The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 21, 1951, Image 1

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Advertising that “Pulls” Must Be Placed in a Paper with Reader Interest — Around Here Everybody Reads the Bulletin — Sed
7 Mos. Old Child
Strangled to Death
In Its Play-Pen
A seven-month-old . Stackstown
boy strangled to death in his play-
pen Saturday while his mother was
doing part of
the house.
Kenneth Eugene Spangler, son
of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob S. Spangler,
Bainbridge R1, was pronounced
dead by Dr. Samuel Barr at his
Elizabethtown office after efforts to
revive him failed.
washing in another

Dr. Barr tried artificial respira-
tion, and the respirator of the
Friendship Fire Co. was used in
trying to save the boy.
Dr. J. Hoffman Garber, deputy
coroner, issued a verdict of acci-|
dental death due to hanging. |
The youngster was discovered in
his play-pen by his mother. His
head had been caught by a rope
strung on the pen to suspend toys.
He was rushed to Dr. Barr's office
by his father.
The boy was born October 21st, |
1950. His parents are Jacob S. and
Mary P. Gerloch Spangler. Other
survivers are three sisters, Anna,
Futh, Nancy Jean, and Esther Mae,
all at home; his paternal grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Spangler
of Rohrerstown, and his maternal
grandmother, Mrs. Emma Gerloch,
Washington Boro.
Quite a Decline
In Laborers On
Penna’s. Farms
People working on Pennsylvania
farms in May totaled approximate- [™
lv 16,000 fewer than a year ago,
according to Federal-State esti-
mates announced bv the State De-
partment of Agriculture.
As for the nation as a whole, a
| filed.
E. Donegal Man's
Series of Hoaxes;
Sought Sympathy
The following article is reprinted
from the Friday’s issue of the Lan-
caster New Era. It concerns a
well known resident of East Don-
State Police today labeled a
county man as “strictly a phony”
as they announced he had admitted
committing a series of hoaxes.
Leroy R. Nissly, twenty-three,
Mount Joy Rl, father of two chil-
dren, was released on his own rec-
cognizance pending a conference be-
tween Cpl. J. J. Hagerty and Dis-
trict Attorney John Milton Ranck
on whether any charges are to be
Police said Nissly had admitted
that most of the acts for which he
is being held were committed to
gain “sympathy,” but they
pointed out that he had made some
same time.
money at the
The string of events started Nov.
27. 1947, when Nissly reported that
while driving between Mount Joy
and Donegal Springs, his car had
been forced off the road by an oth-
er vehicle and demolished. He
collected $600 insurance on his car.
Tried To Gain ‘Sympathy’
Now he admits that was ‘phony,
and that he deliberate-
police said,
ly wrecked the auto to gain
Next was his report on Nov. 5th,
1949, when he was shot by a hunt-
er. He exhibited his pocketbook,
and said the bulk of the charge had
hit the wallet, which probably sav-
ed him from more serious injury.
State game protector John M. Hav-
erstick investigated that at the
time, and was unable to secure any
conclusive the
‘hunter’s” idenity.
Now, police say, Nissly admits
he took his pocketbook from his
pocket and shot into it with a shot-
gun blast — and after that jabbed
himself on the body with a nail to
information on

VOL. LI. NO. 4
Has Resided Here
Longer Than Any
Living Resident
This “young” lady, we are proud
to say, has lived in Mount Joy
longer than any living woman to-

day. Along with Mrs. Annie Shear-
er, (who was so unfortunate as to
fracture her left wrist since then)
these two ladies were honored by
our town folks during our recent
Centennial Celebration.
Miss Shelly, who has resided here
practically all her life, now lives
in the Hess Nursing Home, close
to the Marietta pike at Oyster
Mrs. Shearer resides on East
Main street.
The Mount Joy Bulletin
Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, June 21,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hostetter
Lindemuth, south of town, Mount
Joy R1, celebrated their fiftieth
wedding anniversary on Saturday
with a reception for 100 guests at
their home,
They married at the home
of the who was Anna Engle
before marriage, by the Rev. Jacob
Martin of Elizabethtown.
Their attendants were the late
Monroe Lindemuth, brother of the
groom, as best man, and Mrs. Clay-
ton Brubaker of Lititz as Maid of
Honor. The late H. Clinton Engle
of Mt. Joy, and Clarence H. Engle
of Topeka, Kansas, brothers of the
bride were the Mabel and
Alice Heisey, nieces of the groom
flower girls.
They have six children and
five grandchildren, all of whom
attended the reception. The child-
ren are: Mrs. C. S. Kraybill, Man-
heim; Mrs. A. C. Mayer, of town:
Mrs. G. J. Newmeister, Philadel-
phia; Mrs. J. R. McCarty, Lancas-
ter: Ruth Lindemuth, Philadelphia,
and Jacob H. Lindemuth Jr., Spo-
kane, Wash.

etl Ae. see
Weddings Thruout
Our Community
During Past Week
Mrs. Cleo M. Eberle, 102 E. Don-
egal St, and D. Victor Shank, of
Rheems, were married Sunday at
8 a. m. in St. Mark's Evangelical
United Brethren Church, here. The
Rev. Ezra H. Ranck officiated at
the double ring ceremony.
Strickler Reunion
At Kreutz Creek
At Hallam Today
The Strickler Clan is holding its
2th annual reunion today at
Kreutz Creek, one-half mile west
of Hallam.
John E. Hively of Reading, presi-
dent, will speak to the group; the
lev. Paul Huddle, Gettysburg, will
lead devotions; Eli Wineka will di-
rect a hymn sing with Mrs. Milton
Reigert as pianist and Mrs. J.
Thomas Carman will conduct a
memorial service. Also scheduled
is a fAute solo by Wilson Henry,
group songs and recitations by Em-
ma Jane Charles and Reuben
Strickler, a talk on the Pennsyl-
vania Dutch as clockmakers by Earl
I. Strickler and a report for the
year by Miss Alice Strickler.
In charge of the recreation pro-
are Miss Beatrice Hively
Norman Strickler and Miss
Fdna G. Strickler. Officers are: Mr.
Hivelv. president; Elmer G. Strick-
ler, Elizabethtown, secretary; Alice
Strickler, Mount Joy and Fdna G.
Strickler, treasurer.- Members of
the nomination committee are Roy
Debinney, Carlisle; Irving Reist, of
Hershey, and Amos R. Strickler, of
A A eres:
Barbara Sue, aged 19 months, on-
ly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Noll, who reside on a hill, north
side of the new highway, east of
Landisville, owes her life to Chi-

sented by five delegates at the an-
nual Leadership Training School
for local and county 4-H Club of-
ficers to be held at the Pema:
vania State College, June 25-
Jacob ‘Houser, Jr, of rn
and John Melhorn, Mount Joy Ri,
Mount Joy RI1, will
Rural Youth of Lancaster County.
Home Economics 4-H Club dele-
gates from here will be Eleanor |
riffith, Ephrata R2 and Annabelle |
Greenleaf, Oxford R1.
Separate sessions are planned to
train officers in their respective du-
ties and positions and special train-
ing is provided by State 4-H Club
leaders, members of the college
faculty, and a group of Extension
Service workers.
Mass meetings and a huge can-
dlelight service are among items
on the program arranged by Allen
L. Baker, State 4-H Club Leader
and his staff.
Annual Dinner
For County High
Honor Students
Paul L. H. Heine, of Lancaster,
gave his annual dinner to honor
students of city and county’ high
schools at Hotel Brunswick Tues-
represent the

day evening. There were 121 guests
The following honor students
from this vicinity attended:
Mount Joy Boro Hi
county will be repre |
will be the 4-H agricultural rep-!
Curvin Martin, Jr, of
$2.00 a Year in Advance
' Annual Reunion
Donegal Society
Being Held Today
The 38th annual reunion of the
| Donegal Society will be held on
| Thursday (today) at the Donegal
Presbyterian Church at Donegal
Springs with the morning session
beginning at 11:30, and the after-
ra session at 2:30.
Presiding at the morning session
"will be the Hon. Karl E. Richards,
president judge of Orphans’ Court
of Dauphin County, Harrisburg.
| An address will be given by Dr.
A. Mackay, president of
| Princeton Theological Seminary,
| Princeton, N. J. Special music will
be provided by Robert H. Forney,
H. W. Prentis, Jr, of Lancaster, |
president of the Donegal Society,
will preside at the afternoon ses-
sion. Dr. Ralph Cooper Hutchison,
president of Lafayette College,
Easton, will deliver an address en-
titled “The Conquest of Man.” A
business meeting will also be held.
sii liam
The condition of two Columbia
girls who were injured last week
when struck by a skidding auto-
mobile near Silver Spring, was re-
ported improved at the Columbia
Hospital where they are patients.
Peggy Binkley, eighteen, Lancas-
ter R8, suffered ‘a fracture of the
Elsie Spackman, twelve, Colum-
bia R1, who sustained fractures of
the left knee and right leg.

Local Lions Club
Installed Twelve
Officers Tuesday
The Lions Club entertained the
Centennial Queen, her court and
train bearers at their meeting on
Tuesday night.
The guests included Miss Wilma
queen, Virginia Bender,
Mary Weidman, Jane Anderson,
Phyllis Landis, Sally Ann Nissly,
Mary Ann Spangler, Avis Shetter,
Claudia Rehrer and Deborah Zer-
Maurice Bailey presented five
year perfect attendance pins to
James Spangler and William Brian.
During the social period Mr."
George Houck gave several vocal
solos assisted at the piano by Miss
Patsy Brooks.
Officers were installed by Deputy
District Governor, Earl Kuhns, of
Elizabethtown. They include: presi-
dent H. Morrell Shields, 1st vies
president, :
vice president, J. Earl Wolf 3rd vice
president, Arthur Sprecher: secre=
Richard Divet, second
tary, Arthur Zerphey; treasurer,
Robert Schroll; Lion tamer, Robert
Bentzell; Tail twister, S. J. Shuman
four directors ihclude Clyde Mum-
per, Woodrow Fitzkee, Robert Reed
and Clarence Hollinger.
Bailey, is also a director.
Mortuary Record
Throughout This
The im-~
vice president,

c reason for the decline was a long-| simulate pellet wounds. That too, ' 1G : Chi Bo ;
time downward trend that started | he said, was done for “sympathy”. Messrs. Clarence Schock and Geo.| The bride wore a ballerina-length | Chi, pet : Xer. : i Bonita K. Bigler, Miriam J. Fitz- The girls were struck by an au-
in 1949. In the period from 1946 Denies Causing Fire Sitter wefe the men honored onjdvss of aqua taffeta and nylop luce The Shi nel Ans lake Te kee, Anita L. Myers, John A. Bow tomobile driven by John A. Camp- ntire y
| a above occasion. Ath an sau hat: the housse, Chi-Chi’s ark was ? : y i ixty-ei ari
1 threugh 1948 the number of people| On Feb. 16, 1950, Nissly and his the tbove Orgs _—- net with an aqua hat and a corsage heard bv He Noll. # le. | man, Jerry Shupp, accompanied bell, sixty eight, Marietta Mrs. Dorothea Bowers, ninety, at
working on farms increased as| wife and young son were babysit- of pink rvosebuds. After the cere- 78rd by Nol, an uncle, by Wilbur I. Beahm, Sup. Prin., and Columbia ;
workers in war plants and in the | ti t the h f his father-in- ’ . mony, the couple left for a trip who ran to the scene and carried | - : : TWO LADIES IN HOSPITAL °
)y plants a ing at the home of his father-i th igh § th t Homer K. Schoener. Y . Harry M. Nauman, seventy-six
armed forces returned to farms. | Jaw, Phares Landis, Mount Joy RI. merican egion through the New England States. S gir . Tom ® Wale East Donegal The Friendship Five Co. ambule thei ;
After the war more machinery |The house burned down with a The bride is the proprietor of The girl's father and the rescuer 8 Be ga Top. Hi ance was called into service twice at Man oo woh "
became available and fewer work-|loss of $12,000. Nissly has been ° the Eberle Beauty Shoppe, here, began artificial resuscitation and ara Rebecca Brubaker, Wilbur this week. Conrad Schaffer, eighty~three, of
c : : : At Tile aie ecie 1CEers : 5 Bride fo a oak when Dr. Gilbert, of Landisville,| M. Brubaker, Richard Wilson rs. Willi Elizabethtown.
ers were required. Selective service | questioned on this, police said. but y and the bridegroom is an assistant , 3 : Monday, Mrs. William Derr, who . 2
Yt : : Hp get i ational Bs arrived, she was breathing normal- | Craine, Barbara Elizabeth Doles, i ith her . Mary Jane, wife of Harry Bailor,
and increased industrial employ- | denies having caused the fire . cashier of the Union National Bank, , g a resides with her daughter, Mrs. .
ont have drawn persons from He did However admit setting : Irvin Fritz Is PC of this place. ly. Margaret Ann Hicks, Florence Ro- Paul Hawthorne, on East Main St., at !
ne ul oy x 4 ; ’ y § Es g a a sene Musser, accompanied by J. was removed to the St Joseph Hos- Mabel, wife of Jacob P. Prescott,
C Fm 4 Gh Tonga bel he Pe HOPS Wine he Na At the regular meeting of Wal- Hess - Hostetter > W. Bingeman. pital. Mis, Joe Germer a the at at Bainbridge, aged seventy-one.
in reduce arm employment, e | huilding apt. . 1950, ice 4 . oe . + 4 re hig iH i i 3
Department said. hy Re re tie ores ter S. Ebersole American Legion The marriage of Miss Anna Ruth Brief News From E. Hempfield Twp Hi tending nurse and Sam Dock and Mrs. Annie F. Miller, sixty-two,
During the week of May 20-26 it | little damage. That too was for | Post 185 Irvin Fritz was elected as| pag daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ole Betty Lou Hoffman, John Good,| Arthur Zerphey, Sr., drivers. at Manheim after an illness of seve
c ‘ Ah 5 po 5; f Post Commander. Yep: i | Nancy Warfel accompanied by Miss d : ni ; ie | CP Years.
s estimated there were close to| “sympathy” TEBOW y admit-19 s Henry M. Hess, Mount Joy Rl, to ancy Wa é p: y Miss Wednesday morning, Mrs. Annie
Cc SE mae IS Te ho oh, mp Hh" be reportedly admit Other officers elected are: Clyde | jenn G Hostetter, f Mr. and e al es or Mae Shenk. Ricksecker, West Main St as re- Mrs. Ella Jane Conyngham, 95,
v 50,000 workers on Pennsylvania | ted. > J : rade: x. stetter, son of Mr. an i ecker, West Main St., was re at the E'town Masonic Homes: after
farms, the great majority of them More recent of the events started Tripple, fast vice gominan ‘eT: | Mrs. J. R. Hostetter, Elizabethtown * ° moved to the St. Joseph's Hospital. : thre illn 5 :
being family workers. officially .when his wallet was found | George Albert, second vice took place Saturday in the uc éa g 200 CHILDREN REGISTER Mrs. Simon Nissley, nurse, Robert |? Mr I ee Weid
On June 1 of this year farm op- [in the men’s restroom at the Court | mander: Kenneth Gainer, post ad- Cross Roads Brethren in Christ FOR PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES | Kunkle and Christ Charles, drivers, rs, fronna 's. Seve
a - | jutant: James Robert, financial of-| qs nied Sct . The Paris Fabric Mills are being ni ; ——— enty-four, widow of Harvey S.
crators were working an average | House. Nissly told city police that | ] 2 nd Lod Rice Church. Paul Z. Hess, brother of 1 N Two-hundred children registered Weidman, Manheim Rl
of 12-1 hours. per day compared the wallet contained a $250 check] ficer; Albert Fitzkee and Lee Rice, | 4. bride, officiated. moved from Patterson, N. J. to]. the local playground which op- x y Ma oun . :
with 12 hours ‘the same day last] made out to “Cash” Later he re- | Se" geants-at-arms; Charles Bennett| mp. pig given in marriage by | Columbia. ened at the borough park Monday News In General +, Newton Shireman, ninety
; i : I r.. and Roy Sheetz, service officers Yer £: Ses we. : ~ In order to reduce losses the . : three, at Hershey R2. A number of
year and in 1949. Hired workers| ported the check had been cashed, rer father, was attended by Mrs. for an eight-week period. Four : : :
. 3 i 3 | Ben Groff, historian; the Rev. John |. . pn a : 2 .« Penna. R. R. will cancel 35 pass-|}.. . : relatives reside near Elizabethtown.
were putting in 9-7 hours per day|and that the pocketbook had eith- Erie Irvin R. Musser. The best man was baseball diamonds will be used si- rom 0 Frank T. Thurl ves]
: np ; 0 5 can bir . | Gable, chaplain; and Emory Krick, Irvin R. Musser. Mervin W. Heisey | €nger trains. multaneously this year by the rin or an : uriow, seven ys
compared with 9-9 a year previous |er been taken from his car or lost| : y )
- 3 udge advocate. Tn station: # Lida . Lancaster City merchants are|, _._. : a i Lancaster County Court attache for
and 9-7 on June 1, 1949. i it between Mount Joy and | Richard Hostetter and James Hos- ye > ©." | boys, it was announced by director :
| Fieabethiown. The following were elected coun- telter were ushers. considering a ban on smoking in George Houck. The Past Week oars died from a heart attack
He now admits he cashed the! 'Y council members: Harold Ben- psi EE their stores. Mrs. Robert Ziegler and Miss wie daring his car
33rd Auto Club $950 check himself and used it to|d€" Frank Good, O. K. Snyder Jr, Two doe deer were seen near the | prow Grace Bucher announced| Mrs. Lillian Hamilton attended Eli L. Garber, eighty-seven, at
> 30 & Se q 2 © ar .
* finance a trip to FI . 1d ; li ,| Paul Hipple, Charles Bennels, Jr, The Local News Marietta pike between Oyster Point| in crafts’ work the first two| the funeral of her grandson, Frank | Lititz. He started in the creamery
D8 orida, olice op. v ” : i 1
suid. He tie admitted te 4 Roy B. Sheetz, and Irvin Fritz. and Silver Spring. weeks will be spent in rubber and Douglas Hatton III, at Washington, | business here, working for Garber-
icnic t ers e i py | Trustees, Chas. J. Bennett, Jr. A Lancaster motorist hit a pole | 1. ; ; D. C. Monday morning. Reist-Nissley Co. at their plant,
| picked up in Florida for passing | t plastic mold work. Other play- . 8 : : 3
| bad’ checks, they added, and rek and Paul Hipple. or e as ée on Route 222 south of Lancaster ground activities will be intermur The first carnival of the season | thé ruins of which are still stand-
> »y added, a g : : ! - : ; i ;
Th d J ] 26 wild tig i rela- The next meeting of the Post will . and skidded 117 feet. al baseball games Friday after | Wa quite successful and the Fire| ing on the Manheim road near the
urs ay, u Vv | ay be a joint meeting with the Auxil- Very Briefly Told Ground was broken Sunday for oo. ° Company is very appreciative of | Chickies Bridge.
Committees to arrange for the] iy iary at the Post home, July 12. ’ a new Mennonite Brethren In BE a the generosity of the folks who (Turn to page 5)
annual ‘viente. of the POLICE WILL ENFORCE —— lima Columbia boro has $22,000 school | Christ Church at Lancaster. PARENT CLUB TO ELEC contributed pies, cakes and money tli Gn. s——
2 ile : ar- THE FIREWORKS BAN FIRST NATIONAL BANK fax outstanding. Over one hundred horses and T toward the affair. SMALL FIRE EXTINGUISHED
Lancaster Automobile Club at Her The P : tic F : : OFFICERS THURSDAY NITE
shey Park on Thursday, July 26]. © Pennsy vanin State Police| cy oCK UNDERGOING REPAIRS The authorieies in Lampeter | ponies competed in the Spring A ial ting of the P © | Mrs. Lillian Hamilton and Miss | ON FARM NEAR TOWN
were announced by S. Edward Ga- issued a warning regarding the un- The large clock at the First Na- | township, are searching for a dog| Horse Show at Columbia‘ Sunday. lah ooo a eR Grace Hamilton and Richard| The Friendship Fire Company
ble, club president. lawful possession, sale and use of tional Bank and Trust Company | that is killing sheep. Gap, this county, celebrated its be h a i Je on ay Will Crouse spent the weekend at | extinguished a small blaze on the
They are: Baseball, Alger H. freworks, : building was taken down Tuesday| Faulty electric wiring caused a|250th anniversary, Saturday and » = - a Ry Rs 8 Py at Washington D. C. with Mr. and | farm of Allen Shearer, two miles
vl The Pennsylvania fireworks law but to many, many inquiries, the fire at the home of Hugh Smith, of | Sunday. A new fire hall was also | high school athletic field. In Mrs. Frank Hatton. | north of town, early Tuesday morn-
Shirk and H. C. Kreisle; music, F. akes the sal 3 yo y 1 y event of rain, it will be held in the ; y y
L. Spence; speakers and entertain- makes illegal the sale, offering for answer came it will be given a] FElizabethtown R3 yesterday. dedicated. high scl 1 ditori The Kings Daughters Class of the | ing.
ment, S. Edward Gable; prizes and sale, or use of any fireworks except thorough overhauling and replac- Donna Anna Hendricks, aged 17 George Kowal, sixty-one, near He a bit or Cait take ol (Turn to page 3) The fire, which was in a junk
children’s tickets, H. C. Kreisle, paper caps and devices in which ed months, of Mountville, was treated | Coatesville, died of a heart attack or) Jie it 2 . Dlace — ee yard in a nearby orchard, threat-
able 3 Shizs 2 they are detonated, unless such use This has been the guiding time [at the hospital after she drank| while trying to land a 12-lb. carp|? this meeting and die planning | pry bS SUIT FOR DIVORCE ened the Shearer house and farm
Dean Gable and A. H. Pontz; park- |.
ing, J. H. Nissley: Hest aid. Edgar is in the form of a supervised pub- piece for the surrounding vicinity | kerosene. he had hooked. of summer activities. Benjamin Sylvester R. Swords, twenty-| buildings, but caused no damage.
: lic display, in which case permit is C. E. Pontz & Son, Inc., Millers- A heavily loaded tractor-trailer Funk, chairman, will be in charge four, Florin, is asking a divorce
G. Hess; and publicity, Dean Gable.

for a long time and would be great-
of the meeting.
from Marguerite F. Swords, twen-

The all-day program will include ube bo be a from Be ly missed if it were removed. ville, were awarded a $85,270 con-~ ran into four head of cattle that re ——— — i] eo,0
band concerts, a baseball game, |’ pa ity in which the display nr feet WM | | tract to grade, seéd and drainage | hroke out of pasture near Hensel. ty-one, 223 Main St. this boro. chivities 0 ur
souvenirs and free rides for chil-| © be held. The law defines the NO ONE INJURED IN CRASH correction at the Marietta Depot. | One cow was killed. LOCAL MEN PUT KINK They were married Aug. 14, 1946,
dren, awarding of prizes to mem. fer as any city) NpAR WASHINGTON BORO Sandra Shaeffer, aged 13 months DS Wem IN MEAT MARKET MONDAY Swords charges desertion from | h Off; i
bers and a big free vaudeville show sorough, incorporated town, and| pp one was injured and damage | was carried to safety by her uncle,| ANNUAL PICNIC AT HERSHEY Local ‘butchers complained about| Feh 12, 1948. 0 1Ce iCers
in the evening. Wii At or i or estimated at $100 was reported in| aged 13 years, when an oil stove! 1h junior Chamber of Com- 2 Dat A husiness Monday : but Chief of Police Park Neiss re=-
The auto club picnic, one of Lan- Sorte y mn Upon. i Y|a two-car collision on the Blue | exploded and destroyed a bungalow |... announced Mt. Joy’s annual ere’s the answer. The Newcom- MYERS PROPERTY SOLD ported two auto violations the past
person, copartnership, association|p 1 Road, south of Washington- | at Columbia. picnic will be held at Hershey on er Motors organization, eleven in| The small home between the | week.
caster County’s biggest annual out-
ings, was started in 1919 and, ex-
cept for wartime interims, has been
held yearly since that time.

or corporation violating the provis-
ions of the law.
etl A ene.
Boro, Sunday.
State Policeman George Baxter
said the autgs‘were -driven in op-
posite directions by Harold H. Mel-
Mrs. Paul W. Preston,
of Marietta, have gone to Miami,
Fiorida, for rehearsals in skating,
prior to an extensive tour of South
Vr. and
August 22nd. A detailed account
will be published later.

Week's Birth Record
number, were treated to a fishing
trip to Bowers Beach last Sunday
by the management. All had a
swell time, nobody “fed the fish”
and they succeeded in landing 100
Farm Diner and Green Tree
urday, by Kathryn and John Myers
was sold to I. G. Ruhl, for $7,750. v
er tf
Church, offered at public sale Sat-|{
Earl H. Wenger, R. D. 1, Bare=-
ille was clocked at 50 miles an
hour on Main St. and John E. Glid-
115 Mell St, Montoursville,
was prosecuted on
AWARDED THE CONTRACT Mr. and Mrs. E. Musser Heisey linger, nineteen, Mount Joy RI,| America. Lycoming Co.,
A contract for $128,859 was a- | and Mr. and Mrs. William Thome, | and J. Roy Landis, nineteen, Lan-| Mrs. Laura Litzenberger, fifty- good size croakers. PATIENT IN HOSPITAL Saturday evening for driving while
warded Monday to the Spera Con- |2ll of Mount Joy R2, are motoring | caster. 0 four, Manheim, escaped injury( Mr. and Mrs. Monroe G. Fahne- — Mrs. William Zeamer, wife of the | intoxicated. Dr. David E. Schlosser
struction Company, Harrisburg, for | © the west coast, where they will etl when led to safety over the roof of | stock, Manheim R2, a daughter on | JAILED IN BATTERY THEFT Proprietor of Zeamer's Cafe, on| was the examining physician. Glid-
a house while on a visit to her aunt | Friday at the General Hospital. Leroy Boughter, twenty-four, of! the Chickies creek near Newtown | well waived a hearing and was

attend the Brethren conference and
: the renovation of 33 buildings in a
15-acre tract at the Indiantown Gap take in many points of interest go-| SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE at Germantown. The house caught| Mr. and Mrs. Christian Stillin- | Elizabethtown Rl, charged with the| was removed to the Columbia Hos- committed to jail for court.
Army Camp. ing and returning. C. S. Frank, auctioneer for the] fire. ger, Salunga, a daughter Monday | larceny of two auto batteries, was| pital for treatment. rr.
et eee Mt. Joy Township school board, — — Geen at St. Joseph's Hospital. arrested and committed to jail for et net wt wis HECEIVES A. B. DECREE
Marine S/Sgt. John E. Matoney | JUST ONE LAST WEEK sold at public sale Saturday, on|TAKING TRAINING COURSE Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brubaker, | a hearing. MARRIAGE LICENSES Earl D. Longenecker, Landisville
Manheim R2, a son Friday at the TT Leban Z. Byers, Conestoga Rl | received the degree of bachelor of

is spending an eleven day leave
here with his wife, the former Miss
Jacquie Hendrix.
He is stationed at Camp Lejeune,

North Carolina,

Of the thirty-five motorists from
this section who lost their driving
privileges, there was but one from
town. Robert E. Gable was accused

of speeding
the premises, the plot of ground
where the Grandview one-room
school burned down some time ago.
It was purchased by Ellsworth Rei-
er, for $1100.

Miss Joyce Ellis, who is taking a
course at the
New York
nurses training
Flower & Fifth School,
City, spent the weekend at

Lancaster Osteopathic Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Garber, 371
N. Barbara street, a son Wednes~
day at the General Hospital.
Gary Ellis and Jerry Estock left
by auto Sunday morning for a three

weeks vacation at the “Chalet”, Sun
Valley, Idaho,
J East Main St., both of this boro,
and Miriam Shelly, Mount Joy RI.
George Curtis Reigle, Jr., 69 East
Main St., and Annie W. Stauffer, 69

arts in psychology from the Facul-
ty of Humanities and Sciences of
Stanford University,
Calif, Sunday.
A ————