The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 17, 1952, Image 2

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2==The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, January 17. 1952 [and when 1 do get in T only have 4 | (
— - - | tiette time to get réady for my next |
° { flight | :
] he Mount Joy Bulletin | 1 shared the box ith my buddies 1 !
and they all said that it is really wi ! a in
Jno E S h 11 dit P 31 nice to know that someone back LIST YOUR PROPERTY TH ! n i a I Fi
- IL Schroll, liditor and Publisher home is thinking of the fellows ‘in —
ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 | Femmes | the service besides just their folks JOSEPH F GINGRICH Inc FS WRN \ \ ON
——— Fn v v and relatives * ’ » | : N NN | 4%
Published Every Thursday at No. | . I'm going to leave on another trip 858 N. MARKET oT. ELIZABETHTOWN { r : 4 Bénjéams [ { s #
P-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. H AP P [XN | NGS | as soon as the weather clears up a PHONE 419 { ~~ i d J n Franklin, whose birth. #
. ——————— 4 4 4 4 little. 1 expect to be gone about 3 } RS ; z we
Subscription, per year .. $2.00 | — of — or 4 weeks and when I get back I'm FRANK ZINK, Local Representativé % xy celebrate on January be
Six MODIS $1.00 going to get a leave, so Ill see you PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4891 3-4 17th, once said: "Waste nei
Three Months ry 60 | | ONG AGO 4 all soon again 1 hope % neither 36
Single Copies 05 JING ) I'm thanking you once again oul NHR lf tn vty lS nu. mtb oni bh dd aii ¥ time ner money, but make the 4
Sample Copies ..... +++. FREE a a Aan the box of candy as it was really . 7 best 4
orn Lik : best use of both,” 5 bia 3
Beda A owe oe. a, x 1 Us@ Our Classified Column - It Pays! i : both.” And A&P's big
niered at the Postoffice a lve wr. nt | : nur y +4 #% ‘
Joy, Pa, as second-class mail mat- 20 Years go ror no ESS IIS ¥ ry brit Jamboree helps He
de wg | | RRR RRR 7 ; Te had z
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. —— | You follow hig wise advice, Don’t * i
Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper | 20, 1932 | ' ¥ miss it! %
Publishers’ Association | Constable Filmer Zerphcy found i KITTY S KITTY S wi
pabli don I a a re in in the cellar of an I : | NN SU fe TT = i
Ly ay, T S y Fas ‘ard pool room | ' A A WW als
Bo, Thustey | Ext ard woo wom | DRESS SHOPPE DRESS SHOPPE || -
opy ior a change o anver SINE | Norman Nissley is converting | Prices Shown Here Effective I
should reach this office Tuesday. | the former Benjamin Nissley prop- | fi h 10
We will not guarantee insertion of hy, FI in d ubl h 0% { | Through Saturday, vanuary 194
any advertising unless copy reaches | rly at into a double 4 use. |
the office not later than 9 a. m. | David Sternberger and Elmer Here's One for Good Measure!
preceding day of publication. Baymond, of town, were injured resses resses }
3 |
Classified ads will be accepted to | when their car left the highway
. ® a. m. publication day. |
On sale from $2.00 to $8.00
_ | and upset near Rheems.

Twenty tires were stolen off a
E D 1 T O R I A L| ttuck when it passed thru Lancas- |
| ter.
ae a sata
¢REE, ||

WERE UP TO $16.95
+ + 4 | Natha Good, of town, made a i ]
This law is similar te many oth- | lucky escape when thirty-five bales if Nylon Stockings Gloves i 0 —
ers passed, particularly the new! of straw fell off a truck and crash- | =) Kid and Cloth | RA
postage rates. Both will require | ed thru a large window at Lancas-~ S50c and $1.00 5 {
amendments before they are prac- | ter She was sitting inside. ! . Oe to $2.00 | \ 2
tical. { Paul Teleky, of town was struck | rh . 4 FOOD STORES NN
®@ 0 by a ear and injured while walk-| Bras Sli ! : 4 a / A & COFFEE oo
: ; ; g on Main street. I all sizes IIPS
Washington dispatches disclose | 18 © 1 Ss a iia] ; i 3
the fact that a tetal of more than Henry Garber was ordained a 50c¢ and $1.00 $1.00 to $2.50 % Customer's Corner 7 MEASURING FE
5,500.006 persons ave now drawing Minister of the Mount Joy and ; Al st i anil — 1
le deal ated AF Kraybill’'s Mennonite churches. { ? : ; “i % a 3 Es
Federal aid of one sort or another— | yi > $y . : 2 We admit we don’t know 2 SPOON 1h AH
and that current relief rolls are the | ge) L. Qashes her Ladies Blouses fin i Skirts ? dit the. antivers! yn Ns
a Re : Sih | of Dr. E. W, Garber, died on Mon- 2 7 i& Custom Groun efore your
a ig story day. $1.00 to $3.75 $1.95 to $4.00 i They say folks only learn by Fresh a Ces be of coffeemaker you use! ne
a f H N. Nissly resighed as superin- experience. Well, your A&P has to fit the exact typ A&P fo measure the exact
A court test may be necessary to! « AN. dL ad wi ia . | >. . ~ 3 > 3 1 3 | had plenty of experience—over 7 Get this spoon at your 0
determine whether the buyer or| of St Marky United Breth- |} —. Kiddies’ Slacks - Dresses - Suits - Panties - Anklets — 4 93 years of it—but we're still mount of coffee you need.
: | ren Sunday School after serving . ad : . Z learning! i
seller must pay Pennsyly es mere than twenty years. And many other items greatly reduced ’ Wile wise oi lise 18 3 MILD AND ELLOW ; Ya
one per cent real estate transfer On Thursd:sy, Jan. 14, 1932, at 12} i ob sen br na A ws a a es ies et A Ne A please you, we figure maybe J ¥. ‘ 0'CLOCK 4 11 ha
as m. the large thermometer display- | ooo : A hem a ce TET gr pre Eos isn't good enough—particularly cor
The Ste Revenue Department po = 50 000 Dig Shore RC CA A NT ctr nt if some onc of our customers 1b bag $2,285 cor
/ has a suggestion or idea on how 7/ picH AND FULL BODIED lad
said the law which goes into effect]
: re |
registered 106 degrees. {
’ is lear pe | ~ we can do it better and give 7 Ib c or
Belay I - ey Hig | Mrs. Maud Edwards resumed her P better service. Perlups You have Z RED CIRCLE bag fro
cuties as a li » operator at The | ! ¢ some thoughts en how we can : >
arr eked ii i] uties as a linotypx operator at The | | nv in r ea Fa n GC g a a | “2 do our job better. Consider this 7 3-Ib bag $2.31 go
One of ¢ wr exchanges says: Bulletin after being off duty on ac- BE i ee a 2 AND WINEY
ha: been a sin and a shame that | count of sickness. During her ab-| Please write: FFEE I-lb 81 ¢ anc
the underworld racketeers have| sence Mrs. Guy Myers very ably | | LL BO on anc
| JANUARY 17th to 26th i CUSTOMER $2,37 i
not shaved with the rest of the| substituted.

se | % 7
public the privilege of paying tax-| The annual banquet of the Mount 7 . vy WHITE HOUSE tall ¢
es. Now that this condition is to| Joy Hall Association will be held | Regular Reduced 3 A&P Food Stores EVAP MILK 4 cans 53
be remédied, we may yet see a|at McGirl's Thursday. Jan. 21. Price to © 420 Lexington Avenue, Wa
racketeer wearing the only thing| The Elizabethtown women of the | ! RCA TELEVISION (1851 Models) 7 New York 17, N. Y. 2 JANE PARKER STICKY ¢ Lae
left to mest of us after taxes — a| Moose tendered a surprise recep- im 2 | 7 C B rl 29
| ’” 319.80 + A . % TF % of 9
harrel! f tion foi Mrs. Benjamin Clinger, | 16 Console i... alii... erin ge 50 259.00 Zane. 8 uns
® 0 0 { nee Esther Barnhart heford marri- | 19” Console EA eens naan rs nn er ST, 00 379.00 |
At Lancaster a young man was | age. FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR | Tr A A A AS A NAT TT Nano,

arrested the fourth time for speed | Elmer Appley., of Marietia, was | . Vs HE 5 { A . . 77
ing. Even thouch only 19 and hav-| fined $100 and costs for making | Floor Model - 7.6 Cubic ft. rn ide 21S 75 169.9 Continuing A & Ps : ;
ing been arrested on three previcus| home brew. { ELECTRIC IRONERS ! " S | !
he to 2 On he ohne! Rn was granted a Speed Queen - Floor Model i ned 50.05 119.95 Florida Citrus a 8 F
ot-th occasion. even his parents! patent cn an electric iron. 4
have asked to have his license tak-| Constable Lester Hitz, of Cone- | Simplex (Used) ............ a 33.9 | FLORIDA JUICY LARGE 176 Size
en “before he is involved in a| wago, is hunting the owner of a Speel Queen Ironette rns tn 7.99 39.95 dozen 29:
sericus accident and may kill him- | bull thai treed him for four hours Armstrong Ironette (Table Model) wining 49.95 29.95
self or some one else.” { the other day. \ 7 Qr 1 JO
| y . ; i 137.95 99.95 A -SKIN LARGE 54 SIZE
Men vive peat ions Wks ts] When the Solos FRIGIDAIRE SINK 54 inch 1370 \ FLORIDA THIN-SKIN
to drive. should meet these driv-| Company made the Cut thru town MAJESTIC COAL RANGE os Shinn 159.00 129.00 RAPEFRUIT 3 for 25¢
ers on the highways. | in 1886 there was a large cherry | a 3 AA A =
© 00 tree on the lot of Miss Matilda RCA RADIO - PHONOGRAPH, AM and FM 2399.95 149.50 LN at DON NETL
5 Pat : shin: ple Plays all kinds of records III SEE
THAT DON'T SCARE THEM Lehman, South Market street, be- ] } Ib ’ !
A : af | . .
Wide publicity given a eongres- | yond the Methodist parsonage: Miss | HOME FREEZER Red Rome Apples t 3 29 Sonripuing Japs Ska) Sap Hoon wo ii
sicnal investigating committee, who | Lehman wished to have this tree | DelLaval 8 cu. fi. 325.00 299.00 Pascal Celery > oobi 19 FRENCH SLICED STRING BEAN pkg
discovered while into the | saved so she nailed the entire poem | NNT Sah : iii | siti lity FROZEN WAFFLES i
use of chemicals in cosmetic, that| Woodman, spare that tree”, on PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE... 42.00 33.80 | Iceberg Lettuce head 19 ls og i
a kiss can be irritating, hasn’t| the trunk. It was spared and yield- | 3 Burner | SOLID «Colle < ar J
g, | dud : ! ¢ , —9-0x pk an
scared anybody around here. | ed a fine crop of cherries annually DAIRY WATER HEATER (Reconditioned) 35.00 : Tomatoes Sonar 19 FRENCH FRIED POTATOES: ris an
They claim that a man may in- | 07 39 years thereafter. Finally the rE ! Frozen Peas EAS ‘or 19 YOUR ¢
wr skin irritation by Kissing a wo- | 1% read company removed it. The CHICK BROODERS Fe ! QQ CHOICE pkge
man if he is al'evgic to ingredients | 10Use’ which stood near this tree | Buckeye Electric Brooder 52" .. . : aii 62.50 39.00 Asparagus Spears FARMS pkg

Is ncw the Ralph Eshleman dwell- |
i 3 ng on West megal stree {
2B Pion whal Wi've stoi and | "8-0 € Donegal street. |
Acccrding to advertisemenis in
in her lipstick.
Buckeye Ofl Brooder .. ... 19.50
0.3 | E % > z :
ates RIAL BL 100% PURE rs
== ==} exo Shortening -:-:29°:83°
1000 Chick Capacity VEGETABLE i
© ro
i Buckeye Batfery Brooder
Learned, its goinz to take more than :
{ The Bulletin, Booths Store was
that to scare the men around here. 34 1 : AZ ON Dor
We know some love hounds who | “Féidlizing on infants’ shoes at 15¢ | Hudson Gas Brooder Diab ees : : .. 49.00 15.00 x ¢ a
a ir, ladies’ dre 0c ang i -
would kiss a lady if she had hydro- | Wh “dios dresse at 7 and | ESTATE HEATROLA 108.95 84.95 | i i ar ese lb
fiobin, white sheets 81x90 at 69c. { Used only two weeks an
re = tin | At-Dan Brubaker's store he was
giving away one pound of Robert |
SALU NGA | coffee every hour on Satur-
, January 23. |
vou'tt FIND MaNY OTHER BARGAINS IN THIS || Ched-0-Bit Cheese 25 =» 89° The
BIC 10 DAY SALES: | Butter §7¢ 0 + 89° os

-— EP — !

birthday party was given to
Jean Pettit, Tuesday afternoon »
on her seventh birthday. ce Those In Service |

were Danny and Dougie McFar-
1 Carcl Ann and Judith Wen- | Phoenixville, Penna, i Inc LIPTON 1
ditz, Albert and Richard Cooper. | Dear friends: i S N ewCco me r & So nN i» PEALH, c - EA
Games were Nave and nth ee : Com writing again to say thanks | : ’ Ann Page Preserves Non AM fer 25 4 Phe
served for the Ch-istmas prese he = on
Last Friday Dr. J. S. Kendig was | bers oy! the Mt. doy ee Phone 3-3361 MOUNT 10Y, PA. Chiffon Flakes NEW LOW Pricer ors 20 pkg 35

taken by ambulan
eph’s Hos pital. Tl
pockoge 3
ce to the St. Jos- | committee sent me. It sure does! 0l i in Ye Ib 1.16 23: a :
doctor was suf- | make a fellow feel good o know Nutley Oleomargarine “.:. eg LIPTON TEA BAGS» 20¢
fering from bronchial pneumonia | the people back home are still | .
=. Heng ro a are still | 1-1b 2.16
At this writing he is scmewhat im- | thinking of him. Maybe this war | Seaside Large Limas bag 19¢ boy 35¢
roved. | in Korea will soo over ur | .
fr in Korea: will 500m be over and wo Smith's Green Split Peas [LIPTON SOUP MIX
© eee young ren can all be home. I
WHO IS TO BLAME FOR guess if we all put our trust God | ith’ ‘ :
Who IS TO BLAME FOR ln our trust in God. GC QB 0 h rt F I Smith’s Pea Beans w12¢ 2:23 TOMATO.VEGETABLE OR NOODLE
wr : | hospital over a year now : { | on :
We'll leave it up to you to ans- | the letters I tr fra a 3 » | Prepares Sashes ee Re J"
S arkle i ings OR LEMON phe Re pkg 13 !
fishing licenses for years, this time | A former citizen a. a arts MANHEIM R. D. 2, PA. Agar. Luncheon Meat hr 35¢ .
both went haywire. There are no | Ht Rests : | :
fishing licenses as yet, evén HoT, Put. Robert W. Mark A&P Sauerkraut bi 10¢ 2 7a 25¢ GERBER'S
HRY wns » dead Line. Doi lites i i i
a. J £24 fre. Deg Bie ot) es Ne i . Fasc Prom age 330
seg arrived at Lancaster e last! anuary J, 1952 | \ | i :
Gow of heir aati, aan 13+ Der ‘Gone Air Com pressor Work Rocks | Del Monte Pineapple Juice 2 '::23c |srmames sav rev is «60

thorities have been getting dog and | A8ain I say thanks and may God |
| blegs you ali. i

wer this $64 question. After the au- | back home has meant a lot to me.
Yeceived i
———— Sit Received the box of candy and

i was very gl: rend . 211. > PLAIN O Box
BOTTLED BEER MAY GO as ory Bad o receive it. Tm sor] Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc. d | Hershey 5° Bars 6 . 25° 15 95° | correo sar rose oi
UP CENT OR TWO JAN. 28 been out on flizht most. of the time | 4 : an i t Best Pure Lard hei. 18¢ BABY GEREAL phe foe

A bottle of your favorite beer |
may cost a penny or two more af- F OR CRC i¥ Trees
Sut po Wat ches Clocks Jewelry Excavating and Grading |

. The Office of Price Stabilization Removed
Cellars, Trenches, Etc.
© permitting Erewers, wholesalers |
and retailers to adjust prices. of all : |
] | 5 | PHONE MOUNT JOY 13-4753 Gs
‘When in need of Printing. (any- 209 West Main St, MT. Joy | 4 ¢ ii : 2
mt in order Monday! And Watch Repairing | 87 EAST MAIN ST MDUNT JOY, PA
| mile bevermges. ‘Warren H. Greenawalt
ing) kindly remember the Buf cto | ' OPEN E' ERY EVENING
