The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 08, 1951, Image 4

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Bulletin, ‘Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, February 8. 195 [ I [
Plt, We Jo Po, They, Feary 5 151 QHEEMS [urs out WHE LOW DO
When One Suffers Injuries jo C
MARIETTA HIGH'S SCORE Church of the Bethten will have! Ancitior step lorward in beher ub : g THROUGH THES
| bl $ ach jodd local | derstanding the importan role GROVE ..
With eleven men doing duty and | preaching services In the oe played by thie adrenal gland in help. Funeral Home NE
McCue scoring 28 points Mount Joy | church this Sunday morning, pre=| ing the body recover from injuries " 4 utd die 1
High had no difficulty in defeating | ceeded by Sunday School. | has been achieved, a University of | Old yings an . Satin, wy 23 W. Main Sty, Mount Joy A
Marietta Friday night 76 to 35. At| Mr. and Mrs. Morris Enterline | | Michigan doctor states. intrigue me—they are meat in the '
half time Mt. Joy had scored en-|of Elizabethtown, former resident] Dr. Jerome W, Conn, an associate literary cocoanut. The old ~gnes, JAMES B. HBILIG '
ough points to win the game, of this place entertained at a tur-| professor of internal medicine, hi “there is time for everything and " : oe cr EVENINGS MATINEE
{ In two other league games E'town | key dinner in the Lanc. Co. Farm | poned io Sis ran in let “bygones be bygones,” I hook Directo "HOWE SATURDAYS
had an easy time winning from E.| Diner on Sunday. Mrs. Anna But- | oF > Wd ti t them up with our medern trend of 7 and 9:00 P.M AND
ad & as) | "and | research he has been conducting a Govt. Based on these two tents 1 SATURDAYS HOLIDAYS Sw
Donegal 44 to 27, while Manheim | terbaugh, daughter Ruth, Mr. and | the university, yy . : 6.8.10 P. M. 2:00 P. M, 9
Boro downed East Hempfield 65 to | Mrs. Joe Deppler. Mr. and Mus. | His study has: shown that the ad- will proceed with my learned de- Mount Joy, Pa. 1
60. Willis Enterline, sons John and Bob | renal gland calls upon a substance | ductions and sérmon. WHITE - WASHING Nac
Marietta High G Fl Ti Mrs. Kauffman and Mrs. Bridge, all| in the blood known as cholesterol to | Europe is in bad shape—most of FRIDAY — SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 -
Barr F ........... +2 1 5/from E-town; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer | help in producing the huge amounts { Europe is Socialist from the R. R. : :
Bausman F ......... L100 HR fo is place, Mr. and| 1 3drenal hormones needed in pro- | 4..." "the phone hooth to the GARY COOPER — RUTH ROMAN -in-
| Hcover from this place, Mr. and | . H
Sargen F' .......8 0. 2 1 51 | longed periods of stress which the Stal to the hospital. Th DISINFEC
Sweeney C5 I 2 4 8! Mrs. Jno. Henry Hollinger, daugh- | body undergoes at the time of an in. power Station to the hospita 4 “DD las"
Rutherford C ......... 2 2 ter Anna Ruth and sons Harold and | jury, [3 wt. finger is in every pie — has | a oe
Smith © oral et 1 0 2 James, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Holling-| Cholesterol, produced largely by | been for years. It has been a good HESS BROS 10
Westenr G ......... “3 .0 Her , Mr. and Mrs. David Miller and]: the liver, is the basic compound of [test for Socialism. Europe has . 4
. Jones GQ 5... 0 0 ..0 adrenal hormones, including corti- | backward—not forward. Syccefsors To ARY 12
—BY~ McFarland G 7.0" a 00 ke Mary Louise and lke). sine’ the! hormone found to te banc. gone. Re 3 4 ha jure dri HUBER OBERMOLTZER MONDAY, FEBRU
A WISE O W/ L Sadler G......:......... 1 1. 3 | and sons Ray and Kenneth, My. and | in’ the treatment of rheuma-| + S. A. has k FLO PENNA. LEO GORLEY — HUNTZ HALL -in-
Jonson G ............ 0 0 O|Mrs. Richard Miller, daughter Car- toid arthritis, Dr. Conn says. | with theory. Cc ntinuing same and LORIN Jo NA. ; - -
Totals 3 9 35 olyn, all of near Mt. Joy; Mr. and | In his experiments, Dr. Conn |such will lead us in time to take Ww 39-tf “Angels In Disguise J
Of course vou folks all know Totals Sea 18 » Mrs. Wilbur Miller and son Jesse found the cholesterol content of the to the same uncomfortable and Sul
3 s the right hand man | out Joy G FM mn of Manheim R. D. Mr. and Mrs, | @drenal gland could be reduced 70 | hard-type bed as is Europe's. So - 9:
Shorty Engle, the rig McCue F 9.0028 . 3 per cent within three hours by arti- [p= + ficre a time for every Wit
at Krall's meat market. | Zimmerman Bain, 0 0 0|Bob Lockey and son Billy of York. | ficial stimulation which produced | Mere is where a time for every- illh ff | TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 13 a
Well one day last week Shorty | Watson B asians 4 3 11| Miss Beulah Gibble of conliitions similar to those created | comes in. I propose it is time Dr.H.C. Ki efrer | g
lest his glasses and after looking Millex 5 s | spent the weekend with her moth- | within the body during periods of | to write off our losses. Sell all the Oo tometrist | JOHN IRELAND — ANN DVORAK -in- Di
nowhere and being unable to find | Bowman C 4 2 10|e Mrs. Ida Gibble of this place. | prolonged stress. ory | TVA’s and projects of every type Pp | 99 sion
them everywhere, he decided to!Boyer C .............. 0 0 0] Mr. and Mrs. Phares Brandt and| This artificial stimulation was and color to the highest bidder— MANHEIM ; “Return Of Jesse James 6:
3 : | achieved through use of ACTH, the ash our hands of Europe-tyvpe || 163 S. Charlotfe St. for «
empty a barrel of oysters and luck |Shupp G .............. 1 13 daughter Verna have recently re- 0 a pe-type To yy» 7
: : r were ini BoYd G ............... 0 2] hroug I e| pituitary gland hormone which | 5, —stop further losses. Get out elephdie 5
was with him. There they were in Brown G g turned from a trip through the causes the adrenal gland to produce | te Mon. & Wefines. 9.5:30
the bottom of the barrel—not even Becker G =... 000" 1 0 states. They visited many | ‘its hormones. of Socialism before we are com- Tues. Fei. Sat. 7.9 P. M. | WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14-15
broken. ——— | places of interest and at Sebring, | The effect of this prolonged stimu- [ ple tely swamped. Let bygones he Tues, Fri. Sat. {
Totals... 29 18 76 |Florida they visited H M. Hoover, al lation of the adrenal gland has im: | water over the dam—spilt milk— 9:30-1:00. 2.5 P. M || JAMES CAGNEY — VIRGINIA MAYO -in-
Score b, iod y tant lications for future lead 1} WwW. t t Suny
We have a chap here in town who jScore by periods: , | resident of this place. portant implicatio a dead hcrse. We have it in us to ELIZABETHTOWN || -
a i Wi MARIETTA ........ 7 413 11-35 p or- | Study of several diseases, including | 4, these things. Taking the bull b 15 E. High St. “West Point Stor ”
is a bookkeeper and at the same MOUNT JOY ..... 18 23 17 18—76 Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hoover ener! those of the heart, liver sud kidney g y Fo re 2h M
time he’s a molder at the Florin | Referees, Sponagle and Bertz. tained a number of guests at din- | as well as hardening of the arteries, | the hos 5 our job—now—not | 10:4
Foundry. —— ner on Sunday. according to Dr. Conn. These dis- |Manana or pretty socn. Amen. Tres
John Fuller claims that don’t LEAGUE STANDING | | eases are all associated with an | Yours with the low down, ; lit M t wed
make sense but I know what I'm Section 1 | unusual production or use of choles- | f . JIMMIE ua ! y éa S| Yon
fee rc ram, wn re NEWTOWN | me Ye ALS 1 b=
= en : abethtown ...... ¢ ; . .
three years ago and ain't got it back Mount Joy .......... 8 1 '889 Pox HUN on SUNDAY a A FULL LINE OF Top Quality ~- Low Prices Every Day Ce
yet. Manheim Boro ...... 4 5 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gamber, Man-| Wool Scarce; Give Blankets : Postpone Py ie ox unl, | nor
in Mariella ............ 3 6 333 Nd . sponsored by the Sportsmen's As- |
I piked up something in the house East Hempfield ..... 2 7 222 | heim were Sunday guests of Mr. | Extra Care for Longer Life | sociation, will be held this Sunday |
today, went out in the yard to look East Donegal ...... 1 1m | and Mrs. Abram Ge ig | Treat your wool blankets with the | ftarnoon at the Bick Run and the FROSTED FOODS g
couldnt find It came back in Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westenhefer, | gentle ‘care that precious posses- | Green Hills. : 1
= he icked it’ tip, ‘and found JUNIOR HIGH LOST CLOSE {of Marietta were Monday evening | sions deserve. Textile scientists of Guns must be registered. at the Fruits & & Vegetables | Frid:
: ie Ouse, picse ® “| GAME TO MARIETTA | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Is- | the U. S. department of agriculture nm ; €g d 7:4
it" T tramped on a splinter, On Friday ine Mount Joy's| ler and fami have pointed out that U. S. produc. | fire house by 12:30 p. m. Hounds (SAMPLES) Servi
ay evening ount Joy's|ler and family. i es vin Shi Cr.
. TR Inver, Mr. Waller Beronheisst of wn tion of wool this year is one of the | will be furnshed by Mervin Shire- K ‘Meat ar et Fund
I said to a fellow on E. Donegal Fale ve ty lost a andi il er Tae Wi li m| lowest on record. | man of Elizabethtown R3. 9:0
: to Marietta: by two measley points, | caster visite r. an rs. Willa Fre t airing of blankets in ell 10:
Si certainly like . that cat requent airing | -—
You certainly like that ci 37 to 39. Gantz and Ashenfelter led | Haines and family Sunday. use not only is good’ sanitary prac- : a West Main St., Mt. Joy | 6:3
© npn! Yes 1 only wish in the scoring. | Week end visitors of Mr. and | tice but helps them last longer and | DRIVING PRIVILEGES { ing.
S Sid, Ye geet iY Mt. Joy Jrs. G Fl Tl|Mrs. Daniel Geltmacher were Mrs. | hold their fluffy warmth and com- | RESTORED i FOR... 7:3
1 was rich that I could huy her Zeller F 4 0 8! john Mellinger, Mrs. Walter Kopp; | fort. When a blanket is thrown back | | Twenty-six motorists had their OQUPS vad
canary birds for food. Philips F* .......0..... 340 Bip fiathaway Breneman of Mount | loosely so fresh air reaches both | driving privileges restored by the | ‘Watches- Clocks- Jewelry Thur
Gantz C .............. 80.2 Joy B.D. Mr. and. Mrs Wilbert | sides, the wool has a change to get | gya¢e Department last week. Among [ 6:4
: 1 yi Metzler C ............. 0 0 0|J0y Rh. D, . rs. V 2 back its natural springiness which . >:
ge oy ig 5 pi Ashenfelter K ......... 5 0 10 | Witmer and family of East Peters- | makes for warmth, But care should | them was C. Robert Nisley, Florin. And Watch h Repairing | J hoon
pil Tra Tp Miller G .............. 0 1 1 burg; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Farlow| be taken not to throw a blanket | Twenty-five had their licenses | | 80
ane TL aay 3 go Totals 18 1 31 and son, Timothy of Hopeland and | over anything sharp, such as a | Suspended. ‘Warren H. | ing
Ee Ses Er ches. = . Waa Viel G Fl Mrs. Ralph Keith and son, | peaked bedpost, which may pierce | 3 3 oi; JEWELER | Stric
cther watches cells. ] 3 Clifford of Brunnerville and friends| °F Pull it, or on anything that may | MADE ILLEGAL TURN i IT. JOY
Bugle. B® 3 4 10 ois inva. | 209 West Main St., MT. JO
1 6 th itv stain it. Loose bed springs, sharp | Robert E. Sentz, of town. was oi
Two of our High school girls Cd pe a 1 0 2|° Yio comunity. : metal corners or even roughened | | prosecuted at Lancaster for OPEN EVERY EVENING . 1
i : 2 | Ro Cian, ( 2 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Isler and | wood may also catch and tear | : é CE Tomato Chicken Vv t ble
were going down town the other G 3 gs : ied : . {an illegal turn "Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends ege a 1
day when one said: Did your den-{Gusler G ............ 0 o ¢ffomily visited Mr. and Mrs. Hip-| plankets or other bedding. | 3 : : 8 S d - Strid
ey SL i gt Grove @ >. oii 1 0 2 | pensteel and family, Mr. and Mrs.| For best service and comfort | ~=, om, 9:3
hurt You seach very — | Earl Shiffer and family and Mr.| blankets should be large enough to | oup [ Noo le Soup 10:°
eply: No charges w ery Totals =... .. 13 13 30. Mrs. Roy Shaffer Sunday. | come up well over shoulders and | | in coh
reasonable this time. Score by periods: jand : re 0 on — | still tuck firmly in the bottom | 8th ANNUAL | 3 fore 2c | 1 6. 13¢ ert /
MCUNT JOY ...... 6 9 814-37 | the bed. Short blankets often wear | . . | | ; Rev.
They tell me that Jim Berrier,| MARIETTA ........ 6 11 11 11-39 | SALU NGA out early because they take 0 Cleaning of Choir Gowns | ary f
out at Milton Grove, while at a| Referee, Shreiner. { { much pulling and strain, £0
: i caster recently. | IP another Junior High League | a A blanket stays clean longer it | OUR ANNUAL EASTER GIFT TO MT. JOY CHURCHES 7:18
Be a ey, game East Hempfield went all out! The Ladies Auxiliary of the Fire! the bed is made so that the sheet KRISPY CRACKERS Ye
a hem Ba $ Taine 8 ul to defeat Manheim Boro 29 to 26. | Company will sponsor a card par-| turns back over the top of the blank- | Week of February 12th ( | 1 Ib 28 2 Ibs 53c¢ 8:01
30 ‘a gs nal : -—y- ty on Friday evening, February 16,| © 8 to 12 inches. If the sheet is too | St. Luke's Episcopal Church c ga Wedr
hold a Sunday School picnic under : a J { so : : short, a strip of cloth, basted over | 7:30
one lout. LOCAL LEGION TEAM WON at Cooper's Garage 3 Setunen, be 2 the top or the full length of the Week of February 19th —_— Tr 4:0
FROM QUARRYVILLE MONDAY |ginning at seven-thirty o'clock.| is good protectiom | Trinity Luth hurch E /
Just then Jim asked one of the : } blanket, is good protection agai rinity Lutheran Churc R
11 4 a > ww 3 at ing With Marsh Gemberling pacing | Bridge, Pinochle and 500 will be | soiling the wool. A covering over | { FREE =1 pkg. Flower Seeds E /
fi =" a i re hth the team, Mount Joy's County Lea- | played. | the blanket, or even a third sheet | Il Week of February 26th With 1 Ib k of eon
ove ere was I a battle ? . dives lod wi rryvily § of i . .
ship and the chap said: No we are |&Uers won on interesting game from | The Salunga Mothers Club enter- | used on top, gives added War: dh | St. Mark's United Brethren Church PKg on
Pp ig ; ¢ | Quarryville Monday night. Score: { tained the Ladies Auxiliary of the | because it holds still air in the | Week of March 5th C Cour.
making a boiler to boil that head of | bb . : ..| fluffy wool. : ars m ows nie
cabbage in Quarryville x FI TI|Salunga Fire Company at their| y Presbyterian Church Lang
Sample FB 2 1 5 | meeting Monday night in the school | Ww of 5:
i ot eek of March 5th Dece
: Newswanger F ........ 0 0 0 Fifty- rere present. Mrs. > : i: | . oce
Did you ever hear of a man get- Seiferd FF .............. 0 0 [Ame Fis oo big li A ais ” i is | Church of God FECO Shae
ti on water. Mahlon Fore- | Plastino C ............. 7.0 fea TT SL a IWR die fain. in Th
i gunk on as ire at Blasting 3 1 11! Mrs. Goldie Groff lead in the sing- | ors ne I; any Medicine mn | Week of March 12th Valentine Heirs bag C seal
fy onions a a Ying. IN nbc irs ars | Protecting pigs from a fatal intes- :
Lewes last year and saw a fellow | Herr G ................ 3 3 ‘The Club voted five dollars | final diseate Methodist Episcopal Church f S
Shenle G ............ 3 1 / | contribution to the Heart Haven. i > na |
do it. Dunlap G 6 0 12| : | gastroenteritis. Best means of con-
nk uniap OG D A Valentine party for the school trolling it is to move healthy pigs ® oa
Carrol CG 0.00 0 0 0 | 8 | SEASIDE
ay » says th: [ was planned and one new member | as far away as possible from the SEAR
Clayt Newcomer says that don’t Total " inte the Chis. J fiek ones. Many (armies or ib ¢
make sense, getting drunk on water otals ............. { 64 | was received into the Clu ov ies | e s S,
sa Mt. Joy Legion G Fl TI f the Salunga parade and other | & veterinary medical bulletin points
He insists that the fellow was only Shirk Fo, ,. nui. 2 3 gS na pars : . out, but they overlook the fact that | u er €ans No. 303
: : . 7! films were shown. Hostesses were re : (Si kin nr
sea sick. Haverstick FP .......... 8 1 7 1 | Val their shoes can spread the in- SRST TT ooo
Gemberling C ........ 8 8 24 | Mrs. Earl Wa tors, Mrs. Wm. Wa | fection. Attendants who have walked
Owen Moore left town one day Constantine G ......... 2 1 5jters, Mrs. Ray Wiley and Mrs. F.| through infected hog NOW IS THE TIME: NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO MODERNIZE YOUR OLD KITCHEN P intry "She
ca fark G Ll, 4 2 10! Wetzel | should put on a pair of clean boots | J — rem Pantry Shelf can C
Owen more than he could pay Love G a 0 6 : | i
Gwen Moore e back today ove UO... o 0 TT MD Mmm before entering healthy quarters, {
EB i in Totals 27 15 69 RHEEMS FIRE CO. BUYS the bulletin cautions. The disease, KUNZLER'S
Score by periods: | CHASSIS FOR SQUAD CAR [ to 03 caveat br 2 uu Ib 0
: ; 3% Akl i Nie S K i | Better A
Did you ever hear about the guy is 3 ia A new truck chassis on which to vomiting, and rapid loss of weight. | monica, | ran furters Fry
who deliberately refused a $100.00 | Referees: Markel, Sweigart ids Spa Ca has [ie an Young Digs are hit hardest, with | y
Stig Se Voie uma aT 1 pty é y the Rheems Fire Com-| death loses sometimes running as 3 |
gold watch just because his trousers | Mt. Joy B 60, Quarryville B 42. chase: y : {
Yad no i pocket. a pany from the Rheems garage. high as 90 per cent, | NATIONAL PEANUT WEEK
HIGH SCHOOL RIFLEMEN | Max Ricedorf, chairman of the | STAUFFER
Mushy Good declares that no-|BOW TO EPHRATA SHOTS project eommitige, - said the com- Finishes Pre-Tested
body could be that dumb. With J. Lefever shooting a per- any i i delivery on the truck | The term ‘industrial finishes” is P t T 12 0ZS. C
fect 100. Ephrata High's Rifle team [in about six weeks. Following de- | applied to the finishes used by eanu ops Les
Between you and I Mushy we |Posted a 492-487 victory over Mt. |livery, the special body will be con-| manufacturers to enhance ii : Fx
: 3 ) ’s structed on the chassis. products. Before being applied, | sos
have some doggone dumb people. J the loser’s fange Thursday —— > they are subjected to many special ed
Br . ‘ Sf 3 TPQ tests based upon the kind of usage se ol
Why just the other day a fellow| Other scores for Ephrata were: GUESTS to which the article may be subject- SMALL DOWN sit ir airy epartment
got into an argument with Joe Det- | Gehman 99, Pontz 98, Ice 98, and MEE . G ed. For example, in addition to tests TSM ! Gorm:
wiler, the barber, He wouldn't lei| Strauch 97. For Mount Joy: Hess| Next Tuesday evening, February | for adhesion, and hardness, finish- F h “een
a im . 12th the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the| es for refrigerators, stoves and
Joe wipe his face, with a towel af-|shot a 99, Engle 98, Metzler 97. 3 Ig , Cash
ter he Pe! ae He said it made | Barnhart 97, and Berrier 96. Walter S. Ebersole Post will hold| kitchen cabinets are tested for res Country Eggs cen
him too dry —————— their regular meeting at Bennett's | their resistance to yas Jon Fur
SPORTSMEN TO SEE MOVIES Restaurant when two girl scout | Rex aaron Juice, oh condi C ompl ete
They tell me that a dentist at] Mr. George Bowers will show |troups and their leaders will be cleaning materials. e { CoM
Lancaster has a sign in his window: | hunting and fishing movies at the [guests of honor. | Selection of Clheese Say
; Bh . . eel A A wre Salar
Teeth Inserted for $5.00. Mt. Joy Sportsmen's meeting, this | Office
a . ant : thea at | NOW WE HAVE TROUBLE Wooden, Aluminum, Ladders Office
Up at Florin a guy has a dog that| Monday evening, February 12 at ew 3 em
will do it for nothin’ 8:00 p. mi GETTING BOX CARS sung of a wooden ladder will | HOME - MADE =
: . cowed ove] DE 5 an
— For an interesting evening plan | Recently newsprint producers | of an inch for a 150-pound person | C up C h eese C otta ge C h eese §OLY
There's just no use talkin’, 1'm|to attend. | upped the price on paper and now stepping on its center. An aluminum | New American Kitchens Sinks! Al sizes — Salan
+ . a > 0 EE the manufacturers can’t get box ladder is construcied so that the | le ble Bowl — 42” 48”, 54”, 66” sizes! Shor
getting too dern smart. I'll have t Se whic Ro Ie For | Mn 38: | ngle or ’ Tanite
go into some other business or in- MADE A FLIGHT RECORD : SAPS ty Wich lo stup It. on Tne oe delle tion gE welt devs Wore Don’t delay any longer! Mod- waiting! American Kitch: : Eleva
te—there's too. much brain | . Airline Capt. Charles Blair, in a | erage newspaper man today it's — ernjze your old kitchen; now! ens Sinks save you more work. 9 Mate:
corpora e {| deflection the'ialuminum' rung 8 Pic
tang fighter ‘plane, flews n | what's next. ! E | ricanKitchend Sinks‘ayail- time and steps than any other alle
for one skull. us ng plane,’ flewy fro a — ~— | would be about'a’ninth as’ much | able now for immediate sink! i : . ’ ih
New York to London 3,500 miles in $ GRANTED | as for the wooden rung under sim- WEY ; f Fuel,
We all have so much to do that|seven hours and 48 minutes, a new | LETTER | ilar conditions. This is because | Furni
b could use a 48 hour day and a| world’s record. Edward L. Kline, Landisville, and aluminum is nine times as rigid as | Roy M. Ressler MOUNT JOY MASTERSONVILLE Com
day ‘week, yet there’s not sch Addison M. Habecker, of this place,| wood (white oak). 27 West Main Street MOUNTVILLE, PENNA i ofr
1 es do a it. But Betty |of Jpnuaty she marked her time |administrators CTA fcr the Charles | rl MOUNTVILLE 5-2 2301: PHONE 3-9094 MANHEIM 5-7811 FLFC
Nei our police officers wife evi- | card {13 for the thirteenth month of M. Webb estate | Everybody reads newspapers but | OR CALL These Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday (this week) Eom
hs has her own calendar, cause | the year. -t-— | NOT everybody reads circular ad- | ) Re:
dow 1 at work, all during the montis A A WISE OWL| Subscribe for the Bulletin. J vertising left on their door step. WILLIAM RESSLER = Mount Joy 3--5731 ET ESRB OO, Prat
VI y \ : Adver
| i

Seg o's PY