The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 15, 1951, Image 2

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a ake ler 3 e turbine v 3 aE Wi
2—The Bulletin, . Joy, Pa., Thursday, March 15, 1951 5 he giant boiler and the turbine . . oe - RICE
u now in progress and the unit ex- Jewerly - Silverware &
sected to be in regular service very : Wa
| he Ta: Jo Bulletin N Goi | Already a further addition Watches - Gifts A
y eport ow omg of 125,000 kilowatts is under way; 99 \ I
E P bli h this newest addition is expected to Watch Attachmemts W=-IPERO
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher : 13 Rp
3 0 toc 0 ers’ be turning out power by mid- (WATCH REPAIRING)
ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 [SR — [ 1053. Continuation of the present Complete Ronson Lighter 9
: #3 ! 4 nr » v }
“Our Belief that a man should | nr 7 Storb, Pennsylvania | expansion program through the Rewuir Service with y 1 lS
. . T. 8% | i 8 3 pair Service ase.’ 20
0 Publ wry 3 i Thursday at Na.| live within his income and pay his | & Light Companys Lancas- | years ending 1954 will require ex- y ¥ ill Help i ou Save w I
. st) gn | St. M Ys | honest debts, and that our govern- |... vice president, today | penditures of $82.3 million by the Koser S Watch Shop
Subscription, per year $200 | ment should operate on the Same announced that mailing of the util- utility Dial Mt. Joy 3-4015 —
Bik Months $1.00 sensible basis. | ity’s 1950 annual report to its near- Total revenues for the year were |} Chocolate Ave, FLORIN, PA.
Three Months 60 | “Our Belief that under the Am- ly 70,000 stockholders is now un- ¢ nearly $78.4 million, a gain of 12%
Single Copies | erican Way of Life we already have der way More than three days will | over 1949, and in spite of increased
Sample Copies Saar a higher standard of living than any | ha required by the company’s fin- | operating expenses the company :
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt, other government system has ever ancial department staff to complete succeeded in bringing down into Dr.H.C. Killheffer N
Joy, Pa., as second-class mail mat- offered—let alone delivered. the mailing of the 17 tons of reports | net earnings a substantial portion .
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. “Our Belief that as free men, pp. re port points out 1950 | of the revenue gains. Payroll con- Optometrist
proud of our achievements and | ihe record year for PP&L | tinued t, be the largest item of ex- MANHEIM
a Bia svlvanis swspaper | . | ‘ . | : : 2 | 2
Member, i owspaper | jealous of our rights, there is no}. hours sold, number of | pense and including employe bLen-([ 163 S. Charlotte St. To give you maximum value,
| place in our midst for communism, | oi served. peak power de- | efits, amounted to $21 million for Telephone 5.3376 A&P takes only lc net profit on
Publication Day, Thursday | fellow travelers and other cranks| ac 2nd revenues reached new | 1950. Fuel expenses were about Men. GJ Ee your dollar.
Copy for a change of advertising | who by wild accusations and empty | highs. [S108 Iniflion: und. tuxes S10.4 mil- es. . Sat. . M.
should reach this office Tuesday. | promises would lead us down the > | lion. Total operating expenditures Tues. Fri. Sat.
: : ; Illustrated throughout with full- | I J expendi 9:30.1:00. 2.5 P. M , .
We will not guarantee insertion of | Stina] - ic slave= | wo rape G48 5 : “w ornern
any advertising unless copy reaches trail to political and economic s [ color photographs, the text presents | Were $43.5 million ELIZABETHTOWN Customers C
the office not later than 9 a. m. (FY : a | an interesting digest of the year's 15 E. High St. . : : ]
preceding day of publication. | “Our Belief that it is our duty pi operations. Its simplified text fol- | MOUNT JOY COMPLAINS Telephone 24.R | / There's no place for waste in our
Classified ads in be accepted to | free men to speak out in lows the modern trend toward se- | ABOUT SAND IN WATER | national defense effort.
i ) 0 y » :
oH a. Pa pT TN American Way of Life i curing greater understanding of A complaint against alleged pol- That applics to grocery sores as
1 jE on to that eM . . . May company affairs on the part of the | lution of the boroughs water source I 9 y I :
E D I 1 0 R 1 A L.| J a we eo | smaller investor. The majority of | will be lodged with State Health 12 - 48 - 120 BASS well as delcnse plants.
| | PP&L. investors hold 15 shares or | Department agginst the Milton - . id At A&P, we are fortunate in have 1 S
re TAXES GREATER THAN WAGES | less. Grove Sand Co. quarry by the Mt. New & Used ing 92 years’ experience To help you save in every depart.
The wolf at the door doesn’t wor-| Last year, for the first time in| 1, continuing its postwar expan- | Joy Borough Water Authority. STRAIGHT GUITARS of any kind — whcthes it be ment, A&P offers storewide low
ry some men as much as the mink | history, taxes were the largest| program, the utility's expen- The authority decided at a meet- ELECTRIC HAWAIIAN GUITARS | pied ayer hn bs prices
in the clothes closet. single factor in the cost of operat-| jit res fy 1950 were $26.9 million [ing here Tuesday night to complain : ol lood, ty , ul
200 | ing the electric industry. Prior to| or a total of $130 million for the | with the State agency against the HARMONICAS 75¢ UP | constant effort to save money for
In the old days a girl dropped a this, wage costs had heen at the 0p five years ending 1950. The pro- | company allegedly permitting. sand SHEET MUSIC & BOOKS | our customers.
handkerchief and picked up a hus- | of the ledger. [ garam not only includes the huge | fiom its plant to get in the Little Crnitase. Ntandolh | You can us do our part in
hand but not so today. | The gas and electric industry's! new power plant at Sunbury but | Chickies Creek, the borough's wa- Lessons on Man oii, | ) ;
eo eo | 1950 tax bill was in excess of $1,- | reinforcement and ex- | ter source Tenet Banjos, Hawaiian Guitars | this national emergency by calling ]
Jam : fe py Ta re ment A ee and Accorgians. . ww a0
One must be very fleet of foot | 000,000,000. And taxes took some 21 of the company's Authority members explained | our attention to any wasteful prac.
these days to ever catch up with | percent of electric company 8Y0SS | mission and distribution facilities | that the sand gets into the borough aes ho ; Hind free o tices we may have overlooked. ER
Your running expenses. j revenues, as compared with 19 per | throughout its 9500-square-mile | water plant's filters, causing troub= 4 Plase write:
oe 0 | cent in 1949. service area. The first 150,000 kilo- le there. David Hess Music Sho : To protect you against rising prices,
: bw : this oka si : : mit 4 si Wh ob A ta >
The per capita consumption of What makes this particularly sig-| watts of capacity at Sunbury were |, . 105. N. Market Street p CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. A&P guaranteesall advertised prices
whiskey in Washington is about | pificant is the continuing drive to placed in service late in 1949. A Everybody reads newspapers but ELIZ ABE THTOWN. PA A&P Food Stores for 3 full week.
four times the national average! put the Federal government | 100,000 kilowatt addition is ‘now | NOT ‘everybody reads circular ade Phone 605-3 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17,N. Y.
which in part explains Washington. | and farther into the power business practically completed, with tests on | vertising left on their door step. 11-tf
Of course there's still a better rea- | and to socialize private enterprise | | : :
son. lin this field on a step-by-step basis. | COLD STREAM All prices shown here (including those of
coe | The Federal plants either pay no PINK SALMO 7%-o01 37¢ 1-1 59¢ items not subject to price ceilings) are
WE OBSERVE LENT | taxes at all, or pay sums in lieu of | §| 9 sn ia guaranteed — Thursday, March 15th
As the great religious. festival of | taxes to local government which | | ’ through Wednesday, March 21st
the year approaches we observe the | are merely token sops compared | | KXXX SUGAR 1b 12¢ ; Exp
interval. in the Christian custom, | with what private enterprise would | { ti Fi B Toi 28
as a period for fasting and praying. | pay on the same volume of business. | en Ig ars pkg c GREEN GIANT
Lent dates back to the first histor- | And, on top of that, they are built | ° : Pie-Sliced Apples 20-8 20¢ MN
jes of the church though it has not | with the government's tax revenue, | Plain lothing epartmen | : LONI CR - PEAS
always been the same length of | and it is common for them to run Juice SUGAR ADDED em
days and though its observance is heavy deficits which call for more) slain F bares LOE for? | Red Cheek Apple Juice =i 22¢ 2 25 2 on 39
not the same in all’ churches. The | appropriations by Congress. Finally | “Where Plain Folks Like to Shop 8 Jude Te :
underlying meaning of Lent is the | they are totally free of state regu- | A & Pp Spinac A a ibe did 20¢
same. the period of pause when | lation—while the business-managed | ; » 1-1b * A a
man contemplates the higher plane | companies are regulated lock, stock | Perfect Strike Chum Salmon <n 486 Niblets Corn can Ie ie
of living, when he draws nearer his | and barrel by both state and Feder- Tuna Fish CHUNK STYLE GREEN LABEL com” 33c Orange Juice FLORIDA-_UNSWEETENED 46-01 29¢ ho
Cod through understanding, | #1 commissions. : | Banquet Chicken WHOLE Si 98 bY Ai 137 1
strengthens his soul for the recop-| If there ever was a time fo en-| | - BE SH Wl Del Monte Peas <A 27 39¢
tion of the Easter memorial. and protect tax-paying on-| Dried Whole Green Beans 5 (0c Stringless Beans 2 on’ 33¢
® 00 terprise, this is it. The country is/ p i Fl Sih oh 11 FRENCH STYLE & cans
IT'S IN THE AIR meving on to a total defense footing | as ry our beg 3%¢ bog ¢ Cudahy Sliced Bacon 15:9 55¢ wr
ide i conv ~» il ANN PAGE 12-01. Fan. —
Swallows return from winter | the budget is soaring to tremendous / Preserves SNM PAGE bias 35¢ Franco-American S 3 neti’ = .
haunts, millinery stages its spring heights, and more taxes are being | os You: p 3 con Cc I 1
offensive, gardeners plan the strat- | demanded of every business and in- | Buff S Cake Mix pkg 271¢ Sunnyfield Bake Flour wr 3de | —
egy of the soil. The March sun | dividual. Shall we, under these Roy Rogers Cookies CRACKIN: 9 35¢ Mixed i ine i
doesn’t slink and sulk as did Feb-| conditions, keep on socializing an | | Aj Wi k B i : 59 ixe ege ables cans ry [ {
ps ery CE aL Tater} oh 4
ruary’s chill ravs. The pusey wiligws ARH it among our fore 1 | Ye eodorizer ti Se Nabisco Shredded Wheat 2 >" '33¢
strut their new spring furs and the | est and most aepe ® taxpayers. 131 | ceen ING 2-01 : : . 1-1b
maple sap activates the digestive The answer should be an | SEASONING bottle ¢ Nabisco Premium Sailtines Le 38 !
juices. There are diminutive pud-|ccal “No!” if for no other reasom) Junket Powder os {0g Campbeli’s Tomato Catsup 22¢ | Hee
dies in the front yard, blobs of ooz- | than to help save our country from | Ranger Joe HONEY. FLAVORED. - il | Exce
ey mud in the driveway that result | destruction by taxation. | A WHEAT pkg Armour S Beef Siew = dde \
in man and dog tracks across the aE BEARDSLEY'S to, {
i} i
living room rug. The housewife is | { SUNNVYFIELD FANCY CREAMERY Codfish Cakes = {Gg
1: : hedul a es ix / T Fish CHicken oF the sea 7-01 29 T
making her human schedule con { an er | 5 vil 1s eh ato una Is WHITE MEAT in Cc
form to nature's schedule by her | BUTTER prints 17° solia 75¢\
o |
springing movements oasis] : (From pag 3 gen tl
. 4 oe | ing rge vi sgistators to s- i #1
housecleaning. All of this is the| ng. bree your leg 4 |
challenge to the season, some un- | courage Essel | FLORIDA NEW PROP YALENGIA 176-SI1ZE
pretentious, some some | ; Thess ane Ry nig | Bleu Cheese Gic ORANGE dozen 39°
melodic, some discordant, but still] £Y oe St Spon pal as i | § } Sharp Cheddar Cheese 1b Gic
all a prelude of the Spring song. | Pat of a national campaign spob- | 3
¥ the Consumer Credit!§! KRAFT'S 2-1b . pr
®e 9 0 sored by e Conse | Velveeta Cheese Foo her 99¢ Crisp Carrots Lien hone 9 bund ie We |
A DISAPPEARING LANDMARK | committee o ihe £ Dfhiean 0 | Yogurt a 6c TE dior ee ) : po
We usually associate the covered | Assoc wn 3. 20 i ng pe 1 2 iD Ne Pascal Celery PRICED HIGHER was 296
: . ec ations the c ittee | ED 11k se
bridge with New England altho recommendations the comics) Marvel Bread iii? ii 15¢ "i" 216 Now Green Cabbage “hoi 9c M
there are some remaining as land- rn uly = res; : Ee | Hot Cross Buns JANE 35¢ FLORIDA SEEDLESS for
. XS v > WwW ; i
marks in other sections. As they ¢ hen provide the public 1 4 | PARKER 7 Jo 5 Grapefruit JUICY 64-70 SIZE 3 25¢ MOU
: . such credit as is necessary. SUGARED OR dozen
disappear from the countryside to) >" . x 1 | Donuts CINNAMON 25¢ CALIFORNIA—NONE each a
be replaced by girders and cables | oy re we pay 2 heuer | Potato Chi INE avi Sor Avocado Pears. Toige ngwt 19
iy ill, we become aware > dan- . 5. No. 5
of iron and steel, by concrete, we i ye le ter! | | 0 GRIPS “sos boo Yellow Onions vic vichee ide
sy aod | gers ation,” Mr. erger | | | PAAS
view those few covered bridges that said. “Inflation cute the Lavine 1 | Easter Egg Colors 15¢c & 25¢ R dR di h Sbuthern — @risp bunch &
ai vith a d pr i : er | on ric r
remain, with a degree of nostalgia. | 58! hte Hon gas hie K 2 | i gars 10%- voz € AAISNEeS none Priced Highe C
One community, needing to replace | FOWEr of your do san. Your an wk i | Cheerio Oat Cereal Pky 23¢ Gras 5 OXFORD PARK—FREE 5-Ib $i 89
4 wern-out covered bridge, is hav- shaves in the responsibility to help | > in at S OF CRAB GRASS bag i 9
2 worn DHL COV ia keep the dollar strong; but if we | Mazola Salad Oil bottle ddc bottle 84c Li B DUTCH FARM 12-02. 9
ing the new structure designed on Bo wits the faht infle. 1] Ina Beans ouick rrozen bier 39C
the identical lines of the old, al are to win the fight against infla- |} Orange Juice yi i
SOUTH Frozen cans 39¢
pleasing gesture that gives distinc-
tive qualities to the scenery and
still serves traffic,
Se often our sense of practibility
must overcome our sentiment which
is the price we pay for pregression.
Our salate to one of memories gems |
the sheltered passage, the wooden
bridge whose covered trusses pro-

every citizen will have to co- |
The six points we
today's advertisement
suggestions that
if they are
cutlined in
are constructive
will benefit everybody
adhered to.”
have |
i 1. WED MARCH 24
Ir. and Mrs. Eli S. Arndt, F lovin, {


La Choy Meatless Chinese Dinner
ok, BG¢ 5

Peter Pan Peanut Butter


fected timbers, wayfarers and issued invitations to the mar- | ee : 1? )
. beasts from the weather. | riage of their daughter, Betty Jane | | New Spring Coats ny 33¢ A&P S PRICE POLICY
i fF i 4-02 es
® 90 to Dale F. Key ser, son of Clie P. 1 iar + Storewide low prices oi Hundreds. |
EXPRESSING OUR Keyser, Middletown, March 24, at | of it m d a d of
SENTIMENTS 7 p- m. in the Mount Joy Church of $32 50 to 5 50 fast ly ay. hinges * k
A typical small industrial town of | God. ® ® Three Little Kitiens Cat Food just one-day or ‘week-en
18.000 souls, in Tiffin, Ohio. In Tif-| Miss Arndt attended Millersville |} specials.
fin, 410 men and women, employees | State Teachers College and is em- |} LTS aie hint. vont cot oi | ae Sh :
of a local hearth manufacturing | ployed by East Donegal Township {| Spring 13 just around the corner . . . choose you lightwe Loi c fre our Sar 7¢ 15. 11¢ o All advertised prices (including
ecmpany. wanted: to declire them. | Schon District. Mr. Keyser is em- | {| large collection of conservative styles. CE ie he z sey sd in can <an those of items not subject to price
selves for the Americanway, for| ployed by Penna. Farm Bureau at fine quality fCbrics . . . navy, black and grey. Tailored for w omen who ap. oo ceilings) are guaranteed for. one A
ol I it They: glaced 4 Florin. | precio guality fabrics, perfect fitting comfort, go od workmanship and sim : week, even though market prices VE
aa yy i seat pga ee | plicity in slyling. - Fitted and fuil back styles. Sizes 10 to 20, 36 to 46, and
full page advertisement, on their 1 DY 307 | Dash Dog Food 80 up.. e
own, in the heme town newspaper, MOTORIST THROWN THRU | 49% to We believe this policy hel,
with their signatures, expressing| THE ROOF OF HIS AUTO +1 READY MADE BONNETS Spring Imporicmi Laces! Matslasses! wo 13 is policy helps our ™
their. . seniimenise~and ours. This el a. per SH cov Straws Claths! ¢ Viscas and ‘others! ‘A beautiful new dabsortment inj buckromn can customers save more money. he
Ls ancaster, suffer injuries | § :
Jas ified and followed: “As Free Haha So Ap Re ie oof H! and wire frame styles. Excellent workmanship and fine quality linings . .. e With the correct price marked on
Men e Proclaim— . : poy
“Our Belief in the divinity of God, of his convertible coupe as it ov-|§| $3.98 to $5.50. every oi plus an itemized cash
“the dignity of man and the destiny ertumed on a curve on the Mari- [§ CLOTHING DEPT. Second Floor register slip . . . you know. what Loto
of our. country. etta Pike, a quarter mile east of {Blt ST BING Rd PLAIN axl SR dre de | you save at AgP, oth
shall dive Marietta Saturday ‘night. He was |§| LANCASTER, PA. le
Our ‘Belief that man: : = : : : ai! carry
sweat of his b admitted to St. Joseph's Hospital. | : : i Hod
as i 4 : { i
fe day's work | . a. J : : Waal aD a vend FAN!
Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends. | J id i
: = : . El .
iy I a 1
7 Lb { > i J Rha 3 /