The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 03, 1952, Image 3

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rt ED

To Answer Phone and Doar Calls

| sylvania St
the £th

state h


| sheep
stock cavalc
| tor

# driving

John 8. Fine
| play of horsemanship by the Penn-
ie Police
an ual Rural
| €hips on Wednesday:
shearing contests plus
and the
Farm Show Briefs,
a dis=
Talent Festi |
val with 800 participants on Tues- |
pulling champion= |
statewide |
pitching, log sawing and
a live
farm teac-
| ™ J > rr

| State Farm Show | 36th Pennsylvania Farm Show Opens January 14th
(Form page 1)

J {| Greater youth interest and pare
. !
Call Evenings Mt Joy 3-4451 | ticipation than ever before is as-
J | sured. More than 1500 memicrs of |
J | 4-H Clubs, FFA and FHA will have |
| active parts in the show, dedical=
The display of live stock should |
FLORIN, PENNA. be the greatest in history. Advance |
| entries fotal more thay 1800. Poul- f
| try entries exceed 4.009 birds.
Home economic students from 28 | Dedicated to “Youth in Agriculture,” the 1952 Pennsylvania Farm Show at Harrisburg, January 14-18, will be
THE 20TH | high schools of Pennsylvania will the biggest in history. Sketch shows air view of the Farm Show Building with 18 acres under roof and part of free
compete in the annual vocational parking space for 141.000 cars. Large arena, seating 7,600, is shown at upper right with exhibit hall, poultry and
° { demonstration contest. An equal | livestock quarters in main building in foreground. a million people are expected at the coming exposition
| number of veeatiensl am culture | where $5,000,000 in farm machinery and other exhibits will be on display. Premiums offered by the Farm Show
ave entered. Commission on 10,000 competitive farm product exhibits total a record $55,000.
One Star Farmer and five Reg- | Stare ite Horticultural Association will 4
| c Ss ) A " .
ional Star Farmers will be named ; i a
| sell Pennsylvania apples and apple b fie ely tat
Friday J 1 1th 1952 | at the annual convention of the | jie, : Poissy and Ink a! ul ry
anuar | Keystone Chapter, Future Farme rs |
9 ’ me ' At least four Pennsylvania “Ag- B H A | 1 y i
\ ‘ing wee Ee Ra % SEY Co &
12:30 O'clock of Amer} a during the week. Key | ricultural Queens’ will attend the y ENS ne ¥ rat S moortant |
| stone Farmer degrees will be awar. | show. They are the Potato BI 9
J - Ve" . d . y are By 0 0ssom
AT THE SALES BARN ON ROUTE 230 AT MT. JOY. PENNA. | ded to 179 FFA members for out- Queen, the Stute Apple Quee | Bs (AY VE HE LER simple, but tests show that results are
standing work in agriculture : He pple Queen, the Far ble win Bureau isfactory. Insta.led on the ceiling,
In agriculture. | Apple P. D. 1
For ie pple Fan Dowdy Queen and the Su lar as we know, nobody ever | the circulator forces the air up-
cr the third straight vear a de le | Li k ' ! es MA \
ad — ratio fro? the Atlantic davestock Queen. They all appear “sash a Len wt vie thinks | wards, causing it to travel along the
egration rom 1 Atlantic City | | Wednesday night in a Farm Fash- | having the poultry venti= | ceiling, down the walls and up the
Chamber of Commerce will visit the fon festival ft People ) al ariing for center again Since this type of ait
thaw Pras 9 Pee pe ter vell 1058 | 23 al a a
Hl O By J I N fu she Present plons eall for the | More than 500 young people will of the | . have d on the ou oy moves al) He Rl an the
opening of a New Jersey-Mid-At- l be « . he ik. to i And. | room, tis particularly effective in
Nd laniic States a} e among the 85 to participate in He 1 : hose houses | connection with the use of bacterici-
+ States Far , To - e ha AE is |
FROM JOHN J. STOLTZFUS:~ i a of yam Show in the At- | the seventh annual Rural Talent| wher oct on been | Gal lights. Also, it has been used with
lantic City convention hall in De- | festival in the large arena Tuesday | i die wn | good effect to cool poultry houses in
Two daughters of Duke ‘Lochinvar, cn out | cember 1952, ona { the summer.
' : 7 NEN A : evening. Included will he the 100- i dp : ;
standing sire who Public Aue 150.06 and Scores of Pennsylvania newspa=| <i. . In other types of poultry house
13 nearest a averdae 213 0; c 39°, test | pers and radio static Al hee piece State Future Farmer band. fai : as ventilating systems, the fan or fans
J 1 a 1 9g pid 9.90 lest, ors Station wi 1aVe' | Also participating will be the Town | an electric ventilating s3 { are installed in the sidewalls of the
) bs. {at. These aofe ery « d ¢ be sey- | representatives at the show, report=- and Country Chorus of Bucks Co ouse more birds: his | | structures away trom the prevailing
eral of them at the Sale. ing the 126 scheduled events and A onger and need fewer { wind, if possible. They usually are
a. > the ceiling in the top
Rieezy Brae Pickwick, « lo
vely 4 year old daughter of the | vices are


being enlarged to
winners in competitive displays and |
contests. Press room and radio ser- |

ee Lonelm Texal Pickwick. Jos. Darlington, the former own | increased demands, [
of "Pickwick" says she is the best of “Pickwick” Activities for farm youth have | _ If you want a notice of your sale | 50 es nd deh
i he Acs sean. been held every year since it was | sera in yn register weekly | sive moisture = the © pr whic
started in 1917. In that year prizes | ‘om now until day of sale, ABSO- Ques Limit 0 decay. and hal
Malton Road Beauty, at {ive years 305 days 12242 m 4.0% were gwarded for the best ten e: ars | TREE. a re phons be jo a
288.7 Tbs fort: four vears 305 derys 11966 nr 3.87% 463.0 Ihe fat: | nt your sale date and when you are
i Ibs f Bie ur y i a. asi 40 nm 35% 4 01 at; | of corn grown by a boy or girl un- | ready let us print vour bills. That's
our years 333 days 12246 m 3.89% 4) ps. lat. der 18. Corn and potato judging the BEST advertising you can get.
An outstanding herd A Pro: Rag Apple | contests were held for vocational | Tuesday, March 11 In Rapho
Commander, whose sire and dom were both sired by areat | boys. Torn, 2% mites east of Mout Joy,
sone of “Mek im Fass Ch ti CD | " i : | near Elm Tree School, 'i mile off
yreeding sons o / cu 2 sire. Challenger Pon- The 4-H Clubs took part in the | Manheim road, live stock and im-
He was Honorable Mention All-Conadicn 2 year old in 1948. | show for the first time in 1923 with | plements. Jay G. Ober. Elmer V.
om ] r 13 1 ’ ry . -
Th= dam has a 2 year old record of 4.0% 457 lbs, fat | a potato demonstration at which | Spahr, Auct.
in 325 days, being qualified for 305 ¢ ion. Pennsylvania grown potatoes were ! Thursday, March 20—In E. Done-
This will
Phone: Mt

. Joy,

ba an opportunity to get some good Holsteins baked. The custom which started |
| the sale of baked potatoes at the
A Nf AD ATT Hi feck :
ACCREDITED MANY VACCINATED | Form Show originated from this
stunt. This year the State Potato
3 Growers
fc r
i potatoes, In
Keystone Holstein Sales, Inc.
Pa. 3-4354
Association is
of up to 100,000 baked
an adjoining booth the

a sale.

Headquarters For
Public Sale Bills
Is Attractive
re Reasonable
Fourth - Our Free Register Counts
Any person contemplating holding a public sale in northern
Lancaster County should consider the Bulletin when it comes
to the printing of attractive Posters or thoroughly advertising
Any one of our many customers will verify this.


i gal Township, on Donegal Road, '4
mile no:th of Maytown and 4 mile
south of Donegal Airport, livestock
and implements and household
goods. Victor F. Hawthorne. Dupes
& Hess, Auctioneer.
rr I ene i
- |
Farnings after all charges accru=-
ing to the common stock of Penn-
> : . Poultry house ventifating svtems
sylvania Power & Light Company { economical to operate and install
for the twelve months period end= | Cne of (he newer types of fais used
ed November 30, 1951 were $0,330, | 10 venlilate pouitiy houxes is shown
4 rthove. T'he ! 1 on
53Y, equivalent to $2.15 per share
of common stock outstanding at
such date.
Operating revenues fo: the first
eleven months ending November
30, 1951 were $76,906,658, an in~
of 8.29% over
redponding period.
crease last year's cor-

For Farm Sd Home

Decorative Waste Basket
a variety ol
baskets may be purchased in
sizes and colors, but it’s
much more satisfying to make one that |
expresses an individual's flair for nove
A waste basket like the one in the
sketch does all of this and, at the same
time, provides more durability and con.
venience than most such receptacles, It
can be fashioned in a few minutes!

Simply decorate the owster sides of a
galvanized steel pail with paint, wall-
paper, patterned oil cloth or decals. One
or more of these materials may be used
to make the pail blend perfectly with its
futore surroundings,
Before painting or gluing material to
the pail, wipe it with a cloth which has
been dampened in a vinegar and water
solution. This removes grease which may
be on the metal. And, if the cover mate.
rial selected is not water resistam, pro-
tect it with a clear plastic.
Any motif may be achieved and, since
a galvanized steel pail is rust-resistant
and leak-proof, it will last almost in-
definitely. Also, its sturdy handle will
prove a real convenience when it's time
to empty refuse into the incinerator or
garbage can.

Farm Electrification Bureau

Water is the cheapest and one of
the most important things farmers
must provide poultry and stock. For
| the products they get from them,
whether meat, milk or eggs, are com-
posed largely of water. Unless poul-
try and stock have enough water to

right temperature from this e lectri-
cally heated “drinking cup.’
drink at all times their production
will go down.
The use of pressure water systems
will do the job unaided during the
summer. But in northern states,
where snow and ice are the rule for
| several months each winter, the de-
livery of water alone often is not
enough, Some heat is needed to keep
stock tanks and poultry waterers from
freezing over.
A few years ago, the chore of main-
taining open stock tanks in cold
weather was the unpleasant duty of
. located near
part of a short duet which extends to
within approximately 20 inches of
the floor Ducts have a hinged doo)
I at the top to provide access to the
fan, and another at the bottom,
| latter opening downward In hot
weather. the ®p door is opened and
| the bottom closed so that warm air
| may be exhausted from the ceiling ot

the house Ventilating systems should
e capable of isting 2/3 of a
‘ubie foot minute for each
square foot area used by the

of air
of flour

Heating Devices Take On Job
Of Warming Water for Stock
ax-wielding farm boys. Poultry got a
hit or miss treatment, consisting of
periodical visits with a steaming ket-
tle, rushed from the kitchen range tc
the chicken house, And, despite these
heroic efforts, neither stock nor poul-
try drank enough water. Usually, it
was either too cold or too hot.
Fortunately times have changed.
Equipment has come into use to help
the farmer solve his winter watering
problems. Stock tanks and poultry
waterers, supplied by pressure sys-
tems, now can be kept open in the
coldest weather with heaters of vari-
ous kinds.
heaters, generally, are of two types—
immersion and float, Immersion heat.
ers of 1,000 watts are of heavy con-
struction and warm all of the water
in the tank. For practical economy
reasons, it is recommended that tanks
equipped with immersion heaters be
well insulated. Some farmers leave
only two-thirds of the surface ex-
posed to the air in the daytime and
completely cover the tank at night to
save electrical costs, Float type heat-
ers, or de-icers, which draw 500 volts,
float on the surface of the water and
keep open an ice-free hole, sufficiently
large for drinking purposes. In addi-
tion to these two conventiomal types
of heaters, there is a heated stock
drinking cup on the market. The cup
is located in the top of a metal pipe
which is lowered into the ground to
the desired depth for cows, hogs or
sheep. It uses 220 watts, with daily
electrical consumption figured at
about 112 kwhr.
of heaters are available for this win-
ter chore. Immersion types of 150
watts are placed directly in the water
and hold the temperature at 50 de- |
grees. Some poultrymen locate heat-
ing cable in the bottom of V-shaped
water troughs, and others place heat
lamps over or under waterers and
water pans.
Exposed pipes, in all cases, can be
protected from freezing by the appli- |

Starting January 2, you may buy
ja 1942 or older model used car on
| the best terms you can get from a
| dealer.
The Federal Reserve Board an-

cation of heating cable or electric
heating tape.
nounced it will free such autos
that date.
requires a one-
from Regulations
The regulations
third down payment and payoff of | transacting of
the balance in 18 months.

Patronize Bulletin Advertisers.
the |
| 7 The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, January J 195

News From Florin Fs gt di
High St, BE-
coat, Boy's
! (From Page 1)
Mr. and Mis. R. W. Roberts, of
| Mechanicsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Mel- |
a . | necessary
of Mount Joy and Mr. ee a
and Mrs. H, B. Hershey of Lemoyne op call after?
called on their parents the Barbara St. Mt,
| weakend. |
| Mrs. ‘Ruth Pierce and Mr. Rich- |
wrd Crouse of Lancaster were FIREMAN WANTED, Apply Bache
| New Years guests of Mrs. Lillian man Chocolte Mt. Joy.
Hamilton. |

Nickle Hoc!
one Mt, Joy 3-
p. m. at 130 North
Joy, 50-4
| vin Weaver

Mr. and M-s. Benjamin Kauffman | 4
| entertained the following to dinner 43-41
| on Sunday: Mrs. Adah Eichler and ! -
| daughter, Margaret and Mr. and ok 5 J 0 1939 ath 4dr.
wi 1ondie’ Hous | Sedan. Fxce ent cgndition, all new
| a in Bigler and tres. Priced feagfinable. Brubaker
| taghters snd Mes. 1. B le Helter App liane es, Mt Joy Rl, Phone
daughters anc rs. I. B. Gladfelter 5.5324, 50-tf
lof Mount Joy were New Years, —

Day dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. | FOR SALE: Kelvinggér refrigerator
7 cu. ft. Kelvinat electric range.

B. F. Kauffman. Other guests were philco refrigeratof® 7 cu. ft. All in
Rev. and Mrs. James E. Wagner ood condition. Apply E. E. Brown
and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Felty of Mt, Joy, Phone 3-4185. 47-tf
[Lancaster a | VACANT AND IN FIRST
{ A Lancaster soldier who claimed Semi-detached - 5 attic,
new heat plant, oilL# Low operating
he was waylaid and robbed

Manheim, was found under the ine | 2 OR ANCLEY co
+ = Aa .
luence ‘and his story was unfound- | Fulton Bldg. - Lancaster, Pa.
ed | 50-tf
FOR SALE: White enameled wood-
C LAS SIF TED [= wall cabinet for sink, 5 shelves,
| size 54x55 very solid. Price $25.00.
[? lines or less, minimum ...... 35¢ | Chas. Z. Derr. phone Mount Joy
| Over 3 lines, per line .......... 10¢ | 3-5462. 48-tf
{ Each add. insertion, per line .... 8} —mmmmmm——o—ugfn,

1951 Henry J.
1949 Packard, 4-D, R&H
1949 Olds. 76, Club Cgtipe, R&H
| FOR SALF: 3- burner
good oven, white enamel.
| Gruber Phone Mt. Joy
Oil Stove,
21-4114. |

i 1-1p | 1948 Plymouth Deluxe, R&H
hn ins | 1940 Pontiac Club @oupe
GIRL OR WOMAN waned to learn | 1940 Packard Cla Coe,
to sew corsets, steady” work, gond PACKARP GARAGE
nav. Write or phghe G. Zielke |921 N. Hanover St. E-town
3-5662 Mount Joy, 1- | Phone 469-W 51-tf
WANTED: Girl fos office work, | mo .
steadv employment. Come to store OT SALE: Astle Tie Jeers
for interview. Way's Applistes: [it yourself. fc #ach. We rent cut-
Mount Joy.
| ters. Mt. Joy Tile & Linoleum Co.

, -3492 -
I Want to thank the subscribers on a Phe 3.3492. Ore gr
my paper route for. remembering
{me at Christmas. Jimmy Pennell | NEW & USED S
| 1-1p | Buy &onr
tat | HENRY J. Sr
SALFS—Ansco Redifl: sh Camera | BENJ.
| sets $1560 with free $895 Immedigte Delivery
| case. Brownie sets $13.25. Castle Trade &fl.ow Finanving
films for proctor $1.95 - $2.95. GARAGE
| Victory Klahr Camera Shop Florin, Pa. !
| Middleton, Pa. 1-1 Phone 3-5951 11-tf
| FOR SALE: Muscovy Ducks. Harry EXECUTOR’S NOTICE
| Young, R1 Mt. Joy, phone 3-3246. Fatate of Ellen L. Hoffman, laste
51-2 | of Mount Joy, R. D. 1 Fast Done-
— | pal Township, Pa., deceased.
SEWING MACHINFS FOR SALE: Letters testamentary on said
New and used. Repfiirs for dll Estate having been granted to the
undersigned, all
makes of sewing achines. J. V. persons :
Binkley, 111 No, St. thereto are requested to make im-
bethtown. ‘Pa. Phone 216-7. mediate payment, and those having
relaims or demands against the same
will present them without delay for
settlement to the undersigned, re-
siding at

Who wants a New Year's Steal?
Large 8-day Clock, industry size,

3 {t. high, 16 in wide with a 12-inch Mavtown, Pa.
face, figures for time of day and JOHN H. HOFEMAR. t
date of month. No further use. It's |
yours for three bucks. The Bulletin, Paul A. Mueller, Attorney. S146

Notice is herchv given thét the
annual election will be held at the
First National Bank & Com~
pany, at Mount Joy, Wennsvlvania,
| FOR SALE: Home gfade extension
[ ladders, any price reason-
also {lo fepair work. C. H. |
714 . Spruce St., Eliza-

{ able, I

| on Tuesday, January 8, 1952 be-
- | bethtown, + Phone 2539 8 R- Cas tween the hours of ® a. m. and 12
| TURKEYS FOR SALE. D Dresse 2 orl. m. for the electfon of directors,
live weight. S. Kreider, | and the transaction of such other
phone Mt. Joy 3-9036. 44-t[ | business as may come before the
stockholders meeting.
TERS. Paul O, Koger, Florin. Phone | 49-5 Cashier
| Mt. Joy 3-94G8. 48-tf

| FOR INTERIOR DECORATI NG: Estate of Dorothea Mvers, late of
| Call Earl C. Biubaker, Florin, Pa. | Mount Joy Boroueh deceased.
{ Phone Mt. Joy 83-4949, 29-4{ Letters of Administration on said
. esate having been granted to the
| AUTOMOBILE PARTS for Sale, I undersigned, zll persons indebted
thereto are requested to make im=-
mediate payment. and those having
claims or demands against the same,
will present them without delay for
| seftlement to the undersigned. re=-
ciding at 287 Marietta Street, Mount
Joy, Pa.
buy old cars, all Kinds of scrap iron
and also sell “glove wood. Guy D.
Spittler, Phone Mt. Joy 3-5573. 40-tf

Attorney 50-6
Estate of Susan HH. Breneman,
deceased, late of F-st Hempfield
Twp., Lancaster County, Pa.
Letters testamentary on said es-
' tate having been granted to the un-
dersigned, all persons indebted
thereto are requested to make im-
Bros. La
Flops. Pa.
Phghe 3-93551.
wrence E. Stenzel,


Two {obacge” stripping
room stoves.


large and” small, good | mediate pavment. and those having
condition. See Lester S. Kreider, | claims or demands against the same,
| Mt. Joy R2. 47-tf | will present them without delay for
{ settlement to the undersigned
| SUPPLIIS and Used Clean- Salunaa, Pa.
| gre. Call Tay Késer, Mount 2 Frecutor
Phone Phone 3-9542. ~ rs 7-tf James N. Lightner,
| ANTIQUES: Will pay high prices Attorney 49-6
for antiques of Mr. NOTICE
{ Hart, 161 N. Chgrlotte St, Man- ids
Firion a SN 5 | Policyholders of the Mount Joy
| o£ Mutual Insurance Copsffany are
[FOR SALE: LEGHORN BABY |hereby notified th: the annual
ompany will be
cipal office, No. 23
Street, Elizabeth
meeting of the
held at their pu
South Mar
| CHICKS. R.O.P, sifed, Penna. 1). S
| Pullorum clean. Es aves; Phone |
3-9826, Mount Joy. P 49-tf

town, Pa, January 14, 1952, be-
| MILLINERY - Feathsft hs & Veiling tween thehours of 2:00 and 3:00
Pabv Gifts a Vovelties | O'clock, P. M,, for the purpose of
MARGARET-JFAN SHOPPE electing Directors of the Company.

19 W. Doneva 4 Most Joy, Pa.| 50-5 D. L. LANDIS, Sec'y.
al 3-9373 St nae ——————
| Alterations Buttonhnline | SHARFHOL DERS’ MFETING
ANNUAL ME G The regular annual ting of
The annual meeting gf the the shareholders of the Fw Na-
holders of the First
of Landisville, Pa. for the purpose
of nominating a electing direct-
lors for the ensging year and the
er business will
be held at the bankine house on
Tuesday, January 8, 1952, between
the hours of 10 a. m. and 12 M.
52-2 M. L. BOWERS, Cashier 49-5
ational Bank | tional Mount Joy Bank Avill be held
at said bank in the” Borough of
Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, on Tues-
day, January 8, 1952, at ten o'clock
A. M. for the election of directors,
and for such other business as may
come before the meeting.






