got lost an a lonely road and hailed a farmer for directions. “Wal” said “That there road just kinda peters out. It sorta runs into a bridle path and then becomes a finally a squirrel track that runs up a tree and ends in a knothole . . . . better take this oth- er road, ’tain’t so changeable.” - ~ = Not bad advice. the farmer, hog trail, Some wives certainly are help mates. The other night an East Main streeter complained that he couldn't sleep. His wife wanted to know why and he replied:— “You expect me to sleep when my note to Mort in the bank comes due to- morrow for $4,000 and there's only $1,000 in the bank to meet it?’ “It is?” said the faithful “Then I tell you what you saould do, Lucifer. Go over to Mort's house and tell him and then come back and go to sleep. Let Mort stay awake.” wife. These young veterans back from the Korean front modest bunch. Among a bunch of business men he was asked to give an ac- count of himself. Reluctant to brag he said there was really nothing to tell." : “But * surely, something must have happened,” persisted the men. “Now tell us in all your experienc~ es, what was it that struck “you most?” The soldier hesitated and are a ther taken direct st poach- But the following recent item from the Blairsville (Indiana Coun= ty) Dispatch relates a new indig- nation high. It “A reward of $25.00 was offered by Homer Williams today for in- formation leading to the arrest of the party or parties who large doe on his farm, probably on Sunday. The carcass was found in an open field in the rear of the Wil liams’ heme Monday forenoon. It is believed the party intended to car- ry away the deer but apparently was frightened away. A 36-30 rifle action aga ers after some thought drawled, the thing that struck me most was the number of bullets that missed me.” A visitor was calling at a Florin home to see the new baby. conversation, she asked: the baby is quite fond of you?” The | new pappa exclaimed: “Fond of me! Why he sleeps all day when I'm not home and stays up all night to en- joy my company.” This is my own brain child— But now she seems okay; She must be feeling better, for She bawled me out today! ————— Speaking of auto accidénts, as who isn't, if drivers who drape one arm out of their car window would, instead, drape their accelerator leg the might out of same, situation improve A WISE OWL CE Rd fh its dds rr fa Bt fot BBs killed a | “Well, | Making | “I suppose | My wife was sick a few days back, | | wood 10 to 32 pounds. This pond contains | possibly three acres and is a fairly | good breeding area for teal and ducks. © It is believed that snappers surely account for a good number of young ducklings during the summer months.” MOUNT JOY PHONE 83-9094 Fev i CUARLES SUGHR OE J MASTERSONVILLE MANHEIM 5-7811 '§ C1 BRUBAKER APPLIANCES | Rol bn oe ‘ y oy a y i i 4 \ ! i NE ! w 4 nn Re Rn These In Serv THE L W DOWN Boro Council “Fi Company a rie ip te Company's an=- Pl Y 0 d N e ice THE OF 1 Smoker will be held Friday ace ou reer ow Ww ki L | (From Page 1) nua r wi i FOR A by ee y etter ® November 2, 1951 mission if the members care to or igh, November Sth at the Fire DELICIOUS, TENDER, RED coms, |° ance | To the Remembrance Committee: HICKORY ’ GROVE else fine or imprison Estock for louse. FED BALDY of 1 By Penna State Yesterday I went to mail call and [Fis to obey the decision. Proceeds for the Disabled Fire- on. ] . expected to pick up my daily Jet- Today I am giving the nis, | Another topic for discussion was men's Fund | . | ter and was plenty surprised to | se ‘ert. 2 ol . th brag. about mest li | Sr! Bin : see ‘this little box waiting for me. | bless ‘em, a chance to brag | the employment of the Russel Ja- For Thanksgiving, Christmas and «00 he | : : : | , ame ommission I couldn't imagine what I sould | what they have done since they got | coby tax collection agency this year| Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. | New Your | be getting from Mount Joy because | the ballot back yonder 30 or so) : 11 . i a ng > 2 Rg ii | delinquent per capita tax Between Conneaut Lake and Es- | = “10 co (he handwriting Was | vears ago. They can tell us how to collect deling pe I ALSO CAPONS | pyville, along an ash-fill road that not either of my parents years ago, y thi after Dec. 1. The request to employ iy He marshlands id te Even though I've been fortunate | *V°¢! nd pret eT Pe | the agency was made by George A. C. MAYER — Mt. Joy — Phone 3- 9826 | Pymatuning tefuge in Crawford | enough to get home on weekends | now— or maybe they can alibi the | Brown III, the local tax collector. | | County, lies a strip known as Mur- | it's nice (0 be remembered by the | whole thing and tell us how-come | After © sit voted the - a | ders Row. Across this belt fly | old home town during the week. | saloons are even more plentiful, | A ter counci vo ed on ; issue, HAR ER great number of ducks and geese! Those Old So] Lars hit the spot! | How-come a 1000 dollar car now which resulted in a tie 3-3 vote, I MILE EAST | that wing their way, morning and | They never heard of them down | a 2 i I 1000 : { was | Burgess Charles Fish voted in favor fs ON ROUTE 422 (Hersh y Rd) evening, to or from the Pymatun-|Fcre. I am glad to hear that the | costs 2 and not as 1 cf ; | i : 5 : | ring the agency. addi- Harrisburg’s Only Drive-In ing Waterfowl Sanctuary Bulletin is coming, 1 really miss | when the old pelicans were runn- of employing he i ad 2 BALL PAVED with BLACK TOP The road : ; 1 | that paper which is as good as a | jo the shebang alone. tion to Fish, members of council he Was letter from home, When I do get . : . ho favored the move were: Lester a THURSDAY with almost 200 autos on Oct. 12th, Foon mv mother. always puts the | We now have power shortages | WhO 1avore . : - “SUNSET IN THE WEST" | : . home rr always » . om . Fi the openng doy o oe ‘waterfowl | ast week's Bulletin in my bag for [in Govt. domnated regions—we Rogers: : Paul Stehiman, IL, and B cast Douple Femure |, BY | Joase n. Sc me Bunters 8 ou! to Sans me to read back at Camp and even | can be locked in the cooler if Lloyd Myers. Voting “no” were nu DAY ! —B Ym le on pass sh cting at the road In| the news is old then, I| caught with gold dinero on our Councilmen Harold Krall, Clayton “THE GOLDEN HORDE" { the vicinity of Blair's Bridge. Many | Load every word including the ads. | bbl o | Newcomer and Robert Keller ” 1 \ A WISE O \X/ L Sthers push: craft of light Seat thru | It just dawned on me that I Swe h we Fan 1A we | 4 It wes HOUR od ‘that publi m COME SUNDAY TING FRIENDSHIP FIRE COMPANY the shallow water and marsh | don't know who the Remembrance | have confusing ceilings and floors ras & ce fit @ : | 3 2 Feature growth to the refuge wire, about Committee is made up of but to all | shifted on us over night—we have | hearing will be held Dec. 3 at 7:15 i" NERS » 3 “SINNERS HOLIDAY : mile from the road. Still others in| of you “thanks”. Eb . ingeriag our | p. m. when Pleasant View. a build- George Raft & Joan Blondel On a crowded Lancaster bus one hip beots slosh through the muck That package was timed just | ™ ine me tax man finge: ag [1 ; ay pa » : wet, miserable night, last week aland tancle to the border of the | right because yesterday was my | Pay check—we have a 24 cent foal | ing development which was recent- & *CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE | 4 ys ye i Ap 8, oi 1a5t dav ot that address. I ead--we have a len percent. |ly anne e borough, wi XL ELL | PE : coin thudded 1 the floor and roll- | sanctuary There these hunters, | last day at tak adn = Lon sul in | of bread—we have a ten percent. | ly annexed to the borough, will be Twig brief pm pi : ~; piela | camouflaged by growing brush, | Fort Monmouth ut today eV | short beer—we have 5 buck fire- | considered for admission as a Class EE P 1 1 al the sl ry aisle. As ) | W FREE PLAYGROUND ed along e slippery Sle, - ais for unwary | moved me across the parade field| rs Horak elms EL oh 9 _| wait daily in season nr unwary 3 is | water—we have just about every-| A district. cosinor R near-by passengers craned their dutks to bass overhead | to another company. | ve x : ecks, an old man stopped and ” I TD Ay . I don't know why they moved me | thing 100 percent, that we don’t | The various committees made AF THE rE 2 : 1 en i PRS fo 5 because I still have my same job, | like. | their usual reports. All bills ap- [ : picked 1t up. aid down. Waterfowl flying far ou working in the photo lab. of the | Now gals. whe vk | . ? : ‘ lp ( n th ab. l V gals, what Iwant to know | by a TANG: “Anybody lost a silver dollar?” | of shotgun range have nearly as| gional Corps Publication Agency is whol is the. Ov. in. Ze lair? | proved oy the Finance commitiee | he asked anxiously. much lead thrown at them as| 1 how I have about 4 times as | ira yo ve] paid and Council adjourned. FIRE HOUSE Ni "1 ed] hi they were ‘“possibles”. When the far to Walk to work | why is not everything sweet and ll Nine passengers hurriedly search- Ye with arto es] AC tO Wi NL : Tavelv? Whe o sirdle har : wit their rockets ‘and. shoatod. 1 ducks come Jin Fodch of the | Again I went to thank all of you. | lovely? Why is a good girdle ha df Stimulate your business by adver p , t ie vo ey that gees Pvt. Frank Hassinger | to find—why do you have no more Hsing in the Bulletin Lave.” them sounds like the war fromt. ——— : Siro thaw OR vent > . : ; ~ SN SNE ya 1 “I've | The high price of ammunition does | food in the ice box than 25 years | BENEFIT OF DISABLED FIREMEN'S FUND Well”, said the old man, “I've > Le | MT. JOY'S HOCKEY TEAM ago—maybe less. : tag : af not seem to concern these water- . . : Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends. found a nickle towards it” - - 1g "hunters. When a duck falls it | DEFEATED EAST DONEGAL Come right out with it—did the | EVERY SATURDAY Were their faces red! usually becomes the property of the| The Mount Joy High School hoc- | guy you voted for have a tie that | hunter who reaches it first. On kev team scored a 2-0 triumplt y= 4 liked, also did he have wavy C F d TURKEYS 43 .. et he te ea —— ; : 3 key team a 2-( ph ov- | you ed, also did he have y| Starting at 1:30 P. M. My wife just bought anew winter | Murderers’ Row” it appears that he lassies from East Donegal | hair—and also, maybe, did it turn | orn ed . . i f i : I D.T possession &s ter-tenths of the law, | c 1 , d | out that he was not too hefty in san. Mt Joy Legion Home I —————— 1 a ’s 2 e T I Hig hile Manhei “entral and | at he was 00 helty | hat. It's one 0 them there D. T. Toward Espyville, west of “Mur~ ! High, while Manheim Central an A Ne Se en . { EVENINGS MATINEE 3 hats — with delirium trimmin’s. derers’ Row”, on dry footing along | East Hempfield battled to a score- | the bean—or what” You were go- | 2 miles east of Mt. Joy, on Rt. 230| ENING Tun § Snes Elem the refuge wire, other hunters man | less deadlock. { Ing to clean up—he Ire now- | (Posey Patch) | 7 and 0:00 P.M AND 1 Guests aren't like they used to| “the goose line”. This is the section | Fast Donegal Pos. Mi, Joy | You: will" fee] better—teil us, | i HEA I RE HOLIDAYS be! Why, no matter how uncom- | over which Canada honkers pass, | Wolf L.W. Shank | Yours for the low down, | H - Turke s SATURDAYS Ho P.M i fertable th ést room bed , was, | fying to and from fields of corn | Good L. L Shelly | JIMMIE | ams y Sp Mount Joy, Pa. i e gu oon 2 “1 and winter wheat upon which they | Hawthorne CF Frank | mee ( 12-guage guns - 32 in. maximum | they'd tell you next. morning they | feed daily. If these great fowl are | Warfel R. I Shatto | WAS ARRESTED | : if nece FRIDAY — SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9 - 10 never slept better. But, not today! | in range but escape the first volley | Brubaker R. W. Lehman | ROAR NARI Sells furnished-Guns # B ih ! : Over the weekend we had a full | of hunters peering from natural | Musser L. H. Loewen | ON A HIT-RUN CHARGE | REFRESHMENTS BURT LANCASTER — CHARLES BICKFORD -in- +o | cover they rapidly gain a safe alti- | Singer C. H. Schofield | Marlin E. Longenecker, twenty- | House and when one of the . guests tude and yi away at great speed 8 oo R. H Eby | Elizabett R1 1 . i Lk 7 } away ai greal speed. | Hubley v. 1. | six, Elizabethtown , was arrestec E I d | (é » i SO; UD Sunday 4M. asked: "How Game _ Protector Raymond Sick- | Schuman L. F. Brooks | by state police Wednesday charge veil J one nuite JIM THORPE, ALL AMERI did .,you sleep? Was the day bed | les, Linesville, reported about 400 | Bradley Rr Spangler | = En, ee 7 { all right?” He answered: “Oh, it] ducks killed on the first two days | Kendig G. Bailey | with leaving the _scene of two ac- Sponsored by i could have been worse, I guess. I of the season, ‘when there was the Score by periods: i cidents near Florin last Friday, NORMAN BECKER Walter S Ebersole MONDAY — TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 - 13 : got up fri time 1 and rest- heaviest hunting experienced to | FAST DONFGAL ....... 0 0—-0 He was charged with failure to MANHEIM ROUTE 4 ] BvD "om Lime lo Wme and res date. In te first two weeks of the| MOUNT JOY ........... 1 1—2| stop and leave identity at the scene Post No. 185 WILLIAM HOLBEN — NANCY OLSEN -in- ed. 1951 season about - 300 Canada| Substitutes—Mt. Joy: Zellers. Pe acide wis Near Becker's Gas Station AMERICAN LEGION. MT. JOY Ge geese were taken by gunners in the | Goals—Mt. Jc y: Shank, Schofield. | ao an accid ent. ongenec Set was PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-5639 1 JEGION, 1] oY i" Of 99 A budget is a method of worry- Linesville area, Sickles said. —— eee = mn on bail for a hearing be- | 44-8 Force Arms ing before you spend the money in- Pennsylvania Plays Host To MOUNT JOY HIGH LOST fore a ler ity J. Phy Wetzel | biceps: TT Te Tree of : (3 ig TAS AEDT PF Si Longenecker’'s auto stead of afterwards. Championship Grouse Trails TO EAST HEMPFIELD [ Follce sule . . On October 26, 27 and 28, Penn- Mt. Jov Pos E. Hempfield | first sideswiped a car operated by | m WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 - 15 ry sylvania again had the honor to be | o. © ky 7 ny A : When 1 was in the millinery store Be “host state for the running of Shank LW. Rumler Raymand GQ. Shenk, JCEL MJCREA — DEAN STOCKWELL -in- { with my wife while sae bought her | the Grand National Grouse Champ- Zeller L. lL D. Hershey {in Florin and then was involved in 7 i - hat, another lady from town came | ionship stake. | Prank S TO = a collision with an auto driven by | eCattie Drive" i . at i in On tae Allegheny National Forest | Sao Vk by i ° | Edward J. Blake, Mt. Joy, a few | in. She poirted to a hat in the wini- ee Warienville. Forest. C ¢ | Lehman R. W. Eshleman | = : : dow and asked the clerk: “That red BES Yaron 3 fores ro oun ’ > | Loewen L. H Newcomer | minutes later between Florin and | one with the feathers and berries.” pe Bag, a kT | Schofield C. H: Minnich | Elizabethtown on a township road | FRIDAY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 - 17 mn , t re almos et | I — 3 D +d ih nt hore” dt | ER GY Map meio pede md [| AY NITE, NOV she said. “Would you take it out of | ground conditions combined with | °° , LF | 9 ® : onl i ; the window for ne?” largely favorable weather for good a R : ares SOME OF OUR HUNTERS CLIFTON WEBB — JOANNE DRU -in- s “wg Lo dog work. Cie rh | JUST CAN'T OBEY THE LAW ‘Certainly, madam, the clerk res oy . . | Bailey G Haldeman | SERA ny E ’) replied. “We'd be glad to.” Owners io handles of the gore by periods: .| George H. Pennypacker, a Lititz | . MR. BE LVED ERE RINGS THE B LL 3 . . cream of the grouse dog crop, as | yin 3 thie " » : i MOUNT JOY ... died 1—1 | barber, tried to make a game war- | Bi & Wh 1 O h t “py ; aid] we ; ght judges of » 1 ag Thank you very ‘much’, said well as top flight judges of the FAST HEMPFIELD .. . 3 den believe Ke wes 4 farmer. aad ue I e rc es ra the woman moving toward the exit. | trials, gathered there from distant Substitutes. Mt. Jov: Foesor. Ga | ; as a fe rane wp i” or and nearby ‘states to’ join with | = op tr ne | did not require a hunting license. I'he horrible thing bothers me ev- : lin, Kear, Melhorn, Thome, Mac- : Th : : Pennsylvanians in the occasion. Fey thor Mae." ._ | It cost him $20 for telling that fib. ery time I pass. Winner of the 1551 Grand Grouse | CX VY Hawthorne, Max, Zimmer- | oe i Champion hi} ay Dutch man, Swanson, J. Zimmerman, East| Kenneth B. Marzinko, 36, Co- a t 2 a Ee SR Eo C7" | Hempfield: Sigman, Habecker, Ri- | lumbia, was refused a hunting li- SPECIAL S eamed Clams c e ch 3 i oetrv. Ji errier se oss, a, female setter. The owner was Sth Fire Perr VAT ote } 2 5 | : Set this Jim Berries Sept) De Se of Rida, an the | Rohrer Trayner, Mallar, Hol- | cense in 1948 tecause he had shot | it to us. go IY 3 Nn. ~ | linger, Myers, Lyons, Dombach. 4 he hens ravi Ii : aa handler was Wib Hugus. Trebor Cole Too Zoller Heme. [2 np 1easant. He was arrested A cow, like a ship, has a stern and | 15 hess wen the high honor by 5 field: Bracks 5 rE | each yesr since then and fined. On | 3 bow, beautiful finds. She handled w ith i " | Saturday a Game Warden caught | SATURDAY NOY. 10 i And a tail in place of a rudder; such distinetion nd near perfec THE HUNTING SEASON { him in a field near Oregon. That | ’ You fill ’er at one end with hay | tion it was the opinion of the judges | cost hith $148 { fr he “| that there was little left to be de-| The small game hunting season | him $145. 4 . 3 And Te sired. This win was closely contest- | opened last Thursday. We had an Bil Jan Gem er ing Piano and Song a And you empty her at the udder. ed by another dog, Retinescope, unusual army of hunters out in this | MARRIAGE LICENSES 5 f owned by Dr. M\. P. C Mich. locality hut thoy were not too Sic. Martin H. Cope, of Rheems, and OO An old wpn was asked | and any bathe Se This ful All p rt 1 cottontail Alice G. Harnish, of Strasburg. ’ , bre £ A > 51 Tr wonderful dog tallied 4 beautiiu cessiul, repor ©5858 ottontaills or Ye, ww) 929 SUNDAY NOVY i what breed of chickens he consider- finds and was masterly in bird han | than usual with a fair supply of Emanuel Clyde Metzler, 122 East! 9 ® 1 | ed best. “All kinds has merits,” he dling. but difficult to Rill Main street, this boro, and Virginia | . k . 3 h I replied. “De w'ite ones is de easies’| Irate Farmer Offers Reward For ei i lite ai ap S. Rife, 813 FE. Marian street. Lan- Fran fin & Mars a to find, but de black ones is the Arvest Of Deer Killer : : caster. { VS. » 3 ’ » The Game Commiss 1s not a- Everybody in this locality reads Sn | easies’ to hide after you gits ‘em. fone te arid to he "i za} game | The wiry its adver. mn Washington & Jefferson i lone in 18 Cf gam cB -EGION SMOKER, NOV. 16 { killings. Many an angry farmer has | ticers get such excellent results. Sr Gt : TUR., NOV. 10th. 1:45 P, M. f While out hunting Monday, John WwW. S. Ebersole Post No. 185 Mt. | SA i bullet killed the doe, an unusually | Joy American Legion, have planned - _— WGAL-TY | large one.” | their annual Smoker for the benefit 3 s ibis aed { Grouse Feathers and Turkey Feet © the Children’s Christmas party | { Will Aid Game Bird Research | cn Friday, November 16th, at the| FOR THE BEST { an effor Or ve the great- | Pos | | In a effort to produce the great- | Post Home, IN TELEVISION i | est possible number of ruffled | — ti em i Sms nies | grouse and wild turkeys for the |= AiR : hunters of Pennsylvania, the Wild- — WESTINGHOUSE life Research Division of the Penn- | FOR | j DEALER | sylvania Game Commission is con- | REAL GOOD . | ducting studies of these two grand | | game birds. i ING i Suctessiul Tutors are ‘asked tol IDENTIFY THE PLAYERS... KEEP THESE COMPLETE send the tip joint of one wing and T ROSTERS BY YOUR TELEVISION SET the two middle tail feathers from RY each grouse killed to the Game | The BULLETIN FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL Commission at Harrisburg. Also, | NO NAME NO. NAME NO. NAME . ! J the feet from wild turkeys are | AND NOTE THE DIFFERENCE 2 Kenneth Davis John Copenhaver 3 Harry Eberle wanted. | 3 Robert C. Werst Salvatore D'Amico 31 Jack Grimner From these parts the age and sex 4 Richary Bonter 18 Donald Ziegler 32 denn Scanlon a ¢ hin 3 ee tH 5 George . Myers 19 Jack Hepler 33 Stephen ischissi | of the birds can be determined. The | 7 | 6 Frank R. Beauchner 20 1s Muench 34 Joseph W. Brooks | ratio of young birds to old birds | | a 7 Howard Beane 21 R. Mussell 36 Robert Zima | indicates the stage of the grouse tes 8 Victor Lincoln 22 E. Harr 37 Charles 8 Schiager 4 EA . a nares | 9 Theodore Rabuck 23 Bruce Westerdahl 38 Henry R. utter Syele sl Solis protien iva ARE YOU IN THE |}! 10 Darrell Koch 24 Wally Witmer 39 William Boyer i nr y eys. nis 1ntormation | 11 John Nycum 256 Robert Hannum 40 John Barbour | can supply valuable assistance to DOG HOUSE? |B 12 Wendell Hower 26 Bernard Ebersole 41 Irvin Jiras [the Commission in setting seasons IR! 13 Edward Kerbaugh 27 Phillip DeBonis . ib li 3 aso | HAND HER The WALLET: Ri 14 Paul Giovangrossi 28 George Reinhart 42 John Wilson anc ag imits, to provide consist- ! | 15 Robert A. Buck 29 Jerome Faber 44 Thomas Hendrix ient recreation for the hunters. and The ADS In This Paper Hl Sportsmen are urged to improve 5 Hi WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON | their hunting through cooperation. | = ® NO NAME NO. NAME NO NAME Many Snapping Turtles = 2 Jorn Conley 38 Les Byrsnt 5 Mike Jenny rooming . ~, . Stic | = | I P “ 2 uc cMillan 9 A azza 4 Jim Flaherty Lycoming County Game Protec 2 op Quality - Low rices Day 26 Bob Becker 40 Jeff Leake 56 Joe Lipovich tor R. H. Morningstar reports an z { . 27 Steve Vuksanovich 41 Dick Hoffman 57 Stan Hoover i interesting predotor control activi- | Ri 128 Ray Keisiing 13 Jim Weyer 58 Sandy Newman | tv. He savs: ® 29 Jack Murtha 44 Chartes Phillips 59 Bill Albee ! J. ody o. | | “On Th : Ds ] | 30 Joyce Clayton 45 Frank Forsythe 60 Harold Addis n omas am, a pond near ! 3 31. Bill Rollins 46 Frank Dunbar 61 Russ Hughes Montgomery, R. T.: Latimer and I. | [§! x 32 Don ‘Puglisi 47 Dick 63 Bill ‘Baldwin using two turtle traps,. ‘took. 22 | 3 3 Jan Massaro i 3 Jim Phillies 64 Beh Gm . ae 3 34 Camille aravalli 49 Steve liphant 65 Jules illard snapping turtles in two weeks this | | 35 Alan Bress 50 Carl Herron 66 Cliff ‘Hellberg summer. They range in weight’ from | 36 Will' Hawkins 51 Dan Donovan George Anthou | . | 37 Harold Ream 52 Don Donovan Wilson Dietrich 10COLATE AVE, PHONE 3-5334 MOUNT JOY R1 Lc A RS