dd bass NE EP RL 7 TRE TP TP BR | 6:45 pm. Children’s Cholr re= will be exchanged with someone at makers of America. A silver offer- The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, December 7, os Sloan, Church ® Note hearsal ha the party ing will be taken to help defray the | emo we rection 9 8:00 p.m. See Ohi re wm i ——— FHA. expenses. ! * Mis : HAGER S 7:30 pa. Ushers League meet” | CHORAL SING DECEMBER 17 re et # eee 4 ; Mt. Joy Mennonite Church ing at the parsonage . Mist : 8) Henry Garber, Amos Hess, and | i ———— The public is cordially invited to a MARKS YOUIH 1006 ’ Bring Your Gift List i Frank, Past G. Y. A of the Mount Joy | atten oral Sing Sunday af- | FELLOWS 2 le } bole Honey Pasters C Y. A of th cr oy atte nd a Choral Sing, Sunday af {I ber 20. ot 9:00 pin. the | To Our ir Shoppe ¥ PLAIN CLOTHING DEPT 9:00 a. m. Sunday School of God will have their iernoon, December 17th, at 2:00, in Youth Fellowship of St. Mark's . : Se Christmas party on December 11th, | the Mount Joy, high school audi-| Cj } 1 sponsor a Hymn Sing, | X 10:00 ‘an. Sererion, lat the home of Betty Jane Charles, | torium. w ith Pe NE ol Elizabeth | | IDEAL MAGAZINES A | Betty ¥ - | Sula [305 Marietta Avenue, at 7:30 p.m. The Sing is sponsored by the Mt. own, Flori in, Manheim Evangelica an { ¥ Gift Headquarters for ’ Wp of the Brethren A fifty cent sift Brough by you | Joy Chapter of the Future Home- Lined Chee Por BABY GIFTS Ro io nN ohn ah Effie ge 2 — | Director will lead the congregation- | i , Supt. RRR 0 0 A ra, Ey ole | Plain People Hou Pine Sunday i ol singing. Anyone is incited. Fol-|§ Novelties Stationery 3 | 9:00 a. m, Sunday School Gif S i the a so- | 3 Make your friends happy by giving them «a practical 8 | iy a. mn Chutch Service ¢ t uggestions vial es 17, at 7:30 p. m, Christmas & Everyday gift from Hager's. Our Department Manager and i Frere ted. the local Youth Group will present CARDS i salespeople are members of the Plain Sect, and will | - u a Christmas program, c nsisting of | CORPO] IS a worship service, and the pageant, x ably assist you in Ss lving your gift problems. 2 . Mt. Li JEWELRY “Out of Darkness”, written by Mat- M I L L I N E BP Y oblems x | Brethren In Christ Churc ie B. Shannon. The pageant 15% pro! Elder C. H. Moyer, Pastor : WATCHES CLOCKS He BA a { Sunday, December 10 A of the Savior against the bac = 4 A g I an iri Fam HOMEMADE mu § RONSON and ZIPPO LIGHTERS Blind sin Dillman wy APRONS Atenaons § B sun ¥BABY SH an Chinas casing on Dee. | 8 Br u 8s St. Luke's Episcopal Church $BA Y 5 OES BRONZED- Mason Masterpieces 25, at. 3:30 am. meeting = ho | | i B50 im: Sain Shoot. 8 SPEIDEL SANDS Roe, nd sone be i § Margaret - Jean Shoppe § 5 10:45 am. Morning Worship. oe fresnments will be served. i 19 WEST cp To ! . 4 B + C : p J —— —— { IST DONEGAL ST. PHONE 3-9373 MOUNT JOY Bl wero Hehwig pi ¥ Sau Y i ou nselor 4. guess Sst Sur Se Select, bitoni ii isda | oe . * iN 1 'y belore ye a Li Ph - 4 | Sunday. December 10 i : re ay # 0 9 0 0 95 2 2 2 7 1 TL 9 ET TE i u 9:30 am. Sunday School Ie § 2 | Sala) arn, Moning Wo ing CHRISTMAS and EVERYDAY CARDS I tty’ S Dress Sh O jqurs Word" Work ; LARGE SELECTION OF OTHER GIFTS ppe NH : 0 p.m. Evenin or : | Sermo n by The Rv. 3 o Weigle | py : 1 YE eS a 5 of Elizabethtown. { i Wednesday O S { ) G GG 3 > p.m. Junior and Senior Pray-| i GE G Res S G FT SHOF P ; IFT SU ES TIONS MN | | er Meetings. | pposite Grade Schoo Ek i 3 | emu | mer | J PESTLE RS ha 3 a 5 ¢ Bl Ane | A 8 A RE TT EE RN : FOR THE LADIES OF THE HOUSE 5 | Church Of The Brethren is Berkshire Stockings ? Elizabethtown, Pa. Dy i | s 5 Rev. Nevin H. Zuck, Pastor LOTS OF PRESENTS RY] Nylon & Crep Slips 5 5 A | _., Ralph Alleman, 5. Supt. Flannell & Rayon Pajamas & Gown ‘ . S ay. soe or 10 ‘9:30 a. an School Pocketbooks c : ¥ x ¥ New D M terial | with g program of Christ-| Join our Wool & Nylon Sweaters lan education. 4 x ress a vi 3 p 050 5. m. Nyaa Worship: | Christmas Blouses - Crepe & Ship & Shore Cottons } <7 ‘ . sto CK wl pre ich or nrist, | id » u {ards and yards of new fabrics with neat figures ® | The World's Savior.’ ih i Wallets » and olors, just arrived in time for your Christ+® 48 | 7:30 am. Christmas D “One| § Club now. ¥ : Ml mas gl 8 F B | Nighi In Be, a hme ¢ Gloves > Wool & Fabric i och X 2 : : is pre Jacke Ty of fe Young People of Be ready for i Glove Caddies Vool Knit Searls (used as shoulder shaw # | the Church. Patton School Boys| . A! A guest. a 8 Handbag Caddies : A ¥ Shot rettes 100% Wool Aba oe po vay Bible Church (riding Silk & Wool Scarfs ] A IN st A rr aE. am 3 | JC. 1 § , Pas i } & E Sweaters, 100% Wool TSS and S695 B| heii Seber Sn Nylon Bepies » Searls $1.69 and $2.50 5 Sunday, December 10 ¥ Raincoats \ 9:15 a. m. Bible School Nn 4 W870 Wool. $3.98 10:25 Mp Ts JOIN ONE OF THESE ; Smocks Ane and the Lord's Table. : gan Cpl $3.98 to $5.50 7:00 p.m. Prayer Period. | CLUB CLASSES Umbrellas M Prayer Covering qt a Lo S810 $3.75 Yd. # | Monday Deposit: Receive i House Coats 5 ¥ Shawls nd Double Sizes) ...... $8.95 to $24.50 Roem, Choir rehearsal. Weekly in 50 weeks ¥ . 8 4 Ready rosses ........- 187.95 to 16.50 8 St i» Prayer Meeting, and Bible $%...... $ 12.50 FOR THE CHILDREN 5 Winter Coats .......... . $32.50 to $55.00 ucy » io 3 Sa, 50...... 25.00 X aide Bl sume Cutis | wo oul Wool Glove & Scarf Sets i GIFTS FOR MEN! Rev. Rober C. Pike, Minister 200 wu] [§ Slipper Socks | 1S; p rick > he | . vig oe. A w RTI $7.50 Ri Sunday, ® 10 oF: Sup 300 150.00 § 3 Raincoats LiCl rarer Eases ATES EER Sana SREY Anna Raa aR | 9:30 S ds Scho 1. | ee et . a o Ties, Black Bow { String - _ 50c to £1.00 2 6:30 pd Methodist Yc uth Fel-| 800. ,.... Wool Sweaters. 2 ; ¥ Annbands er rrr SUE TRINH or cetiives Worship, m3 ¥ Boys’ & Girls’ Rudolph Red Nose Reindeer Sweaters == ou 0:3 r g C . " ® . M4 $2.50 Sermon: “The Christmas Bible” TONAL MOU Howdy Doody Ear Mulffs “ | - $3.50 Evangelical Cong. Chuich | NI on? NAT NT JOY B ¥ Boucle Suits & Dresses MB TODCOULS enacts $45. to $55 ” | Q. A. Deck, Pastor Ww _. MOUNT JOY.PA. _ AN i Polo Shirts & Slack ¥ $49.75 to $59 % | Sunday, December 10 ee ¥ olo Shirts acks Ber. oe ? 2 S20 an Sida Sdual, Girls’ Smock - 3 to 14 i :30 a.m. Morning orship 1 ! ¥ Hager's Plain Clothing Dept., Second Floor a Sermon Theme Mi Answers to y Dresses - (Jack Borgenicht S 3 - 14) 5 { gers Fldin ioming | Ol ) 4 xX ayer Aro layed.” . 21 West King Street Lancaster, Pa 3 "6:30 pam. K. LE Umbrellas ! : ey B roto Bone. Soni” ma “ili ; i Muffs - Fup core aps re . Wednesd: [ : | mmm penne | Wednesday [IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH | ALSO COMPLETE LINE OF INFANTS TOYS AND CLOTHING Nn RR BE FER TE TE PS TERS PETS a ST RR BRA TE 5 5 RR RS PE RE PARANA RE FESR REFERERS RED : ENGINE DRIVE EACH NUMBER 1 IN ITS FIELD ¥ 8:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal i | Mount Joy Methodist Church i Rev. Robert C. Pike, Minister | Ralph Alleman, Supt. | Sunday. December 10 { 9:30 am. Sunday School | 10:45 a.m. Christmas Cantata | “On Wings of Angel Song” Newiown U. B. Church Oscar K. Buch, Pastor Sunday, December 10 9:00 a.m. Sunday School. 7:00 p.m. Wo Wednesday 7:00 Prayer rship. Meeting and C. E. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor | Sunday, December 10 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. does all your fine sewing... 4 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. 7:00 p. m. Vespers | Monday . HEMSTITCING \ | 7:30 pm. Ladies Bible Class at} | Parish House. { HE @ CORDING | Thursday 7:00 p.m. Luther League at the » MENDING oo | Parish House. { Glosshrenner” Evangelical ® QUILTING ae” at United Brethren Church p Rev. John H. Gable, Pastor | Sunday, December 10 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. | 10:30 am. Morning Worship { 4:00 pm. Jr. C. E. Society {| 7:15 p.m. Evening Worship. ° EMEROIDERING NB * BUTTONHOLES v3 27> OTHER MODELS} PRICED FROM | uestay RAL | 7:00 p.m. Seraph Choir. Yt ° ZIGZAGGING 5 { 8:00 p.m. Senior Choir rehearsal. = | Wednesday ® y s84 4 7:30 p.m. Midweek Service » GATH ERING po Thursday Sag 7:30 pm. W. S. W. S. 3 With old machine TT AND GENUINE PARTS * Oldsmobile Hydra-Matic Drive ontional atextre cost on all models, ~~ ® PLEATING : St. Mark's Evangelical United Brethren Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor = AVAILABLE FROM | Sunday, December 10 _ A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE COAST-TO-COAST | 9:00 a. m. Sunday School Leader in high-compression engines . . . leader in automatic “‘drives”— 10:15 a.m. Morning Worship 11s that’s Oldsmobile! Record-smashing action—remarkable economy—proven 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship meet- MADE IN U.S.A. for over 80 Years! = iE ; 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. J. V. BINKLEY | 9:00 p.m. Hymn Sing, ‘with Eliza-| MARKET ST. ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. that’s the “Rocket”! Velvet smoothness~-effortless oper- ating ease—perfect partner to “Rocket” Engine power . . . that’s ‘Olds- mobile Hydra-Matic*! “See what this number, one power team means to you. One thrilling “Rocket” ride will convince you: the Oldsmobile" 88” is the performance star of the highway—most thrilling car you can drive! durability . . . bethtown, Florin and ‘Manheim E.| 1 U. B. Churches participating. Tuesday 7:30 p.m. The Christmas party of] the Sisterhood Bible Class will be held in the Church. wes ILE DEALER 311 N. PHONE 216-3 SEE YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOBILE TNE FOR SEWING MACHINE SUPPLIES eee idweek ayer er- | > 3 ba, Everybody In This Leodlity Reads The Bulletin vee.” nsf | NEWCOMER MOTORS, Ine. Mount Joy. Pa.