The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 11, 1951, Image 2

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~The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, October 11. 1951 no need for the bins, some of which ment closed that avenue and what-[ Maintenance, Athletic Maintenance,
| were never used: ever hopes the government had of | Knitting, Archery, Cards (beginners ai
» { And when they did use them regaining some of its money thru| 4 Advanced), Study Group, Tri- |
| he ount oy ulletin | they found some of their grain be« sales. Hi-Y. (pf r ¥
Xn Be < ing spoiled by leaks in the bins,| Now they are to be dismantled. ih a mn
Jno. LE. Schroll, Editor and Publisher This also discharged futher use What use will they, be put to? |
ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 J TR TR So the government decided to sell CCC officials are still thinking N EASIER WAY i
3 | ges of waste and extravagance in the bins to the farmers at a that one out.” 0 SOLVE > 2 Z |
oy Main’ St. Turday Ne. the Federal establishment amount ed price. But the re were no taker BR nh dB ls BUSINESS
EE to a “pack of lies. The reason was a clause in the loan
Subscription, per year .. $2.00 | The President has every right to contract signed by the CCC to ob- Mount Joy High TROUBES +
Sik NOE es $1.00 his views. But if he is correct in tain the money to build the bins |S A C Pp Wo r k Rocks
oh io Months ............ a this instance, the country certainly The clause stated they could be (From page TO i r o m r e S S Oo I :
ingle Copies . {eg po »" . 1 te ; el Maintenance, Study BY. ! “bbs .
ome | 18 full of “packs of liars,” and they purchased after a certain period of : [ Etc d
Sample ihe FREE abound in the Democratic as well time by private individuals but Wednesday Art, Rifle, Mixed ADVERTISE Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, an
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt. | as the Republican party. Senator could not be used for any other Chorus, Journalism, Typing Prac- HERE ~~ U
Joy, Pa, as sccond-class mal mat- | Byrd, for instance, holds—and sub- purpose than gran storage. But|tice, Model building, Canasta, Sicl- . . Trees
ter under the Act t of March 3 3, 1879. | his position with masses since grain storage is not needed |ence Athletic Maintenance, Junior I= xX C ava ti Nn g and G rad | n g
Member, Penraytvatia Newspaper of facts and figures—that the bud- | at present, farmers asked, how a- High Boys Athletic, Card (begin | Removed
Publishers’ Association get could be reduced by something bout dismantling them and using | ners), Card (Advanced), Study C h £
: ! " | ellars, Trenches, Etc.
—————————— like £8,00,000,000 without harming them as hen houses or other farm|Group. | 7 4
e Public thon, Day, Lin bi | any essential government activity. | buildings. Thursday Art, Rifle, wea LS Te |
opy lor a gigs ol S nat r Douglas he aved gal A nphatic no in legal language | Homemakers of America, Banc | :
chould reach this office Tuesday. | Senator Douglas has waged a gal- n empha |
We will not insertion of | lant but losing battle against pork- from the federal Justice Depart-' Typing practice, Movie Projection, PHONE MOUN T JO XY 3 " 4 7 5 3
any advertising unless copy reaches | harrel spending which can’t be de- !
« « |
the fio Ted San > Ae Me fended except on vote-seeking pol-
> icatio |
proce vi yg accepied {o | itical grounds. The Hoover Com- |
9 a m publication day. | mission, which was entirely non- |
Er ===== | partisan, showed precisely where
r RI A lL, billions are being wasted in the
EDI I administraton of the government.
a4 | Only a few of the Hoover Commis- E AMERICA'S FINEST ANTHRACITE B
| sion recommendations have heen a-
This is the week of Mount Joys | : 3
Farm Show. It will be time well dopted and those that have been i |
attending. | 2¥€ of a relatively minor character.
and prefitably spent by attending. | = Sinus : i
vw and inter The President's stand is logical
There will be many new and mie > |
ni ; : only if we assume that centralized 6
esting exhibits, so try and come.
00 government must do everything for
ANE everybody. In essence, this assump- ery at ae A Pp
CUTLOOK ISN'T BLEAK : ; oe SY I - { Eve ything you buy at &
oh ws bledk tion says that the people are incap- ves f S ea fa a must satisfy you comp
The outleok isn't nearly HS en lable of taking care of themselves, | i | u tela 0'Cl k J 0
, o man of military age as a ( Ei BL p30
for a young n sabi: At and that, consequently. they must f i id bag
it Seems. These ey ig be wards of the state. That is a cuts own on alti y CO S | an't make a mistake! 3b bag $2.25
ers’ Odds for Su Rordh, J in | philosophy of defeat and despair, | or ch 7
drafted, 1 in 30 goes to Korea, 3 \ r+ . . he: ; ! 1
5 ray gat shat ot, bat only: 1 in} pir ge = id ro and | This winter protect the health of your i Red Circle bag 0
a) its strength and freedom. : i
o > it an in 780 is killed. : ’ aviv i's fact st - on all 2
219 gets bit and 1 Hn Is Yor Unbridled government spending | # family. It s a medical fact that steady, uni Astomers 3b bag $2.31
» he's in a service, his chances| i: . vii - ZR
Gace he's in 3 service, us lis a cancer that can destroy the form heat means fewer colds. ‘blue coal King
of being killed after a year in Kor-| richest nation. : Corn er Bokar Coffee I-lb ¢
ca are: in the Army. 1 In3¢ We obo heat is cleat, long-lasting, healthful heat. A € os i beg
ines in 29: Air Force .(this | a . -l
Ress 1 In id pe; ~. 1d FARM POPULATION DROPS ! No smoke. No soot. For good healthinsur- ‘
cludes Japan), 1 in 370; Navy, 1 ni TO 18 PER CENT | Cd > If there were a popu! ar ity poll about
666. “ “ nu ance and carefree heat, order ‘blue coal. 4 ASP would have io b
eo 0 0 One of the largest minorities in| eg You CAN SAVE up T0 fee ores, A would have to be first.
: i his ¢ ry ay, & ! Se poe iti . .
This is not the time to be build- | this og Today, 208. ope inst Ne 4 30% ON FUEL BILLS wilh For more housewives buy their food
ing. bridges. dams and buildings. entirely unorganized, is compose i wU/% Pcl Bl 3 DONT GAMBLE ON FUEL...ORDER Lop 3
= ee : ing | Of the people who live on the farms Yes, ius true! The amazin Ah { from AGP than from any © other grocer.
Rather it is a time to be cutting] {a all ard val 1 { Temp-Master thermostat aut - fang ‘blue coal’ AND YOU KNOW YOU ‘RE |
out all expenses which can be put] ¢1 the nation and raise the food, conrols dampers so Pd GETTING AMERICAS FINEST HARD COAL Does your A&P get your vote asthe best
til later times. Ail the crying | feed the fibre upon which life itself accurately thac fuel bills are
off xntil : Ay an t depends cut as much as 30%, 5-year fl SAD { p! ace to sh op? If not, pi lea ce let us know
for government economy will not| guarantee, Free home demon- . | . ;
have half the effect of cutting ex- | One hundred years ago, seventy stration, ey. ON BE SAFE-PHONE TODAY: Please write: h
bla Ji diccinline | per cent of cur population lived on ha - Ko
penses that a little self-discipline | ‘ ISTOMER REI AT! ] EP
on demands for local projects willl farms and raised enough food for CUSTOMER RELA ATIONS DEPT.
have. It is difficult for a man with | themselves and the other thirty per | A&P Food Stores
his hand in the till to accuse an-| cent of the people of this country. WOI GEMUTH BROS Ine. - 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.
other of mists funds I In 1950, only eighteen per cent of | 9 i
) susing S. | | \ i
00 | all Americans were engaged in pro- FLORIN, PENNA. h
| | ’ wh
It is a commonplace of history] ducing food and, nevertheless, the | os A : " Sno-White-Farm-Fres
that nations do not realize what is dation has more to eat than ever | ‘ {
happening to them until it has hap- | before in its history. : ) ‘blue codl’s’ COLOR GUARANTEES YOU G SERIE TRE i)
pened. Thoughtful Americans have | The explanation, of course, is in 2] ‘BURNS BETTER. ..[ASTS LONGER; ET 8 MONEY i
in recent years been deeply con-| the application of science to the : on |
cerned over the trend toward so-| Production of crops. Mechanization LARGE ie PRICED
cialism. The truth is that we al-| has helped the farmer to produce / HEAD HIGHER |
ready have socialism in America, | | larger yields on fewer acres but, aor your wiry er e ® |
net complete as yet but far advane- | more than that, scientific develop- | oe A ines hia om; ¢
ed. | ment of sprays and other discover- LOB hi BT, SA 3 Ibs
© 0° @ | ies have helped in the production o | Bac | Xo! PETE
MORE AND BETTER COAL | cf larger yields. Bi FANCY EATING 5b c
For every ton of coal that was] The introduction of hybrid corn. i am NONE PRICED bag
mined in this country 50 years ago. | alone, is credited with increasing Td Th i A a8 PRY ay HIGHER
fav's ; inute coal in-| the yield by around 750,000,000 | ; bn HY 5. NO. 1
today’s up-to-the minute coal in | the yield b; 20,008, nr. 1-lb & 0 U.S. NO. c
Ned annual Thi . 8 ok rel Ib
dusty produces two and winually. This makes possible a '4 0 FUEL ka £9 Sweet Potatoes yeiiow 3 13
tons. But that fact, impressive as it} | larger number of hogs and cattle H TLL [SINS Coty 20 Grange BR 2 = 45°
is, does not tell the ‘whole story of wd. be sides, makes a market for Zig 1 Nn DOWNEY. 6
3 { qa WNEY. -in
coal progress by a long shol. Crone which used to be used to a38¢ Fi Waffies FLAKE pkg 25¢
By comparison with 1900, the] keep horses and mules alive. Now, |
quality of the coal we use has been | animal power has been replaced to ic SALE!
vastly improved. The industry has|? censiderable extent by the 3.800,- :
devised scientific new ways to clean| 600 tractors that have come to our Wilbert's Dot
and treat, and to actually “manu- | farms Shee 1915.
facture” it to meet the specialized This is an interesting picture and i - S CLEANSER
needs of homes and factories. More- | which is reassuring to the 82 £4 rr
over. coal and other industries have Percent of the population that de- FEATURING: PY 15-01 oe DEC iF
cooperated in research to develop | pends upen the farmer for abun- | 28° B "
highly efficient furnaces which get dant yields of the crops that are! e Exclusive Duo-Therm Dual BUY 2 CANS AT THE REGULAR! |
essary orn 3 \ : PRICE... 23c
the maximum possible value out of | Te ary to moder life. However Chamber Burner — with GET SIRs CAN FOR lc
cach ten of coal burned. } dele that is net so in- extra capacity for extra
To take one cutstanding example. aR i ves around the | cold days. Gets more heat ¢ 5 FROZEN 10-OZ ¢
the coz hich i sed 3 tandard of living for many . oa Mi
the coal which is now used in| iis a ng lor many of these from every drop of oil. FORDHOOK 2 PKGS
modern electric generating plants| Work in the production of :
produces almost seven limes. as) Tt involves also the opera- » Modern Contour Styling! 0 8 TREESWEET Lo Pe a c
: i whic av : Bt OR 1 wm = z hd
much energy per ten as did the Lon of Taws which have favored High-Gloss Mahogany Finish! gt B\ ot CALIFORNIA tans J can
coal of 5) years azo. This remark-| against agriculture and ah : 5 fh #4 ;
able progress has been the result of the disparity in the average in- Exclusive, New Automatic fsP FANCY PUM PKIN 1951.NEW PACK “ig 29-0r "df ge
the better coal which the industry | of farmers with those who Power-Air Blower circulates > a gan J
nov markels combined with great} "Ors in other lines for a livelihood. heat by force, saves up to 25% ONLY i { ie ~ 195] 1 ¢
advancement in the equipment oY on fuel. (optional) OFF-THE-CO3 NEW PACK ? Lh J1
which buins it. Rav ” .
Fuel-Saving Waste Stopper! : 9%
poy eta Cec Stuck With : GREEN GIANT PEAS NEV PACK 2 com 33°
4 is just coal—and frat it asn't | (Prom rage 13 Waist High Dial Control! 448 ind £4 cans
indergone any = particular change i { adi: 7
: : . ; 2. They had no bins ior storage! Big Radiant Doors for ny qh
since time began. But that simply] ne ; i | i 2 YA Ba
trae. Ht pd lool act hk Sid to ship it to available bins quick spot heat. ON THIS NEW ! LIPTOR S SOUP IX CASH DOG FOOD
i y
wuld have cut J : sits — VEG c
same, but there's all the difference] Se Save cut the edge off their | * Large Capacity Humidifier! DUO-THERM ROYAL pkg 13 TONAID Veg TTAB 3 x 47"
; ro | R NCODLE ns
in the world in its quality. The in-| {! > : | MODEL 815 WHILE . OR NOpDIE sa
dustry has spent many millions of, So the Commodity Credit Cor- | hi C ;
dolla=s to develop better grades of| poration with the blessing of the U. | L, Deweo orn Ban guet Chicken WHOLE 470i $1, 2g
» . . . wy 5 COOKED can
coal and to help find better ways to|S. Department of Agriculture went | See our Complete Line of 115 ning STANDARD QUALITY +’
use it. This kind of. research is | head and built the bins all over Duo-Therm Heaters for 7 2 ot Temaioes 1951 NEW PACK ‘Junket QUICK FUDGE MIX 12: 8%¢
vital part of the industry's opera- | ihe state, | i I me ar... Pi anni Ch 0 Ss : 9 ge fl 4 J Q RE eri RE en 78°
tions. It is one of the fruits of a Fifty of the bins were wood — a Every Heating Need! rp BELL KS 7 mn Cal MRS. SCHLORZR'S
competitive system of deing things | scarcity at the time — and 40 of He Saitine ria of Gg wR 12-02 ¢
| : | i Ww Hy Si
which makes each operator try to| aluminum -— always deemed es- | Ke eh $4 Ba it Peanut Butte for 35
cutdo all the others. Coal has kept | sential for the national. deferise efd | 2 Py
up with the times. | fort. | FURNITURE — FLOOR COVERINGS — APPLIANCES a0 Sanborn RIE:
oo 9 | All told the bins had a capacity | |
: : A an 8 oz. jar for $1.03, Get the 4 oz.
PACK OF LIES | of 228,00¢ bushels of grain, deemed He SALT 2 Ti for ‘only Sc. (regular price 54c)
: ! tol der: i ’ Total Savi
President Truman has strongly | as sufficient by the federal Agri- E E N E R $35 ee A VE 6 TEN ATI Saving 49c
defended his proposed Federal bud- | culture Department foy the State. : od Miah bis \ $ =
get, contending that no major cuts, But just as the bins were com- ® hi ; SALE PRICE a
can be made in any part of it with- | pleted the Korean War started and | Home Furnis ings
out endangering the welfare of the | other domestic and foreign com- | 1
nation, In a recent speech the Pres- | | mitments combined with Korea ate! CASH a EASY TERMS | 89 EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY, PA. |
ident took his most aggressive pos- | up the surplus grain on hand.
ition yet, when he stated that chav Farmers soon discovered they had 15 - 31 MARIETTA AVENUE PHONE 3-5601 4 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. / fol