The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 30, 1951, Image 1

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bn’t Neglect Reading All Our Food Store Advertising — Then Buy and Save


‘OL. 11. NO. 14
Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, August 30, 19
The Mount Joy Bulletin
$2.00 a Year in Advance

Reading is “turning Heaven and
Earth” in an effort to land that 62
million dollar air base and we sin-
cerely hope those Dutchmen suc-
ceed. An effort is also being made
to have it locate in Good Old Lan~
caster County and frankly, we hope
they fail.
At present we have two Govern-
nent Depots in our vicinity—Mari-
Jetta and Middletown—and that is
Ask any business man within a
working radius and he will tell you
that trying to compete with the U.
S. Government on labor is really
some problem. It can’t be done.
Just interview the management
of almost any industry thruout this
entire community and the expres-
sion will be the answer as to
ether or not we want a third
gernment project in our back
Appended is part of an article
that appeared in a recent issue of a

We Don’t Want It,
|} They Can Have It’
It’s Too Big For Us
Lititz newspaper.
“A group of farmers and land-
owners from the Lititz-Manheim
area, supposed site of the new air
depot, will go to Washington and
voice an emphatic protest against
the Army’s plan to locate the mam-
moth defense installation in this
There you have the objections of
the business man, the farmer and
the land owner, which should be
ample evidence that a mammoth
air base in Lancaster County is un-
Of course, it could be a political
issue. If Truman succeeds in plant-
ing that air base on Lancaster Co.
soil, there may be a sharp reduction
in those overwhelming Republican
majorities the G. O. P. has been
enjoying for so many years.
As it appears today, the perman-
ent location of that air base is a-
bout as uncertain as the outcome of
the peace conference in Korea.

\ Friendly Tire Co.
Has Answered 53
Calls Thus Far
The Friendship Fire Company
ambulance, in service since March
18th, made its fifty-third service
all on Wednesday afternoon.
The past weeks calls included:
daughter of

ackwards at her home. She suffer-
ed a concussion and temporary loss
f sight. She is now convalescing
at her home and is greatly im-
roved. She contemplates entering
the School of Nursing at the Gen-
eral Hospital September 10th.
Mrs. Paul Stehman was the
urse; Miller Wolgemuth and Tom
. "Brown, III, drivers.
| | On Sunday, August 26, Mrs. Ray
Myers and Mr. Charles Garlin were
returned to their homes from the
Columbia Hospital. Mrs. Gerald
Arntz was the attending nurse, Ray
Myers and Miller Wolgemuth, were
the drivers.
Monday, August 27, Tommy Zim-
merman was removed to the St.
Joseph Hospital after falling from
a house roof.
A Monday patient also was Ev-
elyn Waltz who was taken to St.
Joseph’s Hospital. Mrs. Helen Hal
bleib, nurse, Arthur Zerphey Sr,
and Samuel Dock, drivers.
Wednesday afternoon Harry
Sheetz, Florin, was taken to the
General Hospital. Miss Eleanor
Brown, nurse; Irvin Kaylor and
Jack Bennett, drivers.
Robert Hawthorne
Heads Webb Clan
Robert Hawthorne, of town, was
elected president of the Webb fam.
ily at the annual reunion held Sun-
day at the Rheems fair grounds.
Harold Zimmerman, Jr, of this
place, was chosen vice-president
and Mrs. Martin Heisey, of town,
The affair was attended by 106
Porson Plans were discussed to
have the next reunion in June, 1952.
Mrs. Mamie Webb, formerly of
Mount Joy and now living in Lan~
disville, was awarded a prize for
being the oldest person present;
Linda Lee Weaver, Manheim,
youngest; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Zimmerman, Philadelphia most re-
cent married couple; Mr. and Mrs.
I. K. Charles, Lancaster, couple
married longest; Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
bur Lehman, Pitman, New Jersey,
family coming farthest; Mr. and
Mrs. Zimmerman, Mount Joy, par-
ents having most children present;
and Martin Heisey, Mt. Joy, most
bald head.

Thirteen persons were injured,
| only one critically in twelve week-

Mount Joy Should
‘Have a Community
Remembrance Com.
Is anyone in Mount Joy interested
in starting a Community Remem-
brance Committee? There are
number of persons from Mount Joy
now in the service and we, as a
community, should be remembering
them, especidlly with Christmas
Manheim is practically the only
community that has an active com-
mittee working. There, they've
made their committee a function
of the Manheim Defense Council.
Committee members come from ev-
ery organization of the community.
In its several months during which
it's been in operation, the commit-
tee has sent “remembrance” boxes
to 165 service men and women from
Manheim. Also, each package con-
tains a post card for the recipient
to return saying whether he
she has a Testament and if not,
whether they would like the com-
mittee to mail one. So far 10 Testa-
ments have been sent.
Plans of the remembrance group
are already looking ahead to Christ-
mas; when it plans to send pack-
ages to those listed on the commit~
tee’s complete card-index file. In
addition, they like to remember all
birthdays next year with gifts.
To help" finance this big project,
the committee is staging a carnival
September 7 and 8. So far, organi«
zations and citizens have pledged
support. Citizens of the town have
given cash.
The committee in Manheim hopes
that they may be an example for
other communities within the coun-
ty. Some folks would like to start
a committee in Mount Joy if peo-
ple think it would be a good idea
and if they would volunteer to help.
If anyone is interested, please get
in touch with Mrs. Vera Albert,
North Barbara street, Mount Joy.
eee tl Ge
Raymond B. Heisey was elected
president and Walter Heisey vice-
president of the Heisey clan at the
24th d@nnual reunion Saturday af-
ternoon on the camp meeting
grounds, Landisville.
The clan re-elected: H. Lin Heis-
ey, vice president; Anna M. Heisey
secretary; Harry L. Heisey, treasur-
er; M. Luther Heisey, historian; and
Sadie B. Heisey, necrologist.
One hundred persons attended.
Prizes were awarded to: Gregory
Myers, youngest member present;
Moses W. Wenge, oldest; Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence W. Heisey and chil-
dren, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lon-
genecker and children, largest fam-
Complaint in divorce: Ruth Ger-
lach, thirty, 140 E. Lemon St. vs.
Phares Gerlach, thirty, Kaylors
Hotel, Mount Joy; cruel and bar-
barous treatment and indignities;

Increased financial support for
H Club work from Penrgvivania
bankers is reported by Allen L.
Baker, State 4-H Club leader at the
Pennsylvania State College.
Complete Teach’
Personnel of Our
Borough Schools
for the 1951-52 term with a meet- | of which $300 helped to send the
ing of all teachers in the High | state delegates to the National 4-H
School Library at 9:30 a. m. Club Camp at Washington, D. C,
Registration of new pupils will | and $500 went toward expenses of
be held Tuesday afternoon from | the Leadership Training School at
State College.
Donations to the club work from
1:30 to 3:30; all pupils not present-
ly enrolled should report at this
time, bring birth certificate
last year’s report card.
tration is for all pupils who expect
to attend the Borough Schools this
year and did not attend here last
year, or were not registered at the
pre-school clinic for beginners last
seven groups of the state associa-
totaled $8,497.94 this
compared to $7,665.45 last
Loans made to club members to fi
This regis- | tion year,
amounted to
nance their projects
$47,400 this year, while
the total was $15,670.
a year
May. Fifty-six counties reported that
Pupils in grades 1 to 7 will reg- | county banker representatives and
ister in the Marietta street school | county bankers’ associations gave
active support to the 4-H Club pro-
This was
and from grades 8 to 12 will regis-
ter in the High school.
Pupils will report on Wednesday
morning at 8:30. Grades 1 to 7 will |
report to the Marietta Street school |
E. Donegal Board
and Grades 8 to 12 will report to|
the Auditorium of the High school. | :
‘Awarded All Bus
School will be dismissed at noon
Contracts Friday
gram. an increase of sev-

en over last year.
on Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- |
day due to the Art Workshop at |
E. Donegal High school in which
our ‘teachers are particiating. | At a special meeting of the East
Five changes in the faculty have | Donegal Township School Board
been made since last year and the held last Friday evening, bus con-
complete staff is as follows: awarded to Paul Wei-
tracts were

Miss Fdn~ Charles and Mrs. Em- ser and Howard Barnhart, Florin:
ma Good. Grade 1. | Lloyd Miller. Marietta: atid’ Mer
Miss Ruth Brubaker and Mrs { Oya Siler, Hatiella) anc Hers
Ruth Luecke. Grade 2. | vin Arnold, Maytown. Bus routes
Miss Irene Heisey and Miss | will remain the same as in previ-
Doty Kayla, Grade A N | ous years,
ss Irene Ibach and Mrs. Nan-
cy Ziegler, Grade 4 a | Schools will open Wednesday,
Mrs. Dorothy Johnson, Grade 5.| September 5 at 9 a. m., and will be
Mrs. Margaret Sheaffer, Grades | dismissed at noon September 5, 6
5 and 6. and 7 to allow the elementary
Mrs. Bartara Myer, Grade 6. {
Mrs. George Broske, H. S. social | teachers to attend the Art Work-
studies. shop to be held those afternoons
Mr. John D. Day, Boys Phys. Ed. | in the High school ibrary at May-
and Science. | ;
Mrs. Mildred Day, Commercial. | town,
Mr. Paul Fry, Geographv. | An enrollment of 755 is expected
Mrs. Almeda Griffith, Home Ec in the East Donegal schools—385 in
Mr Sorry! isha, Art { the high school; 240 in the Maytown
TT Pei Bry, and Les | Flementary school and 130 in the
Mr. George Houck, Music. | Washington Elementary school at
Mr. John Lichty, Jr. Hi. Social | Florin
Studies. | A township faculty eting wi
Mr. Charles Rovenolt, Industrial fa Whanip B( ty meeting will
Arts he held Tuesday, September 4 at
Mr. H. K. Schoener, Science and | 10 a. m. Dean A. G. Breidenstine,
High School Principal. Matl | of Franklin and Marshill College,
i sma Tavlor $ : Ur . :
Miss The Ima Taylor, H S. Mat >| will speak at the luncheon follow-
Miss Patricia Werner, Spanish & |.
Frglish | ing the meeting.
Mrs. Margaret Williams, Guid- | Mrs. Rachel LeCates. of Lebanon
ance and Fnglish. | was elected to fill the fourth gr:
. . | wi ( grade
SS red Wilson, Girls Phy. | . >
Fa pss Mildead Math his y vacancy in the Maytown Elemen-
Mics Marilyn Young, Library and | tary school. Mrs.LeCates is a grad-
English. . | uste of Bucknell] University. Her
= Mist Kathryn Zeller, Latin and | elementary and high school edu-
English. ;
Mrs. Sedie Brooks. School Nurse | cation was completed in the schools
Miss Funice Herr, School Secre- | of Buenos Aires, Argentina and
terv, ol | | Santiago, Chile, where her father
" Ny Spy Ye . PR 4
J ve. Rey Herr, Grade School | was stationed as an engineer for
Mr. Harry Kuhns, H. S. Janitor. | the International Telephone and
Mr. W. I. Beahm, Supervising | Telegraph Company. She succeeds
Principal. | Mrs. Lester Roland, who resigned

ast Spring.
—— ere
Four In Rowenna
Raid Face Court

The C.G.Y.A. of the Mount Joy
Church of God held its business
Charges against four defendants | 1 at the home of Rev. and
arrested in a comlination vice and | Mrs. Clarence Helwig with twelve
liquor raid at Rowenna Aug. 4th | po. present. A corn roast will
were returned to court following a
| be
hearing Monday.
[at the
held September 8, 1951 at 6:15,
home of Milton Mowrer.
Gardiner Cannon, River Road, | [ A group of ten from the C.G.Y.A
Rowenna, alleged proprietor of 2 | enjoyed an inspiring message by
“speakeasy”, charged with tw | Pr. Clyde Meadows at Doubling
counts of violating the liquor laws | Gap, the church camp. Dr. Mead-
hy State Liquor Agent William L.| ows closed his message with a story
Campbell, posted bail for court | ec... ading his own brother to
following a hearing before Alder- | ~
man Wetzel.
What a challenge
—— —
hrist. for us.
also charged
violating the liquor laws, posted | NTO AUTO: $250 DAMAGE
bail for court, and Mildren Elliott, Approximately $250 damage to a
charged similarly, ike Tecommit-| op. resulted from an unusual acci-
ted in defauit of bail. Hearing on | gant on Route 72, four miles north
liquor charges against Janet How- of Mathers,
ard, alias Janet Cannon, was con- A truck driven by Gary Price, 17,
tinued to Sept. 21, stalled on the middle of a hill while
The agricultural development |
The Mount Joy Borough schools | committee of the Pennsylvania
will open Tuesday, September 4th | Bankers’ Association donated $800,
| Arrangements For
“ Local Halloween
be general rarade chairman with
Mr. Titus Rutt as co-chairman,
as the sponsor,
el nee

Newtown, Columbia R1, was charg-
State Police with
vehicle while under
ed by driving a
motor the in-
fluence of intoxicating liquors, after
his car went into a field along the
New Danville Pike about 9:30 p.
m. Sunday.
He will be given a hearing be-
fore Alderman J. Edward Wetzel,
at 4 p. m. today.
Police said Geltmacher told them
he was coming from a picnic, driv
ing north on the pike about a mile
he lost control, went down an em
bankment and into a field. Police
said the car came to a stop undam-
the of Walter
and a half south of Lancaster,
aged on
had a lacerated nose,
but told them
ceived the injury earlier
he re-
a fall
police said,
in Lancaster.
a hearing on
Geltmacher waived
Monday and Posted bail for court.
YT] ee ee
A 20-FT.
Thomas E. Zimmerman,
122 S. Barbara St, was
to St. Joseph's Hospital Monday by |
Friendship Fire Co.
treatment of injuries
fell 20 feet from
records show
a roof.
boy suffered fractures of the right
ankle and right fall. At=
had been helping
when he
arm in the
tendants said he
his father paint when he slipped
on some wet paint and tumbled off
the roof.
The boy's father said they were
working at the home of Martin
Strickler, W. Donegal St., when the
accident occurred.
Week's Birth Record
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keener,
Mount Joy R1, a son Saturday,
Lancaster Osteopathic Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin F. Gantz,
32 Railroad street, a son
Monday 'at the General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hoffmas-
ter, of town, a son at St. Joseph's
this boro,
Gilbert Geltmacher, twenty-three
the |
Brief News From
‘The Dailies For
Festivities Planned Quick Reading
Mr. Robert Reed, chairman of The State Liquor Control Board |
the local Halloween festivities, an- | I$ NOW operating 590 stores in Pa
nounced plans are being made for 10000 Elks are attending the
the Holloween celebration hete on state convention at Williamsport
Oct. 31. Mr. James Spangler will this week.
The Mutual Fire
» Lancaster Home
Insurance Company has decided to
customers then fled with $850 taken
from the safe. e
Robert G. Hostetter, Neffsville,
was elected president of the Grei-
der family at the
held Sunday at Landisville
Martin E. Greider,
D. was chosen vice-president:
and Lester G.

annual reunion
Lancaster R.
ion Landisville, secretary
Louise Greider,
was awarded a prize for being the
youngest present; Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Galbach, Salunga, most
recent married couple; Mr. and
Mrs. Eli Hostetter, Mt. Joy, parents
oldest person present;
with most children
Eli Hostetter,
and Martin Greider, Lancaster and
Edward Greider, Columbia, most
hald headed men.
em el in ian
Personal Mention
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kramer
spent a week at Rehoboth, Del. and
Ocean City, Md. |
Miss Joyce Ellis is on a two
is in nur-
weeks vacation from Flowers
Hospital, N. Y.
ses training.
Mr. and Mrs.
{ Ms. Kate
days touring,

where she
Barnhart several
they visited Rehoboth, |
River, Atlantic City, Stone |
Wildwood ete.
Mrs. Burton Shupp of
and Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Hershey; Mr. Cinvies]
| Indian
{ Mr. and
| Marietta St.
| Shupp, of
Ruhl of
weeks vacation at Sea Isle
town a
Mr. Frank Coover War-
and son,
Mortuary Record
Throughout This
Entire Locality
Mrs. Elida Whitaker Hiestand, 77,
The Local News
For The Past Week
Very Briefly Told
In two raids by police at Colum-
bia, thirty-seven paid fines and | widow of George Hiestand,
costs Marietta,
At Kissel Hill two mules strayed

on the highway, were struck by an | Frank M. Schroll
auto and killed. Frank M. Schroll, sixty-four, 228
Bertha Mae, wife of Irvin Dag- | N. Barbara St., this boro, died at
ostine, Manheim R1, had her hub- | 6:35 p. m. Sunday at his home af-
by arrested twice in two days | ter a six week's illness. Born in
Mr. and Mrs. William Randler, of | Juniata County, he was a son of
Manheim R. D. 8, celebrated their| the late John and Kathryn Dressler
fiftieth wedding anniversary Sun- | Schroll anda resident of Mt. Joy
day Aug. 26th. for 60 years. He retired 12 years
Robert J. Gladfelter, thirty-two, | ago as a textile spinner and was a
Neffsville, was injured when a | me 'mber of the Mount Joy Church
truck ran into the rear of his car | of God. In addition to his wife, the
while at Lancaster f fo yrmer Frances Donaghy, he is sure
Benj. F. Montgomery, 21, Gap R, | vived by four children: Robert F.,
D. and Thomas R. Schroll,
| Joseph
was burned to death when his car |

Other committee chairmen in- | © out of business after a 78 vear|and a tractor-trailer collided dur-|and Miss Helen M. Schroll all of
clude Maurice Bailey, chairman of | career. | ing a fog at Honeybrook. Mount Joy. Six grandchildren and
the finance committee with Alvin A Lancaster woman caught a, Miss Helen F. Rice, thirty-three, | two brothers also survive: Wilson
Bigler as co-chairman: Morrell | catfish at Safe Harbor Sunday that [a trained nurse of Ephrata, commit« | Schroll, Marion O.; and John L.
Shields. chairman for procuring the | weighed 7 Ibs. 2 ozs. and measured | ted suicide by injecting herself with | Schroll, this place.
bands for the parade: CharlesEsh- | 25 7-8 inches. a death dealing medication. | Funeral services were held from
leman, prizes committee: George Charles Toffmeier, eighty-seven,| The tenth charge of passing a bad | the Heilig funeral home here Wed=
Broske, supplies ond properties: | who opened the doors of the firsti| check was brought against George | nesday morning with interment in
Willism Brian, police and traffic: | Woolworth store at Lancaster 72 |Kizer, Jr., who is now “doing time” | the Mount Joy Cemetery.
Melvin Weaver, publicity: William | Years ago, died at Lancaster. in the County Jail on the same | (Turn to Page 5)
D. Batzel. movies and lighting: At Nine Points, this county, a dog (charge. A ——
Mahlon Foreman, town lighting; | chased a horse. The animal jumped At Marietta a 3-year-old boy | .
Maurice Bailey, Halloween king | over a fence and landed on the|wandered over a mile from his The Community
and queen; and Charles Hershey, [hood of an auto, damage $600 to the | home. After an alarm the State Po-
float chairman assisted by George | car. lice, firemen, neighbors went on a .
Houck, co-chairman. Three armed bandits knocked out|hunt when he was found hunting Exhibit Committee
The affair is being held for the | the clerk at the liquor store in, his d: widy { .
third year by the local Lions club | Downingtown, waited on several Tr Met Monday Nite
CORN AND DOGGIE ROAST A meeting of the Community Ex-
Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Bent- | hibit Committee was held on Mon~
zel entertained the choir of the |day evening to discuss plans for the
Evangel. United Brethren Church | 30th annual show to be held Oet.
to a corn and doggie roast Tuesday { 11: 12 and 13th.
evening at their home. Those pre- The Crowning of the Corn Queen
sent were: Rev. and Mrs. Ezra H. | Will take place on Thursday, the
Ranck, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford | annual corn husking contest on Fri-
Schmid and son Dennis. Mr. and | d3y and the Pushmobile race and
Mrs. Jav R. Sherk Jr. Mr. and |Parade are scheduled for Saturday
Mrs. Frank Aument and son | together with other entertainment
Frank, Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Ma- | during the three-day event.
teer, Miss Virginia Greenawalt, Mr Several changes will be made in
Herman Kreiner,Miss Shirley Eby, the catalogue as to the type of en-
Miss Anna Mae Eby, Miss Luella | {ries and offering of prize money.
Witmer, Mrs. Chester Eckinger, Also in addition to the advertise~
ments, a Patrons list will be added.
Wednesday, Sept. 5th, another
meeting of the group will be held
to discuss the location of the show.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraybil] Strickler,
After the meal Mr. Herman Kre-
iner the crowd with
showing scenes from
DuPont |
News In General
From Florin For
colored slides

Hershey rose
gardens, Florida,
ter County.
Wisconsin, and
some spots in Lancas-

Smiths’ General Store, formerly | e ast ee »
L. G. Forney Inc., at Florin, will| .
: Forney Ire + at Florin, will Mr. and Mrs. Landis Hess enter-
feature an introductory sale, start-| Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Kauff«
ing this week end, to clear their| man to dinner on Sunday.
dry goods and apparel shelves of Mrs. Paul Schmuch and Mrs.
Aloi asec 3 f -
present merchandise and make way Alois Laseck and son. John of Am
| ville spent several days with Mr.
for new stock. | and Mrs. B. F. Kauffman.
Prices have been cut and cut a- | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lawton and
gain as can be seen by the adver- | familv of East Liverpool, Ohio are
tisement elsewhere in this issue. | spe ‘nding some time with Mr. and
Me sod 1 Smith Mrs. Lloyd Vogel and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith, the| Mys Harold Buller and daughter,
new owners and operators, will be | Maude, visited the Zoo at Philadel-
glad to meet the former patrons of | Phia on Sunday.

Mrs. Hazel i
Shirley, of |
from Wednesday
Camp Gordon, Au-|
Pvt. Harold
who is stationed there.
Jay Barnhart, Clayton
Clyde Gerberich Jr.,
Lloyd Myers, Quinton Am-
Paul’ Weiser, Stanley Wel~
Harvey Hawthorne Jr., Clair
Foreman and Roy Packer were Fri-
ren, of this place
Gehman and
Manheim, spent
to Monday
gusta, with

Hospital last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fair,
ga, a son Monday at the
Salun- |
General |
Mr. and Mrs. Allen
sen, Allen Liynward
Hospital Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Casale, of
Landisville, a daughter at the Gen-
eral Hospital on Tuesday.
The State Highway Bridge
Brayman, a
at the York


Cannon and Geraldine Murray, | Pri ice was attempting to shift gears,

twenty-six, Piitsburgh. also were | 54 drifted backward down the hill,
given hearings on vice charges be- | striking the front of a car driven by |
fore Alderman Newell and posted | Edwin A. Swanson, sixty, 236 Mari-
bail for court. State Policeman Ni- | ¢ita St, Mount Joy, according to
cholas Zulick was the prosecutor. | state policeman Leroy Strickler. |
———— ee re
LANDISVILLE, WAS SOLD At Lancaster a workman was
An 8Tdacre farm with 21% story | asked to move his work bench
from one side of a sand pile to the
other. Instead of taking the orders,
185 employes of a plant went out
on strike. But after four days all
went back to work.
house, barn, two tobacco sheds and
other outbuildings north of Landis-
ville was sold at private sale for H.
Earl and Edna .B. Long to Clyde H.

end motor accidents in this area.


married Oct. 7, 1950.
and Leroy H. Hottenstein. J
| there were 4,000 troops paraded.
Authority awarded a contract for
! construction of a six-lane divided
approach to the east end of the M.
| Harvey Taylor bridge over the Sus-
quehanna river at Harrisburg to the
Rosser Construction Co., of this]
A crowd estimated at 40,000 wit
nessed U. S. paratroopers seizing
North Korean air strip at Indian-
town Gap on Sunday. In addition
day evening guests of Mr. David
Stauffer, on Unit No. 62, Green
Acres, Hershey.
EE ———
Autos driven by Albert S. Miller,
Columbia R1, and Mrs. Martha
Fahnestock, Manheim, collided near

Manheim. Miller was driving on the!
Mt. Joy-Mastersonville Road and |
Mrs, Fahnestock = on the Union
Square-Milton Grove Road, State |
Police said. |
tl eee
At a meeting of the Henry Eb-
Cemetery Association last
week, the cost will be increased for
perpetual care and annual cleaning
of lots as stated in a classified ad-
vertisement in this issue
At a recent meeting of the Mount
Joy Boro Authority,
sary supplies including pipes, parts,
etc, were purchased Delivery is
expected within a few weeks and
immediately upon tBeir trrival the
work of installation will start.
all the neces-

and. invite new frichds tol VIE: and Mrs. John Eichler and
. . | grandson, Tommy Eichler spent
| visit the store also. | Sundav at Lancaster with Mr. and
If you're bargain hunting you can| Mrs. Emorv Inners
find them at Smith's General Store Pauline Brooks is spending sev=-
at Florin. | eral Says at Pails, with her Sig
| ter, Miss Nancy Brooks who is in
| training at the Philadelphia Gen-
eral Hospital.
Mr. Frank Pierce Sr.. of Florida,
Deeds Recorded

| is visiting his grandchildren at the
Abram H. Snyder and Sarah B.| home of Mrs. Lillian Hamilton, this
Synder, Mount Joy Twp., to L Eu- | week.
— 4 | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kell and
gene Snyder and Geraldine R. Sny- | (Turn to page 3)
der, Mt. Joy Twp., a tract of 638.8] a
perches in Mount Joy Twp. '
Mervin S. Arnold and Elizabeth | co APPLETS D St FR, STUDIES
L. Arnold, East Donegal Twp io | Benjamin Brown, son of Mr. and
Rohert Houseal and Viola M. Hou- | Mes. George Brown II, Fast Main
al, Hast Donegal Twp. a lot nd | Streets returned home August 23rd
seal, Fas meg: p., a lot and |
concrete dwelling with improves} 20) completing studies of the
rents at Mayiown. $2000 | summer session at Phillips Andov=
A. Clayton and Annie E. Bowers, | “ign there. ford
East Hempfield Township, to Har-| OR a Bl lore Jor He
old E. and Jean H. Wittemore, East 1951-52 - oo Brow resid
Hempfield Township, lot, Landis-| Guests, at the Town . TeSicence
ville. $900 for several days are fellow students
Harold W. and Mary M. Buller, | ®t Phillips Andover, George and
Florin. to Witch K and Helen R | John Basile and Richard Heiler, all
Shank, Rapho Township, unim- | Boston. a
proved lot, Wood Street extended, |
DISTRICT GOVERNOR MADE Mr. and Mrs. Garth Snyder en-
HIS OFFICIAL VISIT HERE | tertained relatives at their home
Rotary’s District Governor Wil-| north of town; Mr. and Mrs. Ray
liam Beskner, paid an official visit| Snyder of Shelby, Ohio; Mr. and
to the local Rotary Club here at its| Mrs. B. M. Culver of Warren, Ohio;
luncheon at Hostetter's Tuesday. | Clyde Culver, of Portland, Ohio;
Plans were discussed for the mem-| and Mrs. Orie Smith, of Maytown

bers to take a cruise on the Poto- and Mr. and Mrs. Max Michael and
mac River, September 22. President | son, of Penbrook, Pa.
George Keener presided. — PO —————
Mr. Cletus Frey, Elizabeth+
town, who was a patient at the St.
Miss Annie Breneman, Salunga,
suffered a broken hip on Monday

Joseph's Hospital has returned to| when she slipped and fell in the
his home. kitchen. She was removed to the
Mr. Frey is well known here, Joseph hospital for x-rays,
serving the Mount Joy route for | where she will remain for several
Spickler’s Dairy. weeks.

