The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 08, 1951, Image 6

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G—=The Bulletin, Mi, Joy. Pa.. Thursday. February 8, 1951 [him 112 1-2c, ruary boarding at 3.00 menth; one pra AIT Bs, Js
| : a, Ai 6. 1 pound coer 11 wid 20 ounce [Donegal Students TT am
0 100Y A Thomas Stuart 1 galon whiskey | beef at 3 1-2¢ $7.77: 347 lbs. beef it 2 |
In Case of Fire ver IS. AZO |» 1-5; also to beef 37 pounds 1.8; | ai 3; 179 Ibe. bel at 3 1-dc; won (From page 1) | WN a M
(From Page 1) He work one day I owe him 50¢; | barl zider and three bushels apls | High will be given the opportunity| FOU W
Brackbill. James Maffet. John Wil to one hog 1.50; to one sow and five | 162. The hole amount of the! to see the East Donegal - East] a Br
In Mount Joy | liams, Ale Robinson all made simi- | P'®8 Sai Je work 2 1-2 days in har- | wich was at the still house come Hempfield Jr. High Basketball Lea- an “ 4
>. ie lar purchases of whiskey at simi- vest 1.20 to $32.35. | gue game Friday afternoon, Feb. 9, TODAY'S /
and Vicinity lar prices. Two of these each got a March 1836 i This will give our readers a good in assembly. Le au) a PALACE OF OOPS,
| quart apiece at 12sec a quart, Ester Woods to won hall barl of [idea of prices 118 to 120 years ago. | In Music Festival the ever alert Mrs. Homemaker. “Nothing suc- 18 i
> | “Henry Rice got won bari of fish 4.50; dito lot wecol 62: two ———— Students from East Donegal par- ceeds like success,” and the modern Acmes, veri a or
1 431 | whiskey, 36 galon he is to give 24 | bushel buc wheet 160; 2 1-2 bus. USE BUILT-UP LITTER ticipating in the Lancaster County tats fava, Santis us, arm
| bushel of ray after harvest for it. | corn 1.87; one day hauling hay | Many poultrymen have adopted | Music Festival are as follows: Band larger assortments, real values you want to buy, with every consideration given
Jacob Yohn work 3 days I owe | 90; one hog 3.89; agreed with Henry i the built-up litter program in their —Betty McKain, Betsy Musser,| to bringing you the most in foods for the least. More and more folks are finding VOI
Bender to work five month start chicken houses says F. H. Leusch- | PAWl Wagner, Jere Henderson and| i out that when you shop In the Acme, your food problems are yer: freee
March 21 at $5 month; 14 Ite. meet | r, extension poultry specialist "| George Rhoads; Orchestra—Rosene| — Setting the Pace for our 60th Anniversary wilh a-
at 9c; 6 lbs. at 7c; 14 lbs. 1.28; May | the Permsylivania State College Musser, Pauline Miller, Joyce Esh-| Fla
two minutes 11 to 8 1-2 yards cloth at $8 50; | When operated right. the built-up | man, Helen Hiestand, Mary Faye|
bought 227 bu ray fer 123.98; 154 litter saves a lot of house cleaning Kendig, Sara Singer, Ruth Miller,
by ray 77.00; 33 bu at 50c; 100 bu! the litter can be left in the and Sara Brubaker; West District] Gr.
that made at $50 pers ali Winter: | Chorus — Margaret Stephens, Fay| Ideal Prepared Fancy 17.02 00
December 1832 | i Qn. | Landis, Peggy Hicks, Martha Ro-| 2 cans 29¢ cans . 0
. One hide 49 Ibs. 2.35; calf skin 32 ' GEMI-FORMAI DANCE BY and Clara Anna Weavet; Joye) Ideal I
. 983. OF mle ab UY or : ‘ | Eshleman, i * Brubaker and] ea
histo pounds 2.56; 2 flour barls at 30 SR. GIRL SCOUT TROOP | A a Brubaker nd or Vegetarian, 16-02 9 00 On
cents piece; F. W. Woods and Zach | Saturday, Febriary 17, Cleon | ¥ 5 : i | 2 cans 23¢ cans States
Wimer rent my lot and shop for yer | Worley will furnish the music for Free Toxoids numb
and get 8 cords fier wood for $12. |. cemi-formal dance in the Mt. ov | The East Donegal Twp. Schools P (eal Costes 16-02 9 00 proof
March 24, 1834 thigh school auditorium from 8:30 | Will -offer Diptheria Toxoids to the| can 13¢ cans h Leiby,
Valentine Wisekop come here to'to 11:30 p.m. grade school pupils of Fehruaty 2, This
The now forgotten orator Who spoke tord unto the 15 of May for 6 1-4| The Senior Girl Scout Troop No. This material is given free by the Light Meat 6-0z $ 00 prover
for more than two hours at Gettys- | cents per meel; January and Feb- 108 will sponsor the affair. { state. Dr. Gratch, school physician, Grated cans . husbar
burg was outshone: By Lincoln’ . i will give the toxoids. assisted by a 5 1
urg y Anco ns REPORT OF THE MOUNT JOY TOWNSHIP FROM FIRST MONDAY | State nurse and the school nurse.| Gold Seal ee
immortal address given in about IN: JANUARY 1950 TO FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY 1951 Any pupil who has not had this im-| BP A N CA K E M X xX or Buckwheat, 8 ox $1.00 Bus :
two minutes. Today, in solving our So CASH BALANCF, AT BEGINNING OF YEAR munization is urged to take two| pkg 13¢ phos ye
majpr problems, We could well use ult "Sa Securities and ReSEPVes ...... cv oui $ ys doses one month apart. If a child| Glenwood ys ten S 00 A ie
re vet use JjLight Fund i, 52. as he Is ive venrs aro. hel avor : SC
mord of the patfiotism, clarity and ary ar | 5.had iis, but five years ago, Bel glass 19¢ Hh gls 1 proof
. ee PARAL ster isi? $ 4.27055 | or she should take a booster shot| ¢
| dire so ably exemplified by RECEIPTS for further immunization. S o ge
I= Lindbin. Taxes Collected in Cash During Year x 16,099.80 — | & Hurlock Cut 2 16.02 Sim)
| : Amount Received from other Sources (a) to (i) Form 905 .... 8232.76 | 2 cans 27¢c cans by’s
: | fF ng
bo se nnd ot Engagements es
EXPENDITURES > » 0 T A Ideal Cooked Tiny White 20-02 § 00 TOPE
Nd business will be transacted by General «vs: toch 185452 Mr. and Mis. Benjamin C. Bar- 2 cans 25¢ cans Lavi
wills Lak on Linéoli's birthdny, to Persong and Property... 558.29 nett, of Austin, Penna. announce floor
Highways i: tle ses bai « ¢ wie vs dr ue vans ee aie 12,605.19 the engagement of their daughter Ideal Fancy 27-02 S 00 may t
ser aps raf iin ini 300% Barbara Louise to Abram T. Gelt- Long Cut cans . "Next,
n Et a i Core rea at "| macher son of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Which
9 wd Total a :
EIS A a EO M. Geltmtacher, Mt. Joy. , 7 y «0 TI J ly fast
IPN \ K CASH BALANCE AT END of NEAR... oon a jupis Miss Barnett oreo the Syl- 601k Anniversary Savings o on Meats of Guaranteed Salisfac tion the dr
BANK VN JOY Due from County on Taxes Returned and Liens Filed ...... 574.32 vania Electric Corporation, Empor- | design
. Value of Township Machinery and Township Building ........ 1250000 | Pa. Mr. Geltmacher is em- oul er Roast Ib < rectant
MT. JOY, PA OR ve ions ini sns iiss $13,074.00 | ployed at the Marietta TC Depot wall s
’ ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE TOWNSHIP .. $2,063.010.00 | Marietta. bottom
Signed No date has been set for the wed- weldec
FRE aig | ane reast of Veal wns 39°
ih Auditors f— this w
| ® ®
Bsc os & Viste Smoked Picnics | 21
ray H y y .
For 28 Years : Lenten Seafood Savings Fully Dressed Stewing or Frying
| | Fillets of Perch 'b 39¢ ® D
Will continue Same Honest | Pollock Fillets 1b 25¢ C h i C Iz e mn % Is i 0!
Service As Before. | Fillets of Haddock ~~ ™ 39¢ i
| Fancy Large Shrimp '® 79¢ G d I; d 1 Me
a AS B © 59
| 0 . | E kf 3 ec Be | wou
Rov B. SI | YSTERS Skinless Frankfurts +~55°}. &- wi
oy « 1eetz | pint 73 L b B 5 me} ye
Sliced 15-1b 3 0 hot. ‘se
Scallops, Crab Meat, Lobster Tails e anon oO ogna et 7 that be
Day or Night. | ce reality’
| y
Sunday or Holiday NN rr DELICIOUS VIRGINIA LEE 3 Qe happen
pkg Two
of 12
Every Wed. and Fri. during Lent. Chock-full of currants and fruit. in the
GAA | Virginia Lee Devilfood Bar Cakes “* 39¢ the fir
$ eves examen sy §) Cocoanut Marshmallow Devilfood Layer Cakes ** 75¢ Ce
$ APPOINTMENT Plain Angelfood Cakes = °*38¢ | Cinnamon Sticky Buns Pko 35¢ had be
$ DR. S$. MILLIS | Filbert Coffee Cakes | Jelly Filled Buns pka 6 25¢ past fa
§ ou vapcer sree $f Brown 'n Serve Club Rolls 22¢ saw hi
$ “ QWN Brown 'n Serve Pan Rolls 2 19¢ Cloverleaf Rolls Pk96 17¢ Mullen
ours: . in* . -
3 Daily: 9 to 1 and 2 to 5 | Virginia Lee Do Nuts Pian; 4% 24 Sey 25¢ es
$ Evenings: Tues. & Sat. 6:30 - 8 § s Stays soft
§ No Hours Tharsiny | 22 Enriched Supreme Bread wx 15¢ that b
|g PHONE: 334) | — Middle
. i y y sons
iia VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, | 60th Anniversary Sale of Fresh Produce mainte:
Take your pick! 4-door Sedans, 2-door Sedans, &- . ivi vari Ine. a
y r Sedans, 6- and 3-passenger Coupes, Rivieras, Convertibles rr A Fancy Fresh Fla. Valentine lb 1 < egal Ts
° | > :
New in Style — New in Structure — New in Power — New in Thrift — For your love . . . on | C
Spare FANCY TOMATOES -- - 25 B.
Potent in Price It’s the 1951 BUICK SPECIAL! Valentine's Day, an | Bhi .
i Te Artearved | NEW POTATOES -- 3-194 | Zr
HE is good news for folks thrifty F-263 engine that first That title in three words, will
with a shrewd eye for made its name in the Super, be: “Thriftiest Buick Yet!” 100TH-ANNIVERSARY | Large Fld. = 4544 2 §:| U.S. 1 Ma. Golden c Wa
what their dollars will buy. and here delivers 120 horse- B DIAMOND RINC | GRAPEFRUIT 9 SWEET POTATOES hos '"
Here is 2 tid traveler that power with standard trans. Boa hurry around to your | | Tree-Ripened Fla. 200-216 ¢ | U.S. 1 Penna, S 19 SE
y mission—128 with Dynaflow uick dealer’s and look this JOR E qe: hy the pa
defies the upward trend of costs Drive.” y marvel over. We'll give you | . Eastern ios in
- ot * 3 g
ray wears a 1951 price another prediction—which is: | Winesap Apples sayman 310s 28e | Fresh Green Kale 2 chs 29e phey,
tag like that which zoomed | ) i i i | EXi7@ Pansy d.
ag ] ast It's a Buick with less weight Once this one’s discovered. th Western Apples Delicious & 10s 2 Ye Red Emperor Grapes wb [Je sui
year’s SPECIAL into popularity and more power—and that : , ylite ; TF © pha
so great that it put a crimp in spells a pair of new thrills for demand will be terrific, | Rémiquarters Jo Your arte rosie] Foods k Re
“the low-priced three.” you. There's a performance || Seabrook Peas and Carrots 2 rkos 43¢ | Farmdale Baby Lima Beans Pka 23¢ le
thrill such as vou'v No other car | | Seabrook Extra Fancy Peas 2 ros 49¢ (Seabrook Cut Green Beans 2 '00zPkos 45¢
Take our word for it, this is in th Sh Bove "| Seabrook Mixed Vegetables pka 25¢ [Seabrook Ruby Rhubarb 2 Phas 49¢ oe ok
every inch and ounce a Buick Joy € DPEC IAL—p us a provides all this: Th bell - S—— aR The
—-B i k f t d B i k handsome gas-saving into the Her dreams come {rue —a ere Is No mostitute for Gold Seal Enriched Get “Heat-Flo” roasted Howarc
designed, Buick-built from the POWER + PUSH-BAR FOREFRONT Ey A fiagond | EF RB A lend. Miller
: ha. Mads bd America’s coin Ib
ground up — but literally the We'll make a prediction now as * WHITE-GLOW INSTRUMENTS + a wy > le I BUTTER L ASCO COFFEE 51% treasur
. ye t i o
newest thing on wheels. to what title folks will give it, ~~ TORQUE-TUBE DRIVE - 4-WHEEL mh | rt Gar Som = de | Vue Finest tobe milled, We wobly aur customers. Te
. once they get it out on the road COIL SPRINGING + DREAMLINE TES HIE RO an three generations. The Ib 82 antee 10 Prove It on our guar | Vacuum Packed Coffee that 4
The sturdy and ample body 18 Stila . STYLING + DUAL VENTILATION + guaranteed. See our complete best costs no more. Ya's Richer, prograr
v St d on ROADMASTER, opti i 3 i A : -bodi
new. The high-strength frame Stam ard on oA DUASTER optional at \ODY BY HSHER li of Artearved Hun- Richland Butter > 80¢ ie 4c - 10 J 79¢ Or ii 85¢ Prashiz
isnew. The power is new to the 2 gs ving. oe. Mild Creamy Cheese '> 49¢ illsbury’s or Gold M Ideal Instant Coffee rd
SPECIAL, which now has the YOUR KEY TO GREATER VALU Prices include Federal tax Sharp Cheddar Cheese '° 69¢ Pil sbury sor Go edal 12-02 jar $343 4-02 ing the
3 s enlarged to show deta | tb
Standard and trim illustrated are . ur Extra Sharp Cheese i 13 F L oO U BR ao ned x
seek Enriched 2
When better automobiles are built SEIOVED. BY, BRIDES Glendale Club Suell,
FOR 100 YEARS (1850-1950) -1b C -lb C Homogenized group &
BUICK will build them WISC. LOAF CHEESE > 52 -. 10 >» G9 PN OE tennial
Perfect for every purpose Evap RS, ing tha
hn ADAM H. GREER| 2.585 | _ idesi Condensed : om
AER ; ie tall c ial |
rd, © Nabisco Ritz Crackers »33:| Soup 3 aang 38 ph
Go S. F. ULRICH, Inc. TPCT I CET a eT al A
PHONE 3-4124 ship Fi
ful tu
: E AUTHORIZED ARTCARVED JEWRIER Family Circle Quantity Rights
ve w Ww Ww VeY.e YN copy 5¢ Reserved