The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, March 29, The Mount Joy Bulletin Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher | ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 = rrr ses Published Every Thursday at No. | ance of gifts from the giver. We Ea St, Mount Joy, Pa. might continue to eat but should il cherish the dish that it be not Ba Po Ye Ex broken befor ‘we veturn it hear- 1 ree MORES +. 60 ing our own token of gratitude. Single Copies: venues 05 ® 60 Sample Copies FREE EASTER. 1951 Entered at the Postoffice at Mt. If the man and his world would Joy, Pa. ae second-class mail mat | &ccept Christ and His teachings, the ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. tide of tyrant and conqueror would p 1 N wash upon firm hard sands that smber, Pennsylvania Newspaper a Memb Du mr? on iy Pai would not be effaced or obscured. Publishers’ Association . Easter is the. symbol of the Publicaticn Day, Thursday resurrection and is a significant « a change of advertising | cccasion for the restoration of i office Tuesday. | men's hearts. Death sealed the ntee insertion of | x . 1 ; fe nse on OL | Selpucher with a stone and t s copy reaches . ie it Lif Hed 1 S o atch 1 . J ‘0 Pp later than 9 a. m. |5®: & wa pon 1 rolle s+ day of publication. { away the stone and the early 1 ads will be accépted to | morning sun found an empty ie nm 9 a. m. public { tomb, The congueror, the tyrant, — CE | was defeated by Life, the sands | KE D 1 I' O R 1 A | | were not washed away by the | tide but triumphed over it. *- + > | The Crucifixion is the test for Worry certainly pushes a per- man’s faith, the supreme agony of | son but it never gets you any- loss. It is the fulfillment of where the Resurrection that frees the © 0 human mind from its suffering or Ce . mak of the Cross a candle, of Most folks have finally stopped |! ) e ( Ca : s To a evadle Yove § . talking about the length of their the Tomb a cradle. wave is the : incisions and are now cradle that calms the stricken as ons @ v 3 : do | it is gently rocked by One who I wo the size of their tele- 5 5 y { .'s con says “Peace be unto you” and visien screen. or ad e © 0 “Woman, why weepest thou”. The light of your candle sheds a | Se claim that ere long : | 8 : glow for those who do net sorrow | insects control the world. as “those who have no hope”. is absolutely Be thi {irue, " via ; Be this The spiritual quality of yecasion to worry so much] no occas L : | prephets and shepherds, lead them | Jui Blom bomb. Bice the ® eo from the paths of Palestine to . a ; | | bring the freshly poignant story | 1s are Now While investiga from the disciples, down through | being held be well for the centuries. someone {o find out Why | Ay of these truths form the | that gift I on pounds Ol | tide that baths a blighted, heart- butter to KE pe while Army IS| Goo world, a new tide not of | feeding oleo to GI's. tyrant and conquerer, but- of en- LES the Testament upsurging of during tenets of Un- | that d big money to men to conduct 1s 1! SS. Now | -year-old boy laves in an hope, renewed thruout the fresh dedicated idealism, aspiration and fresh de- | termination, along comes an eig and tells Posimaster General Don- Donald- | a | and ad- | stone | | by. Now you covenant of Christ rolls away the free of i tomb, | aldson how to save meney. son takes the suggestion and makes man his » saving there mits a bi se vour own judgment. wo eee dE" QB. ma ® 6 © Beard Contest To investiga-~ agreeable tien into the } » concerning ie contest will be the $954) 1 he nightly i of the historical pageant “A ihrough The ; pr ly going Century” to | 3 : = | be 1d 1 th Hich nance Corporation and since a| (From Page 1) furrier applied for an RFC loan. M mes Mumper and The tie-in may ccuse the fur to Maytcwn, Mrs. George fly. But co ving the price of I 1d, M Benj. Ben- were Faster guest: the ccat, probably the hides uscd of Manheim tis 3 tind” thai] Money is living up to only hal visited their | of ils past reputation of 10 cents | Mr. Samuel Shelly Sunday: to a dollar. Attempts are made | Mr. Gecrge Mumper Sr, Mrs. to stretch the dollar by using| Martin Ney, Mrs. Norman Mateer, chearsr cuts of meat, meat sub- | Mr. Clyde Mumper. Mr. Ralph . Muamror . Ser I stitutes, more home sewing and | Mumper and Mr. George Mumpe: “meking over”, cufling auto costs] Jr. attended the funeral of Mr. . Jz mes Foose t 1% > n 'Tues- by driving less, making home | James I of t Carlisle on Tues : >. of . | dav af a repairs, carrying lunches, g | day afternoon. larger gardens. Many families] man of Camp Pick- have their various methods . of reducing living costs to wage the |e! Le . . | More . Mre war onbinflition. It is a stand| Mr. and Mrs. for strength, were Sunday gue ®@ ® O { Wm. Haines at Newtown. ed his home last week ming Saturday. Nentwig sts of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd JUST AN OVERLOOKING 3 a Fat the gift and break tie | i rh over Ho yeu us alk Va iia hers » | OVEN, le the oven cool, ‘then | dish lest it vou of Be a small sauce dish filled | with ammonia in it and let it stend over night. This will | locsen the grease "and make it | easier to wash off. A Ln 1951 [Town Hebrew | | friends | hit and The faith and the spirit of the | Mortuary Record, nesday | fice | the dictionary in 1897 There ave no tigers in Africa, in 1828. iw © YT TTT TTY HAPPENINGS Of LONG AGO iia | highly developed as our accept- | & wl 20 Years Ago Competitors have cut the price | of milk to 10 cents a quart at Mariett A $60,000 bond issue ordinance pa d its first reading Mr. and Mrs. - Carl B. Drohan ere ‘honored at a reception by Ir. and Mrs. Samuel Stauffer. Rev. W. H. Beyer, Methodist minister here, retired and will be succeeded by Rev. W. R. Petrie of Millersville. A Joy's and Girl's Garden | Club will be organized at al meeting at the Union National | 3ank by the Farm Bureau. Three deer were seen on the Washington Boro road just out of | Columbia. The hugh candle which was | on display in Eshleman Brothers | window, h wing burned 218 hours, at last burned out. | H. G. Carpenter, Clerk, schedul- | d his annual public sale of stocks nd bonds to be held in the Mt. Joy Hall. . { Mrs. J. Clarence Reist and Mrs. Harry Miller were hostesses to | the Farm Women Society No. 8. Two flock of ‘wild geese, were een flying over Middletown es- timated at two thousand geese in each flock. For the fifth time in as many returned | years, a one legged robin to Jason Park, Columbia, | At a Lancaster public sale, two Chippendale = chairs sold for | 2700. Tight brakes on a Schock Ind. | Oil Co. truck caused a fire was promptly extinguished. Miss Beatrice Derr at a St. Patrick’s party at entertained 1 her home. A Pittsburgh resident was found the highway east of lying alcng own injured by a seriously run autoist. approaching truck zhtened by an r two men desserted their containing 20 half barrels of beer. | RE S.-.-- - | (From page 1) Funeral services were held from the Nissly funeral home here Wed- afternoon with interment in Kraybill's cemetery in East Done- gal township. . | Mrs. Theresa W. Seibert, Mrs. Theresa W. Seibert,seventy- | cne, 601 East raster, died Saturday at her home Marion street, Lan- | a after an illness of five months. | A native of this s a daughter of the late Hiram | and Elizabeth Weaver Walters. She borough, she survived by {wo daughters Florence, wife of George A. Koelbl, | . I 1 ¢ | at ome, nd eneva, wile [ Peter were from preper, distinctive and rs. John Bender aki I= I on, h 11 . Syre, ancaster, and the ollow=- well-bred mink, and will probably ve. >) 1 I the ; { in Kissinge f Lancaster.| ing brothers and sisters: Irvin he cleared of any charges. Lucky nr ing ) ancaster, 3 : tow My Te 1d Elizabeth, wife of John mink! n-law o r. and Mrs. Harold . 7 ® 0 ® admitted to the General| Roth, and Harry Walters, all of thi ana: M la wife o 1:4. | A BLOW BY BLOW AC Hospital after being burned at his| this place; Myrtle, wife of William | ER 3 py work Dull, Lancaster; Christian Walters | The “big freeze” hasn't irozen, | VOU | # hii 4 Na | han and Ephraim|and Theda, wife cf Frank Young, | stabilization has not stabilized han and Eph | both of this place. The funeral was held at Lancas- | ter Wednesday afternoon with in- | Lawn cem- | (EE terment in the Cedar etery re ell We TWO NEARBY STREAMS STOCKED WITH TROUT A total of 2,100 more trout were ¢ stocked in two more county | reams Tuesday morning by State | h Warden Robert M. Greéner. | arriveds by i consignment truck at the Landisville Post Of- at 10:30 a. m. The ship- ment consisted of 600 brook trout for Swarr’s Run and 750 rainbows | and 750 for the Little | Conestoga Creek. en, eet “UR The browns It is colder at the antartic than | at the artic.’ Noah ®Webster began writing and finished Li LA | into | the dead letter | turn address. | ascertain who might have sent it | but must send it to Philadelphia tq seal your parcel with any kind of an adhesive paper if it does not contain a declaration that it may The Lions Club | Of Mount Joy | Mount Joy High School Auditorium 8:00 O'CLOCK P.M. PROGRAM Part INTERLOCUTOR END MEN Presents— THE FOURTH ANNUAL MINSTRELS" Thur.-Fri.- Sat. March 29-30-31 | 1 9 5 1 | One: Lester, Mumma | | ARTEMANDIY tastes H. Morrell Shields] SASSAFRAS .......: SMOKY ....... STEAMBOAT... pitt | QUARTETTE :... G. Freeman Naugle . Richard Divet | . a .. James B. Spangler §- Curtis Reisch, Geo. Houck, | | Sam Harnish, Robt. Bentzel| "Barber Shop Melodies” | | CHORUS—"You're Just In Love” FSOLD i. ciate Lester Mumma fe BRASS QUARTETTE LION's Jay Barnhart, Sr. & Jr., James ry herf GEORGE HOUCK AND CHORUS... ... ar "Zing Zing" CHORUS cet od 0 md “Hullabaloo” | END MEN AND CHORUS a "The Thing"| Part Two: CUBS iit niin 0 Leader - George Houck John Bender, Michael Blyer, Lee Newcomer, and Robert Reisch 2. Specialty Numbers USELELE BAND ........ tik Leader « G. Freeman Naugle! "Waiting For The Robert E. Lee” ge F. Broske Bro William Jo . Brown Charles A. Carrier Richard Divet Charles | Her Curvin S. M Lester Mumm tthe Long Home aster, als "EY . . . hl (From Page 1) the Long Home, Lancaste iso | Five Foot Two" tnat it is wrong to survive ar on fly the American flag before the To the men of the community— TF ON K { || GRAND FINA Mi Toot, Tootsie y 1 Th “> CRN funeral irom une soser unera ah : Laid ) bye der ust how Fb BY LE sss D ic | dawn or after sunset. According x you r wonder just how Hons “at Landiaville Saturday. als Patriotic Potpourri] he ‘8 Flas associat] is ld ki with ax beard? | ie ie S to the U. 8. Flag assoc ato o NE a Dies vou ever | with interment in the Mil- ® is wrong. You may ily he | NOW's you chance: Didnt IVEY | teraville cemetery 1 3 sob as | think oud want to go with- 2 ie 1 | flag day and night, ag | tk |W go loo v stb Chairman Did 41 Dec I'S 1 it two straight months } you do so with respect. . oo 1 : on 4 gi ACTIN Martin R. Nissly Lester Momma and its flzos y fe’? OWs your chance. |" = ar ood >. arti EN eventy-four, of n and er sunset, to u kX that you want 1o Martin R. Nissly yeni) : ou Ri. Stage Publicity J 6 end of | make ti nce-in-a-lifetime cele- | ¢ the home of Mr. coleman Richard Fletcher di ¢ { nb Daw 33 . . . "Ge ¢ day.| bration a success? Now's your Pov Lighting Sound Tickets Sponsors a iim. AD, where he | wr, tom : . | al association reminds, n : > : hi te | Wm. Batzel James Spangler Melvin Weaver Bigler Mumma 4 a Ty the wemen of th mau tx ES fourteen not S| 4 flag--not the! property| To the women of the community, | Bote ales 2 IBF HOC Costumes Show Arrangement Music ¢ » h i ly wonder just how id Bh Lh me ue its Ad ~~ . : i ot pancho: tue Tout i [ he I ih A > ship, he was a son of the late Charles Eshleman Richard Divet H. Morrell Shields y( flv waen you desire.” | y 2, YOU | eran i 3. Reist i 1Cs i yours to Mien TOR die. eo We tho | Christizn L. and Catharine B. Reist Musical Directress Show Instructor So this 15 3Zoing Cure telly dian DY | J £4} . } ft : Nissly and wa member of the Co ot > i srguments on the sunrise and the | men of th Ni yo pe, x Dorc Sch Ira K. Gibble Be beard 1 en- | Slat Hill Mennonite church. He Pianis : sunset qt n. bod a the Heprisbure urea fot 1anist Organist ® © © 1 SUC ra oe hav Ir r RABBIT | Don’t forget, for bearded | 28 years as a produce merchant. BY: © Darnaom, Le = pred ny A 4 : bor ay lv > seies of animal | man, v King or going to school in ius.» ole other, Alvin B. i : ior out of Moun B Nissly, of Hanover. Several nieces + Be er nd a@an otter. r ou 1 oun just one . Bates 3 sublicitv 4 i+ | and nephews also survive, - Ba ar a very dis- f publicity. And it] 2M k 2 ert W. Bentzel George Hou H. Mor James Arthur D. § n, Je. Henry Weber a J. Earl Wolf, Jr. Lloyd W. Myers Ukelele Band | Robert K. Brown George Brown 1II George F. Broske Warren E. Bates Richard M. Robert W. Bentzel Samuel Harnish William Jones Curyin S. Martin, Jr. G. Freeman Nauagle | Curtis Reisch | Arthur D. Sprecher Fletcher Henry Weber Postoffice Corner Just a few more days until March 31, and that is tae day that Postal Notes will go out of existance. There substitute for these notes, the present form of orders. However these will be discontinued on June 30 at the close of business, and on July 1 a new system will be put! which will take the place of the motes and present money order forms. will be no except money force, We again call your attention to having return addresses on your Every day mail is sent to office because it could not be delivered, and could not be returned since it had no re- Post office employe: are not permitted to open mail t the dead letter branch, and there i is opened and returned to the send-* er. Much time ‘and effort could: be saved "by just taking ‘a few mom- ents to write your return address on all your letters. Another item of importance is the sealing of parcel post. Do not 4 { be opened for inspection. If it is sealed and no declaration is at- tached the lawful postage is that ol first class, which is 3c per ounce and on a parcel of great weight, | this would be very expensive. Be sure that your address is cor- rect and that you have your return address in the upper left hand cor- ner. Then you will be assured that your parcel will arrive at its desti- notion in fine shape. Rp PE SN ARE YOU IN THE DOG HOUSE? A&P's * ADVER FULL Ww, All prices shown here linclud- ing those of items not subject to price ceilings), are guaran« teed—Thursday, March 29th through Wednesday, April 4th, A&P's § 2 PRICES you an olps you see All A&P SUPER MARKETS ARE OPEN, FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. at home. ANTEE Customers’ Corner There never was food store that couldn’ be improved. While we've been striving constantly vince 1859 to give our customers the best food, service and prices, we know that we haven't achieved perfection. That's why “our loyal employees are always seeking more satisfying and more efficient ways of serving you. Won't you help them make your A&P better place fo shop? Please write your suggestions to: CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. A&P Food Stores 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. CALIFORNIA TENDER BROCCOLI :29 ONE PRICE—NONE PRICED HIGHER Florida Fresh Corn fics 3+" 29¢ Full-Podded Lima Beans 2 29¢ Florida Pascal Celery sik 19¢ Crisp Red Radishes rico“ 5¢ Red Rome Apples 3 25¢ Crisp Carrots "*"™ 2" 17¢c Fresh Pineapples cia “* 3%¢ Grass Seed FREE OF CRABGRASS i $1.89 Frozen Orange Juice: 35¢ Frozen Limas fom roo wa 29¢ Snow Crop Frozen Peas Snow Crop Strawberries i: 43¢ Onion Sets ™'°" 3" 29¢ i; $2.75 Seed Potatoas*10::.45¢'%: $4.19 *U. S. NO. 1 CERTIFIED MAINE IRISH COBBLERS 6-01 cons 2 Ann Page Beans : | 15° Three tasty varieties... all ten- der-cooked and value-priced. Get your favorite! & 23-02 can &P GREEN & WHITE TIPPED Asparagus = 42° Del Monte Corn “Sh a 18¢ Old Virginia Apple Jelly ir 28¢c Choc. Chip Cookies "**°"i;" 23¢ Royal Gelatin Desserts 3" 23¢ A&P Spinach 16c a 20¢ Star-Kist Tuna Fish Sve 33¢ Banquet Chicken oko wn’ $1.98 Libby's Peaches "= 2]¢ “a 32¢ A&P Grape Juice Ji. 23¢ oi 43¢ Prune Juice “fs Sonic 28€ Florida Orange Juice ‘a 29¢ A&P Apple Sauce on 15¢ Treet, Spam or Prem wn 47¢ Kraft Salad Oil i. 45¢ i 85c Lummis Pegnut Butler i’ 32¢ AERE'S HOw A&P's " per Low-Price, Low-Profit” \ P olicy warks to Your LOW PROFIT OF ONLY 1 A&P's YOUR " lc ON your money go further, STOREWID E DE Low ITEMS EVERY ht HUNDREDS OF A&P's in the which are not subje YSTEM "ON" OF well as on the shel itemized” as you shop dat oe spending §, APs MONEY. pack GUA cheerfully refund chase fail fo ple Ranger Jog "Wii™ | 55 14¢ Pillsbury Rie Crust Mix 15 18¢ 30-02 Doles Fruit Cocktajl ~~ “ 37¢ Lake Shore Honey | oc: Pickled Beets vw 19¢ J f ’ -end specials’) makes CI any day you shape ote food bi GUA Protects yo . ma you against ase you, DOLLAR" makes instead of just PRICES FOR A rket prices of items ct 16 price ceilings, MA ALL ITEMS RING Ves... an ur purchases OR RP IRI) A&P TEAS Give You 200 Cups "to the pound _ =) uy Fine Teas Neednt Be Expensive! FOUR OWN TEA i; 91¢ NECTAR TEA}: $1.01 Our Own Tea Bags i: 3% Nectar Tea Bags i: 45¢ Strawberry Preserve ric: 35¢ Sparkle Gelatin Desserts "7c Sparkle Puddings "°7¢ Ann Page Mayonnaise "= 42¢ = 25¢ Ann Page Peanut Butter 32¢ Ann Page Chili Sauce iii 26¢ Sunnybrook Red Salmon 71¢ Vermont Maid Syrup ii 5lc Spiced Kieffer Pears vison’ 28¢ Daily Dog Meal ii; 46¢c “os $2.14 Baby Chick Feed i $1.23 Daily Chick Starter i’ $1.21 Daily Growing Mash ©.’ $1.15 Daily Laying Mash ~~ ©) $1.16 Swift's Brookfield Cheese Spread 19° BUTTER wad Si FI Sharp Cheddar Cheese "é6lc Ched-o-bit Cheese Faod i; 95¢ Romano Cheese "$1.15 Bleu Cheese *8lc Marvel Cracked or Whole Wheat Bread PIMENTO, RELISH, 5-02 OLIVE PIMENTO, cocktail & PINEAPPLE glass 1-1b loaf 17: Raised Donuts 2 at: 38¢ Jelly Donuts Sei 4% 32¢ A&P FANCY GRADE "A" Pineappie Juice = 3¥ + 35: April Woman's Day 5¢ Don't miss the 7-page article on ‘‘Dreamy Desserts’ for sweet-tooth satisfaction with easy-to-follow recipes, [r— A « P's PRICE POLICY ® Storewide low prices on hundreds of items every day . . . instead of just a few "one-dav" or week-end" specials. ® All advertised prices (including those of items not subiect to price ceilings) are guaranteed for one week, even though market prices go up. We believe this policy helps our customers save more money. ® With the correct price marked on every item, plus an’ itemized cash registe ip . you' know’ what you save at A&P. hiles Sera serv Amo AIRF 4-pla prime sure, transi matic have haule tion. instr good, fly ar mode! compl ric in the 7 E-tow licens of gas Somet let th only port ing wi and s road. The will b G. E Qualit er, 4 | old; m top s case a extens hair s carpet sink ¢ etipbos hench, etc. ANTIC woode| dle, sil ry tab OTHE garden ext. la steel f 2 feed tools a Any before bethto immed for sal Sale when known Walter Kraybi PL | Fa SATU Local 4 miles of Eri Lancas 2 Tra New a ‘of all CC Ty M ( Harv planter: Side Horse cultivat TOWS, Nn Toba and ha chinery Condi by ‘Wagner Kaylor Wher thing) DEB