Advertisers. — on your favor- rimba, Accor- umpet, Violin, French horn, guitar, Hawai- USIC SHOP ket Street WN, PA. WH=J 42-4 C.Y | EY S ESSED IVER Witmer K FARM, sion Home and rg Pike. VILLE 6156 42-13 SOY EAR. § ATINEE TURDAYS AND ILIDAYS 00 P. M. fluid 3 yY 6 WER” 7-8 -in- E”’ 10 -in- AN’ APLETE AME rey an ellich rough ella Ky vaney wanson dawy Winkle iams ast ME te ick ghman ich sner nkins ddell ziak perman nasco ann tevens eser nasco C on lus 3 ap ES Y R1 School News From its te Dong Faculs E. Donegal Twp. ty are sponsoring a Y Teens Club at East Donegal High School. Advi- Scholarship rolls for the first re- sors are Mrs. Vera Gingrich and port period ending October 16 were I Mrs. Naomi Houseal, assisted by all announced as follows: the other ladies of the faculty. 18 “A” Group— Those having “A” girls were invited to form the in- itial group. They are: Shirley Ger- lach, Ruth Drescher, Roberta Wag- Arlené. Heisey, grade 7: Catol Gin eT Barbara Warfel, Alma Smith, der, Miriam Roland, Peggy Wolfe, Yvonne Brubaker, Phyllis Wolge- grade Young, grade 9. { muth, Nancy Hanshue, Janet Seid- “B” Group—Those having 2 “'s” ers, Sara Singer, Audrey Singer, none below “B” in ‘major subjects, | Jeanne Gingrich, Betsy Mumma, Elaine Showalter, grade 7; Percy | Fanny Ruth Musser, Betsy Musser, Betty Me. | Jeannette Ginder, Mary Faye Ken- Campbell, Gary Kinney, » Kain, Miriam Nell, Judith Smith, | “*® and Helen Hiestand. The group plans to meet twice a month—once grade :8; Ruth Drescher, Shirley Gerlach, Barbara Martin, John Hei- 3 i sey, grade 9; Milton Mowrer, Mar- a social meeting. tha Hoover, Harold Derr, Yvonne | Hi-Y Club News Brubaker, Ruth Horning, Gladys; Officers of the newly formed Hi- Weaver, Fred Wetzel, grade 10;'Y Club at E. Donegal High School Betsy Mumma, Betsy Musser, Jas. | are as follows: President - Donald grades in all major subjects. Mary Ann Felty, Audrey Musser, or a business meeting and once for Ober, grade 11; Rachel Hess, grade | Wolgemuth, Vice-President - Fred Ml SAVE AS YOU NEVER SAVED BEFORE er, will direct the productions ter Peifer” spent Tuesday at Bhila- Phe Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, November 0517 Wetzel, Secretary . Gerald Linde-, ness Oak FFA Chapter attended a Paul Fitzkee will play the role | delphia, muth, Treasurer - James Ober and leadership training conference at : : | nee . Chaplain - Luke Drescher. Com-| Hallam, Wednesday, October 24tlw | of Gabriel. Other characters. will| Miss Patsy Witmer, of Lancester | HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS FAEM SHOW SELLOUT mittee members are: Program be portrayed by Gerald Berrier,| was the week-end guest’ of her | Mrs. Esther F. Young, head of' All commercial exhibit space for Cominitice. ~ Fred Wetzel, Chair- ig ane uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. | the C lumbia Telephone Company, the 1652 State Farm Show, at Har- man, George Rhoads and Harold ‘ A I li ii | is celebrating her. 93rd birthday risburg, January 14 « 18, was re= Derr: Devotional Committee - Luke | Fobert Peifer, Reporter; Bruce | Robert Schneider, Georgann Shatto, | on les. Auxiliary. of the Sa- | today. ported allocated Tuesday. Drescher, Chairman; Membership Bernhard, Chaplain and Norman | Robert Sherk, Mary Ann Spangler, unga Fire Company held their an- . p . stad ~ nual Hallowe'e usquerade i= Committee ~- Gerald Lindemuth | Kreider, Sentinel. The meeting he- | Robert Williams and Claudette | Sern ESA de Fri | ¥ : san with a lecture on parliamentary | Zeller day evening in Stehman's garage. Chairman, Jay Mumma and Ralph | & V R Je : ; : Prize winners were: Adulis: origi- Then it was broken| Mary Landvater and Sally Nis-| ‘ 4 nal costume, Mrs. Goldie Groff; Buffenmyer; Social Gommittee « procedure Robert Miller, Chairman, Paul | down into smaller groups to hear |siey ave student directors. Commit Prettiest, Miss Jean Young: Ugliest | Colorful For Your Fall Garden + . Kenneth Kreider, President; James Ober, Vice-President; David Swei- | Lorraine Darrenkamp, Asher Neiss, sart, Treasurer; Robert Swope, Sec. | Lorretta Kline, Shirley Hawthorne, Kauffman, John Hiestand and Rob- | ind pa in di En dea leg chairmen are as follows: stage, Mrs. Sally Smith; Children prize ert Bailey; Finance and Transpor- | M8 with the responsibilities of tae | Marlyn Myers;! tickets, Marlene | winners: Prettiest, Patsy Puckett; ap FR / The or ma | 73 HAY bap fa N . . y tation - James Ober and Pat| various FFA offices. The group was | Zimmerman; posters, Patsy Brooks; | most original, Jeanne Rosenteld; Plant now to bloom this Fall or select your varieties: for died Menday evening in the Veter- ans Hospital at Coatesville, as a result of his wounds. | ; prs ———— group is presently planning an as+ sembly program. The following officers of the Wit- yl Crankshaw and Public: Relations - wccompanied by Mr. Robert Shaffer, | programs, Polly Brooks; properties | ypliest, Dorothy Wagner. Donald Wolgemuth, Chairman. The Supervisor of Vocational Agricul- | Doris Linton; ushers, Jane Wise- — — p— } | { tes amma rnin cmt a i in Heaven” at Elizabethtown Col- Pvt. Claud V. Herr, nineteen, of Spring planting, “4 lege Friday evening, October 26th, Elizabethtown R1, who was wound- | + : GABRIEL BLOW YCUR HORN muth, Fred Wetzel and Luke Dres- The senior class of Mount Joy | — NOLT’S FLOWER SH caster Saturday, October 27. The| Blow Your Horn, a three-act com-| town, and Mrs. Minnie Wehner, of edy, Thursday and Friday, Novem- | Cclumbia, motared to the Penna. COOPER AVE PHONE 6221 LANDISVILLE. PA Catharine G. Zeller, English teach-) Mrs. Hunter Petit and Mrs. Wal- thing) kindly remember the Bulletin REIMER LSS sain | for only a WHILE THEY LAST! ELIZABETHTOWN FIRST COME! FIRST. SERVED! group attended the play “One Foot | ture at East Donegal High School. |garver and Eleanor Hostetter. pigs OF KOREA WOUNDS THE SENIORS WILL PRESENT and three members, Donald Wolge- ed in action in Korea Jan 31, 1951 Ne SEE THEM GROWING AT cher attended a Hi-Y Rally at Lan-| High School will present Gabriel Mr. and Mrs, Russell Cooper, of | 8 and’ 9, at the school. Miss! Grand Canyon. When in need of Printing. (any- 45-21 — ) ILA A ARE TA 11 pi drastically Lf REP 80 duced jewelty in a huge variety of.piéces, CER DE RET ERENT FAR SHV BIRT TES 10005] TY JASE LTT A = bd LLL ICL 1 ) MONTHS of PLANNING and SEARCHING BRINGS JR gq ¢ 5 rs M SACS Na) i Jl EATS GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE! PRP OR 11 R14 This Great Sale Starts Friday Morning at 9:00 A. M. Genuine; imported SHEFFIELD ESS STEEL BLADES “$5.95 Value, S$. / OF SILVERPLATED SALT [/ (4 AND PEPPER SHAKER SETS at only 09° A PAIR: Choice of Four {IVA Take your choice truly &le- gant designs. All are TALL, beau- tifully plated "Remember you get a PAIR for only 99¢c. They'll sell | FAST! Hurry! hd ATA AOI Beautiful BULOVAS PRICED FROM $ 27 PAY Suc WEEKLY NO EXTRA FOR CREDIT! What A Sale! Savings In Every Department . . . Specially Planned For Your Pre-Christmas Shopping! Savings In Watches . . . Savings In Birth- stone Rings... Savings In Diamonds ... Jewelry . . . Electrical Appli- ances And Silver! Come In And See For Yourself . .. 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