She Tl Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, November 22, 1951 1 | INRA ! | | The Mount Joy Bulletin || HAPPENINGS 2 t ! 3 ie Mount Joy Bulletin | ¥ r S Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher LONG AGO : ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 [=== EE ISS = ( the Brannan Plan for production | Saas ; i wy MANHEIM R. D. 2, PA. Son Published Every Thursday at No. | payments to farmers. A bill pro- : 3 — Sn, 0 ne. ; | | ~ \ FOR EVERY sig 11 | Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. | iq. ooo 1 him dna 20 Y go - | sig ’ a ' viding Federal aid to me dient edu ears o To y THREE AMER ou : Se Su tion, per year .. $2.00 cation did come to a Yote od the | ep — We 3 OVER Fok Wasi i Ma Six Months $1.00 Senate and was decisively defeat- Mr. and Mrs. Lois Resh | | A C p WwW k k Three Months 60 | ed. The House ignored this scheme | town celebrated their 48th anniver- | Woop KEEPS AMERICH STRONG | I r o m re S sO r or Roc S R Dd aig “ings | completely sary om ete | Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc ii Lopes toy Mr. Truman didn't get his way in| Mr. John B. Henry was nominai- . ’ ’ and ™ t the Postoffice at Mt other matters either. The new! cd president of the Rheems Fire | 5 ol ol ® « . Joy, , as second-class mail mat-| tax bill, for example, will produce Company i . Trees ford ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. | only about half as much additional Mount Joy will have an indepen~ b a A oF | E 1 d G d Gra svenue as the President asked of! dent basket ball team this year. A h o £1 as 200060 0 HOUSES) | X < ava i n g an fa | n g Gra " . J wavlve » a on : Lt « « * ? or 2 Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper | revenue as the President askec % y | bleil "Dif (\¥% FOR TH ih Bra cr an Removed mod Publishers’ Association Congress — even though it will] The roster consists of Hal - ’ . Cellars, Trenches, Ete. net. - bring the tax burden to an all-time | fendexfer, Divet, Shiffer brothers, han Publical Day, 3 high save for the peak reached dur- | Laskewitz and Abe Chapman. : y fea Copy for a change of advertising |. =. jor war The White Mountain Freezer Co. foo should reach this office Tuesday. | "M8 the fast maje : TRILL VAD TTS top W 4 will ol guarantee insertion of | Mr. Truman cannot blame these bought the New Standard Corp. Hr ro wd Tee P H 0 N E M 0 U N T J 0 Y 3 ” 4 7 5 3 flou any advertising unless copy reaches | setback which obviously rankled, Mr. and Mrs. John Germer en- 908 LOS AGTLES side the office not later than 9 a. min hard — on the Republicans | tertained to a birthday dinner in| k ion Sr. nce bl 1 ation. | wv soli prying 5 a or il to | alone. The Democrats have small honor of Joseph Germer. In OF ARIZONA “ hor, siti 5 e d 2 raver ¥ 9 TR pul blication day. | majo-ities in both branches oi The large barn of the El Weaver att sri sc area mish po | ('gngress. But a great many Dem- | tarm at Florin was destroyed by amo a -. a fe ors r I A L ocrats are as opposed to the Presi- | fire with nearly all its contents. gobl E DI [ 0 R | dent's ideas on social and kindred Markets: Fggs 36c; Butter, 35c¢ | Hh 3a | lesistation as any Republican.! Lard 10%c. a otis Hy + A Ve : ie | These Democrats arenot all from The gas station belongs to F. J. / Instead of wasting those atomic | : : ; 1 by © Lan pi the traditionally conservative South Detrick at Salunga was looted by bombs on experimental explosions S i why ( ave Northern and hieves h 4 . wads | some ol them have North thiuout the tate of Nevada, , Western constituencies where Mr.| Rev. J. D. Brubaker, of Florin Five percent (5%) penalty will be added to all 1951 sident of the Re- DE School tax after December 1st, 1951. doesn’t some one send them to Ko- . | Truman's following is supposed to! was elected yen? That weuld be a fa hetier 0 PI t Jeriment, at the same | be strong. {union held at Elm Tree scheol pha i" ald et =id of many of The fact that the President's ‘pro-| W. A. Berrier will hold a shooting | GEO. H. BROWN III F ime it wo ge ' vibe 0 Inte geese i agi ! me gram was beaten doesn't mean that| match for 25 large geese at Donegal Tax Collector | these columnists and probably save many United Nation lives. ® oo © it is now ancient history. There is Springs. |B many. was held at the! | one quality in Mr. Truman which is A reception : A «| acknowledged by both his friends Church of God, for their new pas- | Lancaster County ‘laters a and enemies, and that quality is toy, Rev and Mrs. Paul J. Martin. | - tobaceo, stubbornness. He thinks his pro- The Washington Boro Auxiliary | James E. Thigpen. head ‘of the hs gram is right, and he thinks the furnished 100 blankets for the Col- 5 paceo branch. U. S. Department " masses, of voters want it. If he runs tmbia hospital. 1 See Our— Agriculture, Washington, D. Co. nj again, he will undoubtedly use it! Fifty-five persons over 75 years | a speech at Lancaste:. He claims | for campaign ammunition, just as| of age were dicensed to marry in| : C i Li . ” four -year 's supply on | | © we 3 ast vear ' i omp ete ine there is a he did last time. | Pennsylvania last year. hand. | > eee Mary Catharine Moyer of this| Mr. Thigpen, please don’t think place and’ Dr. Bonnie Fudge, of S.!| } | LEIUM for gment that our farmers (8 C f ‘arolina were married i s irs : L NO fn we He oy sole They hav areer on erence Carolina wert anise in the Sirs producing tee much TT Presbyterian Church by Rev. RUBBER TILE | sa good fortile soil and produce the (From page 1) | Segelken { crops that bring in the most MONEY: | |ecruiting officer will talk about Five plays will be produced in| ASPHALT TILE The minute they can make move the Navy and Marines. The Recru- | the high school auditorium under * Es per acre growing potatoes, toma-| .... from Lancaster will | the supervision of the Agricultural | | tees. or what else have you, they | . 4 representative of the Wacs | Extension service. Vrs TT 3 oe BATHROOM and will immediately switch. and Waves, also. Miltoh H. Ruhl sold his property | FA J 3 ree | KITCHEN WALL TILE | But with the Government guar- Mrs. Victor Shank, who operates! at Union Square to Noah S. Weng- | J 5? JE 7 3 i 2 a antecing a certain price per pound a local beauty shop, will discuss | er. | > J ORR . . for a numbe~ of years, they could- | cpporiunities in beauty culture. ns i PA PLR Kitchen Cabinets n't lose. so they grew more tobacco.) Flsie Zug will present the ad- | . i RE Bi Wood Custom Made The county farmers don't main- | vantages in the field of home eco- New Joint School | IN COLOR tain those beautiful farms .as orma-| _ . a ments and we have a class of soil | Legal and medical professions (From page 1) | a Gllrs who can. produce. Just 11 | il ho ‘represented by Mr. M. M [district and the State probably (0 por it Yourself | FORMICA TOPS § ‘em what you want, make the’ price | Martin, a Manheim lawyer, and Dr. would not approve such an agree- ee y attractive. and you'll get it. | David E. Schlosser, of this place. A | ment. “(NG dave Money! VENETIAN BLINDS ® 0 nurse from the Philadelphia Gen-| However, regarding the lower WINDOW SHADES . : 3 : r nr » ) TAXES COST MORE. THAN FOOD | eral Hospital, will talk about nurs- | portion of Mount Joy Twp., he said Armstrong $ Quaker According to the president of the| ing as a career. 2 PITTSBURGH PAINTS such an agreement would likely be Grocery Manufacturers of America,! Newspaper work will be discuss- | approved since that township is not W ] C * a all Covering WALLPAPER the American consumer now pays ed in a group led by a representa- | definitely a part of any jointure. tive from the Lancaster New Era| Consequently Mr. Portner ap- nd Intelligencer. The advantages | pointed a committee composed of — Compleic Installations — of printing as a vocation will be| A. D. Seiler, George Morris and REELS PL 70 2 2 7 TPT Te BET 2 TEBE 2 Welcome to Lancaster’s Christmas Store more in taxes than he pays for his food! In 1240, the nation spent $17.- 100.00,6¢0 for food and paid $12,- | 700,000,000 in taxes. Last year, by | presented by Robert Fish of town. | Mrs. Bernard McDivett to contact ¢ ; 52,500,- Paul A. Martin, local contractor, | school officials in Mount Joy Twp. | Mt. Joy Tile Ino eum 0. contrast, the feod bill was 852, ! build tl about. the ful | a | and builder, will talk about the fu-| regarding the entering into an a- | ( , J / 600.600 and the tax bill was $57,000- | : 3 Togas = x | 2 5 ’ DAY & EVENING EXCE 'EDNESDAY DURIN 0 R 3 000.099. j ture mn his field. : | greement with the Donegal Joint | OPEN EVERY DAY & EVENING EXCEPT WED he Lui This dees not take into account! Mr. Cullen, from the Philadel- | School District. PHONE 3-3492 38 W. MAIN ST.. MOUNT JOY Ph the increases in ‘taxes that have oc- pita office the ad ks Mil vid Plans Near Completion — 131 t YULE] IDE SEASON! on, corred tic corrent vers nor = °F Ro = requirements | A representative of the Buchart | { S . stones urs during the cv } | ¢ PB. Decemt} necessary ior . work, fi i | teas 2 i : : irm reported at the session that! he fiona ‘hich are SS & ibe additional increases which a | Radio and television will be the the working drawings of the new! We hope you will visit HAGER'S often during the Christmas season, and make full use of our facili- ties. Te he entire Store is decorated with wreaths and lig and holly from top to bottom, and com- Li e id py cks are now on display! You will find large, varied Christmas assortments in every de. partment, at the lowest possible prices! in prospect. topic for a group led by Nelson mere proof ef the fact! go... of Station WGAL, Lancas- that the tax bill is the biggest iem | (.. A Munheim teacher. Miss The- of expense the American people! ,; | Bishcp, will talk of the oppor- face. Seme of our taxes we pay di- | tunities in the teaching field. Mrs. | school are 30 per cent complete and | et Here is the plans are expected to be ready | by the first of 18952. A model has also been made of the new building L recily, in income. property, | Derothy Nystrom will tell the ad-| "9d this is to be presented at the | aia . . 4 nex tance and similar levies. Others! vantages of becoming a librarian. | Xt mesting. we pay indirectly, as in the case of | Music as a vocation will be discus-| Ine district was also provided excise and se-called “luxury” tax-! sed by H. Merrell Shields, teach- : es. Others still are hidden in the er of instrumental music at East which are to be filled out in order cost of every service and article we | Dcnegal and Marietta. The group buy. All teld. taxes now consume | interested in the ministry and reli- close to a third of the national in- | gious werk will have as leader the | Reverend Elmer Heiser, rector of | Site for the new building, to be lo- Taxation en this level destroys! St. Luke's Episcopal church of this| cated on the properties of Henry E. . A «a» | Brubaker : Shearer incentive. It drys up “risk capital” | Peroush. ; ubaker and Elmer L. Shearer, —why should a man take a chance Many pupils will have the oppor- | “cross from the ol Union school tunity of hearing Miss D. Edwards. | building site. It was reported that t th Armstrong Cork Company,|a resurvey of the site. contained in with forms by the engineering firm to secure priorities for critical ma- | terials, such as steel. A report was also given on the come. RP Pe TE FE TE RE PETE FL SR TE FE FE PO PE VE BE FETE SF SIE TE TE FFE TIP STEPPES STEVE ERR 0 CE 5 2 2 WF 2 0 7 2 TA Aoi = { ga Open A Charge Account | 'f at Hager's! on a venture when he must pay the! whole cest if he loses but will gain aa . a 3 Title on ab phe he discuss office werk. William Wil- | 20 acres, was made carly this | A Charge is a big convenience at Christmas! 4 Or aes eon 4. a4 fong, of Watt & Shand, will have! nr ‘hen i as f al i ’ 3 2 4 Jt wakes ii abnormally ‘difficult and ) t & ind, will we | month when it was found that the Stop in at Hager’s 4th Floor Credit Office, and talk things over 1 with Mr, Werner or Miss Gray. vn 8 Fionn No fuss . . . no complicated red tape! retail selling as his topic. The Ger- | building will have a 655 foot front- Shce Company wll| age along the Marietta Pike. send scme one to present the ad- | 510,000 Check Received vantages of working in a factory. The school directors were noti- There will also be a discussion | 3 ; | : : ne also be a discuss ted that a check of $10,000 he discourages production and prog- |, ,. concerned with mechanics, | |; : : 5d res : >| been received from the FHA. This ess. The leader gfor this panel has not] There is but one solution—rigor=' cclected. i z's edt ; " : jover to the Donegal Authority ous economy in nonessential gov- The program will cpen at 1:00 p. hj i 4 di u 4 : i lh which in turn sent it to the Buch- | ernment spending, all the way from m. in the Muunt Joy High school art firm towards tl ral aa Ee pd ER 2 ad ja owards the costs of : the village to Washington. At best. auditorium with selectic ns by the plan I 1 tosis of ihe : : i : “plans being drawn p 2 taxation must be heavy. If the pres- | MJHS band under the direction of! Eon up for the ent trend continues, it will prove | leader George C. Houck. The invo- | in many cases impossible for the small business to grow—the money that weuld be used for expansion goes, instead, to the government, it was made know n, was turned You can Pay for your Purchases in the Following Ways: 30-DAY CHARGE ACCOUNT 4-PAY PLAN LAY-AWAY PAYMENT PLAN — small deposit holds your purchase until wanted. LEASE PLAN, maximum of 18 months to pay. building. The preliminary plans, it i’ oy was learmed, have been : OVE ruinous. { c:tion will be’ given by ihe Rev. ave been approved . by the State. ! oo ® 0 Filmer Keiser. Greetings to the RNIZED il he Modern and Spacious ALL MAKES REF AIRED and MODE There has been so much big news pils and guests as weil as orlenta- iti In addition to the 25 classrooms, | | that one fact of gr-at political and | tion remarks will he made by W. il “ip econcimic importance has been ob- I. Beahm, supervising principal of | © "CW building will house fa- | nto Eectiie, CONSOLE ot PORTABLE 2 2 Hig . | cilities for agricultural 1 i ads secured. The fact that the session! Mount Joy High schooi. ! ural and mech- Bring Your Kiddies in to See Santa in Toyland, D tairs St : : fy Sp : S Tig job.” | @nical classes, two home e y "OWT 00% of Congress which just ended gave A iim, “Finding the Right .iob, C ne economics RI ED | President Truman's _all-encompas- | will precede the conference peri-| OMS, one commercial room, a OR ELECT FI IN YOUR OLD STAND | 3 Bo | . brary. cafeteria f { fi sing social welfare program the <9 — il 1 for. 400 alan + Coll.Us Today—We Pick-up and Deliver . . . Anywhere! EE — [an g 3 complete deep-freeze treatment. | Suditortum witha seuting Kala I ' ERVICE ? 3 The roster of failure in this re- SUPER IDEALISTS Shy of 8 pefsons and a gymna- SALES J. V. BINKL gard was complete. The compulsory | Reformers are super ~- idealists Se pe will be able to seat 1,- 111 N. Market St ELIZABETHTOWN Phone 216-) 4 8 health insurance proposal wasn't! who believe that the world could 5 : : \ ————— 46-1f WE AN even given hearings in House or |» perfect by rectifying a million A Laneas : 8 ST RINGS, LANCASTER. PA, i 1 Nor was the qi) rishi, OF so sight faults in humans a. ar motorist was arrest- | [3 3 eo or a Th \ measure, or the Federal Fair em- | Which they take the trouble to 230 io Ee me 45 mph. on Route | Fyeryhody, Everywhere, Reads The Bulletin |$ PRR : } 230 in East Hempfield Twp. RT ST TR Tl I TG TD TT FA TR TT TT TS ET TT To 5 RATE REM hts ployment Fractices law. Nor was Point ott,