The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 21, 1950, Image 2

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Bulletin, Mt, Joy, Pa., Thursday, December 21, 1950 |
The Mount Joy Bulletin;
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher
the handel chemical. But if it

ree. of

H. Bachman, president, is packing
Christmas baskets for the needy of
the community.
A letter box has been stationed
outside Booth!s Store, in which |
children drop their letters to San-
ta Claus.
rr reel een
we ff

Witness Oak FFA
Published Every Thursday at No. | takes the Pure Food and Drug Act |
LR J he ore Fan we 20 Y
8-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. 40 [ng to call a halt, as it does ears Ado
a other government offices with their | N Ch : 1 M k : ————
Subscription, per year .. $2.00 | NEW emicais iiake : : (From Page 1)
a red tape, we ave afraid there will Comm. B, A."Shupp of the Legion . 4 . |
Six Mont! 00 I Pl
ix Months . SL ) : : ‘ 9 in . bred Berkshire gilt to be used in the
Three Months 60 be some folks asking that Chem- lants nsect- 00 Post, surprised the Post by having Swine Improvement program : now
Single Copies 05 | ists use mice instead of men, for F d 1 E | . a venison roast with all the trim- ih ration : |
v operation.
Sample Copies ......... FREE the sake of their ulcers | eaera ntomo ogists mings served after the meeting. oF a ad
. . ; . Kenneh Kreider, Chairman of |
En 1 he Postofli M ’e. In Experimental Study The double dwelling of John Giv- the annual Seed: Service committee
sred ¢ » stoflice ¢ : » a al Seed: Service c 2,
here at tie. ap TO BE OR NOT TO BE nN hain) : ) } ens on Delta St, was withdrawn ‘ :
Joy, Pa, as second-class al mat- ro i Rk NOT TO BE New chemicals that make plants Jide reported that bids were being re-
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. To convince China that the U. N.| toxic to insects for short periods | at public sale. ceived from seed companies for 1951 |
Member. Pe mia Newspaper does not plan to attack and invade | are being tested by scientists « t Mrs. Johan H. Wharvell fell on a seeds. After giving a detailed analy~ |
er ; | ¢ : han | the U.S. department of agricul | street car arri tg Bali a {ray
Publishers’ Association it, that peace is sought perhaps il Phe ! al sole kill Hy street caf 3! Harrisburg and sus- | io of the clubs activities in the
through the formation of a neutrol vi i Ey he of a | tained a fractured hip. sale of Christmas cards, Mr. Gene
4 Publication Day, Thursday are administered by the U. N. plants. They are k nown to the en The General Suter, a fine new Love, Club Advisor, presented a |
Copy for a change of adv rtising | between China and Korea, is sug- | tomologists as stemic poisons hotel at Lititz was dedicated last placque io the club which was won
sig Hoe Office Tuesd of | gested in Washingion official cir | and shou ald not be 1 us a by the pub- | week. by the Lctg-Sawing team at the
guarar re ri ) 1 <4 » | " . 3 1 : |
ah RITE Sn Ee es. Do we need the Secretary of lic until further tests have been Ornamental trees, growing inf yg Lampeter Fair. He also ex-
the office not later than 9 a. m, [State to advise us that to conquer tedies now are in progress to Buehimiller Pails at Lancaster, were plained the degrees and activities of |
preceding day of publication. the 450 millien people of China d ™ ih “if these Jal stolen for Christmas trees. the FFA to the new: members.
10 | “yr » : {wa 4 ¥ pl ~ : Ma ag . !
Classified ads will be accepted to | who arc so widely scattered over | chemicals will break down into The Community Christmas tree in| pollowing the adjournment of the |
9 a m, day. : i. :
I so vast a territory, is impossible? | harmless compounds
within a few

v | the Park was a scene of merriment| cup refreshments were served and

Sp XIE And we also believe that whie we | days or weeks. If they do, a new | when the American Legion played games were played. |
E D 1 I 0 R 1 A L would be fighting the Chinese, host to the kiddies of the communi- |
Russia wouldn't be holding a peace The high school band furnished |
+ + & conference in the Kremlin! Would music. KRIEG- BIZ
Know thyself and you will know | such a conciliation with China be Markets: Eggs, 48¢ - 5l¢; Butter, |
the essentials that wake humans | appeasement as the opponents 353¢ and Lard 13c. Ey
as they are, the world over. shout? And in coming to terms in Jonas Biemesderfer, of Minnea~-
eo e | his respect, can the peace-seckers polis, Minn. who left here 38 years ASS ny
We are in accord with the as-|he rightly called Communists? The ago and lived near Erisman's
sertion that there should be a law | other side is for giving China no Church, is visiting here. "4 24 | E G- - A DS
to abolish about one third of the quarter, that war is necessary and S. Fisher has opened a Ladies |
existing laws. he only course. To adjust by and Men's wearing apparel and dry NOW! |
eo ® 0° egreement that gives China nothing | goods store at 83 E. Main Street. °
Some people claim they have | but that is hers, which costs the | Mrs. Elias Bradley was given a | |
trouble while cthers say the com- | IU. N. nothing, to hope to keep the | birthday surprise party at her home I Th Ti {
plainants don’t even know what | peace for long years to come. There in Florin. S € ime «|
trouble is. Think of the fellow who | is a huge price to pay for war, 1 Trinity Lutheran Choir will ren- To have that Tractor and Farm |
must pay several years’ taxes the | and as a local mother wanders, 8! | der a cantata “The Harald Angels” Machinery repaired or rebuilt. |
week before Christmas. { should we believe that peace is " by Carrie Adams. . -
LAL | without its cost price? “Mt. Joy Girls Basketball team el- | For Experienced Service
You may say what ycuo please | ® 0 ected Elsie Hoffer as captain and CALL OR SEE
about the Women's Christian] WERE THE DAYS Evelyn Smeltzer as manager. NORMAN G. MYERS |
tue pe they are VEY | Time was when Kris Kringle was | Councilman and Mrs. Sam H. Farm Machinery Service |
ly oh ac t AC | . - 3 ae " 117 | - - $e Fe
thoughtful and back it up with ac- | , jolly old seul who was seldom A farmer fills a fertilizer at-: | Miller celebrated their 12th weet | E.Town 109RI12 RHEEMS |
3 I. ‘eek ny . | ae > i ic vi
tion. Last week they sent a truck seen before Christmas eve or may- | tachment in this photo, typical
ding anniversary.

load of fruit juices overseas fur be the wedk hefore Christmas. He of the teaming up of fertilizer | “An § acres of tobaces
service men who don’t drink beer. { was ONE Santa, from the region of ny Sat mn and farming implementls were de- C F d TURKEYS
. ® ® | the North Pele, the patron saint | the"best i streyed by fire on the Achey farm orn €
NOT YET NOTICEABLE {of children at Christmas time. That | approach will be available to|in Rapho Twp. Safe:
The daily newspapers are claim- |, 4 figure was revered for his | American agriculture in the control | [geal Sportsmen distributed sev-
$154 of I ar, « y . a. vom f S e
ing that truckers are abandoning | Lenien manner. his jolly laugh. Ho | Of some

of the most difficult
t + 3 :
eral crates of Missouri rabbits in

»er-hi av fr <i « . at : v vests, according gists :
the super-highway from King of | was a single figure in vour child- | tl > ao Shana ne 5 this section.
Prussia west thru here and get on | hood But w. Toduv: Kort: ol ithe federal bureau of entomo.ogy +." i ph ha atid
the new 1d at We Bas oo. But no more. Today Santas | ,.4 plant quarrantine. | The Rotary Club was entertained |
te new pn at 8 Spire. e - | surround you. They are all sizes | by the local high school Girls’ Glee
notice a decrease in truck traffic | ang shapes and they leave their i
here when. the. ‘wis opensd) > Sep oy ds r Beet Herd Decision | Club. :
rere when the super was opened | toy workshep weeks and weeks | i . LL Union
I { 1: there has bee i Fe ober iL ints ad P bl C B It Christie H. Gish, teacher at Unio
wut to date there has been 10 | pefore Christmas. They infringe | £10 em in om be School, W. Donegal Twp., is plan-
noticeable increase. upen the rights of the Pilgrim Fa- Whether or not to have a beef | ning a spelling bee.
99 hers. Merchants speed holidey herd is a long-time decision for the | phe price of wheat fell to 75c, a
OUR BILL OF RIGHTS | spending by introducing the “spir- | corn belt farmer. | new low level, at Chicago 3
Bill of Rights Day was last Fri- | i” pefore we've cleaned our Under average corn belt condi- ‘R tail bri : f milk dropped one
: : Lions. a. cow. GF adi etail price of 1 2) J
day. As every schoolchild knows, | Thanksgi 4 : 1 ' . | tions, a cow can be credited fori
} ksgiving Day plate. The radio | = : : ois 2 quar
. forofathe . = YI > 0 radio | a 450 pound calf at weaning time, | cent per quart. NORMAN ‘BECKER
ur forefathers came to this coun- | introduces so manv boo a St ! : | 1 R i :
lu S 1a 8an- | por instance, if you had a 30-cow | David Kreider, Marietta and Da- MANHEIM ROUTE 4
try to escape from tyranny. Their | tas, we adults are apt to erow ! > io: i
oD tas, ac i ay g | beef herd on a corn belt farm and { vid Doyle, Maytown were serious- N Becker's G Stati
courage was expresse the Dec- | jaded : y nice vi] . Near Becker's Gas Static
ourage was expressed in the Dec-| jaded about the nice old fellow.| a 90 per cent calf crop, youd ly injured in an auto accident. ear 5 As on
a . sora hos Een : LEE > NOTIN a
laration of Independence. their in-| Television will not help matters. | have 27 calves worth around $135 The Benevolent Society, Mra. J. PHONE MOUNT JOY 3-5639 |
dominable will in the Constitution. | fo, you hate te sec a comic dressed] ©2Ch. Or, at 30 cents per pound, a "7° > ) 45-7t |
ut, to clarify, to specify, 10|a Santa and hear his humor fall | income of about $3,600. If | CT A TR TE FR FETE ETE, |
i : v sil four reblaceme A u oS
strengthen their claims, they form- | | flat. Perhaps we oldsters get a bit four replacement heifers were Joapt| WHITE WASHING o
1 3 oid g nels hava 99 - y
ed a nart of the Constitution called | peevish in having our pet programs back, there'd be ios calves worth Bt nl
the Bill of n i 5 | $3,100 and four cull cows, worth | : {4 |
5 ill ¢f Rights. This Bill is prob- | interrupted for ted many Santas, about $1,000, to sell. AND a |
aby the most widely known, the | too carly. But it is the premature There would be a gross income of | ISINFECTING |
most used, by Americans as it is the | arrival of the jingle bells, the $4,100 to cover the cost of main- | D ¥ 9
rr : .
core of freedom. | tas, the carols, that we mind. Folks | taining a herg of 35 mature ani. —— o hs
. : . vi ine 30 "OWS * 2 { “i »n
At a time when Communism and |lcve the Christmas carols. but they mals, including 30 cows, four heif- | SS BROS i nl
- . - - | Sr] - 1 . p | |
Fascism is so widely pronounced. | {eel the sacred. beautiful tures | © and one bull, or about $117 HE - st |
let us loudly ols Americanism. | are net give i fall “| per animal per year. If you used Successors To [8 A
5 ) Ss An icanism. | are (i Iver » 1 4 recia- . v | $ S ae |
BY bein ert" onl pi given he X pprecia- | the gyerage value of cows and | HUBER OBERHOLTZER [3 a »
Iv being alert’ sg yrmed | tio »y ave : c 1 = i 1
g octive, alert’ and infor | ion due the m, played and sung | calves over the past 15 years as a FLORIN, PENNA [i . 9
citizens we can protect our cher-| so long before Christmas. The | vardstick. vour gross ine a would | ’ . iy 8
cil i yardstick, your gross income would | Mt. Joy 3-4930 | § J on
ished freedom by weighing care- (finest and best things must be | be about half of $4,100. | Plone Mi. Joy: 3-493 39-1f | ~~ a
fully every theory, proposal and |taken in moderation to receive the re rm | >
. . | - | — tw 3
lative action that would des- | fullest degree of praise. Commer re — A {
8 pre 1er- | Ww
troy these Patriotic Amer- | cially it may be good business ! Clothes From Sacks | . H. /l .
icans have fought and died through | but personally, we prefer cur be- Dr H C Killheffer i et ig x
the years to preserve our liberties hymns io stand for that!’ . 5 wn
and opportunities embodied in the | which they speak, the anniversary | \ Optometrist iy Funeral Home
Jill «& Rights. Let us be alive to | of Jesus’ birth, not as a reminder | | MANHEIM [3 wn
those principles, aware of them. [to do our r Christmas shopping early. | {| 163 S. Charlotte St. lv May our wi tor n
0 0 | a [| Telephone 5.3376 x vou het Christ »
| | Ur CUATISt-
NOT SO CONFUSING ; Il: Mon: & Weanes, 9.580 ¥ : ie a
nn : : opi es The F B k 3 || Tues. Fri. sat. 7.9 P. M. mas light the way Rn
rey choose to adopt gray as ; S
he. color. tor the te od ew € armers an Tues. Fri. sat. || ¥ for all good things to "|
the color for the proposed new | { 9:30-1:00. 2.5 P. M | [3 »
y :30-1:00. 2-5 P.
Army uniform, it may confuse his- (From Page 1) f ELIZABETHTOWN I$ enter your home
torians, znd teachers of the young. | $100 ch. One stockholder took | 15 E. High St. | and there abide RN
1 > 1 3 1 1 a
The “boy in gray” has always |<? shares and the lowest share- | Telephone 24-R by nl
Holder Rad 10 shane AE TB TA FATS RE RS RAS RE SN
meant the s:ldier of the Confeder- |

r-30. 1864
ate army, ¢s the “boy in blue” sig- | 64 a new
nified the Northern army. But this | carer was granted and the name |

will be changed and we will have |©0f the bank was changed from the
to be mere specific in our |” “ rs Bank io the First Nation-
cations. Of course there should be |al Bank cf Mount Joy.
a clue in the subject matier to in- While it was still the Farmers |
dicate whether one is referring to a Bank {hn directors were author -
soldier of 1869 or one of 1960. The | ized (0 print money for the state. |
Northerner's feeling for the uniform They were ordered to print 16,668 With feed manufacturers vie-
of gray has changed since the Civil | ©! dollar bill 16,668 five dcllar ing with each other to create
War, 2nd if that color is decided | Pills and 1.500 twenty dollar bills. Pleasing bag designs,
upon for U. S. soldiers, then we will was printed five bills America has the opportunity to
x y x 7 ; % .| turn these sacks into many
indeed he proud for the gray to Sion and was printed | glamorous garments. Here,
stand for OUR Army, the united | ©" one side. Belfcre being put into Jackie Frehand, member of the
army of the States. circulation each bill had to be Wanchese 4-H club on Roanoke
0 0 and dated hy the president Island, N. C., feeds chickens
HUMAN GUINEA PIGS bank. | from one of the flowered feed
Someone starts a probe about Mr. Fellenbaum howed us a bags, especially designed fer
Le ips net 2 re-use by customers,
ceriain effects, harmful ones, re- | ne collecticn of these $1, $5 and een ui

sulting from chemicals injected in- |
. a | — ir ©
‘0 certain feods, and we are sur- |
that the Pure Feed and Drug
' Summer Eggs Must Always
Be Kept Cool, Odor-Free


Act, didn’t protect ws. But, accord- CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARIES The poor quality of summer eggs
ing to law, the government can’t Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Albright, | is not the fault of the hen. *‘Hot-
step in until after the food is on Ironville, will celebrate their 50th weather” eggs, with their thin
the market and then there are | wedding anniversary Thursday whites and flat, weak yolks cause. |
lengthy hearings and investigations. | with an open house from 3 to 9 RL. peogle jo $10p buying them,
€ : s waste could be prevented,
And: in the meantime we act as p.m. at their home. [ top poultrymen say,’ if farmers
guinea pigs and the laboratory Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Bard | would gather eggs at least three
watches the result. A hcrmone to | Silver Springs, will mark their | times a day in hot weather.
fatten scrawny chickens and tur- Golden Wedding anniversary at | All handlers of eggs need to
keys, a preservative in wines and | home on Saturday { keep them cool 8} all times, and
soft drinks, a- sugar substitute used | pm nl A iis eres Way Hom odors.
by diabetics, one that ages flour,| When in need of Printing, (any- |
have resulted in a discontinuation | thing) kindly remember the Bulleti~! Patronize Bulletin advertisers.


All Stand Holders To All Of You
Wishing You A Joyous
Christmas Season And
A Successful 1951

Let Us Help You Get Ready For
Your Christmas Dinner
Friday, December 22, 1950
4:00 TO 8:00 P. M.
The Market Basket
000505103 50800 TPB PS RETA PETS TTR
Js your food budget small...
your murketing list large?
AsP’s Festive Food
Values Help Make
A Merry Christmas!
owt 8
Friday, oe

ny Chuitians!
At thie season of the
year, this is our sincere
wish for everyone:
Mas you havea Merry
Christmas, the happy
companionship of
loved ones, the warm
fellowship and under.
standing of friends.
May the New Year hold
for you a full measure
of happiness,
(ks ASF
1.39 | 9. 65 4.25
A last course that's the first choice of thousands . . . over
2/3 fruits and nuts and mighty attractively priced.

9% 166 45
14¢ S24 39%
sr 150
ze: {fg
Nectar Tea Bags
Our Own Tea Bags Ja
A & P Apple Sauce
Nabisco Shredded Wheat
. Brown Sugar ral 2s
or 240
Grapefruit Sections
Orange Marmalade

Letty Lane Pure Hard Candy .> 390
lona Swest Peas hit
Cranberry Sauce Morton’s Salt ne 106:
OCEAN 1-1 5
war 2 on 2862 3 25¢ Evaporated Milk M45 4 =
cHNKENUT for 290
Popping Corn
R & R Plum Pudding 11539
Poultry Seasoning "*'* be 11e ,
Ritter’s Asparagus “yon "4% 39¢ WESTERN RED DELICIOUS
Seaside Butter Beans 16or 11g Apples "1 1 2
Sweet Potatoes “uo 2: Og
Stewed Onions olor 16-02 1c NONE PRICED HIGHER
Green Giant Peas 2 25¢ 2 39¢
Marischino Cherries “ifn; ‘= 16¢ 5 ny ,
Best Pure Lard Wak Fi Oranges rd 5 = 3%
Ritter’s Catsup soe 196 nperor Grapes. "J Me
Golden Sweet Potatoes: 5 No! 7c
Banquet Chicken "Sut 4 $1.85
Hamburgers Jace 150 Gg Iceberg Lettuce cauromnia as 13¢
Grapefruit Juice "°° “ev: 350 Cranberries nov none ~~ pis 176
Mushrooms YN: 19¢ °° 206 White Boiling Onions 15¢
J 2 “01 v =
Welch's Grape Juice a 400 Tangerines [0004 ze “350
Dewco Tomato Juice wax 260 Diamond Walnuts ance ib 390
Stuffed Olives MANZANILLA : sottle 39¢ Mixad Nuts SUN-GLO Ib 49¢
Pineapple-Cheese Cake <= 39g
Imported Dates 23¢
Cheddar Cheese
Sultana Fruit Cocktail
Scot Tissue
Butter Jy Eth
shar 596
30-0: 366
voll tic
> 166
» 150
Pa 236
Frozen Caulifiower °° vs 266
Snow Crop Frozen Spinach SOF 21¢
SWEET pe 22
Imported Chestnuts
Frozen Green Beans 005%.
JANE PARKER Snow Cron Frozen Corn
Stuffing Bread ts 21:

A&P's Christmas Gift
A fruit basket makes a wonderful Cift for
Christmas. A&P’s value-packed fruit baskets
are heaped high with tempting- fruit, nuts and
other festive holiday foods. Get your Gift Fruit
Basket now at your A&P,
Christmas Layer Cake
each LLY)
Potato Chips |)" 23¢ go
vox 450
PI 356
rk 39¢
Pieffernusse Cookies
Sprigerle or Anise Drops
Christmas Candies

Warwick Assorted Chocolates
or 996 20 35 J $2.89
Milk or Dark Chocolate Coating, a tempting varialy of centers
Available in beautiful Christmas boxes
“week. er Wd specials,’ {
Warwick Thin Mints ot
Life Saver Story Books pe, 3% * Advertised
M&M's CANDY COATED Zo: 930 \j is pri are guaranteed
CHOCOLATE bag for one week, ev vir market
After Dinner Mints aoc 10g prices go up. {
School House Bank Pops rh 360
Entire Contents Copyrighted, 1950—The Great
Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
® Storewide low prices on hundreds of

ems every day...inste:
“one-day” or
We believe this policy helps our
customers save more, money.
With the correct price marked on
every item, plus an itemized cash
register slip
save at A&P.

. you know what you

Mount Joy, Pa.
