in $24.50 $19.50 Groom's Ring Bride's Ring Rings enlarged to show details Prices include Federal Tax ® rade Mark Registered + look for EA CY “the name Jv. i rtcarved /) 7 a woman knows what deep, enduring sentiment surrounds her wedding ring. To be sure your choice has lasting beauty, look for the Artcarved name in the ring, on the tag. Made by America's oldest and largest ringmaker, Artcarved* rings have been be« loved by brides for 100 years. ADAM H. GREER Jeweler MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 87 East Main Street IN SERVICE so little in cost Every time a new telephone is installed, the range of your tele- phone's usefulness increases that much more. Every installation of new equipment also increases the efficiency of your service Add these advantages to the con tinuing convenience: and you can plainly see why your telephone remains so big 1n service—so in cost Dial 3-4124 which only the telephone can offer COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. 0 : | | - | I ”» | | I | A | b | AND Heating Systems “WILLIAMS [FET 0802010000 3 LF 10 IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION Before you buy any oil burner, get the facts on the Qilomatic LOW PRESSURE oil burner. Phone, or mail coupon at once, for our free booklet entitled “There is a big difference in oil burners.” THE SICO CO. Without obligations, please Send free Booklet {3 Send representative to survey and give estimate [ ] Name: ii. coisa Address .... Phone Number The SICO Company MOUNT JOY. PA. PHONE 3-3111 O:1L. BURNERS Oi. Burning Units For..... Warm Air, Hot Water and Steam tt we en to on Sot 3 Nf i a MOUNT JOY, PA. | | I [i Sunday, June 3rd Sunday, June 3 Wednesday Parish House. Sunday, June 3 | Sermon, Faith.” Sermon. Wednesday er Meetings. Sunday, June 3 Rev. and Mrs. Ray Lupold of Gans, Church News NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY AND THE ENTIRE SUR- ROUNDING COMMUNITY. “For ye are the temple of the bving God; as ‘God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they. shall be my people.” —II Cor. 6:16 Selected by Amos H. Heisey The Washington Street Church Of The Brethren Elizabethtown, Pa. Rev. Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor Sunday, June 3rd 9:30 a. m. Church School bring the entire family to Sunday School! 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship, Recognition of Graduates; Pasior Zuck will preach on “Christ Is The Answer.” 7:30 p.m. High School Baccalaur- cate in the First Church of God. Donegal Presbyterian Church Sunday, June 3rd 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. Worship service with Harlan C. Durfee from Princeton. Mt. Pleasant Brethren In Christ Church Pastors: C. H. Moyer and Elder Graybill Wolgemuth Sunday, June 3rd 9:00 a. m. Sunday Schoal Mt. Joy Mennonite Church Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Herr, Henry Garber, Henry Frank, Pastors 9:00 a. m. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School . Sermon Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor 9:30 am. Sunday School. 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m. Church Council at the The Church of God Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor 9:30 am. Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship “The Creative Power of 7:30 pm. Evening Worship and 7:30 p.m. Junior and Senior Pray- Children’s Day Services June 19. Calvary Bible Church Paul R. Strickler, Supt. 9:15 a. m. Bible School 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship Communion. In charge of the ev. R. H. Arndt. 2:00 p.m. Executive Board Meet- ng. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service, Okla. who are in charge of a mis | sion there will be the speakers at both morning and evening service. A Daily Vacation Bible School will be conducted at the Calvary | Bible church beginning on Monday m. and covers a two There will be classes gin at 7 p. hour period. for all ages. and Miss Betty Shelly will be in pable teachers will be the teaching staff, At a recent Congregational meet- ing of the Calvary Bible Church a call was extended to Rev. Walter Wilson, a graduate of Bob Gines College to the Pastorate of the Church. Rev. Wilson has accepted the call and will assume his pas- toral duties July 22nd. St. Mark's Evangelical United Brethren Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor 9:00 a. m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Tuesday on of 7.30 pm. Women's Society World Service meeting. Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Pastor's Instruction Class. 7:30 p:m. Midweek Prayer Ser- vice, 8:30 p.m. Church Council of Ad- ministration meeting Thursday 6:45 p.m, hearsal. 8:00 p.m.. Children’s Choir re- Senior Choir rehearsal Newtown U. B. Church Oscar K. Buch, Pastor Sunday, June 3 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. No evening service, Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Christian Endeavor. a ce ce tll A THE EPISCOPAL DIOCESE CLOSES MISSION AT Y¥'TOWN St. Elizabethtown, Ly the Episcopal Diocese risburg. The action was taken at annual diocese risburg membership of the church was sufficient to continue supporting it. The have been held since January, of Har- the 47th in Har- that the in- convention Reason given was mission, where no services has been combined with St. Luke's Episcopal Church, here, with the Rev. Elmer A. Keiser as pastor, Also closed were churches at Mt. Alto and Steelton coos AND THEY LET HIM DRIVE Lancaster City police cighteen year old driver four times arrested an in six months. On his last violation he was racing and. struck Hirge | parked cars. — rr GP Gf FE. When in necd of Printing. (any- thing) kindly remember the Bulletin evening, June 4, The school will be-' Ezra Wolgemuth Jr. | charge of the school and other ca-' Elizabeth Episcopal Mission, MT, JOY'S LAUREL QUEEN was closed officially | 'All East Donegal's (From page 1) Plant Operation ....... 10,925.00 Maintenance ........¢s 6,500.00 Fixed Charges ......... 5,100.00 Debt Service .......... 8,900.00 bo Poti rh irs $150, 600. 00 Estimated Receipts Property Tax $52,000.00 Per Capita Tax ......... 10,000.00 Delinquent Tax ......... 500,00 State Appropriation 72,700.00 Tuition Non-resident 11,000.00 Miscellaneous .......... 475.00 Total "$150,675.00 The board announced the ap- pointments, made by the township Geo. Drabenstadt, Daniel Wolgemuth, as the East Donegal mem- of Donegal Joint School* Au- thority. Mr. Drabenstadt is a part- in the accounting firm of Ly=- brand, Ross Brothers and Mont- gomery, of Philadelphia and resi- des in Maytown. Mr. Wolgemuth, a township school director, is proprietor of Wolgemuth Bros, a coal and feed buginess, and resid- es in Florin. I'he board elected I. Diller Miller, of Quarryville, as art teacher for the township schools. Mr. Miller is a graduate of the { Philadelpnia Museum of Art and of | Quarryville High School. The Loard also approved the attendance Principal J. W. Bingeman and several high school al the Principals’ Confer- ence to be held at Millersville State | Teachers College June 21 and 22. |. re | MARILYN NEWCOMER IS | supervisors, of Maytcwn, and I'lorin, bers ner former of Supervising teachers Miss daughter Marilyn J. Newcomer, of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Newcomer, of 368 Donegal Springs Read, has heen selected ‘to repre- sent Mount Joy at the 10th’annual Pennsylvania State Laurel Festival at Wellsboro, Thursday and Friday, June 14 and 15: This. festi- val is sponsored each year by the Wellsboro Chamber of Commerce to pay tribute to the Pennsylvania State Flower, Mountain Laur- el, Laurel season Grand on the and officially open the in Pennsylvania's Canyon country. 5 pens ENTERTAINED AT PARTY Jean; Mrs. Maurice Bailey, Me Walter Greiner, Mrs. Elsie ‘Grove, Mrs. Martin Liggins, Mrs, Frank Fre ses, MU oy Engagements Mr. and Mrs. John Strickler, Theatre Apartments, announced the engagement of their daughter,’ Melissa, to Airman Apprentice Robert Divet, Jr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Divet, 45 Old Market Street, this place. Miss Strickler is employed as a secretary at Buch Mfg. Co, Eliza~ | bethtown, and Airman Apprentice Divet is stationed at Westover force Base, Massachusetts, [ Mr. and Mrs. Winfield L. Zeiphoy | 160 Manheim St, announce the en- | gagement of their daughter, Peggy | Lorraine, to Mr. Eugene S. Brown, | son of Mrs. Estella and the late! Martin B. Brown, 29 New Haven ! St, this place. Miss Zerphey is employed in the office of the Rosser Construction Company here. Mr. Brown served one and one-half years in the U.S. Air Force and was stationed in Ar- izona. At present he is employed by the Aircraft Marine Products, Ine., Florin. No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Muys. Clair Wagner, The- atre Apartments, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Jean M., to Mr. ‘Robert K. Rohrer, “son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar O. Rohrer, 247 East High St, Manheim. Miss, Wagner is employed by the B. Titus Ruit ‘Agency here, and Mr., Rohrer is employed by .his father jin the florist business. No date has been set for the weddirig. i Mr. and Mrs. Guy Troutman, of Fine St, announce the engagement of their daughter, Patsy Ann, to Sgt. Robert V. Gebhart, son of Mr and Mrs. Harry S. Gebhart, Florin. Sgt. Gebhart is stationed at Sam- son Air Force Base, Geneva, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Ament, of Mount Joy R2, announce ihe en- gagement of their daughter, Betty Jane, to Ray R. Bell, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William Brian en- | tertained the following to a Birth- | day Surprise Party at their home on Thursday evening in honor of | Mrs. Frank Brian who celebrated | her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl | Bender of Shillington; Mrs. Lillie | re ee Ae ee Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. | Harsh and Misses Edna and Mabel Harsh of Lancaster; Mrs. Frank Sterling and daughters, Janet and! and Mrs. Samuel J. Bell, of Hum-~ melstown R2. Miss Ament is em- ployed by the Pennsylvania Power and Light Co. Lancaster and Mr. Bell by Lynes and Fryberger, at Rohrerstown. — in Everybody reads newspapers but Brian and Jeffry and Gregory Brian’ Mis. | The Bulletin, Mt. Joy Pu. May oe FREE ESTIMATES RALPH L. MYERS & Practical Artesian Well "Driers | SALUNGA, LANCASTER CO. PA. PHONE LANDISVIL 3, RALPH L. MYERS 13 IF NO ANSWER CALL Chas R, Myers - « Landisville 2651 Faul L. Myers . - Landis WATER WELLS for farms, factory, mills, reservoirs; and drainage purposes. Edward G. Myers . Canale ive $456 PA. ; lh = Get Right “with GOD TODAY! Find Real Joy and Happiness free from fear and worry! Another world war, with the loss of 16 million persons the first day is possible, warns a Navy scientist. In the face of this fearful picture many today are look- ing for spiritual help. Weoffer YOU this help through or Evangelist JESSE HENDLEY ond the LANCASTER for CHRIST CAMPAIGN JUNE 10th through JULY 1st North Franklin St., Lancaster, Pa. Opposite McCaskey High School Opening Rally, , JUNE 10, at 2:30 P.M. 1 Every Night Thercafter at 45 P. Heor the 200 VOICE ‘CHOR 0 lod by STRAT SHUFEL {merica’s ‘Famous Gospel Song Leader Inspiring Hymns ‘with Pianos and. Organ Gh oT VANS BUSINESS MEN'S COMMIT. “EE OF LANCASTER AND : OVER 6) COOPERATING CHURCHES i NOT everybody reads circular ad- vertising left on their door step. ow ean you Tell tll you Thy It? HE days and wecks are slipping by — and what have you donc about it? What have you done to find out how it feels to handle a high-powered and high-spirited ’51 Buick? Wet cel you that Buick has automobiles, there's never been the match for this one. This is a car that likes to be com- pared—for power, for performance, for easc of control, for ride, and room,’ and comfort. I SE We this. In all the years been building fine LI iV can tell you its valve-in-head Fireball power sinks you back in the cushions at the touch of your toe. We can tell you it’s nimble-footed in traffic, or that it conquers hills with smooth and exultant momentum. We can tell you it hugs the road and holds the curves as if it were drawn by an invisible magnet. We can tell you that it has big, soft coil springs on all four wheels—or that its gas mileage will put a smile on your face. Drive will spoil yo for yourself what means. RoApMAsTERS will a double bargain, cost on other Series. Kauipment, accessories, trim and modols ars subject lo change without notice, We. can-tell you: that: Dynaflow . S. F. ULRICH, Inc. 505 NORTH MARKET ST. ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNA. type of power transmission, Bu you'll never know till you try How about coming in for a sample? Once you've experienced all this for yourself, the modest price tags on Buick SPECIALS, SUPERS or # Standard on ROADMASTER, optional at extra NO OTHER CAR PROVIDES ALL THIS: DYNAFLOW DRIVE® FIRERALL POWER PUSH BAR FOREFRONT eT Sy WHITE GLOW. INSTRUMENTS i TOROUE-TUBE DRIVE 4-WHEEL COIL SPRINGING DUAL VENTILATION DREAMLINE STYLING BODY BY FISHER u for any other When better automabitas ore buil® BUICK will build them 521369 ocal tonal W all this really Buick SPECIAL 2-Doer, é-Passenger Sedan MODEL 48D delivers locally for only .s Optional equipment, accessories, state and ony, additional. Prices may vary slightly in adioining em munities due to shipping charges. All prices subject to without notice. look like \