The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 31, 1951, Image 2

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m z ry BI P
2—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, May 31, 1951 n Plymouth Sport Model Roadster pie pan and bake % hour at 250) a ALE he Hi ade NR Of
at their last carnival in June. degrees. toed ay
' » HAPPENINGS Mr, and Mrs. Hoary G. Walters What's For Hoads::: 1 SATU
ce oun oy u etin | — of — entertained in honor of their soh,| gpring millinery points to a flat] FROPE]
Harry's 1th birthday. look for heads. Because the chignon| seal
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher | LONG AGO | Mrs. Agnes Walters, 65, of town|is so popular, the ladies will perch| I Work. Savers? orto G
ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 (; STR suffered a fractured left shoulder the hats with a forward line and| . ing one
——— | hopelessly involved, ih 4 | sustained in a fall, " | tilt, which lends ‘balance to the thevarn
| i
Published Every Thursday at No.| However, an outstanding banker | York Dum: Corps Ne | chignon. There is the level roller
> J ps won first prize 8
9-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. yecently gave a general discription 20 Yours | of $100 in our Memorial Day par-|hat, the up-turned breton sailor, al
LE the causes of inflation in words | re ee | ade. tamborine type topper, a head-|
Substiiption, per el ov oy which anyone can understand.| A game of base ball here was | Marie Specialty Shoppe has moy- | hugging cloche. It is a spring for md fore
Three Months ......c..... 60 | Here's what he said: | postponed dut to cold weather ed to the Schock property on East “headline hats” at the hairline. Fore
Single Copies AE “Inflation was brought about m| citurday night there were light | Main St. Some of the hats are made of fab-| with sm
Sample Copies ........ . FREE | this country as a matter of delib- | nou fAutries. here, ‘with the tem- | tmp eset A Germs. ticks ‘or trimmed in fabrics with Apples
rT eps eraie government policy over 27 degree matching stoles. Other hats have asparas
| peraturt dropping to 27 degrees,
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt. | period of almost 20 years with| jerkins or vests made of the fabric, PROPEF
Joy, Pa, as second-class mail mats | : Two and one-half tons of sugar | e cra 00 : : i A vic
' [World War II thrown in for good | matching gloves. There is a jaunti- _ yx
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. | were seized from moonshiners and | : Florin a
dp | menstre . . . | given to the Lanc. Co. Institution. | ness to the spring look. ft. along
Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper “Almost 20 years ago during a". 5 Week's Best R Best Recipe ———— — 290 and
Publishers’ Association | period of severe depression, those| Wm. Scholings ig Sous fs Casserole of Beef: 1'2 lb. ground| NATIVE OF OUR BORO PAID | width 1
i i p eo > being sold at arren Greenawa 51 : iW : | etween
Publication Day, Thursday [in Suge WF. ue a [sore West Main Street. | gn sb Ib. grow Ry pork, ! A YEAR OLD GRUDGE linger a
Copy for a change of advertising |» es Age. 1s on. | salt 1=4:t pepper, 1-4 t poultry sea- a es LSC
reach this office Tuesday. mental law of supply and demand Maslegts: Eggs, Buiter, Ze, soning, 6 carrots, 12 small onions, One year Sgo 4. terns Warm fom C t mer's Corner PLACT,
We will not guarantee insertion of | was too slow in functioning, and) Lard 10%2c. 5 7 [12 small potatoes, 1 ¢ buttered Hawerisburg came to Mount Joy, Uusto ine of y
any advertising unless copy reaches | their economists wrote a prescrip- | Alexanders Old Time Fiddlers crumbs 5 T grated cheese. - the local team and were eld desk
the office not Saves hi 3 a. m. | tion for a government-made, syn- | entertained at the Log Cabin Golf| | beef, salt pork and seasonings. Put handed a lacing. Mr. George Hal-| Knowledge is a good thing for choy :
preseding gay ot, iy Sic a od ® (hetic form of prosperty, really in- | Course on West Main St. | ore-hatt ‘off mixture: in a greased] bicib, 'a native of town, was a shoppers as well as students. Rael
‘a. m. publication. day. ul flation, based upon a government- | Qur Bore Council recognized the | bread pan. Cover the meat with | member of the Capital City aggre- > 1 how bi ho
. Ress lied ‘excess of 1 Citizens’ protest and revoked the + | gation and thruout are year we re- The more you understand hou oy
| supplied excess of purc hasing pow- | h filte lant d | | carrots, onions and potatoes. Put sul lick your food store operates, the better muslrat
r er and a government-created short | contract for tl . 5 er plant and| _ ining meat on top, Sprinkle peatedly reminded him of his lic Srv: plan younshapping. blacksmi
E D 1 I 0 R I A L| supply of commodities. Such a pro- | Rss or new one : Foul ' with ‘crumbs mixed with hesse. in. But now George has ‘square Some hy
| om Wvieusly required money, a vi Yong ey | Bake, uncovered one hour at 325 himself, ‘hota with the editor and That is why many of the letters we merous
+ +> . | and lots of it. The government does | wil on disp ny at arence, degrees. Serves six. four tennis team. Here's how he ex-| receive from customers are requests R & R Chicken A LA King 52 Qale te
Political and ig theories not produce wealth—it consumes Neyer Ford Sale & Service| You Might Try: | plains it: for information. | can PM. hy
often sound practical and enticing) wealth . . . So the government |>tation. When you have egg yolk over | “Last year you chided me for ap- ¢ No. 1 wl
until we reduce them to a level | embarked upon the policy of taking The High School's baseball team, | | from baking, cook them by drop- pearing in“*Mount Joy and losing a We hort pretest fa bape 24 the Treet, Prem or Spam con 49 known 1
where people live and work. | tox money from those who had Was defeated by Manheim in f mo} ing in hot water until firm and [tennis match. Well, I finally have RSENS OU, Rus not ro i Hambur erg ag 61:
’o0 | something and piling up govern- hit no un b yan ane to “| then rub through a course strainer,| gotten a team in that league and| 40 alr pa give y 8 Pipes. 2
One of the most precious things | ment indebtedness and spreading Honoree Sais ars go foe Use the grated yolks as a garnish|it is called Camp Hill. On Satur- ony . Banquet Chicken “Hos vb §1.98 Dhos Ww.
about this country is every man’s | the mohey around in ‘the form of | Memoria BE IN . Al { for soups, salads or creamed dish-|day, May 26, we played Mount Joy| So. if there are any questions you Villiom
| 2 te I" 4 ar; 3 arshall, I 4 . S A ——
yight to express his own personal | doles, subsidies, parity payments, dg Chie aS les. . . . To have a delicious, quick on our courts and beat them 5-4 in have about your A & P, don't hesi- Boned Chicken SWANSON bot 59c TW
opinion without fear of punishment | price support programs, and other Se; ier. of | dessert, make a crumble pie which [the match. Not only did this gray| tate to ask us. Please write: Of
or retribution. We must stand | such devices among people who re roi nava wh painter, ii bake while you are eating the | haired 42!yr-old man play, but he Armour Corned Beef uae 45: SATT
: . 3 3 y 8 a ; » « >
united in our opposition to any- would immediately spend it kin Ti rom a roof injuring his | main dinner course. Beat 3 ced | wen his single§ match and in the CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. tens : Tia
thine (hat would deprive us of this| “Thus there was created the dec- | feet and legs. | Waites until stiff and slowly add 1{the last doubles set, which decided 5 Corned Beef Hash ARMOUR "CT 42 nublie sg
oe fg Levi Brubaker, ‘farmer near | A&P Food Stores dwelling
privilege. | trine that the way for people to get 4 El | cup sugar and 11 crumbled graham | the ‘match, he again called on his : i. x trie
9 0 along in this world was to get more | Stricklers Church, found coins in a1 crackers. Add I cup broken pecan | aging legs and wind ‘and ‘came thru 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Libby 8 Beef Stew sow 48 Solo
dol i ; is was | corn field dated 1787. “Orn
mi Ss 4 trong | for doing less and less. This was |" ats. Mix well. Pour in buttered | victoriously.” Cin 1
——— iia ie emn-| man-made, synthetic, artificially- | Middletown has six surviving | Beas. : ee) Oscar Mayer Weiners an 49 Pennavlv
ment. He championed the sove-| inseminated inflation, manufactured Civil War Veterans; the oldest aed Ri C k 8-0 21¢ ros 33 hid, T
yeignty of thespeople. "He believed to order and found for some years | 9% i | itz rac ers pkg pkg
Tr . to be politically quite profitable.” Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Curgan cel- | { CHOCOLATE DROPS 10%;-0x
in freedom of thought and speech. P y q ’ p ehrategt Sod anniversary. [4 i Keebler WITH PECANS pkg 47¢
He preached .economy in govern- There are the roots of our infla- A i ’ fo na | | &
a ; hi Ig wi n Ironville woman found a| | : Ne ing :
ment, and small public debt. He| tion, from which today’s towering . Keebler BUTTER FLAVORED ¥ 26¢ TENDER, FRESH, JERSEY ny
+ 1 has ‘or is snake measuring 44 inches in the | 2
stood fer a pelicy of peace, strict| I ant has grown. It is just one more | 2 1b 2b ¢ EXTRA THICK SPEARS of 3 fee
: SI Ol e 7 AS - - i ;
construction of the Constitution | sorry example of the fact that when & Albright & Rodkev. at = Pahst-ett CHEESE FOOD pkg 46¢ loaf B86 wirth n
and sovereignty of the states, me-| government attempts to repeal a righ Sy at ronviel pp — Wi | Sunch C | Alay
tallic money, as a standard; a ju- natural economic law, everyone is |are building a swimming pool near an Best Pure Lard J 22¢ une Ally “M
: ir 2 it’ i Cordelia Station. | Ne Sn
hoy the control of the| hurt in the long run. . q
figjary ne . : a — - Plans for a new high school| 4 Ww sie 's Toilet Soa 8 cokes 54c NONE PRICED HIGHER M. D.§ x
legislative and executive branches ih nl 8 ri y in bog MEDIUM tions will
f the govermment, rotation in of ‘ building at Landisville have been | SIZE SPEARS 39¢ bunch HE
ol ghe nent ¥ : ; abandoned indefinitely. { MH liman’ S Ma onnaise = 50¢ frat
fice, elimination of monopolies. en or m S The Rheems Fire Co: will: award} e ia nD
eo 0 e Rheems Fire Co.. will aw:
f «Ib Adr
TO THE GRADUATES (From sage 1) a Campheli’s Beans 2.» 25 FLORIDA RED RIPE ro
To {he graduates of 1951 we ex-| to succeed himself for the first | Tuna Fish CHICKENOF THE SEA 7-08 39¢ S a,
| can mold,
tend our congratulations and our me. % iB Un WATER Am x
wishes for success! The ‘boys and arry etzler (R) will be al 1 SPARKLE-VANILLA re
girls who will go forward to receive candidate also for election to J ice Cream Mix Wille 1 39 Quarters |p Sc
their diplomas have worked hard| Board of County Commissioners. | Salad Dressing: gcse 59: Melon ® or Halves Pwo mile
for the honor to be bestowed upon GOP County Slate | |
. Diehm, as GOP county chairman | 16-01 23-ax c JERSEY ICEBERG 1
them. ; y Ann Page Beans 2 cans 23 con 1 1 Lettuce NONE PRICED HIGHER hea 29 ON SAT
And despite all the good-natuced announced tne rest of the orgarii- | TELS
bi ’ a 4 seul 8- 144-01 OLID SLICING 0
jiles about the young graduates, Zation's slate for county offices = Asparagus 2) Bran oo eo] ss 28¢ Tomatoes nosis 25¢ 42 NI wv
we know that they have provided follows:
For District Attorney— John 300 Pierce:
Asparagus® uss 51 Yellow wiki. 3+ 29°

themsleves with a firm, solid foun- B : y Ww. | 1951 NEW PACK an
dation to enjoy the life before | Beyer, Lancaster. He is presently . | : JUMBO c ov dnd
them.They hive a lot more to learn | first district attorney. | Spaghetti re A i 2 25¢ Fresh Pineapples SIZE each 29 i in your (
of course, but at least they have; For Sheriff Lane, of Clays 0 : inery. on
gotten off to a mighty goed start. seeking re-election. Hershey ai ha a 15 LIMA BEANS Lote of I
And i they continue to do just| For Prothonotary — Charles D. . ic Hollands
that—keep on learning each day of | Mease, Landisville lumber. | Scot Tissue roll 1 SUL ¢ Allis Cha
(oir lives—they won't find ‘it ‘too or County Treasurer—John H. | . ORCA os 24 okt Ibs SNE PRICED I Br
difficult to realize that success we | Carter, Lancaster R6. | Orange Juice 2-18-02 CANS 25¢ can | Fara
wished them. “ For So of ; Quarter ing New and
eo 0 ourt—Mrs. Violet M. Eshleman, | Fi : inery in |
| . ine Frozen F ’ ;
SAVING THE WOUNDED | Quarryville. J ane Parker sible Aer
Deaths frem wounds in the Kor-| For Coroner—Dr. Mahlon H. Yo- | SNOW 5-02 0 Nei Sole
EXTRA FINE Lemonade Chor = 16 | ext Sale
can War have been at the lowest | der, Lititz, seeking re-election.
This is a tribute to| For Jury Commissioner — Mr. |
Intercourse, to |
Grape Juice x Ww
16-02 i 5° 24.01 21 Cc Orange Juice Thor tax 12¢
loaf loaf
If - you:
vale in history.
the magnificient work which the | Ar na B. Hoober,
doctors, nurses and medical corps- | succeed Miss Bess Gilfillan.
men attached to our fighting forces; For Prison Keeper -— Warden |
are doinz under the most difficult| Walter L. Foust, Lancaster, seeking |
and dangerous conditions. | re-election. i
But there is even more to it than| For Prison Inspector—Mrs. Mary |
{hat—and it is found in the high | H.€tehman, Lancaster and Harvey
protein diet of American soldiers. | F. Gockley, Ephrata R3, both seek- |
Their rations include about a pound | ing re-election.
of meat a day, and meat is one of | The Democratic Slate |
| the best of the limited number of| Roy Z. Loraw, Elizabethtown, |
sources of whole protein. Accord- | prethonatary. |
| ing to Dr. I. S. Ravdin, professo: of James G. Fritz, Akron, register
"surgery at the University of Penn- of wills. |
\ svivania, and formeriy a brigadier| Bruce W. Myers, Quarryville R3, |
general in the medieal corps, the | clerk of Quarter Sessions Court. |
amazing success in saving the| C. Stanley Albright, Columbia, | :
wounded has resulted in pari from | county treasurer.
“the recognition that high grade| Lester B. Fiester,
animal protein in diets may be al-! sheriff.

; Frozen Peas weiter i 23 |
Potato Chips "i" 13¢ “i” 28¢| Mixed Vegetables www cr 220 | SEE
Solid B
18.0Z CAN 11¢ can i
EV AP M LK we FLL yo 1 3 ¢
u There's fone batterl - . can

Lancaster, |

most as important as antibiotics, David R. Eaby, Ephrata, district | 12 S. DUK
(germ-killing medicines) in healing | attorney.
wounds faster.” Dr. H. E. Roberts, Denver coron- |
This is coffes just the way you like it . . . fresh, rich, chock-full
of flavor, It comes in 3 blends . .. mild, medium, and strong. And
it's Custom Ground for your method of making coffee.
tight 0’Clock cor = 77° 52%
Red Circle sae 79° 232°
Bokar Coffee vu = 81°32
Flour “547° to; vs’ T8¢ |: Mason Jars ‘2x. T8¢ 2:22 89¢'
Flour “mi ve 39 wo 19¢ | Daily:Dog Meal "= i. 48c
This comes hard en the heels of | er. |
the experience during World Wa-| In addition, Judge Joseph B. Wis- |
31, when the enormous value of [ler of the Lancaster County Com- |
protein to troops was proven. Then, | mon Pleas Court, is seeking re-el- |
as new, military personnel received | ection on both the Democratic and |
rations high in meat content. It was | Republican tickets. Petitions to
found, further, that protein has a|have his name on the Democratic |
definite beneficial effort on energy | primary ballot were filed in Harris- |
and morale, no less than in help- | burg, Monday. :
ing the sick and wounded to regain! TTT |
their health. | MICKEL MAY COME BACK |
What is true of the soldier is | CENT TAX GOES OFF POP |
true of the civilian. Research has| For quite some time many folks |
firmly established the fact that| were debating just what to do with {
large amounts of protein ave need- | & nickel aside from putting it into!
ed by almost everyone. This is now | a parking meter. A nickel wouldn't |
strongly advocated by the leading | buy a soft drink, cup of coffee, and | tw,
medical autherities on dietetics. It| many other former 5-cent articles. |
marks .a step forward on the march | Tcday the one cent tax, goes off al
toward a 4 iy healthier came bottle of softdrinks is | SUPPLIER OF SINCLAIR ™ PRODUCTS Fh


PRD 119® Sinclolr's miracle rus! Inhibitor

.—as the experience in Korea is|cvery indication that dealers will, | | na \
demonstrating. ag soon as their present stock is! E. I U ] 7 moa
® 00 | exhausted, go back to the nickel |
Most of us tend to. shy away Te DEALERS IN THIS AREA | 8 83 East Main St. MOUNT JOY, P A.
of wen bad ds :
from discussions of inflation by .ec- | Everybody reads newspapers buf | W. D. Zéiphey, Mont foy

Ralph Walters, Mount Joy

onomists. They are apt (0 be Jeng- Nor everybody reads circular ad. |
thy, technical and, to the layman, | vertising left on their door step. Harry Becker, Florin John S. Bender, Mount joy, R2 ; :
: 3 ~