o_o eh rig ji i - I en fy H i ul 8 { da yh om by i BTR ' if aim —=The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday. Seplember 6, 1951 PP&L's 12 MOS. EARNINGS [66 ’ ( : WERE $24 PER SHARE | Ev Serves Breakfast To Earnings after all charges accru- . . . - [ ing to the common stock of Penn- | Entertainers on Heidt Show sylvania Power & Light Company | for the twelve months period end- | ed July 31, 1951 were $83883,776, | equivalent to $234 per share of common stock outstanding date “Please cal Le again at such Operating revenues for the first | seven months ending July 31, 1951 $48,695, 631, were an increase of 9.- | 1% over last year's corresponding Quality Meats ALSO A FULL LINE OF | period. CEDAR Fruits & Vegetables =~ | KRALL'S Meat Market | Everett E. Bender, North B from the | played recently on temporary Last Straw By Lula W. Kellams were an ideal couple, Both wer handsome and jolly, comfortable folks. Our department 4 ix : “oR airman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alva G. Bender of o 2 . us of your old man, are you, Laby? 3arbara St., Mt. Joy, Penna., serves breakfast to entertainers 1 Horace Heidt “Original Youth Opportunity Program,” which | bit. do I?" at the Naval Air Station, San Diego, Calif. Bender IS : Ralph would chuckle, “Not jeal- “It’s not honest,” “Everyone recognizes duty with the Commissary Department at the air station. | WEST MAIN ST, MOUNT JOY | FOR... Tot Hote thom Bord ct he a a Watches-Clocks-Jewelry is little thrush isn’t giving her boy the brush. She’s a teen who's keen about being | And Watch h Repairing | a good telephone party-line neighbor. She ‘Warren H. H. Greenawalt | knows that using the phone sharingly gives JEWELER | 209 West Main St, MT. JOY OPEN EVERY EVENING Heilig Funeral Home 23 W. Main St. everyone more chance to call —and she’s equally “hep” to the importance of keeping calls reasonably brief. If all teens (and other folks) on the party line will follow her lead—every party line will have better telephone service. Mount Joy COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. JAMES B. HEILIG, Funeral Director WHITE - WASHING AND DISINFECTING HESS BROS. Successors To HUBER OBERHOLTZER FLORIN, PENNA. RAP The Travelers when he sees it. recognizes a toupee. But she knew when to hush, This mustn't quarrel over trifles. by VIP ing breach in their trifle, but Ralph did. ages serve their marriage; solution, One morning she said, I'm sure Miss Gray readily, kissing her good-bye. Fear stabbed Flo. Why did he | agree so hastily? Why didn't he ask her what was wrong? She had an impulse to change her mind and go. But tears and | self-pity were aching in her | eyes and throat, To conceal her feelings, she sald! | vests, “Wear this old hat, dear. I want to send that one to the | cleaner’s.’ “But it's so shabby and it doesn’t] fit well.” Stubbornly Flo held out the old straw hat until he donned it relue- tantly, leaving his soft gray felt | on a chair, him swagger off, whistling like their voute REST IN Pi ECES IF YOU TRY TO | son Danny when he was a college | freshman. MiX DRINKS WITH GAS | Tears blurred her vision while she | picked up things and cleaned and | swept. Wasn't there something that NEES Safety Service | would save their marriage, some- Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930 39-tf "OFFICE POSITIONS AVAILABLE STENOGRAPHER GIRL For General Office Work | VACATION, HOSPITALIZATION LIFE INSURANCE, ETC. @ LOCAL TRADEMARKS, Inc. Let's get this straight. A checking account straight. You have a record of all income and outgo. It saves time, too. Open your account here, this week. | | can help you keep your financial affairs | If interested, act at once APPLY BY LETTER TO BEER-ALE-PORTER Smith Distributor | thing like taking reducing exercises | or turning kittenish? The idea was revolting. She had | no heart to compete with their three | young daughters. If— if she had | just begun years ago trying to re- main glamorous instead of turning | into a mother, maybe things would | have worked out better. FOR-ICE COLD Y NOON, she felt less frustrated. She even hummed while she | whipped up Ralph's favorite cake | and cooked potroast. If she had an | especially appetizing supper, and | the children were in jubilant mood, maybe Ralph would see how well off he was. Maybe, just once, he | would forget his diet. At 5:05 the children called saying they had to stay for play practice | Flo's spirits drooped. Would Ralph SOFT DRINKS CALL -— PROMPT DELIVERY — TRUST COMPANY 7M. JOY MT. JOY, PA. The. SICO Company | 7A A Nes Attn: Robt. F. Schroll, THURS. & FRIDAY ‘TIL 9 P. M.—SATURDAY ‘TIL 10 P. M. call, too, pretending that business detained him, leaving her alone in | the dark, silent house? OPEN TILL 6:00 P. M. DAILY MCUNT JOY, PA. 31-13 Location: ATLANTIC ICE HOUSE NORTH MARKET STREET, | Ra spe gE — MT. JOY, PA. PHONE MT. JOY 3-6981 DOTTIE HUTTER SMITH, Proprietor AVOID HIGHER WINTER PRICES AND BE SURE OF YOUR FUEL ! hi MERICA’S FINEST inal “Funniest Ralph said. thing happened,” “When I took off my hat my toupee came off, too.” 6:15 sharp she heard the car stop, then Ralph's step on the porch. “Supper ready, Mom?" he called. Dread gripped Flo. He'd called | her mom instead of baby, or dear! | Just one'day’s staying home made | her seem old-fashioned to him! | | ; She waited with apprehension, At { | | HE cost of fuel goes in the fall. But if you let us deliver ‘blue | coal’ to you now, you save | You Can Save Up to 30% On Fuel Bills Yes, it’s true! The amaz- ing Temp-Master ther- mostat automatically controls dampers so ac- curately that fuel bills are cut as much as 30%. 5-year guarantee. Free home demonstration. money on every ton. Fur- thermore, you'll have no worries about keeping warm. Be sure you get ‘blue coal’ now. Save — and he safe, too! BE SAFE — PHONE TODAY | He strode into the living-room. | “Mom, you're looking at a suc- cessful man! Today I landed that fat Atkinson account. Mr. Kimley, their new buyer, said I looked like a settled, respecta- ble business man.” { | | | He chuckled at Flo's astonished | | face. ‘Funniest thing happened. | Remember how tight that old straw | hat was? Well, the minute I took it | off in front of that flippy Miss Gray | and the office force, they all started | giggling. My toupee came off too, so I glared— like I meant to look | fifty, instead of thirty. It's ‘a won-: derful feeling of relief, What's for | supper, Mom?" | “Potroast and your favorite cake, | Dad!" As they marched in to sup-! WOLGEMUTH BROS, Inc. | | FLORIN, PENNA. : | | ‘COLOR GUARANTEES YOU GET THE BEST! 4d ‘blue coal’s BURNS BETTER... LAS . SAVES MONEY S LONGER. A Fe nt htt A A oS. I Pm oon LA La A on per, arm in arm, Flo just knew that there never had been such a lovely | | bald bead as her husband’ gn ey —~ DON'T WASTE MONEY ON IMITATION ADVERTISING [- Everybody in this locality reads The Bulletin—that’s why its adver-| tisers get such excellent results, N THEIR EARLIER married years Flora and Ralph Wilson! with identi- | cal tastes and friends. But, as they| home for middle aged store is dignified enough for older manage- Glenwood Currant or or Apple | ment. You don't have to keep up a | JELLIES | middle age Anyone can ccurse, she didn't think this grow- was a Every day she felt more strongly that something must be done to pre- and every day she could think of no possible “I—I don't] feel like going to the store, dear, can manage | alone. There is housecleaning and | things to do here.” “Okay, dear,” Ralph agreed She refused to watch A HAPPY HOMECOMING «- When you serve Ideal PRE STRAWBERRY cB PRESERVES (i It's Great with Enriched Supreme Bread £35 2.60; Regular price 41c—Buy 2, save 13¢ e| grew older, Flo matured, while The finest strawberry preserves money can buy -- fresh from our modern Ralph tried to kitchens - - offered this week at a sensationally low price. Made of say boyish and luscious, sweet, red, ripe Strawberries and sugar - «- nothing else added. «Minute frisky. It's smart to stock up - - get se several veral jars at | at this unusually low price. sas “Why ot ac Fiction |," 2" i! Fancy Whole Cherry 4 Jars 95¢ yo : 16-02 Cc often asked, jar wistfully, “We have such a lovely, You Save 8c a jar on these extra delicious cherry preserves. 2:29 Buy 2, save 9¢ Specially priced this week - - regularly 19¢c a glass - - No foolin’, IT don’t show the years'a jdeal Old Fashioned 28-0z C wo concer. I BUTTER Made from an cld Pa. Dutch recipe. Reg. price 22¢ a jar. Supreme in Quality and Value - - Cc Supreme Bread up oa Children love Supreme Bread because it's £2t, not “dry” and tastes good - - and parents like that saving of up to 4c a loaf. Spread it with Louella Butter and Ideal Strawberry Preserves. A New Virginia Lee Bakery Treat BUTTERNUT TT COFFEE, CAKE ( 37 Here's a delicious, sweet Coree Cake made with famous Louella { Butter and topped with sliced toasted nuts. It's a delightful taste treat that makes you reach for a second piece. ‘Gold-N-Snow Coceanut Layer Cakes :-79e ‘GOLD SEAL PREPARED Pancake Mix or Buckwheat C Special! 20 oe 24-0z 22¢ Another Acme Feature! U. &. Govt. Graded Choice or Good Tender Sirloin Steaks 98° Freshly Ground Beef 'b 63¢ fis 4 Lean Smoked Picnics »49° Standing Rib Roast si: = 82° Fresh Pork Shoulders » 45° Ready for ihe Pan Chickens STEWERS; B55 FRYERS; B59: Ib ; Ib Sliced Lebancn Bologna '2'" 47¢ Swift's Premium Midget Braunschweiger #°z¢2 35¢ Fancy Haddock Fillets 39¢ Cleaned Whitings > 196 % Enriched uel, Homogenized Milk 4 tall cans 33° wir 0 Bio enn 23 | Gull King Golden > 26e Ib 39¢ Ideal Fancy Florida Orange Juice Fancy Pollock Fillets Fillets of Perch 3 6-0z cans 20¢ America’s Prize-Winning SWEET CREAM BUTTER 5 7 ASCO COFFEE Heat-Flo Roasted 'b bag 79¢ PRINCESS MARGARINE Ye'low!a’s Ib 25¢ IDEAL MARGARINE 1b 29¢ GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Ideal Fancy Florida 46-0z can 22¢ ACME FRESH PRODUCE SAVINGS TT Summer Rambo Apples 4::25¢ | Ripe Purple Halian > 29:¢ Fresh Prunes “a 10c¢ LARGE LOCAL EGGPLANTS LARGE WAXED CUCUMBERS 2" 9¢ LARGE GREEN PEPPERS 3" 10¢c Sugar Corn =i 6-23 U. S. 1 Md. Golden. & Sweet Potatoes 3. 25 FARMDALE BABY LIMA BE/ BABY LIMA BEANS 10-0z pkg 17¢ J 1 SEABROOK EXTRA FANCY PEAS 2 pists Prices Effective 6-7-8, 1951, Quantity Rights Reserved. -YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE LS VOL Fin Blg Ope Many fine ne tional for ins to 9 p. Room which modern drive-ir contact in the ¢ deposit ed. Foun had as Hoffmas pany w the end $109,414 operatic In th had be $75,000, fits and $17,819. In ad E.H Mar Lan When point e; was rel average acquired land ow the amo The north o field to cally cu the state the cou the Bea for the a report Thursda: Appro taken { Frank DN building The ti premises mony fi Twa Plan Don A ligl ing, Mic aged to a landir near Mz: Pharis er of th James § Sawtelle with his Connect pened. Landi: had lost land at pm. iliarity put the landing plane sk tom of i Neithe said, an hoped tc town to Connecti May 98, | Me who on last Mar ion sold; died Mo She h: weeks, excellent Mus. I in the v She cou one nigh