The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 20, 1951, Image 1

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s 98¢


and law abiding citizens thruout East Donegal were | D S t | MAJOR JIMMIE MCLANACHAN |g o 's nowfall | DAMAGE AND INJURY The Loc ews
thrown into a turmoil Friday evening when the, onegal ocie y | oe Sie aman, of riaa | The slippery condition of a tow:
; shin roa s blamed by Stat )
news was spread about that between 3,000 and 3.- | ] 0 | Landisville, is home with his fan Ti d U T affi c hip 1 gw blamed ) ate 1 The Past Wee
500 es of the best producing soil and the finest itter y PPOSES | for the few Christmases he 1€ Pp r 1 fice Mum ; a 4 do .
cerdent ww Sl abon
cIcres . 4 has enjoyed with them in the ten iden ch . resultee in i V r Briefly Told
farm buildings to be found anywhere in the United Air Base Location years followine His’ radilion "To a Standstill “400 damaze 15 the cars and slight | Y @ y
». 1 . ‘ Vu Oa passenge one veh :
States, were to give way for a suitable place to re- 1941 from Penn State College : fall | qo 10 @ passenger in ane VE At a public sale on Saturday com
’ AY > ‘ : | : a res wii le
. - The Donegal Society announced [Since that time he has been in| We had a taste of a real sn cle sold for $1.96 per 70 Ibs,
pair airplanes—as the offirmative would express — its opposition to location of the two invasions. Sicily and Normian- an average of about six inches in Police said cary driven by ( lu may have did] tela
a $62 million aircraft supply and maintenance depot proposed air base in the Donegal | qv. instructor in ROTC at Lehigh | this Friday and Series ] Shoes Ries i, 4 7 B Hee! 3 withiit & ~ Vow on
. : ‘or ately comparatively ew | and Jay M. Rowe, 45, of Landisville | ephones HLS
* . area. | University: student and later fac- Fortunately compara | J ancaster County receive
Of gourse this land will not be acquired as eas H. W. Prentis Jr., issued a state- ulty member in the Officers’ Ad- | roads were drifted, but without proceeding i \ opposite directions, lanca re : ay will . rece
3 i 3 a : ractic : . s sable on | $158,760 of the State gas tax res
ily nor as readily as some try to make it appear. { ment as president of the group, | vanced Course. Fort Knox. Ky.: | that, traffic was practically at al atte pled to pass a disabled car or a 0 i
We understand the Air Force has announced | which has charge of historic Don= | and eventu: ly. in Korea, where hs | indstill. WS were out a ives i soi ou a wei re vos of West Hemplield
and ke affie ing. ‘th of Route 230. The cars skic } atten :
egal Presbyterian church. Prentis | ¢nent last Christmas and kept traffic moving noi i
that of all locations mentioned, it prefers the Don- said After a tour of duty with ther On Snyder's Hill, at the East end | ded, police said, coming together Wi has been added to Co
: i . : ’ SAH SEL idded : said lumbia borough
egal-Mount Joy-Elizabethtown area. “The Donegal Society, which| tank battalions in Korea, Major [Of town, seve hg and Hie head hy R I. Barn Spangler, a Councilman
4 has as its objective the preserva- | McLanachan was assigned assistant | there was a traffic tieup for some A possenger in the Rice car, Lr ne on “patina
But there are quite a number of obstacles to be | tion and maintenance of the old | to the chief of staff of the 25th Di- | time. Mount Joy residents, return- | Mary Killhefner, of Rohrerstown, | at Maren To 2 years, has retin
: if st: ) 1e 2 Go. Re dina ws tn : es " ed from that body
removed before it becomes a reality. Just why all | Donegal Pre: hatorics n Church at | vision, whose assistant commander | ing “from work at Lancaster, were | suffered a bruised left knee, Lut | €¢ A ! : 2X fell and was
> for ree Ss sdic: ‘oi , A girl aged 7, fell asleep al
this location talk when, up to the present time, there | Donegal Springs, protests vigorous- | as Col. “Mike” Michaelis | held up for about three hours, re fused re ment ford Ir he. Tokar, Theta ia
| ly against the establishment of the Now the Major is headed for the | Most school husses delivered : tol ED
is absolutely no indication that the Congressional | proposed air base in the Donegal | pentagon and the Office of fhe | their children behind schedule. but a wh 23 ” Sy
; Rian Ie 2 oY ' ee : vine Amos Hershey, of Paradise town-
Committee will or will not release funds required for | section of Lancaster County. Chief of Psychological Warfare. He | Safely. One bus, carrying Rapho News In Genera ship, was prosecuted for ‘ot sends
. “ necessary | . | townwship children, was stuck on Ship, was prosect
the oir hase It seems utterly unnecessary | js now at home with his wife. the | . ing his daughter. 10. to school
’ (Turn to Page 2) former Virginia Snavelv. of Lan-]@ township road for two hours. F Fl F " gl Ri : otk :
age < ) > ginia Snavely, o Aan- by : A Tillow Street ather of
As soon as the provosed base becomes a realty, smn) Wes disville, and his daugh- | There was trouble zalore on the| FPO F1OFIN I'OF bors lr
rowan Ses ia & our i > as este
then and then only will the Bulletin go to bat for all SLIGHT FIRE HERE BUT ter, Susie iy ay Se i e as ee stealing checks from mail boxes
CAVSE IS A MYSTERY — 4 eee pe t denver stale at dane
concerned. Until then, we ask our good neighbors The roof of the large frame build-| | garage men and highway mainte- » | A cigaret started a fire that dam
in Donegal to be at ease ing used as a work shop, storage i : H Id X nance employes and trucks, all] The annual Christmas program | cged the upholstery of the
ET se 4 y plumti in t and garage ACNS € mas | were assisted after being stuck. will be presented by the Florin E | of Rodger Transeau’s Columbia R2.
eee sats ssn orp NG equip 1 and garage | ’ : 3 he smi i ater ex -
Cara in the rear of the home of Mrs. H. Many cars stalled on Hull's Hill | U. B. Children of the Church on When 2 mall oil heater explod
M J E F iL K ffm S. Meckley, 15 West Main street, Party- Decided on north of Manheim, and on the hill | Sunday morning at 9:30, as follows: | €d at Columbia, it burned only the
artha ane rev, D al man was damaged by fire at 2 p on { below Elstonville. Traffic was also| Song, Congregation; Scripture,| Wood work and furniture in the
amag - } | Turn to pag, 7 Reading and Praver Rev. Gable: room,
Thursday. A Mi t | Sh | (Turn page eading and rayer, ev. Gs : ii he's 91 of
Londisville, Feted Home Destroyed | cic rus sors wo oA VimStrel Show | 2 Wenn, Johonls idee
- - hea . > | : : | his 56 vears rison, was senten-
swered the alarm with the Friend-| Richard Divet hss been appoint- | N. J. MAN IN STOLEN CAR hart; The Twinkling Star, By Mrs. | ey e . on I : 3 Khe:
sit 1 : 1 - CIE ” + ye > ce 0 5 0 ¢ years or a ronpbe Vv
On 02rd Birthda B Fire Sunda shin Fire Company, said the blaze | ed chairman of He Minsirel Show IS ARRESTED AT FLORIN Wisegarver’s class; Rec., Welcome, at Columbia
might have been caused by either | or Like Activity Committee of the | Paul H. Godson, 23, of Yardville, | Rose Musser; Ex., Happy Birthday Five storted hy an explosion of
A family dirner and oven hou fire occurred at the home of | the eparks from a bonfire cutside | local Lions’ Club. This committee | N. J. was apprehended Saturday |To Him, Ronald Eichler; Ex, A | fumes de stroved the ‘Jaco
was held Sunday in henor of Mrs « E ih Kauffman, formerly | the building or from a fire in a| has been so named because of some | { night by State Policeman Leo Mo- | Welcome for the Baby: Rec., If I K Mast potato warehouse ab Blue
Martha Jane Frev. Tandisville, in| known as Bear's Hotel, at 8:45 a. | stove inside the structure [ discussion sone rning the : advan | ran at Florin while seated in a 1948 | had my way about it, James Hock Ball. loss $50.000
ckservance of her 93rd birthday m. Sunday. The fire was caused by The damage, which was estimat- | tages and disadvantages of substi- | auto he admitted stealing in Tren- enberry III; Reading, A Little Star | When & truck skidded wear ricky
The special occasions were held | kerosene le aking from a stove i ed $75 was to the roof | tuting some othe; activity for the | ton, N. J. the day before. Diana Herr: Song by Girls and Fille " knocked a silvia St
for’ Mra. Frey: ot the home of her ithe: kitchen, almost : total — 9 a Minstrel Show. It will be the r'e=1 He was jailed pending the arriv- Boys; Offering and announcements; | its standard end tho Ai
daughter Mrs. J. Clarnce Reist, | loss to the structure and its con- | BOUGHT A HOME IN MANOR | ponsikility of Divet's committee to] 41 of New Jersey authorities. Ex., The Christmas Star Is Calling; | winde w 12 fot iy Ia :
with whom she resides. Mrs. Reist.| tents, John S. Mumma, Elizabethtown | decide which activity shall 2 poll Police received a call of a suspi- Rec, I'm Glad, Patsy Robinson; Ex, Boys at Columbix have stolen
said her mother received about 30 It was learned that Mrs. Kauff- | Fl. paid $12,600 for a Manor town- | dertake B. Divet will [ave the abil cious person in a parked auto at Christmas Bells; Ex., The Greeting| many Christmas iree lights and re-
isitors at open house hed during | man was at the stove preparing to | Ship property of one acre and 61 hf Sistince of the fo owng om | Florin and upon investigating, Po-, Tree; Rec, To. light the Earth,}cently they released the brakes on
the afternoon and evening, in ad- |bake Christmas cookies wher ‘te perches of land, at Ne weomer’s | mittee members: James Spangler, | liceman Moran learned it was ga Leonard Reciner: Ex.. Little Christ-| 1 freight car on an industry siding
dition to numerous cards, flowers, | kerosene ignited. Corner, a mile north .of Central | be i rel Ba i | stolen car. —~——— mas Bells; Ex., J. Stehman: Panto- Levi H. Wise, 57, Stevens Rl, was
. 6 I Ww, + sale Melv mre . ‘ : : : :
ind gifts. Until firemen from East Peters- | Manor, a public sale | Pau a 1 | mime, The star shines; Play, Seek-| killed instanily while coasting in
Mrs. Frey is the daughter of the | burg, Landisville and Salunga ar- ~~ jo Belen Kam Richter, ing the Baby Jesus; Song, Congre-| a field when his sled ran on the
te Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoffman Her- | rived, Kauffman attempted to hook | Turley Chunko, and Coote ou rie ews rom gation. Benediction. highway and under a moving auto
shey, Salunga. She has two child- [ up a section of hose onto a pump rt epartment { The Ce RA Wrist iv a ca llth i
Irs. Pei 1; 7 1 ie : | party was held Tuesday evening, |
ren: Mrs. Reist and a son, J. Wal- | Fut was unsuccessful. [ney : a The Dailies For FARM WOMEN VOICE 111 WEAD BRING $165,113
ter Frey, California; two grand- Mrs. Kauffman, it was learned Di | Christmas = her 1% 9 Beye) OPPOSITION TO AIR BASE AT BABY BEEF ROUNDUP
children and three great grandchil- | suffered neck burns, and her hus- ISp ays |= ii x The 1 ons id not Fo 0 : k R adin The resolution opposing location At tl nnual Southeast District
re Por : Yt! lone at this meeting for all o ec! g > J A e a al Southeas S
is mn : . band suffered a burned hand. Both : ’ Lim os es wore present wc € of the proposed air base in Lancas- | 4-H Roundup at the Union Stock
Before moving to Landisville, | were treated by Dr. Charles E. amt o at en me S| : n chair Fifty-six persons were killed in| ter County ly Farm Women So- | Yards. at 1 es ster. Thursday, 411
frs. Frey and + rug | Weaver: Me on arty or min Funk, prograr chair- | 3 : i Ye 5, A a ster, h aay, y
y i” Prey ne fhe Gy y 4 , Manheim, for burns and Under the = divection. of the Art| Rian the master of merriment, | a plane crash in New Jersey. ciety No. 8, was adopted during 2 hend of hehy heeves averazed 1104
f re : hi b i ra The i I i Department of the Mount Joy Bor-| songs, sames. gifts gags In New York City a man stole his| meeting held in the home of Mrs. | rounds and heought an average of
arm near this borough. ey re- he firemen were hi; sred in|?! di : bites dad ahi ‘a false tee i ( 5. Eshlem: 0 Jo eae p
tired in 1914 and moved to Landi fzhting oo ot , TS 'n ough Schools, a Christmas scene| nd a fortune teller from Bagdad. | mother-in-law's false teeth just to] Robert S. Eshl mal M a Joy {$38.38 per hundred weight, for a
( Ji4 and moved tc Andis ighting the aze y a lack o Ja - : . . : Twe 7: Be oe ors 0 « | he Rol 5
ville. ter, The .noatest source was two | has been painted on the window of | Funk was assisted by Geo. Brown | keep her quiet Ponty Po me er Ha To A total of $165 113
She is a member of the Landis-| miles away in East Pet il wh the | Bennetts’ Restaurant on East Main | ITI, Richard Divet, Charles Chunko Pennsylvania grows and The Womens organise he go At the me time sixty-three
or he ’ aa a. Shug street. This is a jolly scene of | George Broske, Samuel Harnish. | one million dollars worth of Christ- | resents about forty members in Mt head of fat lambs weighing 5,745
ville Mennonite church and attend- | firemen said. ilk SAE aa we Y rill. Batzel. | s trees annually. Joy, Elizabethtown, Rapho town- sold for $36.13 per hundred
d il first o iho ee Christmastime. The painting occu-| Freeman Naugle, William atzel, | ma S 3 8. d fo } I
€d the frst campmeeting at the ; i It depict Sylvester Shuman, Tom Mariner Robert Lyle Taylor, nine, Titus-] ship, East Donegal township and weight,
L andisvil le Campmeeting Grounds | THE KIND OF BUCKS pies the entire window. aid ide Wall Tha able. ville. P ras caught in a clothes | West Donegal township The grand champion: baby beef
about 75 years ago YOU READ ABOUT Santa Claus, Mrs. Santa Claus and | and E2rl Wolf. The table decora-| ville, Pa., was ee gra amj
spite her Tour ve. M 4 iy weral of Santa’s Brownies help-| tions were supplied by the Brownie | wringer and strangled to death. x he a . Ny "ry brought 85 cents pes pound
Fr 3 Ri ya age, Mh Richard Landis of RD, Port Roy-} 5 all Sant | for hi Troop which is a Lions spon A man who owns a home on a| REPORTED FOR NAVY DUTY
ey is st ctive and in good] Nei. 2k on the Tusearera jing 10 fill” Santa's bag for his; yoo: oo Ih Seas s house | AT BAINBRIDGE. MD
health. She is lisienep il, killed buck on the Tuscarora Christmas Eve ride { sored group hichway in Virginia, says his hou € on "TOWN POWER FAILURE
rh cad 8. fonstant Istene; Mountain, in Juniata County, that |“Dyistmas ve : — was hit by autos 16 times in 15 John Miiler. son of Mr. and Mi Sad :
of the radio snd has her daughte: weighed 158 pounds hog-dressed Santa Claus is in the middle of id . John D. Miller Mount Joy and High | PUE TO AN OVERLOAD
4 welg g-dresse : An or RTS DER | vears. . iin : y t EN ethtow ev g shop-
read the newspaper to her d: ly and carried a beautiful 19-point the window. As he reads the name: THATS THE COURTS ORDER Federal tax liens were filed a-| streets, a member of the Navy Re At Elizabethtown evening shoj
| rack, which had a 28-inch pread of he good hays and gis Fai i Prong I less. Mout Joy inst Ne v York congressional | serves, reported for active duty ai ping hours were cancelled De
ack, ; 2 spread. : Ln re Lio Tor 5 sainst two New dh an : o ower failure, hich lastec
Several days later his neighbor long white list, Mrs. Santa ( laus | 1, was ordered by the Court to i E revenue men to the amount of | the Naval Training Station, Ban- of a p ve Aue y i Joss
e tate ounci killed a 20-pointer of about the|and the Brownies rush to put the! $30 a week to his wife, Anna i 703.000 bridge, Marvland on Wednesday | from 5:15 until 8:15 p. m. one 2
same weight but the spread was | toys into the bag. | He Conestoga R2, for her sup- | Ol sted Field at Middletown, | morning. last week. .
3 i Tr : id that of two children | Sigs "3, ath 1 Pennsylvania Power and Light
Pposes 1g ase less than the 19-pointer. (Turn to page 8) OTD aK | excused 6.000 employes from re- Johnny” is a graduate cf Moun i the break was
P - 2 ' : J Trice " . 0. workmen said e break
A | for work on the 4 o'clock | Joy High school class of 51 and Ji Te n overload: from. the
8 ay | shift Tuesday due to the snow. was a member of the soccer and |] caused ‘by :
n 1S icity — basketball teams Christmas lighting and not from
3 -— — — JAS « « 9,
RR the storm
The Pennsylvania State Council A POWER DISRUPTION i : ei
Phe Pennsvivaris 8 i a Al OWL: bie) ON MONDAY MRS. IH. BROWN INJURED >
of Farm Organizations Tuesday as AT MAY 1 N 1 ND! IN A BAD FALL, MONDAY NEGLECTED A STOP SIGN.
"5 Vigor y Electric power in the Maytown || py, “yoy Brown on Mount] COLLIDED AT CROSSING
opposing the use of fertile far. arez was interrupted from 9.20 a.m. Joy street, suffered a fall while on Charles E. Ashenfelter, 108 West
» og : a | pl Joy | y € «
Tandy’ for the . proposed Ajr Fores ji 1010 a. 18 Monday, when a fuse her way to work Monday morning | Main street, this loro, charged with
aircraft maintenance and supply blew out the Tn bine, Pehngyl« and received arm, head and back | ignoring a stop sign, was prosecut-
depot in Lancaster County. vania Power & Light Company re- injuries. She was taken to the of-| ed by Lancaster City police follow-
The resolution, adopted unani- ported. About 100 consumers were fice of Dr. David E. Schlosser an] ing a collision with an auto driven
mously at the organization’s annual | affected. liter voturned: to hor hime by Fdward Franklin Hipple, 410 E.
meeting in the Penn Harris Hotel, >. - — Ross St., at Prince and Seymour
Harrisburg, also stated the group's Birth 4 rd F'TOWN MAN ACQUITTED streets, Lancaster, at 1:30 a. m. on
opposition, to “the use of fertile | ee 'S | eco BUT MUST PAY THE COSTS Sunday.
lands by state and federal agencies y . t Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Clark, The jury that heard the last case a
for governmental purposes of any ( 1 ild Q Cl] SN Par y | of town, a son Sunday at the Gen- | scheduled for trial in the Decem- | M fi
> C | 3 fhe "
kind.” 1 Ten S | eral Hospital. ber term of Quarter Sen Court — en ion
In its resolution, the State Coun- ~~ | Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Buck- | acquitted Raymond S. Snyder, 53, 's. Robert E. Taylor of Rock-
i é "ganizations whic ce 3T ) | 051 i water 3 RL. a's t the | Flizabethtown R2, of pool-selling Mrs. J = : y oreo
cil of Farm Organizations which ondav ecemper 447, | water, Mount Joy R1, a son at th R 1 3} jond, Muss. is’ spending the Holi
represents about 200,000 farmers mn General Hospital. and book-making but ordered him davs with her mother, Mrs. Hazel
in the Commonwealth, pointed out JO Y T H E AT RE My. and Mrs. Christ S. Greider, | to pay the costs. Clament Mrs. Tavior will. be re-
; 4 : sls ee ee A !
that “farm lands in Lancaster i SHOW STARTS 2:00 P. M | Mount Joy R2, a son, Wednesday, 2% . membered [as Marie Clements
County are among the most pro- DOORS OPEN 1:30 P. M. — ¢ STARTS 2: M. { at St. Joseph's Hospital. LAST 57 MILES SPEND , | Miss Grace Matoney, of Pitts-
ductive in the world.” All the children of the Community are invited to Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison, of The Ta ies the Pm wareh. iv spending the week in Fli- |
. All ne >n1 en: Of S OTT ¥ 3: 5 Bi narra vanig urnpigke wi <2 opened ol- 4 .
It also stated that “professional - es 1p to and including the age of twelve years. Salunga, a daughter, Wednesday, fii to pe yublic op | zabethtown, as the guest of Miss |
engineers can readily show that present up 10 ang inc ; at Lancaster General Hospital. th ; Turnpik nmission said to Derothy Shearer. Sunday she vis-
pr + ( ( QC iS e ‘npike or SS10Nn sal 0- :
(Turn to page 2) \ WALTER S. EBERSOLE P POST NO. 18 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peters, of dav ited her brother and sister-in-law, |
SON I ; AMERICAN LEGION | Landisville, a daughter Wednesday | Mr. and Mrs. John E. Matoney, of |
VRS. C. PIRE WAS ty MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA | at St. Joseph's Hospital.
THE SOPRANO SOLOIST \ ! ren GG Vv | te N I Mrs. Akner Tanis, nee Miss Jane |
‘ {
Mrs. Robert C. Pike, of town, NY | FLORIN WOMAN'S WALLET olun er ow: Funk, W. Donegal street, left hy |
was the soprano soloist in a pre- A oP | with $100 STOLEN AT SALE * plane Wednesday for Hemflton, |
sentation of Handel's “The Mes- | Mrs. Max King, Florin, reported Mobile Blood Donor Unit Michigan, where she will spend
siah” the past Sunday afternoon at to the State Police the theft of a Mount Joy High School ten day Christmas holiday with her
Pottstown, | wallet containing about $100 while : husband’s family, Mr. and Mos.
: | walle aiming about 3 while ny i ary 24 ¥
The Oratorio was presented by a | she was attending a sale at Roots Thursday, January 3 Benjamin Tanis and daughters.
sixty~voice chorus and a_ twenty Sales Barn, near Kast Petersburg 10 a. m. to 4 p. m, Mrs. Tanis’ husband has keen in!
piece orchestra, in the Trinity Re- Jast Tuesday evening. — Korea since September. J
formed church in Pottstown.

Nothing Definite on The
Air Base Location to Get
Excited About As Yet
Many hundreds of our quiet, ever prosperous |




Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, December


yi Joy
$2.00 a Year in Advance
Mortuary Record
‘Throughout This
Entire Locality
Borbara Helen Kapp, aged three,
Fast Petersburg
Harry M. Austin, a native of East
Petersburg, at Philadelphia,
Fred E. Rost, 81, Columbia, suf=
a stroke in his kitchen.
E. Howard, 92, Mari=
General Hospital.
Heagy, 48, at the home
H. Hoffer Manheim R2.
B. Sigman, 85, of West
after a two weeks ill=
| at
etta, at the
Isaac R
Harry Walk. 82 of Rohrerstown,
He operated Walk's Hotel there for
45 vears.
of Marietta, at
When last
worked at the Florin
Joseph Zing, 89,
St. Joseph's Hospital.
employed he
Dr. Jacob Tanger,
pital at Bellefonte. He was a for-
mer school teacher in East Donegal
and Conoy townships.
Mrs. Anna Mary Dennison
Mrs. Anna Mary Dennison, eigh-
urn in fo page 3
A Musical Treat
At Landisville
This Thurs. Evg.
Traditional and
modern selections will be present-
ed at the Christmas concert of East
Hempfield High School this Thurs~
day at 8 p. m. in the high school
auditorium at Landisville, The pro-
gram is the most elaborate ever
Feature of the evening will be
Victor Herbert's
Toyland” with a Mother
and a March the
Toys. Participating will mem-
Lers of the gen~-
Christmas music
planned by the music
excerpts from
“Babes in
Goose scene of
junior and senior
eral music classes.
First portion of the concert will
be a group of sacred selections and
will include a number by the Boys’
(Turn to page 7)
re eet A eer.
Clarence W. Herr, garageman a
short distance west of town, suf-
fered a heart attack at his place of
usiness Wednesday morning and
was conveyed to St. Joseph's Hos-
pital in the Fire Company ambu-
Dr. R. M. Thome
ing physician
was the attend-

The Donegal Joint School Board
will hold monthly
in the High school huild-
its regular
ing at Maytown this Thursday eve-
ning, December 20. Mr. Paul Port-
ner, of Marietta, is president of the
and will preside
Mr. and Mrs. Emlin Buller, 110
East Donegal Street, will celebrate
their forty-fourth wedding anni-
Friday, December
Mrs. Hub:rt M 146 New
Haven street, was admitted to the
Lancaster General Hospital Mon-
day for

Fire Co.
a truck fire west of Florin.
Friendship was
out early this to

A York buyer paid 30 and 10 for
crops of county
several Lancaster

Makes a Fine Gift
Please your friends and at the
time time, . energy,
Send them

same save
worry and money.
the Bulletin one year for a
Christmas Gift. It will recall
you and your present fifty-two
times thruout the year and is a
gift that is far more appreciated
than the average.

71, in the hos- -

