2==The Bullutin, Mount Joy, Pu., Thursday, February 7, 1952 The Mount Joy Bulletin Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher EST ABLISHED JUNE, 1901 [TTR TI TI RRR a the ward by ship in 1913 and a Pub! #11 Last shed Every Thursday at No. Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. that his ashore, constant traveler told hin own expenses, afloat and Subscription, per. year $2.00 averaged $11 a day. Howe made a Six Months ..... Besar rane $1.00 calculation and found that his trip Three Months 0) also cost him $11 a day. Single Copies ......... wee 08 My cruise to lIeeland lust year Sample Coptea FREE cost a good $50 a day, and many of ET the passengers paid two and three Joy, Pa, as second-class mail mat= times as much. If one flew to ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. | Europe the price of the one Te rae | flight would he about $100. Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper . wl Ye “abot Publishers’ Association went by freighter the price be fess than $10 a day. Publication Day, Thursday Time is an importarnt factor in Copy for a change of advertising | cost. Few can leave their jobs for should reach this office Tuesday. | more than 0 : t ¢ three weeks. wi no ruarantee inse ion 0 Bus T | Hence they try to do in a couple of any advertising unless copy reaches | the office not later than 9 a. m. | ‘Weeks what should be spread over preceding day of publication. a couple of months. We triple the Classified ads will be accepted to | expense per and exhaust our- Entered at the Postoflice at Mt, day's If one might two or day 9 a + publication day. selves and have litth: to show an I I SL | . {our return except a few hideous E D 1 f | \ 0 RI A A 1 souvenirs, Then we have the automobile and travelers, and rule travel inexpensive by car but what they lack in distance is offset many many times in interest. + + & | trailer In Chicago a lady clerk at a bak- | ery goods counter was handed an | envelope by a couple who said the | contents were her pay for “being They as a may not travel as far many Stop when- nice” to them when they bought! ever and wherever you choose and there. It contained a $1,000 savings stay as long as you like. bond. ! 09 It doesn't cost a thing to be “nice” When the local trolley line was to people at all times and it always | twenty years age, The pays. | Bulletin in its issue of Feb. 10 con- 00 | tained a lengthy article, suggest- Senater Taft. Republican, of Ohio ing the boro take over the trolley in a speech several days ago. said: bed and open a street from Long- “Government spending threatens | enccker Road west. The suggestion American liberty and independence because it is leading the nation | cess for our straight down the road to Social- | | was made in order to improve ac- rural folks on the south and east. ism. But, the suggestion fell upon We believe you got something | deft ears. One person had been there, Senator. | killed at the intersection of Long- eo eo | enecker Road and Route 230 on There were two shooting affairs | Snyder's Hill. Even that in Lancaster County last week but | weight. both the county and the tax payers| The late Burgess Clayton got a break. There would have been | man who owned the former Eli always | Engle farm, stipulated in his agree- | had no | pression times | ton Eby, Mrs. James Hostetter and While Clarence Baker, of Rapho, | Mrs. Melvin Weaver. These who was returning home Sunday night | will pour are: Mrs. Jay C. Musser, a mule ran in front of his auto.! Mrs, Clyde Eshlemai, Mrs. Samuel He rolled Mr, Mule but there was- | Balsbaugh, Mrs, Robert Brown, Mrs | n't much damage | Fi ink Walters, Jr., Mrs. Ella Meta The Mount Joy High Seniors | Beyer, Mrs. Arthur Olson, Florin, will present “Climbing Roses’ Feb { and Mrs, Robert Nissley, Florin, 11 and 13. { The recepticn committee consists Mrs. Jchn A. Bachman, wife of of Mrs. Thomas O'Conner, Mrs. cur ex-burgess, was hastess at a| Clarence Newcomer, Mrs. George Valentine Social held at Palmyra | Keener, and Mrs. Lester Hostetter. on Menday evening. | The registrations will be in charge June Fay Conner, 3, is quaran-|of Mrs. John Booth, Mrs. . Paris tined for diphtheria. | Hostetter, Mrs. Paul« Stehman I, Cclumlbia’s one-legged robin has | and Mrs. Frank Young. Aids will returned to that boro for the sixth | be Mrs. James Phillips, Mrs.’ Jos- consecutive year. | ep Germer and Mrs. Paul! Stoner, York county's deputy sheriff re- | The table decorations will be in fused to pay 50 cents bridge toll at | charge of Mrs. James Eshleman | Columbia. The Bridze C mmission | ind Miss Martha Stauffer. will sue to collect Tlf burs Judge John M. Groff says that! Cuban m ney is printed in the E FR Rs | United States, sa. Rhoads of Mt. Joy | At the Paratha Canal the Pacific Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Landis and | Ocean is east of the Aglantic. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwodd Dietz of | Lititz, visited Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Witmer and family during the past Walt V. L h weekend. Pe e man On Friday Mds. Edith Erb, he TRICAL ited Mr. and Mrs. Milton Erb, of | aL I Mt. Jey R1, Mrs. Othillia Erb and! Murs. Charles Gilgore of Lancaster ! { Phone 3-4760 Mt. Joy. Pa. ale Me Zitm 2 » bi d i Allian Witmer | INVEST IN wh a patient at the . Joseph's | | 3 hospital. I MUSSER On Sunday afternoon the follow- ® LEGHORN CHICKS two murder trials which prove expensive but both principals | nent of sale to the Trolley Com- | are dead. One hanged himself. the pany that if the troliey line is ev- other died from self inflicted | ex abandened, said land should ve- wounds. vert te Mt. Joy Boro to be used as eo 0 | street. That's why the line inter- | sected at a sharp right Scuth Barbara Street. angle on That too, We see where Margaret Morton | McKay, 41, frec lance writer and | newspaper woman, committed suvi-| fell upon deaf ears. At that time | cide leaving a note * couldn't find | the land could have been had for Yove” | nothing. Not so today as it is a part of the Noli farm, from Longenecker If there are any more like her it while the might he well to do a little news- | paper advertising. There are oodles | ed South Jacob street is owned by of love hounds running loose and | the writer. reason to believe! This opportunity we willing 5} Sal not have mufled. BS we have every was an some of them would be be collared. A: NEWTOWN The present administration is having trouble aplenty in finding a| Mr. and Mrs. Eiwood Snyder and | man big and able enough to clean Shirley, Eliza- visited Mr. and Mrs. up the corruption mess. To date, every time an appointment is made, Victor Snyder Sunday. children, Galen and bethtown R1, the authorities discover that he was Mr. and Mrs. Salem Gamber and smeared with the graft brush. daughter. Gloria of Columbia R.D. The last to be mentioned was | visited Mr. and Mrs. Abram Gam- Newhold Morris. whom they claim | ber on Sunday was mentioned in a profitable sur-| Mrs. Emma Givens of Middle- | plus ship deal. {town visited Mrs. Katie Moore e990 Mrs. Ida Eisenberger and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F: er Sunda of Mr. and family, The location of the Air Base is Saturday a daily that supper Isler and in the news again. heralded the story it will not| Mrs. 1 were AP | Mr. and focate in the Donegals. Sunday Mrs. Elwocod sSnyder and dispatches out of Washington said | family of E-town RI. nothing done as yet. One guess is| Tom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. as goed as another. | Fogle is on the sick list. 2 © 0 Miss Martha Risser, of Hershey, | The Atomic Evergy Commission! visited Mrs. Matilda Derr on Sat- at a hearing conducted in Nevada. | urday. found that roofers there were paid! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fogie called S100 a day, wire splicers got $775.- | on the following on Saturday: Mr. 50 a week, while others were paid| and Mrs. Alfred Atland, Mr. and! from $300 to S606 wages a week. Mis. Roy Barton, Mr, and Mrs. Other industries there elaim that] Paul Jones of Columbia, and Mr. paring wages has practically (and Mrs. Paul Smith of Columbia | paralyzed their business. IR. D. But we need not go that far for Mr. and Mrs. John Fogie, Mount-! similar occurrences, only the wages ville, visited Mrs. Serena Fogie on | aren't that high. Various kinds of | Sunday. clerks in and around Harrisburg Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barton and were taken out of industry there prandson visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. and employed at the Middletown Fogie on Sunday Depot with quite an advance in Mr. Paul Witmer, Columbia, Mr. wages. Juhn V. Witmer and sen John Jr. Ordinary industdy can absolutely of E'town Rl. visited Mr. and Mus. not compete with the Government. | Jacob Erb and nephew Bebbie dur- % 9 © ling the past week. \ a good indication that the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank, vis- | Democratic organization is enroll-| ited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fogelsanger ing strength for the coming presi- | of Wrightsville R. D. Sunday. dential election. Today there arve| Visitors the past week of Mr. and 521,441 white collar military work- | Mis. Farl Geltmacher and family, | ers on the payrolls of the armed were Mrs. Minnie Geltmacher and forces. That's an increase of 24.884 son, ay, of Kinderhook, over the last six months of 1951. ! Harold Stoppard ® 6 0 ville. and Mr. and sons of Iron- That Philadelphia motorist who| Visitors the past week of Mr. was doing ninety on the super and Mrs. Aristice Wittle, were Mr. highway when the Police caughi and Mrs. Harcld Simmons and him, should swap his car on a air- | daughters of Marietta. Misses Nan- plane if he likes speed. Of course | cy Carol Wittle, of Columbia | he could get a tryout at Indianapo- | 2. D. and Mr. Joe Wittle and! is for the 500-mile classic this sum- | daughter Judy of Columbia mer. The following called at the home of Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt dur- | irg the past week: Mr. and Mus. '! Ivan Lefever, Lancaster, Mr. and Mis.. Ammon Hoffer and Mrs. Lous and eo 0 TRAVEL EXPENSE - suse per day does it cost to travel? E. W. Howe went around ily HAPPENINGS — of — William E. Nitrauer president of the LONG AGO ton 3 { many slot maghines seized in the] | county are back in operation ag- | ain instead of having been destroy- ed was chosen George Washing- celebration orga- i nization. J, Willis Freed was made jeeretary 20 Y rs Ago. Se piste ea SILVER VALENTINE TEA HERE NEXT WEDNESDAY Wednesday, Feb, 10 A silver Valentine tea will I Seven of the present trolley line held next Wednesday afternoon, thruout the county will be aband-| February 13 from 2 to 4 p. m. at acd ar all but three will be 1e«| the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ol- laced with busses | on, South Market street. The tea A wy black and tan ter owl is open to the public and is being ed by M J. M. Swarr, of Lan- | gponsored by the Mount Joy Branch disy n first | t the Mary= | of the United Auxiliaries of the land Kennel Club's dog show at| Lancaster General Hospital, Pro- Baltimore | cceds from the affair will go toward The January receipts of the Mt. | the linen fund at the hospital Joy Building and Loan Association Mis. Simon’ Nissley is in charge exceeded any month in its history. | of the refreshments and will be as- Very encouraging during these de-' sisted in the kitchen by Mrs. Clin- ing Chu sary U. Mrs services at the Mt. Gretna E.| BROILER CHICKS 3. Chapel. Mrs. May Weaver, | _——:S rb» Pearl Breneman,, Miss Min-|. © AVY DARK nie Gamber and Mrs: Edith Exh pn 3° | their stretch | road to propos- | the ( list. Mr Mr. f Manheim, and Mrs. at Brunnerville S ‘Warren H. Greenawali ® \ HEAVY WHITE from the Newtown .E. U. B.1 rch attended the 2rd Anniver- | BROILER CHICKS visited with | Mrs. O. K. Buch | who is on the | return home they : ie Plage your order now f for free delivery. pastor's wife, Sic k | Daniel Geltmacher, visited Musser Leghorn Farms Ralph Keith and fam- MOUNT JOY. PA. Phone 4011 Saturday. 36-tf i SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. ISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Noy, Pa rere EERIE WANTED ALL KINDS SCRAP IRON, RAGS, PAPER AUTOL OBILES, Etc/ A. B. Sahd & Sons Front % Pine Streets MARIETTA Phone 6-9111 Quality Meats ALSO A FULL LINE OF BIRDS AL Fruits & Vegetables KRALL'S Meat Market WEST MAIN ST, MOUNT JOY 3 EYES EXAMINER BY S$ APPOINTME » | $ DR) S. MILLIS $ OPTOMETRIST > ! 59 N. MARKET STREET $ ELIZABETHTOWN 4 Hours: ) ? Daily: 9 to 1 and 2 to 5 4 Evenings: Tues. & Sat. 6:30 - 8 3 No Hours Thursday 3 PHONE: 3343 4 FOR... Watches-Clocks-Jewelry And Watch’ Repairing fms “JEWELER 209 West Main St, MIT. JOY OPEN EVERY EVENING THE UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK Deposit Corporation Member of the Federal! Insurance PAUSE A MOMENT AN IT WILL PAY YOU TO READ THIS MESSAGE T'o Grow Tobacco Plants or any ether FARMERS! "use And Prove to Yourself that You Will KH 2 the BEST ROOTED PLANTS that You Ever Grew In Potting or Repotting Pland& or St For #he Greatest Success } FLORISTS | Qutside beds, and Cold Frapfés USE MICHIGAN PEAT S( In preparing a 38ed Bed for a ne LANDSCAPERS! lawn and planfing ornamental T well as FRUIT TREES and FI Té Insure Growth and TSE MICHIGAN PFA “Th¢ Wonder Healthy Beautiful Sept Shrubbery PRIVATE E To HOMEOWNERS! ne Ae will please you You Will Surely Want Some This Spring! So Get Your Orders In Early, So You Will Have It When You Need It ! ! “DON'T DELAY - - ORDER NOW !” PHONE 52-2173 C. L. CASSEL Plats MICHIGAN PEAT SOW. SPONGE 'REES and SHRUBE ER RY as LOWER BEDS. Root Producer Green Lawn this with F all through the ~“USE MICHIGAN PEAT SOH. SPONGE—LIBERALLY D THINK! on the Farm and Garden » STRONGEST - STURDIEST edlings In Flats, Inside or JIL SPONGE w lawn or renovating an old a Beautiful Lawn T SOIL SPONGE & Moisture Retainer” { Summer and | and VEGETABLE year. LOWERS BOX 221 MANNE, FA. R1 9.1 i. GC. Rohe \MANHEIM R. \ rt Fry D. 2, PA, A / Air Compressof Work Rock Drilling, Concrete Peaking, Etc. Excavating and Grading Cellars, Trenches, Etc. Rocks and Trees Removed PHONE MOUNT JOY¥- 3-4753 bargain . features , formation . . . ETTUGE FLORIDA ORANGES FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT RED ROME APPLES Spinac Slicing Tomatoes Mixed Dried Fruit Planter’s Salted Peanuts FLORIDA JUICES FLOUR MAYONNAISE ANN PAGE 8-01 c pint qu SALAD DRESSING REDUCED PRICES jar 17 jar 28° ja PARKAY ALLSWEET, BLUE BONNET, | OLEOMARGARINE REGALO WASHED & TRIMMED NONE PRICED HIGHER 10.01 SOLID—NONE SUNNYFIELD cello pkg cello PRICED HIGHER carton 12.01, pkg 29¢ 5b FAMILY OR PASTRY bag This is the biggest magazine +. 224 pages . . . 52 . + crammed with in a mere Te. Get your February issue of Woman's Day . .. CALIFORNIA ICEBERG—NONE pn PRICED HIGHER head 19¢ i9¢ today! All Prices in This Ad LARGE 176 SIZE NONE PRICED HIGHER LARGE 54 SIZE NONE PRICED HIGHER b mesh bag DUTCH FARMS FROZEN P Butter Beans Crange Juice Snow Crop French Beans 33¢ Cod Fillels ORANGE GRAPEFRUIT ANN PAGE REDUCED PRICES DELRICH, GOOD LUCK & NUCOA and BLENDED 39 bag 18-02 C 46.02 cans cans 10-1b ¢ 25.1b bag 8-01 1 9 pint Cc jar jar NUTLEY OLEOMARGARINE ; Come to A&P for These QUALITY-FAMOUS FOODS from HEINZ KITCHENS! Heinz Keichup bahia Heinz Baked Beans = Cucumber Pickles wz 77 Cicer Vinegar nenz 30, Brown Mustard Heinz Chili Sauce Cocked Macaroni NINN Premium Saltines nas Jie Macaroni Di 2 vin Ann Page K de A&P Apple Fay 2 ou Clorex i. see 156 pint i4 quart ¢ bottle HEINZ HEINZ AA 20-01 DeiMontePineapple scouts Fuca om A & PSauerKraut 72 10¢ 27: Hershey Bars Hershey Bars Hershey Bar Asst. Box 24 Bars : 23¢ 21¢c 2Tc 28¢ 25¢ 116 59¢ 4-0: 95¢ Hershey Kisses 6-0: bag 25¢ Weiland Boneless Butts Ib Ched-O-Bit Cheese Broadcast Bacon Weiland Franks Wilson ‘Hams Sugared Donuts Glazed Donuts Glazed Donuts Cinnamon Buns Cherry Pies Tomato Soup wen 3 Cooked Spaghetti rez 2° Heinz India Relish Vegetable Soup ven: 2 0 STRAINGD {0 fers Baby Feods Baby Cereal HEINZ PRE-COOKED Chopped Baby Foods HEN § fon “Tomato Juice M218 236% 23 cans REDUCED § 1 PRICE! R & R ChickenBrot Evaporated Milk J. HOUSE PILLSBURY, OLD SOUTH 6-01 FROZEN cans Ba bn 10-0 / Value-wise shoppers will agree Food Dollars 0 Further At A& PI THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. Effective Through Saturday, Feb. 9th 10° so 29° 4 io 29° 39 Yo: 286 25¢ 1-b pkg 3g: 1.75 59 49 is 20° 592° 11.02 i 32 wn 086 jor 25¢ 25¢ 95¢ we 160 i 28¢ 4 = 53¢ wo > 49¢ 10> 950%: §2,25 bag ve 26 GOLD MEDAL bog Karo Syrup BLUE LABEL 2 58 Tomato Paste cious 6: fa : ; Salad Jressing «uch 38¢ Cheddar Cheese ". "i 89g A Jur G30 MILK, DARK & MILK AND DARK ASSORTED CHOCOLATES WORTHMORE MARSHMALLOW HEARTS WORTHMORE ASSORTED JELLY EGGS ws 236 2-1b box 1b Ib Ib doz Dke of 12 pkg of 6 pkg NAN WARWICK VALENTINE CANDY box 39¢ ae 21 Te 838c 89c¢ 45c 62c¢c 83c 25c¢ 29c 19c¢ 35c¢c 49c¢ 87 EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY, PA. con o oto mer FR 701 test lan 4.7% ofte by PLE Art] ple fice All to H Man Hess Phar