Over 6—The Bulletin, LOSMOBILES FAMOUS ROCKET 100,000 now on the road ! mee SEE YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER NEWCOMER Mount Joy, Pa., Thurs day, July 12, 1951 PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS Time-proved® Road-proved’ Owner-proved! That's Oldsmobile = "Rocket 700.000 “Rocket” owners can tell you what a difference true high- excep. and compression power makes. Amazing action Silken ‘Rocket Ride be satisfied again with ordinary driving! be satisfied until you own a “Rocket” tional economy’ smoothness— solid depend- vou'll never Youll never Oldsmobile! ability! Come m for a The “Rocket” is the peak in flash- economical The Rocket" Sets the Pace in High Compression ! ng, power! New com- chamber — new carburetor —new damp- - hydraulic lifters — all the the “Rocket” revolutionary, bustion proot ignition that valve features made ’ TAKING 2-WEEKS COURSE ( Jay H. Brubaker, of Mt. Joy Rl, | an employee of the Brubaker Ap- pliance Store, R. D. 1, here, is tak- | ing a two weeks’ course in linoleum | | installation at the Armstrong Cork | Company's Laying School for Lin- | oleum Mechanics. CONDITION OF THR REPORT OF BANK AND FIRST NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY OF MT, JOY | IN THRE STATE OF PENNSYL~ | VANIA, AT THRE CLOSE OF BUSI | NPSS ON JUNE 30, 1951 ‘Published in response to call by Comptroller of the Currency, made un- | der Section 5211, U, 8S. Revised Sta- | tutes), ASSTTS “ash, balances with other banks, Including reserve balance and cash items in | process of collection 0 AT7,715.74 iS. 8 lovernment obliga. | tions, direct and guar=- i anteed 1,197,082.81 | Obligations of States and | political subdivisions 0 Other honds, notes, and de- hentures ‘ 9,808.67 | DOT ite stocks (inelading | 250,00 stock of Fed- | Reserve bank) 11,250.00 | and diseonntg (includine | 183.47 overdrafts) 1.882,997.68 | k premises owned $43,389- | | 22. furniture and fixtures $11,668.49 : 55,057.81 | Real estate owned other | than hank premises ....... 1.00 Other Assets 31. 50 Assets $3. S88 904.44 [ Total NamanAd denngite af Individ- | wale rartnerships, and corporations 1,500,568.76 Time deposits of individ- and 1,685,718.15 ronment 72,436.82 nartnerships cormoration . | Denpgites of it < (inelndine nostal savings) nf Qtates and polit- eal suhdivisions 178,54 ww Aenngite (certified ior'e cherks, ote) Depocite $3,445,549.64. Liabilities HR 36,183 59 | | nals, | . Gove | | Pennsits and 3, 481 ACCOUNTS Liabilities CAPITAL | Manital Stock Common stock, 2125.000.00 1 i na divided | tal | Other Total | | total par 195.000 00 250,000 (0 32,171.21 407,171.21 Cap- 3,888." profits Total Capital Accounts Tatal Liabilities and ital MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to se'cure liabilities and for other purposes ...... State of Pennsylvania, f.ancastar ge: | I, E. M. Bomherger, cashier of the above-named bank. do solemnly affirm ' that the ahove statement is true tn the best of my knowledge and belief | E. M. BOMBERGER, Cashier 04,44 451,500.02 County of Affirmed to and snbserihed before me this 10th dav of July, 1951. Gertrude P. Helms, Attest: PARIS H. AMOS H E. W. NEW( ih R | Notary Public. | | | Directors { | | | Correct HO TTER NISS Patronize Bulletin Advertisers MOTORS, Ine. MOUNT JOY, PA. I TT ar SINTON AIAN ATEN OTE a Ihe EN a ah a Ah AN a ha (ha dh a Ne AN EN a et OLN ov. vv. eS ve eS ee ee ss I IRAE AA A ee en on Cee eRe’ eres pe ue! THE BULLETIN Is on sale each week at Kulp's Agency Tyndall's Store, West Main street. | News and | ne! 2 1.19 Bemberg Sheers . 59: Flaxon and Dimity 65: Dotted Swiss . . . FF COOL SUMMER FABRICS 95: Printed Rayon French Crepe 71 1.29 Non-crushable Voiles . . AV ene aie D> 1 oe. aca’ = 3 2 3 PY 2 2 2 3 3 2 uf = td TT TT TAO TO AR SAR 4h eV Te ha a 97. 89 44 49. | ata OX aa’ elie an aa’ = espe en asa oe DODO "wen . . . 2 4 : § 2 2 eee, #70 ote’ ed ar. ane ne Su, i = Bus Ro DAN RIVER SHEETS Moseman's Peanut Butter 3lc Chase & Sanborn Coffee 85c¢ Calif. Peaches Apricot Halves Size 81x99" $2.95 Sunkist Lemons big can 29c¢ Meat Loaves big can 29c¢ Shoe String Red Beets . . 13c lent re Baan ese Pineapple Juice American Cheese 2-lb. loaf 840 TN aT 8 IN eT S00 ee aah eT ne be od be Vee ete os As en Tan ToT SPAS OT rn RTO RON po XD .. dvs TiN ata’ ae Tt OX ao EI XX TTC OCCT DON | x ate SV eT aN, oe. big can doz. sliced XL — 4; piel ORS LAR. on | od for the { ly. Those In Service Abram -S. Koser, seaman, USN, «on of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin L. Koser of Route 2. Mt. Joy, has completed a six-months course at the Fleet Sonar School, Key West, Fla. The course consists primarily of in- struction in basic electronics with emvhasis on sonar maintenance and operations and instruction in anti-submarine welfare. Diplomas were presented by the Commanding Officer Capt. W. R. Caruthers, USN. Koser entered the Naval service in August 1950 and received his recruit training at the Naval Train- ing Center in Great Lakes. Ill. Be- fore entering the Navy, he was a oraduate from Mount Joy High School. — * An attendance of 45,000 is claim- recent Penna. Dutch Tolk Festival at Kutztown recent- REPORT OF CONDITION OF THR UNION NATIONAT, MOUNT J0V RANK OF JOY. PENNA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON TITN 20, 1951 (Published in response to call made hv Comptroller of the Currency, n- der Section 5211, U. 8S. Revised Statutes) ASSETS Cash, halances with ather hanks, including reserve halance and each items in process of collection .......... $ 784,831.06 tl. 8 Government ohliga- tiong direct and guaran- teed 2,041,938.80 Ohlieations of State and nolitical subdivisions Nther honds, notes, debentures ........... Cornorate stocks, (including 216.500 stock of Federal Reserve bank) Loans and Discounts (includ- ing $377.55 overdrafts) 2,357,723.39 Rank nremises owned 210.717.50, furniture and fixtures $18%.451.58 ... Real estate owned other 63,735.30 and 158,551.00 38,169.08 than bank premises ... 170.93 Other assets ..... ‘ 123.00 Total Assets $5, 5, 461,7 722.56 LIABILITIES Nemand deposits of {ndl- viduals, partnerships, & corporations .......... 2,353,843.27 Time deposits of Indivia- nals, nartnerships, and corporations .......... 2,330,147.99 Deposits of 1. S. Govern- ment (including postal SAVINGS) $6,323.26 Nenosites of States and political subdivisions .. 54,774.85 Other denosite (certified and cashier's che 19,581.52 Trinity Lutheran Church, here. The Weddings (From Page 1) Ruth L. Herr William C. Garber, Jr, The marriage of Miss Ruth L. Herr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Herr, Elizabethtown, and William C. Garber, Jr, son of Mr. and Mrs, William C. Garber, Joy Theatre Apartments here, took place in the First Church of God, at Elizabethtown. The Rev. J. O. Weigle officiated. The bride was given in marriage by her father and attended by Mrs. Roy Herr, Elizabethtown, as ma- tron of honor, Bridesmaids were Miss Eleanor Longenecker and Miss Peggy Barnhart, both of Eliz- abethtown. Jack Tyndall, of town, served as best man. Richard Martin and Donald Starr, both of this place, were ushers. After a reception in the ehureh | social room, the couple left on a wedding trip through the New England states. They will reside at the home of the bride. Stella Raffensperger Harold E. Rhen Miss Stella Raffensperger, daugh- | ter of Mrs. Mary Raffensperger, of | Bainbridge R1. became the bride of Harold E. Rhen, son of Mrs. Harry Kreiser, Mt. Joy R2, in the Rev. W. L. Koder officiated at the | ceremony. Given in marriage by her broth- | er, Clarence Raffensperger, she | was attended by Mrs. LeRoy Alle- | man, her sister, Elizabethtown, as! matron of honor, and Miss Eliza- | beth Kreiser, sister of the bride- | groom, Mt. Joy, and Miss Jean | Forry, Elizabethtown, bridesmaids. | The organist was Miss Beulah Smith. After a reception at Baker's Di- | ner, Elizabethtown, for Niagara Falls. They will reside in Elizabethtown. The bride is employed by Sipkin | Corp, Elizabethtown, and the] bridegroom is employed by Air- | craft Marine Corp., Florin. | Betty Jane Ament | { Total Denosits Other liabilities Total Liabilities Ray Bell TTL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Canital Stock: Common stock, total par $125,000 Surplus Undivided Reserves Total Capital $125,000.00 profits .. . Accounts and Liabilities Accounts MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes ... State” of Pennsylvania, Lancaster, ss: I, Carl S. Krall, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, CARL S. KRALL, Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of July, 1951. Annie C. Blensinger, Notary Public, My commission expires Jan. 26, 1953 Correct-Attest: HARVEY RETTEW W. A. COVENTRY HENRY H. KOSER Directors. Total Capital $5,461,722.56 238,000.00 County of CONDITION OF THE BANK OF THE STATE AT THE JUNE REPORT OF FIRST NATIONAL LANDISVILLE IN OF PENNSYLVANIA CLOSE OF DBUSINESS ON 30, 1951. (Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, un- der Section 5211, U, S. Revised Sta- tutes). ASSETS balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection, $ 459,978.7H S. Government obliga- cash, tions, direct and guar- La. irri 927,778.89 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 10,400.00 Other bonds, notes and debentures .. Corporate stoe Ks (including $5,250.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank) Loans and discounts (Includ- ing 1.37 overdrafts) Bank premises owned $1.00 furniture and fixtures New Bank 36, Furn, & 2; Accrued In- 50,977.75 170,704.80 6,260.00 976,024.86 $2,602,491.45 Total ‘Assets .......:.. LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individ- uals, partnerships, and corporations .......... 1,186,459.53 ime deposits of individ- uals, partnerships and raisins says 926,444.70 corporations Deposits of United States Government (including pos- tal savings) Deposits of States and pol- tical subdivisions Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks, ete) .. Total 51,150.98 164,030.79 19,387.53 Deposits $2,347,473.53 Liabilities ...... $2,347,473.53 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Stock: Total Common stock, total par $75,000.00 ..... «75,000.00 Surplus .......... “es 100,000.00 Undivided profits 62,634.36 Reserves (and retirement account for preferred SLOCK) 17 Total Capital Account 25 7,383.56 5,017.92 and Total Liabilities Capital Accounts MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure labilitles and $2,602,401. 45 for other purposes .... 260,000,00 State of County of Lancaster, 8S; Ih 'N. la Bowers, cashier of the above-named bank, do, solemnly affirm that the above statement 1s true to the best of my knowledge and beltef, N. L. BOWERS, Cashier Affirmed to and subscribed before me this 10th day of July, 1951. George A. Shenck, Justice of the i : Peace. My commission expires Jan. Ferris Stehman and Mrs. Roy 7, 1952. Spahr. Correct—Attest: WM. H. HOFFMAN . JESSE SNAVELY, G. F. TROUT JR, Directors The Rev. Nevin H. Zuck officiated. ! the couple will Joy R2. The bride is employed by | the Pennsylvania Power and Light | Co, is employed by berger in Rohrerstown. Columbia R1, announce the mar- riage of their Harold Buller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Buller, Square St., which took place June 23 in the Florin Evangelical United Brethren | Church. The Rev. John H. Gable | oificiated at the double ring cere- | mony. | Albert Brosey. A held at the home of the bride. Aft- er a wedding trip to Erie they are Md. his grandfather, Dr. J. S. Kendig. and family spent several] days with the former's parents at Shawsville, Pa. ited Mrs. Clara Campkell and dau- ghters, Miss Hannah and Mrs. Liz- zie Holden at Harrisburg Thursday. day. die Yost and daughters, Miss Ros- ie Albin, all' of Columbia, Thursday with Russell H. Cooper. and daughters, Judy, spent three days with rela- tives at Philadelphia. her cousin Elaine Danner, at Wash- Melvin Newcomerr, Myers, Mrs. Clarence Mowery, Mrs. The marriage of Miss Betty Jane | Ament, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Roy C. Ament, Mount Joy R2, and | Ray Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs.! Samuel J. Bell, Hummelstown R2,| took place Saturday in the FEliza- bethtown Church of the Brethren. The attendants were Miss Helen | Detwiler, Mount Joy, and John Bell Hummelstown R2. After a wedding trip to Canada | reside at Mount | Lancaster, and the bridegroom Lynes and Fry- June Nace Harold Buller Mr. and Mrs. Curvin Nace, Sr., daughter, June, to Florin The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. reception was residing on W. Main St., Florin. SALUNGA College Park, is spending the Summer with Neal Nelson, of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Walters Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peifer vis- Mrs. Minnie Wehner, Mrs, Fred- spent Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wenditz Caroll Ann and Miss Jerre Hiestand is visiting ington, D. C. A “Dime a Dip” supper was held by the Women’s Society of Christ- ian Service of the Salunga Metho- dist Church last evening on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. New- comer, Salunga. The committee includes Mrs. Willis Kendig, chairman, Mrs. J. Mrs. Paul Stimulate your bvriness adver- tising in the Bulletin. the couple left \} You Get More REAL VALUE with Acme Meats « « and you buy with complete confidence because you know that every item, every day, Is backed by our unconditional Guaran- tee of Satisfaction. Un- less your are satisfied, we are not, and your money will be cheer fully refunded. Freshly Killed, Fully Dressed CHICKENS Frying or Stewing BO Top Quality Beef RIB ROA Small, Lean Smoked Picnics Grade A Lean SLICED BACON 79° 49° - 49° ST Goetze's Midget Bologna wm 58¢ Swift's Pickle Baked Meat Loaf 1» 15° Dressed Whitings Fillets of Pollock 'b 29¢ C Perch or Haddock '® 39¢ Specia Ne. Ne can > {9¢ | Freshly Picked Claw c rah Meat - = 09° I! Ideal Fancy Cal. Fruit Cocktail 35° 8 Fancy Cal. Fruits ready to serve. 6 FRUIT FLAVORS - - IDEAL Gelatine Desserts 317° NEW LOW PRICE! Ideal Cond. Louella Butter Enriched Bala Club Refreshing Beverages 7 Delicious Flavors Big qt bots 2.23 CLUB SODA 2.21 *plus bot dep. CE! | IDEAL FANCY FLA. 9 Orange Juice 2 18-0z 25° 46-0z 29° cans can Sell, Sweet Cream c BUTTER 10 Richland Creamery Butter 1b 76¢ Va. Lee Bakery Treats Devilsfood Decorette BAR CAKES Golden Pound Cakes ©? 43¢c Plain Angel Cakes a 380 Try Supreme--A New and Better 1009, Whole Wheat Bread you'll like 'oaf 17¢ Whole Wheat Muffins P<96 The Supreme Value--Enriched Supreme Bread i € Why pay PRINCESS MARGARINE large loaf FRESH FRUIT AND Calif. Summer Valencia 289size Large Cal. Plums Fresh Calif. Green 2-29 Fresh Golden Corn 6 ars 29¢ VEGETABLE SAVINGS 288 size Large Ripe Freestone Peaches CANTALOUPES T oO MA TO E S Fancy Slicing PEAS LIMAS - Large Nearby Cucumbers IDEAL PURE CONCEN. FLA, ORANGE JUICE SEABROOK FARMS SPINACH Leaf or Chopped 2-49 3 Ibs 29¢ 3 1 Sc Jumbo 36 size Cc Ariz. Pink Meateéa «n]5° Fresh Nearby 2-25 Large Peppers 2 for 9¢ each Se 2 6-0z cans 39¢ 14-0z pkg 23c Eskimo Light Meat TUNA FLAKES x33 de MILK Carnation Milk 14¢ Light Meat Grated Homogenized Enriched baby 20¢ 2 tall cans can Prices Effective July 12-13-14, Calif. Tuna EVAP. 3 cans 27¢ YOUR DOLLAR BUYS 1951. Q Summer Supper Suggestion Creamed Juna Y2 cup Louella or Carnation Milk, diluted with 5, cup water 1 tablespoon Louella Butter 1 tbsp flour 4 tsp salt 1 cup (7-0z can) tuna Melt butter in saucepan over medi- um heat. Stir in flour and salt; cook 1 minute; remove from heat and add 14 cup milk; blend carefully until smooth. Add remaining milk and return to heat, stirring con- stantly until sauce thickens. Add tuna and serve immediately over toast slices or browned noodles. Gar- nish with pimiento or sliced olives, if desired. Makes 4 to 6 servings. antity Rights Reserved. MORE AT THE ACME Ne ( < vices ( expansi at Mids 000, the for-all. Lancs: a bid f the ney newspa the loc: the La shifted at Mar But | York C for its Reading have tk that cit {There inions & advanta our con are out because “hig mq labor ir depots On th large ai former, due to 1 is quite industry at depo done. Its qu er or ne commur good as Cal. To | Pasi Mr. W tor of C will arri pastoral family + only lon furniture ed for N Island w short va “A forr States A is, thoug very al is a grac sity of ( He wil Sundays For th Rev. Pat caster Sc serving 1 while M his studi Rev. Wil service tl the insta The or will take with the tor of M abethtow: LEIB GF POST AT Russel Mabel M. Lancaster has been N-¥V. d and Clost strong Cc pleted an course. Leib is Joy High Pennsylva 1950. W was a me sity footb Delta Ups $10,000 D AIR SER The sta Donegal Marietta 000. The cor cultural equipment ators are Ruth W. R1, and Elizabetht