1950 2—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, November 2, The Mount Joy Bulletin Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 mets the people is possible only when the | Published Every Thursday at No.| people make their stand known— 9-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. | and that can be done only Va | ballot box, Subscription, per year .. $2.00 Joy, Pa, ag second-class mail mat- ter under the Act of March 3, 1879, | November. Sh termine the future of the nation, for a Io . : Member, a Re WSPaper | good or ill, will be established. The ishers’ Association : u os | majority will rule, as usual. But the | = | true voice of « Publication Day, Thursday ¢ of the majority can never Copy for a change of advertising Ibe known if again, as in the past, ghould reach this office Tuesday. | millions of people who possess the We will not guarantee insertion of | right to vote shirk their duty and any advertising unless ail eaches responsibility. ee Ei on Be, Study the candidates and the is- Classified ads will be accepted to | Stes. Make up your mind as to 9 a m publiestion day. | which of them, in ¢pinion, === | can do the most to keep this country | Policies which will de- your PE $1,870 and | dollar fine The man who can save money ar ine, these days is by no means a miser. The concern for whom he w orked He's a wizard | she uld pay the fine and the man | | should be given his freedtm. but ® We have all kinds of auto drivers | to date they refused to do so. | Moral: Al truck drivers should but the kind we dislike most are kno ir e those whe try to save’ on tres by | ow their employers. 2 00 taking the corners on two wheels. | eo 0 | THOSE ILL-GOTTEN GAINS! It’s certainly a toss-up with the | A child learns early that honesty young men who are seeking wives, is the best policy. He scon begins to Should they seek the: clever ad | believe that “crime does not pay”. homely or the dumb and pretty | As he grows older type. | wicked prosper, he jailed a day for each and sees the reminds him- ®o 90 Lancaster was ar- | for the good, the honorable, that | three of which | the erring may lead a carefree exs A motorist at rested five times, werg within a year, for varicus vio- | lations. We would like to have just | place they will receive their pun- one good reason why a inan like | ishment. But in the recent investi- thet should even drive. gatior;; of big-time gamblers, of . oe | big- -shots in crime syndicates, it ap- In his address at the dedication of Fears that retribution is at work | the new library at Elizabethtown | here on earth. The lap of luxury College, Dr. A. J. Brumbaugh, pres- | can turn a celd shoulder and be- ident ¢f Francis Shimer College, | come a hot spot. We don’t intend to heeds a complete overhaul. I'do like to sit easy in our worn, ® 00 | comfortable chair. The filet mignon The Agricultural Department has fat our house is hamburger, but we message that will interest every | won't have stomach ulcers worry- man, woman and child in the na- | ing whether the FBI will catch u tion. It predicts higher food prices | with us. As we say to our von en everything—the highest ever— | Virtue IS its ¢wn reward. | ance of Fire Prevention Week took place. It is officially over. But, if! brought i bear to force older peo- | Americans are at all interested in ple into retiremen, though they | pe health and welfare of them- r be may be willing and able to work. | ojo. 4 their families, they will The problem of what to do about an cld 2ge when the working span | is supposedly at {roubles | znycne who is concerned about hu- man values. Private pension plans more fully developed each year and “junked”? Mere pressure is being | | week. an end, Safety from fire—whether in the | | home, on a fafm, or in an indust- | rial plant—can only be achieved by | continuous, day in and day out olds work. That doesn’t mean it’s a hard job. It isn’t. For the most part, it's | easy. But it’s a job which can never be neglected if we wish to avoid on a wider scale, make it more dif- ficult for middie-aged and men and women to find new jobs. Unfcrtuna‘ely for the morale of the older person, teday's werk-a-day world is not geared for tomorrow’s {2° ssible disaster. aged. Older men and women are | The home which is safe today can not necessarily mentally or phys- | be extremely dangerous tomorrow. ically incapable of continuing to | An electric wire becomes frayed—a and themselves thru stove or a heating plant goes out of adjustment — someone is careless serve society employment. Many of them make | HE ol : y cigarettes— : pr = reliable employees fr additional | wi 8 1 SLs Tate eats years. The Socizl Security Law ials are carelessly stored in closets and aitics—explopive liquids and cil-soaked rags are placed where the touch of a spark would set them ablaze. It is little things such as these that are responsible for the majority of fires. And it is these little things which we must look out for—not during one week, but every week of the year, loss continues stipulates that the old-age benefits | be paid only te those whe quit their jobs at the age 65 and so these | whe keep on working will get noth- ing back for the premiums they | have pid thrcugh ihe years in the | form of the withholding tax. We should not penalize the older | mzn and woman prefers to | who at the | . ; | Six Months $100 In a short time there will be Three Months . ........ ... 60 |another election of great import- | Bingle Copies ..... Nest ines 05 |ance. The control of Congress will | Sample Copies ......... FREE | be decided. The Presidential cam- a paign of 1952 will be strongly in- Entered at the Postoffice at Mt. fluenced by what happens this { self that there is a reward in heaven | istence upon earth hut that some! zid that the nation’s school system | sound complacent and smug. but we | next vear. No reason given. | oe 0 ® ® ® { ey 3 DY y = rar aa FIGHT FIRE EVERY WEEK HUMAN VALUES A short time ago, the 1950 obsery- Why should older workers be | make every week a fire prevention HAPPENINGS we Of LONG AGO Driver Takes Nap SIMON P. NISSLEY . NI N's (From Page 1) MARY G. NISSLE = PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF LOWERING THE WAGE-EARNER'S WEEKLY FOOD BILL, { rae H. Isenberg, thirty-seven, FUNERAL DIRECTORS A RE = S TA TEMENT OF A&P *% Main St, Akron, Lancaster Co., one Mount Joy, Pa. [of the drivers involved, and Clair | LOW PRICE POLICY... a haat aaanaadd A ALARA Miller, 324 Stevens St., Lancaster, a i A | passenger in Isenberger’s car. The El i [men were enroute to work at an ectr @ 20 Yeors Ago Snow 9 inches to 4 feet | the ground from Erie, Pa, to Buf- falo, N. Y. | W. H. Clearwater former world's Put. billard player will appear | with al the Garden Spot pool room. | Mr. and Mrs. Benj. R. Zug, near ediate hearing before Mastersonville, celebrated their 3 jus Peace George Shenck, Landis Delta and Marietta Streets { fouls anniversary. ville, _ . | es on » child a | MT. JOY, PA. Phone 3-531 | wide low pric Mr. Eli Bentzel employed at 1. D.] — — ® gives you store instead of a few : and hdd to be amputated. Miller Bros., (contract to slate the new Memorial JOIN il at Masonic Homes. It cost, two men $20.10 for ing rabbits out of season, in Cone- slaters received the shoot- wago Twp. R1 solvent and free. And then | Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Breneman of E D I T O vote, |Back Run, celebrated their anni- b> ® 00 | versary. The best way I know for a man | According to the experience of a Markets: Eggs, 45-47c, Butter 40c, to increase his vocabulary is to [young man from Philadelphia, all | Lard 13c. marry it. truck drivers who carry an over- | General E. C. Shannon, of Col- CC) [load are certainly flirting with the UMbia is seriously ill with blood One thing is certain. You can't | Jaw. The Philadelphia lad drove al poisoning. tell » Communist by his whiskers | ruck with 18.700 pounds cverload ' Chester Rettew, son of Rew. and these days. {in Indiana. He was arrested, fined Mrs. C. E. Rettew was selected for membership in the League of Cur- | tis Salesman by the Curtis Publish- ing Company. A Marietta resident, charged with | didn't like { dations in our Boro lock-up, so he intoxication, accomo- unlocked the door and went home. Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Smoker, | brated their 31st Two armed youths posing as po- cele- anniversary. lice officers, producing bogus war- rants ransacked a house : [Marietta Pike. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ibach Jr., honored with a wedding reception. Ground was broken at; Elizabeth- long the were town for a Tabernacle. Rev. Chas. !A. Fahl will be pastor. Mrs. B. H. Greider, poultry fan-| at Rheems was awarded first] {and a blue ribbon prizes on her | | exhibits at the Mt. Joy Show. — Oe eee | FLASH STAFF SPONSORS | PARTY AT LANDISVILLE The annual Hallowe'en party at East Hempfield Twp. High School, | Landisville, was sponsored by, the | staff of the “Flash.” newspaper, on { Thursday. - The early party was held for 7th {and 8th grade pupils, Costume prizes were won by ley Myers, funniest; der and Virginia | dressed. with games. Dud- Ben- Fest Suzanne Dissinger, The high school pupils were en- party. Cos- won by Diane Arlene Louise and tertained at he later fume Rineer, prizes were most beautiful; Steliman, Doris Myers, | Harold Graybeal, i Marjorie Minnich and Mary Anne Haldeman, most comical. Refreshments were most original; served, fol- lowed by a record dance for the older group. if ff KILL ORCHARD MICE The annual battle against or- begins this month. C. S. Bittner, Penn State College, commends placing bait stations in the crchard now. Corn fodder, old hay, or straw may be piled where there is a grass cover. The ed beit is placed in late October or November. chard mice re- poison- - at a disgracefully high level. Far worse is -the fact that, each year, fire claims sogething like 10,000 lives—many of them infants and children. Many thousands more are permanently maimed and disfigur- ed. This is the price we pay for our This is the grave problem which the an- nual fire prevention weeks are de- signed to help us solve. We can do carelessness and ignorance. | Stehman’s Mill had two fingers cut, , | Elizabethtown shoe factcry covered | 33 | ot te in Pe m m a | PREVENT GRAIN LOSS one sulphide ie two weeks without ‘and Gas Benjamin F. Painter, forty-two, | | 50 Schuylkill St, Also Specialize On was driving the her car involved. He r and als, was enroute to work. Batutis charged Cumberledge reckless is a carpen- AND EQUIPMENT driving and he was | LAWN MOWER SHARPENING { fined $10 and costs following an im- wo Cover's Welding Shop Welding FARM MACHINE WELDING flutomobile and Truck Welding See if YOW don’t agree that this policy helps you to save more on your total weekly food bill, What’s more . . . all advertised prices are guaranteed Thursday through Wednesday, even though market prices ZO up. Stored grain can be saved from damage by fumigating with ky volume and four parts of carbon trachloride, according to J. O. Penn State extension ento- It can be bought ready- sect part of carbon di- ologist. ixed. td ca ———— Fruits & yi The fellow who says he can go food, is either bridegroom or is on a diet. Patronize Bulletm advertisers, Quality Meats ALSO A FULL LINE OF KRALL'S- Meat Market West Main St., Mt. Joy | day . ds of items every Jal priced low for a few days nteed for ices are guard P's advertised pr eee | : Se even though market pris i A&P believes this policy a jls customers save e more mo ver ’ @ With the correct aie ake on oy pet | ise ‘es | itemized 549 reg | plus an LY Phat you save at RENT ARR ERR EIR THE LITTLE GREEN JEEP COMES DO WN your STREET MOUNT JOY- Every Day of The Week FLORIN—- ; i Monday and Friday MAYTOWN & DONEGAL- Monday and Thursday LANDISVILLE & SALUNGA- Tuesday and Friday Eicherlys YOU PHONE — 3 4071 — WE CALL (Prices shown here guaranteed Tnursday, Nov. 2 through Wednesday, Nov. 8) PANTRY VALUES : Customers’ Corner Pillsbury Cake Flour Mix CHOCOINTE upc nc, 33¢ Pancake Flour JN, 248.30¢ A 16¢ | It: takes r teamwork Post’s New Krinkles 55% ice "8602 166 among a lot of people to Niblets Brand Corn 2 33¢ z 1.18. oper ate your A&P store. Cranberry Sauce 5 3 70% 28¢ 2 4 3le First," there are the Red Sour Pitted Cherries A "en 21e A&P Grapefruit Sections turers : who i grow and process the foods we sell, and our skilled buyers who purchase them. QUART € some 22¢ Red Cheek Apple Juice CHOCOLATE HO 20¢ Educator Ice Box Cookies 6.0Z. 12.0Z. Bachman’s Pretzels 57% 452 18¢ "57 32¢ Banquet Whole Cooked Chicken i $1.85 BE a a a farmers and manufac- it, if we only have the will, work. It is a tragic situation, a | The nation’s fire great human problem, and it is of | concern to everyone in Mount Joy who is aware that time does | not stand still for anyone. ® ow GO TO THE BALLOT BOX The ballot box s‘ands between a free people and enslavement. The right to vote is the strongest defense | we have against cppression. | Few people will deny this. Yet | huge numbers of Americans, who | regard themselves as good and pa- triotic citizens, fail to take advan- tage of their greatest privilege. ! In local elections, it is common for less than half of the eligible voters to go to the polling booths. | Even in national elections, in which | wien dre running for the highest | offices, and in which issues and | principles of the utmdst moment are | at stake, millions of us don’t vote. The result, of course. is goverh- | mei by mihority—there is no way | 5 measure the views and epinions | of the man who fails to exercise the | | vig of franchise. Government ¢ J h Va Y: can direct the future distribus tion of your property—only if you take two important steps: 1-have your lawyer draw your Will, 2—name an Executor to carry out your wishes. We invite vou to talk with us about our services as Executor and Trustee. THE N N ATIONAL MOUNT Joy guna _ MOUNT Jo, PA. = 2, Vi Member of Federal Deposit Insurances Corporation Tora, CONTRIBUTIONS 10 [PATE 10 PUBLIC “SCHOOLS $316,743 "CUSTOMERS "are the BENEFACTORS The MORE SICO CUSTOMERS ~The MORE "PROFITS for PUBLIC SCHOOLS. _ APRIL 1950 ‘Then 1 there are “the Oscar Mayer Weiners EN 53e thousands of people be- ists . ih ok hind the scenes who op- Vogt’s Philadelphia Scrapple on 27¢ erate } our "warehousing Eight O'Clock Coffee mw T7¢ | and delivery facilities. Red Cifcle Coffee me 79¢ And finally, there are Bokar Coffee wy 8le | the fine, loyal men and Staley Cube Starch Hos, 23¢ women in our stores who, ; day in and day out, are ; » striving , to make your, A&P. a ‘better place to shop. Long Island or Penna. Blue Label POTATOES hag. 19€ bag U.S. No. I-A" Size can® help this team serve you by telling | us how you think we can improve yours A&P. Maine Potatoes u.s.No.1—a" size 013 81.15 WESTERN—NONE 2 18S. 25¢ Red Delicious Apples Vii ion Courtland Fancy Apples 41s. 25¢ Please write: Sno White Cauliflower joe. 3c Customer Relations Florida Grapefruit 3ror25e Department, Emperor Luscious Grapes 2 us.25¢ ASP Food Stores New Crop Red Diamond Walnuts 1b. 39¢ 420 Lexington Avenue Dromedary Pitted Dates 740. 33¢ New York 17, N. Y./ | +N Xo Fresh California Dates a, 8.0%, Pa 190 | |} Family Flour’ 81.79 Pastry Flour BARES gk s8.36¢ 8. Jane Parker CHOCOLATE 1 gle 3 850 LAYER CAKE 53¢ | dexo 3G 3 | FE 1 Ann Page Beans JED JE 28¢ ; { 014.0Z. | Holle HERS RS TSA OBEY WNW GY Yr Ann Page Tomato Soup 3 "ZS 29¢ Fruit Cake "981.35 2% $2.65 Seaside Butter Beans $37 10¢ Jane Parker Pumpkin Pie ct 49¢ Iona Cut String Beans 2 0% 23¢ Marvel Bread '5% 14e¢ 29% 19c¢ | A&P Sweet Potatoes “> 29% 21e Honey Buns sown n seve san 33g 1 | A&P Sauer Kraut Z70L 23¢ Sticky Cinnamon Buns JJ) Butter Kernel Corn 2 1on 33¢c Sugared Donuts 21€ gain. Lummis Peanut Butter 3% 32¢ Pleffernusse Cookies we 35¢ Borden's Starlac pe. 35¢ Potato Chips if; “62” 23¢ oe : Warwick Chocolates $5550 Box 57¢ | | | | Daily Dog Food 6 dis Sle | } | CHEDDAR CHEESE Grapefruit Juice novos “0% 27 Mila 45¢ Sharp 59¢ CAN = § Cc Del Monte Peaches 8/55: ! 30-0Z, | Bel Dos} Bert Corlnall id in Sunnyfield Butter J; 72¢ 44%; iced Pineapple ji. CAN’ «JC Domestic Bleu Cheese 6. 39¢ ORIDA BLENDED 6) 18.0Z.6) = , 46.02. Juices Sharer 280s 25¢ ‘Ci 28¢ Breakstone’s Yogurt 16¢ ! Y *@ FLORID. 1% OZ. ¢ Orange Jujee ae Roa 2 ERE 27 e Muenster Cheese cay ©. 43¢ A&P Fancy Pumpkin ane 19¢ Borden’s Sharp Pippin Roll 3% 20c. AP Food Stores JHE GREATIATLUANTIC AND ‘PACIFIC TEA COMPANY Entire Contents Copyrighted, 1950 = The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. : 83 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. TWO 1 REGIST Under Holstein America Holstein. registere to J. Les H.M. H fied for | Stimul tising in | 10S = (o]} Tue, Tue. | 4} << 4 2 Oe NO OP PAP Oe ee Tm) SA BOL a Seer "ne Xd " Sor he oy anes: oie, jf -— eve seg POI TI TOL SINR ee — Soe ae = pe 88000 aes: ov easel Fo SX a. ey EET ECBO XD!