EN [AL - girls who een Can- 10 votes, er Hard- Liaise ime an it rr mr rm | of Oi1L BURNERS AND Oi. Burning Units For..... Warm Air, Hot Water and Steam Heating Systems WILLIAMS 0) | HIE PN) IMMEDIATE OIL BURNER INSTALLATION Before you buy any oil burner, get the facts. on the Oilomatic LOW PRESSURE oil burner. Phone, or mail coupon at once, for otir free booklet entitled “There is a big difference in oil burners.” THE SICO CO. — MOUNT JOY, PA. | Without obligations, please I | Send free Booklet I Send representative to survey and give estimate [ ] | 1 I NAME ies once stra verry 1 : Address .......... NE eR | Phone NIONBEE: cc. vis | The SICO Company MOUNT JOY, PA. PHONE 3-3111 | | | Fresh Fruit & Vegetables — Fresh & Smoked Meals | | SNOW CROP | MUSSLEVAN'S Jelly | AUNT JEVIMA Stehman’sseaviceMarket PHONE 3-9781 WE DELIVER FLORIN, PENNA. Prices effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday STORE HOURS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M. | FROZEN FOODS Orange Juice 2 sora JY 49 22¢ box 49¢ KF Chop Mrs. Paul's Deviled Crab Cakes 1-lb §55¢ 0 79: | 1-lb 85¢ | 4 oz 53¢ 2-lb jar 39: | We Handle Mrs. Sprankie’s Delicious Layer Cakes 1 SAVE 5c | | 1b pke 2 Je | No. 2Y, can Velveeta Cheese Food LAND O'LAKES Butter Chase & Sanborn Coffee Nescafe Cake Mix HEARTS DELIGHT PEACHES CHICKEN OF THE SEA TUNA LARGE Bananas FLORIDA JUICY ORANGES PASCAL CELERY GRAPEFRUIT LARGE PEPPERS CUCUMBERS Bronscn’s Pure Cider Vinegar qt jar 18¢ ib 5c Ab. ¢ Oc lb 7 5c 64-03 can —- aa KINGAN'S FRANKS Skinless CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS CHUCK ROAST CHOICE Lean & Tender Church News “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Phil. 4:13 Selected by John 8. Buffenmyer Newtown Community Services Newtown School House Friday and Saturday nights Rev. R. O. Musser, Radio Pastor, and his party will be in charge ol the service. Sunday night er, of Elizabethtown, the message. Mr. Earl Buckwaiter, of Mariel- ta, will be in charge of the Musical program. There will be special mu- sical numbers. Rev. Oscar Brins- will bring St. Mark's Evangelical United Brethren Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor Sunday, May 13 9:00 a. m. Sunday School 10:15 am. Morning Worship. the rite of baptism of children will be administered; music by Child- ren’s Choir, 7::30 pm. Religious film. “Again- Pioneers”; young peoeple participa ting in the service. Monday 730 pm. Lancaster Youth Rally and Camp Mt reunion. Wednesday 7:30 pm. vice. Thursday 6:45 p.m. hearsal. 7::30 p.m., Dorcas Society meet- ing at the home of Murs. Joseph Witmer. 8:00 p.m.. Senior Choir rehearsal District Gretna Midweek Prayer Ser- Children’s Choir re- Mt. Joy Mennonite Church Bishop Henry Lutz, Amos Henry Garber, Henry Frank, Pastors Sunday, May 13ta 9:00 a. m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sermon Mt. Pleasant Brethren In Christ Church Pastors: C. H. Moyer and Elder Graybill Wolgemuth Sunday, May 13tn 9:00 a. m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Sermon. The Washington Street Church Of The Brethren Elizabethtown, Pa. Rev. Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor Sunday, May 13ta 9:30 a. m. Church School with a helpful program of Christ- ian education. 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship; De- dication of parents and children, and message on “Putting Away Herr, | Children,” and For “Highlights writer of a daily newspaper column on family problems, will be con- | ducting a Family Life Institute in| Flizabethtown the week end of May 11 to 13. Sponsored by the Family Life Committee of the Washington Street Church of the Brethren, Elizabethtown, Dr, Myers will meet Elizabethtown College | classes and speak in the Chapel | Service on Friday morning, and ad- lress the Mother-Daughter Fellow= Diner Friday | ship at Baker's on evening. Calvary Bible Church Paul R. Strickler, Supt. Sundya, May 13th 9:15 a. m. Bible School 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship Message-—-Student Lancaster School of Bible 7:30 pm. Evening Message—Rev. Paul Lancaster School of the Bible. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Services at the Church, | Service, | Vilt = Dean | Mount Joy Methodist Church | Rev. Robert C. Pike, Minister Ralph Alleman, Sun. Sch. Supt Sunday, May 13th 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Worship Service Salunga Methodist Church Rev. Robert C. Pike, Minister Miss Alice Strickler, Supt. Sunday, May 13th 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 6:45 p.m. Youth Fellowship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. The Church of God Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor { Sunday, May 13th 9:30 am. Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship | in charge of the Young Men's Bi-| bie Class. Mrs. Minnie L. Witman | of Manheim will deliver the Mo- ther’s Day Message. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Sermon, “The Wells of Salvation.” | Wednesday | 7:30 p.m. Junior and Senior Pray- | er Meetings. { | | | | me | Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor | Sunday, May 13 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. i 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion. 7:00 p.m. Holy Communion. Monday 7:30 p.m. Young Ladies Class at the Parish House. Thursday 7:00 p.m. Luther League at the Parish House. Bible Newtown U. B. Church Oscar K. Buch, Pastor | Sunday, May 13 | Sunday, May 6 {9:00 am. Sunday School. | No evening service. | | Choir will sing and the pastor will ern ! Jack Boyer will be in | 3 | the service and other young people SPECIAL SERVICES IN LVANG. U. B, CHURCH Christian Family Week and Mothers’ Day will be observed in St. Mark's Evangelical United Brethren Church, Sunday. In the | Sunday School session, all mothers | present will be given a special re- | membrance., The rite of baptism | of children will be observed in the The Children’s | service. preach, “Dedicating our children | te God.” In the evening service, at the religious film, “Again - Pion- 7:30 cers” will be shown. This film de- picts some of the problems of mod- | family life, especially among American workers, | of our migrant charge will participate. A mixed quartet will furnish special music. Mem- bers and friends are invited to at- tend these services. a ea ——— REICH'S BIBLE CLASS TO FETE MOTHERS - DAUGHTERS The Young Ladies’ Bible Class of Reich's Evangelical Congrega- | | tional Sunday School near May- | town, held its twelfth annual | mother and daughter banquet last | evening at Hostetter’'s banquet hall here, “Christian Happiness In the | Home” was the theme, with Mrs. Herbert Miller, wife of the pastor of the Hershey Church of the | Brethren, as speaker. Mrs. Frances Greer was toastmistress, Also on the program was invoca- Miss Naomi Demmy; toasts, C. S. Brandt and daughter, Greer; readings, Mrs. Anna Mae Gable and Mrs. Doris Weid- man; vocal solos, Mrs, Mary Jane Shultz; vocal duet, Misses Martha E. and Miriam Roland. tion, Mrs. Mrs. SIMON P. NISSLEY | MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. & Full Guarantee BECAUSE ONLY Sage GIVES YOU ALL 3 Subscribe for the Bulletin, FOR... Watches-Clocks-Jewelry And Watch Repairing Warren H. Greenawall JEWELER 209 West Main St, MT. JOY OPEN EVERY EVENING EYES EXAMINED BY APPOINTMENT DR. S. MILLIS OPTOMETRIST 89 N. MARKET STREET ELIZABETHTOWN Hours: Daily: 9 to 1 and 2 to 5 Evenings: Tues. & Sat. 6:30 - 8 No Hours Thursday PHONE: 334) Vv WWW WV Quality Meats ALSO A FULL LINE OF BIRDS EYE FROSTED FOODS Fruits & Vegetables KRALL'S Meat Market West Main St., Mt, Joy NOTICE! In order to collect damages on our Poultry Ranges caused by dogs or other predatory animals, we have to notify the proper State authority. same authority will then check the immediate neighborhood for stray dogs and other dogs with which they come in contact, This notice is given so that you [ | will not be embarrassed in case the) Authorities check the neighborhood for unlicensed dogs. Musser Leghorn Farms 18. tf Para Waterproofing Oo Rope in Hem (Grommets won't pull out) Eagle Farm Tarps give the protection you need. They quickly pay for themselves . by covering and protecting crops, Childish Things.” 6:30 p.m. Forum for Young People 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship address on “Moral and Spiritual Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Christian Endeavor. re @ CLIC TT) THROUGHOUT machinery and livestock. And only Eagle Tarps give you a full guarantee, Para Wat. erproofing and rope sewed in hem . . . providing 2039, greater strength. See your dealer listed below for Eagle Farm and Growth in the Family.” Dr. Garry Cleveland Myers will speak at both worship services. Dr. Garry Cleveland Myers, Edi- ELTA ELLE REL Le [CTI LR (3) STRAIN OFF CANVAS fr TTL Stimulate your business by adver= tising in the Bulletin. reall A Cr Yi 3 i Truck Tarps. ASK US FOR FREE BOOK ON TARPS 1 H. S. NEWCOMER & SON, Inc. Mount Joy, Penna. The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, May 10. 1951—8 : | [ | | | | | | | | | | FREL ESTIMATES RALPH L. Practical Artesian Well Drillers WATER WELLS for farms, factory, mills, and drainage purposes. WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE MYERS & SONS SALUNGA, LANCASTER CO. PA. PHONE LANDISVIL RALPH L. MYERS NT IF NO ANSWER CALL Chas R. Myers - - Landisville Paul L. Myers . - Landisvi Edward G, Myers - Landisv Associates SALUNGA, PA, reservoirs; PROTECTED IN MODERN VAULTS Storage FUR COATS, cleaned and glazed. All kinds re- | BERLOU Guaranteed approved RUGS dry cleaned. or shampooed, Drapes and LAUNDRY of all types. Bachelor bundle or family. Brook's DRY CLEANER. PHONE ~~ MT. Fully Insured . A pairs and alterations. moth proofing for five years. Curtains cleaned. FLORIN, PA. JOY 3-4451 13-8 | ‘ tor of the children’s magazine, Patronize Bulletin Advertisers ST ALWAYS BE CAREFUL DRIVING ate ow = E S Hee SF ISTRY © 0BODY wonders what you're driving when you roll by in this one. In the 1951 line-up, its brand-new front-end styling stands out with a beauty all its own. You're the proud owner of a Buick— and the whole world knows it. But you—at the wheel—enjoy a long list of differences that go far deeper than looks. The ride is different—level and true. You sit the road with special assur- ance—because drive keeps r Tune in HENRY |. TAYLOR, ARC N atwork on a steady keel. demand in emergency, there’s horsepower to spare. Handling is different—this car seems to steer itself on straightaway or curve— and swings lightly into parking spots inches Buick’s torque-tube car wheels firmly ovary Monday evening ES ER XS aligned—soft coil springs on all four wheels soak up the bumps and bobbles—honest weight keeps you The power is different —eager and sure. Buick’s high-compression Fireball engine does wonders with fuel —and no matter what you S. F. ULRICH, Inc. 505 NORTH MARKET ST. ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNA. shorter than you'd think you need. Capping it all, there's the silken ver- satility of Dynaflow Drive,* that takes all the tenseness out of driving —responds to your slightest wish with a surging swoop of power. No doubt about it, what you get in a Buick is far more than just a new car—it’s a whole new experience in getting pleasurably from here to there. So why not explore this difference? Come, take a Buick over and find out how very much satisfaction smart money can buy. Equipment, accessories, trim and models are subject to change without notice. No other car provides all this: DYNAFLOW DRIVE* » FIREBALL POWER 4-WHEEL COIL SPRINGING * DUAL VENTILATION PUSH-BAR FOREFRONT » TORQUE-TUBE DRIVE WHITE-GLOW INSTRUMENTS « DREAMLINE STYLING BODY BY FISHER *¥ Standard on ROADMASTER, optional af extra cost on ornar Series, WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUD THEM