he is | ond, at least 2 A's, resi B's. Ire afl
employed in the John W. Eshleman | First: ally Anh Nissley 12A;
esr RRs | 98 Bamhart, Flinor Lane 1B
| foe plant for the past twenty-sev- | Robert Fish 10A: Sarah Garber,
1 | en years, a i Constance Lane, Patrici Schroll
3 | oe { 16B; Feter Nissley, Joyce Metzler |
{ | BIBLE CLASSES PLAN SUPPER | 9A: James Pennell, Lynn Fackler
| | 8A Asher Halldeib, Susan Fellen-
i The Ladies and Men's Bible | baum 8B: Douglas Fish, Priscilla
Classes of the Church of God at | Lane, Barbara Thome, Jacob Zeller
| § Vy Landisville, will serve a supper at|7A; Leroy Kaylor, Betty Mumma |
| ay | the Landisville Fire Hall on Satur- 1% Donald Tt Polly
als mal e i on 0 Rp V Nn day, February 23 from 430 to 8:00 grocior Tn Shot
; p. m. Your choice of Oyster or Ham | Marlene Zimmerman, Glenn Groff,
i Croquette platters. [ 124; Patsy Brooks Peggy |
| Fackler, Loretta Kline, Mir- |
5 . a : : jam Oberholizer, Georgann Shatto,
HEN we tell vou that every 1952 frame — to cushion body and engine — Never before have style and stamina — W. C. T. U. WILL MEET | fon, Y Coonan hater
Buick rides like a million dollars, and to silk out the whole operation with ~~ com fory and character —power, pers The i Nn Hg In Ihe 159, hur Wagner, Nay Peay.
3 . TL» iy La Sas . on rome of Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Ranck Irley by, Roberta rank, Lucille
y we're not just slinging slang—we're Dynaflow Drive. formafce and price been brought | at 25 E. Main St. on Monday, Fel | Thome 11A: William Tyndall, Ra-
J talking real money —right-on-the- r with such satisfying skill roaly Tit ot 190 0 1. Everoone | chel Lehman, Nancy Su nson
ou may not care how the job wa i Kathryn Zeager 1B: Shirley Wade
A barrelh sad cash. y J « : is welcome to attend, { 10A; Mae Zink 10B; Jay Metzler,
3 or what it cost. But we'll lay you sbvicus thing for you to do is come ————— Joh Witmer, Marian Kline, Kar-
| A million dollars and more were poured You've sols to sav “thanks mil in apd look them over. How about tak- | KILLED GIRL, HANGED = | loon Baffonsperger, Judith Shultz | Nes 2 ii
; . 0 < « | JA. : 3 ) a you
into resear ch and testing — design and & . ay walf an hour off to do that — today? | Edward Albert Fryberger, 39, an | Charles Groff, Jane Barninger, were judged J all sonsible
¥ tool 1ginecr ing, syroduction and com to Buick engineers once you get his 1. accessories, trim and mod subject 1 withont notice | unemployed garment factory work- | Verlene Harple, Mary Kanode, Joan ; J ega gesponsible
: ools—e1 i ¢ - . on fi soy 5 rin A mode I oe ae haa ili . d | yeral wker IX t 1 }
: . 3 team 4 the combination of PPV ited smoothic under your hands He taney wR aan oy fh shot and killed Margaret Hyatt, | ha Wn Th p= io GAREY Ho ont
ponents--10 14M p : 18, was arrested, placed in the | wen, Janet McKain, Marlene Mum- pos Saha
: ride features you'll find on a Buick—and
on no other car in the world.
A million dollars and more was the
price paid to work out control of end-
sway and side- roll on curves—to double-
cheek vertical “throw” with shock
: absorbers and big soft-acting coil
springs for all four wheels —to V-brace
the torque-tube keel and X-brace the
1 5.7811

Old familiar roads take on a ne
smoothness. Gone are the weave an
wander, the jitter and jounce that you've
felt in lesser cars. You ride with road.
hugging assurance and level case.
sp ir oF
iL £5 {a WY
ye for 52
All of which only begins to tell you
what really great cars these 1952 Buicks
turned out to be.
TER pe
S. F. ULRICH, Inc.
| county ail and then hung
| They lived at Gap RI.

The Church of God
Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor
unday, February 10
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
“Jesus in Gethsemane”
| Sermon,
| No. 7.
| 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship
| Wednesday
| 7:30 p.m. Junior Prayer
and Senior prayer meeting.

Newtown U. B. Church
Oscar K. Buch, Pastor
Sunday, February 10
9:00 a.m. Sunday School.

7:00 p.m. Worship Service.
| Thursday
7:00 p.m. Prayer mecting
J and Christian Endeavor.
| the
himself, |
| Lititz,
plus! Thoykands of farm-

per 8B Nancy Diller, Samuel Har-
nish, Jean Reese, Thelma
7A; Virginia Geltmacher,
Metzler, Judy Naugle, Carl
Be tty Baus ghe sr TB.
Snavely ers protec; themseWes against such
risks with Farm Bureau Insurance.’
It’s low in &ost, but could save you
thousands of dollars. Call for in-
15 S. Fulton St Manheim
Phone 5-2316

daughter of
145 Cedar St.,
announces her engagement
to Marvin E, Erk, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Erb, . Mount Joy Rl
Miss Nagle a graduate of the
Delaware Hospital School of Nurs- }
ing, Wilmington, Del, and is on |
staff of the General Hospital. |
Mr. Erb is employed at the Mari- |;
etta Depot. ]
Miss Helen Nagle,
Mrs. Anna S. Nagle,
5 in