The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 04, 1951, Image 2

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The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, January 4. 195i
The Mount Joy Bulletin
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher |

| of us. All we can hope, is that the
Published Every Thursday at No.| years to come won't leave this |
#-11 Fast Main St, Mount Joy, Pa.| List year a period we will call |
| Utopia,
Su ption, per year .. $2.00 oo |
Bix Months ... reset ven oe 31
Three Months 60 LOOKING UPWARD
Single Copies ....... » na 05 |
.... FREE |

Sample Copies
uation in Korea becomes worse, |
Entered at the Postoffice at Mt. | We @re almost paralyzed by the |
Joy, Pa. as second-class mail mat- | acccunts of what is happening to
ter under the Act of March 3, 187. | tur boys over there. We may seek
| Fear hits us as the horrible sit-
Yennsvivania: Newspaper | {© lessen our distress by entering |
Publishers’ Association | into the activities that help take |
{ the mind off the subject. But we |
Publication Day, Thursday | cannot get away from our dismay,
Copy for a change of advertising | our bitterness, We place blame on |
an ising anless copy reaches | which for the moment may make |
ag | us feel better. The military lead- |

the office not later than 9 a. m.
preceding day of publication. ers (oo are filled with deepest an- |
Classified ads will be accepted to | xiety. Evacuations and an orderly
9 a. m. publication day. | withdrawal are words used in
STS | 4 .
| 'Washington dispatches. Heavy los-
1 i - - |
E D 1 T O R i A L | ses and disaster, taking a firmer |

| stand and unfit for combat, all are
+ + > | words that dip into our conscious-
We hope for universal peace ness and we fear. All is a bayonet |
| charge at the heart, if you are a|
® 0° | parent or a boy that age. |
In the midst of our fear comes a
ay of hope, a glimmer of better
things to come. The sun still moves
in ils timeless way, the earth con-
tinues in its orderly revolution, The
power that serves us with stars
and sun, with sustaining life, that |
power is within us to rescue us
| from fear and dismay. There is God
for every man. His counsel may
be sought and found in the Book.
Therein lies your inspiration for
hope this New Year.
| © 0
Gfien you hear tell of folks who
May this New Nine een Fifty- |
One bring you joy, happiness and |
more prosperity.
@ oO
A let of folks around the im- |
mediate vicinity of this office are |
convinced ¢hat one trouble with |
winter is pigeons.
®@ 00
It certainly takes a lot of nerve |
for frlks to make New Year reso-
utions when they know they did
not keep the ones they made last

ee 0
We have every reason to believe
that any house owner who is not | prephecy about the weather, and |
on the easy side of the ledger to- | they are off the heam. Then there |
day is headed for some sleepless | is the weatherwise soul who hits
nights. Here's cur barometer: the nail on the head, and his pre- |
Lancaster County residents bor- | dictions go unheralded. In Ohio |
rowed money on 4.876 mortgages | where records have been
during 1950. It was the heaviest | for November warm and cold days, |
borrowing in years. | there lives a Miss Eunice Merton, |
The barome er ‘further registers | president of the Summit County |
Sherifl sales on real estate increas- | farm bureau and interpreter of
ing, not c¢nly in Lancaster County | Bang’s Corner bug barometer. She |
but in all adjoining counties, warned, early in the Fall: The bees |
We hope we're wrong. haven't laid up enough honey to
®@ 00 carry them throuh half the winter.
Some time ago General Motors | The robins put off their {rip south.
raised the price of Chevrolets, Pon- | The hornets built their nest so low
tiacs and Cadillac automobiles. | they'll smother in the snowdrifts.
Last week President Truman or- | Old Man Winter has them all fool- |
dered car prices frezen as of all | ed—all but the woolly caterpillars. |
1950 prices, the manufacturers ac- | Their brown stripes show winter |
guiesced and that’s it. will sneak up. It will be mild in |
It might also be weil to keep all | the middle. The black stripes show |
food prices as is and freeze wages. | sudden cold spells. Ohio doffs its |
This would eliminaie strikes and | hat to Miss Merton. |
all present dissatisfaction and that And, taking snatches from your |
is as it should be until the Korean | Old Farmer's Almanac, the pre- |
trouble is over at least. | dictions for 1951 are for plenty of |
® ® 0 | cold and snow for January, more |
‘ ut a time there was an | well into March. The last three
art that has become neglected, has | weeks of March will have nothing
faded into the limb: of things

it for February that will stay |
{in them which can be spcken of |

passed. It wos the oldtime art of | favorably except they brought us |
fire-building, a process that took |three weeks nearer Spring. So, |
ability in the ng znd kindling | button up your overcoat and look
of fires in the country’s grates and | ton your heating bills, {
hen had its coal | SCR aA
the pot- |
Boro Council
a is (From Page 1) |
splinter the fat,
Kelly Estock, a property owner on |
| Columbia Ave., asking that an al- |
ley be opened on the rear of his |
and three other properties. Coun- |
cil indicated that it will investigate |
the matter before taking any action.

fireplaces. The }

or wood re

bellicd stove in

ting voom. Even children knew how

to twist paper
wood, to set

logs in place, how

to chunk it into the cooking stove.
Today we depend cn the thermo-
stat control. the mechanical stoker |
the clectric switch. Why, even har-
dy take aleng a portable |
gascline and we expect to A petition was received from the |
hear, at any time, that an electric | JY Company asking council to |
blanket is standard hunting equip- | close a portion: of N. High Si. Where |
ment. | the company has a new building |
development. Until an agreement is |
reached as to whom shall stand the |
expense of transferring the closed |
® 6 ©
As a general rule we think of
scrap as useless waste, as junk.
Remember the trouble about our |
large shipments of scrap metal to! * Hostetter was reclected to |
Japan? Steel scrap is a vital essen- | & IVE Year lon on the Zoning |
tial in a key industry. §t is waste Commission and Simon Nissley to
from steel operztions, from iron and
steel that junk dealers collect.|
Scrap goes into all new steel and | ncluded ¢
the finest steels require the most |" AT
scrap. In charging a blast furnace, | ‘W° lights m the boro i
the percentage of scrap varies from | The decided to seek |
50 to 100 percent, because scrap bids for moving shrubbery from |
having gone through the furnace at | Kuhn estate, which is now be-
least once, contains fewer impur- | ing razed for the consirection of a
ities than new pig iron. The price
of steel affects us here, so let us be
respectful of the steel scrap around
the house and bam. It certainly is | 9¢t [7 the new year at a meeting
NOT junk. | on Menday night, Jan. 8. Coun-
| cil also read over a list of 1950 per
‘ vo |
pertion to the property owners, the |
ion was tabled.

a five year term cn the Borough |

rthority. Other business
ng Police Chief Park
s the full authority to regulate |

service station, to the borough |
park. a
It was decided to set up the bud-
® © 0°
You ofien hear “when things get |
back to nermal”. But, what is nor- |
m:l, what period is your gauge? If PROPERTY WAS WITHDRAWN
one considers the prices An Fast Hempfield Township
tal $840.
1 |

i 38%

| ment of their daughter, Miriam Ar- killed
| announces the engagement of his!
{ a party in the Rudy home Saturday|and forehead; Mrs. Mary A. Brandt,' Roads;
| capita tax exonerations which to- | EQUIVALENT OF $2.84 SHARE
| nia Power & Light Company for selected to receive an award of $2.-
in of — FOR
I ONG AGO : Lancaster County, Pa., 1951
Of Well Known
Local Residents

oy hae] Metzler. of etn i
Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Metzler, o Sons Rode: - room)
Manheim R2, announce the engage. 20 Years Ago Roads; *E'town; *York County; Mt,
Pleasant; Manheim; Manor; Refton.
ment of their daughter, Rosalia
to Charles H. Smith, of Manheim
Jan, 14 — Maytown; *Conoy; Master.
sonville; *Manheim; *Manor; Pequea;
Jan. 21 — Cross Roads; Conoy; York]
County (Joseph D. Lehman); #*Cross
Roads; *E'town; Mt. Pleasant; Man-
Adolph Peris, of salted-in-the-
shell peanut fame, moved to Roch-
Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. Maxwell, ester. New ‘York
cf Cressond, announce the engage-

Mi nd Mrs. Albert Walters and heim; #Mastersonville; Manor; Refton;
ment of their daughter, Ann, to M np facoh Strickler lofi *Peqtiea. |
1 I" a i Ji . I oe
John D. Ressler, son of Mr. and o Jan, 28 — Cross Roads (Ezra Engle); |
. Mt. Jov R2 Tuesday for Florida to spend thelmavtown; *Maytown; Mastersonville;
Mrs. Isacc Ressler, of Mt. Joy Yel Winter *Mt. Pleasant; *Manor; Pequea; *Refton, |
Miss Maxwell and Mr. Ressler
are students at Kutztown State
Teachers College, Kutztown,
1 "” hev. 34. . Feb. 4—Cross Roads; Conoy; *Cross|
John Zerpaey, 34, Marietta Si, Roads; *E'town; *York County; Mt.
sustained a broken jaw while saw- Pleasant; Manheim; Manor; Refton. |
ing wood Feb. 11—Maytown; *Conoy; Masterson. |
— . ville; *Manheim; *Manor; Pequea; *Ref-
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bortzfield ton. ‘
Mr. and Mrs. Engle E. Shelly, c1ekrated their golde sdding Feb. 18—Cross Roads; Conoy; York |
ug celebrated thelr golden wedding.
Mt. Joy R1, announce the engage- County (Clarence Kaltreider); *Cross|
Howard Hines, of Coumbia, was| Roads: *E'town; Mt. Pleasant: Man-
struck heim; *Mastersonville; Manor; Refton;|
*Pequea. |
in automobile at the corner of West, ren, 25—Cross Roads (Jacob Sentz);|
and Mrs. D. Ezra Byers, Conestoga pcneoal id New Haven Streets Maytown; *Maytown; Mastersonvliile;|
R1 Donegal "ar © #*Mt. Pleasant; *Manor; Pequea; *Refton. |
Ns. otk a: here, Mar. 4—Cross Roads; Conoy; *Cross|
Miss Shelly is a staff member cf is good on the river at Roads; +Ettown; *York County; Mt. |
Messiah College, Grantham, Pa., Marietta Pleasant; Manheim; Manor; Refton.
rave 3 Sires a Ee hy Mar. 11—Maytown; *Conoy; Master-
and Mr. Byers is engaged in farm-| pp... and sonville;, *Manheim; *Manor; Pequea; |
ing 2 ie *Refton. |
mg. ool room on Marietta Street is |
2 i i . ' Mar 18—Cross Roads; Conoy; York]
closed. The property will be sold at County (0. D. Lehman); *Cross Roads; |
avid Loewen, 50 W. Donegal St.,| Sheriff's sale. “E’town; Mt, Pleasant; Manheim; *Mas- |
David Loewen, 50 W. D ; Sherif s sale tersonville; Manor; Refton; *Pequea.
announced the engagement of his| WM Mar. 26—Cross Roads (Lester Wolge-
sister, Miriam F. Loewen, fingers badly injured when muth); Maytown; *Maytown; Masterson. |
(ville; *Mt, Pleasant; *Manor; Pequea; |
*Refton. {
Myers was elected Apr. 1 — Cross Roads; Conoy; *Cross
W. B. Sisterhood Roads; ¥E'town; *York County; Mt. |
2. preasant; Manheim; Manor; Refton.
Apr. 8—Maytown; *Conoy; Masterson- |
*Manheim; *Manor; Pequea; *Ref. |
ton. {
Stum is employed at the American, C. Habecker, who is wintering in: Apr. 15—Cross Roads; Conoy; York|
when his motorcycle
lene, to Laban Z. Byers, son of Mr.
Smith's restaurant
. George Brown, Sr., had sev-
day to William F. Stum, son of Mr.|caught in a clothes wringer.
and Mrs. William C. Stum, Her-! Mrs. Earl
shey R2. president of the
Miss Loewen is employed at the!Bible Class. Mrs. Howard Lc nge-
Manheim Asbestos Corporation. Mr.'necker

was elected vice-president.

\aramel ro had shes Deaths av. County (Paul Lehman); *Cross Roads; |
Caramel Company, Lancaster. Florida, had ll his cash and trav “E'town; Mt. Pleasant; Manheim: +o.
—- ellers checks stolen while attending! tersonviile; Manor: Refton; “Pequea.
Apr. 22—Cross Roads (Paul A. Mar-
| tin); Maytown; *Maytown;
meeting Monday ville; *Mt. Pleasant;
fp od Apr. 29—Cross Roads; Conoy; *Cross
Hawthorne, Miller and Wit-' Roads: *E'town; *York County; Mt.|
repcrted that Officer Pleasant; Manheim; Manor; Refton, |
Zax iv revel set May 6—Maytown; *Conoy; Masterson
Zerphey's motorcycle needs over- ville; *Manheim; “Manor; Pequea; *Ref-
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A: Kessler, church services there.
Elizabethtown, anncunce the en-| Council held a
gagement of their daughter, G. Ar-/€vening wiih Althouse, Murphey,
léne, to Donald E. Campbell, son Arntz,
of Mr. and Mrs. Zeno D. Campbell,| mer. It was
Jr, Quakertcwn R3.
Miss Kessler is employed by hauling. [
4 3 plo} v The Men's Choru f the Ch woh! May 13 — Cross Roads; Conoy; York |
Henry G. Carpenter, here. Mr. 1he Mens Chorus of the Durell county (John Lehman); *Cross Roaas;|
a > i atic og Elizabeth~ of God sang at Lancaster Monday.| *E’town; Mt. Pleasant; Manheim; *Mas- |
Campbell is attending Elizabeth re tersonviile; Manor; Refton: *Pequea, |
town College. ir. anc RTS, ATINUN § May Roads (Elias. Musser); |
gave a birthday party for their son Maytown; *Maytown; Mastersonville.
pr “Mt. Pleasant; *Manor; Pequea; *Refton.
Edward |
| May 27—Cross Roads; Conoy; *Cross|
are ss Womens { Roads; *E'town; *York County; M¢t. |
Pleasant; Manheim; Manor; Refton. |
June 3—Maytown; ¥Conoy; Masterson-
ville; *Manheim; “Manor; requea; *Ref- |
*Manor; Pequea;
Reuben Sievens, Flint, Michigan,
daughter, Lorena R., to Glenn L. A id t
Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maur- Auto CCl en S
ice Bailey, of town. (From Page 1)
Owing to the icy highways here
tral High School, Flint, is a secre-lfap the 2
tany for Cameron Cleaners in Flint.
Mr. Bailey is a graduate of Mt.
June 10—Cross Roads; Conoy; York
County (Seth Sentz); “Cross Roads;
“E'town; Mt. Pleasant; Manheim; *Mas.
past week, there were quite} tersonviile; Manor; Refton; *Pequea.
June 17—Cross ‘Roads (Blaine Kauff. |
man); Maytown; *Maytown; Masterson- |
Miss Stevens, a graduate of Cen-
1 number of auio accidents. Ap-
ended are those in this locality. ville; *Mt.” Pleasant; *Manor; Pequea;
i : I | “Ret ’ q i
Joy High School and is now attend-| No Injuries — $500 Damage Eyton, {
: June 24—Cross Roads (Willis Weaver); |
: McFarland. thirty Conoy; =*Cross Roads; +“E’town; #*York
Flint. Salunga, , tole State Police he wis) Gounty; Mt. Pleasant; Manheim; Manor; |
Wit & . . W ‘ |
~ «dpiving west on the Lincoln High- July 1—Maytown; *Conoy; Masterson- |
Mr. and Mrs, Eli Arndt, Main St, way nea lost Vises Manheim; *Manor; Pequea; *Ref- |
Florin announce the engagement control on a patch of ice and skid~| 4u1y 8 — cross Roads; Conoy; - ork]
of their daughter, Betty, to Dale F.|ded into an eastbound auto operat- County (Waiter Bausman); = *Cross|
i Roads; *E'town; Mt, Pleasant; Manheim; |
Keyser, 19 West Donegal St., Mounted by Alvin J. Laniz eighteen, *mastersonville: Manor; Refton; *Pequea. |
? Mr. Chores av ca by Sine . amage July 15—Cross Roads (C. N. Hershey);
Joy, son of Mr. Charles Keyser, ofl Parke urg Star Route. Damage ayo Mastersonville. |
Middletown. Miss Arndt is estimated at $500 and no one! #mt. Pleasant; *Manor; Pequea; *Ref- |
ing the General Motors Institute! George. W.

Vintage when he

3 ton. |
ed by the East Donegal Twp. School was hurt. | July 22—Cross Roads; Conoy; *Cross|
District, and Mr. Keyser is employ- Six Persons Injured Roads; *York County; Mt. |
ot : > Sia ' easant; anheim; Manor; Refton,
ed by the Pennsylvania Farm Bu-' Six perscns were injured and July 29—Maytown; *Conoy; Master- |
reau. 0 property damage. resulted Sonville; *Manheim; *Manor; Pequea;!|
ho . *Refton. |
— — from a collision involving four cars Aug. 5 — Cross Roads; Conoy; York
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Rudy,land a truck on Route 230, a mile €oUnty (Mrs. Harry Lehman); %Cross
Raads; *E’'town; Mt. Pleasant; Manheim;
“Mastersonville; Manor; Refton; Pequ-
York, announced the engagement cast of Elizabethtown, Thursday.
of their daughter, Sarah E, to Ben| The injured were: Lee Ranck
Buckwalter Hess, son of Mr. and nineteen, 25 E. Main St.
Mrs. David L. Hess, Mt. Joy Rl, at/contusions and bruises of the chest|

Aug. 12—Cross
| Roads; (A. Zercher);
Mt. Joy. Maytown;
Maytown; Mastersonville; !
Mt. Pleasant; *Manor; Pequea; *Refton. |
Aug. 19—Cross Roads; Conoy; *Cross |
*E'town; *York County. Mt.
on Pleasant; Manheim; Manor; Refton. |
Mechanicsburg R3, lac- Aug. 26—Maytown; *Conoy; Master- |
Miss Rudy is attending Millers-'erations of the knees; Arthur Ald- Sonviile; *Manheim; *Manor; Pequea;
, | ¥*Refton,
ville State Teachers College. Mr. rich, Syracuse, N. Y. Sept. 2—Cross
evening. thirty-six
Roads; Conoy; York

. . J > . tl ti . : County (Lloyd Methorn): * ;
Nn by at Gosho - of ve yn lacer: unty y orn); *Cross Roads; |
He ss is a Juni nw at Goshen College, /1 h f Mi Brandt, icerations xg town; Mt. Pleasant; Manheim; “Mas.
Goshen, Indiana. lof the scalp; his wife, Mrs. Mar-| tersonville; Manor; Refton; *Pequea. |
Sept. 9—Cross Roads (I. M. Wolge-
muth); Maytown; *Maytown; Masterson.
summer. tured left collarbone; Miss Rachel yet ‘Mt. Pleasant; *Manor; Pequea;
A “Refton.
en, Eizabethtown Sept. 16—Cross Roads; Conoy; *Cross
and Richard E. Roads; *E'town; *York County; Mt. |
The wedding will take place next guerite
Aldricn, sixty-two frac-

Mummaw, eigh

Leslie Rice, Chocolate Ave. Flc- R1, body bruises,
: x Pleasant; Manheim; Manor; Refton. {
rin, announced the engagement of Martin, twenty. 117 N. Barbara St, ‘Sept. 23—Maytown; “Conoy; Master. |
his daughter, Pegey L. to Earl horo, burns cf the hands and Jonvilie; “Manheim; *Manor; Requea; |
Mowrer, son of Mrs. Ella B. Mow- knees and mild concussion. Sept. 30—Cross Roads; Conoy; York |
rer, Columbia. State Police said Martin was Sounty Schlag); *Cross Roads; |
: wn; Mt. Pleasant; Manheim; *Mas. |
driving east, passing cars driven by Manor) Refton; *Pequea. |
: 3 ne Ct. /—Cross Roads (Jose - |
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mellinger,|Paul J. Anderson, forty-five, 258 muth); Maytown: aE sige |
) -
Manheim R2, have aznnounced the| Marietta Ave, Mt. Joy, and Carol Ville; emt, Pleasant; *Manor; Pequea; |
engagement of their daughter, Bet- B. Brandt. thirty-seven, Mechanics-' Oct. 14—Cross Roads; Conoy; #Cross|
A. Oscar Yendrix. Ir. Sonibure BR ‘hen his car struck an B03ds; *E’town; *York County; Mt!
ty A., to Oscar B. Hendrix, Jr., son burg RI, when ‘his ca struck an| pieagant: Manheim; Manor; Refran. i
cf Oscar B. Hendrix, this boro, andlauto driven in the opposite direc- . Oct. 2i—Maytown; *Conoy; Masterson. |
: . . ville; *Manheim; * ; :
late Mrs. Miss tion by Jay R. Nssley. nineteen, ton. Manor; Pequea; *Ref-
Mellinger is employed by the U. S.[Manheim Rd. Nissley’s car struck , Oct. 28—Cross Roads; Conoy; York
| County (Curtis Melhorn); *Cross Roads;
Asbestos Co., Manheim, and Mr. |the rear of a truck driven by Gor- *E'town; Mt, Pleasant; Manheim; *Mas.
Hendrix is employed by the Grey!don S. Marshall, twenty-nine. Jer tersonville; Manor; Refton: *Pequea.
rie is ploye y the Grey [dc D> shal, twenty-nine, Jer Nov. 4--Cross Roads (I. W. Musser);
Iron Castings Co., here. No date has!sey Shore. while the Brandt and|Maytown; *Maytown; Mastersonvlile;
. : Mt. Pleasant; *Manor; Pe ; *
Eau 3 : oy . ; ; quea; *Refton,
en set for the wedding. Nov. 11—Cross Roads; Conoy; *Cross |
| Roads; *E'town; *York County; Mt.
Pleasant; Manheim; Manor; Refton. |
Mamie Hendrix.
3 1 1 *
Anderson cars also became invol-!
. . |
—— ved in the crash.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Reardon, i TS Wm
Nov. 18—Maytown; *Conoy; Master-
233 W. Douglass St., Reading, an- sonville; *Manheim; *Manor; Pequea;|
IE iil “Refton.
ncunce the engagement of their The Lions Club Nov. 25—Cross Roads; Conoy; York
daughter, Eleanor, to Robert Tvn- County (Joseph D. Lehman); ' *Cross|
: . x ai (From page 1) Roads; ~E’town; Mt. Pleasant; Man-
dall, son of Mr. and Mrs. William i Mh heim; *Mastersonville; Manor; Refton;|
L. Tyndall, 82 E. Main St, this ord prize Henry G. Carpenter $5.00.*Pequea.
hd >t., 1 if Churches Dec. . 2—Cross Roads (H. M. Hess); |
ore Maytown; *Maytown; Mastersonville;
Brethren *Mt. Pleasant; *Manor; Pequea; *Refton. |
Dec. 9—Cross Roads; Conoy; *Cross |
Roads; *E'town; *York County; Mt.
Pleasant; Manheim; Manor; Refton. i
Dec. 16—Maytown; .*Conoy; .Master- |
Miss Reardon is a graduate of 1st prize Evan. United
| ~ Yass .
the Philadelphia General Hospital Church, Flerin $10.00
School of Nursing. 2nd prize Evan. Congregational,
Mr. Tyndall is a Senior at Drexel! Mt. Joy, $7.50. sdnville; #*Manheim; *Manor; Pequea;
i Fal : . ize Me i rR “Refton. |
Institute of Technology, Philadel-'3rd prize Methodist, Mt. Joy, $5.00, Dec. 23~Cross Roads; Conoy; York |
sf Dwelling Houses County (Clarence Kaltreider); *Cross
28a 1st prize Clinton G. Eby, $10.00 Roads; *E'town; Mt. Pleasant; Manheim;
| 28 4 “DY, * | *Mastersonville; Manor; *Pequea; Ref-
P. P. & L's EARNINGS FOR 1950 '2nd prize John Haines $7.50. Pen 30 ~ Cross: Roads {A Z. Hess);
ord prize Paul Weiser, Florin, $5.00! maytown; *Maytown; Mastersonville;
Because of the many outstanding We Pleasant; *Manor; Pequea; *Ref.
: .
rt tis A iin
Earnings after charges accruing
"oO sto ; svlva- places that were decorated, 5 were : .
to the common stock of Pennsylva- blac * Stars denote Sunday evening services.
() Denotes Saturday evening previous.
the twelve months period ended on 50 each, they are as follows: An- LANCASTER SERVICES EVERY
World War Ir thei as normal for | property of a little! over one acre of | November 30, 1950 . were $9,460,995; thony Warta, Lloyd |Gdarman, Mar-| | SUNDAY. MORNING AND, EVENING
now, we probably will never be |land, on the Colebrock Road, mid- | €duivalent to $284 "per share of lin": Myers, Earl Haines and - Earl
somal Perhaps if we saw into | way between Landisville and East|common steck outstanding at end Heisey. :
SE a 2-story | of the period. The following are given
ihe tomorrows, today w:ould be | Petersburg. containing
times. ¥ may be that liv- | brick semi-bungalow of |
seven |
ing in a state of crisis for so long | rooms; frame barn and chicken | eleven months ending November Bea Naum Mrs: John
that state becomes a nor- | house, was withdrawn at $9,200) 30, 1950 were $71,093,829; an in- Chas. Derr, Theo artical da fh
. A return to nor- | when offered at public sale for the | crease of 12.1% over last year’s cor- Florin, Lester- Hostetter, - Clarehce/ Jan. 2 evening; ‘Locust Grove Jan. 3 ev-
Joa g responding period.

ies 1 the opinion of each | Samuel Cooper estate,

* | "District Councils—Lancaster Feb. 6 ev» |
honor='ening;” Pequea: Sept.’ 4 evening; Master. |
oy Jan. 1; Mt. Pleasant March 22 |
Operating revenues for the first able mention: Jacob Snyder, Florin evefiing; Mastersonville Aug. 23 evening; |
Miller, Manheim. Oct. 6; E’town Feb 7 and 8 |
: i evening; Cross Roads Aug. 2 evening. |
Theodore ~~ Weidié, Congregational Councils—Cross Roads |
i 4 . ening; Conoy Jan. 4 evening; E’town |
iy | $y Newcomer and Roy Nissley, Florin. jan, 9 evening; Maytown Jan 11 evening.

420 Lexington Ave, N, Y. 17,N. Y.

I Like Sudtintid Sua...
That's Why I Shop at AsP Where
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on Just a Few

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Do you look for these price
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If we ever fail to price-mark an
of 16
Less Than a Cent a Cup!
CET Cotter A & TEAS
Want lots of refreshment for little money?
Try flavor-perfect, budget-priced A&P
8-02 .
chu 47c
tw 52
Nectar Tea 4-0 7c
Dt 39¢
Tea Bags JF 14c
of 48 45c
Tea Bags nectar P42 16¢

item, or make a mistake in the price
charged, the men and women in
your A&P want to know about it.
And-if you can suggest any way
in which we can make our price.
marking system serve you better,
please let us know, Please write:
A&P Food Stores
Tomato Juice ona
Apple Jelly
A&P Spinach °**>* "5
Br. CN SRR ¢

A&P Grapefruit
Baked Apples «© “"" 25¢
Peas & Carrofs ‘i. =v 19¢
A&P Sauer Kraut me
Stewed Prunes % 0: 'l* 25¢
Sliced Beets 1, 0 de
R&P Faney Peas i> ii x 25¢
Phillip’s Soups ic 10¢
Nestie’s Cookie Mix we 336
Nestle's Morsels 5%: 22¢
lona Sweet Peas wife
lona Cut Beets
Spanish Rice vs 2 Wn 23¢
Hunt's Tomato Sauce 3
Shredded Wheat "“*° 2° 16s
Quaker Muffets
Ranger Joe
Pie Mix victimes: sano 308s
Peanut Butter can icon 32¢
Spaghetti ‘Nia:
Jello or Royal
Pancake Mix uv» oe 1
Sharp Cheddar Cheese
Salted Peanuts
Lake Shore Honey
lona Corn
Ann Page Beans 3 5
Salad Mustard 2
Grape Jam 2
Tomato Soup
Popping Corn JOLLY TIME
Peanut Brittle 3."
Grapefruit Juice x llc
Large Dried Limas seas
Orange Marmaladeo.o:
Blended Syrup-.c: i... 26¢
Pancake Flour
Yellow & White
Crisp Western
“wo 25¢
ez 426
aw 28¢
1 fle
we. 29¢
Tar 20e
cane 48¢
oe 13¢
or 316
or 15¢
Iie: 15¢
"ox 39¢
ar 25¢
ne” 29€
wis 396
Chocolate Peanuts 000%." 55¢
Maine Sardines 5 ir Ge Carrots 2 19¢\
Tuna Fish 7 39e¢

a Vie
Sweet Potatoes
Fresh Pineapples
Iceberg Lettuce
Apples Done, Ss
re he 15¢
LUMMIS 14.01
WHOLE pkg 45¢
Birdseye Peas
Birdseye Spinach
Birdseye Cut Corn

Coffee Cake «25°
Orange Juice Gor
Jane Parker Apple Raisin Succotash sow
Florida Oranges 1000
Stringless Beans "oii
Tangerines “= 29¢
Fan 19€
large 15¢
Le. l14e¢
Prunes. ER 26¢ 5 50¢
Golden Ripe Bananas {2¢
Sunmaid Raisins =" 6 * 25¢
“ 35¢
» 23¢C
ve 23¢

Other Famous Jane Parker Treats
Apple Turnovers
Jelly Roll EAH
Pies non "DTC" cers. "Ble
Potato Chips 4c i" 23¢
Marvel Raisin Bread
3" 23¢
35¢ “ici” 42¢
prices go up
hy 2c

Mount Joy, Pa.
save at A&P.

| @ Storewide low prices on hundreds of
itemseveryday...instead of justafew
“one-day” or “week-end specials.”
® Advertised prices are guaranteed
for one week, even though market
We believe this policy helps our
customers save more money,
® With the. correct price marked on
every item, plus an itemized cash
register slip .". . you know what you.

AP Food Storey
Copyrighted 1951 = The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co,


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