be . | | | > Bulletin 2” | | | Ss LE 811 EVANGELISTIC SERVICES IN SE P. NISSLEY | Miss B. Irene Wise, fifty-seven, { Congregational singing will be Rt the home of Mis, Warren Bentzal G. Mooney | secretary and general office manas urc WS directed by Gene Swords, minister 0 pm. Senior Choir rehearsal. | cupCH OF GOD START SUN, ger of A. S. Kreider Shoe Co. at of music, at the Florin E.U.B. | Bvangelistic Services in the Mi. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Elizabet} ill Fore? L. | BWR Pre Churel Trinity Evangelical Cong. Church | 7.0 Church of God will begin Sun- | at 1 y liza sethtown, wi wed Enos L.| NEWS PERTAINING T0 ALL wureh Q. A. Deck, Pastor | Ho, { Syql Sov, 2. Fackler, seventy-three, of Lancas-| gyE CHURCHES IN MT. JOY Sunday, March 11 day, March 11th. Services will be wo TEI | ter about Mar, 16. They will hon=| AND THE ENTIRE SUR- | Mt. Joy Mennonite Church 3 Reopening of the Church Audi- | held each night at 7:30 Mone eymoon in Florida ‘ y Henry Garber, Amos Hess, an torium | day. The Pastor Rev. Helwig wi ROUNDING COMMUNITY. Henry Frank, Pastors Y 30 am. Sunday School, Church. | preach every night except Wednes- Jewerly - Silverware | it | Sunday, March 11th. (MI senior Classes, in the Chur. | 4 Cg day bight. | » “Seek ye the Lord while he may | 9:00 a. m. Sunday School All other classes al tne Annex. . i : at ll 10:00 Se n 10:30 a.m. Worship “Purified by | Rev. Ezra H. Ranck of the Mount ate es - Gifts be found, call ye upon him while | 00 a.m, Sermon. the Word.” {Joy E U. B. Church will preact n aseéo ire he is near: Let the wicked forsake | ————— Me ny i ol ih 3 on a FO on is way, & > righteous { ne ednesday night, March 14th, Watch Attachments le ia hi rom | Brrr ER churn | Sure Scola Onl Bowrds| VSL REE od" inf ER.G 2 4 . et Monday ht. (WATCH REPAIRING) In Mount Joy unto the Lord. ted risen 03:6, 7. | Elder C. H. Moyer, Pastor preach on Saturday night, March \ : . by Sunday, March 11th, : AQ ap Complete Ronson Lighter [ BR ! ud Special Services: Rev. Oscar Deck, | 17th, Repair Service and Vicinity Signe: F Rh | he In. Sunday School Speaker. There will be Special Music each K ’ Ww h U am. sermon. Sunday Night, 7:30, Theme: The night as follows: h S | Glossbrenner Evang-lical | — Christ of the Cross a 3 ; oser 5 atc op : United Brethren Church The Church of God Tuesday Nigat, 7:30. Theme: The Sunday night the Church of God Dial Mt. Joy 3-4015 1 - Rev. John H. Gable, Pastor Rev. C. F. Helwig, Pastor Curse of the Cross. 2 choir, | Chocolate Ave, FLORIN, PA. | ’ Saturday Night | Sunday, March 11th, oy night, 7:30, Theme: | ryesday Night The Men of Song, | 7:30 pm. Evangelistic Services| 9:30 am. Sunday School The Call of the Cross. [ye » Rlizabethtow lege | — Dr. Charles R. Beittel, speaker 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship Thursday Night, 7:30, Theme: The from the za doth Wh Co Bre. = Messiah College Male Quartet, Mu- ! S2rmon, “What Does It Mean to be | Cure of the Cross. : Naw Jie py . ~ . sic. [a Christian?” — from the Mt. Joy U. B. Church. | Eve Op 3 » ‘ Sunday, March 11th 7:30 p.m. “Evangelistic Services” Mount Joy Methodist Church Thursday Night, Group of Quar- | ange ISUIC ampaigi 9:30 am. S : This New Ld ike, Mini ng I / ] 9:30 a.m. Sunday School imon, Living This New Life Rev. Robert C. Pike, Minister tets and Duets from the Geyer E. 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship, A vies each night during the Ralph Alleman, Sun. Sch. Supt U. Church. NEWTOWN E. U., B. CHURCH 4:00 pm. Jr C. E. { week at 7:30 except Monday. Sunday, March 11th Friday Night, The Church of God | 7:15 p. m. Evangelistic Meeting | — ee 9:30 a.m. Sunday School riday Nigh he Lhurch ol (roc MARCI } 11 thru MARCH 25 Dr. Beitizl, speaker, Messiah Col- | The Washington Street 6:45 p.m. Youth Fellowship | Choir, with Mrs. Catherine Mump- | fo lege Male Quartet, Music. | Church Of Th > Breth 7:30 p.mT Worship service with | er soloist. | Tuesday { Aurel 16 Sermon in Song, by Mrs. Robert SA Sermo 3 'S. p tard: oti} sic PASTOR REV. 0. K. BUCH 949 pam. Seraph Choir Rehears- | Elizabethtown, Pa, Pike Bw Saturday Night, Special Music by | Song Leader, Mr. Earl Buckwalter of Marietta, al. ! Rev. Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor Saturday the C. G. Y. A, of the Church of | 8:00 p.m. Senior Choir rehearsal | sunday. March 11th 7:30 p.m. Mid-week Lenten Ser-| God. SPECIAL MUSIC AS FOLLOWS, Wednesday Cl b. hol [ 9:30 a. m. Church School vice. Sunday Night, March 18th, The | 7:00 P. M. Sunday Eve. — 7:30 P, M. Weekday Eve. of p.m. Lherub choir renearsal. | 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship; 0 i | Male Quartet, from the Church of | SUNDAY, MARCH 11 7:30 p.m. Midweek Prayer service | Sermen “The Spoiled Dream”. Salunga Methodist Church | God | Soloist, Earl Buckwalter Friday | 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Rev. Robert C. Pike, Minister 7 liford M. Schmidt of Girls’ Tri oR 2, Church 0 Wemens Society of | Sepmon, i: Cn yy ill MISS lie Sure We oe et ar : rel f + UU. 8, : am. Wemens Society o tev. Jacob F. Replogle will {Sunday arch 11th caster will lead the singing when ne | ’ Men's Quartet TUESDAY. 13 Elizabethtown World Service meeting. in ails preach at both worsaip services, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. is able to be present. The public is | y The Lenten Evangelistic Service | a week Evangel . 10:30 : Worship Ser tad | WEDNSEDAY, MARC concluding a week of vangelistic 30 am. orship Service. cordially invited. | \ Frey Male Quartet of Brethren ¥H a ist Church now in progress at the Glossbren- | Meetings. | 2:00 p.m. Missionary Service with a | Conestoga ner E.U.B. Church. Florin. will I speakers. Miss Dsang of China, and . . hs | - 4 : | Q > | Miss Parsons : issions i ins STER EGG HUNT ! THURSDAY, MARCH 15 nce: wi oa ac nicht Lowi St. Mark's | Miss Parsons a missionary in China | ANNUAL EASTER EGG L Oy Shute i fe Sd ght id Evangelical United Brethren for 20 years. The annual Easter Egg Hunt will} 3 6 d , at 7:15 p.m. Dr. Char- ENE hel us a A aturday ing arch | Girls’ Cross Roads Brethren fn Christ Church ol ae ia Ezra I. Ranck, Pastor iis be held Saturday morning, March | es R. Beittel, pastor of the Otter-| Sunday, Marca 11th Trinity Lutk Church ‘ . at S 's Episcon: SATURDAY, MARCH 17 . ’ : . y Lutheran ure { 24th, at 9:30, at St. Luke's Episcopal Ladies’ Quartet, Brethren in Christ bein E.U.B. Church, Harrisburg, Pa.| 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. Combined Sun- Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor Churo! Colurnbia Avene Church - Palmyra i will continue to bring the messages day School and Decision service, | Sunday, March 11th. RE i. ? 12 1 : ler ! SUNDAY, MARCH. 18 Dts SAI «| taking the place of usual morning 9:30 am. Sunday Sehodl. children years and under Northern Sons, Eo. Feliswsiip Chorus ot En Sepvicas Sa [Yoshie en ig 13 a. nm Worship. can participate in the hunt. There 1 é day $ arc 1 3 am. 081 service of Kv- : ill be ‘ee gr 5 5 The Acapello Chorus of East Petersburg Music for the serviecs Sat | ra with Dr. Clem ade Soper will be thee groups, 5.91%, 6; TUESDAY, MARCH 20 sic for the services on Satur- a Es y Nu Wie ified Eh ie to 8 yrs. and 9 to 12 yrs. Male Quartet of Elizabethtown Mt. Calvary Church day nignt and all day Sunday will i og In charge, SD Bible Class, cov Live rabbits, baby chicks dl WEDNESDAY, MARC , s Mala y on : i: J . : . 4 The Sanger Male Quartet Cr Canam be presented by the Male Quartet 0:30 pm. Women's Society of | Tuesday filled Easter baskets will be award- Wale Gida SHURSDAY, MARSH 2 Edis from Re College of Core Wo 2d Service at the home Rid Ban. Jr. Catechetical Class in | ed as prizes for each age group. ale Quartet of the Brethren in Christ Churc sem, Pa. The personnel of the quar ©: MIS. Dalsbaugn. "arish House. ickets wi 2 § sr the chil- Pequea tet it as follows: Ist Tenor. Titds Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Adult Catéchetical class Tickets will be sold by the oh ori MARCH 23 thon SN SETH ol 7:30 p.m. Participating in evan- |at Parish house. dren of the Sunday school for 20c Srunnervile Male Dotett Wingerd, Romona, Kansas; 2nd gelistic services in the, Church of Wednesday each or they can be purchased at East Petersburg Brethren In Christ Quartet ba, Beane Wagner, Sed 7:45 pm. Mid-week Lenten Ser-|the home of Mrs. Howard Brown, | SUNDAY, MARCH 25 Baritone, David McBeth, Flizabeth- ursday - : nL vice. 3 oh; String Instrumental Quartet of Manheim town; Bass, Clyde « Sollenberger, 6:45 pw, Children’s Choir re- Thursday opposite the Church cereal) | Chambersbure i ; 7:00 p.m. Luther League. TTT TTT rrr rors) | Chambersburg. [ 7:30 pm. Dorcas Society meeting J in the Parish House. Everybody reads newspapers buf - NOT everybody reads circular ad. ’ @ Fires, vertising left on their door step. 2 iL p a i iy Rep Calvary Bible Church -new kind of Speeial Delivery ~ET your hands on this strapping honey and heart, and hold onto your hat For this sparkling new car—and’ we mean completely new —is the smart. cst, the richest, the highest-powered automobile Buick has ever provided at its bedrock SPECIAL price. Literally, everything here is new but the name. There's a brand-new X-member frame that’s brawny and rugged, and a weight saver in the bargain. There’s a brand-new chassis—but still with the buoyant cra- dling of coil springs all four wheels, the solid keel of a torque-tube, soft steady going of Safety-Ride rims and cush- iony low-pressure tires. Tune in HENRY J. TAYLOR, ABC Network, every Monday evening. on the There's a brand-new body of spacious dimensions and a st richer than anything in SPECIAL his- tory—a lighter, ruggedly strong steel body in a full array of styles, includ- ing a Convertiblesand Riviera. aning interior its price range Yes, all this and brand-new power, Better come in too! It’s walloping new straight-eight valve-in-head Fireball power from an engine that’s entirely new to this go with it, Equipment, access DYNAFLOW DRIVE*—saves driver and car FIREBALL POWER-/ igh-c valve -in-head engine gets from every drop ne fuel PUSH-BAR FOREFRONT — combines smart style and unsurpassed protection WHITE-GLOW INSTRUMENTS greater clarity at night TORQUE-TUBE DRIVE=~steadies ride; improves driving control 4-WHEEL COIL SPRINGING =-cushions ride, saves servicing costs strain on ompression, more good *Standard on ROA our key TO GREATER VALUE Buick Series— 14.263 Fireball engine. MASTER, of WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM the high-cconomy With more power to call on, and win less weight to carry, this nimble trav- eler zooms to new performance even greater than that of most cars beyond real soon and meet this brand-new kind of SPECIAL delive ery—and the low delivered prices that ories, trim and models are subject to change without notice, No other can. provides all this: —— DUAL VENTILATION — outside air fed separately to right or left of front com= partment SELF-ENERGIZING BRAKES—hydraulic — multiply pedal-pressure five times at brake drum DREAMLINE STYLING — tapered, care length fenders, gleaming sweepspears on most models Plus: Self-locking luggage lid, StepOn parking brake, two-way ignition lock, Safety-Ride rims, Hi-Poised engine mount ing, Body by Fisher at extra cost on other Series, . 505 NORTH MARKET ST. S. F. ULRICH, Ine. ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNA. a, i Paul R. Strickler, Supt. | Sunday, March 11th. | 9:15 a. m. Bible School [ 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship | Message, by a Student from Bob | Jones University. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service, Speaker: Student of Bob Jones Uni- versity. | Wednesday | 7:30 p.m. Prayer Services at the | Church. St. Luke's Episcopal Church Rev. Elmer A. Keiser, Vicar | Sunday. March 11th. Fifth Sunday in Lent (Passion Sunday) 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. | 10:45 a. m. Morning Prayer with | Sermon. | Wednesday | 7:30 pm. Mid-week Lenten Ser- | | vice. | | Thursday | 7:00 p.m. Ycuth Greup. Ages 11 | i= 18. Newtown U. B. Church Oscar K. Buch, Pastor | Sunday, March 11th | 9:00 am. Sunday School. Christian Endeavor. Evangelistic Service 6:30 p.m. 7:30. p.m. |" NEW CENTRY ACCORDIAN LINE In Stock USED 120 BASS ACCORDION, Lady's Model New & Used | STRAIGHT GUITARS | | HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC GUITARS | | Hill Billy, Popular & Classic | Music New & Used TRUMPETS & CLARINETS All kinds of Accessories and Harmonicas David Hess Music Shop | | 106 N. Market Street ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. 9-tf J The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, March 8, 19518 All Makes of Sewing Machines Repaired We Modernize Your Machine BEFORE | to Electric, Console or Porfable | AFTER Call Us Today—We Pick-up and Deliver . . . Anywhere! J. V. BINKLEY serve 111 N. Market St. ELIZABETHTOWN Phone 216-J SALES Save— Your Alfalfa, Hay or Clover Crop | GET IN TOUCH WITH SYLVAN BRANDT MANHEIM, ROUTES 3, PENNA. For Spraying Information Call MANHEIM 5-4158 REOP LE NING Trinity Evangelical Congregational Church DONEGAL AND NEW HAVEN STS. MT. JOY. PA. Renovation is completed — New carpet and Pulpit Furnishings delayed but coming x Reopen Sunday, Mar. 11 is emis 10:30 A.M, Wor 7:30 P. MWe EVENING SPEAKER, REV. OSCAR w. SPECIAL SERVICES NIGHTLY Tuesday thru Sunday, March 13-18 General Theme, “THE CHRIST OF THE CROSS” Speaker, Rev. Oscar W. Deck, Birdsboro, Pa. Public Invited THE KIND OF LOOK a wife may have when she knows her husband isn’t looking . . . a husband who hasn't had a lawyer draw his will. Have you made your will? ONAL MOUNT oY yy MOUNT JOY, PA. IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH | { a Phone 605-J | | | | | | | | | Air Compressor Work Rock Drilling, Concrete Breaking, Etc. Robert Fry D. PA. MANHEIM R. 2, Rocks and Excavating and Grading Cellars, Trenches, Etc. Trees ‘ a» Removed er PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-4753 |