The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 13, 1951, Image 1

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Children’s Annual Christmas Party at Joy Theatre, Saturday, Dec. 22nd, Sponsored by American Legion

John M. Swarr, 82
Retires From East
Hempfield Board
Serving as a school director for
thirty-six years, 27 of which he
was secretary, is about long enough
for any man to devote to the in-
terests of a school district in which
he resides. That's the opinion of
John M. Swarr, 82, of Landisville,
a member of the East Hempfield
township school board, who retired
In honor of the occasion he was
feted during a social gathering in
the high school building at Landis-
During that time he saw and as-
sisted in many major changes in
the district thru new building pro-
The projects included the con-
struction of the first high school
twilding for the township in Lan-
disville, which is now an elemen-
tary school, and the erection of the
present ‘high school building in
Other, projects during the years,
which Mr. Swarr noted, was the
construction of a $125000 addition
to the present high schoo] building
In 1949, and the completion early |
this year of a new $206,000 elemen-
tary school building in Rohrers-
A native of Lancaster County,
ed elementary school building.
Musser was re-elected president,
and Christ Greiner, vice-president.
nounced that part payment has
been made on six acres of land, lo-
cated along Rt. 340 and north of
Ironville, the site for the proposed
school building, :
and Lizzie Habecker, is located a-
bout 100 yards west of the Chestnut
Hill Mennonite Church. The direc-
tors also announced that arrange-
ments to secure the necessary
steel and other scarce building ma-
terials will be made before bids are
asked on the project.
cix classrooms, rest room facilities,
library, janitor’s room, principal's
office, kitchen and health room.
Preliminary plans for the structure
have been approved by the Depart-
ment of Public Instruction.

Mr. Swarr is a son of the late Aar- |
on and Flizabeth Minnich Swarr!
and is a former railway mail
having retired in July, 1932.
served as a clerk for 38 years, ol
mostly on the New York to Pitts- |
burgh run.
He received his early education | of Friendship Fire Company last
in a small rural schoo] called “In-| Thursday evening, officers were
dependence School”, located neat elected for 1952. The only opposi-
Landisville. Later he became 1
Salisbury township. Consequently, |
it was noted, Swarr had a deep un- Miller Wolgemuth; First Vice-
| President, Earl Zink; Second Vice-
President, William Breckline: Re-
derstanding of rural schools and
their needs.
The highlight of the banquet pre- |
cnemics class, was the present
of $50 in cash to Mr. Swarr by Ar-
thur A. Hackman, supervising prin- |
cipal, from the board as an appre-
ciation gift.
Although Mr. Swarr’s post on the
board will be filled by Floyd Rudy

November, Swarr will continue un- |
til 1953 serving as board secretary. ,
Friendship Fire
Company Held Its
Election of Officers
| tion was for the office of chief hose
teacher and taught for six years in i director and delegates to the coun- |
the county at Harmony School in| ty convention.
cording Secretary, Richard Divet;
pared by students of the home ec- | Asst.
ation { Financial Sec’y & Treas.
| Roscoe Hassinger; Assist. Fin. Sec’y
& Treas, Thomas J. B. Brown III;
Trustees - 3 Years, Robert Kunkle:
Chaplain, Rev. Ranck; Chief of
Company, Ray Myers: Assistant
| Chief, John Myers; Chief Engineer,
Landisville, who was elected in | Earl
{ Thomas Brown III; Chief Hose Di-
"| rector, Christ Charles; Chief Hook
and Ladderman, William Breckline;
Jurors Are Drawn aetna ive co vet Jay Cees to Award
West Hempfield
Board Reorganizes
Secure School Site
A meeting of the West Hempfield
Twp. School Board was held last
week when the board reorganized
and discussed plans for the propos-
During the reorganization Alvin
Following this the board an-
The property, dwned by Christ
The new building is to include

At the regular December meeting
VOL. L1, NO. 30
Mount Joy Bulletin
Mount Joy, Pa., Thuisday Afternoon, December 13, 1951
$2.00 a Year in Advance

Four hundred and fifty students
will take part in the annual candle
light ceremony in the local high
school December 20 at 7:30.
George Houck, music director, 1s
in charge of the affair. Patricia
Braoks will be at the organ and so-
loists for the affair will be Shirley
Groff and Clair Wagner. Each
grade in the elementary school will
participate with two special num-
bers and the junicr ‘high chorus,
senior high girls’ chorus and senior
high boys’ chorus will sing.
Special parts will be taken by
Irvin Koser, Arthur Schneider and
Sheryl Houseal with the second
grade; Lewis Hart, Carol West,
James Yohn, and Cheryl Brown,
third grade; Robert Reisch and
Barry Barnhart, fifth grade and
sixth grade; and Jon Bender, Patsy
Mumper, Michael leyer, Elva
Kreider, Leo Shank, Peggy Witmer
Charles Derr and Sandra Mateer,
sixth grade.
W. I. Beahm, supervising princi-
pal, will read the Christmas scrip-
ture and a processional and reces-
sional will be made by the senior
high girls’ chorus.
——— ———
Top price for the antiques sold

The result follows: President,
Recording Secretary, John
Zink; Chief Chemicalman,

| ternate to State, Miller Wolgemuth |
For Coming Courts Delegates to County, Roscoe Has- |
Two hundred and nineteen jur-
ors were drawn to serve at the
Winter sessions of the Quarter |
Sessions and Common Pleas courts. |
Appended are those from this lo-
cality: |
March 10 Term |
Luella Eshleman, Mount Joy;
Paul L. Zeager, Elizabethtown R2: |
Lillian Frank, Mt. Joy R. D.; Mary
R. Hipple, Mount Joy.
January 7 Term
Frances Bates, Mount Joy: Cur-| ing to an announcement by school
vin H. Martin, Mt. Joy Rl; Ellen board officials.
Germer, Mount Joy.
January 14 Term
K. Snyder, Florin; Dorothy Chapin,
Mount Joy; Gwendolyn K. Gray-
bill; Landisville; Anna B. Gilbert,| ETOWN LADY HONORED
March 24 Term town, was elected president of the
Paris H. Hostetter, Mount Joy; | E'town committee of the Women’s
Republican club of Lancaster Co.
Lloyd R. Swarr, Mount Joy RI.
Le eee

Uns sual Festivities
Santa and His Reindeer, Including
Rudolph, To Deliver Christmas Gifts
Santa with his team of eight rein- | o'clock.
eer, led by Rudolph, that red-
mas season.
Santa and his reindeer are a
dream come true last year for three| Will be a twenty foot, illuminated,
local, public spirited men. All mon-| Christmas tree erected in front of |
ies derived from this project are| the fire house, which was donated |
used for community social activities| by the Ladies’ Fire Auxiliary, Fire
Christmas Eve Santa and his| Co, Mothers’ Club and friends.
reindeer, with Rudolph will stop at
the fire house at five o'clock to pick | Sing will be held Sunday evening
up the Christmas gifts left there| @t nine o'clock in front of the tree.
for delivery in and around Salunga| An invitation is extended to all
and Landisville. This will be done | People to come out and sing.
for a small donation.
The Salunga Ladies’ Fire Auxil-| FLORIN DWELLING SOLD
‘ary will be in charge to receive
ind route these gifts for Santa’s| ling on Water street, Florin, for
pack. Gifts to be delivered shall be| S?mue] and Elida Crowl to Harold
left at the fire house not later than| C. and Estie M. Bender, at private
Monday afternoon, Dec. 24 at two sale and on private terms,

school district this week were giv-
en $50 Christmas bonuses, accord-
nus this year. A similar bonus was
Harry G. Zerphey, Mt. Joy Presented last year but board of-
J: Richard Dillinger, Mt. Joy: 0. ficials said action has never been
taken to make it an annual event.

| singer, “Christ Charles: Alt. Dele- |
| gates to County, Elmer Zerphey,
Christ Shirk; Entertainment Com-
| mitee, Russell Kramer, Wm. Breck-
line, Horace Wertz, Richard Wil-
liams and James Hornafius.
en — —
Teachers in the Mount Joy Twp.
Eleven teachers received the bo-
Miss Doris Shank, of Elizabeth-
— = EET
at Salsa;

Christmas morning, ten o'clock
In addition to Santa's visit, there

The Christmas Community Carol

Richard N. Lightner sold a dwel-

| tween Maytown and Elizabethtown
and D. L. Landis, clerk.
| Congregational Sunday School at-
cently by the ‘Golden Rule Bible
class at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
which $28 was raised for the build-
on Saturday at the sale of personal
rreperty by H. G. Hauenstein, be-
was brought by a lowboy with claw
and ball feei which sold for $760.
Other prices for antiques, all of
which sold well, were: a grand-
father’s clock, George Eaby make,
Manheim $575; Dutch cupboard,
$375; luster pitcher, $49; cherry
drop leaf takles. $40 and $37; wal-
nut chest of drawers, $100; 6 kitch-
en chairs, $8.50 each: six sets of
cups and saucers, $10 per cup and
saucer; odd saucers, $19; platter,
$14; candle holder, $25; teapot $43;
Bible, $31; glass goblet, $36.
Walter Dupes was the auctioneer
450 Students to Participate In
Candle Light Ceremony Here

Calls on Patients
On 88th Birthday

Dr. Jerome Stauffer Kendig, Sa- | a
lunga, one of Lancaster County's
two oldest physicians, marked his
88th birthday making
tients as usual.
Dr. Kendig was up at 7:00 a. m,
calls to pa-

and started at 9 on his rounds to | jumped in front of the six-
visit patients, traveling to Mt. Joy, | Rutherford returned to the field
Florin and Landisville, and other
nearby points.
One of his calls was in —
with a custom of a number of years}
to visit a patient who shares his|
birthdate. At this home he revolved]
smut, os inl wii 2S 79 Yrs, Old
Sunday, Dec. 9th
+ quietly celebrated his sev-
ed visits to patients in the hospitals |
with” several calls on the way at|
homes where he is the family doc-
tor. So far as Dr. Kendig was a
cerned, he preferred to work rath- le
er than taking time off to celebrate. |
Dr. Kendig has heen practicing |
more than 67 vears. He terms him- |
self “just an old country doctor, |
Ee ———
Cedar Hill School's
Program will be held on December |
20th at 7:30. The school is located |
one-half mile off the Elizabethtown |
C hristmas |
Falmouth Pike, turning right at|
the crossroad beyond Newville. An
offering will be taken. Everyone is |
a A ies
The members "of Mt. Joy Lodge
No. 277, I. O. O. F. of this place will
hold a turkey banquet at Bennett's
Restaurant here on Monday even-
ing, Dec. 17 at 6:30.

Prizes For Xmas |
Decorations Here
Prizes for Christmas decorations
will be awarded by the local Jay-

Cees.” The organization will give |
three prizes in three classes, homes, |
lawns, and churches. Prizes will be |
$15, $10 and $5. (Any home with a |
lawn will be judged as a lawn;
hemes without lawns will he judg= |
ed in the home grouping.)
Out-of-town judges will judge |
decorations in the Borough of Mt. |
Joy Saturday, December 22. |
This will be one of their Winter |
community projects.
The group at their regular month- |
ly meeting Tuesday, Dec. 11, also
went on record to study projects
toward perk and playground im-

provements and an entrance sign
at either end of Mount Joy. Lewis |
Rutkey, president, was in charge of |
the meeting held in the firehouse.
This will be the fourth year that |
prizes will be awarded for local |
decorations, Formerly the Lions |
Club took charge of the Project, |
A 12-acre farm on Ridge Road
wy : |
adjoining Groff Extension, Eliza- |
bethtown, offered at public sale by |
Katie H. Diffenbaugh, was sold to |
: : : Walter Martin, Elizabethtown, for
nosed fellow, will again make a re-| Santa and reindeer with Rudolph $21,200
turn visit to Salunga this Christ-| will be at the Maple Grove School
yard to meet all of his friends.
Walter Dupes was the autcioneer |
etl OO ere
Fifty members of Reich's Evang.
tended a parcel post social held re-
Henry Leese, Marietta RD, at
ing fund.
Geo. A. Boyd, 38, who served 4
months in jail in 1948 for allegedly
practicing medicine without a li-
cense has been arrested again on
the same charge.

| tional Honor Society ‘at the Senior
| tion when the animal ducked un-
| der a low hanging tree limb.
The lad, James A. Mumper, Jr. Thursday
berich was reelected president and
E. Donegal Twp.
School Board
At the reorganization meeting of |
the East Donegal Twp. School | ¢
Board Monday evening, December
10, George E. Morris, Maytown, |
was reelected president and Curvin
H. Martin, Mt. Joy R. D., was el-|
ected vice-president. Two new di- |
rectors, Joseph R. Bixler, Florin, |
and J. Edward Charles, Marietta,
were inducted into office.
National Honor Society
Three members of the senior |
class were selected for membership |
in the Donegal Chapter of the Na-|
high school assembly Friday. They
are Mary Fayer Kendig, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Kendig, May- Week’ S Birth Recor
. Harold Shearer
town: Pauline Bradley, daughter of
(Tum to Page 2)
wl) Gi
A 9-year old Marietta R1 farm
boy, riding herd on the back of a
cow, suffered a deep scalp lacera-
was knocked from the ‘animal. He
was treated at St. Joseph Hospital Paul Stoner,
for a five-inch laceration of the | Ww
| sworn in as a member of the board.

scalp. |
——— ree
The East Donegal High School] tate,
Chorus under the direction of Mr.
afternoon at 3:00 over television | John H. Lewis,
station WGAL. The program will |’
. . |
include Christmas Carols as well as |
excerpts from their carol service | Street,
the estate
of Moufnt Joy.
rr QA» eres
rl Geer ee
John Mellinger,
Silver Spring, recently celebrated
his’ 93rd birthday by receiving a Anna S. Ruhl, Florin.
Ralph E. Gibble,
Jeanette M. Fitzkee, of this boro.
large number of friends and neigh-
bors at his home.

who promptly reported
buck in the Conewago hills Thurs-
Dr. Jerome Kendig =
| John M. Haverstick instead of the
customary $100 penalty
Main street, owe their lives to
ported the incident, he was assess-
or, which dressed at
: i
, was given to the Men- |
© grazing in a field adjoining :
He said he shot
and bagged a legal four-point
Haverstick reported.
‘Harry N. Nissley

(Turn to page 2)
was beaten and rob-
unidentified men
Harrisburg Pike, :
Coudersport area
picked up by the men. At the spot
near Salunga, he said, they stopped
watch and cigaret
sed his wallet and money.
- General Hospital.
Thursday at the General Hospital.
vice president.
of the Ellen L
East Donegal Twp.
William A. Lewis, Manheim Twp.
Fugene C. Saylor will present a|and Della
half-hour television show Sunday |town, executors of
late of East Donegal
of Dorothea Myers, |
Lancaster RI1,| MARRIAGE 1

| The Rice Family
Escaped In $1200
Fire Early Monday
The Rice family of three, on West
motorist who passed their home at
an early hour Monday morning
The fire, believed to have been
caused by a lighted cigarette, re-
sulted in a loss estimated at $1,200.
The fire which damaged the home
Ruther- | of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rice, 120 W
Main street, was discovered by Mi
| .
Banks Rhyne, Lewistown, a sales-
man enroute to Newark, Del., who
was traveling thru town when he
saw curtains in the front window
of the home on fire,
In order to arouse the occupants
of the home, Rhyne began blowing
the horn of his automobile. The
noise also awakened a neighbor,
Miss Eleanor Brown, who called
Friendship Fire Company
Meanwhile the Rice family, in-
cluding a daughter, Karen, four,
awoke to find the bedrooms filled
with smoke and as they were un-
able to use the stairway because
of flames, crawled from a bedroom
window onto the roof over the
kitchen. From here Mrs, Rice drop-
ped her daughter into the arms of
Harry Frank Lumber street, this
boro, while Rhyne assisted her and
hey husband in reaching the ground
The fire was confined to the liv-
ing room of the frame dwelling ai-
though other sections of both the
first and second floors of the home
were damaged by smoke. All the
furniture in the living room was
charred by the flames, Fire Chief
Ray Myers reported.
After the blaze was extinguished
by firemen, the Rice family moved
next door to the home of Lee's
father, John Rice, for temporary
shelter until they are able to return
to Heir home.
— ee ee
Further Reports
Bucks Shot By
Nearby Hunters
More local hunters have report
ed deer killed since our last issue.
They include the following
Marietta stre
bagged a 4-pointer in Potter Co;
Harry Caslow,
Harry Siegrist, Columbia R1, four
point buck in Huntingdon county:
Nathan Zink, Marietta street, an 8-
point 140 1b. buck on Friday in
Lycoming county
A party of nimrods from this lo=
cality hunting in the Galeton and
, bagged six bucks
ranging from 5 to 10 points. They
were: Arthur Becker, Harvey
Becker, Robert Tormo, Harry Zer-
phey, Jay Shenk, Howard Shenk,
David Shenk, Abram Greenawalt,
Edgar Bergman, Melvin Snavely,
Richard Ruhl and Ray Ober.
James Madara Florin, and Viec-
_ (Turn to page 5
on —
|The Local News
The Past Week
Very Briefly Told
Lancaster County has its tenth
case of typhoid fever.
Columbia extended its red feath-
er campaign ten days due to the
lack of contributions.
A small 80-pound safe was re-
covered from a dam near Adams-
town by the State Police.
With sharp instruments vandals
punctured tires on more than thirty
cars parked at Lancaster one day
last week.
Harry P. Regennas, 68-year-old
bachelor, at Lititz, still makes clear
toy candy in old metal molds he]
has used for years.
Clair D. James, 36, of Manheim,
was fined $200 and costs in court | itz R2, with reckless driving in
after he plead guilty for failure to!
stop after an accident.
EE —————
One hundred new houses each
with two bedrooms, to rent at $77
per month, with military personnel
getting preference, will be erected
| at Indiantown Gap.
Borough Council was held Monday
evening it which time ky 1 Vole )
injuncton in order fo uphold the
zoning ordinance in the case «
Stephen Estock
structing a new home on Fast Don-
egal street,
the borough's zoning ordinance and
has been ordered hy the Planning
and Zoning Commission to halt
work on the dwelling and return
his building permit
cil, presided at the special session
which was calied, he informed
council, to decide whether or not
to uphold the zoning ordinance in
this case
by Councilman Paul
authorizing the solicitor Harris Ar-
nold, to seek a court injunction in
an attempt to force Estock to re-
move the building. Estock has not
been doing any work on the house
since the commission issued its de
cision almost two months ago
motion with Councilmen Stehman
Lloyd Myers, Lester Hostetter and
Robert Keller voting ye
ton Newcomer and Harold Krall /
Mr. Krall later told the councilmen |
that he opposed the motion since
he could not “crucify anyone who
wants to put up a house.”
speed up negotiations for the in-
junction, voted 4 to 2 to grant the
secretary, William Brian permission
to s

Prize Winker In
The Sportsmen’s
Fishing Contests
Mount Joy Bporstinen’s Associution |
on Monday i
secretary reported a toval meraber- |
ship of four hundred fifty-five
tee released seventy-three cock-
discussed and completed to be held
¢t the Fire House on Friday even-
ing, December 21st.
follows: President Elwood Martin;
vice president, Paul Diffenderfer;
recording secretary, Alvin Kosel
assistant recording secretary, Le-
Roy Eberly;
Harold Etsell;
Zeller; treasurer, Lloyd Myers; di-
rectors for three years: Wm. Fack-
ler and John Nissley Jr.; for one
year, Lloyd Myer Th . 17th A al
Winners of the Fish contest were er nu
Wm. B he oy sucker 15 1-16]
Carol Service
overloaded trucks before
Penn Twp

Borough Council Seeks
Court Injunction In
Estock Building Case
pecial meeting of Mount Jo
1 to 2. it was decided to get a court
Mr. FEstock, who had been con-
allegedly is violating
Robert Keller, president of Coun-
Consequently a motion was made
Stehman II,

A vote was taken on Stehman's
Opposing the motion were Clay-
Council also, in an attempt to
m all necessary papers con-

At the December meeting of the
evening, the financial |
December 1st the game commit
Arr: ngements for 1 smoker were
Flection of officers resulted as

financial secretary,
issistant, Eugene
inches; Harold Herr, catfish 26!
Clark E. Derr, carp 33 1-2; Alx
Geltmacher, pike perch 22 1-8; Jack |
Germer small mouth bass 16 3-8; {1
and Bruce Greina large mouth |
ss, 17 in
Four motorists were
State Police last Wednesday [1
Harold 1. Bruns, Cochranville |
R1, and William E. Graham, |
ana, were charged with driving! (
Justice | (
of the Peace Robert Brown, of this! (
place. Raymond I. Dubs, Lititz R2,
vas charged with operating a truck!
which exceeded the State limit for SENTENCE DEFERRED
width, and John F. Schreiber, Lit-|
Mr. Harry B. Hendrix, 33 E Main | |
street is a surgical patient at thal ¢
St. Joseph's Hospital
- ——— IG) Ae ees

James Garber, 18, of Florin, has
enlisted in the U. S. Air Force,
prosecuted | i

A Mobile Blood
Donor Unit Here
Thurs., Jan. 24
On Thursday January 24, 14952, a
mobile blood donor unit will be at
the Mount Joy High School be-
tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 4
p. in. During these hours blood will
be collected from suitable donors
for the armed forces in Korea. It
would seem needless to remind any
of us of the desperate need for
this blood.
It is the plan of the local com=-
mittee to apporiion to each indus-
try in the Mount Joy-Florin area
certain times for blood donation.
Housewives and other citizens are
urged to donate at their conveni-
, ence during the above stated hours.
Who may give? Any person, re-
gordless of race or creed, between ”
the ages of 18 and 59. Those indi-
viduals between the ages of 18 and
(Turn to Page 6)
EE ——
In June, 1919, over 32 years ago,
a woman died at Denver, this coun-
ty, and willed her home to a
church there for a parsonage. It
tecok from that time until last week
to get a legal title to sell the house
and build a modern structure.

nected with the injunction pro=
ceedings so ‘that no future special
sessions will be needed.

Mortuary Record
Throughout This
Entire Locality
William H. Billett, 87, at Marietta.
Clarence P. Lease Jr. 25, at Co=
Ida L., widow of Harvey Ober=
dorf, at Columbia. She was 71.
Mrs. Martin Werner, 89, widow of
Joseph Werner, at Elizabethtown,
Miss Sallie M. Yohn, 92, at
Mountville. She was born at Rohr=
Clayton B. Shelly, 80, of Man-
heim, at the Lancaster General
Hospital Thursday.
Karen Louise Groff, aged two,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Groff, at Manheim
Mrs. Margaret Bright, 65, near
Reading, died in the hospital there,
She was born in East Donegal, a
(Turn to page 3)

The Seventeenth Annual Christ-
nas Carol Service of the East Don-
gal Twp High School will be pre=-
sented Wednesday evening, Decem-
er 19 at 8:00 P. M. in the high
‘hool auditorium. Included in the
stam will be: Prelude-—“Christ-
nas Corals” by Mr. Stanley S. Dot-
rer at the Organ; a Candlelight
rocessional by the members of the
{igh School Mixed Chorus and the
nembers of the Junior High School
iirls’ Choir; Invocation by Rev.
reorge Schultz; the cantata “A
‘hristmas Blessing” by C. Albert
(Turn to Page 2)
—— —

Janet Howard, Rowenna, pleaded
cuilty to violations of the liquor
and malt beverage laws. Sentence
| was deferred. The woman renewed
ail to appear at the request of the
listrict attorney's office.
wo ress cnt nore
The State Police have prosecuted
Earl Gager, of Florin, on a charge
of speeding. He will be summoned
for a hearing
do ial