‘eau LION 1. mM. DS! wille 5.7811 ESTE A CR, THE BULLETIN altitude akove sea level of any state, Is on sale each week at Kulp's ———— News Agency and Tyndall's “Nixie” is a postal term meaning mail which for some reason cannot be delivered. Store, West Main street, Colorado has the highest average | Buller’s Beauty Salon FLORIN, PA. PHONE MT. JOY Special Permanents $10 ROCKET COL $7.5 Open 9:00 A. M. Maude Buller, Propr. 9:00 P. M. What, We Call News Have You Been Visiting ? | Had Visitors ? | Been Divorced ? Bought Anything ? Sold Something ? | Had a Party ? Been To One ? Got Engaged ? Been Jilted ? | Joined a Club or | Been Thrown Out of One Had Triplets, Quads or Even a Baby? Had An Accident ? That's News. Please Tell Us So We Can Print It and Tell Your Friends & "The BULLETIN | MOUNT JOY Phone 3-9661 | YOUTH NIGHT OBSERVED IN EVAN. U. B. CHURCH Forty-three young people and counselors were present Sunday evening at St. Mark's Evangelical United Brethren Church for the | monthly Youth Night program. At 5:00 o'clock they enjoyed a fellow- ship supper, fcllowing which they took an imaginary airplane flight to| Home Mission fields of the church, in New Mexico, Flori da and Kentucky. The tables were gaily decorated in ways suggestive of these three areas consisted of foods which were rep- resentative of each section. In the course of the trip, by Rev. Ranck, pastor, the three and the menu piloted the group made stops at each mission field while messages were given, nd pictures were shown, describing the work being done there. At 7:30 p. m. a film depicting the work of the Red Bird Mission in Kentucky was shown ts an ciative congregation. Young people participated in kota the services of the day, appre= mn in- spirational and helpful programs using the theme of Youth Sunday. “Committed In Christ.” Misses Fdith Shelly and Ruth Gainor, members of St. Mark's Congregation, are serving as full time missionaries in the Kentucky The local church contrib- utes to their support. ——— eel I ean REV. ELMER HOOVER SPOKE mission. 10 METHODIST MEN HERE The “Methodist Men” of the Mt. Joy Methodist church held their regular monthly meeting. They op- ened the meeting with several song after which President Walter Sloan outlined the life John Wesley. Then the speaker, Rev. Elmer Hcover, of Elizabethtown College, was introduced Ly George Ludwig. of Rev Hcover brought a very fine message after which refreshments were served by the Refreshment committee. The men all enjoyed the recreation period which followed. There were twenty-three Fun and fellowship was enjoyed by all. present The next meeting will be held on Februsry 27th, at 7:30 p. m . ——— OO ee Stimulate your by adver- isin: in the Bulletin G HESS BROS. FLORIN, PENNA. Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930 39-tf Public Sale 39 First a sale. Headquarters For — Our Printing Is Attractive Second — Our Prices Are Reasonable Third —Our Service Is Good Fourth — Our Free Register Counts Any person contemplating holding a public sale in northern Lancaster County should consider the Bulletin when it comes to the printing of attractive Posters or thoroughly advertising Any one of our many customers will verify this. Bills | | Church News| TO ALL THE FARM QUESTION EWS PERTAINING CHE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY BOX AND THE ENTIRE SUR- | by BILL GIVENS ROUNDING COMMUNITY, KYM Farm Director | The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, January 31, Those In Service —— " Chaffee, Ark.: . Sergeant Dodson, of 124 E. Main has successfully Radio Operator Armored Divi Camy Richard E. Mount completed Schoo! of the St., Joy, the Sth | gion at Camp Chaftee. | Helen Dodson, | From: Mrs. J, K. G, Newport, St. Mark's | Pa. Evangelical United Brethren | Q.: How many kernels are there Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor | in an ear of*corn? Sunday, Feb:uary 3 Ans.: The number varies with 9:00 a. m. Sunday School | the variety. Field corn has the 10:15 am. Morning worship: greatest — World Service Day program in | about 800, charge of the Women's Society of | sometimes as | World Guest speaker, many as 900. | M.ss Anna Plautz, Manheim, Mis- | Sweet corn has | sionary to China i about 475 ker- | 2:00 p.m. Men's Chorus practice. 7:30 p.m: Evening worship. +e Tuesday nels to the ear. nt or for duty From: Mr. C. | former unit as a radio of Mus. Pa.,, was Dodson, of Benton, ws of class number Sergeant son one of 26 memh 16 in the radio school. Before entering the service he attended Milton Hershey School at | Hershey, Fa., and was a printer in Mount Joy. He wow eligible for with his specialist, 7:30 pm. W.S.W.S and Ladies D. Ms a Aid mecting at the home of Mrs. | oomtield, Ya. | In Service a Year Frank Germer. | Q.: Is it ad- Sgt. John Newcomer, 52075271 Wednesday [ visable to grow | . . 1 © Field 7:30 p.m. Prayer ser- | olive trees in in Battery C. of the 560th yd gh i i Byer § | Pennsylvania? | Artillery Battalion at Camp Poll . Meeting of the Church Ans.: It is not only inadvisable, | Louisiana. but literally impossible as well. He reads the ads Olive trees have difficulty survive Thursday ing in any area north of the Caro- here P n: Children’s Choir re- | linas. Our winters are just too hard 8:00 pan. Senior. Choir rehearsal.) . olive trees are not hardy WZ Pu. ) 1018 enough, ms men + + Crossroads Brethien In Christ | From: Mr. R. K,, Sellersville, Pa. Church Q.: Is it possible for steers to Irvin W. Musser, Harry L. Bruba- | become intoxicated? ker, Paul Z. Hess, Pastors. { Ans: It sure is. Dropped apples Sunday, February 3 { will do the trick a short time after 9:00 a. m. Sunday School. | they” have fallen from the tree. 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship. | Once the apples begin to turn, the 7.00 p.m. Revival Services. | process, which is little more than | fermentation, continues in the - | steer’s stomach. Chickens are Mt. Joy Church | affected the same way. Walk Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess, | through an orchard where there Henry Garber, Henry Frank, is an abundance of droppings and Pastors | take a good sniff—you’ll see what Sunday, February 3 | we mean. 9.00 a. m. Sunday School ‘+. 4 4 10:03 a. m. Chu Service, From: Mrs. W. ¥Y., Rte. No. 2, | Coopersburg, Pa. Salunga Q.: How does snow protect Church of the Brethren planted things, for example, winter wheat? Ans: Snow is a very poor cou- ductor of heat. Therefore, when the ground is covered with it, the snow keeps the cold air from rob- Earl Elder In Charge John Herr, Supt. Sunday, February 3 9.00 a. m. Sunday 10:15 a.m. Church Service. School ol for the support cl spe Everybody is invited bing the earth of its warmth and . -v | so protects the plantlife, I | Mt. Pleasant Hear Bill Givens daily on the Brethren in Christ Church | “KYW Farm Hour" 5:30-6:30 a.m. Pastors: C. II. Moyer and | — ; Elder Grayhill Welgemuth | To protect the life of the Presi- | Sunder, 5s ay > Sen | dent and to suppress counterfeit- 000 2. wi. Chisels | ers are the two statutory duites of Speaker, Miss Ethel Heisey, mis- | the U. S. Secret Service. sicnary tc Africa. ee T— i Trinity Fvangelical Cong. Church The Washington Street Q. A. Deck, Pastor Church Of The Brethren Sunday, Feb:uary 3rd Elizabethiown, Pa. 9:15 am. Sunday School - Inter- | Rev. Nevin HM. Zuck. Pastor national Uniform Lesson. ih i 10:30 a.m. Worship Sunday, February 3 Theme: “Spirit-Filled Lay Preach- | ( ( h School i ing.” i neral Supt. 7:30 p.m. Worship - Theme: oid I ung Worship, { Soul Winning Motives.” uck will preach on “What! 7:30 p.m. Adult and Junior Pray Shiv rica Needs Most.” (the Service | op Meetings. will be broadcast from 11 a. m. to} 8:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal. 12 over Re dio Station WLAN, Lan- | i Calvary Bible Church | Evangelical United Brethren church | HOSPITAL AUX. Mount Joy Bullet each week with in preciated the gift of « Remembrance Comn was a graduate of Mount School, Class of '46 and his hom is at 224 S. Market Street. o—— © — Engagements Levi R. Mummau, R1, ! Mr. and Mrs. : Elizabethtown announce the engagement of their daughter, Ra a chel A. to Arthur Kauffman, son PEA cf Mr. and Mrs. John Kauffman, ef GOOD PAY Mount Joy R2 CHRISTMAS BONUS Miss Mummg is a graduate of Elizabethtown High School and i VACATION WITH PAY employed at the Lancaster Count) FREE INSURANCE Farm Diner. Mr. Kauffman Sere ia sociated with his father in busi- | Go FREE HC$PITALI ON for you and your family. ness. 8 The wedamg will take place in APPLY se MISSIONARY FROM CHINA the near future. | WILL SPEAK HERE SUNDAY Miss Anna Pfautz, Manheim, will | be the guest speaker in St. Mark's | eb here on Sunday morning, 3, at 10:15 o’cleck. Miss Pfautz is a mis- sicrary to China under the China Inlond Mission. The cccasion will be the obser- vance of World's Service Day, by the local Women's ‘1d e who will the morning the nual World Se society cific projects of the denominational missions pro- gram, { ee (WILL HOLD FROZEN FOODS LOCKER SUPPLIES SPECIAL Mixed Vegetab 23¢ ICE CREAM LOBSTER TAILS MOUNT JOY FROZEN FOODS PHONE 3-5436 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 4-tf 1 Be I Ja 300 FREI p. m. School of Missions | ie | ses, for children, intermediates, | ¥ L. Yrilson dea pastor [VALINE TEA, FEBRUARY 13 le aul R. Strickler y : youth, and adults. : he Sunday, February 3rd » Sup | Plans were made for a Valentine 7:30 pa Missionar lay, the * y's i : i, : : Sik hey “The Be ten Vo God” bo 9:15 a. m. Bible School Teaab'a meeting of the local branch Frances Dyer Eckhart, will be pre- Classes for all ages. | of the Lancaster General Hospital ented by Elizabethtown Col= | 10 Cy a, n Mor ning Norskip| United Auxiliaries Tuesday. | lege Dramatic Club, under the] 75 pe BE Rye * Pe a. : The tea will be held Wednesday, | directicn of Mrs. Alice Heilman. {0} pm, Lvangeusuc Service, az > of Mrs Eric Webcast Wednesday | Feb. 13 at the home of Mrs. Eric Wednesday He . . . . 7:30 p.m. Bible cours led by| 7:30 pm. Midweek Prayer Service | Olsen, South Market street, from | Fastor Zuck on The New Testament ——— {2to4 p.m. with Mrs. Olson in| Doctrine of the Church Newtown U. B. Church | charge. Service to Be Broadcast Oscar K. Buch, Pastor | Mrs. John Hershey, Lancaster, The morning worship services of | Sunday, February 3rd ins il Sr ker tor the the Washington Street Church of | 9:00 a.m, Sunday School. | was ie special Speaker or 1¢ the Brethren, bethtown, will | Thursday | meeting. She spoke on the work ol be broadcast cv Radio Station | 7.00 p.m. Prayer meeting the United Auxiliaries in the coun- WLAN the and Christian Endeavor. [ty. She also discussed the annual ) anc ’ ‘om i no enc . . 5 These 1 hon md | hospital bazaar to be held in May | plan: for those who Lhe) ho God Mrs. James Hostetter wi: ap- ainbridge, Pa. a Sib ils Wo a yi : 49 A Bible Conferenct will be held | pointed as the local ental A uy Sup er cn Tue day, February 5, at 7:30 p.| | for this bazaar. Mrs. Clyde Eshle- 1 \ on Hsu ay, 1 > > y 1 3 np ter ih on f the | with the Rev. Rowan Pierce, | man, vice president, was in charg er ah I Hp is Citv | Philadelphia, Bible teacher and ex- ee en unliea ‘chnes oi ancastel y v site S Ler. and County. Paster Nexin H. Zuck Postior Wore BRE. of Central ach, ang e Senior Choir gio hl finds 3 MIE it preach % d i Sg i ¢ Ho | Manor Church of God will present News From Flori ir 0 0e urch directe pet p rele Sons ae Galen W. Herr, will lead the mu- Thal A ND sored by (From page 1) | sical portions of each service. The Yr nal BI ons: di: istic | Sermon theme this comine: Sunday the Committe for Community Re- | angelistic campaign at | SE 1 I 1S ) B » ay youre Y - . . Ris will be “Christ's Cure For An As- viva D. C, on Sunday conduct [ | pirin Age.” ear Bt ial Billy Graham. by | a Vet Church Mrs. James Klinedist of Main St, i Glosshrenner Evang-lical Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor | is going south on a two weeks trip f United Brethren Chuorch Sunday, February 3rd with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and | § You ¥ re » “ Bev. John H. Gable, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Church School. Mrs. Charles Skirvanic. They are | Sunday. February 3 6:30 pm. Westminster Fellow- leaving February 1st and expect to 9:30 am. Sunday School | ship. ONY 2 Nia | foes Wasabi sit Davtona Beach and’ Tampa. | 10:30 a.m. Morning Wor ship. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship visit Daytona Beach and Tampa, | { in charge of W. S. W. S. - Speaker | Sermon: “The Trickery of Spirit- | Fla. { Miss Pauline Hamilton, returned | ualism”. Mrs. Kathryn Snyder will have missinaty ire m C iu ST public sale of the Fairview Orchard | 715 ph i et Donegal Presbyterlan Church and buildings on Wednesday, Feb. | 4 9 p.m. bvening Servi Donegal Springs, Penna, 6th 1 8:15 p.m. Church ( of Ad- Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor ns - Sei ministration. | Sunday, February 3rd | Tuesd 9: 30 a.m. Sunday Scheol. MISS ETHEL HEISEY WILL {4 pn Se! ( | 10:35 am. Morning Worship, SPEAK AT MT. PLEASANT 8:00 p.m. Seni hoi Sermon: “The Missing Hand”. a Via ir laughter of Wednesday Miss Ethel Heisey, daughter of 6:30 p.m. Cherub Choir Trinity Lutheran Church | Mrs. Katie Heisey, Mt. Joy R. D. 1 7:30 p.m. Mid-week Prayer oer= | Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor { will be leaving for Africa, March 7 I vige { Sunday, February 3rd | She is going as a Missionary to the | THE BULLETIN Il ve MOUNT JOY, PA. I ——il) 12 inc. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 10:45 a. m. Worship Service. 7:00 p.m. Vesper Service. Wednesday St. Luke's Episcopal Church Rev. Elmer A. Keiser, Vicar Sunday, February 3 ‘ % : ’ 0 pa rch C 2 the (4th Sunday after Epiphany) |p. 7% Jan Churn Council in ° 7:00 am. Holy Communion. Thirsday : 9:30 am Sunday os with | 7:00 pm. Luther League in the | Stn op Ye | Parish House. [7:00 pm. Evening Prayer oe { with Sermon The Church of God | Monday Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor 7:00 Ei Adult Class on the | Sunday, February 3 Holy Scriptures. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Sermon, “Seeking a Faith for To- day.” 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship, Ser- mon, “Business Life as a School”. Monday | Tue: scliny 6:00 p.m. Acolyte Class. Communion Confirmation Class. Friday { 7:30 p.m. Meeting of the Church 6:00 p.m. Instructio Ages 6 to| Co uncil. 8 inc | W Wy 6:30 »n. Instruction, Ages 9 tol 30 p.m. Junior Prayer Meeting and Senior prayer meeting. | Northern and Southern Rhodesia. | WATER MATTER SETTLED Brethren in Christ Missions in| She will speak at Mt. Pleasant | Brethren in Christ Church Sunday morning, February 3rd at 10:30 a.| m. The public is invited. | etl QA ee Columbia’s Red a= Winter when Water Works was flooded the Cross rendered service to the mount of $3,900. Monday the Water | Company ‘offered $2,300" in full pay- ment and the Red Cross accepted. ree > Gee Harold Shenk, 16, broke his hand while Manheim Central Sch ee ent Bulleiin Ads Pay Big Dividends. Last Manheim R2, wrestling at ol. {FOR QUICK SALE 5X oh F PROPERTY LISY ST., ELIZABETHTOWN PHONE 419 ZINK, Local Representative PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4891 yoo XK HIRED OOO ERE po Wanted STENOGRAPHER - TYPIST KREIDER BUILDING ELIZABETHTOWN Stay within your budget — and have plenty to spare for yourself — by getting all your food needs at STEHMEAN'S MARKET! We make every price a low price every day and that means it takes less money to fill your basket when you shop at our mar— ket. So don’t rob your piggy bank when your shop- ping list is long. Buy everything here and faiten it up with the EXTRA SAVINGS our super values put into your hands. KG D3 Quality Meats SE fully Roasting IN, 2 for 35e 4 APPLES lge. Stayman-Winesap 3 lbs 29¢ CELERY stalk 19e large heads large tender PEPPERS fancy 2 for 15¢ ORANGES Florida Sy doz 35¢ HONEY GRAHAMS Sunshine Ib 31¢ ARNDLD'S FANCY PASTRY COPE’S DRIED CORN °° & BLACKWELL ORANGE JUICE nned to 19¢ serve FROZEN CROSS 2 tor 35¢ eee Sa fee RIGHT THIS WAY LADIES To The ST BARGAINS In Our ADVERTISING COLUMNS inTOWN