Nevspapen Are Read And Re-read-BUT-How Much Of The Advertising Left At Your Door Do You Read? of UP~-TO-THE-M INUTE WE EKLY IN The Mount Joy LANCASTER Bulle eT 'Weddings Thruout tin VOL. LI, NO. 16 Please Read These Mishaps Then Think Twice Next Time You Drive — Save a Life We had the usual number of auto) bout 8:20 p. m. Friday. State Po- mishaps thruout this section over| lice reported. Damage was placed the week-end and Labor Day holi-| at $100. day. Appended are those in the nv mediate vicinity: Catherine D. High, Marietta, op=, evating on a learner's permit step- ped on the gas instead of the brake | and plowed thru a brick wall, dam- | age $750.00. | Crash Injured Four Jacob Buttler, 27, a bottler ployed at a Newark, N. J. brewery, alleged tipsy, attempted pass double on Route 30 near Place Sunday. He two cars, cut across wrecked a front porch. No One Injured No one was injured when driven by Miss Olpha Collins, sev- enteen, Manheim Rl, and Henry Sweitzer, Mt. Joy RI, collided near the railroad bridge at Salunga a- Err The Public Schools Mo Opened Yesterday Motorists Warning all the public schools the Car Sideswiped Roy Heisey, fifty-two, Manheim, was charged by State Police with failure to keep to the right of the | highway after his car sideswiped another on a township road at Sporting Hill about 8:30 p. m. Fri- day night. em~| He paid a $10 fine and costs at ‘an immediate hearing before Jus- tice of the Peace H. B. Wisegarber, Rapho Twp. Police, who placed total damage injured. to Leaman into { and ' at $400, said no one The other driver was identified as William L. Stohler, twenty-two, of 105 N. Barbara St., this boro. He Was Zig-Zagging Harry F. Minnich, Jr. eighteen, Marietta, (Turn to page ® Mount Joy F arm Show Is Only One Month Hence You next Thursday the opening day of Mount Joy's big Community Exhibit. How: crashed lawn was a cars of was arrested for zig- at - a rm Practically would scarcely believe it— thruout the county opened for 1951-52 season on Wednesday. Our public schools here opened yesterday and while there were 726 pupils enrolled, the attendance was 708. Mr. Beahm these were enrolled as follows: High 220, Grade school 488. County Superintendent Arthur P. Mylin reports 29,000 pupils re- ported. That number does not in- clude Lancaster City or Columbia boro. That's an increase of 650 over one month hence is annual time do fly. Doesn't those enormous tents seem long ago that we saw resemb- ling Barnum’s circus on the Penna. Railroad Company's ing lots on Henry street. The directors, especially superin- tendent Titus Rutt, busy as beavers and you can rest assured when the time around ev- erything wil] be readiness for another banner fair. The County Corn Husking cham- pionship to be decided our show, will be a big affair with more competition than ever. Then, ing of a Corn Queen, an exception- ally large display of farm machin- said school spacious park- are rolls last year. in In almost district there was an increase. At Millersville, the firehouse and two college rooms were borrowed; at Denver, classes were held on the high school stage; in Manheim, two churches and the Boy Scout building were used. ee cr, Al I COVERED DISH SOCIAL The organized Women’s Association of the Mount Joy Presbyterian and Donegal Churches will hold their first Fall rally with a Mother and daughter covered dish social Tuesday, Sept. 11th, at 6:30 p. m. in the social room of the Mount Joy Presbyter- ian Church. A special home talent program will follow. A PERMITS GRANTED HERE FOR $87,200 IN BLDGS-ALTERATIONS Mr. Christ Walters, chairman, has issued the following permits for new buildings and alterations: Total 6, cost, $48,800; new non-residential buildings, 3, cost, $10,400, and additions, altera- tions and repairs on non-residential buildings, 3, cost, $38,400. EE GASOLINE TAKES A DROP every again at too. we'll have the crown- ery and everything else one would expect to see at a farm show. If you display | to it at once. ell © GAUL GETS A DIVORCE Irvin B. Gaul, forty-nine, Florin, received a divorce from Mary S. |-Gaul, forty-one, 814 N. Lime St, Lancaster. They were married No- vember 12, 1927, and separated Oc- tober 25, 1945. The divorce granted on a ground of indignities. sr etl CG RHEEMS WOMAN WINS SEED GUESSING CONTEST Mrs. M. S. Boyer, Rheems, won first prize 1h" the seed 6,870 guess- ing contest conducted at the Penn- sylvania Dutch celebration at Her- shey. Park. She was awarded a set of dishes. newly engaged attend already better haven't your space, was permits, a — 5 REGISTRATIONS SOUGHT Eight hundred gallons of inflam-| The County Draft Board is seek- mable liquid flooded the street in ling the whereabouts of five Marietta yesterday gasoline, trants, among them Martin N. Hei- delivery truck upset. [ sey, Mount Joy Rl. Sportsmen’; Association’s 528 Members Released 933 Rabbits Pheasants, Quail Plus 22,567 Trout, Bass and Catfish In Year zations in Lancaster County com- piled by the Federation News, the | Mount Joy Sportsmen’s Associa- | tion has the largest paid memkter- ship. Following as a The Mount Joy Sportsmen's As- sociation just mailed the annual report to its 528 members and it was very encouraging. Ap- pended is a brief review: The Fopest and Stream tee sponsored the planting of 6,000 seedling: trees on the farm of John Gantz, in Mount Joy township. The first annual “Outstanding Farmer - Sportsman Award,” warded by the Federated Sporis- men of Lancaster county at their third annual banquet held at Eph- rata, was awarded to John Ganiz, a member of the Mt. Joy Sports- men’s Association. In a list of Sportsmen's recently the Game commit- | tee’s report for the Rabbits bought and trapped by the Associ- ation 479, rabbits furnished by the State 67, pheasants bought and trapped by the Association and furnished by the State 367, Quail furnished by the State 20. The Fish committee supervised the stocking of the following: trout 1,887, bass 3,980, catfish 700, trout fingerlings 18,000. (Turn to page 4) commit- is year: a= organi- cus Hook to Cleveland. Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Starlings - Pigeons Prove a Nuisance Thruout Country Seems as though every communi- ty thruout the country has its bird trouble and just how to get rid of them is invariably quite a problem. At Lancaster last year starlings became so numerous that the thorities there really didn’t what to do. They tried ways to get rid of them until final- ly a number of two-faced metal | owls were placed on the Court House and other central buildings, and with a big barrage of crackers sent up, finally succeeded | in giving the birds the run Here in town we had our share of trouble with the pigeons on several of the business places and even in some Local authorities Council did everything Finally an outside trapper was in- vited here. With his efforts au= know in many fire churches, homes. Boro possible. private including plus 'Conoy Schools shooting many of them, the nuis- ance was greatly reduced. But now we have similar It seems that the various watering | places do not appeal to Mr. and | Mrs. Pigeon when they want aj bath, so they go out to the boro] reservoir. They have been so num- | erous there that the Boro Authority procured a permit to destrow them | Fish. trouble. | from Burgess Supervisor Smeltzer Reports have various newspapers that | is doing the shooting. | published in the in on the been star- | { lings have moved auto | city of Detroit. There they have native townsman, re- | K. destruc- | to | quested our T. Keller to assist in their tion. Noise seems the best way make the birds move in Detroit. Gas Pipe Break Pollutes Creek, | Kills Many Fish An underground gasoline pipeline broke Thursday, thousands of gallons of gasoline in- | to the Big Chickies Creek at Kin- | derhook. | Thousands fish were killed, | Fish Warden | investigated. last dumping | of according to State Robert Greener, Greener said with State officials in seeking damages from the owner of | the Susquehanna | of Philadelphia. the break who he is conferring | | reference to | the pipeline, Pipeline Co., Greener said at 4:15 p. It happened near | Zeamer's Cafe, 50 feet the The creek was polluted in to the Susquehanna | occurred m from | creek. a five-mile where it enters the River, Greener said. Notified of the break, men were dis- they area, point the pipeline | company said repair patched immediately worked all night to complete the re- pairs, the fish warden said. He esti- mated these fish were killed: Approximately 100,000 minnows, 1,000 adult suckers, some up to 20| up to 100 adult and inches in length, bass and 50 carp The gasoline is piped from Mar- ee i as it in a SHORT CIRCUIT CAUSED FIRE SCARE HERE MONDAY A circuit caused a mild | fire at 9:50 a. m. Mon- | day when Hocker Barnhart, David | removing scaffold from short scare here street, a the side forced two wires Fire coused by the short burned along the wires toward the street and away from Fire- men from Friendship Fire Compa- ny arrived on the minutes later and cut the wires before any extensive damage was done. arent ferns CLAIM HE WAS SPEEDING State Police apprehended drivers over the week-end, five being charged with speeding. A- mong the latter was Lloyd G. Nen- twig of Florin, clocked doing sixty on Route 30. etl LONGENECKER REUNION clan, of which his house, accidentally into contact. of the house. scene fifteen THE The Longenecker Lineaus Longenecker, of town is secretary-treasurer, will hold their annual reunion near Reading on Sunday | noy { grades {will be in charge { of Lancaster; | Mt. Joy RD; and Elwood Raber, | MAN FINED $10 FOR 7 in burlap bags. Broome said he had Afternoon, September 6, TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY TO SELL STAUFFER QUARRIES Next Thursday, Sept. 14, J. Brown, Jr. trustee in bankruptcy of Luther J. Smith, trading at the Stauffer Quarries, will all the real and property Tray | sell estate personal at public sale. This containing over the quarries 12 acres of land, all Also frame dwelling occupied until rently by Luther Smith, This plant is located at Stauffer- east of the boro will include buildings, etc. a two-story re- town, immediately limits on the Manheim road. This quarry has enjoyed a good business for many years until quite recently when activities there were discontinued. Auctioner C. S. Frank will call the sale sf. L- Opened Tuesday All the public schools of the Co- Township District opened for the 1951-52 season on Tuesday. Three teachers were added to the Bainbridge Consolidated School faculty. Roy D. Haverstick, Eliza- bethtown, is athletic coach to re- place John Lichty, who accepted a the Mount Joy schools. a graduate of Eliza- assist eighth position in The new coach, bethtown College, will also teachine seventh and Joyce A. Carpenter, Prog- instruct vocal music. She of Lebanon Valley Rhein, Lebanon, of the school band in ress, will graduate College. Robert is a and orchestra. All blackboards in the Bainbridge g were reconditioned. There a relocation of shower in the high The will be open to serve meals on the first day, it was announced by Miss Verna F. Peck, the high school buildin was rooms school. cafeteria principal of the Bainbridge grades will be: Miss Grace Holland Miss Josephine Besh- Mrs. Ethel Rutt, of of Other teachers will be: A. Witmer and Mrs. Anabel Hawthorne, Wichersham School; Mrs. David S. Libhart, { Steven’s Hill School; Mrs. Elvira Kirvinskee, Ebersole School: John G. Habecker, Washingtonboro and Miss C. Fay Carpenter, Lititz, the high Teachers in ler, Maytown; 3ainbridge. Miss Mary and assistant teachers in school. —— — CARRYING CAT IN A BAG Willis Weaver, fifty-five, Joy R1, charged with cruelty to an- imals, was fined $10 by Alderman David F. Weaver and costs Rose. Mount |’ pleaded guilty to trans- bag to Peters- cat in a burlap oot’ East burg. Prosecution was brought by | Warren E. Broome, County Hu- League agent, who said the porting a salesbarn, near mane bag failed to provide proper venti~| lation. He issued a warning to oth~- ers transporting cats and livestock repri- the same of- released two juveniles with mands last week for fense but could prosecute all cases in the future. Week's Birth Record Mr. and Mrsr Clyde S. Zink, Eli- zabethtown, a daughter at the Gen- eral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Maytown, a daughter eph’s Hospital Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Marietta R2, at the General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Snyder, Mt. Joy Rl, a son last Thursday at the Lancaster Osteopathic Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William kamp, of Landisville, Monday the pathic Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Carl street, Florin, a daughter Joseph’s hospital Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gable, Delta street, daughter at General Hospital on Saturday. — a Samuel E. Drace, at St. Jos- Lester W. Roland, a daughter Tuesday Darren- a daughter at Lancaster Osteo- Main St. Coen, at 123 a the John Bunyan wrote Progress” while he was in 4 son, BRICK DWELLING WAS 1951 Rev. Clar, Rahn Mrs. A. Miller Are Best Liars for 51 For years a preacher carried off honors at the Penna. Dutch Liars contest at Reinholds Memorial Park. Mrs. Audra Miller prize for women, the second time in as many won first Prize Winning Lie Rahn’s winning lie centered about a wonderful dog belonging to Amos Schucker, Texas farmer. “A cow he would count the cows with ‘ame through the gateway to the pasture. Ome day one was missing, Running to the he rushed in and stuck his tail in a can of milk. When he into the Texas wilds in the animal. Be- long he with the milk- a dog, his paws as they ¢ milk house, rushed out missing came back: search of fore missing calf sucking on his soaked tail.” Woman's Winning Lie Miller told about the “fabu- she was Mrs lous community where born. In community “calves were weaned by killing off the cows; crops grew so abundantly that only half crops were planted: com stalks were as high as the roof of one’s house; and one had to wear hip boots to butcher hogs—because they were so fat that before the six or 100 1b. cans of lard could be rendered the butcher would he wading in lard up to his hips.” —_ EE IS Personal Mention Myr. and Mrs. Staley and Mr. and Mrs. Boyles, of West Philadelphia called on Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Frank on Monday. Maj. and Mrs. Charles B. Frank, and two children and Capt. and Mrs. Larry McNauneley, of Falls Church, Va. spent Saturday to Monday here visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Frank and Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Gilbert. Mr. Mrs. Russell and daughter, Michell, of Willow Michigan, visited their par=- Mr. Mrs. Russell Sump- and and Mrs. Irvin Kaylor of town. Mr. Sumpman returned to Michigan September 3rd is employed the general offices of the Ford Motor Company. Mrs. Sumpman and daughter will return this seven and Sumpman Run, and Mr. ents, man where he in home next week. The Sumpmans made the trip by plane. Miss Edna Strickler, man Strickler spent last Tuesday Mr Mrs. Earl daughter, Sandy; Mr. Norman Strickler and son Miss Edna Strickler spent a few days last week in New York While there they visited Ni- Falls, Watkins Glen and the centenary exhibits at the Corning Glass Center. a —— Mrs. Nor- son, Richard, in Philadelphia. Heisey and and Mrs. Richard; and and and State. agra WITHDRAWN AT $14,000 A two and a half story dwelling west of Manheim, the Sporting Hill Road, was with- drawn from sale at a public auc- when the bidding reached $14,000. The sale was con=- by the administrators of Fianna K. Weidman estate, and Rufus B. Weidman, tly BE DONALD WINTERS, PRES. DANIEL HEISEY, TREAS. Donald Winters, Columbia R2, was elected president of the Rural Youth of Lancaster County at the annual business meeting held Tuesday evening in the Lancaster YWCA Lailding. Daniel Heisey, Mount was elected treasurer, VEN TELEGRAMS COST MORE The Western Union has scrapped its historic 10-word minimum tele- grams. They have upped to 15 for “fast” telegrams and from 25 to 50] for night letters, the first time in| 100 years. Cr OPEN HOUSE SEPT. 8th The new modern bank building of the First National Bank at Lan- disville will be open for inspection by the public at Open House, on Saturday, September 8th, from two brick along tion Thursday, ducted the Charles B. on Joy R2, $2.00 a Year Landisvill Polled on A whether fluorides put into field lessen ducted by pal Authority Thus far County postcard customer: Township tooth caster is 1 Letters sent out customers the okayed commen plan, stating ti the A and by Association showing reduction up to 50 percent. fluorides are used. Local physicians sulted, the letters pressed themselves the Authority's given the would give no adde er, and would cost a meter each year. district, Water their cards for or users are is headed by Jes proved most decay among but Authority to groups. rc age of six, th the fective, a older Annville set up ¢ caught 99 violators the 265. The Central Gar 40 autos. An old school bu county was for $6.700. reports sh York sale Latest the Labor Day There deaths Day holiday was 419. One hundred week marked the Christian Riot, bloody Civil War In two school Pottsville, teact jobs because they } er in Penna, while v 62 Mrs. Margaret New Holland from the bite of a ¢ yard nine, in her whi chickens. When they were the safe at the plant on the Lincol York, steel and concrete thieves carte a company truck. Wilfred F. Riced $200 of the money Margie Arrearage, after W ment, were fixed Ricedorf was told t wife, week order. The annual of the Next Sunday on account ther. COUNCIL MEETS Due to Monday Sr., Marietta St., fortieth wedding to nine o'clock P. M August 27th poll water decay the Township no community including assurance effective children shows it lesser were tw for Coca-Cola Ric Sunday, was postponed one in Advance e Being Adding Fluorides to Water to determine s wish to have the East Hemp- supply to is being con- Munici= in Lan- fluorides. Hempfield 18ing to E t favorably hat it merican on has been Dental a table of tooth decay in places where have been con- state, and favorably. ex- And engineers have that flavor fluorides to wat- not over $1 Landisville and on Salungy are in the East Hempfield to mark and re= asked against, turn them to the Authority, which se Snavely, Jr. Addition of fluorides to water has in halting up to the e table sent by is also ef - degree, among - Brief News From The Dailies For Quick Reading 1 speed trap and in a short time. August set a record for births at General Hospital. There were age at Hamburg was destroyed by fire together with ilding at Hallam, sold at public ow there were 658 deaths in the United States ov- holiday. yenty-one auto the the nation’s toll over Labor ears ago next beginning of the erunner of the districts left their $52,000 sal near 1ers 1ave aries unpaid from the last term. Stewart, thirty- R2, is recovering opperhead snake le feeding the unable to open Bottling n Highway near d the 1200-1h. coffer away re etl Gs wen meetin a | COURT RAISED PAY ORDER orf, Harrisburg, was ordered to pay by Wednesday he owes his Rheems. ednesday’s pay- at $500, which o repay by add edorf, ing $4 weekly to his regular $23-a- A PICNIC ‘WAS POSTPONED Post stag the American Legion Post No. which was to have been held last by 185, picnic week inclement wea- is the day. ee em MONDAY being a holiday, Mount, Joy Boro Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on the second Monday this month, Sept. 10. steerer ll Ml crocs is WED FORTY YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Leiberher, celebrated their on anniversary in| Mortuary Record Throughout This Entire Locality Eli Lockard, umbia Katie, wife of Ira L., Weaver, seventy-three, at Manheim. Howard Kepner, sixty-two, at the Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Lewis L. Schock, sixty-seven, a Enders, R1, pastor of the | native of Marietta, at Wrightsville, Mountville Church of the Brethren.| Mrs. Anna Barbara Russ, sixty= The five, widow of Hardy Russ, at Col= Cooper's Garage, Salunga. umbia, at the John Brandt Espenshade, seven= bridegroom's parents. Elizabethtown, at St. Jos= eph's Hospital. Miss Minnie Anne's Home near ‘Our Community During Past Week The marriage of Miss Goldie W. Antes, daughter of Mr, and Mrs John Antes, Manheim Rl, and Ez- ra M. Herman, son of Mr. and Mrs Albert J. Herman, Landisville, took | place Saturday at the home of the | the Rev Harry | sixty-nine, at Col= officiating minister, Lancaster employed at The cou- the bridegroom is ple will reside home of ty-four, St. She Mettfett, at Mountville. Miss Shirley Heisey, daughter of Mr, Harry B. Heisey, Mount to Robert Morris Trimmer, Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Trim | William B. Roberts New Holland, William B. Roberts, (fifty-six, Presbyterian Church. [died in the Chestnut Hill hospital at Zuck, Elizabeth | Philadelphia on Saturday following Lester Roberts, of this boro, is a brother. Funeral ser- vices were held from his late home Tuesday evening. services were held from funeral home here on inter- The of Anne Mrs. R1, of mer, in Donegal The Rev. Nevin town, officiated. Following a reception in Donegal (Turn to page 5) i in Philadelphia News In General |i vc From Florin For Wednesday The Past Week Mrs. Cora E. Kauffman of Al- tcona and brother Mr. John Boyer cof Marietta were Sunday evening guests of Mrs. Emma Boyer. Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Hershey visited Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Roberts at Mechanicsburg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Becker Jr. and family spent the weekend ot tehoboth Beach. Mrs. David Mumper of Camp Hill Mr. and marriage and Joy | was ninety-four. son | - ‘ was solemnized a brief illness, afternoon with ment in the Ebersole cemetery. Mrs. Harry J. Heffley Mrs. Mary P. Heffley, sixty-two, wife of Harry J. Heffley, Milton Grove, died at her home of a com- plication of diseases after an illness of six months. She was born April 14, (Turn to page 5) A H. G. CARPENTER DISCUSSED (“COMPETITOR RELATIONS” Henry G. Carpenter spoke at the { regular noon meeting of the local [ Rot: ary Club Tuesday, Mr. Carpen- | ter, a member of the club, discus- g| sed one of the year's new commit- “Competitor Relations.” Geo. | Keener, president, was in charge. a It was announced that there will 1| be a clam bake for Rotarians and wives Sept. 19 and a cruise Chesapeake Saturday, 1889 in several days with B. Eshbach. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eichler Midland, Penna., are spending the | week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arndt tained Miss Mary Brubaker, Mildred Eisenhauer Lancaster on Wednesday to dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogle family spent Labor Day at Lancas- with friends. (Turn to Page 2) a id BARN AT MILTON GROVE DESTROYED BY FIRE A barn on the property tenant- ed by Milton Stauffer, Milton Grove, Elizabethtown R3, was des- troyed by fire Friday afternoon, with damage estimated at £1,000. The property is owned Harry Derr. The barn spent Mrs. James of | tees, anc v | their of down the September 22. RE at LIONS HEAR REV. KEISER AT TUFSDAY'S MPETING The local Lions Club met Tues- day at Hostetters Banquet Hall with President Morrell Shiells pre~ siding. Rev. Elmer A. Keiser, rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church spoke on the “Keeper of the Spring.” Robert Reed, chairman of the Hallowe'en Parade, called a meet- ing on September 10 at 8:00 p. m. at the high school, to discuss plans the parade to be held October and ter about by workshop, A large number of chickens were said contained a for shed. a1st. chicken house and storage ——t A Qe rere: CARD PARTY AT LEGION The Ladies Auxiliary of the Wal~ ter S. Ebersole Post No. 185, will sponsor a card party at the Ameri- on Monday ev- Pinochle, 500 and been lost. Household goods shed to have stored in the also were de- | stroyed. Fire Chief Shiffer, ship Fire Company, estimated the damage to the ing at $300, and to the contents at| $700. The fire, igin, broke out at 4:55 p. m. — of the Friend- Elizabethtown, build- Home Legion Sept. 17th. will be played. ID I nem. The Local News « For The Past Week Very Briefly Told Miss Anna can ening, : 3ridge of undetermined or- I BINS WERE NEVER USED; ANOTHER OF MANY ERRORS Built less than two years ago 4] to the were Quarryville dismantling Government. The pacity of 45,000 bushels were inally constructed to store grain for the Commodity Credit Corporation, the price support program. etl Qe WILL SHOW A MOVIE OF FISHING IN COLORADO use 15 stor- are now the ca- never put specific which they intended, age bins near Shireman, eighteen, with a Marietta, has joined the Waves. orig-t| Elizabethtown district has | increased tuition rates for non-res- | ident pupils. | Four hundred the Brubaker family Lititz Springs Saturday. The Moose and bugle won a cash prize of sociation will meet in regular $150 at the at Reading, Monday, Sept. 10th, at 8:00| The Rice triplets from Elizabeth- o'clock in the Fire House. | town won a special award at Her= A movie picture of Bass fishing|shey Park’s fifteenth parade. Colorado by| The Herr votato factory Bowers. [at West Willow, destroy - SW [ed by fire yesterday BAND CLUB MEETING { loss of $60,000. A general meeting of the Mount| Robin R. Daubert, Bainbridge, Band Club will be held in the | brought suit for $50,500 as the re- high 24th. which his wife eight o'clock. Plans were made at a fatally injured. Elmer Deng- recent meeting to conduct a mem- Highspire, is the defendant. . rl during the Farm scheduled for by bins, of school attended at persons reunion under E town drum The Mount Joy Sportsmen's As-| corps ses-'| convention sion on baby chip was in will be shown Mr entailing a Joy school on September at| sult of a collision in was ler, bership drive rr | BIRTHDAYS | Dena Lynn Leib, | and Mrs. Kenneth ket celebrated birthday on Sunday. Lester Kaylor, W. Main street | celebrated his birthday Wednesday, Sept. 5th. all CARD PARTY AT SALUNGA The Salunga Fire Police will sponsor a card party at Coopers Garage at Salunga on Friday, No- vember 16th, at 8 p. m. show. daughter of Mr. Leib, N. Mar- her fourth — ——_— ee FEED BAG THEFT PROBED Martin Newcomer, Mount Joy R1, has reported to State Police that thieves entered his barn re- and 100 empty feed He estimated his loss at $50. Police are investigating. A QU sie STUDENT AT ST. JOE A forty-two students started a 3-year training course at St. Jeseph’s Hospital, at Lancaster. street, cently stole bags. State class of Proceeds will go toward the uild- mg Fund. Among them Miss Catharine Strickler, of this place. was —— ld