The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 17, 1952, Image 5

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    (From page 1) cle placed outside the storm door |
3 '| NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL Md | Wailer” stiaa ww y ‘ dbs
delayed, but it is thé only ¢hoieo | rather than have the eéarriet opén THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY | Mrs. Abram Gambet and family Water street, Florin, announce the | paul M. Ginder, of Landisville. The annual mid-wintét School
; wier. So i he door, : he 1 is AR hi [were Mr. John Gamber of Colum- | enearement of their danghter Dor-| Migs Hendrickson, a graduate of | of Missions and International Un- i
{ the carrier, So in the future, | the door, and maybe run the risk i n _ { - Gs onl y 8 ( : ) : 3
| of i i AND THE ENTIRE SUR- bia and Mr. and Mrs. Salem Gam Soo High school, is employed by | derstanding begins this coming F
please be sure that the approach to | Of having it dumaged by wind a5 | COMMUNITY. ber of Columbia R. D Mi ae 5 emp bY {Sunday evening in the Washingwn FUnGra ome
Ce ur box is kept free of ice and | the case has been. Visitors during the week of Mr. | the Michigan Bell Telephone Com- Street Church of the Brethren, lt]
gnow at all times. You will receive If you may have any sstions | 3 and Mrs. Maurice Frysinger and | pany of The Sco Flizabethtewn. Miss Veda Liskey, Nath
BOW oil re : } You SAY. any id Crossroads Bicthren In Christ Mrs, Katie Moore were My. and | Cpl. Ginder attended the East | Missionary Nurse to the Garkida | 23 W. Main St, Mount Joy
your mail promptly and without | concerning these items, you are | Church Mrs. Wm, Weaver and son Billie, | Hempfield Township High school | leper Colony in British West Af- | el Ji !
delay, and it will lessen the bur- | free at all times to call at the office Irvin W. Musser, Harry L. Bruba- | cf Columbia. Mrs. Arthur Ober- | and P listed I ro : rica, will be the speaker at the ser- ‘JAMES 8. HEIUG, | ?
den of the carrier a great deal, es- | and discuss the matter with us. Ker, Paul ‘Z. Hess, Pastors, heltzer and daughter and Mrs. | an enlisted in the air force n July | vice at 7:30, which will be under | Funeral Director
rocially during the winter months Yeur ciopenyation in these nat | Sunday, January 20 [ Robert Sentz and daughter of Mt. | 1950. He is now serving with the | the sponsorship of the Women of | .
hw d ! ; | 9:00 a. m Sunday School. Joy R. D | 3rd A. C. and W. Squadron at | the Church. Mrs. Milton Eberly
As for folks who get mail in Mt, | ters will be greatly appreciated. 10:30 a. m. Morni Mrs. Ida Esenberger spent Sun- | Sai will preside at this servire. The!
:30 a. m, Morning Worship gga ga wsepberger spe > | Sault Sainte Marie, Mich. .
Joy and have storm doors, may 1 | CHARLES J. BENNETT, JR. Revival services will be held be- | day visiting friends at Kinderhook. | p—— study classes will meet at 6:30 on
suggest that if you do not have a! Postmaster. | ginning Sunday, Jan. 20 thru Feb Master Robert Witmer spent Sat- | Sunday evening, with the following Exe l
HE lot in the storm door, that vou e- |! lh dhe ce 3 with Bishop Henry Ginder, Man- | urday with his father at Columbis. | “HIDDEN TREASURE’ AND Ds an Dr.
80 a ide maa »im, Pa. as Evangelist. [ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shuman of “ I AT . enry G. Bucher; Young People— |
rect some receptacle outside the] At Muncie, Ind, a man went to neg ye, lw gp 7:00 P, M.| F-town visited Mrs, Matilda Derr | SC RUN" AT F'TOWN HIGH tev. Robert A. Byerly; Intermedi- | Bookkeeping Department
door in which you receive your a public sale, saw an old clock he Sunday evening and 7:30 Weekday | on Sunday. \ Dr. Irvin A. Moon, celebrated tes Miss PREY Everly; Children, | FOR AN 7
mail. There have been severa] in- | thought he'd buy, examined it and | evenings. Visitors of Ma and WET William | Christian scientist, of the Moody | ™'™ Robert Ziegler. {
y here i saki val or Me The first Sunday evening a group | Witmer on Sunday were Miss Jean Institute Science bv rorld The school will continue jor three I d . Y M
are delivery | $4062 st 3 . "i stitute of Science, hag ) 1d inue 1
anges Wiére in 1 eng lelivery | out rolled $4,062 in bills. The éstate from the Stowe Mission, Stowe, | Witmer, Wally Bergentine, Miss Hi 45 aon yo! Sunday evenings, with spec- n ustrious oung an
of mai] to a patron, and it was ne-\ tock all the money and gave him Pa. will have charge of the service | Ruth Witmer, George Myers of wide fame filming the unusual. ial study being given this year to | between the ages of 26-35
cessary for the carrier (0 open the | the clock. 0 | Columbia and Mr. and Mrs. Earl | “Hidden Treasure,” a wonder to Lati merica, Speci: evening |
I | from 7 to 8. | tin A pecial evening
torm door to get to the receptacle, UI ———— Everybody is invited to these | Garner of Lane. R.'D | those interested in botany, biology, learn and
that the door * was damaged by There were 1615 traffic. deaths ; ee |
= : 1: po ry Tru re Ironville and Mrs. Minnie Geli- | othy M., to J. Donald Mohler, son ; Te . ai: | clude the following: Jan, 26, Rev. .
wind. The Department will not pay ' in Pennsylvania last year, Salunga f macher and son of Kinderhook vis- | of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mohler, hs Douds, colby RL qd Christian M. Richard Shaull, Presbyterian | GROUP INSURANCE
ol ited Mr. and Mrs. Ferl Geltnmach- | ccach of athletics at Wheaton Col- | Missionary to South America: Feb.
rae eR 8 fe | es on Sunday. Fa | 316 Cedar St, Lititz, Miss Sheetz lege and world famous runner of | 3, Missionary Play, The Kingdom HOSPITALIZATION
’ | J ‘ 3 + ab . 3 3
John Herr, Supt. Mrs. Paul Smith of Columbia R.| is a member of the nursiag staff at| po ile has an outstanding mes- | ©! God, presented by the Elizabeth. | PERMANENT POSITION
i Sunday. January 20 D. called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm Fo- | St, Jeseph's Hospital and Mr. Moh- sage in“the film “So Run.” Every- own College Deamakic Club; he]
| 9:00 1 31 ie and family on Sunday. [lor is with the 3 Marine Be oy mY GL Yen eb. 10, Dr. Franklin Cassel, of TTE
COATS 2015 EY rod] Mr. ane Bi : Ren Landis of ler . wi he u S, Marine BE, hd school age will be thrilled | Lititz, on fis Work with Moyer i "To
| Everybody is invited: [ Lititz and Mr. and Mrs. Harris | Washington, D. C. to see the famous athletes in action | the United Nations mn Korea, Th SICO C
Walters of Lititz R. D. visited Mr. covering the various fields of sport. { @ >a ompany
JACKETS SWEATERS The Washington Street and Mrs. Oliter Vo sms and family | Aoncuncement is made of the) The public is invited. Saturday, The chief executive of all federal | MOUNT JOY, PA.
Church Of The Brethren i ee in and son Richard | of Miss Shirley Jean’ January 19, at 7:30 p. m, prisons is the Attorney General. ; yh
1 Elizabethtown, Pa. visited Mrs. Roy Gephart of Mount | po -
‘ d Mrs. yy Gephart of Mount | neve
You can't spare those winter togs ver Rev. Nevin II. Zuck, Pastor Joy on Monday.
| P 9 y | Sunday, January 20 Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
{ 9:30 a. m. Church School | Aristice Wittle were Mr. and Mrs.
sr long these days. See- . XK. Ezra Bucher, Gen. Supt. Charles Wittle of Columbia R. D,, |
¥, PA Mr. K. Ezra Bucher, Ge suf V
‘ | 10:30 am. Morning Worship, Mr. Joe Wittle and daughter Judy, |
{ sermon, “David and Bathsheba”,| of Celumbia, Harry Hamilton, |
uN + g | by Pastor Zuck. | and daughter, of Eltown and Mr. |
Wy «3s n/c . Toy p
S——— E h [ | 6:30 p. m. School of Missions | and Mrs. Ragner Hallgren of Mt. |
| Classes, for children, youth, = and | Joy. |
adults. | Ms. Abrem Gambe: is on the |
1 y | 7:30 p. m., in charge :of the Wo- | sick list. {
| men cf the Church; Miss Veda Lis-| Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
76-78 E. MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. | key, Missionary Nurse to the Gar- | Erb during the past week were,
a { kida Leper Colony, Africa, will be |Mr. and Mrs. Jochn Victor Wit-
| the speaker. [mer and son Johnny of Eliz = |
| — | bethtown R. D. and Mr. Daniel
WE OPERATE Glossbrenner Evang-=lical | Geltmache:, Columbia R. D. and
| United Brethren Church { Paul Witmer of Columbia. Saturday |
1! Rev. John H. Gable. Mrs. Frb called on her sister Mrs.
OUR OWN PLANT | Sunday, January 20 : ; Nerman Brosey ol Silver Spring. |
9:30 am. Sunday School : vr Dang sel
if! 10:30 am. Morning Worship. pg Rr, PLR Ly |
! —~ | : Soi bi Lititz BR. D. 1 on Friday evening. |
{ 4:00 pm. Junior C. E. I Se Hon W i
7:15 p.m. Evening Service Me. and Mes. Henry Youvnce of
TH T sel p: : 5 Mount Joy visited Mrs. Lillian |
7:00 pan Seraph Choir Witmer on Sunday.
tho | 6:30 p.m. Cherub Choir. . AT REICI'S CHURCH LISTED |
scrub | 7:30 pm. Mid-week Prayer Ser-| Mrs. Paul McMillen has been e- Get more sunshine into mealiime these cold, winter
[vece. f the Golden Rue |
for any damages that occur in. this
manner, Therefore it will be to
your advantage to have a récepta-
Local Postmaster

Church News NEWTOWN [Engagements [i


Mr. and |
Week-end visitors of
Mr. Harold Stoppard and sons of
Mr. and Mrs, Charles E. Sheetz,


Hendrickson, daughter of Mr. and
Everett Hendrickson,
Paul E. Ginder, son of Mr, and Mrs.
science, physics and chemistry.
Michigan, to
The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday, Jihuaty 1, 195329 i

ary committee of the church, in-
pregrams planned by the Misti | Who is willing 16

and wants to get ahead,

8:00 p.m. Senior Choir

lected president «
| Bible Class of Reich's
Cengregational Church.
First Presbyterian Church
Mount Joy, Penna.
days by serving mcre fresh produce at every meal
And how your family will “go” for the wonderful flav-
or of the sunny-fresh produce you'll find daily at our

| Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor Other officers are: Sylvester
OVER 18 [Sun gi Zh hisal Shuman, vice president; Mrs. J. D. . Produce Counters. Mm-m! Mm-m! It's good — delic-
:30 a.m. urch Sc lo screta: 3 i 3 : 2
: 10:45 an. Mong Worship lane eo Mrs i : i iously good . . . and packed with health-building vita-
: GHD, treasurer; ‘Minnie Demmy
Sermon: “The Weary Nail pA : rr mins, 60. So stretch vour meat dishes....
wood To Answer Phone and Door Calls 6:30 pm. Westminster Fellow- | Sunday School representative. The | d oy
itchen ship. Committee chairmen include: J. D. | Stretch. your budget. Shop here daily for sunny CABBAGE
able! | — Rcland, teacher, membership, and | 2 bs 27. fresh vegetables to brighten up winter meals and
SHORT HOURS | Donegal Presbyterian Church | Mrs. C. S. Brandt, flower. 4 wake up winter-weary appetites! Solid Ib 2
Donegal Springs, Penna. ——— —— ee Heads S @

| Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, Pastor | LETTERS GRANTED
siest + Sunday, January 20th UTE Sv NL | 120 !
e. A Call Evenings Mt. Joy 3-4451 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 0. K. Snyder, Mouni Joy, exe- Tangerines sire doz 49- UNION JACK
will { 7:30 pm. Evening Worship cutor of Annie M. Musser, late of G f uit S ti 21
“od Sermon: The Name Christian”. | West Hempfield township. rape r eC ons e
; | YT IF Armand iroff. : oll A ~. Large -
Dries Y BR KS | Trinity Fvangelical Cong. Church | Aman 1 M. Groff, and E m M Celery Calif. Stalk 21c SUNSHINE
sol: Q. A. Deck, Pastor Groff, Mount Joy Rl, administra- .
| Sunday, January 20th . tors of Hiram H. Groff estate, East a Kri C k 1b 29.
FLORIN, PENNA. 9:15 am. Sunday School - Inter-| Donegal tc wnsaip. [ + No. 1 Spy rac ers
| national Uniform Lesson. Flam E. Snavely, Mount Jov. and UNION JACK .
RT { 10:30 am. Worship - Theme: fan Ww. a ie ihe das. pi otatoes Ibs Cc ' 4
| “Offenses Against the Holy Spirit” | “9 : oe Soyer. Mey C Ww B No. 303
{ 7:30 p.m. Worship - Theme: “The | €Xecuiors of the Amos D. Walter CALIF. ut ax eans can c
Scul Winners Reward.” estate, Lancaster township [ Large
Wednesday | TT - re Lettuce Heats 29 CA RROTS
7:30 pm. Adult : Junior Pray- Bl Bo t Ol 1
or a Dan. Aduls an Jumior | TARING 2-WEERS COURSE ue nne eo 1b c
8:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal. | Reymond B. Knorr, of 53 West Pp G
{ —— Main St., and employee of Alvin © eppers reen 2 for 25¢ 2 ~ 29 E : 2
a | ) MN > 0 > o-
Trinity Lutheran Church | Albright, Marietta, is taking a two bunches ¢ gas Choice White doz ¢
4 [ Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor | 3 Brolin I Nat
. ) weeks’ course in linoleum installa-
¢ Sunday, January 20th. : :
tion at the Armstrong Cork Com-

9:30 a.m. Sunday School.
10:45 a. m. Worship Service.
7:0) p.m. Vesper Service.
pany’s Laying School for Linoleum |
Mechanics at Lancastel

2 rolls for

| Tuesday RE —_ ory . .
7:45 pm. Women's Missionary 7:30 p.m. Junior Prayer Meeting | Sour Pitted Cherries 2 cans 45¢
| Society at the Parih House. Mis- and Senior prayer meeting did
sion Study Class. The Topic: ‘Near | Na y
jlo}, Study ride runes extra large Sunsweet Ib e
Thor A Ra ne Sur, | mT Phage. 29
7:00 pm. Luther League at the a ia YY : No. 2
{ Parish House. ) | Alice Supt. 4) Wh Whole Beets Union Jack 4c 23¢c
. Sunday, January 20th. EN WF
| 9:30 a.m. Sunday School \
St. Mark's 630 y. Youth, Fellowshin ER SCHIMMELS
Evangelical United Brethren 30 on rn Wat eer’ St b P 12-0z
DY Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor a Ted U.S. No. 1 rawberry rreserves 02 Juicy Florida
——— | Sunday, January 10th; . vo y we :
[9:00 a. m. Sunday School { Newtown U. B. Church | . ;
SE 10:15 am. Morning worship: Siig soap K. Bush, Pastor tayman Puffed Wheat Quaker 2 for 25¢
7:30 pm: Fvening worship. § Suhcay, Jamiary aot.
| Monday g 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. . LAND ©’ LAKES
| 8:00 pm. Willing Workers’ Bible! 7:00 p.m. Worship Servic 1 .
| 5
| Study Class. | Thursday pec it 1b ec large doz
| Tuesday evening 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Ibs 1a . u er 8 C
Good Cheer Class meeting in the | and Christian Endeavor.
| 7 * | church.
| iS /5 an | Wednesday Mt. Pleasant i A
| / | 7:30 pm. Midweck Prayer ser- | Brethren In Christ Church me) 18: iy ¥ 7 2)
{ | vice. Pastors: C. H. Moyer and ty Self-Service eb Ent Bakery Treats Ee by Foods
| Thursday Elder Graybill Wolgemuth
{ 6:45 pm: Children’s Choir re~ | Sunday, January 20 1, 1b 49¢ SHuLL'S Heinz Strained Foods

8:60 p.m. Senior Choir rehearsal.

Mount Joy Methodist Church |
Rev. Robert C. Pike, Minister
9:00 a. m. Sunday Schnol |
10:30 a.m. Revival
Bishcp E. JJ. Swalm of
Canada as Evangelist.
Services with |
Dunroon, |

Bologna Lebanon
Bacon sliced
Pork Liver
1b 49¢
Ib 49¢
Lady Fingers doz 35¢
Sandwiches Helix “155%. 2 Soup
Heinz Bean Soup
10 jars 99¢
A tragedy occurs—it could be personal 5 ; i : SEXT
as5tdy ! sonal or a | Ralph Alleman, Sun. Sch. Supt Mt. Joy Church SEXTON Food
local disaster—help and comfort come quick] | Sunday, January 20th. | Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Hess, Oysters Cove 55¢ Arnold Bread S. M. A. For ts 29¢
; ; ies 1 y { 9:30 a.m. School. Henry Garber, Henry Frank, - ) Enriched, Thinly Sliced, Fine, Whitt Vv 1 Shey Pull: Over 9
by telephone. If the line is tied up—the des- | 10:45 am. Holy Communion Ser- Pastors Chickens Stewing’ [3 * 54c¢ 16¢ and 23¢ BACK All Sizes 49¢
; ; | vice. Sunday. January 20 ' BY Snap On
perately needed help and comfort may come | 11:45 aun. 2th Quarterly G00 Valex SA ap 59¢
’ ‘ - 45 a.m. ¢ arterly Conference | 9:00 a. m. Sunday School Ww PANTIES All Sizes
too late. All too frequently a telephone is | meets with Dr. Leon T. Moore, Dis- | 10:00 a.m. Church Service with Fresh Beef & Fresh Pork Whole heat Plus 16¢ JOHNSON'S 0
ye ? trict Superintende residing. Robert Garber -° ly ordained Ns 9.0z.
[ tric uperintendent presiding ober wher new ordaine Beet U. S. Grade (Choice) Raisin Yea Loaf 25¢ Baby Powder Con 49¢
more than an instrument of communication
—it is a life-saving instrument!
So please—if someone requests the line tor
an emergency, release it promptly

Wednesday |
7:30 p.m. Methodist Men’s Meet-
ing. f
The Church of God
Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor
Sunday, January 20th.
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
| Sunday, January 20th.
Classes for
minister, bringing the message. He |
plans to leave for Africa as a mis- |
sionary in the Spring.
Calvary Bible Church
W. L. Wilson Jr., Pastor
Paul R. Strickler, Supt.
9:15 a. m. Bible School



|" gs Spetial’ meeting of ,| 7:00 p.m. Prayer Fellowship. 2 ji ON.
i I es peal een 9 the] 7:30 oy Service. ag DELIVERY FLOR | | ¢ PA .
2 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship | Wednesday i
a | Wednesday J 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer Service)