The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 16, 1951, Image 1

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, 2 | Mount Joy, Florin, Newtown Community Picnic at Hershey Park, Wednesday, Aug. 22nd
| The Mount Joy Bulletin mi m=
A Reamstown woman is Mrs. Annie Rintelman, seventys=
— County’s ninth typhoid patient. | nine, at Columbia.
VOL. LI. NO. 12 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, August 16, 1951 $2.00 a Year in Advance | The PPL is contemplating the | Frederick Broich, sixty-three, of
erection of a substation at Colum=- | Cordelia, Tuesday at his home,

bia | ——————
Lightning Killed Boy, Injured] ms ies wri Borough Schools ram mama: | Brief News From |x: oi of oe semis rie ke on
a A y {TC ETT y At a festival o e Strasburg Fire | Pike Infan
1S g Y, J) HEADS LEGION AUXILIARY oroug chools | ws BRTHDAY brie ews I'ro Company, the receipts were $1%-| The new-born daughter of the
Tuesday the annual Legion Aux- On Sunday, August 12th, a wi
Pi : k In S h | B iliax icnic was held at the I per was served in honor of we. Th D ili F S530 | Rev. and Mrs. Robert Pike, 12 8.
| ia icnic was held > Le- | i g: or tote wk : . J
en IChIC ers C 00 us : YD i : : i . 0 Open uesda George w. Myers, New Haven St, e al 1hes or _- Ne Bly 1 Hing po ions t in| Vu eet St hie Dor bir ig 2
\ ! CO M's run hools are s p. m. Friday a e Lanca Gen=

gion Home with twenty-six mem- wh lebrated his eightieth birth * .
o celebratec s eightie - :
Sh It D . El tri al St bers present. Se tember 4th day, at the home of his son, Mr. and Quick Reading unfilled : [ eral Hospital.
e er urmg eC 1C orm During the business session, plang P Mrs. Albert Myers, New Haven St. S : | A Lancaster aL, forty-nine, WHR :
+ were announced for a card party The Mount Joy Borough Schools | (oneratulations were extended | Stoverdale camp meeting will be | arrested for the fifteenth time on a| Mrs. Norman Zeager
Richard Shelley Stoner, fourteen, | authorities said their physical con- : . ete . : 1951-59 te bg es : held August 25 to Sept 2, inclusive. | morals charge | Mrs. Alice W. Zeager, sixty-two,
: : A to be held in September to raise | will open for the 1951-52 term on | by neighbors, friends and relatives, : : 8
of Rowenna, Marietta R1, was kil-| dition is good, but they are still suf-| f,,qs for the annual Christmas| Tuesday, September 4. The teach- together with lovely - gifts. ‘Mr. It will cost half a million dollars Mary Bigler, twenty-three, of | wife of Norman L. Zeager, Eliza-
led and ten other teen-agers were | fering from shock. parties for the Veterans Hospitals. | ers will meet in the morning and | Myers was greatly with the for a new sewage plant at Colum- Manheim, was injured in an auto | bethtown RI, died Monday at St.
injured when lightning struck a| Others with them were treated Suggestions were made for enter-| new pupils in all grades will reg- since It was a complete sur bia. collision in Berks County. | Joseph's Hospital. She was a dau-
small wooden shelter where they |at the scene by Dr. Russel P. Ston-| {4ining the twenty-five past presi- | ister in the afternoon. prise Three middletown children ages | Last week all policemen at Man- | khter of Henry K. Breneman, Eliz~
were waiting out an electric stormy | er, Marietta. All suffered minor; dents of the unit, at the Auxiliary’s All pupils will report on Wednes- : ; + 6, 9 and 10, strayed from their home | heim resigned. Now Marietta's | abethtown R1, and the late Sarah
at 2 p. m. burns and shock, he said, while! anniversary. Definite plans will be| day, September 5th. Futher de- Present at the supper were Mrs. | glept in a box car and were found | Chief of police has done likewise. | Wertz Breneman, and a member of
Stoner, son of Ralph L. Stoner, | three had additional injuries. : h d later ails will later iri Gils paper. Anna Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert | next day at Hummelstown. 8 Stumm Good's Mennonite church. In ad-
5 announced later. tails will appear laterVin this pay Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. Myers me Ee x .
Cc and the other members of the group | Jere Mackinson, thirteen, grand- Election of officers: president, The elementary teachers will co-| of dat deter Beaver] A “ Mrs Two 14-year-old Lancaster boys , MRS. CL AY TON KOSER dition to her father and husband,
had been holding a picnic along a |son of Mrs. Irene Mackinson, Mari-| Miss Maude Schneider; vice presi-| operate in an Art Workshop to be on ay § - AI rr ¥ have admitted to stealing and | HEADS ESHLEMAN CLAN she is survived by three sons:
nearby stream, south of Rowenna. |etta, suffered a head injury when| dent, Mrs. George Albert; secretary, | held in the East Donegal Building Ector NR Dovid Re wrecking a car on Route 441 be-| Mrs. Clayton Koser, Landisville, | Clarence B. Zeager, Lancaster R8;
They started for home when the | struck by a piece of falling limb| Mrs. Reid Graybill; treasurer, Mrs. | at Maytown. Ms ye aos Hye. 1 ote tween Marietta and Bainbridge. was elected president of the Eshle- | Ralph B. and Norman L. Zeager,
, 4 storm broke, according to State Po- | knocked from a tree by the bolt.| Charles Bennett: corresponding Five vacandies in the faculty ex= Mise velyn hin an r. and A $50,000 fire house was recently | man clan at a reunion of the de-| Jr, both of Elizabethtown R1. Ten
a lice, but because of the heavy rain | John Flowers, Jr. seventeen, son of] secretary, Mrs. Edward Brown:|isted at the close of the 1950-5L{ gh oti RY completed at Swedesburg, near! scendants of the late linac A. and | grandchildren and a brother and
all huddled in the shelter where | Mr. and Mrs. John A. K. Flowers,| Sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. Ruth Allen, | term. Four of these have now been | Norristown, Now it must be proved / Lydia Plena = the Cenpral sister also survive: Roy W- BAH
( pupils wait for the E. Donegal Twp. | had a severe laceration of the arm, Chaplain, Mrs. Fred Rineer. filled. Mrs. Barbara N. Meyer of 13 Ment Ba es | to make room for a new highway. Noo Sump Moound Pe es eman, Mount Joy Rl; and i
school Ions. by. 5 wood splinter, Roland Clase of 1951 Klizan Vicious thundershowers hit the el officers electec are: Irs. Walter Stahl, Elizabethtown R2.
The shed is a block from the | Lapp, thirteen, son of Mr. and Mrs. bethtown College, Grade 6: Mus. south plains of Texas, an er Erika te vies The funeral was held this after-
( Stoner home. Elam G. Lapp, Marietta R1, was Weddings Thruout | Margaret. D. Shaeffer of Elizabeth Awarded: 15 Boy | cotton growing section doing one WHE Pay E Selle 9, Lan no with interment at Good's
The two youths hospitalized are |unable to hear for a time after the | town. who lint heon:. teaching in y j ord Fallin Joi Sages. caer In on, se ls Sd cemetery, rg
Charles Winters, eighteen, son of | accident. 0 C it Rheems. Grades 5. 6: Mr. John S A C n spots hai piled three feet high gar R. Breneman, Lancaster, treas- ne
: : . a_i wer - and Mrs. Clyde K. Fsh-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Winters. {The rest in the party were: Flor= ur ommuni y | Lichtv of Mount Jov, who has been couts t Lamp IF YOU CONTEMPLATE ; i pi - 4) Cleo . =, Per on | M fi
. : 3 . D eman, Sterling, ., came the far-
EST. and Howard Miller, fifteen, son of ence Lapp, sixteen. sister of Roland; teaching at Bainbridge, Jr. High Fifteen Bov Scouts returned from REPAIRING PLEASE DO-IT NOW | thest distance S d en on
| Mr. and Mrs. Lester P. Miller, both [Shirley Snyder, thirteen, daughter uring ast ee Soci Studies and Jr. High Bask-| Camp Chiquitan on Sunday, bring- TI il fii i 1d I — | Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur I Beahm
. 1, : . > ere are quite 3 number 0 vx 9 .
of Marietta R1. Columbia Hospital (Turn to Page 2) Coach; Miss Marilyn with them 13 merit Badges and Water corrections ey the or in POSTED BAIL, FOR HEARING | and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eshleman
Miss Eleanor Grace Dyer, donee | Yous of Lancaster, Class of 1951] {yo new members of the Pathfind- : as ; : left f 10-day vacati wil
ter of Harry Dyer, Manheim R2 ‘ Main street, corrosion may have Charles Hinkle, N. Barbara St. | '€ or a H-day vacation to Wil=
C RAYMOND R. SUMPMAN IS as a | Millersville State Teachers College,| ers Of The Golden Trail, honorary men a : arvested Saturd: lriv- | liamsburg, Va. and then to the
3 k d SPEKING A DIVORCE became the bride of Abner Baker | 1 ibrary and Jr. High English. society: of Lancaster Conny Coun- your pressure far below par or |arrested Saturday on drunken driv-| Ve
al ar e on a boss Nauman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- | : : of “ancasliel nly = probably you will want a new [ing charges hy local police, posted | Smokies.
Charging desertion is Raymond R.| ol 0 — : > 3 Extensive renovations have been] i], connection. If this is the case. the | bail for court before Justice of the| Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Brandt and
4 manus Nauman, anhei i rade in each dine dass. . ase, i Jus ] 3
Florin Sidewalk Summa, tween Joy a the Wout Willow Ea a ha a ass Merit Badges were awarded to [Boro Authority would greatly ap- | Peace dames Hoe enberry. | daughter Sandra and Mr. and Mrs.
: A R2, who wants a divorce from Jean Dr me [rooms of the elementary building! 0 flowing boys: Donald Zerph- i if 2 ; a | Clayton Hollinger and daughter,
TS 3 : Evangelical U. B. Church. | have been painte : a be mg boys: x £TD preciate if the work was done im- go g an ?
St k b T k ® an Ry a, of 15 geen = Uren J have be a J qa deve ev - Swimming, First Aid, Life mediately. | Shirley all of neap Bellaire are on
S. Pine St., arietta. ey were j over and 1e Auditor a ry Saving and Home Repairs; Peter 1 . IR | a motor trip te-Lindside, West Vir-
rr . S. Betty Shue veRriche Ne é airs; 1e contemplated resurfacing of | (2 I £ ’
€ 3 ruc y Fl married August 28, 1944, and he Hiram Ye Strickler Joep refrished rac Nissley - Bird Study, Pioneering, | Main street by the Highway De- ere an 5 ive | mini where they will visit Rev.
Harry F. Brooks, 3rd, of orin, | charges desertion on or about May ht dE arv : “orestry: le i io : | and >
had a very costly and unpleasant : "1 The marriage of Miss 8. Betty | 1 yons CLUB PLAN ANOTHER and Forestry! Jed Wil- | periment is expegted to be done Prizes To Winners ea, So fly
I Bl A ey OY YX pleasant; 15. 1949. Shue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | : PLA liams = First Aid, Life Saving and | soon. It will be to your advantage « at the Brethren Parsonage.
early Forni | Margaret G. Hershey. listed as 4 . - Dt | HALLOWEEN CELERRATION Swimming: James Crawl, Ronald | to have these improvements made | et
’ cel ” Norman G. Shue, Lebanon R2, and : ~ |
essed He reported to the State Police “twentv-one and unwards” 274] . : : | At a meeting of the Lions and James Pennell, Fire- | prior to the State's work i la ound | LARGE ATTENDANCE AT
that he had his 1949 model sedan | | West Market Street, Marietta, filed Hive. H. SR % Mr. and plans were again discussed to spon-| | a is Qo | PICNIC OF E. DONEGAL YFA
: s. Hira . Strickler, Mt. Joy R2 , Toe ) i able
Cli parked five feet off the north side | suit for a divorce from George B ork on Steer ig sor the annual Hallowe'en parade: poi. Nissley and Donald Zerph- | NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Recent Prize Winners at the park / Sixty persons attended the Sys
of Route 230 and headed east in| Hershey, also listed as “twenty- p me ATE W iio be held October 31st. : Tad < TE . n were: Bingo—Darla Kulp, pair of | al picnic of the East Donegal Young
: Ys home of the couple near town. ; ey were awarded membership to | DISTRIBUTED OCTOBER 1st je [ Ta
front of his home when it was one and upwards”, Rowenna, on The committee is composed of : : . . . | paper umbrellas; Robert Hopple, | Farmers Association held here
4 3 | id + The Rev. Simon Bucher officiated "| the PGT, Honorary Camping So- A new directory of the Columbia | ~~ *
struck. The hit-run crash was re-| grounds of cruel and barbarous : Dit Robert Reed, chairman, Earl Wolfe, | . i : . “ . 4 Cowboy Coloring Book & Tablet; | T. M. Marlin of York, area voca=-
2 Ries eh assisted by the Rev. Nevin Miller. Kg “| cidty of the Lancaster County | Telephone Company will be distri- vis i wil ’
Li ported bv. Mr. Brooks at 3:45 am.! treatment and indignities. The J Eric Olson, George Houck, Curvin Council. This i an honor not-to be | buted October 1st, 1951 Nancy Williams, Mouthorgan; Ra- | tional training advisor, and Mrs.
i a State Policeman Clement Woz couple was married August S0th, attendants were. Miss Ruth | Martin Jr. Charles Hershey, John ¢Turn © Boe §) RE aa trad to ina chel Klugh, Fan; Gary Coker, Bub- | Marlin, were guests of the associa-
| niewics said the auto definitelv was| 1929. Shue, hes Hen Mis Virginia Weidman and Maurice Bailey. form the company of sv name. ot ble set: Sandy Darrenkamp, Bag of | tion. The next meeting is scheduled
. ade! y an; : ame or ; : ;
3 hit by a truck headed toward Jems em Miners (Turn paged The celebration will include a| rs WILL RIDE TO CHURCH address changes desired by Friday, candy; . Barbara Besar, Cake of for September 5th at Maytown i Ul
risburg. Red paint was brushed off TWFENTV COUNTY AUTO IN. SERVICE parade, entertainment and refresh- SFRVICE ON HAY WAGONS Avdust 2th, This is the absolute Soap; Carol Chinn, Rain ow Tile? [F580 School.
4 the truck and the cap of an elec-| ACCIDENTS: 14 INJURED ic in + SERVICE : ments at the high school with priz- Seventy-five members of the | deadline for changes. and Modeling clay; Ray Zimmer- NM
tric sander also was found at the| Slippery roads were blamed for a Patients removed to the hospital | 5 awarded for the best costumes. Youth Fellowship of the East Fair- mm man, Balloon; Patty Elliot, Musical | RATHER THAN PAY $1.00
scene. Damage to the right front| number of the twenty automobile|by ambulance the past week were: TTY view Church of the Brethren, near Top; Ethel Samala, Jacks; Nancy | WOMAN PAYS $57.05 -
49¢ and right side of the auto was es-|accidents thruout the county in Betty Rafferty, 218 Mt. Joy Street, | THE DENLINGER REUNION Menheim will travel to oh Ro er Thome, East Pennel, Paper Parasol; Dixie Bair,| Miss Myrtle Louise Miller thir-
Saturday . ’ { g Tablet; Winona Markley, Candy; |ty-one, Columbia R2, charged with
ims c $500 a hi ini | to the General Hospital The ar. yo ’
timated at between $500 and $600 | which fourteen were injured over I { The Denlinger family reunion hay flats, Sunday morning.
Ronald Williams, Candy Bar; Joyce | tearing up a Harrisburg police

( by police, who revorted the impact | the weekend. Mrs. Nettie Germer was the at-| as held Saturday at the Landis- The service will be part of the
| hurled it forward ten feet onto the| Most miraculous was a mishap on tending nurse and drivers were Ar-| yjlle Camp Meeting grounds, Lan- ig Service wi I x pay ° To Donegal Student Berrier, Bat & Ball; Joan Schneid- parking ticket, forfeited $57.05 to
sidewark. the superhighway three miles west thur Zerphey Sr. and Samuel Dock. | disville. The address was given by tenth Young Peop Os Camp to De | er, Horse and Indian; Thelma Snav- | pay her fine and costs when ‘she
—~— Nas Io tor Oh Sunday Richard Kline, Mount tre Rev. Hiestond, held on the Earnest Weaver farm, A d d 25B d ely, Horse and Cowboy; Marsha | failed to appear at Harrisburg City
the| Joy R2, was removed to the Gen- | ——o -— Manheim R4, this week. war € $ on Engle, Bat and Ball; Carol Williams | Hall for a hearing. The illegal park-
| |
Dinner will be served at the | Bubble pipe Peg Zimmerman, | ing ticket would have cost her $1.00.
change. A' driver lost control, ) ;
' ater A Power car rolled over four times and four oral Hospital by nurse] Z : Roger Thome, Junior F. F. A. boy 3 g
children escaped injury. The par- Miss Martha College. Sam Bals- | Activities of Our Weaver farm following church. at | Enst Donegal. Township High | Tablet: Jean Reese, Crayons and |
2 Meals will be prepared by Mrs. El-| Wo 0 ded a $25 Saving | Plastic Basket: Jean Bucher, Susie | USED CLOTHING DRIVE
W Co's E in S | ents were hurt and the $1800 car bangs and John L. Schroll were el | sie | LOT
am g was a total wreck. the drivers. | p ki Offi ma Blanck, Mrs. Esther Biggle, Mrs. | Bond at the Sears Swine Banquet Schroll, Patsy Williams, Paul Rice Women’s Society for Worlds Ser-
'S : — ell + een | 0 ice icers Elva Peters, and Mrs. Naomi Ruhl | held at the Brunswick Hotel in] and James Collins, Candy Bar; Re-| vice of the Evangelical United
J : $1.29 Per Share | HOME FROM AIR BASE NEIGHBORS HELP CLEAN up Chief of police Park Neiss re- The camp will open Friday Wish Lancaster Monday, August 13. | becca McKain, Comb; Janet Ma-| Brethren Church are conducting a
| VISITING HIS PARENTS DEBRIS OF BURNED BARN | ported these prosecutions the past
: Toa Es tv 60 asi : i and end Sunday evening. The Rev. | son of Mr. and Mrs. William | teer, Baby Book; Jay Kaylor, Bal-| Used Clothing drive. Members are
Farnings of the Pennsylvania; pg. Jay R. Rowe, son of Mr. and Approximately 60 neighbors gath- | week: Charles Hinkle. 105 North

| Roger,
Robert O. Hess of the Chiques | { Thome, Mt. Joy R2, was chosen as loon: Judy Frey, Marbles and Joan| urged to bring articles to the

| red a avne St: 21+ far ongregati i Cf - v : .
Water & Power Company for Hel Mrs. Jay M. Rowe, Landisville, is fe Be od Hayne Sse ap Barbara St., this boro, was arrested Sone will be camp direc | the local boy wha made the most Book; Phyllis Sinegar| Church during this month oF gone
s Is i six months of 1951 are estimat- y for 30 Scene of the YocunL IN Ne in | unday morning for drunken | outstanding achievement with his| bag of candy tact Mrs. Frank Germer and the
you .. & at $611, 167 or $1.96 oer hare ye ir a 15-day furlough be fore East Donegal, to clean up the T€= ling. At a hearing before Justice of Si | sow and litter project during the | C. Zeller, 207 points, Shenk Bros, articles will be called for.
It's 0 : Doing to Presque Isle Air| mains of the large frame and stone | the Pence Hockenberry he | OVER THOUSAND PATIENTS | past year. He received the gilt | Certificate, $8.50; V. Oberholtzer, A
. ; Je Lo & elle
ver 1 common stock after preferred}... Base, Presque Isle, Maine. barn that was destroyed by fire | plead guilty and posted bail for AT THE GENERAL IN JULY from’ Sears Foundation a year ago, 197 points, tennis racquet and balls]
ock dividends, stockholders wered Pfc. Rowe enlisted in ‘the Air two weeks ago. | court. : A total of 1,098 persons were ad- | along with two other F. F A. Yevsl Newcomers Hardware, plus movie | News In General
dvised today by John A. Walls, | Force in ‘November, 1950, and com-| [Iractors and manure Spreaders) Clayton Laban Swartzentruber,| mitted to Lancaster General Hos-|__gamuel Brubaker, Mt. Joy R1| Passi B. Clinger, 156, traveling bag,
C resident of the Company. This| pleted basic training at Sheovard| Were used to haul ashes to the] of Greenwood R. D. Delaware,] pital during the month of July, ac- | Norman Kreider, Columbia R2.| Murphy’s Store; R. Hoople, 151, R.| F Fl F
ympares with $528,981 or $1.10 a| Air Force Base, Witchita Falls, fields. Stauffer reported that Some | 4 iving a tractor and semi-trailer| cording to an announcement made | Also attending the banquet wer | Corll, 146, D. Halbleib, 145, Model rom ori or
. . J f . Also atte e ba > ere
are for the same period of 1950.| Tex. He recently graduated as a of the ashes were still hot. | collided with a parked car owned|by Dr. Roger DeBusk, Executive fav’ Ginder a R3 od) (Tum to pags 5)
5 | . . Ji x Ly “ Ve «
3eginning with the first quarter of | Radar Mechanic after attending Mrs. Stauffer served lunch to the | by Warren K. Shenk, Mount Joy | Director of the Hospital. Other cen- | Jay Mumma, Mt. Joy RZ. They i ow eh ‘The Past eel
| 149, the Company has reported to | technical training schools at Keeler workers. R2. Swartzentruber was arrested |sus figures for the month were: 491 ceived Hampshire gilts and IN THE COLUVBIA HOSPITAL
y ) a . Fa : v « S c v i + Ar
© e stockholders earnings reflecting | Air Force Base, Biloxi, Miss. and land at an immediate hearing before operations, 272 births, 933 patients compete in ext year's: contest Mrs. Ray Myers, S. Barbara st. | My and Mrs. Benjamin Hess and
e effect of the - ‘Federal Power | Lowry Air Force Base, in Denver, ROSSER CO. BID LOW { Justice of the Peace Robert Brown, | treated at Receiving Ward, and 406 | After tho he t s hovs were suffered a heart attack while out] family attended the funera) of the
4 _ommission’s rate orders,” Mr.| Colorado. FOR BRIDGE APPROACH Laid $25.00 fine and costs and $114] persons made 557 visits to the hos- be Bo nh aye. Ee driving with her husband Sunday | formers sister, Mrs. Lillian Frey at
r : mmr > sser Cons ti 0 of] : er ival olivia oO a. { ; J yond Sex { Early, Perry Co., on Sund:
Walls said. hing The Rosser Co of damage to the Shenk car. pital clinic. | baseball game at Stump Field be- i afternoon and was removed to the | Se on 7 oa i y
“In the opinion of the manage-| WITNESSED THE SLAUGHTER this place, Friday submitted an un- A 8,669 patient days were required | | tween Lancaster ad Wilmington! Columbia Hospital. Her condition | r. and Mrs. Clayton Breneman
| ; : i; vie i 224,272 con= | aye : QP 7 ‘ ee alg | " ri and MN and Mrs. Clarence 5
] ment any retroactive adjustments| Messrs. Charles Roth, Sylvester oifieial low hd of 7 for gd | SICO GAS STATION WAS for the treatment of the patients |p. Mr. Gene Love, local Supervisor! improved at this writing a a 7 x are
C in earnings which may result from |Hendr’x, Paul Diffenderfer and of a an divided | pNpERED; NOTHING TAKEN admitted. 158 persons received 1- | of ad Dr —— -— - 2 endec + camp meeting at Rox-
. Nes . 1 ye - "OAC > MM. arvey . hh . ( J. | S av.
a rehearing of the decision of the [Carl Brandt witnessed the slaugh- | highway approach to the M. Harvey | I'wp. police reported | 232 days ys of free hospital care. | Bingeman, Snpervising Principal of | | aay onda
Taylor bridge over the Susquehan | the Sico gas station on the Harris- - r | the East Done gal Township schools. "The Community’ S : Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogle and
| Court of Appeals for the District|ter of the World’s Champion New
{ family are spending some time with

of Columbia or from a review of | York Yankees by the Athletics, 16] Nd River at Harrisburg. a | burg Pike opposite the Fair Ground | SUrTs STARTED ee AE sera
C | (hat decision by the United States |to 8 at Shibe Park, Phila. on Mon- ii huge a now Sing was entered by thieves who broke| William Hecht vs. Willis N. —— RECORDED Pi At He h oT
(Turn to page 5) day evening. comp etion. The project involves a window pane in the front door.| nd Valentine L. StefTy, 111 BE. High | Katie S. and Jay A. Sherk, cnic rs ey ny at Toledo, Ohio
__ | widening of Foster Street, between Desk: dr % in tt fice - { Ir. and Mrs. Benjamin Nissley
eee eee Front and Third Sis es drawers In the office were | Gf Maytown: appeal by defendant Township, to Allen B. and Edna G | . S. SSiey
ee ransacked but nothing was taken,| from judgment of J. Edward Wet- | Shearer, Lancaster County, tract y © ugust 22 an : i family are spending their va-
Deitch h Handwa ary ick : Ob W eisa lice said e eceived in v | cation at Georgia.
W { ” ss | police sald. 70 ‘man, receiv c . | oh 7048 Ky : 5 > | f
TOOK SEDATIVE OVERDOSE | el Oe zel, 4 I i, reo I jn fa or ob! with two Story frame dw hn and rs. August 22nd, is the | Mrs. Lillian Hamilton and Mrs,
. the plaintiff, July 16, 1951, for $61.20 | other out-buildings, Rapho Town-! _ . {
REMOVED TO HOSPITAL {A SCALP LACERATION and costs of suit. ship, $4,000. | Community picnic for Mount Joy, | Ruth Pierce and daughters, Brenda
Cc F :
Um Hershe a Dri Dagga Mrs. Mary Frey, forty-two, wife William B. Hendrix, fifty-one, S. 0 he . . Florin and Newtown, to be held at| snd Connie and Richard Kraus, of
5% 4 of Clayton Frey, 120 Lumber St., of Market s g alsa. siz re Lucion M. and Ada S. Snyder, W.| pro shev Park. Tg AR on
; ; Tr : ae arket street, suffered a scalp lac-| SUPPER AT MILTON GROVE D ali Townshio. to. Joh E- and : | Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Am-
Pennsylvania Dutch Days, which [and crafts, their culture and other | this boro, was admitted to Lancas- eration which required three su-| he Milton Grove Sportsmen's Dongs 'ownship, to John E. anc Starting promptly at ten o'clock,
ast year drew more than 50,000] attributes that make up a good life.| ter General Hospital about 8:15 p. |, oc {lose in a mishap at work] Club will sponsor a chicken corn

mon and children Judy and Lanny
> A : of Gap are spending the week at
egal Township, premises, Ridge Rd.| {he Athletic Field. At 6:30 p. m. Ocean City Maviand
Joyce Oberholtzer, West Don- games for children will be held at

sersons to Hershey, will be observ-| Many visitors, from every state in| m. Saturday suffering from an ov-| and was treated at Lancas- soup supper ‘and movie on the; i :
d again this year, August 23, 24,|the Uhion, come to Pennsylvania to | erdose of sedative, hospital attend- |, =~. Hospital. School on Saray. Auz- in West Donegal Township. there will be a Midget-Midget| Mrs. Fred Roth. Miss Mary Stehe
.ovs the State Department of Com- | visit with these people, to tour thru| ants said. sree l Wis ist 25th ivervone is John E. and Grace E. Fultz, Mt baseball game. nis, Mrs. Viola Bricker, Mr. Jacl
erce. the Pennsylvania Dutch farmlands =. : ’ id Joy Township, to Kathryn B.| Busses will leave at 9:30 a m. | Olweiler spent Sunday at Philadel-
| These days will depict in dram-| —the most fertile and productive in| TAXES AVERAGE $360 EACH Week S Birth Record Myers, Mount Joy Township, bun-| 4 leave Hershey for the return | phia on a boat OME on the Wilson
tic fashion the many contributions| the state and to enjoy meals made| Tax payments to federal, sate gelow, on proposed street, Mount | {jp at 8:30 p. m. Stops will be Line.
he Pennsylvania Dutch have made | famous by the culinary arts of | and local governments came to an| Mr. and Mrs. James Daugler, 121 NOTICE : Joy Township. made at the Union National Bank, (Turn to Page 4)
| American life culturally spirit- | these Pennsylvanians. average of $360 last year for every | West Main street, a son at home Bicycle riders are hereby Paul H. and Grace I. Stern, Man=| First National Bank and Trust Co., —— eA Aenean
ally and artistically, Pennsylva-| The program at Hershey will op-| man, woman and child in the coun- | recently. warned that ‘riding. oh paves heim, to Joseph B. and Mary E.| Newcomer Motors and the Florin | MARRIAGE LICENSES
ia Dutch days grew out of an in-| en Thursday afterncon, Aug. 23, at! try, the census bureau has reported. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailey, 125 ments will not: be tolerated nd Llewellyn, Lancaster, premises on | Post Office on both trips. Guy Mummau, Jr, Elizabeth
Lrest in the Pennsylvania Dutch | two o'clock with Pennsylvania TN West Main Street, a daughter at violators will be progecifted; State Highway, Route 230, Mount| Tickets for the busses are avail-| town, and Joyce W. Garber of this
: asses in Hershey in which the di- | Dutch exhibits in the sports arena. CLEANED THE RESERVOIR home recently. Joy Township, $10,900. able through the Sunday School | place.
| ect was taught. These exhibits will include quilting] Boro employees gave the reser- | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mantle, Sa- CHIEF OF POLICE ES Ween Superintendents, Sloan’s Pharmacy,| Jay R. Rowe, Landisville, and
Most Americans have heard of | parties, apple butter cooking over voir its annual cleaning Saturday | lunga, a son last Thursday at St. PARK E. NEISS Don’t burn debris on a windy | Tyndall's or any member of the| Jean Arlene Gerlach, Elizabeth
|. Pennsylvania Dutch, their arts (Turn to page 4) morning. Joseph's Hospital. | day; its dangerous, Jaycees. town i