The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 20, 1951, Image 1

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Imo sT
The Mount Joy Bulletin
Newspapers Are Read And Re-read-BUT-How Much Of The Advertising Left At Your Door Do You Read?


COUNTY) 'E. Donegal School Mortuary Record
Board Opposed To Throughout This
Pupils Under Six Entire Locality
At the school board Miss Sue Lehman, ninety-two, at

Fast Donegal

| VOL. LI, NO. 18
Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday
meeting held Friday evening, Sep- | the Orev ille Mennonite Home,
$2.00 a Year in Advance | ember 14, it was decided by the| Rev. C. Allen Byler, 65, retired
board that they would not allow the | Church of God pastor died at Mid-
Afternoon, September 20,

Stauffer Qearries
Were Withdrawn
| Friday at $9,400
On Friday afternoon J. Hay
* Brown, Jr. trustee in bankruptcy
of Luther J. Smith, trading as the
Stauffer Quarries, offered all the
real estate and personal property
at public sale on the premises. The
tract of over 12 acres includes two
quarries, buildings and a 2% story
frame house. As the property was
withdrawn at $9400, some of the
personal property was sold. C.
S. Frank was the auctioneer.
Randler Home Sold
On Saturday afternoon Winfield
8. Randler, executor of the will of
Michael Randler, deceased, sold
all the real estate and personal
property at public sale. The dwell-
ing, a 1% story building and ga-
rage, located on Wood street, Flor-
in, was sold to Mrs. Annie Reigel
for $2.800. Walter Dupes was the
Farms continue to bring skyhigh
prices thruout this section. Appen-
ded are recent sales:
A 27-acre farm in East Lampeter
sold for $30,500 or nearly $1.130 an
Over in Lebanon County a 98-A
farm sold for $41,450 last week.
Florin UB Church
Had One of Best
Years In History
The Glossbrenner Evangelical
United Brethren Church of Florin,
recently closed one of the best
years in the Church’s history.
Sunday School attendance, the
average number of people present
per Sunday reached a new high of
949. In the Church attendance too,
a new high was established, the
average per Sunday morning being
154, at the evening service the at-
tendance has averaged 70 per Sun-
day for the past conference year.
The membership of the church
has reached the peak of 256. This
is a net gain of 23 over the past
year, Twenty-eight new members
were received into the Church
during the year.
In the field of finances, outstand-
ing achievements have been
(Turn to page
Washing’n School
Sixth Grade Pupil
Views on Chiseling
Last week a special assembly was

held in the East Donegal High
School at Maytown. Grades Five
and Six of the Washington Schogpl
in Florin attended. When they re-
turned they were asked to write a
news article on the assembly. They
did—and one of them is printed
Raymond Bogardus — A Great
“Thursday morning, September
13, the George Washington School
—grades five and six - went to the
East Donegal High School in May-
town to watch Raymond Bogardus
do some ‘chiseling’.”
First of all he took some clay and
(Turn to Page 6)
a Qf Qn
A very successful card party
was sponsored by the American Le-
gion Auxiliary at the Home Mon-
day evening, with players from
Lancaster, Lebanon, Elizabethtown
Marietta and other places attending.
Door prizes and prizes for cards
were awarded.
This was the first party of the
current season and future parties
will be held the third Monday of
each month followin.

These nearby motorists were
charged with auto violations at
Lancaster: Donald F. Roeding, of
Elizabethtown R3, speeding; James
Archer, Landisville and David W.
Armold, Marietta, reckless driving.

Three Brothers In
Spirited Argument
One Was Injured
Three Waltz Brothers, L&ster, 31
at the Masonic Homes; Samuel, 26,
Apple Alley, this boro; and Ben-
jamin, 29, of Marietta, got into an
argument Sunday at the former's
home which resulted in the injury
of the former,
A charge of pointing a deadly
weapon was lodged Sunday against
Lester, following the fracas on the
grounds of the Masonic Homes at
Elizabethtown in which a 22 cali-
ber rifle was discharged, State Po-
lice reported.
Lester sustained a head injury
and was later treated at St. Jos-
eph’s Hospital.
A tussle occurred but was brok-
en up when Waltz's step-daughter,
Jean Andrews, 14 who emerged
from the house and threatened both
Samuel and Benjamin with a but-
cher knife. Both ‘men prepared to
leave, but Waltz went into the
house and came out carrying a
The trouble started over a debt
of $150 Lester allegedly owed Sam-
After the argument Samuel and
Benjamin emerged from the house
got into a car in which they rode
to the home, and upon seeing the
rifle, Benjamin, who driving,
started to speed away.
The rifle report followed. If it
was aimed at the car or its occu-
pants it missed its mark, for no
trace of the slug could be found
and police have been unable to
question Waltz because of his in-
A warrant was issued for the ar-
rest of Lester Waltz,
expects her seventh child soon.
Auto Accidents
whose wife

‘During The Week
The driver was only slightly in-
jured when his car skidded side-
ways 75 feet, struck and sheared
off a pole and yard
east of Lancaster.
Car- Upset on Chickies Hill
Three persons escaped injury on
Friday afternoon when their auto-
mobile skidded on the wet road
and overturned on Chickies Hill,
State Policeman Walter Miller of
the Columbia substation reported.
landed in a
Mr: and Mrs. David L. Murray |
and their three-year-old daughter
were traveling south on the hill
when the car skidded and Mrs.
Murray, who was driving, lost con-
trol of the vehicle. The car was
thrown #6" the left and then ‘to the
right of the highway and turned
on its left side. Police estimated
damage at $200.
Aged Driver Hurt
N. R. Getz seventy-two, Lan-
caster RS, suffered a slight lacera-
tion of the scalp when his car col-
lided with another on Route 230 at
the intersection of the old Cole-
krook road Friday.
( Turn to Page 2)
rt ee A eee
Mr. Frank Zink, salesman for
Jos. F. Gingrich, realtor at Eliza-
bethtown, sold at private sale the
property of Chester Ober in Stauf-
fertown to Mr. Walter V. Lehman
of Hershey R. D. Possession will
be given on or before December 1
The terms were private.
Mr. Lehman will embark in the
electrical business and will serve
the community in house wiring,
and will handle fixtures and sup-
plies. He has been employed by the
Hershey Estates for the past six
Read his ad on another page.
eee A
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Estep, of
Fizabethtown R2, brought suit ag-
ainst Mae G. Cocker, of Elizabeth-
town, for $651.30 damages sustain-
ed in an auto collision.
It was reported from the General
Hospital yesterday that Merrill R.
Ney, eleven, of Marietta, is the
county’s 18th polio case.
J. Miller Eshleman,
has filed a suit to recover $1,039.31
from Lloyd W. Magee, Columbia
R2, for damages resulting from the
collision of a truck and automobile
June 27 north of Ironville.
Eshleman, in his complaint, said
that Magee struck his truck head-
on during a heavy rain storm on
the road from Ironville to the
Marietta Pike.
He charged that Magee was driv-
ing too fast for conditions, that his
windshield wipers were not work-
ing, and that he was driving on the |
wrong side of the road.
American Legion
Officers Installed
At the regular monthly meeting
of Walter S. Ebersole Post 185, A-
merican Legion Thursday,
Fritz installed
Robert Herr, Quarryville,
District Commander, installed Mr.
Fritz and these other
1952: Clyde Tripple,

commander, |
Tenth |
officers for
first vice com-
mander; George Albert, second
vice commander; Kenneth Gainer,
adiutant; James Roberts, finance
officer; Benjamin Groff, historian;
Roy Sheetz and Charles Bennett,
Jr., service officers; Albert Fitzkee
and Lee Rice, sergeants-at-arms: |
and Paul Hipple. Ger2ld Hs ttetter, |
Brown II, Harold Bender
and Roy Sheetz, trustees.
The group presented a past com-
mander’s jewel to Frank Good and
a past finance officer's pin to Oli-
ver K. Snyder, Jr., for his work the
past four
They granted permission to the
local auxiliary to hold puhlic
parties in the Legion home
third Monday of the month.
E. Calvin Hoffer,
Flizabethtown, was apprehended
by Marietta Chief of Police Till-
man on charges of operating an
automobile with a
tion tag and license plates.
Hoffer took the
and license plates from an automo-
mother, Mrs.
East Market
according to Till-

stolen inspec-
inspection tag
hile owned by his
Florence G. Hoffer,
street, Marietta,

He will be |
summoned before
Justice of the Peace Richard S. |
Daveler for a hearing.
Court Disposes
Of Support Orders
The County Court
support cases the past
Mount Joy R2,
$25 per week |
for the support of his wife, Edith
Gebhart, 401 N. Market street, E-
lizabethtown, and three children.
Harry Hower, Mount Joy, paid
$24 Friday on the $120 he owes for
the support of his wife, Vera How-
er, Florin, and one child. He was
ordered to continue
disposed wt
week: |
Roy D. Gebhart,
to pay
was ordered
paying $12 per
week plus an additional $2 until
he is paid up.
Harry C. Markley, of Rapho
township, Columbia R2, was order-
ed to continue paying $18 per week
for the support of his wife,
Markley, Bronx, N. Y. and
children. He was ordered to pay an
additional $2 per week until he has
repaid the $90 he owes.
The court fixed at $180 the sum
owed by William H. Way, 316 W.
King street, Lancaster for the sup-
port of his wife Maggie G. Way, 123
Fast Main street, Mount Joy. Way
was ordered to pay $90 Friday and
to pav $8 per week plus an addi-
tional $2 until his ‘arrearage is

or ——- GO
Mr. George Brown, II, 301 East
Main St. entertained the Mt. Joy
Inter County Tennis Team at his
farm recently.
B. Frank Kready,
champion and coach, of Lancaster,
former tennis
was among the guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shreiner, of
Manheim R3, celebrated their six-
ty-second wedding anniversary on

and Susan Miller Elslager. In ad- Walt Eshl
ee alter Eshleman,
| dition to operating a small farm at {
. Mrs. Joseph Sheaffer, Asst.; d iF Th P Ww k by one son. Hubert. R. Harlan, of
his home, 1 ras loyed at the ; t ) s
nn = | re p es Ce “i Com. Held Tues Foods. Miss Edna Shelly, Ch., Dor~ or e as ce Harrisburg. Three grandchildren
as : suard nd wa . fo r a . othy Shelly Asst; 4-H Clothing | | and two brothers also survive: Ar=
1s a guard a rme “| The Remembrance Committee for | Club, Jane Roland, C \ v Bri . le :
, Jane oland, Ch.; Baked] r rie 0 | thu Harlan, Middletown, and Jos=
ploye of Penn Dairies. Eo Ga . : Han e y
Ls : ; Pi > this area was recently organized. | Goods, Mrs. Alvin Bigler, Ch., Mrs y | eph Harlan, Harrisburg.
n addition to his wife, the for- The firs ; 1000-1b. safe stolen at Ephrata
mer Gertrude Kohler, he is 'sur-]’ 1e first meeting was held Tuesday | C. Raymond Gilbert and Mrs. Clin- Funeral services were held from
: was found in New Jersey. the Koser funeral home at Landis=
John Melvin, Gary, Joanne and Mrs : : farm krought $57,000 | :
Edward Elslager, all at home. rs. Burton Shupp, Mr. and Mrs. 755 sationls were. admitted 0 terment in the Bainbridge ceme=
Also surviving are these sisters Charles Harple, Miss Marilyn New- Was 70 Monday ot J a Hos ital during Aug- | tery.
and a brother, Mrs. William P. My- omen, Mrs. Lee Rice, Miss Melissa ” { fo pre i Fp
ers, Mrs. Frank Richards and Paul Strickler, Miss Jackie Zeller, Mrs. ps mond Barge, Strasburg, paid | “MILE OF PENNIES” TO
N. Elslager, all of Columbia: and John Matoney and Mrs. George | + for 78- yg farm | GET UNDER WAY SOON
| Mrs. Dora Derstler, of Ironville. Albert, chairman. |e og t | Mr. Norman Sprecher addressed
Funeral services were held from To date there are 96 names and gg pie arrested nine | the Lions Club on the subject
the Etzwiler funeral home at Co- addresses, of Sgivieetien listed acts “who had overloads at “Chewing The Blue,” and interest-
lumbia Monday afternoon with with the committee. (1 ctor Tuesday : Hy account of his flying experienc-
Rev. Jacob Earhart officiating. In- The committee needs the coop- Ir Fr Mrs. Noah E. Rohrer, | es.
terment at Silver Springs. eration of every citizen to help ie Bast Petersburg. celebrated | District Deputy Governor, Mr.
ee © ee complete the list and get donations. | their fiftieth wedding anniversar Benjamin Greider, Landisville, at=-
> The list includes men from Mount vesterday. tended the meeting as well as vis=
Brief News From Joy Boro, Mt. Joy Routes 1 and 2, | Richard Fowler, seventy-three, | itors from other clubs.
A car stolen from a parking lot hy one 2 contact Vera Albert agnosis of the illness of Mrs. Jean
at Lancaster was found on a park- or Jacquie Matoney. Fellenbaum, twenty-three, wife of | F Fl F
; Pr — ns The State Senate, at Harrisburg ;
ing lot at Port Deposit. y X tate Senate, at Harrisburg, Harold Fellenbaum, 3 West Main rom orn or
Starting Sunday all Lancaster TAKES HER FIRST ig he rs " Monday. street, this borough.
bus fares will be a straight dime. |PLANE RIDE ACROSS ATLANTIC | re one step ahead of Lan- | po pejlonbaum was aed} he Past Weel
) ; | caster C ’s R an Sena- ‘
No more three for a quarter. Mrs. Harry W. Hess, of Master-| © on Sy. 2 past an Sena- | yo General Hospital late
. . . 3 : | tor, nrayb > | C
A full size watermelon with only | sonville, accompanied by Miss Em- | gh! ? a : Te . hal | Sunday and diagnosis was made | v " IK Mrs. R. W. Roberts of
two or three seeds has been de-|ma Hess and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin a; mm deg are a half { Monday, the hospital reported | called on Mr. and
: { hour recess during which time Mr, | { Mrs. N. E. Hershey Saturday
veloped at Purdue University. A Hess, all of Akron, left Idlewide Diel = q | 4 io ha a Y ne Sri
. A v ov HE receive many congratula- . EN . = n I's
At a special election the voters | Airport, New York, Thursday af- | tions from fellow Senator | SPORTSMEN HERE STOCKED | ent i ies th iy, Shue
| . : : ! Sen: S. | 1 >
{ at Highspire defeated the purchase |ternoon for London, England, Senat Dic’ ; wa ; 2000 BASS ON MONDAY : Q g guap2
of the Water Supply Company in| where they will Frid enator i€hm was seventy. : | in the B zl at a doggie roast on Sunday even-
oH /nere y arrive friday ——— re are 0) ass > i
that boro mornd 6 If there Te a TR ing: Mr. gh Mrs. Jay N. Hostetter,
1orning a. m. » Chickies creeks n't!
Martin Tonisson, 73, was killed ne 8 ) Hin ixt | A f 0 and Lisle Chic sles 2 ih Ne | end children Joan and Ronald, of
1 Husson, (a, af 8 1e flight requires sixteen hours | he our Sportsmen's fault. Monday | nr. + » and rs
tov an auto while crossing the road i fon ctivities 0 ur : : Mount Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Reuben
g and is Mrs. Hess’ first experience {1000 were placed in the Little] ili y f
at Bareville. This is the county's] i air travel | 1 w i tio Goodling and son, of town and Mr.
thirty-first highway death. in 1051 1 al rave : . ® | Chickies and 2,000 in the Big Chic-| 4 ppg Leroy Hawthorne and
he > ie Tr — 4 ; They will travel in Europe to 0 1C€ ICers | kie: | son, David, of Rheems
A Reading policeman, on duty], ...o Slice ps | nr Yi , Di Yeems. :
for twenty vears, wos arrested for RY Dy of og J and ex- Traffic vielations reported for the | In the absence of Fish Were , I) Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skeen, of
ec > 8 J N to SIX . reene . Elw Mz: ’ the » i ie 2 . 3
looting stores of thousands of dol- pe k a Som bir wh past week by Chief of Police Park | Greener, Mr, Elwood Maro) of the | Detroit, Mich, and Mr. and Mus: Bt
> ¥ weeks. 4 % .. | Mou Jovy Sportsmen's Associa- | Rp yi Temas ny 1:
lars worth of goods along his beat. a — Neiss included: Bruce Lamar Bair, | Mount J Pp a me A a id R. Becilman, of Hollywood, Calif.,
. I tio ervise( e tr ) I \ aug ‘rr A
John Clinton, Lancaster, clock- Elizabethtown, improper passing, | tion, supervi og me « Is oy 108 i Son nd daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
- | Frank Skeen, of town, will cele=

| MRS. CLINTON EBY HAS entrance of children younger than | dletown ;
Farmer Overcome PASSION FLOWERS BLOOMING | ‘This Year’ S Farm | five vears, seven months in Sep- William E Diffenbaugh, sixty=
A very beautiful Passion Flow- je smber as provided by Act 312, | seven, retired mail carrier at Eliz-
Whil 0 er, raised on an outside vine hy S which was recently passed by the | abethtown
1 € perating Mrs. Clinton Eby, Jr, was received | how To Be Held legislature. It wag felt that admit | Miss Annie B. Hershey, of Co=
T I Fi Id at this office Wednesday. . | tance at a vounger age would not | lumbia, who taught gi Lee
The flower is exceptional in S G be for the best interests of such for forty-seven years, dl alter a
ractor n a 1€ re. auty, and was so named from a n 1CO arages children Only students who will long illness +
Roy M. Elslager, fifty-one, Iron- : fancied resemblance of parts of the Mr. John Roland, president of the | six vears of age on or: before Harry H. Gingrich, sixty-six,
ville, was fatally stricken late on | flower to the instruments of Christ's | Community Exhibit, reports that at Ste 1, 1952 are admitted this well known Lebanon Co. ‘cattle
Thursday afternoon with a heart |... cifixion. | a meeting on Monday evening, it’ . . Because of overcrowding, six | dealer, died at the Union Stock
attack while operating a tractor on The five white and five pale or- | Ws definitely decided to hold their | paginners wege wansférred Hom Yards at Lancaster yesterday.
his farm. chid petals represent the ten faith- | Fe arm show at the Sico Garages, just] i the Maytown First Grade room to |
| | William R. Harlan
According to Columbia Hospital ful apostles. The deep purple coro- off Frank street | hie Washington ‘School at Florin. |
authorities, two motorists saw El-| represents the crown of thorns. Mr. B. Titus Rutt, superintend-| rpage children all live in’ the Don- | William R. Harlan, sixty-four, of
slager and thought he had fainted. Variations: in the resemblance of 1 eb 18 completing a chart blocking | eval Aren | Salunga, died Sunday at 8:15 a. m.
They took him to the hospital the stamens and pistil to instr off the space used for the table dis- Accepts Invitation | at St. Joseph's Hospital after six
where he was pronounced dead on ments are either the nails used, the plays and for space to be sold for | The board also approved the ac | days’ illness. He was a son of the
arrival at 3:50 p. m. oe sive on : ate 2 Ir
Dr. 1 L oe rer, Columbia de hammer or the five small nail business’ displays | ceptance of the invitation given the | late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harlan
r. I. L. Moyer, Columbia dep- Chairmen of the committees are: | and a member of St. Luke’s Luth=
East Donegal Township School Dis-
Judith | {jet by the
Richard |
and the Independent
both at
| eran
Crder of
said death was due to
uty coroney,
thrombosis. Mr.
group of several
The flower lasts just one day. | Corn, C. H. Martin, Ch, Associated .
coronary — — — Martin, Asst.: Potatoes, Fellows,

School Systems, a

ap ap 2» care of : hy = i i
had be Se le the ass of a phy "a . | Zook, Ch, Clayton Nissly, asst.; (Tum to Page 0 Bainbridge. He was employed as a
sician for a heart condition. I t | M \ f Small G Ar C
p Gr: ow ‘ — ratchman at the stron k
Born in West Hempfield town- nm 1a eeting 0 [ ree rain, Lewis Bixler, Ch i TY watchman. at the Armstrong ol
3 Vegetables, Richard Zook, Ch; Company. .
ship, he was a son of the late John .
I Charles Longenecker, asst.; Dri ie W
The Remembrance :.:. The Local News | ea
. evening with the following -
vived by six children: Roy, Jr. ° i (Turn to Page 2) A 178-acre Drumore
bers present: Mrs. Robert Shiffer, SE Wii m——— lid ¢ ville Wednesday afternoon with in=
at public sale, |

drunken| The Club announced that $200.00
Florin and Newtown. charged with |
Columbia in cash prizes will be awarded at
: | Mountville,
future a repre-
book will call at your
In the very near ivi
y driving, was arrested at
The Dailies For
Quick Reading
A Baltimore
to quads.
There ere
f all faiths in the
the Hallowe'en Parade. The “Mile
to help finance the af-
fair, will get under way in the near
| future.
News In Gererd
sentative with an receipt a minor accident
eee eee etl Meee
door for a of Pennies”,
donation. Donations will be accept- COUNTY'S 17TH POLIO
polio in |
ed through the mail, just send them
to P. O. Box 243, Mt. Joy.
Volunteers are
with the duties. If
woman gave birth
The seventeenth case of
the di-
needed to help Lancaster County this was
reported Monday following
250,000 churches
United States.
you can Spare |

S. Allen Beatty,
Donald |
Charles M. Clothier
| :
| no inspection sticker and
of this borough, |
ed at doing 90 and a Philadelphia ;
| br ite thor twenty-fifth wedding
Sept. 27
The Ladies Bible Class of the | on Friday,
motorist going 80, on

General of the Marine
roads in the county, were arrested : ls i Carr, Kimberton, ignoring a red
by State Police was recently fined $50 in police | |; qo, Lutheran Church will hold a rum- | (Turn to page 3)
The Senate passed a bill granting < To at York after being found | Clothier was summoned before| Mage sale September 28th and 29th | Se a
an incresse in pay of to its guilty of drunkenness and disord- Squire Hockenberry for a hearing! 7 the Parish House. Sale opens on | E. STANLEY BOOTH CASE
500.000 postal workers. This =~ will erly conduct hy automolale He | nd Carr before ” Justice of the] Friday at 1:00 p. m. and Saturday | BEING AIRED IN COURT
cost the Clovernmont over S300. was prosecuted by city police after } Poses Robert RB. Brown. jo 10:00 a. m The case of the Commonwealth
000,000 annually. BS Re Jas two parked | a | - —— ee { vs. E Stanley Booth, of Florin, is
TN Kars on Web het seer | WAS GRANTED A DIVORCE ) THAT'S THE RIGHT IDEA | being heard in the county ‘court
LOCAL MAN HONORED | ON DESERTION GROUNDS Members of the Future Home- | this week. The court has been
BY LANC. CO. MC LEAGUE SALUNGA MAN HONORED | Granted a divorce on grounds of makers of America of the Manheim | asked to halt the Florin man from
Maj. Thomas B. Brown III, East At the second annual convention | jecertion was Dorothy M. Lefever, | Central School District set a won-| What the State claims is the illegal
Main street, was recently elected of the National Junior Brotherhood thirty-one, 120 N. Concord street, | derful example. They picked tema- practice of medicine.
i > le / Fireme sd | epee
commandant of the Lancaster Co. of United Fr fondly Firemen he ld | Lancaster. She charged she was | toes and put all their salaries in
Detatchment, Marine Corps Lea-|at Lancaster, Clarence Mowery, of | deserted by her husband, William | their treasury IRVIN STONER'S BARN SAVED
gue at Lancaster. He will be in- Salunga, was honored for being | pp. Lefever, thirty-five, whose ad- | ee { The barn on the Irvin Stoner
staled with the other officers Oct. |the outstanding post advisor. | diess was listed as Landisville, on | . | farm, Manheim R4, was saved from
> rr ——— — orev ! i fir .
21st al ini : : { Nov. 1, 1943. They were married on | ersona en ion destruction by fire early Saturday
Major Brown left Sept. 15th for HE'S GETTING BETTER | June 2, 1940. morning when Mr. Stoner, who had
the National Convention of the Ma- We are pleased to say that Chas. tl Oe Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Miller on W. been walking the floor with his 18=
rine Corps * League at Savannah, H. Dillinger, secretary of our Board | SNOGOK GRANTED PAROLE; | Moin street, are spending az [ew | month -old granddaughter, made a
Georgia. of Health is gradually recovering.| PLACED ON PROBATION | days at Ship Bottom, N. J. { timely discovery of the fire.
Prosi there convertion dales Here's hoping he will be strolling Tho Cou! granted a parole wo) Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Martin] — a —
gates will go to Parris Island, S. C. about town soon. George Snook, Mount Joy R1,]|spent several days at their camp | REPAIRED GAS MAIN
to be guests of the Commanding Tey and pl: oy him on probation for face New Germantown and| The Gas Company renewed a
| peri od of six months, Snook plead- | he Big Spring, in Perry County | main on Appletree Alley between
Corps Base !
of public in- | last
Week's Birth Record

there; i guilty to charges week Comfort Alley and North Market
a Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Frimd, decency March 13 and was jailed Reyes “King” Perez Medina, | street this week.
THAT WAS HIS EXCUSE of Florin, a deughter Monday at 5% months to one year and|spent from Friday to Monday in —_
State Police arrested Paul D.|the General Hospital. > I fined $50 and costs. His minimum | New York City where he visited a| PROPFRTY SOLD PRIVATELY
Zink, of Holtwood R2, for driving| Mr. and Mrs. Marlin E. Witmer, | sentence expired Thursday, fellow countryman from Puerto; The Jacob L. Hirst property
65 mph on’ April 20 on Route 230| Mount Joy Rl, a daughter Satur- TY Rica. King is employed at the| tween Florin and Rheems was
in Mount Joy township. At the|day at the General Hospital. | BOUGHT BRICK BUNGALOW Grey Iron Works here | sold at private sale and on private
hearing Paul said he was “breaking| Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Nissley, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Arntz re-] Mr. and Mrs. Christ Cover, great-| terms to Charles W. Watts.
in a newly purchased car.* Rapho, Columbia R2; a daughter on cently purchased a one and one-|ly enjoyed a 1,200 mile auto win) es tl A
rr et eee Friday at the General Hospital, ae story brick bungalow from|thru Virginia, North and South | DONATES THERMOMETER CASE
LETTERS GRANTED Major and Mrs. Robert H. Baker, . Aaron Longenecker, located on| Carolina last week. The Skyline | J. C. Snavely and Sons, Ine. of
Eva L. Schreiber, of Salunga, ad-!St. Louis, Mo., a daughter Monday oy road between Florin and|Drive plus several caverns were | Mt. Joy and Landisville, has donat<
Rheems. They expect to take pos-
session in the next few weeks.
most interesting. They brought sev-
eral stalks of cotton back home.
ed a case for the hay thermometer
at Deloge Hospital, St. Louis. Both
to Friendship Fire Company, town. >]
are former residents of Landisville.
ministratrix of the estate of
ert H. Schreiber, late of Salunga.