The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 22, 1950, Image 2

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. st Iness by | 3 A
‘ } BREED SPRING LITTER Stimulate your bus
2==The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Wednesday, November 22, 1950 Power T as Ov er Poultry Work RE Tn imei fu a F ORMIC A
—- - : 4
Tl HAPPENINGS +. # sows and gilts for early spring pigs, Sinktops & Counters
. Boop eR Re i 3
M unt J 11 t reminds L. C. Madison, extension KITCHEN & BATHROOM ;
€ 0 0) ule mn wn Of Melps Farmer Place Chores on Automatic Basis [livestock specialist of the Pennsyl- WALL TILE :
vania State College. He says that oy a
eS “di i » Floors Venetian Blinds
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher LONG AGO | [the selected lLrood sows should be Tile SARK . Sa
ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 | = rms | 7 a 7 WHAT THE | of good conformation, from large Fra EONAR Tt FRO 1 :
Published Bers Thr de N of eeurse, not only presents a dan- A Vd nem gl man SYMBOLS MEAN | litters, and gaining in weight to in- 3 bi
ublishe very urgday a 0. | ger from supplying the public with ears A o | i . : | sure success. |
P-11 East Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. uninspected meats but results in a | 20 Y 9 { ° ——— { a ————.=/.
Subscription, per year .. $2.00 total waste of all animal dands, . : his place ° NOC x OUI | Patronize Bulletin Advertisers re :
Bix Months $1.00 | fals, hides, and other by-products. H. G. Reist, formerly of this place, ® POWER OUILIT (230 V) Jol
Three Months ............ 60 At about the same time, , nother | retired after serving 41 years with > Mo Electric » y
Single Copies ............. 05 | leading producer of medicines, Eli General Electric Co. 3) land Gas e Ing
| . . | | INC
Sample Copies ......... FREE Lilly Company, said: “If the black | (Columbia Telephone Co., recently ©. OURLAX CONVIM
the Pus! i Traci
En d at the Postoffice ‘at Mt market situation continues much | purchased the Milton Grove Rural Also Specialize On
Joy Pa, - ith ois mail mat- 1onger someone must be prepared | Telephone Line FARM MACHINE WELDING Spra
ter under the Act of March 3, 1879. | to accept responsibility for short- F walter P sucuessor to! i AND EQUIPMENT : Rotal
, Pennsylvania Newspaper | '5¢ Of essential drugs such as in- | j,i, Bros, is serving Penn Dair- CIRCUITS Automobile and Truck Welding tipac
Me ey a tion i sulin and other important drugs | ies milk in Mt. Joy and Florin 0 CKTS) 2 TIME SWITCH CONTROLLED || F | LAWN MOWER SHARPENING i
shers id : : « JL «10 AMP, LOHTIN
i Such as bile, pituitaries, Hiyroid | R. W. “Bobby” Keller, janitor of 20 Ase, CRT WINS AMUN 9 . { 16
anti-anemi; . ta | of LEX CONVENIENCE OUTLETS IN PINS .
Publication Day, Thursday [and anti-anemia pre parations. wd grade school, suffered a back On Yo Ohh COND SONVINMNER OUIVTS we PINS ; Cover S Welding Shop to install the
Copy for a change of advertising | present procurement is very much | ‘when he felt from a step ONE FOR ALL REMAINING 115 VOLT OUTUITS Aber d iE I Wee
yd oe HA | chase Pa allie. = { v e a f | 1 230 VOLT CKT, TO FLIVATOR MOTOR Zl | oda R tionary i
should reach this office Tuesday. |short of minimum needs and ap- { ] i Bil | { Delta and Marietta Streets evolu
y : BYE { i ladder. ( a fod Lie |l__ JON | Th 74
We will not guarantee insertion of | ears to be getting worse right | | p= EB ee | 23 New
any advertising unless copy reaches Pears ns | M. N. Brubaker, 95, was con= FIRST Avo SECOND FLOOR | MT. Joy, PA. Phone 3-5931 with the sealed thrift unit Tub
e office not later than 9 a. m. | : : : veyed in a wheel chair to the vot- | ” 2 rr a
Be Tee day of publication. We can profit from the mistakes, yares p od caste ballot for the Adequately Wired, Equipped Two-Story Poultry House FANCY ONLY OIL-0-MATIC HAS IT! Twer
Classified sds will be sceepied 15 I She pret. un dlection : By IRA MILLER ! power supplier or College Extension | E Al Whe
9 . publication day. | contr ye create: se. Onze i ; Hien Department. | TU K S bmi’
ee Tn ny mn hes Bis 71-0 ents But Form [DEVIL pg wane | TURKEY | TITTIES Li vole
op Tr | Bro ) hrs than those they Were | ter, 30 cents: Lard, 13 cents. The poultry business 2h be oi with the desired Jegres ot Tegslaniiy: ‘ 1 E S Low OM Yl all sizes : «Y F
E DI | RI A ! [Rv to oe . A barn on the Raymond Davis/ Jue, hn HO a Job de ona { 3 i J N A Pressure iri RUB
| | farm known as Bender's Mill, was | chores which can be done by mechan. switch, shown on the wall In the feed | LIVE OR DRESSED Only 1 to OIL BURNER ta
+ + THANKSGIVING | destroyed by fire. ical means, Fortunately, most poultry | room. These devices operate Syually ———— izing pressure i
The vital principle which el In more recent years it has be- | Miss Dorothy Schock, accom- | operations are “made to order” for] for all lighting practices. e | I |
| ooune ; ik 1 Pg ey | varlous devices which can do aute-| poultry house, shown, features such | . . / ;
legislater and government pra | Same. an American custom at | panied by Miss Kathryn Longe- | what formerly required: a pou saving equipment as an electri- | . Stanley Witmer Mail Coupon or Phone Us... NOW
tive should keep in mind at io | Thanksgiving to look at the rest of | necker at the piano, broadcast over | large amount of personal attention. cally operated automatic mash feeder, CHIQUES CREEK FARM, ne mma a sn sn er em i i i
times is that untrammeled competi- | the world for our inspiration for staticn WHP, Harrisburg | Many of these “chore helpers” are | pressure system connected to atito- Wi 3 | Walt
Sa. | ob bw i y Arn E. : ini ic w rs aters twee Le p 4 -
tive price is the only force yet dis- | giving thanks for living in this land | A miscellaneous shower was giv- | operated by electricity. The above | matic waterers and CHA | between Mt. Joy I gion | me and | The SICO Company oy, Fa. |
i i hi Ef io | me Hi | illustration shows some of them in-| to keep the water from freezing. New Harrisburg Pike. I
covered which is powerful enough |f plenty, of freedom, of material | en in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles | galled in a 2-story poultry house. It | Water pipes can be protected in freez- | St ISVILLE 6156 | Gentlemen: I
to direct production into the chan- | advantages. In the midst of our | Shank at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | also indicates what is needed in the | ing weather by wrapping them with | PHONE LANDIS UE 6156 i Ye
i i ife in| win iri i imp d inexpen- | 46-8 | to know more about the NEW “Fifty-Ten
nels which will best seive the | abundance we view the life in | Charles M. Webb | way of adequate wiring—the key to { heating cable—a simple and in ot 1 want to EW ort)
1; fo ies w it is -" | ne . | ‘efficient operation of all types of elec- | sive job, but one which enables - Please give details SOON at no obligation on my p
blic countries where it is bleak, where f yo sitar 9
vac: J ret 3B | The Needle Guild of the Luth-| {rjcq) equipment, Information on elec- | farmers to use their water systems | | a
© ee | elder people never expect to live to | eran Church held a Hallowe'en par- | trical circuits is listed to the right of | throughout the year. The sketch also | WHITE WASHING I NAME
As a matter of policy, the Soviet | see the end of austerity during their | ty in the P. Franck Schock show | the floor pa oy data os he Sle. Buys an | J
Ti ot thi | Heim, where thelr praver is Ri 3 : | trical symbols, shown the sketch, [in the feed room. This is or - ; Le ane
government does Syer yin you? lifetime, Wheto Solr Serve) is vil room. | appears to the right of the isometric | eral which would be rqeuired Jor | AND : NODRESS 1)
sible to create fear, distrust and |ctcming generations. Our many a “| An operetta, “Hansel and Gretel” | drawing of the poultry house. poultry operation of the size pictured, | I
hatred of America among its people. | vantages of life call for prayers of | will be presented by the Jr. High | It has been proven that the main. | Electric brooding is sls, ing ie | DISINFECTING | PHONE |
Those who would like an insight | gratitude but those should be hum- | School pupils : { ronan ” ? prose; hoi ii labor end offers automatic op | | a
: { aver > i | = | —13 to 14 hours of light every 24- . : : ic | - ——-_—L | 1 SS SB 1 1 {1 0 Bn fi $1
into some of the techniques pur- |ble prayers remembering that the | Many Hallowe'en parties were | pour period—will help keep egg pro- | Other electrical highlights of this | RK S | a. 5
sued would do well to read an ar- | real needs of food, clothing, shelter, | held in the community the past | high during off-peak months. | poultry House dude 2 { HESS B O i L
ila Now er. American | essential to man's welfare, ‘aré lack- | wool 1 Scouts, Glee Club, | This means that natural light must be | elevator for moving oe ESD a Successors To C C a ‘
ticle in the N ember Am essen © JEANS rode | week by Boy Scouts, Glee Club, supplemented by artificial lights dur. | floors, and ventilation system to re- | house Susie Yo a om n
Mercury by Louis J. Herman, a|ing in many less for{unate lands. 7th and 8th Grades, etc. | ing fall, winter and early spring. See | move excessive moistute from the +
specialist in Russian propaganda | That we should give part of Our | The Senior Class presented a play | to it, therefore, that your lights are | building and piguiae Bl FLORIN, PENNA. MOUNT JOY PH. 3.3111
called “America Through the | Thanksgiving prayers to others is | “Here Comes Patricia” | installed as recommended by your | mosphere for the flock and workmen. Phone Mt. Joy 3-4930 : |
: | te ac ata + ie} er | 39-1
Kremlin's Eyes”. | right, as the spirit of sharing A two-day county Sunday School | { op of —
rig ; is. | a > re Lac sug sing Sn
cee | right, but these feasts of the day| Convention was held in the local |* While paint chemists have worked | errr ==
The Christmas Spirit will prevail should find us considering our per- United Brethren Church. { miracles in devising new formu- Dr i C Killheffer |
on the hero streets this year, but | sonal blessings. What man is there | Secretary M. M. Leih of the Board | las of all kinds, they have, as yet, . No
not in tie same as heteto- [in our boro who has not some rea- of Health reported no quarantines | been. unable te duplicate shellac Optometrist ! he
fore. It will. as in former vears, be | 502 for gratitude for circumstances | in the borough. | resin synthetically. Today the lac ; \
a : Wi S Wa th fo ie of | in his own life? Sorrow visits his | bs | bug of India continues to be the only MANHEIM s A
Made possibe wu the eflorts of | is ater aufac- || 163 S. Charlotte St. i
the ye Lions Club | nome, but fortune could have heen | “..9 Soiree of material for the manufac 3815: oy oils | J
It has been the custom to erect a | Joss kind, Mines comes, : hut the | The Bulletin S | iy ina Mon. & Wednes. 95:30 ’ 9
lighted Christmas tree at each im- | Kindness from others blesses him. | Origin of Cauliflower Tues. Fri. Sat. 7-9 P. M. .
portani street corner along Main | Poverty is not without certain rich- | | Cauliflower undoubtedly originat- Tues. Fri. at.
Street with the same decorations | © The lonely have memories which | crap ° ed in the Mediterranean region. It 9:30-1:00. 2-5 P. M ; ‘
. Th vs are blessings for which they give | | was here that it found the mild ELIZABETHTOWN | | : i
Florin. This year one large cen- 8! y 8 { ; J
n : thanks. It is but a short step fr { -_— | weather conditions that it needed | 15 E. High St, | e &
trally located tree will replace the In a short sip ont ’ . + oper growth-—neither too hot | Telephone 24-R | | 5 #
Staaller geod fortune to bad and for the i Week's Best Recipe: I or per, gra SE | 4
oe will - be pleiding news to | Most who gather round the festive | Spaghetti with Egg Sauce: 1 med or too cold, Natl ye |
: : REBT board, the good predominates. Yes, | ium onion, chopped, 2 cloves garlic, - oy . | i . \ .
all and here's hoping the Christmas | . wy S. Se} "+ i 8 et Bone Black { t t | . ) 0
Spirit here or anywhere else will | share your Thanksgiving prayers | minced, 2 T salad oil, 1» t sali, 2 The animal kingdom provides a ua 1 y ea S S oO Icy 0 to rewit e w
or others, bu ave ankiul re- 2-0unce cans condense alo | pigment substance known as bone | i
never wane. it th but h thankful Lk : lensed tomgt ’ | pigm ubsta now bo ALSO | > 5 5 o :
20 0 Joicing for yourself, soup, 3 ¢ water, 1 T ketchup, 6| black, which is used in making A FULL LINE OF rices on Un rec S 0 tems very ;
COBY ® 00 { hard hLoiled eggs cut in quarters, | some paints. It's a black powdery | \
PROTECT YOUR COUNT, FAITH IN GRANDPA | 15 lb. spaghetti, Parmesan cheese. Hig that comes from burnt ani: Da Wi ll Hel Yo u Sa ve Mo re i }
The security of the States Remember grandfather's weather | Cook onion and garlic in salad oil | ™& nes... Late 21128000) EYE | Y P 3
rests in the hinds of the individual | forecasting, his rain before 7; quit | until soft. Add salt, tomato soup, | Ohio River Basin FROSTED | ; 5
citizen. before 11; and gray sky at morning; | water and ketchup then simmer one | The Ohio river's rich basin cov- “ Vv bl Money on Your Total F ood Pur-
He is the one who has to peo Sailors take warning? There were | hour. Stir eggs into sauce gently. | ers some 200,000 square miles and Fruits & egeta eS | # : o
duce, pay the taxes, and when al | others such as these and ncne of | In the meantime, cook spaghetti in | is home to about 20 million people. ——— h . TI J F TN) l
else fails. man the guns cn the fir- | them faultless. Perhaps it is the way | rapidly boiling water (salted) un- The area includes 150 cities of more k | C ases wan ust a ew pecia S i
ing line. La creatures build nests, the | til tender. Drain, rinse with hot | than 10,000 population. ed ar e |
Cn July 24, this year, the Pres- depth of the fur of animals, a spi | water and drain again. Arrange the | _— . ; : . ap 3
Gn i : : 5, 8 spi wale | mn ago. Be Insecticides What a big help it would be if you could buy all of your
ident of the United States request- | wel, signs of the moon. but | cooked spaghetti on four serving | Use of Wai in barns and West Main St., Mt. Joy , ! Ww 1
ed all law enforcement agencies, | for long years back, farmers have | plates, pour over the egg sauce and | oh fain premises where livestock | food needs in bne store . . . and save money, too! ell,
patristic organizations and individ- | studied the world of nature and | serve. Sprink'e Parmesan cheese | ape kept does not eliminate the you can . . , at your A&P Super Market. Because
uals ‘o report all information re- | animals to guide them in agricul- | over the tcp or as a side dish. need for good sanitation ard de- | A&P’ . 3
: | 9 1 sisi 3 : K's polic of storewide low rices every da on
lating to espi nage, sabotage and | jure. You often hear someone say, | Canapes: | struction of insect-breeding places. | | ! y : p J y : CO
subversive activities to the FBL {I can feel the change of weather by | Scme different canapes: broil Whee Ba : Seed hundreds of items makes it unnecessary to trudge from WY
Cn a recently issued Soster. J. Lm bones, and feel this is another | canned mushrooms, chop fine and | Y.00k ues a om when store to store. Thanks to this pdlicy, you can make’
doar cover. Director of the dui Sirti ois or :. i a ul > : lab : ;
Rigas Director |W wives tale. But, scientists prove add to Philadelphia cream cheese | you buy seed for this spring's plant- savings on hundreds of good things, rather than on just
says: i { You wreng, they have vindicated | with a bit of pickle relish; instead ! ing, More uniform stands and highe | foc? HL? And 1 :
1. Be alert. A watchful citizen can { Grandpa. Medical climatologists | of making toast rounds, slice bread | gr yields will result. { a few specials. na 1t stands to reason that suc Re
save many fives id { have recently announced it is true | into 7; inch thick shapes and saute | Patter Balin i tears storewide savings will add upto much more than those
2. Report only fects. Aveid re- | (hy; a § fo a golden brow sides in | Patronize Bu rertise : : ced
epor ) a ; , ue | thai with the coming of a storm, | to a golden brown on both sides in you might make by getting a {ow “specials.
porfing malicious gossip or idle | phy gia] health suffers. Headaches | butter; season cream cheese with | |
| and fainting spells are more numer-
4 | cus. There are even apt te be out-
on page one of your telephone di- | breaks of acute appendicitis cases.
rectory. | But they blast the one a green win-
Yes, the safety of the United | (0, makes a fat churchyard. for
States is in the hands of each man | they contend a mild winter means
and woman. | less physical ailments, that the sud-
| anchovy paste and sprinkle with |
| paprika; mix peanut butter with |
chopped cooked crisp bacon and
| season with chutney; serve hot crab |
{ meat or shrimp on rounds a dash of |
| Worcestershire sauce: juice |
with cream cheese and chopped raw |
3. The nearest FBI office is listed
LL | den change in winter weather is | mushrotms. |
LEARN FROM PAST MISTAKES | what fills the churchyard. Needle Work:
During and immediately afier the | In trying to keep abreast with all { There are so many ways to
last war, when price “contrcls and | the new discoveries of modern | chonge the appearance of an old of a man who pays
rationing were in effect, a large part | times, with things moving so rapidly | dress to a new one. The woman |
of the available supply of mamy [in a progressive world, we are|whc can use a needle has the ad-
commodities and some foods were | Pleased to learn that seme of the | vantage in performing some modish
siphoned off into the black market. | old saws still hold water, to know | tricks. Braiding is very good and |
Mezt was one of them—and no meat | that grandpa wasn’t all wrong. He | can be put on boleros. pockets, col-
today signs became commonplace | didn’c know that science would | lars and cuffs. To make it very fes- |
in stores. | back him up, but he did know that { tive and dressy, sew brilliant se- |
This obviously deprived mest | When his rheumatism acted up. | quins or sparkling colorful beads |
consumers of their proper share of | there was a storm a-coming, and | in the braided design. Fringe is very |
ithe nation’s meat. And, in addition, | that was that. popular on dresses and the addition |
it presented a definite danger to the | : 00 of it, perhaps rows and rows on the
public health. A number of essen- FARM SHOW IS CENTENNIAL | skirt, or completely covering the |
{ial medicines have their origin in | OF THE FIRST STATE FAIR blouse, would give a new face to an |
the glands of meat animals. These |
= trudging from
When the 35th annual Pennsylva- | old garment. Make colorful velvet]
glands are czrefully saved by the | nia Farm Show is held next Jan- | gloves and an ascot to match. Add aj
legitimate packers. They were not ugty 8 to 12 it will mark the 100th | velvet over-skirt and short holero |
saved by the black market opera- | anniversary of the first State Fair | to last vear's wool dress.
ters, whose sole aim was to make a | (hat was to launch a successful ser- ee A ———
big profit in a hurry. | ies of such events to advance ag- | MARK POOR TREES
In April, 1946, one of the leading | riculture in the Keystone State, Before the leaves fall, mark poor |
manufacturers of medicines, Parke, | Te trees in the woodlot for cutting this |
Bavis and ‘Company. said: “The KILL THE RATS | winter, urges W. W. Simonds, Penn |
available supplies of animal glands | Penn State extension entomolo- | State extension forester. You can |
during the pas! several years have | gists say that feed and food ave, too | pick out the unhealthy ones by their |
heen constantly decreasing... .. At high-priced to let: the rats’ eat and | poor foliage. Check '.the crooked
present the situation is perhaps | destroy the supplies. They, there- | trees also for culling out.
mote criticel than at any time since fore, urge neighbors to get together | me
the beginning of the war, and we in planning and carrying out a |

When in need of Printing. (any-

jeve that one important cause is community rat-killing program. | tising in the Bulletin. | Poteet =
a te ar outs the | | | PT THERES
regularly inspected packing hewses | When in need of Printit YY ooo
ig. {any- | Stimulate your tvriness by adver- |
into black market channels, This, | thing) kindly remember the Bulleti+/ tising in the Bulletin, : Member of Federal Deposit

____ MOUNT Joy,

bills with CASH
place to place.

of a man who pays bills with
CHECKS —sending them by mail,
Save shoe leather, time and trouble.
Open your checking account here,


A&P Price Policy
® Storewide low prices on huri-
dreds of items every day . . J.
instead of just a few “one-
day” or “week-end specials.”
Thanksgiving is the traditional time §
to count our blessings. ® Advertised prices are guaran-
teed for one week, even though
: Despite the problems. confronting market price
s go up.
the world today, we can take comfort
and hope from our country’s great
progress since the first Thanksgiving.
We believe this policy
helps our customers save
more money.

/~ The men and owen of A&P grate-
fully join our fellow citizens in giv-
| ing thanks for the freedom and good
living we enjoy in this bountiful land
of ours,
* With the correct price marked
on every item plus an itemized
cash register slip . . . you know -
what you save at A&P,
A&P Food Stores
420 Lexington Avenue
New York 17,N. Y.