The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 03, 1952, Image 7

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Today’ 5 Forgotten Man Stopped Advertising

Elmer Zerphey Succeeds C.
Newcomer; Also Elected Pres.
Maurice Bailey Chairman Street Com. |

Mount Joy Bul


When Bore Council assembled on | VOL, LI, NO. 34 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, January 10, 1952 $2.00 a Year in
Thi f R ki Monday evening, Lester Hostetter |
as elected temporary chairman in | | SE vein | 3 A we .
1€ ansac Ing diy od of aber: Keller whore) Rife Ww | FLORIN MAN EXTINGUISHED . STATE POLICE PROBING . ortu
the absence ! ‘ IRE THEN (VK I < RG { D R | 38 AT LANDISVILLE ty rt ary
term expired at the end of the Miller olgemuth | FIRE THEN BROKE HIS LEG | arvin anne S, C( 11 : wr ommuni
any amps n r. This was the final meeting of James Weaver, of Florin, an en State Police investigated a prow i
year. s was > fing g : ;
4 : . loye of the Shirk Motor Exp ler complaint at 5 Landisville gas-
! » old Council. Only three mem- I 0
on i the old ‘Coun . favo éa S rien S p Corp., of Lancaster, extinguished a cline service station Monday night an S eC € rou ou
| es ern err 0 bers attended as Clayton Newcom- RR Id
: i . rs seat was declared vacant, as he fire single~-handed early last Tits . . Mrs. Andrew Fleckenstine told po- Th » Di E ti lL. i
3 er's seat was declared vacant, as ! : , cod ‘fe a AN ; of
i Inasmuch as a number of people moved out of the ward Fire Company day and then broke his leg «| Disappeared Fr. lite she looked from window of elr rectors n ire 0C y
4 : it virinite irra + § d fe her home adjoining the gas station :
3 in this vicinity own recreation Mr. Clayton Newcomer, who re= A he slipped and fell. |i" Darvin: Rennels. 38. bossy “and ¢ Te a) : faring i“ Appending are the directors o-| Eli W. Tschudy, 76, at Marietta. £95
il amps in the west end of Perry ’ Miller Wolgemuth was installed A jeep, loaded on a truck car- | and saw three men standing ou : .
i €amps In > | cently moved from the West to the : : : ot »d at Rowenna. now a Jefferson |; t : j ected by the various banks thru- |; Harry Grant Jackson, 82, at Co=
4 County. they may be surprised to : : : : vw as president of the Friendship Fire | rier, driven by Weaver. caught fire | Yaised at R Ry . 5 side the place, one with what ap- ‘
; ey i East Ward, relinquished his office Cc t tl sul meeting f f tl Cl Di | Medical College student, disappear- veared 10} club in his hands. out this locality lumbia
thy ve has ‘beens consider etic any ¢ >» regular eting "0 ) e arview ir, | 8 B™ are : : mT | ‘
4 Jearn that there has been consider causing a vacancy. Former Chief of | at the li ANS jon oe gt a Toe [ed very mysteriously from his | gy sted. an atl sted burg- First National Bank and Trust | Mrs. Marv H. Geyer, 89, widow :
k able thieving throuout that section Police and now deputy sheriff El- last Thursday evening by Benjamin | near Rheems, on the Harrisburg || hi Fed Re oraz aut She suspected an attempte Company. ML Joy | of Jonas E. Gever. at Marietta
: ; Ln me last Friday after g SV any, Mt. Jo; f Jonas E ver, i
i during the past two weeks mer Zerphey was nominated as Herr, Lampeter. pike about 6:15 a. m OT lary. . | The annual meeting of the stock-| Mrs. Mary Rettew Young, 48,
) zs Thi : Fe: her icers installed were Earl Weaver crawle nto the carrier [ for a short walk. She told her husband, who is 1e a a :
I To date all the thefts have been| . .. .150 Dr. J. W. Bingeman, prin- Other officers installed were Eai eaver crawled onto the carrier | He is a sedond-vetv. student ak ! : celled B holders of the First National Bank | wife of John W. Young, at Colum=
pinned on one individual, a young | .ina] of the East Donegal town- | Zink, first vice-president; William | doused the blaze with a hand ex- | : nl I , blind, and police were called. Be- t Trust Co. wis held on: Tubs- Ha
: > di Be . : : [1 se , where he en- ve ice arrive ws. Flecken- | ant st Co. wi » 1 S= a.
man about 21 to 30 vears of age, chip schools, who resides here. Mr. Breckline, second vice-president; | tinguisher, and then tripped and | 0 > jen > i ey fo Mrs. Flecken lav Ir fhe building | Mrs. Fannie Shreiner, 77, at tha>
| orl hate =|, : Richa ivet, recording secretary:| fell to the ground. He was taken to | alter orx stine said, the three men were: Cd . .
] black hair, side-whiskers, about § Zerphey was elected. Richard Dives, Rep Jectelary: the Gr oa Hospital > : as a Navy Chief Pharmacist Mate picked up by a motorist driving to- Directors were elected as follows: | Heller Convalescent Home yesters
. iz reighs a- ve 3d ? . Ivers, assistant: ISCO as- » Gener S . ’ a | - > 3 ’ '
- it. 9 to 10 inches tall nd weighs a Burgess Fish administered the | John Myers, assistan pene 'S The Friendship Fire Co. Eli b and later worked as a nurse. ward Londisville but the vehicle Henry H. Eby, John E. Melhorn, | day
bout 165 lbs. He drives an old { oath to Elmer Zerphey, James | singer, financial secretary and a ends ws i Mrs. Rannels said she feared her | returned later and headed for Lan- | Amos H. Risser, Paris Hostetter, Miss Sarah H. Hertzler, 93, of
oy . ack l : sasurer: Tl as J. B. Brown III, ethtown, responded but their se x ris en . . . . Me
(hou: 1998, black, Spangle; and Maurice Balley, after Tages Kunk! we n tee | Vices were not needed. Firemen husband might have been the vic | caster. | Dr. E. W. Newcomer, Daniel M Flizabe thtown, at the Neffsville
coupe. which Council] was ready to go. assistant; Rober: Bundle, Hust did. the: hla was caused by gn |tim of foul play although he, did Police said no attempt had been | Wolgemuth, John M. Boath, S.| Brethren Home
. \¢ y s Organizati for three years, wv. Fzra Ranck,| Sad the blaze was cause a 3 ; : : ‘ . ste R -
He was pulled out of the snow The Organization for three years, Rev Far Rancl So erie | not have more than $5 in his pock-| made to enter the place Nissley Gingrich and J. Musser | Lester LeRoy Geesey, 50, of near
with a tractor, at Buck Ridge Lodge Council organized by electing El- | chaplain, Ray Myers, chief of com- rie 22 hen he left home. “There was —————— a ese Hanover, was killed by a train near
C meg ty Neon A.D Sater a) mer Zerphey president; Lloyd My- j pany; Joi Myers, ssn oo i in the house that he could The reorganization effective on | Ephrata yesterday :
George Mumper, of Florin, and] ers, vice president; William Brian, | Zink, chief engineer; Christ Charles PO B H " ’ rcs ios.
i : wve taken,” she added. l'uesday morning follows Henry
editor Schroll, during the recent] (Turn to page 3) | chief hose director; William Breck- usiness ére | Tliness of two of their three chile € a en ar 0 H. Eby, president. Mr. Eby has Hiram H. Groff
heavy snow fall. At that camp he meer SW ise | line,, chief hook and ladderman, Oo iren had been causing her husband ’ been a member of the board of the Hiram H. Groff, 68, Mount Joy
ro axe ro y " 1C ike CG ve at p ice: " ' x: i 3 so Ln i
Jc stole a cook stove, axe, shove Li AUTOMOBILE STRUCK POLE; Mike Good, captain of police; Tom | Increased 15 To | concern, Mrs. Rannels said. Five- vents or an y. First National for 36 years and Rl, died at St. Joseph's Hospital at
shirts, stockings, the contents of a| THREE PERSONS INJURED | Brown III, chief chemicalman: | year old Marilynn has been hospit- was re-elected president for his| 210 Pp. m. Saturday after an illness
© large chest of bed clothing consist-| Miss Mary Zellers. 25, Manheim | Harry Hendrix, delegate to state tmaster Charles Bennett Jr., | cd shires oaths n the. post At Mt Jo . twelfth term. S. Nissley Gingrich, | ©! four months. ¢
Sai victor tvs ¥ di Rosons 3 roar . . iar ou reports that th merease busi- | © . . y 1g 3 ‘ os ig ® , : "OI. 8 CRM ay =
Ing of comin, wills, a | ne Be Sens Tie he gl 1s : | convention; Miller Wale ath, al-~ ft 8 as cr hig | year because of a pancreas distur- . vice president: Dr. E. W. Newcom- He had been a carpe nter for 46° Ve
He entered this camp on two oe- Joy R2; and Diane Wendler 2 | ternate; Roscoe Hassinger, Christ Hess for 51 = = NT k : | Hance. and. their. wonth=old son The Calendar: of events. for Jan- (Turn to page 3) years and a building contractor for
gosions, The Jest time he lived Cayghier of Mrs. Dorothy Wendler, | Charles, delegates to county xp 19 oe I il i) Ot | Darwin Jr, had to undergo a hernia | vary at Mount Joy High school 4 eee the past 16 years, oi
€ there for a week or more, (until he | 24, Manheim 3, were treated at the | Tam to Page 6) S643 = Tesllstions, my | operation shortly after his birth. | will include several movies, a tram- | HIGH COURT SAYS “NO” He was born in Lititz, a son of |
(Turn to Page 8) | Fohrata Community Hospital after | —— there were 166,588. Receipts for the | The third child 8 Mirth Aw, 1 poline display, Semester examina~| The Columbia Malleable has been | the late Frank and Anna Yingst
ema 4 Gm their car skidded into a utilities| pONEGAL TEACHERS SPOKE ae J i yo Rannels was wearing a Navy of-| tions, and basketball games. trying to buy a portion of the High Geof and was a member of the
Ip 7 i ati ; abou ahove >» Same per : . . . Mor > os .
c h | pole between Diamond Station and | AT ROTARY LUNCHEON fe oi he ie % 3 i | fic ers blue topcoat brown gabardine Friday, Ted J. Parkinson, natur- |school athletic field there. donated 3 in Church of the Brethren,
| i . od i 950. ¢ SINess ( . oo Survivine are is rife
i ennet Qh | Akron. . . | Mr. Donald Staley and Mr. Ed- AA oP fhe wear 1951 is about] suit and a grey felt hat when he| alist, traveler and commentator, {by a citizen in honor of his son. The x uy ne po his wife, Amanda
‘ | Mrs. Wendler, driver of the au- | ward Richter, social studies teach- pee Tr the = ; 5 3% iat home: will present a colored motion pic- {matter has been in court and final- an Grefl, at home; a daughter
hd Xd pi ETRE . ~ :8,000 acove WE ) A ole er | . y L11Z¢ ie ~
A Will S eak At | temobile, told State Policeman | ops of East Donegal High School, Si > > 1 : ps 500 ; Rannels is the son of Mr. and| ture with commentary on Yellow- ly the Supreme Court was asked] ' et is wile of Truman Sprout
J | Herold Miller that she lost control | poke to the Mt. Jo Rota Club | ein : 01 X ) hd | | (Turn to Page 2) stone. For many years a ranger- [for a ruling. It said “No. of is less 2 son Blam town;
o | of the car on a curve. Tuesday. Januarv 8 on the Citizen- There were about 8 ristmas | = naturalist, Parkinson: will.’ desceibe —— daughter ara, wife of Harry
Landisville Jan. 26 yy ship Education Project as it is be- oa ie 4 : ig oe i he ° the wildlife and scenic grandeur of | WORLD GETTING SMALLER Be ie Mount Joy Rl; nine grand
S LOCAL MAN RE-ENLISTS ine conducted in Fast Donegal High | season, which could not be de- B f N F the park in an assembly which wi thildren; and a ‘brother, "Joh
OCAL MAIL El a > as 2g g » Pi an asse h will esterday e ad a cal- + John
Kenneth Stern, president of the PE SERV 09 YEARS . : : livered, or could snot he forward- | re ews rom I Yesterd y the. editor hada cal Groff, of Enola
I AFTER SERVING 9 YEARS | School as part of their social stud- | be held at 11:00 a. m. ler, “Hime” Hauser of near Roths- Enol
America sti » of Cooperation, | oh fr Bs "we 'd because of the 0 ce stage . : : . : : ar ia
fron 2 Lipp of Sr haa, A veteran with nine years of se Pe ies program. The C. E. P. is a pro- ol hi os ; si oh Kot Be oi Th Dailies For A film on the historic city of ville, wi spent a, brief vacation in A Sep er Mrs. Clara ERisen=
WA 9: Ly WIAD e vice has reenlisted in the Air | ject supported by the Carnegie i” : Te : love ‘eters Sung € Williamsburg, Virginia, will be} Florida. Tuesday evening at 6:30 he Lo Souza ethtown; and two step 4
es cipal speaker at the annual meeting ce and 13 men have enlisted for Foundation to promote better cit- rere oO. os er * a shown in assembly on Jon. 18. was in southern Florida and 6% Benjamin Groff and Geo, i
p » Pr ers’ ivestock SO = n : y : Iresses le é "esses O : v . : 3 “| Groff ) of ace. &
of the Produce rs’ Livest ek Asso- [he first time, the Army and Air | . . bralning in American | dresses, insufficient rd ress n Quick Rea g Examinations covering the first!| hours later he knded at Reading, roff, beth of this place, also sur-
ciation in the Landisville Fire Hall, | poco Recruiting Officer announced | schools. reiurn addresses, and in muny ine semester of this school year will be | making a non-stop flight We
January 26th at noon. it was' an- ‘Monday. —— i stances no town or city on the ad- Lancaster City's parking meters given on January 23, 24, and . i TR Fund ral serviges were held from
nounced by Manager Noah Huber. |, che Air Force veteran is Thomas | dress, i collected $75,350.00 during 1951. The semestor on Tantric FARM WOMEN PROTEST the Nissley funeral home here on
is" 4 snnsviv: a || 37 of thi Ad a rer or, it is of the | The Baltimore & -ailroad <P a yn He. AIT - NO servi
ee A ee Roser, of fois lore, whose ‘The Witness Oak in Mas A | | Tu a Te on hy On January 24 the mobile blood BASE ON VALUABLE LAND ho 3 0 : or EH
108 ag : : ‘eprasents re | % a > > ad- | 44 she » yes at al= . . : - 3 eS ere 1e1¢C 1 3
| anc years Ago 1s a rep se ntative {signe d up for six years. He will re a A yy Ae tic ol 1 (Turn to page 3) Society of Farm Women No. 1, at ek oh : le eanonjte
of a farmer's cooperative in Lan- { port to Langley Field or Bowling | SS 3 me : a : ; 3 Hmore Jan. 1. : ; —— = tl n= em Lititz, has passed a resolution pro-| 1 lorin. with interment in
caster County. He later served for a | i. Force Base | a er e Is correct in every respect, thai| pire destroyed three unoccupied Fairview cemetery,
) Air Force Base. i | : wl oS testing “the destruction of valuable
number of years on the faculty at | - ee —— — | your return address is on the let- [fume hotels and eight houses near H Id Ends] { land” f I I Bi
- Penn State College. Three years | MNS FIRST PRIZE ! ter, and that the proper postage is | Atlantic City’s famed boardwalk. aro ow armland” for the air base.
id ras | SWARR WINS FIRST PRIZE n a venin lac { : . i The action was announced over
4 irae . Bi 3 = placed thereon A total of 8,786 persons in Lan-
igo, he joined the staff of the Am on sm 1 A I
ago, he joir : LAT THE TOBACCO SHOW A inh: sont ther addict) ty calles SRT ia the week-end.
erican Institute and a year later he | ; ‘A Swarr, of I Wl | The Witness Oak FFA Ch pte A mune Shent when addressing [easter County. collec See €a S 0. 0 daCCo | @
. I . « ’ - ’ | ail red rene gs late TROT PVA
was named its president, oh the grand championship | held its regular monthly meeting | Mail, will save hours later on. | Social Security payments every y CASUALTIES IN KOREA The Past Week
Although his duties now keep or 3 : o | Monday evening, at the East Done- | month ~ : .
5 | prize for a hand of binder at the | \ a a a a's tried Aad : ww . ; WwW The announcement comes from
him in close contact with large and annual Lancaster County Tobacco | gal High school after a basket- THE LATE EMERSON ROHRER'S In Utah's Little Siberia, snow ro ers SSOC n that Xf gS (tle rn v
| ui as 3 © TS roves : on GO | . CPA osm Wo Es . as g i jo > Cas-
small cooperatives throughout the | Show Friday at the Milton Ranck | ball game was played on the gvm | ESTATE VALUED AT $18.990. drifts were 80 feet high and the Harold B. Endslow, of Marietta ualties in Korea are 103.739. an in- ery rie Vv 0
) (Turn to page 3) | wareRouse at Lancaster floor in which the Witness Oak In an adjudication, the Court ha temperature registered 35 degrees Kh1, was elected president of the crease of 321 since last week week L t had i
| wi é Vy $ 5 : oa os | ' ~ a as o ce nea
een fens Roy M. Rohrer, of Strasburg R1. | Wildcats outlasted a team from E- | the distribution of $500 to | below Lancaster County Tobacco Grow- i — | vi Rncus'e 3c SIX
wy 1 ’ stra 5 | ; ‘ I Rs aie OV OYE ee urglaries in as ma av
. took the reserve championship | town 38-35, in a thrilling two min~ | Erisman’s Church from the estate| There are more federal govern-| Association at a program held Work: ry hy Cavs
Ag | » er » of C. Emerson Rohrer, Rapho town- | ment workers in California today |. “oni “ti 1 the annual to- are zing the 108-yr..
res. €0 Oorris -— | ute overtime I in conjunction with the annus 1d fy : 5
. | ™ dre > le sth Kreider. | ship, who arch 3 951 at | th: in any state in the union—ev- , : ia” o Faves old covered bridge t Bushong’s
| SUPER TOOK IN $14 MILLION: I'he President, Kenneth Kreider, | ship, who died March 31. 1951 at |than in any bacco show. This session, the first Mill
| me | » il
| officially opened the meeting io | the age of 76 en Washington, D. ( reorganization meeting of the as-| Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mooney, of
> E. Donegal S. B., Ha 3 ou on as 4 RECORD red business for the 31 members and Rohrer's estate was valued at| Joe Rosenbaum, of $9,450 mink sociation in two years, was held in | Maytown, a daughter at St. Jos- : %e er A 1 ih d fox snapped
’ | : % Se) a 0, | cne guest present. $18990.21. The executors of his | coat fame, failed to put in appear- the warehouse at 220 N. Water St.,| eph’s Hospital. at the wheel of a motorists car
° ce wx io c eceints | 5 | . . 2 near the ‘ Yooal
¢ Names Committ S i RY op i Te The treasurer, David Sweigart,| will are Harry G. Rohrer, Man- | ance in Court after which a war- Lancaster on Pridiy. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Kraybill,| "ea! he Octorar Creek.
c for on Samy oF yen am reported a balance of $404.32 in the | heim R2, and Charles E. Rohrer, of | rant was issued for his arrest Other officers named: Mount Joy RI, a son yesterday at t an bin he Rub], of a
The Fast Donegal School Board | Wore Fhe m : : th treasury at this time. He also not- | Hubbard, Ohio. Twenty-five tenants in Philadel- Vice president, A. Milton Ranck, | the Lancaster Osteopathic Hospital| "Vile. celebrated their 50th wed-
oh Augus ras r m , : aves ” ’ ding an ersay Saturday.
C met in regular session Friday even- | Y a. W RS ne bi id phi {red that if the members paid a few re phia’s Broad Street Station have New Providence Rl: secretary, Al- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. John ling inhiversary Sat irday
ing. President George Morris pre-| when 934,000 vehicles paid $15 ba > Tr he {rane TYE A ' > | heen notified to vacate by April 28. : oo vi Ey & Landisville. Friday I'wo Lancaster City men were
Ing, rresiden ! | milli in dnily average of] Fast dues the amount in the treas- | MAN KILLED IN KOREA | dus N. Myer, Millersville R1; and | son, Landisville, a daughter Friday ttacked | bid { Sund
. . : 1 1 tolls ally average T > > y ( rear ¥ . altacke Dy abi ( ot i
sided. President Morris appointed | iy (Turn to page 2) WAS BURIED AT BAINBRIDGE The P. R. R. will raze the 70-year treasurer, John D. Roland, Mouht!at the Lancaster General Hospital - flo nti kd “hh y
the following committees for 1952: | "07 ———————. The body of Cpl. James C. Bry- | old building ; Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mellinger,| © Ig Crow ley shot J
pp | ) pl. Jam ry Joy RI. rE ; « 5
: 5 v | } eas T TIN 5 . | > 1 « LZ NV. Mart Co., ast Lam-
Ipstruetion: Edward Charles ang | WORKMAN FOUND DEAD en, of Bainbridge, who was killed - . A demonstration on tobacco | Mount Joy RI, a daughter Sunday : i t : we j ! a re
Jchn Roland; Supplies, Curvin A Mi tr ] Sh Kenneth Deckert, 44, of Bausman | in Korea Sept. 14, 1951, arrived on CEMETERY ASSOCIATION grades set up to supplant the “one | at the Lancaster Genera] Hospital p : 8 pa Re 4 Wi 2
Martin and Joseph Bixler; Repairs, | ns e ow |a in employe of the Penna. Power & ' Saturday and was buried in the | AT SILVER SPRING ELECTS price system” of marketing type 41 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Alleman, i” € ie) a Sa ite to cease
Joscph Bixler and Edward Charles: Light Co. was found dead along Bainbridge cemetery Wednesday af-] Omer F Gingrich was cigar filler leaf was conducted by 245 West Donegal street, this boro, an Po or “ -
—— Transportation, John Roland and! By Salunga roup the road between East Petersburg! ternoon. chairman of the Silver Spring were H. Clayton Meyers, Rohrerstown,!a daughter at the General Hospital : 101 or Io yy Hoe a
Curvin Martin. | and Neflsville by a passing motor- He was a graduate of the Conoy | etery Association at the organiza- (Turn to page 2) Monday. arking dog, Mabe Magdelena
Receipts of $1,371.14 were report- | Salunga Mothers Club meeting | ist | Township High school. tion's annual meeting in the bases aa a] Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Sheaffer. aed six, of Strasburg,
ed and payment of bills amounted | Monday night in Fe school house, STE om | ment of the Evangelical United HELD THE ANNUAL GIRL Mount Joy R1, a daughter Tuesday Fade hey icycle into an auto and
C to $833.17. Teachers salaries were | made plans to present the sed Brethren church ‘OUT NEIGHBORH'D DINNER | 2% the Lancaster General Hospital. | Was killed
| adjusted to conform with the 1951 | minstrel show given by members | High Sc hol 1 las: smates sof | Other officers elected are John Soon NE 0 “ ) 4 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sipel, Mt TY Lg
; legislative salary act. Preliminary | of the club on March 21 and 2 | Kauffman, secretary; John Henne, > > men pag api To mil Joy Rl, a son Tuesday at the Lan. | SICO CO. HERE EXONERATED
Wr 0 ) & I Base aS , ” .
commencement plans were appro- | Mrs. Jack Moss, recently 9 I S h > treasurer: and John Butzer, super- Re gin) ot el i ey || caster General Hospital. FROV: $1662 TAX PAYMENT
oe 3 orin rl Seco eighborhooc The Schock Th ¢
ved. It was also announced that the | president, presided, ; | 41 eet n out ern apan visor, of the cemetery. WD Trinity Lutheren” Cheech Mr. and Mrs. James H. Spang- The Schock Independent Oil Co.
next meeting of the Donegal Joint| The club voted $5 to the March | ie fd iy i i ler, Manheim R2, a son Tuesday at |e! this boro, organized as a non-
School Board will be held Thurs- | of Dimes and veported 11 baskets | P f | TRU CK WAS OVERWEIGHT ie weeks deciitod hold & the Lancaster General Hospital profit corporation to promote pub-
(Turn to page 6) of fruit sent to shut-ins over the | | State Police at Lancaster, prose- e group ecided to hold a fat Cp lic education, was upheld in its
© — a, holidays. Miss Kay Cuskey played { cuted a number of truck drivers for collection in he two i Co Mr court battle against payment of
; . i AG : 1. The group also’ decided to se 1 Pipe
op : = ; | piano solos and gave a talk on her | | overweight. Other prosecutions $1,662 federal tax
SCHOOL BOARD'S TROUBLE rork levis There were 37! i ; » | cookies in March and Mrs. Simon ews n ener 4 AT. tien
. WITH FOUR LOCAL BOYS | work in television, ere were Jif | | were Ira A. Hess, Mount Joy R2, i 8 At Washington, the U. S. Court
ps Ts ; tend | present including four new merny; | fou with reckless driving. Nissley was named cookie chair- m . of Claims ruled that the fim.
were are four boys attending | — man. TO .
| bers. { En ro orm or known as the SICO Co. founded
our boro schools who are running | ie Mrs. Edward Lane was named . .
9¢ | Hostesses were Mrs. John Ben- | Be es Gi by Clarence Schock, is entitled to
true to the old adage, “Boys Will | : Drive. ) f the Juliet Low . :
: | der, who also won the door prize, | r 0 chairman ot the Julie OW pro t recover the $1.662 1 federal
» 3s dm i ’ | 1 21.602 paid In Tedera
Be Boys.” Theil discipline has nog Mrs. William Walters, Mrs. Ray- | ocCa am € ject for March and Mrs. Clinton € as €e = insurance contributions tax
C been 100 percent. of late and as @| mond Wengen, Mrs. Floyd Wetzel | ‘ Eby publicity chairman. After the! nr and Mrs. Jacob D. Strickler —
result the School Board, at a re-) ng Mrs. Ray Wiley. ommerce ecte dinner and the business meeting re spending several weeks at Or-|{ ORPHANAGE GETS SHARE
gant Meeting presided oe | The next meeting will be held on | . ‘ slides were shown by Mrs. Arthur | lando, Florida. The Tressler Orphans’ Home of
President Gerberich, made this de- | Feb. 4, at 7:45 p. m. at the school. Five NewDirectors Mayer and the Rev. L. W. Koder, | On Wednesday, January 30th, | the Evangelical Lutheran ai
le cision. | Entertainment will be provided by Miss Anna Mae Eby, chairman was ps. Kathryn Snyder will have] Loysville, Perry Co. will receive
: i : | eve
lc One of the four offenders is to be| John Shenk, of Millersville State | Five directors were elected at the | in charge. public sale of the Fairview Or-!$11052.35 from the estate of Luel-
Te turned over to Juvenile Court, a| Teachers College faculty, who will | annual dinner of the Chamber of TTR Ee chards. la C. Kreider, daughter of the late
be member of the board said, while | give a demonstration on hypnotism | Commerce Tuesday evening at | OUR GOVERNMENT DEFICIT Fourteen members of the Florin| Mr. and Mrs. Tobias R. Kreider of
the other three may return to | ree Wi fh | Hostetter’s. 13 TIMES BIGGER IN YEAR Fire Company attended the Jan-| Lancaster County.
chool if they conform to the rules. | A SUIT FOR DIVORCE | | Directors elected for a term of The government wound up the uary meeting held at the Florin ——a—
—— ip Complaint in divorce: Charles W. | kid ; three years are Charles J. Bennett, first half of its fiscal year $7, 467, | Hall, with Benjamin Staley Presi-| WEDDED FIFTY YEARS
NINE OCCUPANTS ESCAPE {Brown, 28, Pine St., Lititz, vs. Betty| Lt. Robert Germer and Capt. Jim is stationed at Camp Crouch, | Charles Buchenaver, Charles Fish, | 242,215 in the red — a deficit about , ding. The transaction of the Mrs.]| Mr. and Mrs. Henry. 5. Musser
IN COAL GAS EXPLOSION J. Brown, 25, Landisville; cruel and | James Zeller, both of this Forough, | on the southern tip of Honshu, | Clyde Mumper and Simeon Horton. | 13 times as big as that for the same j Lillian Hamilton property to the|of Mount Joy Rl celebrated their
There was an explosion of coal
gas at the home of Ralph Lausch,
two miles north of Manheim, Sun-
day. A water jacket weighing near-
ly half a ton was thrown 15 feet
hut all nine occupants in the house
at the time escaped injury.

and indigni- |
1946, Ream
| barbarous treatment
ties; married Feb. 23,
ed December 26, 1911.
The Mobile Blood Donor Unit
the High School, Thurs., Jan. 24,
recently spent a week together in
Bob has been sta-
transporting personnel and
Kyushu, where
| ticned since August, He pilots
la C-47,
at | mail supplies to Korea and evacu-
| ating the wounded.
| a
serving with an air
base Field Ar- |
Paris Hostetter was acting presi-
period last year — the trez
pored last week.

tillery Unit in Korea. | dent due to the illness of Dr:
Lt. Germer is a son of Mr. and | Walker
Mrs. Frank Germer, on North Bar- Mr. Mervin W. Brandt was the
bara street and Capt. Zeller is the | speaker giving a resume of World
son of Mr. and Mrs. George Zeller | Events trom 1882 to the present
on East Main street time a
vary 31,

ASUry rn e- |
Pennsylvania fishermen may use| Lebanon has launched a drive to
their old fishing licenses until Jan- have the $62 million Air
cated in that county.
(More on page 3.)
etl A eee it I
The Chamber of Commerce at
Base lo-
50th Wedding Anniversary on Wed-

January 9th.
errr A Me ein
Elmer Bucher Snyder, of near
Rothsville, sold his seven acre crop

of tobacco for 30 and 10 cents,