The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 06, 1951, Image 4

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    a WEEE NB bBo Wn fF

On the first day of school, the
5 : Weeki 5p a | Eddie Cantor At Those In Service THE LOW DOWN oo 8 was explaining that if any-
OWL LAFES ee etter | ] from one had to go to the they
y The Reading Fair o;: cco: comer sor nl rom apy ROVE iors msl a
By Penna. State | Reading, Pa—Three of the big expected home from Korea. A ly asked: “How's that gonna help?”
Today I will delve—in my learn-
gest names in show business Ed- | ember of the First Marine Divis-
ie Cs r, Janette Davis and the : : , anner—; “
Game Commission ET on at the eight | ion, Cpl. Germer arrived in San od grey nto “whe Pays he ’
-day and seven-night Reading Fair| Francisco on Tuesday after spend- | Now, hold your fire just a
| which opens Sunday, Sept. 9th. ling four months in. Korea. minute, folks, don't go poppin’ off
and saying what does that whip-
The Department of Revenue ad-| John S. Giles, fair president, said | to :
| vises that 1951 hunting licenses are | cach of the three “name” attractions) Clarence Roth BTG-2 who was | Per-snapper or old coot—whichever e S auran
. aile: . , a rs | will appear one night only, Miss| go : "ib ths
being mailed to county treasurers appes g | the U. S.S. Cabildo he is—know about taxes that every




™ ” 5 W ave | stationed on
land other issuing agents. | Davis and the Mariners, who have ode lean des 45 EAST MAIN ST.
The current license period ex- | attained widespread fame as sing-|(LSD-16) is spending an 11 day body don't already know. So, I'll S
ers with* Arthur Godfrey, will head jeave with his wife and son at their | ‘ell you one thing, and it is a ten MOUNT JOY
pires August 31. Legal hunting or
trapping for wild birds or animals | the big grandstand show at the fair) oe in Elizabethtown R3. to one shot you will not know a-
in Pennsylvania during the twelve | on night September on bout it even though every mother’s
ri a september | ¢ FW pad a big stage —————— ;
month period beginning September | an Cantor Wil heat a Ag Sage! T/Sgt. Robert Shiffer, spent La- | Son or daughter amongst you, do

1 requires the new license, the |
Game Commission cautions.
This year’s migratory bird hunt- | |
ing (duck) stamp is now on sale at

pay taxes and plenty.
| . or
{bor Day weekend with his wife,
| Helen. and son Stephen at their When San Francisco and Detroit
{| home on West Main Street. Sgt. |and Seattle took over the street



ost offices. The stamp, which costs | } 1 : . | ; :
8 00, must be in possession of | | | |Shiffer is with the Marine Corps at | cars there from their local company
all persons over 16 years old while | | {|{Camp Lejeune, N. Carolina. as a municipal venture—the first BULK AND GALLONS A
A WISE OWL hunting migratory fowl. [ } ee ee thing they did was to quit paying | Try our old fashioned sugar cones
Because he recent date ol puss | : {| Pvt. Robert Brandt, son of Mr. | practically all taxes—city, county, with Breyers Ice Cream. (
: Ye id > i | Ss a } is | state, and Federal.
; Gl eae Bien Deer Licenses, and Special Arch-| | a (and Mrs. Albert G. Brandt is ) :
Before you start reading this col- ery Licenses, by the present session | ! EB .{|now serving with the Heavy Tank Now, say you don't live in Calif- . y..*
umn, just keep in mind that if you | ¢ the General Assembly, these li- | | i he || Btn. of the U. S. Army in Sonthof- | ornia or Washington state or Mich- Special Our} rice dk ==
can't laugh at the jokes of this age, | censes will not be available for sev- | ! Gormiuny ios You live far awav-—snavhe 4 We i ee
; # ikea a weit ermany. gan. ou live far away—maybe In gi Fos
laugh at the age of these jokes. eral weeks - until they are receiv 3 Pe. | South Carolina: or Utah. Here. is 2 qt. packages $1.20 &
UNIQUE GRANDSTAND STAGE——Here is the unusual covered concrete-and.

ed from the printer.
de Girls Frightened by Wild Animals
One of our persuasive insurance Two game protectors have re-| |
ported instances in which girls
were frightened by big game ani-
mals in recent weeks.

2 col Joseph McLaughlin and | what happens to you, no difference | 1 gal. packages $2.35 steel grandstand stage at the York Inter-State Fair, 10 be held this ysar at Yeil,
§| S/Sgt. John E. Matoney of the U. 5. how far you live from San Fran- Pa., Sept. 10 through 15, day and night. The steel framework and covering alors
| Marine Corps spent Labor Day | cisco and Seattle and Detroit or any cost over $100,000. Tha covered stage allows shows to go on in front of the
| weekend with their wives at their other place that is messin’ with ENJOY LIFE It is the only one in the country.

salesmen had sold a policy to the
father of an uneducated backwoods
wrandstand rain or shine.

family. The payments came thru Says Vern A. Van Order, Wilcox: | fc mes here in town. Both men will i street cars or electric lights, or EAT OUT MORE OFTEN!
the mail for seven years then sud- | “Several bears have been sighted | i | be leaving the middle of this month | such ventures like the U. S. A. at | -
in the De Young area. One fright-| § ; | ke CALL 3-9163
denly stopped. The company sent | € o Rat it ne % i | for 10-weeks maneuvers with the| TVA. Uncle Samuel needs heap SE
: ; ned a your rl when it crossed | : Ty ,
several formal notices then receiv- DO Cail a. oo of ar bicycle. : 2 2nd Marine Division now stationed | wampum—so he just tacks the | CLOSED SUNDAYS EVENINGS MATINEE
ed an explanation: She stood in the road Sr aires YH which also includes the Roxy-|at Camp Lejeune, N. Carolina. | Federal tax deficit onto whoever he | SHOWS SATURDAYS
Dere Sirs: Please excuse the |until assured by adults that She | alte} reves on Monday night, Sep) tmp can get his hands on. And that, aad 7 and 9:00 P.M THEATRE AND
stoppage of payments on Ben. We would not be hurt by the | Bri ver led : | “Freddie” Garber EN-3 is spend- ters and brothers, is you. { SATURDAYS HOLIDAYS
: bei or, : already out of sight. I imagine the | This year's fair will mark the 100| : a a gn . = ° 6.8-10 P. M 2:00 P. M.
et pay a ee because he bear probably ended up in Warren | anniversary of fairs in Reading, and |ing a nine day leave here with his! Don’t laugh or snicker when you | any Mount Joy, Pa.
died last’ September.” County before he felt safe.” . | Giles and his associates have “gone mother, Mrs. Alice Troutman, on | read about some far away place|
tie Biwiet D. Urol City, al out” in procuring some of the Pine St. Fred just returned from a | barging into street cars, or power, FRIDAY—SATURDAY—MONDAY, SEPT. 7 . 8 - 10
wiles ti FOE writes that “Tom Wolf, a farmer at | finest outdoor entertainment avail-|, oe i EE iis . x per] - noire ut x : :
A practical joker, en vacation Edinboro, is doing a good job of able. Supporting Miss Davis and tow of duty abroad the. U.S. S.|or any municipal or Govt. venture. KATHRYN GRAYSON — HOWARD KEEL + -in-
sent friends here in town boxes raising pheasants this year. Last|the Mariners on opening night will| Battineau APA 235, that took him |It won't be funny or comical on| 66 3 TT"
containing eleven white mice, then | week I called to inspect the birds | be Shorty Long and’ the ; Santa Fe!from San Diego to Norfolk via the | March 15th. { SHOW BOA
sent them a note telling them he | and Tom told me this unusual oc- | Rangers, a local hillbilly group. Panama Canal. He will return to] Yours for the low down, | GOLF PICNIC
hoped they were enjoying the 12 | currence: : Also scheduled are final ship at Norfolk. JIMMY |
ia: ee The ‘recipients Hivari “One afternoon his daughter was | tions in the “Reading Fair Talent! > ir
Waite. mice. Zhe ‘Tecipienis vara- | her bicycle toward Edinboro | Search,” a new attraction at the] | ; Lgl TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11
bly spent many hours looking thru | when a deer jumped across the | fair, and semi-final judging in the| Forest fires each year cost il} Sportsmen! Be careful with se OPEN DAIL \
in the woods. Keep cur state green. ROY ROGERS — PENNY EDWARDS -in-

the house for the missing mouse. - | road, striking the bicycle, upsetting | “Miss Reading Fair” beauty contest. |lions of dollars! Don’t start one.
1 1 ele |
= = = Stinker! the girl and damaging the bicycle.| The Roxyettes, plus an array of |
The girl was more frightened than |; ictandin Te 4 a | | 5 99
8 f g circus and vaudeville] 1 f 86 O
5 woman ip at: Florin hurt. acts, will perform every night from| Heart £ The Rockies
os 1 : 2 s th oe i : Poultryman Has Four-Footed | Monday through Saturday. Finals inj |
certainly has the right idea when Theft Trouble Aplenty the “Miss Reading Fair” beauty
it comes to getting her . husband A. R. Bachman, of the South- |contest, which again offers a $1,000 | W R WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 . 13
off to work with a rush. She al- | eastern Division headquarters, tells | first prize, and nine other prizes]
> Work Ay q I MILE EAST
i ihe : A a that “Recently a Berks County | amounting to $1,300, will be offered! .
ie pe ana pce a fa Ee Coy men on nl CARNIVAL — VAUDEVILLE i, sc na ie VO
Harrisburg’s Only Drive-In
front door. Coen Ew : el. z igh
coon and fox damage, so I set a | night. | dy v qt A
— few traps for the man! When he Some of the finest livestock, art ALI PAVED with BLACK TOP “EFABIOLA"
It's next to impossible to . keep Shented the traps next morning he 3nd sulinary exhibits in he Solin. ; . A g FRIDAY — SATURDAY
: ST 5 lirde ino i ry will be displayed at the fair :
th 3 > on; h iad a large raccoon in one 11ie : ) '
¢ mind and the mouth. oper at the he was removing the ‘coon from [and entries in most of those depart-
same time. the trap he heard the hens give out | ments closed Tuesday. Last year,| 5 "

Gary Cooper


Double Feature F IT a :
with excited cackling. Investigating, | more than 1000 head of livestock | .STANBEDE" FRIDAY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 - 15 |
Little Patsy, aged five, getting|he found a ved fox in the act > was exhibited at the fair. MR Randolph Scott KIRK DOUGLAS — VIRGINIA MAYO -in-
3 A : ._ | catching a fen. Unfortunately, t e| . | | oe bs Ye
into her pajamas on which an over- | catching Sh = SUNDAY - MONDAY
man was without his gun and all | [ THE RHEEMS FIRE CO. PRESENTS | a * @ 99
sized button has been sewed. he could do was run the fox of S rt Lh = FRANCIS GOES TO THE “Along The Great Divide PI
“Mama, I cag’'t make this new! the range.” po smen | vg ’ bs 1 Donald O’conner - Piper Laurie
button see out of his eye very Pheasant Puts On Rarely (Form ps HE 1 01 A on
as § \ m page 1) i 1 4 p
good”. Seen Exhibition I a & vd et] # CHILDREN and 30 ER
ue to the interest shown in last 2 COMPLETE SHOWS EVERY NIGHT Co


While hunting woodchucks near | oo oa 4 ;
Li Gono on in August, Har- | Year's fish contest, the Association The band that’s going like a house afire this season
Freddie's mother looked out the risburg mail clerk Charles A. Bol4|is sponsoring the second annual
window to see her son running). of the Department of Forests | contest with a numker of large fish | ‘ 7 TT
hack and forth between some bush-| and Waters, was surprised to come already entered. { i HE VIVIANE ES
es and a pile of twigs he was piling | upon a hen pheasant with 15 smal The first annua] groundhog con
st & a g -

FIRST SHOW STARTS AT DUSK! oe c14R RS : i ic 1 {
AEE tverybody In This Locality Reads The Bulletin


1 Sir chicks. He had about time to esti- ; ! : . J
in the front yard. mate that these youngsters had | test is being held this year and is A Dance Line Direct from Washington, D. C.

She opened the window and 2 months later than most, | proving quite interesting. The first GLAMOROUS GIRLS —_— BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES
ed the little shaver what he was| when he was treated to a little prize for the heaviest hog is $30:
hi e rebli -ightly. | drama few humans have been priv- | ; . >
deing, to which he replied brightly. i ER | second prize $20 and third $10.
aL : ote rt Tl Ta aaa :
“Daddy said the stork will be com In aMalfa at the edge of a corn- | This contest closes at the end of] i
ing to our house soon; so I'm build-| 4.14 the pheasant mother fluttered | the groundhog season Sept. 29,
ing him a nest. and fell and limped away from the Last year the Association had :
area. She faked injury convincing- : . :
oC x ly, trying to lure Bolton away from 528 members and an effort is be-| The finest skating act of the season
i 3 et "Cappy Mumma down town | babies. While woodsmen rec-| ing made to increase that number. |
last nite and he was in terrible ognize this decoy trick of the can- The treasurer's report was very {
shape so I remarked: “John, you|ny grouse, they are seldom Wiftigs- encouraging. There is a balance of T hl |
sure do look worried.” To which he|ses to the same maneuver by the e439 i " 3 H REDD]
replied: “Bov. Tin booked solid semi-domesticated ringneck. $64.32 in the General fund and | wll |
replied: “Boy, I'm beoked up soli i $4,200 plus two $500 War bonds in |
on worries. I got so many on my Game Food Crop Pientiful the Building fund. The Trap fund| Sensational Novelty Act
mind that if anything happens to| From Game Protector Lester J. has $262.64 plus $150 worth of Comedy Mirth
ha Haney, Brookbille, we learn: “June
me today, it will be 0° weeks 2 Ta) { |
16 y, it will be two weeks be berries were a very good crop in| shells and targets on hand.
fore I can worry about it.” my District this year. The bears The regular Fall opening will be 9 {
dearer surely did feed on them. I know | held on the Sportsmen’s field at ROY REBER ORCHESTRA
Carl Brandt says his definition of | of seven bears that were sighted in Florin, Sunday, Sept. 9 ‘at one p.|
“ » and around the Ross Leffler School
a “comma” is ¢ apostr 2 la , :
2 s an apostrophe that of Conservation during the month | m. We'll see you there.
has blown its top.” of July. I believe we will have a EATS — GAMES ov AMUSEMENTS
good supply of other food also, as ?
Attended a meeting the other] there is a good crop of berries and MN ICE!
: . | acorns showing up.”
night and abc ay throu amy Y illi
3 soo half way tl rough Game Protector William Lane, In order to collect dam p
cne of the officers excused himself Confluence, writes: Poultry Ranges Bo Re oe
saying: “My mother-in-law’s arriv-| “In the areas that I have checked, | other predatory animals, we have to
ing on the seven o'clock broom.” |the red oak, white oak, dogwood, "oh the Drones Jae |
. are ine . 4 Ss u ri wi hen t
wild grape, and other plants prom- | pack’ the immediate Y ei |
3ill save: ise a fair supply of food for wild- | for stray dogs and other dogs with |
Jill Enck says: “About the The stocked turkeys have witich They come in contact.
thin 3 % eu ye oi hid - This notice is given so that you |
g that will _ improve _ some shown food eyijiance of will not be embarrassed in case the {
people’s conversation is — silence! | tion. ave nowledge of eignt| Authorities check the neighborhood
" i
hens with broods and have seen! for unlicensed dogs.






Has Everything for Everybody:
tt New—Different Every Day! ¥



NOTE: No increase on admission or
Grandstand scats.. prices the same as
in previous years.
SPECT. Rn hy
sroaowsy REVUE Bi






a A hat! *
So What! four of them. They had broods of
a Musser Leghorn Farms |

A Sporting Hill farmer, just back| Game Protector William R. Ov-
from the Port Royal fair with a|erturf, Youngsville, makes this ob- 26-tf
ri ore Jisaovered at the ani=| "ug, irrel hunting in this section| INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED |
nal refused to eat or drink. should be pretty good this coming |
“Well,” he said hopefully, “Looks | season, as I have observed many SPENCER SUPPORTS
liked T got a real bargain, if he’s a| bushy tails lately. We had a good |
: a gain, if he’s a trom last’ segsbn and For abdomen, back and breast
good workel." - - -. Quite an opto- it looks like we are going to have| MRS, EDYTH B. BRUBAKER



mist. a good supply of acorns for them FLORIN, PENNA. i Ji — le
to feed on and to hold them in this | Phone Mt. Joy 3-4949 y {
Our new draftees are convinced |section until hunting season. One | | Quistanding! Grandstand y

| by Penna.- B.& O.- Western Maryland
Railroads |
—_— a
tha : Ware | factor that seems odd to me is that
gk, aos Top Barges were "bus nearly all the squirrels I have seen Electric ° |
conductors before they entered the lately are the black phase.” e n |
military service. Meaning they had Program to Increase Game Supplies and Gas g
already had basic training in telling Through Predator Control Also Specialize On
everybody where to get off. In recent years, game Protectors FARM MACHINE WELDING |
have taught all manner of predator AND EQUIPMENT
Th is control methods to farmers and be- |
knew where his wife kept her ick. | in the tapping field The | fulomobile and Truck Welding
‘K= | officers have participat in e |
les, and then there was the one|program as much as their duties LAWN MOWER SHARPENING
who knew where the maid's quar- | would allow. ’ 1
Ws: fen Since waria war 1m we care Welding Shop
Commission has campaigned to re-

Food Service|
“Top Quality - Low Prices Every Day”




| | i.
duce predatory animals and birds ; : fOads
Gwennie Kramer said the farm-|of prey to: numbers proportionate MT. J0¥, PA. a Phone ng A 3 \ FLOWER SHOW
ers out her way told her the broom | to ‘wildlife’ populations, also to re- |: Delta and Marietta Streets i oa in the Horticultural H nt
cern is alm t / ripe but “she said lieve els suffering Jossey from rsh | | Ue) valid
Er 3 ious bi nimals. a
they can't fool her. “She don’t even birds ane, = ords show

see no little brooms hanging ¥ on | that in the period, June 1 to August
the stalks yet” ii s. | 20 this year, bounty was paid on PHONE IN YOUR
A WISE OWT 1571 gray foxes and 2557 reds. Of
Samra ie “| this number game protectors ac-
counted for 113 gray and 147 red
Subscribe for the Bulletin, foxes,

PHONE 3-9094 MANHEIM 5-7811