The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 27, 1951, Image 2

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2—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, September 27, 1951 N EWTOWN [ am NARI Abad Both |
_- . EYES EXAMINED BY . points al
ui 2 | HAPPENINGS — a
n | BR eng
The Mount Joy Bulletin | =. com wr of pr. 5. mits Fill (pif
| vice in the Newtown School House | OPTOMETRIST AP
Q : . Of Ver
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher | on Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m. in LONG AGO v STREEY | - FRIDA
: 1 59 N. MARKE oe
ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 | Fs | charge of the Lancaster School of ELIZABETHTOWN | x Mabon | Or. the
ene en | al decay. As Mr. Hoover has elo- | the Bible. Rev. Paul Wilt, Dean of | A] | a se MANHEIM R. D. 2, PA. of Flizak
‘ 3 Hours: Le wo
’ ery & Nh quently warned, that deeay could | the Bible School will be the speak- 20 Years A 0 Hatin to ana Bote 3 2 oul Joa
- “ast A ll Oly a Yo FA! destroy us more surely than any | cr. Special music by students of Evenings: Tues. & Sat, 6:30 - 8 3 | ship, Lar
Subscription, per year $2.00 | foreign enemy. the Bible School, ’ | No Hours Thursday
ser , per year .. $2. | | Sit 4 .
Silk. MODE. sewers $1.00 | "9% | On Friday evening, October Sthi o Newoomer will move his|§ PHONE: 334J A C WwW k k
Three Months ............ 60 IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST at 7:45 Ray Brubaker of the Cathw| | jo. business from the form. Ir om rR ressor or Roc S
Ingle Coles .... cece. J I l " » §§ A : . | .
es FRE. President Truman has heen most | (Aral, caravan will show the BIM | yi house to his modern brick . | Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc. d oe
8 sive vie . . ‘ wa nn" Theve SO » oth= 2 | ’
—————— critical of certain aspects of the re- Decision Taere will also be otl | store building on East Main St. Quality Meats an hank bai
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt, | cently passed price control law, Hel! special features ; George Maxwell accepted a posi- howls, a
Joy, Pa, as second-class mail mat-| has specifically denounced amend- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Summy and ‘ ; + the International Garage at ALSO A FULL LINE OF i ‘ Trees cattle. Fr
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. | ments which require ceiling price granddaughter of Elizabethtown vn p En | X C ava ti nN and ( rad | ng £0 shed
an | a . . Penna. ar, can
Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper | increases suflicient to compensate | were Sunday guests of Rev. and : ” ww of Wizabetl g Removed Frome wi
Publishers’ Association for higher costs, and legalizing pre- | Mrs. R. H. Arndt. Pro. Jac. » Herr, ‘of Eliza pe { Cellars Trenches Etc 20 ft. pou
| Korea profit margins on new ord- | The Ladies Aid Society held their | town Cee Pret ase He Br FROSTED FOODS ’ ’ ' water in
Publication Day, Thursday | eis. Apparently the President and monthly meeting at the home. of [acre farm of Phares Gish, near Bos- . I taining 4
Moni) Sor Giarge | advisors wish to force producers | Mrs. Pearl Brenneman of Mt. Joy | ler’s Church. Fruits & Vegetab es nly 2m
hould reac is office sday. a in : i Vs ‘ feo a | acres
We will not guarantee insertion of | Md distributors to absorb all or Rl, Thursday evening. ; Mr. and Mus. Willian Diff rider i { PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-47 53% oF dates
any advertising unless copy reaches | part of increases over which they Mr. Benjamin Wedlver and Miss er Were tendered a surprise party ’ { Orchard
the Stee Bot Jar 9 a. m. | obvieusly have no control. Kathryn Weaver, Columbia R2, vis- | on their iver. ea ar gp trees,
preceding day of publication. It is a good thing for the countty [ited Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fry-! Adam Steager and Titus Gish of { All bu’
Besibed ade wi > Siu | 3 - | 1 3. Ma A ST. A 7 ire
0 Classified Bis wil i accepted to that Congress, in this case, refused | singer and Mrs. Katie Moore on | Flizabethtown will open a general WEST MAIN S71, MOUNT Joy | aire Premises
a. m. publication ds singer : NLS, Ini : : : vi
bl rine i oe | to follow White House recommen- | pp evening. merchandise store at Bellaire. F Oo R ‘vas Sle =
{ dations. Today we need greater Jack. OR of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin! Christ M. Heilig, of town, pur- | v ge " y : C P.M. ES’
E D I T O R I A L production all along the line—both | wi 0 suffered brush burns of | chased the Russell M. Bretz milk Watches-Clocks-Jewelry | Save Ww ith A erica’s Best-Liked offee made kno
| to supply mounting military and the 1 het the ch f his bi- | toute at Elizabethtown. a) am TR ME]
21» | civilian reeds, as a weapon against | Wi oy yn Laying of new water main on And Watch Repairing | god Chr
Deep in the heart of every last | We need a retail distri- Oi Goin cher was a Sunday | West Main street was completed | A e gi
ene of us is the faint hope that | hytion system which can keep up : 3 i 2 a hi jock: with ey? of of alter Du
: 5 d guest « Nw 2d - lis week with an extra forcé o
somehow we will come into a pile | with the expansion in our produc- one Wg oe. and Mrs. Ed a Warren H. reenawalt D. L Lan
XRF eh fun 4 Rin . ve war sier anc amily. | * bis [; I ER | . :
ome: iho i I Sadie i oa wea Miss Anna Miles, Miss Jennie Markets, Eggs 3c; Lard 1lc; and 209 West Main St. MT. JOY Saving money is a real pleasure when you by Ap Coren, PU
p § oy + hest ¢ P| Sattar a phy ls te Mrs | Butter 33c. . { rit 1 i mone ut sold in the SATURD
JUST KEEPS RISING conomical service, But we would | { Elizabethtown, Mrs. Svar wa) Hiboie. 5 OPEN EVERY EVENING For it's not enly priced to save you Li 1
re Thite House! us : . Jae | Kate Sparr, Colwyn, Philadelphia,| Over one hundred . members. o vcle, fiesh bean and Custom Ground just right for your
The President's White OUSe | have none of these things if the law : | the Booster CIub® and their | i The un
and executive budget has been | directly or indirectly made it im- and Mr. and Mrs. Ragner Hallgren, | a od Soe a wll il h i coffee pot. Is it eny wonder more housewives buy A&P nublic sale
: y Ne | . 'S anc ‘1e S BD ed a ggle .
rising on this schedule: Pres. Roos- | passible for the store or the factory | Mt. Joy visited Mr. and Mrs. Aris- A JO) 88 Dr.H.C. Ki | ertrer | Coffee than any other? Try it! Joe ated on
velt asked and got $302,000 in 1944; | to earn a reasonable profit No | tice Wittle on Sunday [Opt SE: Ladle 0 . = Sanea J
ae ? | sonable gi : = * i ine + Repair 18 adverts’ empfielc
$339,000 in 1045. Pres. Truman got | may does his best when fair re-| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fogie, Phila. | Li ig Rapa » flan All Prices in this Ad * Townships,
$312,000 for 1946; $883.000 in 1947: | wards are denied to him. He simp- |[Mrs. Earl Garner, Mus. Roseann | ne 12 kas e Shes for Men al 8ac. MANHEIM i gucrantced 52 perches
$952,000 in 1948; $969.000 in 194%: | |y moves with the tide and takes | Heipler, Lanc. R. D., Mr. and Mrs.| The tractor willy bell 163 s. charlotte. st. Saturdey, Sept. 29th, erected the
$1,375,000 in 1950: S1.585.000 in 1951. | a5 few risks as possible. | Edward Crowl, Mt. Joy and Mrs. demonstrated on .the Levi Kopp|| Telephone 5.3376
Now Republicans are questioning a| No one defends excessive profits. | Anna Martin, Lancaster, visited Mr. Farm southwest of Mt. Joy by J. B. He. i "ne by
| Hostetter and Sons.

1952 request for $1,883.050. | As a matter of fact competition is | and Mrs. George Schgelkoph, Sun- : Tues. Fri. Sat
© 00 | the public's best and surest pro- | dav | Chester Armstrong » building 9:30-1:00. 2.5 P. M SH N 9 HLL AND and eam
I we Bre to mest fhe tection against that—if one business | Mps. Emma Givens and son Rob- | Be al the Year of the Washing- ELIZABETHTOWN if A Customers b c $ erty:
of the defense program, we must| (ries to charge too much for some- | ert, of Middletown, and. Miss Kath. | ton House. : 15°: High Sk, | Sr 3 be 11 bog = Bedroom
provide employment for every- thing, another business will sell a |; Weaver. Columbia R2 spent | An oil stove burst into flames at Jelepnone 1 (iv Corner drawers, h
Lad vb : ‘ealia kd ie = Sn aver, v, Shey y Lostor Gr » in : yi A rockers, ¢
body. and we must be careful not similar artic le for less and get the Sunday hight with Mrs. Katie the Lester Groff home in St \/ N— aN RED CIRCLE ble, couche
to kill the goose that is laying the | rade, And, in those few cases | Mocte and Mr. and Mrs: Maaricel Ho" but the flames were quickly ‘fe $ chairs. che
zolden eggs. Business and industry | where excessive profits may be | Feysinger extinguished. For Those The nroof of the pudding is-in the Xs 79 3h 2.21 chest, doug
must. of course, bear their respec- | carned, the tax collector is right| i d M Rav Camb | Mrs. John B. Beamesderfer and | a erocks, jars
tive shares of the burden, but men | on hand to take most of it. The : wi PUS. wy Guin, Man Virs. Grant Marshall, East Main St WRITING eating. yicopaus BOKAR fo Inthe 1
. ah Aras. dl : : 4 : { heim visited Mr. and Mrs. Abram | "> RR AND WINEY hold goods.
who draw salaries and wages mn | amendment) that Congress wrote | Garmlidtion Stmdiv | entertained friends to a corn roast EE S You maij have friends who have Sale to b
who compose by fair the largest el- | into tie price control law ave clear- | Mr. and Ms Henre Rollx ___. lat Keener's Park at Elizabethtown. N D ok oi ! at ARP. M be Dy Terms ar
ement of our free enterprise sys-|ly in the national interest. f. sls a Aish ye an $6,178.45 in tells was collected on | S hool never skoppee ai 4 T+ fay Le ox bo
tem must carry their share of the | Yes WS ernie Fig bate, ig 20 MIS! we: ColurabinWeightoville bridge n oc tend to them, through you, a cordial a
Toad. | Villiam Haines, on Sunday. de fhe SEs Shee oe Cpl. 2
soe ‘Mrs Harr Nissl Mr. and Mis. Edward Isler and | wv Seda Lay ey Your Waterman invitation to try us out! Bes
i | ¢. Ai : x 3 The Legion and its Auxiliary wi : : an
GIRLS HERE'S A TIP 14 * y y { family, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor | We would like to know if thev don’t Arnold, Br
tage a comedy drama “Cpl. Eagen”
Ball Point Pens
one of the best on the market.
For only $1
Snyder, were visited Sunday even- |
’ : : { .
Women’s Missionary Society of the | Mr.
| Sips |
church. She had also served as the | Sons of Bainbridge. |
It isn’t necessary for a girl to be (From nage 12 : :
; popular. agree with you that the food, service
and values we offer make your A&P
in the high school auditorium.
be ing by Norman Snyder
a raging beauty to and
Many a plain girl is treking places |

with a handsome beau. It is bé- | president of the Ladies’ Aid Society | Mrs. Paul Smith, Columbia RD | a better place to shop. Please write:
cause she has something, a charm and was a member of the church called on Mr. and Mrs. William Fo%™ REFILLS FOR SAME, AT 50c §| A
that cre cannot define, a delight- | ir for 39 years. | gi ; a | CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT.
Daniel Geltmacher spent Satur- |
Mr. and Mrs.
Mervin Keith and family of Lititz |
D. |
0 Cees
ful personality. The time has come
when nature, sparkling hu-
mor and keen intelligence are im-
pertant elements in the beauty pic- | ed on the local Chapter, Averiean hE:
ture. | Red the
A girl has to be interesting these |
A&P Food Stores
420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y.
work, |
| day
In addition to her church
Parker Pens
The Buy of a Lifetime
As low as $5
goed Mrs. Nissly was also active in oth- evening with
er community groups having serv-

Cross; Lancaster General |

3 ty -preiti oe 8 { Hospital Auxiliary, the Ladies’ | SA LU N GA i
days when pretty-pretties are a | i
; | Auxiliary to the Walter S. Ebersole ’ a I-lb ¢
dime a dozen. o eV a ter bersole Koser S Watch Shop A : By ud
| Post No. 185; American Legion, and | . | 2 kw prs
900 | the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Friend-| Mrs. Robert Bronson of FEustus, Dial Mt. Joy 3-4015 | ud / r
Several weeks age we published ha ET | Florid: tho ‘weekend Waost of Chocolate Ave, FLORIN, PA. BN WEEK-END 30-01
an editorial in these columns in| hip Fire Company, here. 2 Was the Woo vest of 11 SPECIAL! can
an editorial s uid ipa fai lhe FH famiiv. i SLICED
which we cited a Lancaster motor- | She was also one of the first di he H H. Hiestan family : Te Te tem . ‘
ist as being a mendee va dhe highs rectors of the Mount Joy Chapter | Mrs. Richard Bryson, daughter . ; Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. fi oe iti Giant 9 ¢ nyc
ways. In addition we said il that | Needlework Guild of America; was | Mr and Mrs. and Mrs. = n - we - %W NEW PACK ha ELIZAB
motorist injured chyohe it should |@ member of the Lancaster County | Bronson left New York on the S11 TTI
be cherged against the authorities | Women's Republican Club for many | © Constitutional for Naples, Italy, | WHITE HOUSE APPLE BUTTER 28-01 1 Te
who permit him to drive. | years, and for several years show- | Where they will join their husbands 5 io Real
New we want to repeat that as- | ed an active interest in local servie- | They plan to tour France, Germany \ A ER W 20-0 c
: | Switzerland. S and. Enciand. 1 1} LB 1951 NEW PACK 2 It is no
sertios. A man fram Manheim Ri | es. Switzerland, Spain and England, 7 { cans
was arrested the ninth time withia | In addition to her husband, with | to the states February | : 20 i
turn i> ai Si oz OCEAN GLEN 16-01
a year, for violating the motor | whom she celebrated her 56th wed- | 15, 1952. | Grapefruit Sections Ate cans 3c Pink Salmon OR COLD STREAM can §5¢
5 re tants 1 . RE — 9 12- Hi Vie
Re | ne anniversary lt June 6, shot | e 3 ews | Armour’s Chopped Ham ~~ Bosco Syrup ocr, ih 46
Just why anyore permits a dri- | is survived by a daughter, Caroline = MASONR ASS | { 12 1 x x
) ghter, C: hE Sn a ESL faints - Flint mnie
ver like any ef the above to oper- | wife of Samuel B PATTON TRADE SCHOOL Buiter MUSSELMAN'S hy i fc Choco'ate Thin Mints WARWICK dle
Stayer, Millers-
The Adult Education 4X CONFECTIONER'S POWDERED, 1-15 1%-1b
Have You Been Visiting ? | White Bread

gh a maior car ¢n our highways | Vig a grandson, and a brother, | GE the Deriv Tosrer pon] Sugarcowcen YELLOW, OLD TIME BROWN Doe: 230 loaf 15¢ Hk 22¢
is beyond us, Dr. E. W. Garber, of this place. { Hie BLE, ublic ; JANE k
® 6 0 Funeral services were held from Schools, at Hershey” is again con- I}! Had Visitors ? Real Sharp Cheese tb 63¢c Dessert Shells PARKER a 20e
OUR GREATEST DANGER | her late home Tuesday afternoon ducting a brick-masonry class at | gr
Herbert Hoover's most recent | with furthe: ot St Mark's | the Patton Trade School at Eliza- . 2 {
| se s at St. Mark's | Foi aE \
major address dealt with the sub | Chor hethtown. This course was insti- |} Been Divorced ? | FLAMING RED (NONE PRICED HIGHER)
; ; VHS and interment
ject of honor in public life. In they, Kraybill's Mennonite Church in
course cf it, the ex-President said | Fast Donegal
as gal.
this: “Dishonor in public life has a | et Meso =
tuted because of a great interest |
Bought Anything ?
Sold Something ?
and |
{ shown by the many persons in
| Maytown, E'town area
i around the Joy,
double peison. When people are Instruction |} a | c
dishonorable in privale business, | A hit N includes Sieory, fundementals of | n POUNDS
they injure only those with whom rc 1 eC ame | brick masonry, proper use of the Had a Party LS
! Is of a 4 actual laving p-}
i tools of the trade, actual laying of 7 carloads of these Luscious Beauties are being rushed to your A&P this week-end
Been To One ? 1
they deal or their own chances in!
| : . . | |
brick and concrete blocks in build- | ; {
the next world. But when there is |
(From page 1)


: the engineering firm to complete | ine: wall VASE. fw Ine Se i
a lack of honor in government, the | the preliminary Which are 0S corners, five-places, and | Got Engaged ? li i
morals cf the people are poisoned. |, 1, cont to the State Department | bricking in window units, etc. Re
Our strength is not in polities. | ; lie Instruction or ann | Registration will be held Oct. 2, | = ” ii es
Ss ; | >] sti r approval, : : e ilte it!
prices, or production, or price con- | poi. coal will be used for | the Hershey High School, Her- |} B en J bg a | BUY THESE SNOW CROP FROZEN FOODS—SAVE 100 WITH COUPON!
trols, Our strength lies in spiritual Hg purposes in tw proposed shey, with cl 1Sses starting Oct. 9. [ Joined a Club or ® | SNOW CROP PRICE OF
concepts, It lies in public sensitive- | iu.) | Classes run for 40 nights, two nights | | Franch Fried Potatoes io 18¢ REGULAR BOTH WITH
| ol, EY naps, angus : > PRICE OF OUPON
ness to evil. : : : However, co:l was abandoned as per week for R total of 120 h urs | Been Thrown Out of One i SNOW CR { BOTH
The issue is decency in public | 1nd oil or gas substituted with | °F struction. For further infor- | 1 a 12 c
i : 2 a gas subs ! : Be or.
life ageinst indecency. | the result that George Morris, of | ation. see J. E. Zeller, Mount Joy. | Had Triplets, Quads or | Green Pens os. 246 A3c
Our greatest danger is not from | i lr Ei ee : $e Lf . Sy Sh Sn wh nw. 3
Maytown, was authorized to check |
invasion by foreign armies. Our the cost of both gas and oil as a |
dangers are that we may commit | fc] ond report at the next meet-
suicide from within our complais- |

av EASIER WAY | | Even a Baby ? *, | |
TO SOWE ZY, Had An Accident?
ing. OW | & A SN N .
* re . 3 . r 3 \ x }
ance with evil. Or by public toler- The koard announced that it will FAN N W Fie
ance of scandalous behavior. Or by | |. necessary to pay one-third of
cynical acceptance of dishonor. | (he initial cost of $30.000 for the |
These evils have defeated nations and the $10,000 |
many times in human history. wes divided among the three dis-
The redemption of mankind by | tricts on this basis: East Donegal
America will depend upon onr a- Twp., $4,700; Mount Joy. $3.744 and |
bility to cope with these evils right | Marietta, $1,556. Paul of
here ot home.
| That's News. Please Tell Us So We
Can Print It and Tell Your Friends
architect’s work

When you purchase a package of SNOW CROP PEAS
at the regular price and present this coupon at your A&P
you will be given an allowance of 10¢ against the total price of the two packages
purchased. This offer is available in any A&P Store in this area
Portner )
Marietta, presided at the session.


Remember that next time you ell A A : 3 & Bh
read of five-percenters, mink coat THAT CHAP DESERVES IT > | selling frozen foods.
and deep-freeze gifts to govern- | It isn't bad 4 ed | e §1
ment officials and employes, sord- | Uist so bad to catch a trucker A mmo TTS CATION 15 I Be
. iy i L [with a slight overload but Robert i . Hrs in es << = shh 2" 3 REDEEMABLE AFTER OCTET 3, \
id tie-ups between politicians and | i ~ i CLR ii NE Nat Nii iia” i”
Phone 3-9661

gamblers, and morally indefensible | D: Jackson, of Baltimore, went a |
Activities within the RFC snd oth. | bit too far. When arrested at Lon. |
er gevernment agencies. These | caster he had nearly nine and ¢ne- | | |
things are terrible symbols of mor- , half tons overload—18,770 lbs. i Patronize Bulletin Advertisers

Is : a a