Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., A Thursday, November 1, 1951 | INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED | —— SPENCER SUPPORTS . Lehmans Electrical Service For abdomen, back and breast Wiring—Fixtures—Supplies All Makes of Sewing Machines Repaired MRS. EDYTH B. BRUBAKER | FLORIN, PENNA. Phone Mt. Joy 3-4949 We Modernize Your Machine _ AFTER BEFORE | to Electric, Console or Portable WHITE - WASHING Coll Us Today—We Pick-up and Deliver . , . Anywhere! AND |} NOTICE: J. V. BINKLEY serve DISINFECTING 111 N. Market St. ELIZABETHTOWN Phone 216-J HESS BROS. FLORIN, PENNA. Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930 CALL SAMUEL MAXWELL, PHONE MT. JOY 3.9274 Due to conditions beyond my control, T will not he available after 5:30 P. M, SALES WILL BE SITUATED IN MY MT, JOY RESIDENCE ABOUT DECEMBER Ist WALTER V. LEHMAN 38-tf Horace Mann is the father o [the American public school system. fi MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa, | SIMON P. NISSLEY { | = We're Proud of the Quality of our Poultry and Meats NOTICE! | In order to collect damages on ou | Poultry Ranges caused by dogs o | other predatory animals, we have t | notify the proper State authority. This same | check the immediate for stray dogs and other dogs with| | which they come in contact, This notice is given so that youl will not be embarrassed in case the neighborhood Authorities check the for unlicensed dogs. Everybody, Everywhere, Reads The Bulletin 4 39-tf The “Now again, as Commander of U. S. Troops in the field, including over 500 Lancaster County men, I am urging the citizens of Lancaster County to support the U.S.0. financ- ially during the Fall Community Chest Campaign. I be- of the Western World's will to resist Communist aggres- lieve that there are over 4,000 Lancaster County men in gion. the Armed Forces today and if most cf them are training as hard as we are and are undergoing the ruggedness of Armed Forces life, I am sure that anything that adds to their recreation and comfort will increase their effective- 28th" soon be embarking for overseas service. ter's own Major-General Daniel B. Strickler, this crack combattrained division will soon be a tangible expression The famed - our own Keysione Division will Led by Lancas-+ Qur Statesmen and military leaders believe that the presence of the "28" in Europe, along with our other Arm- ed Forces, will act as a strong deterrent to enemy aggres- ness. We are doubly proud of it here in Lancaster, because 500 of our sion. All America can be proud of the "28". “The United Service Organization was reconstituted just within the past year and it needs immediate attention. Right now in our Camps, there are great demands for the service of the U.S.0. and this need will be greaily in- creased when we go to Europe. County men are members. We are proud of its leader, Major-General Daniel his men the best wishes of a grateful community. B. Strickler, and extend to him and When these men arrive in Europe, they will be able to en- joy the facilities of the U. S. O., and will be entertained by U. S. O. Camp Shows. “I urgently request the citizens of our County of Lancaster to give a substantially increased amount to the Communi- ty Chest Campaign in order to make their contribution in support of the U.S.0.” ‘Musser Legion I Farms 26-t | FOR... Watches-Clocks-Jewelry| Smoked Picnics And Watch Repairing | ‘Warren H. Greenawalt, JEWELER 209 West Main St, MT. JOY OPEN EVE RY EVENING INVEST IN MUSSER ® LEGHORN CHICKS 'e HEAVY WEITE BROILER CHICKS © HEAVY DARK BROILER CHICKS Place your ertler now for free delivery. ‘Musser Leghorn F arms | MOUNT JOY, PA. Phone 3- 4911] 36- i | Electric ‘and Gas Welding Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING AND EQUIPMENT | Automobile and Truck Welding LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Covers Welding Shep MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3-593! | Delta and Marietta Streets Dr.H.C.Killheffer | Optometrist | MANHE IV 163 S. Charlotte St. Telephone 5.3376 Mon. & Wednes. 9.5:30 Tues. Fri. Sat. 7-9 P. M. Tues. Fri. Sat. 9:30-1:00. 2-5 P. M ELIZABETHTOWN | 15 E. High St. Telephone 24.F EYES EXAMINED BY APPOINTMENT DR. S. MILLIS OPTOMETRIST 59 N. MARKET STREET ELIZABETHTOWN Hours: Daily: 9 to 1 and 2 to 5 Evenings: Tues. & Sat. 6:30 - 8 No Hours Thursday PHONE: 334) Here's What General Strickler Has to Say About the U.S.O.: “About eight years ago, as Commander of U. S. Troops in the field, I wrote to the people of Lancaster endorsing the United Service Organizations’ program. Remember the men of the “28th” and all service men and women who are the defenders of our freedom. A concrete expression of gratitude to them will be your sup- port of the U.S.O. United Red Feather Cam- paign. Lancaster County's quota for the U.S.O. is includ ed in this goal this year. I's A BIGGER Red Feather This Year! through the —18 Community Chest Agencies Need $457,000 —United Defense Fund (U.S. 0.) Needs 36,000 United Goal—209 ‘More Than Last Year $493,000 Let’s All Join Hands IN LANCASTER COUNTY’S United Red Feather Campaign! This Space Contributed to A Worthy Cause by Hager's - ? 8 » Ss ER TE 0S I UN A a “Fp AAA SL TIRE AL A AL A A hl RL AL AA A Fl a cal A A el aa A.B. Sahd & Sons BENNETT'S falls, 4 .. 53 Restaurant 45 EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY BULK AND GALLONS | Try our old fashioned sugar cones | with Breyers Ice Cream. Special On Price | 2 qt. packages $1.20 | 1 gal. packages $2.35 ENJOY LIFE EAT OUT MORE OFTEN! CALL 3-9163 Rs CLOSED SUNDAYS WANTED ALL KINDS | SCRAP IRON. RAGS, PAPER AUTOMOBILES, Etc. Front & Pine Streets MARIETTA Phone 6-9111 40-2t authority will then| neighborhood| Fy FRESH \ |/ MY KILLED rf | GRADE aX r Re oH of Fully r— Freshly Killed, Fully Sen ‘Frying Chickens | Tender, Lean Dressed Drawn 53 45° Lean Grade A ; Sliced Bacon | Lean, Sugar Cured Slab Bacon rive. » 39¢ Skinless Franks ' 68¢ | Fiilets of Pollock "> 29¢ Don Snags 596 Fancy Perch Fillets '®39¢ Fresh Scrapple Ib {9¢ Fillets of Haddock 39¢ Pan Pudding 1b 47¢ | Cleaned Whitings 1b {9 SALT WATER OYSTERS rintcan 79¢ It’s National Rice Week! Try this Recipe for Chicken Rice Squares by MARIAN KEMP Director Home Service Bureau Save an extra 6c! Roh-Ford Fancy White RICE 2:23° SOLD SEAL RICE " 14¢ Mix together 3 cups cooked Rob Ford Rice 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 11, cups cooked chicken 3; cup chicken stock 2 Gold Seal Eggs, beaten lg teaspoon mace I/g teaspoon Ideal Nutmeg —— Salt and Ideal Black Pepper to Rob-Ford Cal. Seedless taste R a I i N a Pour into shallow square pan. Bake at 350° F. until set, about 30 min. 15-02 c utes. Cut into squares and serve pkg 19 with chicken gravy. New Low Price! Virginia Lee DONUTS 19° Plain, Sugared or Cinnamon Virginia Lee Orange Layer Cakes ea 69¢ Gold-N-Snow Cocoanut Layer Cakes ©? 79¢ Square Pound Cakes ©2 43c|Sticky Cinn. Buns Pk9°35¢ Apple Coffee Cakes © 39¢ | Assorted Buns pka 6 29¢ Filbert Coffee Cakes ©? 29c¢ | Cherry Streussel Pies ©2 53¢ Today’s Best Bread Value--Enriched large C Supreme Bread 15 RAISED HONEY-GLAZED DO’'NUTS rka® 25¢ ars Ca A 20! A 3 ir I le Peaches 32 Halves or Slices Ask for a copy of this simple recipe at our stores Ideal Fancy Cal. Cling ~ Nabisco Graham Crackers '> Pka 33¢ PET EVAP. MILK tallcan 14¢ ENRICHED MARGARINE 0 25° BIGGER SAVINGS ON VINGS ON FRESHER PRODUCE | New Crop Fla. ORANGES -23° GRAPEFRUIT T Large Fla. 46-5dsize Fla. 46-54 size 3 for 29¢ APPLES U. 8. 1 Stayman Winesaps 5 Ib bag 35¢ Fancy Slicing TOMATOES 15° LETTUCE Crisp Iceberg head CAULIFLOWER Snow-White large head 19¢ PASCAL CELERY Calif. stalk 15¢ BROCCOLI! Fresh Full Bunch beh 25¢ MUSH ROOMS Fresh Cultivatee pt box 29¢ SWEET POTATOES U. S. 1 Md. Golden 4 bs 29¢ WHITE TURNIPS 3 Ibs 17¢ | fdeal Pure Concentrated Frozen ORANGE JUICE £533 3 MCRE SETS THIS WEEK More and more Schools are getting big 16-in. Philco T-V Sets installed without charge because students, P.T.A.s, etc. save our sales checks. This is not a contest - - - no time limit. Get details at the Acme or write American Stores-Philco Plan, P. 0. Box 147, Baltimore 3, Md. NOVEMBER FAMILY CIRCLE Nowonsale 5¢ Prices Effective Nov. 1-2-3, 1951. Quantity Rights Reserved. _ YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT THE ACME The of M held mem The muni the “ Recer Auth Puert laying men statiol the b fact keros condi nume was f agree quart Anc relatiy recen a resi buildi dwell horou the regou Este ing C sion ( it can ber 1 decisi that ¢ Str Ar 38 The ed fro ers. Ii any i Mr. J tin. M As wonde tion rened 28 vea house the Ti where think mer a tain. 1 the B- weap, the co Salunc and n I thi road EAR ( PER 1 Ear or at of 72 | sonal Garbe at Iroi falfa ver ha Nine Garher dairy to $45. was th CI Aj T Churcl on rec Trumai follows Wher United ally fo take a one re and Wher tens to (2) ] betwee! and Pr Wher groups edly ch