The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 15, 1951, Image 2

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    J Bulletin, Me. Joy, Pa., Thursday, February 15, 1951
The Mount Joy Bulletin
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher


. EERE TR - CL a 1
13% i | SALUNGA SIMON P. NISSLEY | Mow Much You Can Save on Your (
——— MARY G. NISSLEY | wb 6 Stores
The Womans Society of Christian FUNERAL DIRECTORS 7 &. Total Save pn “i Sy oy
wide Low F .
Service met at the home of Mrs. J. fount Joy, Pa
| M. Newcomer Tuesday evening. Af~
Items Every Pay, Instead of Just
a Few "Week -End Specials”?

| ter the business meeting an auction
| sale isoellz EN
| sale of food and miscellaneous ar F 0 R ve
{ticles was held. Stuffed peppers |

| wives expecting further meat ra- |
Published Every Thursday at No. | | tioning provided but one meal |

#-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. week. By Willard Olvan Persing, pt a pm, home wads Watches-Clocks- Jewelry v
oni) | India, suffered from a wide spread | ##F don't carg if you have to y Sc a ha Oren i 0
y , per « $2. spread | x:
Bi ihe" TJ | avon from od, locust and we 4 8 swum 1 Gt tht umber, hie made cream puis 25 conte +| And Wateh Repairing |
Three Months ............ 80 | en earthquake, appeals for credit| USt See that it gets there today! | piece, spiced cantaloupes, 80c¢ pint. — |
ingle COME» va 08 | from this country to buy two mil- | Tike | Mrs. Joseph Cooper and sons Al- Warren H. Greenawalt
Bamp IS or FREE lion tons of grain from the U. S. « Minute phone : back on es and Richard spent Wedeitny JEWELER
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt. | Great Britain formerly extended | Fiction its cradle, mum. | With her parents Mr. and Mrs. Les- 209 West Main St, MT. JOY | All prices shown here, not merely grocery prices,
Joy, Pa, as second-class mail High | food on credit to India, but can do | bling to himself | ter Denlinger. OPEN EVERY EVENING | oe x Thursday, February 150A thro J Sy
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. | so no longer. The American tax- | about young Mrs, Theodore Walters and Joan | are gu 2st \
i . pups who trying as soon a8 bakes 41 | M Shi | W ednesday. February
Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper | 18 burdened with more to! they'd heard ‘No' mentioned a time | visite ier mother, Mrs. Bert Shis- | po 9 ’ C N.
Publishers’ ASsociation come, the grain we may have (0) op wo. | sier of Lancaster on St. Valentine | Customers orner !
supply our military. But with India The slender, black-haired girl; | Day.
| dy | .
Publication Day, Thursday i under pressure and her people sitting on the corner of his desk, | At this time each year we honor AsP’s PRICE POL} 3
Copy fot a ghnge of hungry, it is the old question with| grinned at him, “Pops, if i e S aurant our loiindeér; George Huantinglon CY.
should reac nis office esday. |: : eel : rants bulled their way through like yout | ’ J fF
its two sides. Russia intervention | Dr H C Killheffer Hartford, who gave us this basic * Storewide low pricts on Nundteds Si
Je wi arantee inserti ; sre'd’ be quite 2 or t Jd.
We will not guarantee insertion of to feed to sell. It's ideology doesn't So. Shere'd Ye' quite Trop. ot | 45 EAST MAIN ST.
any advertising unless copy reaches cracked heads.” | i! of items eve day... :
the office not later than 9 a. m. |last long, but hungry people clutch | As he looked up at his daughter, | Optometrist { + MOUNT JOY policy: . just a few* i ; insted of
preceding day of publication. a straw. But, in this overall picture Mike's face softened into a smile. | MANHEIM | “Always do what is honest, fair specials ay” or week-end”
Classified ads will be accepted to | of what is going on over there, it| ‘‘Something on your mind, Cathy?” | hare St. and sincere and in the best in- :
9 a. m. publication day. being! ‘Yes, but I think this job is a Su
seems there are sacrifices
terests of our customers.” +All advertised Prices are guaranteed

EI ios little too delicate for your methods. Mon. & Wednes. 9.5:30
made—plenty., Critics who say we yg Tues. Fri. Sat. 7.9 P. M or
3 an . Fri. Sat. 7-9 P. M. 4 ; one
E D I T 0 R 1 AL shouldnt defend Europe unless the | She Sur Br + Fei. Sat Today, as in our first store 92 n Prices eel, even though mii i ! Ge
people there are willing to sacrifice,| «James refuses to marry me,” | 9:30.1:00, 2.5 P. ™ » | years ago, the men and women of 80 up. Od
+ + might reflect upon the meaning of | she said. “Now, he's decided that ELIZABETHTOWN a A&P strive constantly to live up to We believe A Wi
Always leave il to a child or a|the word. | it's better if we don't even see each | 15 E. High St. BULK AND GALLONS | h flew y customs this policy helps our tia
drunk to pop out with the truth. With meat probably to be ration- | Other any more.” Telephone 24-R | [Try we old fashioned Sugar cones | that policy. rs save more money. 1 i;
. 5 5 “Refuses to marry rou!” The win- | with Breyers Ice Cream. fail t do so.
eee ed, Americans have really gone to | | If we should ever fail to * With the co 7
| | dows rattled as Mike came up out | - : HER rrect price marks :
We have an idea that after such he market. Government Bowe he of his chair, “Why s TO CHURCH ORGANIZA- please let us know. Please write: every item, plus ap itemized don Sp
2 hard winter maple sap will be so | c1als lieve over one Cathy's frown put Mike back into | 2 i NS. UBS, Etc. { register slj i
happy for Spring that it will skip pounds have been stored in family | his chair. “That's what I mean | TIo CL | CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. you say P .. you know whit 3 ry
instead of run. freezing units, food lockers. And | about your methocs. I'd like to have | Cs PER oN A&P Food Stores e at 1 Mr
oe + {the Operation Grocery Store hasn't of Hit Jett to carry me over | ; ; 5 | 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17,N. Y. Et lea
ful a begun yet! We who would ask sac- | the threshold. PARADE ICE CREAM Ly sail
is areful wit is Vee : on 1 “Why won't he marry you?" a
— nts it from two sides. | Fifices of others, should we not look: .gijcp, gir), poe iy He says | IN OUR AD, | | 19 Quarts Or More thi
a Eas 4 unto our own house? | he won't have it appear that he | 4 VS We must place orders on: Monday | a ' Fri
Some will praise him while others oo 0 | married’ me for my money.” | C 3 {and Thursday, by 2 p. m. if we can | : dn pe
will criticise him as being a tight 5 hi ited vastus it | WILL LEAD | serve you at anytime, please | Del Monte ¢ P GH ETTI | Ron
ve eo : mn WORDS Suir | her. “You really love him, don't | YOU TO + | CALE 3-9163 © | Pi i n e a p p I e J u i c e ANN PAGE S A 3 i per
. 1 : { | SAVINGS | a 3le “o 3B REGULAR OR ELBOW STYLE iH =
CHILDHOOD ACCIDENTS Ponderous pronouncements from | Cathy nodded her head. on - CLOSED SUNDAYS | . Lb Oe 218 ¢ i 2 ;
Parents have reason to wonder | Press and radio, copious columns | “All you need,” Mike said as | | : A PKG 16 PKG. 46° 1 a
each morning, whether any acci- | from Washington exhortations from | re Isaned back And stared at ! "o, i | | Co
: Se te. © e ceiling, “is just a diamond- | A Tiilna FLORIDA Sweetened 460 wo =
dent might befall the very young| foreign correspondents, add to our | studded, fourteomcarat mira | K AY] OR BROS Orénge Juice ORDA Swastane = 99¢ ! cs
fears, increase our fretting over] J . : » BT Dried Pea Beans i5¢ 4 1% 20c
Before that day has passed. Man's cle.” y fm 18:01 4701
CASE SALES AND SERVICE Libby's Tom. Juice '"14c ee

adult does, and he must carry the | the earth be removed and though hat and coat. ‘“You want me to drop

17¢ 5c Candy 6" 25¢ :
3 ? : | { |
life span has lengthened through | What is to become of us. our Jad, “That's a thought to cheer'a girl's ll BAILS oo
the successful control of many dis- | our wold. There are Stier ards heart,” Cathy gave her father a '§ phone: Elizabethtown 484) RHEEMS, PENNA. |! Mott's Apple Juice vores £86 Macaroni Dinner Sar 18
eases of children. Since 1930 the | to ca our: fears, comlort wry glance. ‘That is, if you have | | HEARL'S 1-b 29¢
child fatility rate from common dis- | console us, words that are wise and | an extra miracle you won't be need- | : T b P , Apricot Nectar DELIGHT - 38¢ Ann Page Cherry Jam fo
. » ing for , { > - >» A . wl "
case declined 75 to 90 percent. But | merciful. Pick up “The Book”, turn | ing for a few -days. Yes oy We Have No ooacco aper. | A&P Apple Saiice GRADE A 2-01 i6e Wrisley Soap IN PLASTIC BAG 8 58¢ .
in that same time, the accident rate to Psalm 27 and try this: | IKE CLOSED HIS eyes and | 2 7 | 3 YELLOW CLING 29. 16-02
dropped only 9 percent for boys and | The Lord is my light and my sal- | studied a moment. “I could | BUT WE DO HAVE | lona Peaches 7% SilVes on 29¢ A&P Lima Beans "0 2 25¢ | N
2 ut : “ox ng
19 percent for girls. Accidents out~ vation, whom shall I fear? the Lord | arrange for a high-salaried job to | 6 G d n S t Roto Cultivators Pineapple DEL MONTE 9-01 15¢ 20.0: 27c A&P Sauerkrau on i0c can i3¢
rank every other Case of death | is the strength of my life; of whom | fall his way. : : ar e po | ’ di . Sor: Dewco Red Kidney Beans se fle |
for the pre-school age child, Social shall T be afraid? Though an host | dee please dors ey wiki | | TO SELL AT LAST YEAR'S PRICE ! Dole $ Fruit Cocktail can 3%¢ AN Pid Tics ! i
: ; i should encamp against me, my | lie that. If he found that we had a | : . . 20- for ¢ : ih
saiente, public Reart. shall 3 gal though war | Band in it, he would probably leave Tres yaacs of Experimenting by a Lancaster County Amishman A&P Fancy Sliced Beets pg ide Honey sitions 38 i; 24 A 3
promises longer life, 1 S, = 1 Yet town. YY tactics are abo | has resulted in a 3 i f
boiling water, safety and hair pins, | should rise against me, in this will | o- es lll pd GARDEN TRACTOR | Seaside Lima Beans 1a i [ Orange & Grapefruit a, c I=
Jor } . | Dia won x or
poisons, automobiles, can outguess | I be confident. And now shall mine “All right, so I'm not in the habit | ; 3 diy P k & Be , 16-01 13 orf Ba Priine Juice FARMS boftle 28¢c 1, §
: ; ine , ; so effective and fool-proof as to be beyond comparison, simplicity. or ANS Compbeli's € “can v : Pin
the laboratory. Naturally, the fa- | head be lifted up above mine en of - pussy-footing around,” growled | YS a ay 3 Butt 120: 3%¢ i i
i ir | emies round about me. Mike, “What are you going to do? | and versatility. LORD MOTT'S 19-02 c Lummis Peanut er Pa HY a
ther and mother do all in their) cm “Same as I have been doing | You'd think we're rushing you a bit, hut, we have delivered five reen FRENCH STVIE ony 5 a 5.4 ¥ “1H i | i Ste
Go to your 46th Psalm which be- us ave Leen. d ~ 3 . a Vode 0 x h 8
posses fo protect these ue, hin J you 4 refuge and streng. | ATE some more and try to wear | plomiers in. the. Jost few months. The supply | i limited, A&P Asparagus Tips i 210%: 98a Lux Soap Flakes pkg 1 YEE pr
ut carelessness is something prac- S: ! | Btn down.” i hu ST! ANN 1514-01 the
- | him | : . Y ;
ced bY young child and adult The | 1h. Ser poset help in trouble] “ues settles thar. Mithe stood up || Proven by our many satiched owomers, LC Ce MN Peas’ EE 2 27730 Propared hk pn 2% ge
fot may not know better but the | Therefore will not we fear though| 45g absently walked over to get his | of tals tc RE re Cth or Ty, fae 53. 25. B a vies ~ IC ca
Our next job is hauling manure. But no worry with a | Baxter's White Potatoes hg i2¢ 4 hig

was the easy way. that is one puts
a price on self-respect. The charg- (Froin page 1 |
es, of bribery an Hoi ny bout its vertical length in- |
i made however, the publicly and |© he cage. “In other words the|
. | upper por tion of this rectangular |
m:y have an {EN oct on structure, which projects above tae |
Vue? oun fen whe might Wl op of the cage, guards against the |
| admission of unwanted animals; |
igs Th Sparing i peo whereas its lower section serves as|
ou ( « -
ey penetrates into the ranks of Am-
weight. the mountains be carried into the| you off at home? I've got to run VEGETABLE 18-01 : a1
igh Che Bist ofthis cea. | over to the hospital: | 50, 75. OR 90 BUS. Vege-Crest SOUR in Linit Starch ne (2g | 11 4
> > “The hospital?” {} the job is soon over with less labor and more efficient spreading. : Di it! Boyardes 16Y3-01 rhe 1481 © kn
AN INSULT TO ATHLETES There is joy for nations in Psalm| 00 ow who | EE Te | Spaghetti Dinners iii uk. ii" HUDSON 80 in i §
7 YOU MUST SEE THE ble Napki c i
ke 11 | 67. the happy estate of the godly | 4 Ry wb { Ta e ap ns pkg 3 A no
The disclosure of the baskethall|” owns the newsstand down on the | Ss “ co” TRACT G f it J 3 16.5 I 48.02, 25¢ | by
“fix” in New York City, was the|in your 91st Psalm. Troubled times| ‘corner, thinks he's going to die, and | CA E VA A OR i rape ru wee «. ci, Nutley Oleomargarine WHITE bb 3ic Hl { Ing
third major gambling conspiracy in| find us seeking this spiritual port| I thought some company might | WITH THE HANDIEST 3 POINT HITCR YOU EVER SAW. | Florida Suger Added or Unsweetensu ior isle lea
five vears When young men play when storm clouds are heavy. | cheer him up.” : | We also have a few real buys in used tractors, plows, discs and | Sterling Salt ios 5¢ ui a
ts od bi Sir d of thei Reading the Bible is good exercise Cathy frowned. ‘He must be the | spring ha-rows, rollers, manure spreaders; farm wagons and beds. | Jane Parker Bakery Treats 1b 26 zon
along with gamblers instead of their for the soul who wants to anchor | ore who has been giving me some List your surplus equipment with us for our annual spring sale | Educator Crax box C
coach, team, school, they are play- |" competition, James spends two or |} in time to advertise. ot ro SS Butt WHITE ne |g i! fon
i losi me. You may make |in 2 safe harbor. | three nights a week, playing chess | Fs ha, A rouse jar Cc :
ing a ng ga ma) erred iment ff lp ss iene ; ar a | { nme eaves | anc
$1000 for throwing a basketball | snd arguing pojifies yim some old | | ee rol i U n 4 Daily Scratch Feed le $i. i5 18! mo
game, but we would hardly say it ° | mat BY . ol. stared. at ~~ 7a? ; 0 scu
. orn nventor § | Mike stopped and stared at | oo Swift's Corned Beef i= 436
Cathy. “Come on,” he said hur- |
ih 35° Kellogg's Pep ws 16¢
Donuts an 25€
orn Muffi tr ; cl
| ¢ y hs SLICED 1.1 Bd 25¢ APPLES 3 Ibs, 25 {
Marvel Bread © or 21¢
| Dinner Rolls 2G: 15¢

a baffle that blacks escape from the| f7/,, ..
interior of the cage.

erican sports. Hats off to the men The wire 1 voit Fs ’ Viet
whe uncover thee conditions, to or . Wie ey por ion of pnd Breakstone $ Yogurt container i6¢c Western Large 29¢
EN structure may ke detatched easily | SEALTEST GARDEN g. Crisp Carrots... priced higher #hunches
the men whe had the chance to, Rhee Cotta Cheese 8-0r 20¢
frem the droppings box and placed | | ge SALAD wp y Yollow U. §. 1b:
cheat but refused, o lon a lawn or other grass surface, | Cream Cheese KRAFT or 2: Sweet Potatoes on Priced Higher
{ i . BORDEN'S pkg
. thereby permitting the animals tol { : PA. #1 50-1b i 155 28¢
Al | A 14. b
Ro = WERE a d ye TODS he be directly on the ground. In addi-| | Peco Conversafion Hearts 4k 25¢ Potatoes rs Go oy 3 son
i Be a a ah the tion, according to Mr. Leiby, his ar- | “Pops, please don’t try any. { Jelly Eggs WORTHMORE I Ib > 956 1h dlc Florida Potatoes None priced higher Lbs Z9€
C4 4 es rangement may readily be dis-| thing,” Cathy said. “Your tac- | ‘
vation o Husa the assembled for cleaning; and more- | tics are about as subtle as those Dream Drops ber 286 Frozen Foods
problems o IS" Wo! over, it may be manufactured at aj of an old billy goat.” ! S C
2 3 c a . CALIFORNIA 6-02 13 Qe -
perhaps wouldn't know but his fife| =~ ° Genter: than “1 T adds sot a il Tuna Flakes cats Toma wn 286 now rop Peas 2 pkgs
so full of great experiences ledly, *1 aon't ge move on, | . PITTED 19-
bi peti poy chet er could | over which it has outstanding | visiting hours will be over before I | Ilona Pie Cherries oon on 220 Snow Crop Peaches “> "> 27¢
dvantages. get there.” pkg i
| a ed | 8-01 16-01
draw pon this for his decisions. A The application for the patent The windows were still rattling Our Own Tea kg 4Tc pkg lc Snow Crop Spinach You 2i¢
Nectar Tea Ys B26 ow 276 Birds Eye Cut Corn 100: Qa
life of tragedy, or ridicule, perse- { was filed on February 11, 1949. from Mike's conversation when he AR 7
cution, buf eRe to fie) The pen has been approved for| siatored His Jhene hage inte fy /
heights by the qualities Tua | educatioral use in hospitals, ete,] S729 ¢ 20d g anced up at the young |
Abraham Lincoln great. He did n woman who was struggling to keep
on | for the study of animals. the exasperate ress} 3 2 .
= x sperated expression on her |
think I ly, make hasty conclus It is registered with the state as! face. IS d Ways dpprecia p
and |
ions, but weighed consequences | the Escape-Prccf Animal Co. of “Mike Clanahan, I thought you
considers alternatives realistically. | | Florin, Pa. >
Besides common sense he was bles- |
Strawberry Jam oii Lo dle
Pineapple Cheese 39¢ A&P's COFFEE
me Eight O'Clock Coffee

were asked to keep your strong- |
arm tactics out of my love affair.”
The pens were first shown at]

Your prompt payment of telephone bills |
2 WINEY bog
sed with ehivits. Pathan Harrisburg where a Reading feed Jie up at her. ‘What do | helps keep down our collection costs. And QUALITY FOODS RED CIRCLE COFFEE
persistent high matters of s | company’s preducts were on sale. | esp since we must pay the 15% to 25% Federal Choose Ann Page Foods for truly RICH & 1.16 2b
forgetting self fo his beloved de- i a You know very well what I | Tax promptly or face a fi . delicious, low-cost meals, FULL-BODIED bag 79: bag 2 31
racy, Lincoln had traits that | mean.” Cathy’s stern expression | ply $4 fine, your prompt Ann Page Fine, Medium, or Broad .
= Raggi Tes oh, sis | LOCAL STORE PARTY | broke into a happy laugh, She | ness allows us to help pay out of receipts N di i 9 7c BOKAR COFFEE
om emplovees and] came around the desk and | ins : i
words in 1862 are applicable today | About twenty employees and | kissed him oh forehead. instead of our own reserves. The same is | 0 0 e $§ os VIGOROUS Tb 81¢ 3-1b 2.37
true of our payment to other companies for

in 1951: | friends of the G. C. Murphy Yo. "E thsi 33.08
3 . i Sei 4 ut I still don’t know— : Beans i1e 15¢
“We cah nobly save or meanly Stare 4 Bt tie Jee “Pon's play dnrocent with ‘me. | connecting and carrving our toll and long | Salad D he, 19 pin 33¢c i
lose this last best, hope of earth”. | Capades in Hershey Thursday eve- Having Zeke leave everything to distance calls, | i alad uressing “i Cor { 87 EAST MAIN STREET 4 Ste
ning. James was a stroke of genius, But

We appreciate your fine cooperation and

: | Tomato Soup 3 100002 29¢
CRIFICES! The Murphy Co. plans a few so- what I want to know is how you { . Al
Kp on lids =. put cial events similar to this each year | managed to get forty-seven thousand i assure you that all of the money your | Macaroni ; Ih 16c p 3c MOUNT JOY, PA. 98
the ketile on before not after, you | as an added benefit and for id in old bills hidden in Zeke 5 promptness saves us will be devoted to keep- Sparkle Gelatin ap "wa Te : lin
light the gas, was the radio appeal | employees’ enjoyment. | “Did it work?” | ing service values high and costs low. | :
Minister. of Fuel, to Briton. Save : | Cathy held her left hand up in ST Sn 1)
or eiricity. bul save | ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED front of Mike's face. A diamond on ) Ve goer «hd
ro hs m-otit in cities in| Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ashen-| fhe third finger twinkled merrily ie " : : . R) 1 /A Hl Ui A
a minimum of streef | felter, 108 W. Main St, announce ** PIM. _ COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. A Loa ind :
iG A A shiridte of vital raw |the engagement of their daughter, | ;
manpower (with a Nancy Caryll, to Leonard H. John-, Everybody reads newspapers bud ;
ba the atineil Services i dons, Jr; Blizabethtown. No dale Has| NOT everybody reads cirénlar ade Copyright 1951 ~ The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co.
200,600 more men), British house- | been set for the wedding. ay i a : re
vg Se i —