d-="The Bulletin, Wount Joy, Pa., Thursday, November 22, 1951 | OWL LAFFS Mount Joy High OWL once A WISE Well, here it is, turkey day gain and I'm not The dentist has my uppers Guess I'll mashed very happy a- bout it. and my lowers don’t fit. have to be satisfied with potatoes and cranberry sauce. When a Florin fellow was asked gets by the day before pay “I return all the nickel how he day, he explained: bottles around the house for deposits.” If you want to cure your wile of that it's caus- She old- nervousness tell her advancing ‘age. — — — admit ed by will never she’s getting el, SC NO Nervousness. Young Edgar that his friend, “After All” “what's so wonderful a- bout your folks having twins? Your pops. a doctor. He probably got them wholesale.” - - Could be. Johnny, growled so much was fed up. Johnny, another one of thesd get past the editor—— Here's poems that Peggy can skate; She can skate very canny; But her feet slipped out, And she busted — ——. But it ain’t like you think; It's still very nice. Her feet slipped out, And she busted the ice. A speech is like a wheel —— the I longer the spoke, the greater the tire Walked up town Monday evening when it was so cold and saw a West Main St. man sitting on his “Aren't here on front porch. I asked you cold sitting out your front porch in this icy weath- 9 sort of “Yes, I am, but you is taking her He replied: see my wife singing lessons, and 1 don’t want the neighbors to think I'm beating her.” A husband and wife from the around Hershey, took a trip New York City after farm for 40 years. They went in- to the Empire State Building for a wife being on look at the cidy, and as the »d across acres and acres of dings she gasped: “I'm speech- , absolutely speechless. Geod,” her husband declared, buy the darned thing.” —— — Can’t say as I blame him. Here's a classified ad we got to- day. FOUND—Lady’s purse in back seat of my car, left while parking. Owner can have same by paying for this ad. how If she can explain to it got there, or the ad myself. my wife I'll pay Conscience has a way of telling s not to do something after we ave already done it. When I arrived home last night, related the young husband, “my wife greeted me with a big kiss. She had a swell dinner ready afterwards she wouldn't let me help her with the dishes, but made me sit in the living room and read the paper.” The old married “And how did you hat?” and man sighed: like her new Little Nancy said to her mother, ‘I do not want to go to school to- day.” Kncwing that her daughtc loved school, her mother asked the reason. “Because I do not know all my leaves,” Nandy said. Botany being too the third grade her mother ques- tioned further. “Well,” Nancy said, “in arithmetic 2 from 4 and I do not know all my leaves!” advanced for leaves 2 In a man’s life, a wife is very im- portant, especially to point out his mistakes. | lost 7 las | Klugh, ‘School Basket Ball Doings Losing an entire varsity squad a headache for any Houck, High | would be quite coach, and Mr local | School coach is no exception year's championship With last team gone, (including all 11 play- ers) Coach Houck must build Varsity from last year's Junior Var- sity squad. The latter won 11 and t year. The group is made up of Juniors and Sophomores, and rumber 19 strong. Thus far in the practices, in preparation for the coming season, the squad is show- ing surprisingly more strength than attitude best Mr. | was anticipated. The boys’ towards the game is the Houck has ever The Varsity Squad lists the lowing boys seen. fol=- Tom « Kear, Henry Donald Germer, Ben Cling- er, James Metzler, Clair Wagner, Charles Drace and Bill man. The Junior Varsity has Weber, Ted Williams, lips, Bill Eby, Toby Phil- James Lindemuth, | Owen The schedules for all the has ‘been bragging | A WISE OWL A Bl EN AAA wv: ay Zimmer- | F4 and up to now we have accu- | mulated school’s look like { basketball games appear elsewhere| C. is too many jumps ahead of old | YHE LOW DOWN] HICKORY GROVE, when everybody is as a bird with his own affairs—traffic jam§ wrestling matches, 1 these days busy dog | business or and go lucky to toward evening, or 1 stop ete—~he is return to his | domicile norn- | ing, with let | alone delving too deep into what is | behind the all his arms and legs, ccoking scenes in Govt management, There is a kind enera] feeling though in isolated places that there are too many | trangers {fumbling around in the | { | from Plans For New (From page 1) constructios and wher many phases of the such. as expansion, if | at becomes necessary. It was in- | - ee wii 4a v is hag aka Harrisburg's Only Drive-In dicated iat oe has bot, Sikes Mr. Reuben Shellenberger was a ALL PAVED with BLACK TOP into account and new additions | Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs, Jer- can easily be added to the story building. The directors also sufficient funds are on reported hand t« purchase land for the new funds ing. These were the sale of several schools in the district several years 2go The next meeting of fthe money rooms of our Nation there | will b> held Dec. 5 in the Norwood : : | vhaaol in old Spendburg-on-the-River. | 5¢ hool. : | lll We And all this speed, confusion and fun, and no time left for keen sur- | DRAWING WILL DECIDE mising by an average citizen as to | TIE VOTE AT ELECTION where we are headed, is made to The only tie contest in the 1951 crder for us by our well fed fusionists” surrounding our man down there-—contusion is their dish and job Day Ly day a new chaos fifents they tell us—more ens money needed to fix it—and onto i roll goes another million about two federal chaos fixers, “con- | Municipal election will be boss | at a drawing to be held at noon on | Friday in the | commissioners. Fg [1 1,000 or 10,- | x one which amounts | 23 to about one such fixer to every 20 | prevents one office of the county The office at stake in Mount Joy. George , and Arthur Moyer each receiv- write-in vote, However, Brown also was elected such | assessor in the East Ward here by | state law | qo holding | write-in votes and person from both posts. Irvin Nauman, Donald Zerphey, | t bolle? uli ~ | families—anc ollec dowr St Gerald Bender, Gerald Lutz, Peter| , . ; iy . . further, a Govt. man or dame in | Koder and Glenn Wolgemuth. : : : : | every two city blocks—and not in- Junior High News cluding scores of state, county, or | Mt. Joy Jr. High basketball | {cw n, ete. payrolls. | team open their 1951-52 basketball Back yonder about 100 B. C.| - + season at home on November 27.| Rome was a place of pomp and | These games and all other Jr. High! glory, with nevey a thought that it games will be: played at 4 p. m | could ever be otherwise. She don't Uncle Harry's Wasi. D. a HR] Bak AUTO LOANS THE UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation EC Dr.H.C.Killheffer Optometrist MANHEIM 163 S. Charlotte St. Telephone 5-3376 Mon. & Wednes. 9.5:30 Tues. Fri. Sat. 7-9 P. M. Tues. Fri. Sat, 9:30-1:00. 2.5 P. M ELIZABETHTOWN 15 E. High St. Telephone 24-F in this issue. | Rome and Senior Caesar. | ' ’ | | This year's team will probably ba Yours for the low-down, | centered around some of the ninth | JIMMIE grade members who will be return- | . ing for their third year of play in| | NOSED OUT AT Jr. High competition. The members| THE FINIISH of the team from the ninth grade] In a Lanco basketball league | include the following: Charles Ash- | ame Monday night Mount Joy led | enfelter, Clyde Ebersole, Dick Hal- | @ll the way to be nosed out at the | gren, Robert Melhorn, Jay Metzler, | finish by one point, Marietta win- | Jerry Miller, Peter Nissley, and |ning 57-56. Score: Bernard Thome. Eighth, grade | Marietta G Fl TI members include the following: | Libhant 1 10 { i oe Weisser ..... 8 1 1%} Jack Beaston, Gerald Becker, Har- Abel ......: Le 3 2 8| ry Frey, Larry Geib, Jack Gilbert, |Sload ........ wl 1 1 Charles Groff, Eugene Grove. Jere | Smaling .. aera 3 0 3 Mackinson, Joe Weber, James Pen- Sarbaugh B 6 18] 2 0 4| nell, James Rutt and Ronald Scho- | aa field. Totals .. aay 2% 14 Sl | Mt. Joy Legion G F Tn 2 1 5 E. D 1Sche h l | Shupp rs 2 0 4 | onegal C 00 S | Ye Adgo ee 3 | Gemberling 5 6 16] . Stoudt 4 2 10 | P- Henry G. Bucher, Dean of Constantine 4 4 12 Elizabethtown College spoke at the | Reuter ....... 0 0 0) Thanksgiving Assembly Wednesday re | Totals . aise 520 16 5 November 21. the Hi-Y cfficers were Mr. Stanley are the assembly, | Y-Teens During the Club and the officially Dctterer Hi-Y faculty Gingrich ichter advis- crs and Mrs. Vera and Noami Houseal are the Y-teen fac- Landisville 83, uity advisors. Hi-Y cfficers induct-| A rs ed were: Donald Wolgemuth, Reamstown 78, RCA 87 | President; Fred Wetzel, Vice-Pres- Quarryville 93, Litite 64. | ee Ce ee ident; Jerry Lindemuth, Secretary; | James Ober, Treasurer and Luke Drescher, C lain. Y-teen officers Those In Service inducted were: Betsy Mumma, i President: Retsy Musser, Vice John D. Brite TDC(AN) has | President; Fanny Ruth Musser, | successfully graduated from Trade- | Secretary; Yvonne Brubaker, | man school at NATIC, Memphis, | Treasurer and Jeanne Gingrich, | Tenn. and is now stationed at NA-! Inter-Club Council Re Hi-Y Club The Hi-Y Club wer night camping trip to Camp Swa- evening, Nov. it on an over- tara, Bethel, Friday 16. They Sanley Dotterer, Mr. Robert Shaf-| a fer, of the high school faculty, Mr. Paul Kauffman, of the Hi-Y paning the Principal J. W. wife. Miss Morrisen on Mid-East [5 Hockey Team | and father of one h members. group were Supervising : { Bingeman ) teacher at East Donegal © c played for the Central Pennsylva- 1 nia Women’s Hockey team at Ba- V education Score by | MARIETTA inducted. | MOUNT JOY and Mr. Ed | Re Mt. Jey “B” 39, AS Camping Trip F | Richard D. Schwartz, | 1s serving on the Korean front with | were accompanied by Mr. | the suaders,” Also accom- | weighing 200 pounds. It has sup- ported nearly every UN division ommitted to Korea during the and his| , lion’s Battery B. He f the Miss Phyllis Morris, girls physical | L: lege. Ee os — ee ree { JANDISVILLE ASSOCIATION i periods: 9 14 16 16—57 15 18 10 Markel. Marietta ferees: Lowell, “B" 57. IN Other League Games; | Electric 5 9 and Gas Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING AND EQUIPMENT 56 | Automobile and Truck Welding LAWN MOWER SHARPENING * Cover's Welding Shop iT. JOY, PA. Phone 3-5931 | Delta and Marietta Streets Rothsville 41 Mustin Field, hiladelphia, Pa Naval Base, in WHITE - WASHING AND DISINFECTING HESS BROS. FLORIN, PENNA. Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930 29-tf With IX Corps in Korea—Pvt. of Mount Joy 17th Field Artillery Battalion, part cf IX Corps The 17th, nicknamed “The Per- | is armed with eight-inch | owitzers which fire projectiles ear it has been in action, Private Schwartz is-a membhor f the 17th Field Artillery Battal- FOR... And Watch Repairing Warren H. Greenawalt JEWELER 209 West Main St, MT. JOY OPEN EVERY EVENING is a graduate High school at attended F & M McCaskey incaster and VILL SPONSOR ATHLETICS he She Det The Landisville Athledc Associ : : "07% ation announced Friday night that mia team won the Finger-Lakes| i 1. organized a group of sports- | Tournament, winning every game|,... into the above named group and the team shut out every op- with the object of sponsoring and | ponent. Miss Morrison was chosen | as a varsity ‘player for the Mid-East | team which will play in the Eastern | Championship at Boston, Novem- |. ber 22-24. The sponsored by the tournaments are United Soph Thanksgiving Party The East Donegal Sophomore! t Class held a Thanksgiving Party the school auditorium Wednesday | € evening, November 21. in|t = rb el rere sociation is ‘the’ sponsoring of the Ceuld Sherman Name It? A ‘end B teams in. the Lanco: Bas- We have no idea what Sherman would call the sort of war now go- | C ing on between the United Nations | t and Red China. I rr on his { who is banking | savings, JI The man future seldom carries a named were, Field | v Hockey Association. ta ketball promoting sports throughout the | car. Amos R. Herr lub’s first president. Other officers | 92 Richard Charles jr. | 2 David Risser, ice president; secre- ry; and Jay Risser, treasurer. Sixty charter members make up he organization by Mr. Herr stated | hat the club is cpen to any inter- sted persons. |S The first undertaking of the as- League. oach of the he B team is under Harold Saylor is A squad ‘team while the tutelage of | Mr. Herr. 12 MATCH EVERY SATURDAY Starting at 1:30 P. M. | was elected 2s the | Mt. Joy Legion Home miles east of Mt. Joy, on Rt. 20 (Posey Patch) Hams - Turkeys 2-guage guns - J2 in, maximum | hells furnished—Guns if necessary ‘REFRESHMENTS Everyone Invited Sponsored by Walter S. Ebersole Post No. 185 mente Bnei Correct this sentence, “I must go, | AMERICAN LEGION, MT. Jovy have some work to do.” J auf Tn nae hn a Wa A A Ad ae a grb A one= | that [ build - when money secured | one-room | S board | resolved | . | is that of au- Brown Welding ‘WASN'T ON THE LEVEL Enrique J. Olitz, Puerto Rican youth, was found guilty of stealing $65.73 from the High Rock post - ! | office in York Co. He was sentence HARRISBURGEN | 11 ed to 18 months. IMILE EAST ON ROUTE 422 fers 24) THURSDAY “IRON MAN" ry Harsh at New Holland. etl GE You can't believe all you hear Steph®n [McNary ) alks. : FRIDAY & SATURDAY "LADY FROM TEXAS" n - n " - Jeff Chandler and n m ® SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. TIL RL RN Yd 4 2 COMPLETE SHOW FIST EA LEE FREE PLAYGROUND! EVERY NIGHT SR COTTE 4 NOTICE! To All Tax Payers All 1951 School, Boro and Per Capita taxes not oaid by December 31st, 1951, will be turned over to Russel Jacoby, of West Chester, collector of delin- quent taxes. GEO. H. BROWN III Tax Collector Mount Joy Legion FRIDAY NITE, NOV. 23 CLEON WORLEY ORCHESTRA | SPECIAL ~ Steamed Clams 2c each YOU, JUST KNOW You CAN DEPEND UPON TH'S eM Ye OR COMPLETE , | f SATISFACTION! | 1S THAT WHAT THEY ARE? I'VE BEEN MAKING THE KIDS EAT THEIR SALAD WITH THEM HOW DID YOU LIKE aac seattle OPEN TILL 6:00 P. M. DAILY FRIDAY ‘TIL 9 P. M.-SATURDAY ‘TIL 10 P.M. Howard Duff, Mona Freeman | 1:8 33 7 | Fhowe 36981 LL LR NORTH MARKET ST. EVENINGS J O Y MATINEE SHOWS SATURDAYS 7 and 9:00 P.M AND SATURDAYS i HEA I RE HOLIDAYS 6-8-10 P. M, 2:00 P. M. Mount Joy, Pa. FRIDAY — SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 - 24 BETTY GRABLE — MACDONALD CAREY “Meet Me After The Show” -in- MONDAY — TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 - 27 ’ MICKEY ROONEY — SALLY FORREST -in- “The Strip” WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28 - 29 S — JANET LEIGH -in- PAUL DOUGLA “Angels In The Outfield” SATURDAY, NOV. 24 Jan Gemberling Piano and song SUNDAY, NOV. 25 HEADLINERS featuring Jane Stewart, vocalist: Bob Lestz. Saxophone: Vocal Trio: Bob Lyder, Drums. Sliced Bacon 29. Hog Stomach cleaned & TE Home Grown Celery 2 lg stalks 25. STEHMAN WINESAP Apples 3» 19: Florida Oranges qd « 99. Bananas 2. 25. ready for the oven 59: Home-Made Fresh and Smoked Sausage and Pudding Krispy Crackers I 29. 4 Seedless Raisins += ok 25: | {41 Don Eaddy 81 FRIDAY — SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 1 JOHN DEREK — DONNA REED “Saturday’s Heroes” -in- MICHIGAN VS. OHIO STATE SATUR., NOV. 24th, 1:45 P. M. WGAL-TVY “FOR THE ‘BEST “JN. TELEVISION SETS SEE YOUR WESTINGHOUSE YH IDENTIFY THE PLAYERS... KEEP THESE COMPLETE ROSTERS BY YOUR TELEVISION SET MICHIGAN NO NAME NO NAME NO. NAME 14 Donald L. Oldham 64 Richard A. Beison Fred Cafire 15 Frank Howel) 65 Ray Thomas Kelsey Dan Cline 16 Thomas Witherspoon gg J mes Woltner Carl Dubac 183 Ed Hickey 67 c t F. Timm Jim Dutcher 19 Wesley E. Bradford 68 P r C. Kinyon George Dutter ¢ 23 Duncan McDonald 69 Ronaid W. Williams Paul Eckrich F124 Wm. Putich (Capt.) /0 Robert Zatkoff Ronald Geyer 26 William E. Billings > James T. Baylog Bill Guardelli >| 28 Don Zanfagna ’3 Bruce A. Barthoiomew Carl Kamhout 320 Fred Baer {+ Donald D. Rahrig Harry Kates, III 3 | 33 Robert Hurley 75 Ralph C. Stribe, Jr, Bill Kearns ; 35 Russell G. Rescorla 7/6 Themas Johnson Ray Kenaga ¢ 37 David J. Tinkham 77 Art Walker Jim Kopp {| 38 Richard E. Balzhiser 78 Bernhardt Pederson Joe Krahl Carl Lowry Chuck Lutz Jim McGarvey Bob Milligan George Muellich Tom Newbrough 39 Laurence 40 Norman E. LeClaire 79 Donald C. Bennett W. Canty 80 Russell Osterman Robert E. Topp 82 Robert W. Dingman Tad C. Stanford Merritt Green || 44 Ted Kress 46 Donald W. Peterson 49 Don Evans 2 Ray Vanderzyde Lowell W. Perry Cino R. .Pella {33 Richard O'Shaughns’sy 86 Eugene P. Knutson Don Scott 54 Wayne F. Melchiori 87 Leo Schlicht Joe Shomsky 5 Emil Morlock 88 John Veselenak Russell Swaney 55 56 Donald Drake 89 Frederick R. Pickard Edmund Swanson | 57 Dean Ludwig John Antico John Treadawy 32 Eugene Snider Bill Barlow Dave Van Winkle | enn owers Jim Bates 60 Jim Wagner Don Becker Ren wiley 61 Donald R. Dugger Mel Bernia David Williams 162 Richard J. Strezewski Don Byron Pete Wolgast OHIO STATE NO. NAME NO NAME NO. NAME 10 Ray Hamilton 53 James Merreil 81 Ralph Armstrong 11 Richard Ernst 54 Robert Heid (Capt.) 84 Sherwin Gandee 12 Fred Bruney 55 Thomas Rath 85 Robert Joslin 15 Harry Deeks 58 Robert Wolter 37 Bernie Knapic 16 Walter Klevay 59 William Ternent 8 Richard Walther 17 Earle Bruce 60 Steve Ruzich 90 Richard: Thomas 23 Richard Arledge 61 Lois Fischer 91 John Manyak 24 Tom Hague 62 Michael Takacs $3 Ted Katula 25 Tony Curcilio 63 Richard Tice 28 William Wilks 64 Thor Ronemus Freshmen 30 Jack Wagner 65 Carroll Smith Carroll Howell i 31 Victor Janowicz 66 Robert Roberts 32 Earl Bechtel 67 Julius Wittman John ‘Berton 33 Robert Koepnick 68 Paul Faehl David Leggett 34 Roger Moritz 69 George Savic James Hoffman 36> John‘ Hlay. 71 Richard Logan Doug Goodsell 2 Earle’ Gentils 72 Joseph:Campanella George Riley 43 David Gambill 73 George Jacoby Jerry Krisher 44 Bernie Skvarka 74 Ceorge Guthrie James Reichenbach | 47 George Rosso 75 James Hietikko Thomas Leo 48 Marts Beekiey 77 Robert Endres Dean. Dugger 52 Lawrence Andrews 80 Robert Grimes John Sheltor BRUBAKER APPLIANCES CHOCOLATE AVE, MOUNT JOY R1 { PHONE 3-533 ae A = | pn