The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 08, 1951, Image 6

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O=The Bulletin, Jov. Pa.., Thursday, March 8. 195 .
= a The Oldest House tiotomee Charles L. Fish obs V
(From page 1) | ( From Page 1) '
-— IS
Another request from S. Nissley|
Gingrich to have School Lane pav=|
ed was received, It was pointed out|
that if properties along this street
became annexed to the borough the
paving will be done. A map, pre-
{sented by boro surveyor H. H, Kos=
er showed the Gingrich plot as defi-
[nitely out ‘of the boro. The deed
ident of town, writes us that he
thinks the Orphan School building

saps this
Civil |
school for
is the oldest in town, lle

property dates back to the
men before
a Mr.
Kraybill Taylor,
and was used as a
it was made an orphan-
age by Wright,
Grace 309 Clin- |

and Delta streets. My grandmother an increase of $5 on her weekly|

Once you try
you'll never use any other


r I’
S P R I N G I M E ton Ave. Oak Park, Ill, writes: “In|
> efererce a des \ from Mr. Gingrich was not accept=
reference to the oldest house in | ring Pp! Butter Is a healthful FOOD - - rich in the —
Mount Joy T would say the Kern] ed. vitamins and minerals your body needs | VO
property on Main street. Also the Mrs. Frank Young, who receives| daily. It's a protective food, Give your family [ |
former SHeetz home, corner Main | fire calls at her home, was granted) Louslia tne bewt bi Th of, =


Elizabeth Lehman, aged 104 when salary. She had been receiving $10.| AYE
she died, told me she lived in the | USCIOUS fruit salads are In reply to an inquiry from the SPECIAL ‘79
WwW e invite you to see our Clothing Sheetz corner when they moved to| Ad tizing treats any time, But Rotary Club concerning a wading RA (
tcwn. She died in 1908 and the | Somehow they seem extra special and hard surfaced pldying|
. | the Spring because of the fillip they | |
Department. house had been occupied by a hoy Ty ee Ihe nd area, the committee reported it has RICHLAND CREAMERY BUTTER |
We beli + its the logical ti v Wenger family. The Kern home is| a real taste of sunshine, Nancy been unable to secure estimates on)
¢ believe 11S 1¢ 1081CAa me to even older than this property. | Holinek of the Best Pods the work to date. |
. ‘ chens suggests this J er Fr
buy your suit, The Henry G. Carpenter property | guid which is just as pretty us it, Checks were received as follows:
wor across Delta street, was built by | is palatable, ? Christ Walters, $6.00 Feb. building] Geta reg. Tc pkg of S—
Philip Frank about the same time, Amber Fruit Salad permits; Robert Brown $175. fines; .
Js ar i} e
PLAIN GABARDINES she told me 2 chan 3 ans, Mt. doy school district, $1200 for Ideal Gelatine Desserts
Editor: Mrs. Lehman died at 104 le mon Ya cup real services rendered by police officers; P ddi
. | gelatin mayonnaise ) - or 1/7} in S or onl
FANCY WORSTEDS and has been deceased 43 years, a4 cups boiling 1 tablespoon at four basketball games; $50.00] 8 ’ Y a
marmalade Henry O'Neil, justice of the peace;!
total of 147 years. | 9 rea apples

Choice of Strawberry, Raspberry, Lemon, Lime,


Plus the years they were built] # Lettuce $365 fines collecte
sofore di , : Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. $6540 Febru hi fines collected by Cherry or Orange Gelatine and Vanilla, Choco- A
befor she oved there would I —_ .
t eon nove 3 yout Pour a thin layer of gelatin in bot- James Hockenberry, justice of the late, Butterscotch or Coffee Puddings. Try a the (
0 make an actual record for the now | tom of a rinsed but not dried peace, $21.00 1948 tax collected by pkg. If you don't say it's as good as the finest nesdz
Tingley and Carpenter homes would | 92 x 5% x 2% inch loaf pan. Re- Hockenberry with $754.16 outstand~-| !
| be. of least ‘150 vears. while the] frigerate until Stiff. then cut half of), “ Po a Tw D ee return the 3 pkgs and get your money back or p. mm
f . ee 4% an apple in thin wedges and lay 910050 In 3; lax 3 pkgs of any other brand we sell. with 3 pkgs 21¢ a Pa
[Rem property is even wider, | overlapping on gelatin. Peel re- with $1,695.71 outstanding; $2. fines Mr
BUXTON Ww AL LETS We have a number of others but | maining half and whole apple, eal and $11.00 peddlers’ licenses turned Ideal Pure Unsweetenad Princ
Ala Fine Neckwear [ffl tev are tar younger tan any of] in chunks and place over oer by" eting burgess Robert Kel roo
PIONEER SUSPENDERS Beautiful patterns of every the above. over apples and allow to set, When ler. | repor
ind BELTS color | | sum peel and section one Orange, Councilman Krall reported that odie
¢ Lay sections along outside of mold. ,. 4 11 ©
| | Dice remaining orange and place C. Robert Fry quoted $200 to move and
INTERWOVEN SOCKS | in center of mold. Pour over 2nd 7 boxwood from the Kuhn's prop- The
| | third of gelatin. Allow to thicken. erty. The committee will act. \ Beah
[ When stiff, slice bananas and place . co Lei
: FLORSHEIY SHOES | slice, ending ty arcane im of | Sexretay Baan PCL. Ploy lo pn
~ ~ { | mold. Place remaining slices in cen- Inquire from the the reason of in
FOR] UNE SHOES ter. Pour remaining gelatin over for the delay in installing the new In
bananas and allow to stiffen. Un- __ _ . ad } ;
STETSON HATS mold on a bed of lettuce. Combine type lights on Main Street. of thi
| real mayonnaise and orange mar- Fire Chief Myers reported two felt
alade and serve with salad. Serves calls duri ; < t
Manhattan HATS |e A Sy ly Rl Se dni i pe ol OVEN-FRESH VIRGINIA LEE BAKERY TREATS Wien
| aie lh weiss o quarantines and no nuisanc childr
\ | were reported by Charles Delling-| Ever try our Delicious Cc public
| N | WwW T( YW N © , health officer. I i" i . Ite;
E 1 Shi t | ‘Chief of Police Neiss reported 20! a. ng Cakes tional
SS ey 1rtS | traffic violations and 1.289 miles you'll Jove it - - sun-soaked oranges are crushed into this “yummy” cake The
H Mr. and Mrs. John hn Wittle of Flor- travelled. | and the tasty crunch has a glorious flavor. paren
Dress and Sport Set Her eart | fin were Sunday guests of Mr. and, Samuel Dock of the Centennial Ya Lee Golden Cocoanut Bar Cakes ea 39¢ invita
| . fo | Mrs. Victor Snyder. Committee asked boro council's half moon desir
Long-Short Sleeves Si n £1 n g Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Stuback and son permission to collect fees from con- Marble Pound Cakes 37¢ worth
. { Jackie of Lancaster were Sunday cessions during the week's cele S
Plain Colors - Fancies . . Tn We and Wisc bration. Save was evintcd HOT CROSS BUNS 12 sks 3F€
$ ’ | ‘his S rin | cvening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. bration. Same was granted.
2 0 1S p £. | John Miller. . Treasury balance $12,207.83. Bills! HONEY GLAZED DO’NUTS rkgoft 28¢ Ma
$3 5 to $5 05 $1 $1 5 $ Mr. Harry Hamilton and paid 974.81, Patterson Coal Fund|
: - $1.50 - $2 [ll Give HER AN... . oo esi si and ae 33080 $600 10 he vive SUMPFEMe Vienna Bread | 7¢
| Ragner Hallgren of Mt. Tov, and Co. You'll like this crispy loaf, either plain or seeded.
SHLEM N Bros ARTC A R VED | Mr. Joseph Wittle of Columbia vis- Mr. Keller appointed Lloyd Myers, Today's best value - - Enriched ge Cc
AL 8 4 | 3.02 ys
i A ited Mr. and Mrs. Aristice Wittle and Paul Steaman, Jr, to the War AE In]
| loaf
| during the weekend. Memorial committee. SUPREM BREAD
PFO rg RS pr. A a_i ie


| DIAMOND | Jean Witmer, daughter of Mr. Sam Balsbaugh, local merchant, NN ea NN at
| x
{ and Mrs. Irvin Witmer was honor- requested Council to make parking BETTER 0 ALUES I] IN Fi FRESH PRODUCE with |
rm Choose by name and be sure- [ ed on her 6th birthday, by a supper facilities on the P.RR. lot at the! proble
FREE w DONE that's the only way to buy the | with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. rear of Hess’ store to ease 5 Juicy Fla. Valencia U.S. | All- Purpose ing de
ORK DONE FOR... sind Foe that : ; Ironville : parking problem in that are: please
v diamond ring that means John Kauffman of Ironville and parking problem in that area. please:
ESTIMATES ON SHORT NOTICE amond t Saunmay vd :
'Watches- Clocks- Jewelr much. Mrs. Lillian Witmer as guests. action. | dnto.
RALPH L. MYERS & SONS | y Genuine Art-carved rings, |, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Witmer and Sr. ; They're Almost Seedless Buy them by the bag -- SAVE
: Ts | And Watch Repairing | rove Leicre worn, are oar. | mil vised Mr. and Mos sri © AD UNGA 1d ste or c | bs
Practical Artesian Well Drillers teed and registered | Thonn of Baltimore, Md. Sunday. i { doz size mesh bag ) App
E n Sle . i Ars. fiber 7: ar 2 !
SALUNGA, LANCASTER CO., PA. ‘Warren H. H. Greenawalt| Ser i ‘ond soe our large], Mand Mes. Withers Witmer and —— ) ; on me
ee. tar | fe ns of East Petersburg were Sat. Mrs. Martin Brown, New Haven, ) L Fla. G fruit 46-54's 3 for 29¢ ) Albe
PHO ISVILLE ior Es a s. Ma : i
RALPH L. MYERS 3176 evening visitors of’ Mr. and Mis. St., Mt. Joy was entertained last 4 8799 Pa. larape - Jes Y- 8 1 3 bs 29¢ ) says}
WATER WELLS for farms, \F NO ANSWER CALL 203 West. Mah. St, MT. JOY Priced from $50 Irvin Witmer. Thursday by her daughter and| Eastern Winesap poles { oo
s, A - TV . oy sds 3 2 and| To
factory, mills, reservoirs; Chas B Muss i 2651 OPEN EVERY EVENING | Mrs. Stephen Heisey, Center Hall, oneinlaw. Mr. ahi Mis. Russel 3. Green Peppers 2 for {56 | Fla. Radishes bch Be ) the Fe
and drainage purposes. Edward G. Myers - Landisville 4456 | Mrs. Wilmer Heisey of Mount Joy, Cooper of Salunga. Other guests| White Squash 2 lbs (9g ‘Fla. Celery 2 stalks 25¢ 5 distille
Associates g he ’as
ST ADAM H. GREER ps ova so si ting ond 2k SCE "Cer" § Frosh Sarat 2 20280 | Rod ls Potatoes 4285 | ot
JEL] J 1 Gle ( « 5. Annie C |
WHITE - WASHING JEWELER Mrs. Elvin Weaver and: ehildren, Mes 4 ad of Salungal : © ) of Ba
. AND 87 E. Main St, Mt. Joy, Pa. | Marion, Marvin and Joy of Lancas- will present a Minsirel Show any { FRESH PEAS Sweet Cal. 2 Ibs 29 is just
TR 2.4194 [ter visited Mr. and Mrs. Maurice ro 0 2 EE ried) New Fla. c Dorc
Everybody, Everywhere, Reads The Bulletin | prsinrECTING dans ed ire Diet Soe Toursy and Friday evenings) ) GIREEN BEANS vcore 2 ee 33¢ | a
Vea larch and 9th, in the aple} resh Fla. pt box 2Qe Tis
- | on Sunday. i Grove School house. ) STRAWBERRIES { buildir
{ Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. ~__ ir ) Joy H
HESS BROS | Dante] ware. Mr. andl, of characters include: Inter-| ) SEABROOK FARMS FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 10-0z pkg.19¢ ob
. Bulletin Advertisin j Da locutor, Mrs. Eleanor Moss; End { SEABROOK FARMS PEAS AND CARROTS 2 12-02 pkgs-46e ) y
E J M r & Son Successors To | Mrs, Ralph Keith of Beutel Men. Me Catharine Eshlonw ] IDEAL PURE CONCEN. ORANGE JUICE 2 6-01 cans 43c street
® ® y e 8 & HUBER OBERHOLTZER | Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Hollinger of M Virginia Bisl Mrs. Goldi 3 eT a ar a a a a a a The
FLORIN, PENNA Pa S Bi Dividends | Neffsville and Mrs. Ada Brubaker IS, Mik: ode Sis sy SE $7 re Zerphe
WELL DRILLERS Phone Mt 5 3 pind y g » 5 ND ARC Groff, Mrs. Millie Greider, Mrs. ACME GUARANTEED (RANTEED QUALITY MEATS
ED Mt. Joy 3- of Lancaster R. D. ow
. Mary Aument and Dorothy Myers. |
tf z 's aniel Geltmacher ’ [ d
Main Stcet SALUNGA PA 39 Mr. and i Denis} Geltmacher Metibers of the cliorus are: Mrs) LEAN RIB END ROAST meme
: ’ . EE Spent Mor ay io ha ans Mis. pn McElhenny, Mrs. Ellen Wetzel, .
Free estimates and prompt efficient service ewis Farlow and family of yuip © Newcomer, Mis. Mary Ware:
p P Hl land. M J wil of whi
Jane Aument, rs. June iley, Aid
A | Clyde Kemmerly of Mt. Joy R.D. Mrs. Bernice McFarland, Mrs. Loin End '® 55¢ Center Cut Pork Chops Ib 79g buildin
Phone Landisville 2561 or 2687 | visited his mother Mrs. Martha Esther Mowery, Mrs. Eva Schel keep o
Kemmerly, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel yeiber, Mrs. Mary Myers, Mrs. Mary| Top Quality Steer Beef c
9-4 | Geltmacher and other friends of the Ye ne Mrs Irene: Bender, Mrs.) ih THOU
Prompter, Mrs. Harold Ritten-| | Fully Dressed Stewing 11 C K S Ib 50 A S
house, Accompanist, Mrs. Vere an old
Mortuary Recordi. FRYING CH N A
Ii, Le
A Missionary meeting sponsor oll Sma an Saturd
(From page 1) y
| 9 3 sb the Woman's Society of Chris-| 1b trol
| dur yn Brandt, Eizabethtewn R2, is ™Y y S| 5 contro
'a NY “tian Service will bé held in the S 0 E D P I C N I C 5 ; : Mus.
a Methodist Church Sunday, March) Long Link Fresh Sausage Country Style Ib 53¢ Rz, fou
© LOCAL TRADEMARKS, Ine. { Mrs. Jacob Raifsnyder 11, at 2 P. M. Plain, Piogle- 1 Ie ng in
| Mrs. Amanda C. Raifsnyder, sev-| The Speers will be ni | Asst’ d Baked Meat Loaves or Cheese Toe 29¢ on it, .
arife a' native inese, now a student o " - . from t
WH > i J of Le » a Scarritt Cellege, Nashville, Tenne- Fillets of Pollock ib 25¢ Fillets of Haddock ? ih 39 ' firemen
= snyder, unt Joy ie riday yo <1
If you home is your hobby. you'll want to [at her home after an illness of two S¢¢ and her former teacher, Miss Fancy Perch Fillets oY STERS on 730 Meas
Parsons, a missionary in China for S It Ww i Cc on the
"at | vecks. a ater pint éan
keep it right up to date.. See us about a I 20 ye d d
. ! She was born in Chambersburg, <V Years. ed dow
. ‘ he public is invited to attend. | y i fir
. a daughter of the late John and| T I Get Quality and Save NOW! LOYELY HOUSEHOLD INSTITUTE emen
loan for home improvements and repairs. Mary Horst Slothour and was al I Ideal 0. P. Tea Yalb 27g DINNERWARE made
| . to mak
FULL PRIC EASY JERMS | member of the Mount Joy Menno-| E i |deal Tea Bags pkg 50450 pattern
85 You repay under a convenient monthly | nite church. ngagem nents | Cor “Ios TSH 4 with matching OVENWARE was shi
Jo-Day Besides her husband, two sons | * ot eat Flo” roasted .
o Back plan. and one daughter survive. They are, Mr. and Mrs. irs. Bdgar. L. Rinehart, WIN-CREST COFFEE b1Te &
Harvey, Hagerstown, Md.; Lloyd of| of Elizabethtown, announce the en-| A mild, satisfying blend. 0
TRIAL Cclumbia and Miss Velva, at home, | gagement of their daughter, Mary | ASCO COFFEE 719
PLAN | orm iam ms me wo Five grandchildren, one brother,! Renee, to Daniel D. Heisey, son of | Preferred by 3 out of 4 of Set
| PENN VACUUM STORES | Ateram Slothour, Ashland, O. and|Mrs. Alice Heisey, of Florin. Missy our customers.
Allowances 201 STATE ST. I one sister, Mrs. Rowe Crunkleton, Rinehart is employed by the Clear-| Ideal Vacuum Packed Coffee A co
"on Trade-ins . wo. RRAISSURg, FA. "OM: | y_ Chambersburg, also survive, |view Diner and Mr. Heisey is serv- | oe > §5¢ vice wi
] DEMONSTRATION OF YOUR | AS The funeral was held from the|ing in the U. S. Navy at Norfolk, | ppp or reg grind God fr
§ 8 Attachments | GUARANTEED REBUILT ELECTRO- | BANK Nissley funeral home here Monday, Virginia. | :
Sprayer & ju CLEANER. WITHOUT ANY | afternoon with further services in| | Ideal Instant Coffee Friday
OBLIGATION ON MY PART. - { g i 12.02 4.0z jar planned
SUE) ft | wt BA a | de PHONE IN YOUR ir $14% “oc Ca
HOME DEMONSTRATION | addrss........... hem ” 422 — : A the Mi
a ss is aos i en ses sn Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT THE ACME tor will
ve 3 ; "
f * - |

i \ 5

conn ARSC i in on sate, ee SRN EMS ol Spat A Sh WT LH GR ele rr PAR hat a Re Ly B82