The Mount Joy Bulletin Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 conduct our research | conduct ourresearch seek capital and build facilities, —————— freedom to Published Every Thursday at No. p-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. freedom to plants and freedom to earn profits Subscription, per year .. $2.00 i ; \ Bint MODINE + corns , $1.00 | with which to finance expansion Three Months 60 | and maintain our credit.” Single Copies ............. 05 In the course of his talk ‘he Bample Cophes ........ : pointed out that 8,000 wildcat, wells were country last Entered at the Postoffice at Mt. drilled in this Joy, Pa, as second-class mail mat-| year. Of this he said: “Can you im- ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. | spine the government enga ing in- Newspaper | telligently and efficiently in a Member, Pennsylvania | : wildeatting operation? Can you im- Publishers’ Association a agine the Secretary of the Interior Publication Day, Thursday Copy for a change of advertising | should reach this office Tuesday. | : x We will not guarantee insertion of of places that proved dry? Or, what any advertising unless copy reaches | is more likely, trying to explain the office not later than 9 a. m. | why all the preceding day of publication. Classified ads will be accepted to | 9 a. m. publication day. | explaining to a Senate committee why they drilled in the 80 percent Democratic chairmen had their ranches drilled on and the Repblicans didn't!” The American oil industry, unde Seen cee me | | x Ras 4 | | | the free competitive system of do- EDI [ \ | ing things, has been an economic $+ | miracle. Last year as much cil was .« | produced as in (me whole first 30 Are you aware that two weeks | : : . . years of the industry's history. from next Tuesday is Christmas? : : oo { From oil well to . | way—ahout 1,600 miles on the av- Have yon noticed how active and | determined (?) those Korean Com- | erage. But the industry has built a munists get when tge Allies start | on peace talks? Just why don’t we call their bluff? oo 00 Every person in America a { mate of freedom—which is {re on~ i he day old child to the 100 Seat | 1y climate that produces the highest "a Tat bs oy a ia du | possible living standards for all the a dollar a day. s a els. ment is far more than the cost of | people. food. i ee 0 i GRASS ROOTS OPINION That section of the Constitution | market is a long unique system of distribution which bridges these miles as a matter of routine—and at an extremely small cost to the consumer. from | All this has been done in a cli- $10,000 FOR A JOB It costs a lot of money to creaie a job for an industrial worker. Even in 1939, when a dollar was 2—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, December 6, 105] |W shoe repair shop into the E. Laske- : witz store Choose an : Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Baker, enter-| e PERKSHIR SET, . tained at a kitchen shower for Mr a rv Engagem ri n g, | A 00: Pride's ring, “and Mrs. Wilbur I. Beahm. rt Cc $150.00; Pride's ie Miss M t Ral tertained room's ring, Miss Margaret Rahm entertainec . . 2 friends at a card party at her home. | diamond ring ya 10 show deta, is employed as a carpenter by Wil- liam Rider, Middletown R1. No date has wedding. wten senses QQ os HAPPENINGS | — of — Mr. and Mrs. John E. Breneman Manheim R2, announce the engage- | LONG AGO | ment of their daughter, Mary Jean to William H 20 Years Ago Hawn, son of Murs, and the late Mr. Hawn, | good opinion of himself, Miss Breneman is a senior in the | Mount Joy High Sdi00l, Mr. Hawn, Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. The new Gladfelter bakery in the Hershey property, corner of Mari- etta and Walnut streets opened this week Mi: Florence Sprout, beauty pecialist, moved her shoppe from the Ed Ream property to the Esh- leman building, E. Main St { Mrs. Ruth C. Kraybill has accep- | ted a position as stenographer and clerk at the Union National Bank. Mr, Albert Laskewitz moved his Incl. Fed. fax. ality! Mr. Daniel Wolgemuth was elec- Twp. for guaranteed ted president of E. Donegal chool Board. larity, cut and teed for your pro- e in” col Selected for excelle Markets: Fizgs, 37c; Butter, 35c; wart weight. Registere and gual collection. . ve! lard 10c. tection: See our com ete v car Sepak WARK MO: Rheems Fire Co. served a tur- Advertised in \FE and LOOK key supper at the Fire House, with ey 00 yecrs music by the Rheems String Orch- | id for more than 1 ides To stra, Beloved by br Jeweler ADAM H. GREER. Wolgemuth Bros., have complet- i . 3-4124 d the installation of a 2-ton feed Plow? MOUNT JOY 2 och \ mixing machine at their mill 87 East Main = re J 8 . eweler The citizens of Florin are plan- | Authorized Artcarved ning a public meeting to discuss rar the possibility of having a silk mill | “Open Evenings Until Christmas Nissly-Swiss Choc- | late Company building. Harry president of Friendship Fire Co. Mr. Grant locate in the Brown was nominated See Qur— Gerberich was toast- a graduate of Hershey High School, been set for the No man is so stingy he will ob= | Harry W. Hawn, Middletown Ry, | ject to having others share his | which limits authority of the gov- | ernment at Washington by leaving with fae states all powers and au- thority not specifically reserved to the Federal government has for a long time been ignored. The truth of this is seen in the increasing projection of Federal interference into pratically every field of busi- ress and public life. ee 0 WHAT A FIZZLE Just recently we were reading of the prospect that first class postage is te be increased from three to worth a dellar, an average of about master at a banquet of the Gerb- $6,000 was invested in industry forjcrich-Payne Shee Co, each worker employed. Today the team held at Shepherdstown. figure is in the Mrs. Charles Wealand baseball i | neighbo{hood of was ten- . . | | $10,000. This is the money that was dered a package surprise on her spent for the “tools” which make birthday [oh and high wages and production] The Community | possible. Sales held at Florin regula-ly, have been discon- Invested money is known as cap- tinued. | ital. It is the savings of people who | put into industrial stocks and bonds meyer, E-town shot 4 rats with one {in the of earning a little ve-|22 caliber bullet. turn over the years. It is the mon-| | ev which makes America rich and dwelling at the rear Complete Line LINOLEUM RUBBER TILE ASPHALT TILE four cents, and the venerable post- | al goes up from 1 penny to 2 cents. Ten we go to the post office and | get a couple of pieces of mail from | cur unprecedented living standards. Keep that in mind next time you read a left-wing denunciation of strong—and which is at the root of/of Florin. Hunters take note: H. K. Frey- J atid (TE | GATHROOM and STE ——== | KITCHEN WALL TILE Mr. Frank Shatto is erecting a 4 Xa 8a F of his lot east od & Kis i SEP Bl Kitchen Cabinets More Buck and shot in Penna., Doe are being Be eo pad Wood Custom Made IN COLOR than during any former season in the States history a the Price Stabilization organization. Both are news releases. One. a single letier-sized sheet is housed in a ten inch envelope; the other two small sheets of paper come in a big catalogue envelope single that would cost at least $10 a thousand at wholesale. This at a] time wien every newspaper is learning te its serrow that all paper products are going up in price by leaps and bounds. Won't some one please page the Hoover Economy-= in~Government committee? ee ® 9 A VIGCROUS INDUSTRY How competitive is the American coal industry? A good many tinacquainted with this great terprise, probably think that a few companies preduce most of coal. Aetually, the case is just the opposite. There are upwards of 5000 op- erating soft coal companies. They work seme 8,000 commercial mines and all are competing keenly for markets. The largest : corporate producer of coal accounts for less than five percent of the tfo- tal And there are only 13 groups of companies under single managements that preduce as much oi as one percent each. Coal is a vigorous industry—and much of that can be chalked people, whe are en- our commercial up te the account of intensive com- petition in a free economy. Duving Warld War Ii, the industry produc: éd 620,000,000 tons in a single year =a coal-producing feat unmatched in history. And two years after the ended it climaxed even this perfermance by producing nearly 651,000,060 tons. All of this was done without governnient subsidy oF aid. It was one more splendid achievement of free enterprise. Coal’'s horizons are expanding. and cur mechanized coal mines do a constantly better job of produc- | ing, cleaning, sorting, shipping, and censumers of all kinds, from the home to the biggest steel! mill. More uses for coal are heing found, more products which derive from coal are being manufactured. Cumpetition creates progress, ¢ 0 ONE NECESSARY GUARANTEE The continite. That guarantee, he went | on, “is freedom—{reedom fo ex- | of an oil company re- | Board honored two directors who cently said that his industry must | 2'€ retiring with a total of 54 years -. have one guarantee if progress is to | of service. They are Amos Shelly, * and Mrs. Clyde Fensterma- entertained at cards at “Wall Street” and the stock ex-| Mr. change. According to the commun- cher ist is prated over and home on Mt. Joy St. with regularity, The brick house and | both here and abroad—the capital-/taurant west of Florin, belonging to over monotonous frame res- ist is the enemy and oppressor of Anna Mae Shumaker estate was | the werker. The fact is — as any withdrawn at public sale for lack American can see. for himself eyery|of bids fii vi i Postoffice News Christmas itime in $e Post Office, and in or- 15,000,000 {day of his life—that the capitalist! creates employment and maintains | employment. | Who are the capitalists? Tie an- jswer is that they are a cross-sec- tion of America. time is a very busy About : . to give the best possible ser- | for: instance, are owners of indus- : : : tial 1 r . vice, you will find listed below a vial stocks. They include manual. : ; few helpful hints as well as the workers, executives, farmers, pro- fessional men. housewives, the op- = December 15th. First let letters have not increased. A ¢rators of little business. They ren- th . 3 us note that resent every creed and calling and 1 color — and a every income level. They are, in short, people who have ed lous Sn sll 20 ad 1 faith in America and confidence in "he American economy. And the number of these capitalists is orow- ing daily. be to your advantage to purchase your stamps, and to mail early. In preparing parcel post, be sure it is Eis Church of the Brethren will have is cn and the addressees name and It is goed policy to put your return ad- address is correct. a very cress on your letters. You can a- void fhe rush by purchasing your preaching services in the local stamps now or} hi Church this Sunday morning pre- As for the As fo School. be into effect on Saturday, Decem- cervices begin on Sunday evening pop 15th. The office open All day Saturday, December schedule which will ceded by Sunday Revival will remain and wil continue every night for Rev. R. W. Schiosser nf Flizabethtown is the evangelist, Mr. and® Mrs. Roy G this place celebrated lwo weeks. o : . Bn 15 and the 22nd, with the windows closing at 6 p. m. The lobby will be Heisey of open Sunday, Dec. 16 and 23rd. But ter 34th! there will be no J window service. | ag oa ary last Thursday, During the week from Monday, Nov. 26th. y - ‘ hi : Dec. 17 to Friday, Dee. 21 the office Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keller, of will be operny from 8 a. m. until 6:00 x Mrs. George Groy and p. m. There will be two deliveries | daughter, Darlene of Palmyra, vis-| op each of the Saturdays, Dec. 15 ited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoover on be. Sunday afternoon. Mr. Mrs. Hollinger were guests of friends in East Pe- Richland, and 22nd. Mail will be picked up i from all the letter boxes in he and Isaac town on Sunday, Dec. 16 and 23rd. : Because of the increased amount ershurg on Saturday evening. | Miss Janet Harring a student gest Hospital in spent Wednesday 4 : that you refrain from calling In the Gener: i for i : General at the office for it, unless you have .ancaster 1 i fist with{, lock box. All parcel post will be her parents. Miss Beulah Gibble of Lancaster visited with her motaer, Mrs. Ida | 1 | Gibble on Monday evening? | me | | VETERAN DIRECTORS | HONORED The Manheim Central School Manheim RZ and J. W. Biemesder-| 0 = ~er, of Penryn. | ¥aeir schedule for the office beginning on card with no writing is 2c. It may tied securely, your return address of Parcel Post, I would like to sug- | delivered at least one time a day. | Install 1t Yourself. Armstrong's Wall Covering PHONE 3-3492 «and Save Monel! VENETIAN BLINDS oF PITTSBURGH PAINTS — Complete Installations — Mt. Joy Tile & Linoleum Co. OPEN EVERY DAY & EVENING EXCEPT WEDNESDAY 38 W. MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY FORMICA TOPS WINDOW SHADES WALLPAPER 36-tf CG. Robert Fry D. PA. MANHEIM R. 2, Rocks and Trees Removed Air Comprassor Rock Drilling, Congrete Br Excavating $nd Grading Cellars, Trenches, Etc. PHONE MOUNT JOY 3:4753 a - rates for! ALL MAKES REPAIRED «7 MODERNIZED THE WINNAH! 3 | dato BONSOLE 0+ PORTABLE OR ELECTRIFIED IN YOUR OLD STAND Call Us Today—We Pick-up and Deliver . . . Anywhers! SALES J. V. BINKLEY 111 N. Market 5t. ELIZABETHTOWN Phone 216-J 504 8 oF SERVICE 46- tf | i ) Value-wise housewives shop at AsP All prices shown here effective through Saturday, Dec. 8 | FOR REAL SAVINGS — TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE Pre-Holiday Specials On Baking Needs FINE GRANULATED SUGAR 1009, HYDROGENATED SHORTENING is Ce 3b rk can can ¥ GOLD MEDAL, CERESOTA. and PILLSBURY FLOUR There never was anything done that couldn't be done better. That's why every day we're looking 5-b 47: bag for new ways to give you better food, better service and a better deal all around. If you have any suggestions as to how we can make your A&P a better place to shop, please write: CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. A&P Food Stores 420 Lexington Ave, New York 17, N. Y. ' si: by C25. $9) 25 1 bag bag bag m PASTRY fase” us 30° hs 75° = 1.75 SPAGHETH 2 = 35 NESTLE'S COOKIE MIX : NUTLEY OLEOMARGARINE none 0 PRINTS pkgs 33 4% ATMORE MINCE MEAT 50“ 45° «soc» Bg BRAND jar BRAND 28-01 59 a - NNN \/ : GET ONE FOR EVERY CHILD ON YOUR ONLY (AsP PLAY STORE coo» | JUST LOOK WHAT YOU GET WITH YOUR A&P PLAY STORE: © A play store-sire floor ® A melal manager's ? button ® Check-out counter. @ Several grocery shelves ® Many colorful cardbeard products @ $100 in Plev money ® Plus money-saving coupons! AZP play stores are bt A&P Stores and Morkets. v SNA AMERICAN PASTEURIZED 11, 1p BORDEN'S CHEESE SPREAD =i iis 1: CHIFFON SOAP FLAKES GERBER'S BABY FOOD tsi: JUNIOR=7¥-o1 jar 15¢ MAZOLA OIL toe Comstock Apples.» 2:18 c AP SAL BRIDAL Cakes c 1 SO 3 E 50UQUET for Buy 4 cakes at reg. price of 27c—get 5th cake for 1c Io rn - 98° 59° 21° 1 0 jars 95° 35° oi 68° lona Corn ns 2 ux 27° Jesco Soap: bik nid ces 20¢ NNN) quart bottls Christmas Gift Suggestions CHOCOLATES 2 50¢ 3251.17 £52.79 RSD” CHOCOLATES i $1.51: $2.39 REYNOLD'S GIFT WRAP PAPER “19: CHRISTMAS CARDS 45: wo. 65° nets: envelopes pkg 19¢ FRUIT CAKE: 1.45: 52.89 22 54,65 § um 2: Full quart ¢ box CANAAN . GOLDEN RIPE NONE PRICED ANANAS =. SWEET . . . YELLOW RIPE ... NUTRITIOUS BANANAS £9 2 | BB FLORIDA LARGE SIZE NONE PRICED HIGHER dozen BRUSSEL SPROUTS CALIFORNIA FRESH NONE PRICED HIGHER D in Bret fuel nee Oh ut Nort sign lead May S Ra arop fork door Gran make net, hand B-d 1 ball {op s flour sideb table solid ho se small ers; . gohle milk: & pi Walt Land K Fr